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The gender dimensions of land reform in South Africa : a case study of Daggakraal rural housing and resettlement projectRakolojane, Moipone Jeannette 11 1900 (has links)
This study is about the gender dimensions of land reform in South Africa. The case study is that of a housing and resettlement project in Daggakraal, Mpumalanga Province. The aim of the study was to describe and analyse empirical realities for rural women, in relation to land, in Daggakraal. The focus was on the research questions for the study namely the nature of land reform practice; whether gender issues were central in land reform at all stages of the project; whether or not participation of women was truly genuine; and the constraints that were faced in the process of land reform delivery. The study was conducted in Daggakraal, a rural town in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Research methods employed were both quantitative and qualitative with more emphasis on the latter. A total of 100 respondents participated in the study. This number included 10 key informants 3 of whom were trained as research assistants.
The findings indicate that there was very little gender analysis carried out prior to land reform. For this reason land reform has not benefitted the women and men of Daggakraal. Land reform policies and other legislation put in place were not followed to the letter in Daggakraal and in other areas of the country where land reform was implemented; the first land reform (SLAG) has not benefitted the poor, especially women; the rural terrain is an area of contestation and competing interests between women and men. There is also a lack of institutional arrangements to implement a gendered approach to land reform. This study demonstrates the need to tackle and transform the existing power relations at the household level, if government is serious about the gender dimension of land reform in South Africa. In a small way it is hoped that this study will contribute to the limited writing on land reform and gender and also provide a gendered critique of the land reform programme in South Africa. The Gender Analysis Framework (GAF) and the feminist and gender perspectives have helped the researcher to understand and explain the gender dynamics in Daggakraal. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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Exploring the Experiences of Underrepresented Students Pursuing Health-Related Graduate or Professional ProgramsWilliams, Alison 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
For many years graduate and professional education programs for the health professions have sought to increase the diversity of their student body to include students from a wider variety of backgrounds. Increasing the diversity of healthcare providers is an essential component of addressing inequities in healthcare. However, despite initiatives to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the health professions, these professions remain largely White and female. Previous researchers have sought to identify the reasons that racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in healthcare, and the barriers to persistence and success. Little research exists explaining why men are underrepresented in the healthcare professions, though many healthcare professions have historically been perceived as caregiving professions, and therefore, as “female work.” The purpose of this qualitative study was to add to the existing body of literature on underrepresented pre-health students by exploring the experiences of racial/ethnic minority and male undergraduate students on pre-health paths.
This study included 11 participants who self-identified as intending to pursue a graduate or professional healthcare program and as African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Hispanic, or male; all were enrolled at one mid-sized, regional university in the southeastern United States. I utilized semi-structured interviews to investigate the experiences of the participants. The themes that emerged among the experiences of pre-health students, included common influences on career choice, what pre-health students believe they need to do to be competitive, challenges, fears and worries about the future, motivation to persist, resources and support utilized, and planning (or lack of planning) for alternate career paths.
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A contact analysis of Caldecott medal and honor books from 2001-2011 examining gender issues and equity in 21st century children's picture booksYello, Nicole 01 May 2012 (has links)
An abundance of research has been conducted about the importance of including books and literature as part of a young child's developmental process. Much of this research suggests that picture books are vital to a young child's healthy development and "are important influences that shape us by reflecting the politics and values of our society" (Fox, 1993, p. 656). This study was completed to analyze character roles and gender representation of male and female characters exclusively in children's picture books. The entire population of Caldecott Award and Honor Medal books published between 2001 and 2011 was utilized for a frequency analysis. Each Caldecott Award and Honor Medal book meeting this study's criteria was examined, read and analyzed. Books included only works of fiction and were delimited to exclude biographies, autobiographies, informational books, concept books and poetry. A total of 24 books were used in the data analysis. This research attempted to answer the following question: Are males and females equitably represented in recently published children's literature? From a content-analysis approach, within a historical perspective, this research aimed at examining if gender bias still dominates the literature, and if so, to what extent. The intellectual interest of this project is in discovering male and female presence and imagery in children's picture books.
