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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The possible effects of the blue economy on gender equality in the Republic of Seychelles / De möjliga effekterna av den blåa ekonomin på jämlikheten mellan könen i Republiken Seychellerna

Allard, Alexandra, Bauer, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
In order to ensure the Earth’s future prosperity and welfare gender inequalities need to be tackled and our marine environment needs to be safeguarded. In this thesis we therefore evaluate the possible effects of a blue economy on gender equality in the Republic of Seychelles. Using a qualitative methodology, we have conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with a total of 35 respondents. These including people working at grassroots level, in non-governmental organisations and within the governmental bodies in Seychelles. In order to assist the collection and analysis of the data, we developed a theoretical model portraying in what ways the blue economy can affect gender equality in the country via three main components; maritime sustainability, technological innovation and new market and job opportunities. The empirical results demonstrate that the blue economy framework through these three components can affect gender equality, both in the short and long-term. If proven to be inclusive and implemented in the correct way, our findings portray that the blue economy will offer many opportunities. This affecting gender equality in diverse ways, with our main results showing that the concept will (i) help single mothers through factors such as increasing food security, water quality and new job opportunities; (ii) encouraging women to enter into more technological and/or male dominated fields; (iii) motivating boys to remain in school or help dropouts to venture into more practical fields. / För att säkerställa jordens framtida välstånd och välfärd måste ojämlikheter mellan könen åtgärdas och vår marina miljö skyddas. I denna uppsats så utvärderar vi därför de möjliga effekterna av en blå ekonomi på jämlikheten mellan könen i Republiken Seychellerna. Via ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genomförde vi 21 semistrukturerade intervjuer med 35 respondenter. Dessa inkluderade individer som arbetar på gräsrotsnivå, i icke-statliga organisationer och inom de statliga organen i Seychellerna. För att förenkla insamlingen och analysen av data utvecklade vi en teoretisk modell som visar på vilka sätt en blå ekonomi kan påverka jämlikheten mellan män och kvinnor i landet via tre huvudkomponenter; marin hållbarhet, teknologisk utveckling och nya marknads- och arbetsmöjligheter. De empiriska resultaten visar på att en blå ekonomi kan, genom dessa tre komponenter, påverka jämlikheten mellan män och kvinnor på både kort och lång sikt. Om konceptet implementeras på rätt sätt samt inkluderar hela befolkningen, tyder våra resultat på att en blå ekonomi kommer erbjuda många möjligheter och påverka jämlikheten mellan könen på olika sätt. Våra huvudsakliga resultat visar att konceptet kan (i) hjälpa ensamstående mödrar genom att öka livsmedelsförsörjningen, kvaliteten på vatten och erbjuda nya arbetsmöjligheter; (ii) uppmuntra kvinnor att gå in i mer tekniska och/eller mansdominerade yrken; (iii) motivera pojkar att stanna kvar i skolan eller hjälpa de utsatta att hitta arbete i mer praktiska områden.

Fysisk förtätning och främjandet av social hållbarhet och jämställdhet : En gestaltningsstudie i Sandviken, Gävleborgs län

