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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Må bäste man vara kvinna” : En studie av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete och kommunikation

Mikkelsen Båge, Else, Dahlgren, Clara January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces is Sweden’s second to largest government agency, employing more than 20 000 people. Today, only a fifth of the personnel is female. This, even though women have had full access to the organisation since 1989, and the basic military training has been gender neutral since 2010. The Swedish Armed Forces is aiming to achieve equality by recruiting more women, but they have not been successful in their pursuit.   With a theoretical background in Moss Kanter’s and Hirdman’s feminist theories, as well as critical discourse analysis, control documents were analysed using Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. We chose three campaign images intending specifically to recruit young women to the Swedish Armed Forces. By pursuing focus group interviews with young women eligible for basic military training, focusing on the campaign images, we found that physical and biological differences between men and women are very potent in the young women’s perception of the Swedish Armed Forces and their campaigns. Focus group interviews were analysed using content analysis.   Based on the completed analyses, we could derive that the Swedish Armed Forces is constructing two different types of equality: quantitative and qualitative. The definition of the two differs extensively. Quantitative equality is more detailed, giving it a central and more prioritised position in the agency. The vague concept of qualitative equality is also considered in the focus group discussions, where the young women favor clarity and directness.

Men as victims and invisible women : The link between destructive male norms and violence. A discourse analysis of Machofabriken 2.0

Birging, Ann January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine Machofabriken 2.0 through discourse analysis.Examine how concepts are filled with meaning and what alternative meanings that are excluded. Ialso scrutinized what pedagogic tools and strategies put forward to achieve change and discuss ifit is possible to approach ordinary men as violent. Furthermore, I have analyzed underpinningassumptions of gender and violence and how masculinities, femininities, violence, andresponsibility are discursively produced. I have paid extra attention to three short movies; RealLife (Sexual harassment and bystander), Ice Cream (Consent and Free will) and Step-up(Pornography) with inspiration from feministfrequency.se to explore visual media and to payattention to the Male Gaze, objectification and sexualization of women, constructed differencesbetween men and women. Feminist Frequency provided me with the concept of Tropes in theexamination of representations of boys and girls in the short movies.The examination has uncovered gender biases in Machofabriken, which privilege the male overthe female and runs the categories fixed and reveals how the masculine discourse has constructedwomen as the Other. This thesis argues, it has dismantled the destructive masculine discourse andhow subjects of both genders are positioned and constituted within that discourse. This alsomeans the construction of gender is already there, before the text, before the short movies.

The Invisibility of Economic Violence in Swedish Legal and Gender Equality Policy Discourse

Lindskog, Anna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"Višestruka diskriminacija žena u Srbiji i odabranim državama Evropske unije: uporedna analiza" / "Multiple Discrimination Against Women in Serbia and Selected EU Countries: a Comparative Analysis"