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Acceso a la energía para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible. Análisis de proyectos con Energías Renovables y modelos de gestión comunitarios en zonas ruralesLillo Rodrigo, Pau 01 September 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Energy services are crucial for eradicating poverty, improving human welfare and raising living standards. Thus, providing appropriate and reliable modern energy and sanitation services using secure and environmentally sound technologies, in conformity with socioeconomic needs and cultural values, is essential in the race for sustainable development. Autonomous systems based on the use of renewable energies (RE) have proven suitable for providing affordable, reliable, safe, and high-quality energy and sanitation services to isolated communities.
Taking this into consideration, the objectives of this thesis are to investigate the contributions of the Human and Sustainable Development (HSD) approach to the analysis of RE projects in isolated rural areas in developing countries and understand how these projects to provide access to energy in impoverished rural areas should be developed according to the paradigm of HSD.
Regarding the first objective, it is considered that, generally, these types of technology projects are designed, implemented and evaluated following strategies consistent with utilitarian approaches, focused on the generation of new resources. However, to analyze the impact of these projects on the lives of the people, in this thesis we use an approach that allows us to extend the analysis on several key dimensions of development that should be considered in the process of these projects. In particular, we have used the HSD approach, which considers that technological projects in rural areas should not only be aimed at increasing levels of access to affordable, reliable, secure and high quality energy, as well as improving the quality of the environment, including the immediate environment in homes, but also at strengthening the autonomy and empowerment of people, expanding their opportunities and freedoms.
This approach has been used in six projects to provide access to energy in Andean communities in Peru, carried out by the NGO Practical Action, which consider only RE and community management models. To analyse these projects against the precepts of HSD approach, a special methodology has been designed, incorporating tools to collect data related to the context and individual conversion factors affecting people's capabilities, with particular emphasis on the gender component.
Regarding the second objective, based on the results of the analyses, recommendations have been made to overcome barriers and difficulties identified for such projects to truly be catalysts of HSD. Additionally, a management model has been designed to handle any number of different technologies, considering the lessons learned from this research, which has been implemented in a project that includes 6 types of technologies simultaneously, and whose sustainability has proven satisfactory. / [ES] La energía es crucial para erradicar la pobreza, mejorar el bienestar y aumentar los estándares de vida de las personas. En este sentido, para lograr procesos de desarrollo es esencial dotar a la población de modernos servicios básicos energéticos, adecuados y fiables, utilizando tecnologías seguras y ecológicamente racionales, de conformidad con las necesidades socioeconómicas y los valores culturales. Para ello, los sistemas autónomos basados en el uso de las energías renovables (EERR) han demostrado ser adecuados para proporcionar servicios de energía y saneamiento en comunidades rurales aisladas.
Tomando esto en consideración, los objetivos de esta tesis son investigar los aportes del enfoque de Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (DHS) al análisis de proyectos de EERR en zonas rurales aisladas de países en vías de desarrollo y entender cómo se deben desarrollar proyectos de EERR para el acceso a la energía en zonas rurales empobrecidas de acuerdo con el paradigma de DHS.
En relación al primer objetivo, cabe considerar que, generalmente, este tipo de proyectos tecnológicos se han diseñado, implementado y evaluado siguiendo estrategias acordes con enfoques de cariz utilitarista, centrados en la generación de nuevos recursos. En cambio, para analizar el impacto de este tipo de proyectos en la vida de la personas, en esta tesis se promueve el uso de un enfoque que nos permita ampliar el análisis sobre varias dimensiones clave del desarrollo que deben ser consideradas en el proceso de estos proyectos. En particular, se ha utilizado el enfoque de DHS, según el cual los proyectos tecnológicos en las zonas rurales no sólo deben estar dirigidos a aumentar los niveles de acceso a una energía asequible, fiable, segura y de alta calidad, y a mejorar la calidad del medio ambiente, incluido el entorno inmediato en los hogares, sino también a fortalecer la autonomía y el empoderamiento de las personas, ampliando sus oportunidades y libertades.