Libik Weki, Jessica, Olsson, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Fysisk förtätning är en strategi som i Sverige har fått ett stort genomslag. Städer har traditionellt i första hand vuxit utåt och tagit upp onödigt mycket mark och resurser i processen. I nutid har fysisk förtätning i stora drag blivit synonymt med den hållbara utvecklingen men har samtidigt stött på mycket kritik. Denna studie avser att undersöka hur fysisk förtätning kan bidra till att främja och implementera social hållbarhet och jämställdhet.  Syftet med studien är att skapa ett gestaltningsförslag som bidrar till att göra en plats i Sandvikens centrum mer levande och förstärka det stadsmässiga rummet. I kapitel 2.1 beskrivs närmare vad som i denna studie menas med stadsmässig rumslighet och social hållbarhet. Uppsatsen inleds med en djupgående litteraturstudie inom ämnet. Val av plats har skett genom ett platsbesök, en SWOT- analys och en kompletterande platsanalys. Inom ramen för uppsatsen har kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän brukats som utgångspunkt och kunskapskälla till gestaltningsförslaget.  Gestaltningsförslaget har utformats med fokus på sociala hållbarhetsfaktorer och element som främjar jämställdhet och följaktligen trygghet. Dessa är: kvarter i rutnät med korta avstånd, naturliga stråk, grönska, god genomströmning, lätt orientering, belysning, sittplatser, faciliteter och goda siktvägar. Faktorerna har använts i studien för att implementera och stärka jämställdhetsintegreringen inom fysisk förtätning. Förslaget framhåller en mångfunktionell markanvändning som möjliggör en mer dynamisk miljö för boende och besökare i området. Vidare föreslår studien nya bostäder och verksamheter tillsammans med ett nytt parkområde som skapar liv och rörelse. Social hållbarhet har i gestaltningsförslaget hanterats genom att främja sociala interaktioner och etableringen av fler mötesplatser. Detta har stärkts genom ny bebyggelse med blandade upplåtelseformer i kombination med nya verksamheter. Studien fortsätter med en diskussion som motiverar gestaltningsförslagets utformning och förfarande. Diskussionen avrundas med en avslutande metodkritik tillsammans med öppningar som behandlar fortsatta studier. Denna studie har därmed medverkat till framtagandet av en utformning i samband med fysisk förtätning som bidrar till aspekter lämpliga för främjandet av social hållbarhet och jämställdhet. Denna studie har därmed medverkat till en flexibel och dynamisk utformning, som syftar till att attrahera människor. / The compact city and urban densification is a popular strategy in Sweden. Since cities mostly have been growing horizontally and occupied unnecessary land and resources in the process, the concept of the compact city reveals a new and improved way to build cities. This new way of building cities has become synonymous with sustainable development. This study is an intention on research in regard to how the compact city and urban densification can conduce to promoting and implementing social sustainability and gender equality.  The aim of the study is to create a proposal on urban densification for an area in Sandviken municipality, in the county of Gävleborg, Sweden. The proposal aims to make an area of choice with apparent shortcomings in social sustainability and equality more vibrant and to contribute to making Sandviken more urbane. Chapter 2.1 describes more precisely what in this study is meant by urbane. An analysis of shortcomings in social sustainability will be described in chapter 2.1. The report begins with a profound literature review of the topics that has been chosen. An assorted selection of location has been carried out, followed by a SWOT analysis and a site analysis. Semi structured interviews with urban planners have also been done. The purpose of the site selection has been to sort out an appropriate place for the study based on social sustainability and gender equality.  New housing with mixed use and a green area that function as a social meeting point is the core of the proposal. The proposal has been designed with a focus on social sustainability factors and elements that promote gender equality at the site of the study. These factors are specified in Chapter 2.2. A final methodological criticism along with ideas regarding further studies summarized the discussion. This study has thus contributed to the development of a design that contributes to factors that are appropriate for promoting gender equality and social sustainability in connection with urban densification.

O impacto das nações unidas no direito internacional das mulheres e seu reflexo no Brasil

Vicente, Débora do Carmo January 2017 (has links)
A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da Organização das Nações Unidas – ONU no Direito Internacional das Mulheres e suas consequências no Brasil. Para a execução deste propósito, utilizou-se do método teórico-pragmático para a verificação do efeito e influência da ONU sobre a temática escolhida. A técnica de pesquisa empregada foi a investigação bibliográfica e documental, por meio de consulta doutrinária, jurisprudencial e legal. Nesse sentido, elucida-se a noção de desigualdade e vulnerabilidade feminina, descrevendo a situação das mulheres na sociedade internacional, e o consequente desenvolvimento do tema no âmbito da ONU, destacando-se a criação da Comissão sobre a Situação das Mulheres – CSW, e, recentemente, da ONU Mulheres, entidade especificamente instituída para fomentar a igualdade de gênero e o empoderamento das mulheres. Em seguida, aborda-se o quadro normativo global e as conferências mundiais organizadas pela ONU acerca dos direitos das mulheres, com a definição de um importante marco jurídico-político: a Declaração de Pequim e sua Plataforma de Ação. Dessas compreensões, realiza-se uma análise do contexto brasileiro, refletindo sobre o impacto da ONU e os desafios impostos ao Brasil. Nas conclusões obtidas, verificou-se um progresso lento e irregular na condição das mulheres, apesar da expansão dos compromissos normativos internacionais favorecidos pela ONU. Constatou-se como maior contribuição da Organização, além do diagnóstico traçado sobre a situação feminina, o respaldo e a concessão de um espaço propício para o fortalecimento do ativismo feminista transnacional, que contribuiu para o quadro jurídico internacional formado. No Brasil, em que pese ainda não se ter alcançado a almejada transformação da realidade social, podem ser apontados como consectários da atuação da ONU os avanços legislativos obtidos, a exemplo, da previsão legal de cotas de gênero para candidatura, eliminação de disposições discriminatórias nas Leis Civil e Penal, além da Lei Maria da Penha e a mais recente Lei do Feminicídio. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the impact of United Nations – UN on International Women’s Law and it’s consequences in Brazil. For this purpose, we have choosen the theoretical and pragmatic method to verify the effects and influence of UN on the selected theme. As a technique of research, we used bibliographical and documentary exploration, with doctrinal, jurisprudential and legal consultation. In this regard, the first chapter elucidates the notion of women’s inequality and vulnerability, describing the women’s situation in international society and its development within the UN, including the creation of the Commission on The Status of Women – CSW, and recently the UN Women, an entitity specifically established for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The second chapter adresses the global normative framework, the UN World Conferences on women’s rights, and the definition of an important juridical-political milestone: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. From these understandings, the third chapter analyses the Brazilian context, reflecting on the impact of UN work and it’s challenges in Brazil. In conclusion, it was found slow and uneven progress in the status of women, despite the expanded international normative commitments to women’s and girls’ human rights favored by UN. The Organization’s greatest contribution was its diagnosis on the situation of women, as well as it’s support and granting of a friendly space for the strenghtening of transnational feminist activism, which contributed to the international legal framework. In Brazil, alhthough we haven’t achieved yet the desired transformation on social reality, legislative advances like electoral gender quotas, elimination of discriminatory provisions in the Civil and Criminal law, besides Maria da Penha Law and the most recent Law on Feminicide can be pointed out as UN impact and influence in Brazil.

