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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Twenty years of the UNSCR 1325 - progress for whom? : Emxamining the impact at grassroot levels in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.

Roos, Ebba, Holmgren, Elsa January 2020 (has links)
Twenty years has passed since the adopted of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, which aims to strengthen the gender perspective in conflict settings as well as address inequalities related to sexually gender-based violence. Still, the concrete impact it has had on sexual violence in armed conflict, is questioned. Additionally, it is questioned if it reaches the grassroot level in armed conflict settings. Thus, this study has examined what factors that may have hindered a successful implementation on a grassroot level in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Furthermore, it has examined the concrete impact on the efforts against sexual violence in these areas. This was done by firstly, conducting a policy analysis using the “What’s the Problem Represented to be?” approach to identify underlying problematics within the resolution. Additionally, semi-structed interviews were conducted with respondents having experience in working with the resolution and/or sexual violence in armed conflict. The results showed, among other things, that the complex construction of the resolution have been a hindering factor for a successful implementation. Additionally, the concrete change for the efforts against sexual violence in conflict settings is lacking. However, the empowerment that the resolution has provided to those working with these issues, is still an important impact.

Towards gender equality and equity : challenges and opportunities for women advancement to senior educational management positions. a case of Matabeleland South Region in Zimbabwe

Ncube, Dingindawo January 2016 (has links)
1 online resource (xiii, 212 leaves) / DEd / Department of Educational Management / The study sought to evaluate the extent to which the affirmative action policy on the accelerated promotion of women to senior educational management positions has created opportunities for women. The policy was promulgated and implemented in 1995 with the sole purpose of achieving gender parity between men and women in educational management positions. The study was prompted by the underrepresentation of women in senior educational management positions in Matabeleland South province in Zimbabwe against the existence of an affirmative action policy which aimed at increasing the number of women in educational management positions. The study interrogated the effectiveness of the affirmative action policy in creating opportunities for women advancement to senior educational management positions, the challenges experienced by female teachers in ascending to leadership positions, the challenges faced by women in educational management positions, the unintended outcomes and the leadership qualities of women. The study employed a case study design, the qualitative approach and the convenience sampling procedure was used to select study participants. Teachers participated in the study through the focus group discussion while heads of schools, education officers, district education officers and members of the provincial education directorate were engaged through individual interviews. The study revealed that the affirmative action policy on the accelerated promotion of women to senior educational management positions was in place, though not effective because female and male candidates to educational management positions were competing on an equal basis in terms of educational qualifications, experience, and length of service, interview score and the performance rating. Women applicants only supersede their male counterparts in cases where there is a tie after all the above considerations have been made. This approach was found disadvantaging women who in general lack experience and educational qualifications in comparison to their male counterparts hence to date women remain underrepresented in educational management positions in Matabeleland South. The study revealed that women aspiring to ascend to educational management positions lacked family/spouse support and ambitions / confidence to apply for leadership positions. Socio-cultural practices, negative male attitudes about women leadership also constrained women’s v rise to leadership positions. Women in leadership positions face resistance from their subordinates and from members of the greater community who are used to be led by male leaders. The study found that the policy has a labelling effect on women promoted on such policies, it has created disharmony in families as women take their headship portfolios home. Furthermore the study established that home –work conflict causes stress on women in educational management positions .Women were found to be hard workers, less corrupt and produce better results than their male counterparts but are emotionally unstable, use autocratic leadership styles and do not take quality decisions. The study recommended that the Civil Service Commission revise, and disseminate the affirmative action policy so as to increase stakeholders’ awareness so that it can benefit the women, promote more women to headship positions so as to act as role models for other female teachers. The study proposed a model of leadership development in women by creating an enabling environment at home, school, society, and church and government level for gender equality as a pre requite for developing self confidence in the girl child and later in women

Exploring gender division of labour within households: the case of Schoemansdal Village in Nkomazi Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