Este enfoque ha sido empleado en seis estudios de proyectos de acceso a la energía en comunidades rurales andinas del Perú, llevados a cabo por la ONG Practical Action, los cuales cuentan íntegramente con EERR y modelos de gestión comunitarios. Para realizar el análisis de estos proyectos en base a los preceptos del DHS se ha diseñado una metodología ad hoc, incorporando herramientas para obtener datos relativos al contexto y a los factores de conversión individual que afectan a las capacidades de las personas, haciendo especial hincapié a la componente de género.
En relación al segundo objetivo, en base a los resultados de los análisis realizados, se han presentado una serie de recomendaciones con las que se pueden superar las barreras y dificultades identificadas para que este tipo de proyectos sean verdaderamente catalizadores del DHS. Además, se ha diseñado un modelo de gestión capaz de gestionar cualquier número de tecnologías distintas, considerando los aprendizajes adquiridos en las investigaciones anteriores, el cual ha sido puesto en práctica en un proyecto que incorpora 6 tipos de tecnologías simultáneamente, y cuya sostenibilidad ha demostrado ser satisfactoria. / [CA] L'energia és crucial per a eradicar la pobresa, millorar el benestar i augmentar els estàndards de vida de les persones. En aquest sentit, dotar la població de moderns serveis bàsics energètics, adequats i fiables, utilitzant tecnologies segures i ecològicament racionals, de conformitat amb les necessitats socioeconòmiques i els valors culturals, és essencial per aconseguir processos de desenvolupament. Per a això, els sistemes autònoms basats en l'ús de les energies renovables (EERR) han demostrat ser adequats per proporcionar serveis d'energia i sanejament en comunitats rurals aïllades.
Prenent això en consideració, els objectius d'aquesta tesi són investigar les aportacions de l'enfocament de Desenvolupament Humà Sostenible (DHS) a l'anàlisi de projectes d'EERR en zones rurals aïllades de països en vies de desenvolupament i entendre com s'han de desenvolupar projectes d'EERR per a l'accés a l'energia en zones rurals empobrides d'acord amb el paradigma de DHS.
En relació al primer objectiu, cal considerar que, generalment, aquest tipus de projectes tecnològics s'han dissenyat, implementat i avaluat seguint estratègies acords amb enfocaments de caire utilitarista, centrats en la generació de nous recursos. En canvi, per analitzar l'impacte d'aquest tipus de projectes en la vida de les persones, en aquesta tesi es promou l'ús d'un enfocament que ens permeta ampliar l'anàlisi sobre diverses dimensions clau del desenvolupament que han de ser considerades en el procés d'aquests projectes. En particular, s'ha utilitzat l'enfocament de DHS, segons el qual els projectes tecnològics a les zones rurals no només han d'estar dirigits a augmentar els nivells d'accés a una energia assequible, fiable, segura i d'alta qualitat, i a millorar la qualitat del medi ambient, inclòs l'entorn immediat a les llars, sinó també a enfortir l'autonomia i l'empoderament de les persones, ampliant les seves oportunitats i llibertats.
Aquest enfocament ha estat emprat en sis estudis de projectes d'accés a l'energia en comunitats rurals andines del Perú, portats a terme per l'ONG Practical Action, els quals compten íntegrament amb EERR i models de gestió comunitaris. Per realitzar l'anàlisi d'aquests projectes en base als preceptes del DHS s'ha dissenyat una metodologia ad hoc, incorporant eines per obtenir dades relatives al context i als factors de conversió individual que afecten les capacitats de les persones, fent especial èmfasi a la component de gènere.