Hur ser utbudet av mångfald ut inom barnlitteratur? : Hur påverkar samhällets normer utbudet av mångfald i barnlitteratur? / What is the range of diversity in children's literature? : How does the norms of society influencens the supply of diversity in children ́s literature?

Haraldsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to provide an idea of the diversity of available children's literature in pre-school and pre-school class. The study was conducted by visiting three preschools and two preschool classes to summarize the range of diversity in their reading corners. During these visits, conversations with the staff also took place to gain their perspective on literature and how they experience collaboration with the libraries. To see the perspective from the other side, there will also be a longer interview with a children's librarian. The result showed that the male main characters were dominant in all departments except one, and that there was only one type of ethnicity that was represented. It also showed that the cooperation between preschool and library was found to be on average positive, while pre-school classes did not have the same opportunity for cooperation. / Syftet med var studien att skapa en uppfattning om hur stor mångfald det finns i den tillgängliga barnlitteraturen i förskolan och förskoleklass. Studien utfördes genom besök av tre förskolor och två förskoleklasser för att summera utbudet av mångfalden i deras läshörnor. Under dessa besök skedde det även samtal med personalen för att få deras perspektiv på litteratur och hur de upplever samarbetet med biblioteken. För att få se perspektivet från andra sidan kommer skedde det även en längre intervju med en barnbibliotekarie. Resultatet visade på att de manliga huvudkaraktärerna var dominerande på alla avdelningar förutom en, samt att det enbart var en typ av etnicitet som fanns representerad. Det visade även på att samarbetet mellan förskolan och biblioteket uppleddes genomsnittligt positivt medan förskoleklasserna inte alls hade samma möjlighet till samarbete.

”Får jag (bygg)lov?” : En observationsstudie om bemötande av kvinnor och män bland medarbetare på en bygglovsavdelning / ”May I have this (building) permit?” : An observational study on customer treatment among employees at a building permit department from a gender perspective