Shabangu, Busi Florence 18 May 2018 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies / One of the most pressing issues contributing to the persistence of gender inequality is the gendered division of domestic labour. Women still carry out more domestic labour than men. Housework is shared quite unequally among most married couples. Work performed directly in the service of families including housework and childcare is often unacknowledged all over the world because of cultural assumptions that a wife or mother should work in the privacy of the home. This study adds extra depth to the doing gender approach by testing whether or not couple negotiate specific conjugal and parent roles in terms of the division of household labour. This study therefore seeks to discuss numerous variables that impact the division of household labour between men and women. This study suggests that patriarchal power structures seem to take a powerful and effective impact on the South African marriage institution, especially in the black communities. The study was therefore conducted in Schoemansdal village situated in Nkomazi region, Mpumalanga Province. To explore issues behind gender division of labour within households. The study embarked on a qualitative research design to collect and analyze the data. Samples of married men and married women were selected in this study. The findings of the study are as follows: Women do a disproportionate share of the housework, even when the women work and the men don‟t, and even when the women want to share the housework more equally. When men aren‟t working, they don‟t see domestic labour as a means of contributing. In fact, they double down and do less of it, since it challenges their masculinity. But when men earn more, women who are almost all working too, feel obliged to contribute in some way to maintaining the household, generally by cooking and cleaning. / NRF

Effekter av att prioritera cyklande i korsningar : Cykelöverfarten som medel att nå politiska mål om jämställdhet, trafiksäkerhet och hållbara transporter / Effects of prioritizing bicyclists in road crossings : The prioritized bicycle crossing as means to reach political goals of gender equality, traffic safety and sustainable transport