En relació al segon objectiu, en base als resultats de les anàlisis realitzades, s'han presentat un seguit de recomanacions amb les que es poden superar les barreres i dificultats identificades perquè aquest tipus de projectes siguen veritablement catalitzadors del DHS. A més, s'ha dissenyat un model de gestió capaç de gestionar qualsevol nombre de tecnologies diferents, considerant els aprenentatges adquirits en les investigacions anteriors, el qual ha estat posat en pràctica en un projecte que incorpora 6 tipus de tecnologies simultàniament, i la sostenibilitat del qual ha demostrat ser satisfactòria. / Lillo Rodrigo, P. (2016). Acceso a la energía para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible. Análisis de proyectos con Energías Renovables y modelos de gestión comunitarios en zonas rurales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68479 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio
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Les dimensions sociales des projets agroécologiques en agriculture au Sénégal : le point de vue des acteurs de terrain.Thiam, Alioune Badara 08 1900 (has links)
Au lendemain des indépendances en 1960, les politiques agricoles au Sénégal se sont très tôt concentrées sur l'amélioration de la production agricole afin de garantir l'autosuffisance alimentaire. Cependant, ces politiques ont échoué à répondre aux besoins alimentaires en raison de facteurs tels que la sécheresse des années 70, les plans d'ajustement structurel et la dévaluation du franc CFA.
Face à cette vulnérabilité accélérée par les changements climatiques récents, l'agriculture biologique, soutenue par des ONG étrangères a progressivement émergé comme une solution pour réduire les dommages environnementaux causés par l'utilisation d'intrants chimiques et l'impact du réchauffement climatique. Au fil des décennies, les conditions de la production agricole sénégalaise se sont profondément améliorées grâce aux avancées techniques, favorisant des projets axés sur les aspects agro-écologiques. Ainsi, des initiatives telles que la DyTAES ont contribué à promouvoir l'agroécologie au pays, afin d’accroître la productivité tout en préservant l'environnement.
Cependant, l’agroécologie ne se limite pas à des solutions techniques et les préoccupations sociales, telles que la cocréation des connaissances, la participation des populations et l’égalité de genre, font partie intégrante de la manière dont le concept a été théoriquement défini. Dans un tel contexte, l’objectif est d’étudier l’intégration de ces dimensions sociales dans les initiatives en agroécologie mises en place sur le terrain au Sénégal. Sur la base d’entretiens avec des intervenants clés dans le domaine de l’agroécologie sénégalaise et l’analyse de documents, le mémoire montre que les projets agroécologiques au Sénégal tentent de réduire les inégalités sociales en renforçant les capacités des agriculteurs, en démocratisant les décisions, en intégrant savoirs locaux et scientifiques, et en promouvant la justice sociale et l'équité de genre. Toutefois, les intervenants soulignent aussi que les inégalités structurelles de genre demeurent fortes et que l’implication de l’État dans les projets agroécologiques reste timide, ce qui menace la pérennité de projets qui restent très dépendants des fonds internationaux. / After independence in 1960, agricultural policies in Senegal quickly focused on improving agricultural production to ensure food self-sufficiency. However, these policies failed to meet food needs due to factors such as the droughts of the 1970s, structural adjustment plans, and the devaluation of the CFA franc.
Faced with this vulnerability, accelerated by recent climate changes, organic agriculture, supported by foreign NGOs, gradually emerged as a solution to reduce environmental damage caused by the use of chemical inputs and the impact of global warming. Over the decades, the conditions of agricultural production in Senegal have deeply improved thanks to technical advances, favoring projects focused on agroecological aspects. Thus, initiatives such as DyTAES have contributed to promoting agroecology in the country to increase productivity while preserving the environment.
However, agroecology is not limited to technical solutions. Social concerns, such as the cocreation of knowledge, population participation, and gender equality, are integral to how the concept has been theoretically defined. In this context, the objective is to study the integration of these social dimensions into agroecological initiatives implemented on the ground in Senegal. Based on interviews with key stakeholders in the field of Senegalese agroecology and document analysis, the thesis shows that agroecological projects in Senegal try to reduce social inequalities by strengthening farmers' capacities, democratizing decision-making, integrating local and scientific knowledge, and promoting social justice and gender equity. Nonetheless, the speakers also emphasize that structural gender inequalities remain strong and that the involvement of the
State in agroecological projects remains timid, which threatens the sustainability of projects that remain highly dependent on international funds.