Kottorp, Emilia, Skoglund, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka bemötandet av kunder på en kommunal bygglovsavdelning, ur ett genusperspektiv. Genom icke-deltagande observationer av den icke-verbala samt verbala kommunikationen analyserades bemötandet. Denna analys låg till grund för resultatet där gemensamma drag och skillnader i bemötandet av manliga och kvinnliga kunder redogörs för. Studiens resultat visar på många gemensamma drag i bygglovsmedarbetarnas bemötande av män och kvinnor. De skillnader som identifierats finns främst inom det verbala bemötandet. Det gjordes fler antaganden om de manliga kunderna och deras ärenden. I samtalen med de kvinnliga kunderna förklarades det mer om regelverk och lagstiftning än i samtalen med de manliga kunderna. Något som observerades mycket i både samtalen med de kvinnliga och manliga kunderna var förklaringar, tydlighet samt rekommendationer på tillvägagångssätt. Som en slutsats har fastslagits att ett fåtal skillnader finns i bemötandet av kvinnliga och manliga kunder, då de flesta kategorier och ageranden som mätts visar på ett likvärdigt bemötande. / The study aim to explore customer treatment at a building permit department from a gender perspective. By conducting non-participant observations of the non-verbal and verbal communication the customer treatment was analysed. The analysis worked as a foundation for the results where commonalities and differences in the treatment of female and male customers are described. The results tell of many commonalities in how the building permit employees treat their customers. The differences that was identified were mainly within the verbal communication. More assumptions were made about the male customers. More explanations about rules and regulations were made towards the female customers. Something that was observed plenty in most conversations, regardless of the customer’s gender, was explanations, clarifying and recommendations. As a conclusion a few differences in the treatment of female and male customers have been found but most categories speak of an equal treatment.

A formação educacional e a igualdade de gênero no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) / Educational training and gender equality in the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST)

Pessôa, Jeniffer Ribeiro [UNESP] 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JENIFFER RIBEIRO PESSÔA null (jenifferpessoa.adv@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-05T20:40:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2018 - PPGE - Dissertação Mestrado Jeniffer Ribeiro Pessoa.pdf: 839648 bytes, checksum: 3113f718067685077e19ce94f8e60fe5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-03-06T14:35:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pessoa_jr_me_mar.pdf: 839648 bytes, checksum: 3113f718067685077e19ce94f8e60fe5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-06T14:35:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pessoa_jr_me_mar.pdf: 839648 bytes, checksum: 3113f718067685077e19ce94f8e60fe5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) foi constituído em 1984 com os objetivos de lutar pela terra, lutar pela reforma agrária e lutar por mudanças sociais no país. Essa luta por mudanças sociais contribuiu para a criação de uma nova formação educacional voltada para a construção de valores, dentre esses valores, a luta pela igualdade de gênero. A pesquisa, documental e bibliográfica, apresenta como o MST abordou desde a constituição do Movimento, a questão da mulher em seu interior e como posteriormente, introduziu o conceito de gênero com a criação de um setor específico. Objetivamos verificar os princípios pedagógicos e o projeto político-pedagógico do MST analisando sua política de formação educacional que abrange a questão de igualdade de gênero, e que possui uma política geral de gênero com propostas ligadas à formação educacional. Concluímos que o Movimento, desde sua criação, tem produzido textos teóricos e desenvolvido ações práticas buscando ampliar a participação das mulheres, com cursos de educação formal e de formação, nos diversos setores e instâncias do Movimento. Assim, a igualdade de gênero deve estar presente seja na produção, nos coletivos decisórios e coordenações políticas. Buscando garantir e ampliar a igualdade de gênero entre os homens e mulheres militantes, o MST elaborou propostas estratégicas e criou um Setor de Gênero voltado à promoção da igualdade de gênero e à participação igualitária. O MST aponta linhas de ações necessárias, para que seja alcançada a igualdade de gênero. Nesse sentido, a criação dessa nova forma de fazer educação proposta, trouxe avanços proporcionando a implementação dessas ações no Movimento como um todo. A pesquisa demonstra que a educação está presente em todos os espaços do MST, portanto, a Pedagogia do Movimento é um processo educacional mais ampla, que passa pela escola e é desenvolvida nos assentamentos e acampamentos, perpassando, ainda, pelos mais diversos setores. A participação igualitária entre homens e mulheres do Movimento é necessária para a transformação da realidade, contudo, ainda tem muito a avançar para efetivar as linhas de ação em todos os assentamentos e acampamentos, por isso, este deve ser um processo contínuo. / The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) was established in 1984 with the aim of fighting for land, fighting for land reform and fighting for social change in the country. This struggle for social change contributed to the creation of a new educational formation focused on the construction of values, among these values, the struggle for gender equality. The research, documentary and bibliographical, presents how the MST has addressed since its inception, the issue of women in its interior and how later, introduced the concept of gender with the creation of a specific sector. We aim to verify the pedagogical principles and the political-pedagogical project of the MST by analyzing its education policy that covers the issue of gender equality and has a general gender policy with proposals linked to educational training. We conclude that the Movement, since its inception, has produced theoretical texts and developed practical actions aimed at increasing the participation of women, with courses in formal education and training, in the various sectors and instances of the Movement. Thus, gender equality must be present in production, decision-making bodies and political coordination. Seeking to guarantee and expand gender equality among militant men and women, the MST elaborated strategic proposals and created a Gender Sector focused on the promotion of gender equality and equal participation. The MST points out necessary lines of action to achieve gender equality. In this sense, the creation of this new way of doing the proposed education, has brought progress giving the implementation of these actions in the Movement as a whole. The research demonstrates that education is present in all spaces of the MST, therefore, Pedagogy of Movement is a broader educational process, which passes through the school and is developed in settlements and encampments across various sectors. Egalitarian participation between men and women in the Movement is necessary for the transformation of reality, however, there is still much to be done to implement the lines of action in all settlements and camps, so this must be an ongoing process.