Helleberg, Tomas January 2020 (has links)
För att studera effekterna av att samhället prioriterar cyklande i ej signalreglerade korsningar, har en tvärvetenskaplig litteraturstudie om attraktiv cykelinfrastruktur och trafiksäkerhet genomförts tillsammans med en före-efter studie som genomförts vid fyra nya cykelöverfarter som byggts i Umeå. Cykelöverfarten är en ny typ av korsning som infördes 2014 som prioriterar cyklande likt gående prioriteras på övergångsställen efter den så kallade zebra-lagen, men cykelöverfartens utformningskrav med hastighetsäkring skyltar och vägmarkering innebär att korsningar måste byggas om för att bli cykelöverfarter, och deras spridning i landet varierar, där Gävle kommun tidigt har varit framstående. I trafikstudien har cyklandes kön, väjningsbeteende, riktning och hastighet noterats, samt motortrafikanters väjningsbeteende, totalt har ca 4700 trafikanters noterats och över 800 interaktioner mellan cyklist och bilist observerats. Resultatet visar främst på en stor skillnad mellan cyklande kvinnor och män på cykelpassager, där kvinnor väjer mer för bilar än män, men också att denna skillnad minskar när en cykelöverfart anläggs. Mindre än hälften av interaktioner mellan bilar och cyklar sker enligt trafikreglerna på cykelpassager. Potentialen att öka väjning mot cyklande med en cykelöverfart beror till stor del på utformning och hur väjningsbeteendet såg ut före insatsen då väjningsbeteende på cykelpassager varierar mycket mellan platser, medan en väl utformad cykelöverfarten visar på en god potential att nå 90% väjningsgrad med liten variation mellan platser. Hälften av cyklande i Sverige som skadas i krock med bilar skadas i korsningar, där kvinnor är mer drabbade än män. Cykelns hastighet upp till 25km/h och biltrafikens ofta höga hastighet gör det svårt för trafikanter att hinna se och väja i tid i korsning, varför cykelöverfartens varningsskyltar och hastighetssäkring för motortrafiken, samt goda fria siktlinjer är avgörande för en förutsägbar och trygg trafikmiljö med färre hårda inbromsningar. Trafikstudien visar att cyklandes hastighet ökar med i genomsnitt 2 km/h på cykelöverfarter för de flesta cyklande. Det har i tidigare studier visats att risken för olyckor inte ökar när cykelöverfarter anläggs och i litteraturstudien bekräftas detta även på teoretisk grund, cykelöverfarten har god potential att med rätt utformning skapa trafiksäkra platser där cyklister inte behöver vara modiga för att ta sig fram. Just trygghet är en viktig faktor i cykelplanering då upp till hälften av befolkningen undviker att cykla av rädsla snarare än att inte kunna eller vilja cykla. Då kvinnor är dokumenterat mer otrygga cyklande än män kan trygghetssatsningar i cykelplaneringen som cykelöverfarter betraktas som jämställd-, eller om man vill, feministisk trafikplanering. En god cykelinfrastruktur medger snabba, trygga och trevliga resor med cykel, snarare än att behöva motiveras av hälsa och miljöskäl. En god cykelinfrastruktur kännetecknas av breda släta vägar utan hinder med god separation från gående och bilar, vilket även gynnar de gående och även drift och underhållsfrågor då en mer komplicerad utformning försvårar exempelvis snöröjning. Cykelöverfartens hastighetssäkring gör cykelbanan både slätare och ökar vattenavrinning även utanför interaktion med andra trafikslag. Gående och cyklande bör separeras för bådas skull, men det kan generera konflikter i gränslandet mellan separation och gemensamma ytor med gång och cykelvägar som ofta är gemensamma jämfört med de uppdelade gång & cykelöverfarterna eller passager. Alternativa utformningar bör övervägas där det antingen finns en konsekvent separation mellan gående och cyklande, eller att man ser över behovet av övergångsställen i lågtrafikerade korsningar som istället kan vara enbart cykelöverfart som kan anpassas för ledstråk. För en ökad cykling är cykelinfrastruktur att betrakta som en hygienfaktor, vill man nå längre krävs hela-resan perspektivet både vad gäller parkering, omklädning och ekonomiska incitament, samt att för biltrafiken minska framkomlighet och parkeringsutbud. Antalet bil – cykelinteraktioner i korsning är beroende av trafikflödet i båda riktningar och kommer koncentreras till några få platser och tidpunkter i staden vilka kan prioriteras i arbetet, samtidigt som behovet av trafiksäkerhetshöjande åtgärder är stor även där interaktioner är mer osannolika längst exempelvis cykelpendlingsstråk och skolvägar. / To study effects of prioritizing cyclists in non-signalized road crossings, a cross discipline literature study about attractive bicycle infrastructure and traffic saftey for cyclists has been conducted, along with four observational before and after studies when prioritized bicycle crossings are built in Umeå, Sweden, the Swedish ‘Cykelöverfart’ was introduced in 2014, with demands on speed reduction and signage, where car drivers needs to yield to cyclist just like they are to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings in Sweden since 1999. In this study the cyclist’s genders, yielding behavior, direction and speed been noted, along with motor traffic yielding behavior, in a total of 4700 vehicle movements have been noted and more than 800 bicycle – car interactions have been reviewed. The main result is that there is a big difference in male and female yielding behavior on bicycle in interaction with cars at a unprioritized road crossing, where cycling women yield more than men, but also that this difference between men and women decrease when a cykelöverfart is built. Less than half the car – bicycle interaction at unprioritized road crossings where bicyclist should yield are done in accordance with traffic rules. The potential to increase car drivers yielding to bicyclists with a cykelöverfart depends the crossing and the yielding behavior before since it varies a lot. A well built cykelöverfart has the potential to reach correct 90% yielding behavior. Half the bicyclists injured in car crashes in Sweden are injured in road crossings and women are worse off than men. The bicycle speed of up to 25 km/h and the often too high speed of motor traffic makes it hard for road users to be able to see and yield in time, this is why the mandatory warning signs and speed bump for the motor traffic, and free sight lines are important for a predictable and safe traffic environment with less hard breaking. The traffic study shows that most bicyclist increase their crossing speed with about 2 km/h, but also that the speed of cyclists varies a lot. Previous studies have shown that the risk of accident does not increase when a cykelöverfart is built, and in the literature study this is confirmed on a theoretical level. The cykelöverfart has good potential with the right configuration to create safe places with high traffic safety, where cyclists do not need to be brave to ride. The feeling of saftey is an important factor in bicycle planning since up to half the population limit their cycling because of fear rather than not wanting or being unable to cycle. Since women in studies feel more unsafe than men in traffic, efforts to increase the feeling of saftey, like the cykelöverfart, could be viewed as gender equal traffic planning, or if you want to, feminist traffic planning. Good bicycle infrastructure allows for quick, safe and pleasant trips rather than having to motivate cycling with health or environmental reasons. High grade bicycle infrastructure is characterized by flow on wide smooth roads with few obstacles, well separated from pedestrians on cars, which also protects pedestrians. Wide smooth paths are also easier for operation and maintenance where a more complex configuration complicates for example enough clearing of snow. The cykelöverfart speed bumps makes the cycle track smoother and increase water run-off even when not in interaction with traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists should be separated for both sake, but conflicts can be generated in unclear situations, where combined walking and cycling tracks leads to segregated walking and biking crossings. Alternative configurations should be considered where either the walking and cycling path is also segregated, or that the need for a zebra crossing in low traffic environment are necessary, which in place can be only a cykelöverfart that is made to work for the sight impaired too. For an increased bicycle traffic, bicycle infrastructure is some what of a hygiene factor, if you want to reach higher level of cycling the need to consider the entire trip rises, as well as parking, dressing rooms and economic incentives, and also that car traffic is slowed, have less roads and less or more expensive parking opportunities. The number of bicycle – car interactions are dependent on the flow of traffic in both directions and will be concentrated to a few places and times in a city, places that can be prioritized in the work of bicycle planning, at the same time as the need to increase traffic safety where fewer interactions occur, along cycling routes and close to schools.