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Close to the Pain: Alternative Education and the Unheard Voices of Young Adults’ Transformative Learning ExperiencesLock, Vicki Lynn 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation focuses on amplifying the voices of marginalized students in alternative education, with an emphasis on the positive impact of resilience on their outcomes. The study addresses the challenges these students face, particularly those from BIPOC communities, in navigating educational systems that have historically marginalized them. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the experiences of BIPOC students in a Central Valley alternative education program, highlighting how nurturing relationships, resilience, and the fulfillment of basic needs contribute to their academic success and personal growth. Utilizing a framework that incorporates theories of resilience, educational equity, and transformative leadership, the study situates the students' experiences within a broader context of systemic challenges and potential reform. Through in-depth interviews with five graduates from marginalized backgrounds, the research identified several key themes: (a) the power of resilience in overcoming adversity; (b) the significance of positive relationships with educators and peers; (c) the importance of addressing mental and emotional well-being; (d) the transformative potential of inclusive educational environments; and (e) the role of supportive communities in fostering success. The findings underscore the importance of resilience and relational strategies in helping marginalized students thrive in alternative educational settings. This study contributes to the ongoing conversation on educational equity by advocating for approaches that empower students to achieve their full potential, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their successes are celebrated.
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From Self-Doubt To Inner Peace: An Ethnographic NarrativeFabro, Dakota 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the midst of honing my craft as an educator, this ethnographic narrative was done for the purposes of taking an introspective look at the many moving parts of becoming an effective educator as well as developing an ethnographic view of the students who will pass through my classroom during my tenure as an educator. This ethnographic narrative examines my individual background, the educational spaces within which I find myself, communities I serve, and the students I was given the privilege of building relationships with within the classroom. This project serves as an in-depth analysis of the implicit biases one might hold as a teacher and a vehicle for continual introspection on my part as an effective and culturally-aware educator.
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Les politiques culturelles et le processus de développement dans le monde arabe : analyse d’une série d’indicateurs / Cultural policies and the development process in the Arab world : analysis of selected indicatorsMehadji, Meriem 02 October 2014 (has links)
En 2010, le bilan sur les objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD) a révélé que l’ensemble des pays ainsi que les différents acteurs impliqués dans ce processus devaient redoubler leurs efforts afin de mettre en place des projets adaptés à la nature des diverses sociétés. À cet effet, la question de la « culture » s’est imposée comme un facteur évident et inhérent à l’accomplissement de ces objectifs. C’est dans ce cadre que se pose notre problématique de recherche à travers une zone géostratégique qui subit de grands bouleversements au niveau politique, économique et social. De cette manière, la culture peut-elle constituer un élément de base dans les programmes de développement entrepris dans les États arabes ? Cette présente thèse s’achemine à travers trois principales étapes. D’abord l’intégration de la culture dans ce processus en tant que secteur à part entière. Ensuite, les moyens et les méthodes utilisés par les différents acteurs engagés et concernés par le domaine de la culture dans les pays arabes. Enfin, les indicateurs spécifiques à la région à travers lesquels apparaissent les limites, mais également le potentiel des États arabes. Pour finir, cette démarche fait office de défrichement, car le développement à travers le secteur culturel reste peu exploité dans le monde arabe. Toutefois, les changements qui s’opèrent depuis quelques années dans la région peuvent conduire à une véritable reconsidération du secteur culturel et de sa relation avec le processus de développement. / In 2010, the appraisal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) indicated that all the countries and the different actors involved in this process should underlay their efforts to implement projects adapted to the nature of the various societies. To this end, the issue of "culture" has emerged as an obvious and inherent factor in achieving these goals.Our research issue raises in this context through a geostrategic area which undergoes great changes in the political, economic and social level. Thus, can the culture constitute a basic element in the development programs undertaken in the Arab States? The present thesis is developed through three main stages. First, the integration of culture in this process as a real sector. Then, the means and methods used by the different actors involved and concerned with the field of culture in the Arab countries. Finally, specific indicators related to the region which could show the limits, but also the potential of Arab States.This approach acts as clearing, insofar as the development through cultural sector remains largely untapped in the Arab world. However, the changes occurring in recent years in the region can lead to a genuine reconsideration of the cultural sector and its relationship with the development process.
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