Vattendelaren #Ihave : Hur hashtaggen #Ihave i samband med #Metoo kan definiera feminism

de Carvalho Lundin, Johanna, Gartz, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
The #Metoo debate also included other hashtags with the willingness to participate in the debate on gender equality. Including the hashtag #Ihave that symbolized the male perspective and came in response to #Metoo. The purpose of this graduation project is to find out how the debate is conducted based on rhetorical and feminist theories, by finding ideals in different positions about the hashtag #Ihave. The material was collected on February 21, 2018 on Facebook and based on posts we received from our private Facebook accounts where we searched for #Ihave in the search field. To this qualitative work, a hidden observation has also been used to obtain the material that was analyzed. In order to investigate the ideals, we used the different feminist types of liberal and radical feminism where we rhetorically linked the posts to. Based on the found ideals, we have thus come up with a finding that there are differences in how men and women participate in the debate on gender equality and in what ways.

O impacto das nações unidas no direito internacional das mulheres e seu reflexo no Brasil

Vicente, Débora do Carmo January 2017 (has links)
A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da Organização das Nações Unidas – ONU no Direito Internacional das Mulheres e suas consequências no Brasil. Para a execução deste propósito, utilizou-se do método teórico-pragmático para a verificação do efeito e influência da ONU sobre a temática escolhida. A técnica de pesquisa empregada foi a investigação bibliográfica e documental, por meio de consulta doutrinária, jurisprudencial e legal. Nesse sentido, elucida-se a noção de desigualdade e vulnerabilidade feminina, descrevendo a situação das mulheres na sociedade internacional, e o consequente desenvolvimento do tema no âmbito da ONU, destacando-se a criação da Comissão sobre a Situação das Mulheres – CSW, e, recentemente, da ONU Mulheres, entidade especificamente instituída para fomentar a igualdade de gênero e o empoderamento das mulheres. Em seguida, aborda-se o quadro normativo global e as conferências mundiais organizadas pela ONU acerca dos direitos das mulheres, com a definição de um importante marco jurídico-político: a Declaração de Pequim e sua Plataforma de Ação. Dessas compreensões, realiza-se uma análise do contexto brasileiro, refletindo sobre o impacto da ONU e os desafios impostos ao Brasil. Nas conclusões obtidas, verificou-se um progresso lento e irregular na condição das mulheres, apesar da expansão dos compromissos normativos internacionais favorecidos pela ONU. Constatou-se como maior contribuição da Organização, além do diagnóstico traçado sobre a situação feminina, o respaldo e a concessão de um espaço propício para o fortalecimento do ativismo feminista transnacional, que contribuiu para o quadro jurídico internacional formado. No Brasil, em que pese ainda não se ter alcançado a almejada transformação da realidade social, podem ser apontados como consectários da atuação da ONU os avanços legislativos obtidos, a exemplo, da previsão legal de cotas de gênero para candidatura, eliminação de disposições discriminatórias nas Leis Civil e Penal, além da Lei Maria da Penha e a mais recente Lei do Feminicídio. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the impact of United Nations – UN on International Women’s Law and it’s consequences in Brazil. For this purpose, we have choosen the theoretical and pragmatic method to verify the effects and influence of UN on the selected theme. As a technique of research, we used bibliographical and documentary exploration, with doctrinal, jurisprudential and legal consultation. In this regard, the first chapter elucidates the notion of women’s inequality and vulnerability, describing the women’s situation in international society and its development within the UN, including the creation of the Commission on The Status of Women – CSW, and recently the UN Women, an entitity specifically established for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The second chapter adresses the global normative framework, the UN World Conferences on women’s rights, and the definition of an important juridical-political milestone: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. From these understandings, the third chapter analyses the Brazilian context, reflecting on the impact of UN work and it’s challenges in Brazil. In conclusion, it was found slow and uneven progress in the status of women, despite the expanded international normative commitments to women’s and girls’ human rights favored by UN. The Organization’s greatest contribution was its diagnosis on the situation of women, as well as it’s support and granting of a friendly space for the strenghtening of transnational feminist activism, which contributed to the international legal framework. In Brazil, alhthough we haven’t achieved yet the desired transformation on social reality, legislative advances like electoral gender quotas, elimination of discriminatory provisions in the Civil and Criminal law, besides Maria da Penha Law and the most recent Law on Feminicide can be pointed out as UN impact and influence in Brazil.