Genderové aspekty rodičovské volby tradiční a Montessori mateřské školy / Gender aspects of parental choise of traditional and Montessori kindergarten

Kučerová Uriková, Dana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with gender aspects of parental choice of common and Montessori kindergarten. The theoretical part focuses on topics related to both gender identity and its development and with the preschool period, which is described primarily in terms of gender. Given that important parts of childhood are toys, the theoretical part also focuses on the gender aspect and explores it. Gender equality is offered as one of the possible approaches to children upbringing and education. The Montessori method of education occupies a large space of the theoretical part. The thesis also compares Montessori kindergartens with common kindergartens. Research of the thesis is based on a qualitative analysis of interviews with mothers of children in the pre-school and early school age. This analysis goes through all the interviews. It searches and then compares common categories. The research shows that parents choosing a kindergarten for their child do not reflect forms of gender socialization in the kindergarten. Alternative kindergarten is often chosen by parents of children who apply elements of gender- sensitive education in their upbringing. Parents, who chose child Montessori kindergarten for their child, have more specific and clearly defined selection criteria than parents collecting common...

Samspelet mellan förläggning av arbetstid och jämställdhet : En studie av skift- och nattarbetsregleringar

Eidstedt, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
This essay stresses the questions regarding whether or not the Swedish implementation of the European Union’s directive 2003/88/EG should be considered sufficient enough to fulfil the purpose of the scope of the directive. The essay will also consider the gender equality perspective regarding how different solutions concerning the organization of working time within two different collective agreements can give workers more or less favourable opportunities, amongst men and women.  The study of the Swedish legislation in relation to the directive shows that the way the directive has been implemented into the Swedish judicial system must be interpreted so that it is compatible with the purpose set out by the European Union. Despite this, the study spots an issue. The issue regarding how the regulations in both the directive, but also throughout the Swedish law are enunciated. The way the regulations are phrased bring on questions considering how far the European Union should be allowed to go regarding their right to control the Member States when it comes to legislation within their own countries. This raise the question regarding the interpretation of the autonomy of the Member States. The study also shows that the regulations within the collective agreements does not, alone, indicate a difference regarding more or less favourable conditions for men or women. Despite this, the study did show a difference regarding how the collective agreements emphasize different characteristics of the regulations as the most important ones. Which collective agreement provides the most favourable conditions regarding the promotion of equal rights for men and women must therefore be answered by every single individual themselves. Based on how they define gender equality and how the characteristics of the different agreements promote those aspects of gender equality.

Igualdad de género y formación religiosa. Una revisión de conceptos / Gender equality and religious education: a revision of concepts

Abregú Sáenz, Ana Lucia, Mejia Alvarez, Flor Zannethe 23 June 2020 (has links)
El propósito de este artículo fue documentar algunos de los hallazgos teóricos desarrollados en torno a la igualdad de género, la escuela y la educación religiosa en los últimos diez años. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un proceso de selección sistematizada de fuentes, que recopiló 38 artículos publicados entre los años 2010 y 2020. Los resultados revelan que se comparte un concepto discursivo a favor de la igualdad de género, independientemente del contexto social y cultural al que pertenecen las poblaciones de estudio en los artículos analizados. Así mismo, se halló que este discurso se contradice al seguir manteniendo actitudes y prácticas que refuerzan y perpetúan los roles tradicionales asociados a la masculinidad y a la femineidad. La evidencia muestra que este escenario es recurrente cuando el grupo de estudio se encuentra fuertemente ligado a la religión. Por otro lado, las investigaciones estudiadas muestran que los sistemas educativos homogenizan y normalizan a los estudiantes en un modelo de género, y que algunas actitudes de discriminación basadas en el sexo todavía prosperan en las aulas, las familias y la sociedad. A partir de esta investigación, se abren algunas líneas de estudio importantes, como averiguar si la educación religiosa influye en la actitud de los estudiantes frente a la igualdad de género. / The main purpose of this article was to document some of the theoretical findings developed around gender equality, school, and religious education in the last ten years. To this end, a systematized source choice process was carried out, which collected 38 articles published between 2010 and 2020. The results reveal that a discursive concept in favor of gender equality is shared, regardless of the social and cultural context to which the populations of study belong in the articles analyzed. It was also found that this discourse contradicts itself by continuing to keep attitudes and practices that reinforce and perpetuate the traditional roles associated with masculinity and femininity. The evidence shows that this scenario is recurrent when the study group is strongly linked to religion. On the other hand, research shows that education systems homogenize and normalize students into a gender model, and that some gender-based discriminatory attitudes still thrive in classrooms, families, and society. From this research, some important lines of study are opened, such as whether religious education influences the attitude of students towards gender equality. / Trabajo de investigación

El Femvertising y la imagen de una marca de género masculino desde la perspectiva masculina / Femvertising and the image of a male brand from a male perspective

Ortega Mendoza, Regina Mariela 10 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo surge ante la necesidad de contribuir con los estudios sobre la imagen de marca en relación al Femvertising, desde la perspectiva masculina. Específicamente, esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cómo el discurso del Femvertising influye en la imagen de una marca de género masculino desde un enfoque cualitativo. Para ello, se desarrollan los conceptos principales relacionados al Femvertising, desde su origen hasta sus características; así como, los conceptos relacionados a la imagen de marca. Seguidamente, se busca entender la posición de los hombres sobre una marca de género masculino. Esta investigación se va a complementar con el estudio de caso de: “Pilsen Callao no es de hombres ni de mujeres, es de patas”. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas al público objetivo primario de la marca, hombres de entre 20 a 35 años. Finalmente, el estudio expone las conclusiones de los resultados, los hallazgos, las limitaciones y la recomendación. / The present work arises from the need to contribute to studies on brand image in relation to Femvertising, from the male perspective. Specifically, this research with a qualitative approach, aims to identify how the Femvertising discourse influences the image of a male brand. To this end, the main concepts related to Femvertising are developed, from its origin to its characteristics, as well as the concepts related to brand image. Next, we seek to understand the position of men on a male brand. This research will be complemented with the case study of: "Pilsen Callao is not for men or women, it is for legs". For this purpose, interviews were conducted with the brand's primary target audience, men between 20 and 35 years old. Finally, the study presents the conclusions of the results, findings, limitations and recommendation. / Trabajo de investigación