Att motverka könsroller i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares upplevelser av att arbeta med jämställdhet / To counteract gender roles in preschool : A study of preschool teachers experiences of working with gender equality

Lindberg, Louise, Gustafsson, Johannes January 2018 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie fokuserar sex förskollärares upplevelser av deras jämställdhetsarbete i förskolan. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i genuspedagogik som huvudsakligen behandlar vuxnas förhållningssätt till könsstereotypa normer. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex förskollärare från sex olika förskolor i Sverige. Resultatet består av två övergripande teman ”Pedagogiska verktyg för att motverka traditionella könsroller” och ”Förskollärarnas upplevelser av två aspekter av jämställdhet i förskolorna” vilka båda har två underkategorier. Det första temat ämnar besvara forskningsfrågan ”Vilka pedagogiska verktyg använder förskollärarna sig av för att motverka traditionella könsroller?” och det andra temat syftar att besvara forskningsfrågan ”Hur beskriver förskollärarna sitt arbete med att motverka traditionella könsroller?” Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna beskriver att de motverkar traditionella könsroller genom att ersätta könade ord samt styra barnens lekar för att förhindra flick- och pojkgrupper. Resultatet visar även på att bemötandet av könsöverskridande barn inte lyfts i personalgrupperna samt att förskollärarna upplever att den individuella pedagogens personliga intresse för jämställdhet är ett måste för att bedriva en jämställd pedagogik i förskolan. Studiens slutsats är att jämställdhetsarbetet i förskolorna är sårbart då arbetet är förankrat i intresset och kunskapen hos enskilda pedagoger snarare än i konkreta styrdokument. / This qualitative study has focused on the experiences of six different preschool teachers with their day to day work regarding gender equality linked to the Swedish preschool curriculum. Gender pedagogy has been used in this paper which primarily focuses on adult attitudes regarding gender stereotypes. We have used semi-structured interviews with six different preschool teachers from six different preschools. The data focuses on two different sets of themes being ”Pedagogic tools to counter traditional gender roles” and ”The preschool teachers experiences of two aspects of gender equality in the preschools” with each theme having two sets of subcategories. The first theme intend to answer the research question ”What educational tools do preschool teachers use to counteract traditional gender roles?” and the second theme intend to answer the research question ”How do the preschool teachers describe their work to counteract traditional gender roles?”. The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers describe that they counteract traditional gender roles by using their language by replacing gendered words and by controlling the children’s use of games. The result also shows that the treatment of transgender children is not lifted in the staff groups and that the preschool teachers feel that the individual interest in gender equality is a must if you want to achieve effective gender equality work. The conclusion of the study is that gender equality work in the preschools is vulnerable as it is rooted in the interest and knowledge of individual teachers rather than in concrete regulatory documents.

Individen i det offentliga, familjen i det privata - en jämställdhetspolitisk paradox? : en diskursanalys av regeringens arbetsmarknads- och familjepolitik

Björnstam, Linnéa, Larsson, Jennie K January 2008 (has links)
This paper takes it points of departure in a gender equality perspective and the perceived paradox between the governmental labour market policy and family policy. The first policy area has the aim to put people to work, whereas the other introduces a reform, vårdnadsbidraget, that point in the opposite direction. Which are the problem representations within the two policy areas and are the problem representations concordant or contradictive? From a constructivist perspective, langue is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. Drawing on political documents, speeches and articles formulated within the government, this paper analyzes problem representations through the use of discourse analysis and feminist political theory. The main conclusion of this paper is that there are contradictions within the problem representations, both within and between the two policy areas. The most significant contradiction is that gender equality within labour market policy is formulated around the individual, whilst in family politics it is based on the family as a unit.

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