Food Insecurity, Peace and Women : A quantitative study on how female signatories in peace processes affect the likelihood of food (in)security

Gano, Michelle Sara January 2021 (has links)
The correlation between food insecurity and conflict has previously been studied and established in multiple studies. Furthermore, additional research has found linkages allying increased levels of female political participation and the de-escalation of conflict. Despite these facts, there are to date no studies examining whether female inclusion in peace processes has an effect on hunger. Thus, this dissertation addresses the relationship between female signatories’ presence in peace processes and food insecurity. Food insecurity is operationalized as prevalence of undernourishment, and female inclusion in peace negotiations is measured by the presence of female signatories in such processes. The study’s main conceptual claim is based on gaps found in previous literature, and argues that a higher level of female participants in peace processes leads to a lower level of food insecurity. The claim is evaluated in a quantitative statistical analysis, using data on food insecurity from the FAOSTAT Data for Food Security Indicators​, and incorporating statistics on female inclusion in peace negotiations from the ​Replication Data for Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of Peace​. The analysis illustrates food insecurity’s dissemination in post-conflict societies and gender dispersals within peace negotiations, in order to demonstrate an existing correlation. Built on results from an ordinary least squares regression, the study confirms that higher presence of female signatories in peace processes decreases the likelihood of food insecurity in post-conflict societies.

The effects and limits of corporate gender equality standards : A feminist post-structuralist perspective

Albrechtsen, Lisette Frandsen January 2019 (has links)
Based on my research aim of covering a gap in the literature on corporate gender equality standards, I research the effects and limits of corporate gender equality standards through a feminist poststructuralist perspective using the case study of the EDGE standard. Based on a qualitative research design, I build an analytical framework on Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the Problem Represented to be’ (WPR) approach to analyze the material in form of the five assessment areas of the EDGE standard. Based on the feminist post-structuralist perspective, my analysis showcases that the EDGE standard as a governance tool is not guided by tangible ‘problems' that exist ‘out there’ but rather through the representation of ‘problems’ as framed in the EDGE standard. The EDGE standard is thus a productive force that give shape and meaning to various problems of gender inequality which at the same time, the standard is also meant to address. I conclude that in some cases, the EDGE standard can have positive effects. However, the lack of an intersectional approach limits the EDGE standard too. This thesis contributes to the field by closing a research gap in the academic literature on the effects and limits of corporate gender equality standards analyzed through a feminist poststructuralist lens. / Jeg undersøger virkningerne og begrænsningerne af ligestillingsstandarder i organisationer gennem en feministisk poststrukturalistisk analyse af organisationsstandarden ’EDGE’. Baseret på mit mål om at afdække manglende forskning af ligestillingsstandarder anvender jeg et kvalitativt forskningsdesign som bygger på Carol Bacchis 'What’s The Problem Represented To Be’ for at analysere materialet i form af de fem vurderingsområder i EDGE-standarden. Med baggrund i det feministisk post-strukturalistiske perspektiv viser analysen, at EDGE-standarden som et styringsværktøj ikke styres af konkrete 'problemer', der eksisterer 'derude', men snarere styres gennem repræsentationen af ​​'problemer' som de indrammes og konstrueres i EDGE-standarden. EDGE-standarden er således en produktiv kraft, der giver form og mening til forskellige problemer inden for diskrimination og ligestilling mellem kønnene samtidigt med at standarden også er udviklet til at tackle disse ’problemer’. Jeg konkluderer, at EDGE-standarden i nogle tilfælde kan have positive effekter, men manglen på en tværgående og intersektionelle tilgange til EDGE’s fem vurderingsområder begrænser imidlertid også EDGE-standarden. Dette speciale bidrager til feltet inden for ligestilling og organisationsstandarder ved at afdække virkningerne og grænsningerne af erhvervslivets ligestillingsstandarder analyseret gennem en feministisk poststrukturalistisk perspektiv.

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