Beker Kosana 07 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Poslednjih decenija intenzivno se na univerzionalnom i regionalnim nivoima razvija pravo ljudskih prava, uključujući pravo na ravnopravnost i pravo na slobodu od diskriminacije. To je doprinelo napretku u ostvarivanju prava žena i rodne ravnopravnosti. Ukinute su formalne zakonske prepreke za žene, zatim je zabranjena diskriminacija i garantovano je pravo na ravnopravnost, &scaron;to je omogućilo de iure ravnopravnost, a nakon toga se teži ostvarivanju de facto ravnopravnosti. Međutim, su&scaron;tinska ravnopravnost između žena i mu&scaron;karaca jo&scaron; uvek nije dostignuta. Žene &scaron;irom sveta i dalje su u nepovoljnijem položaju u poređenju sa mu&scaron;karcima, diskriminisane su u svim sferama javnog i privatnog života i izložene su nasilju. Pored toga, žene su veoma heterogena grupa, a pojedine grupe žena vi&scaron;estruko su marginalizovane i izložene su većem riziku od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije, pa je njihov položaj mnogo lo&scaron;iji u poređenju sa ženama i mu&scaron;karcima iz većinske populacije, kao i mu&scaron;karcima iz njihove manjinske grupe. Vi&scaron;estruka diskriminacija je složen dru&scaron;tveni fenomen, kojim se bave mnoge naučne discipline, zbog čega je bilo neophodno interdisciplinarno istraživanje.<br />U radu se bavim istraživanjem fenomena vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacijom žena, kao i dometima i ograničenjima pravne za&scaron;tite žena od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije u Republici Srbiji i Austriji, Bugarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Francuskoj i Nemačkoj, kao odabranim državama Evropske unije. Teorijski okvir ovog rada su feminističke teorije uop&scaron;te, a posebno feministička pravna teorija koju Marta Kamalas (Martha Chamallas) defini&scaron;e kao feminističku pravnu teoriju generacije kompleksnih identiteta, a Kler Dalton (Claire Dalton) kao fazu raznovrsnosti. Podele koje su one formulisale povezane su sa pravnim teorijama jednakosti i ravnopravnosti, koje su važan deo teorijskog okvira ovog rada jer je na osnovu njih zabranjena diskriminacija, odnosno, kako je to Sandra Fredman definisala, ukinute su formalne zakonske prepreke, direktna i indirektna diskriminacija zabranjena su u svim sferama i uvedeni su mehanizmi za promovisanje ravnopravnosti. Feministička teorija intersekcionalnosti, koju je uspostavila Kimberli Kren&scaron;o (Kimberl&eacute; Crenshaw) predstavlja važan deo teorijskog okvira ovog rada, jer je za razumevanje pojma vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije važno razumevanje vi&scaron;estrukosti identiteta i njihove međusobne zavisnosti i neodvojivosti. Teorija intersekcionalnosti nagla&scaron;ava da fokus mora da bude na jedinstvenom identitetu osobe, a obuhvata i nove koncepte u kojima se prevazilaze lična svojstva kao delovi identiteta i grupe koje se stvaraju na osnovu jednog ili vi&scaron;e ličnih svojstava, te kao sredi&scaron;no pitanje postavlja odnos moći koji deluje u odnosu na specifičan jedinstveni i nedeljivi identitet neke osobe. Predmet mog interesovanja bio je da li pravo ima odgovor na nedeljivost identiteta žena, &scaron;to znači da sam istraživala da li je u antidiskriminacionim postupcima prepoznata vi&scaron;estruka diskriminacija, kao i da li žene koje pripadaju vi&scaron;estruko marginalizovanim grupama imaju adekvatnu mogućnost efikasne i delotvorne za&scaron;tite od diskriminacije. U radu zastupam tezu da je zabrana vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije potreban, ali ne i dovoljan uslov za adekvatnu za&scaron;titu žena od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije, odnosno, da samo propisivanje zabrane vi&scaron;estruke nije dovoljno da bi žene dobile adekvatnu za&scaron;titu od diskriminacije. Takođe, zastupam tezu da prepreku ostvarivanju ravnopravnosti vi&scaron;estruko diskriminisanih žena predstavlja nedostatak su&scaron;tinskog razumevanja fenomena vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije među sudijama i advokatima, koji često odlučuju pod uticajem sopstvenih predrasuda i stereotipa, &scaron;to pravnu za&scaron;titu od diskriminacije čini nedelotvornom i dodatno marginalizuje žene. Zbog toga sam analizirala sudsku praksu i praksu nacionalnih tela za ravnopravnost u Srbiji i odabanim državama Evropske unije, kao i praksu Evropskog suda za ljudska prava i Suda pravde Evropske unije, u slučajevima vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije žena.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je broj postupaka za za&scaron;titu žena od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije veoma mali, kao i da postoje brojni izazovi u obezbeđivanju efikasne i delotvorne pravne za&scaron;tite od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije žena, koji između ostalog, uključuju i određene normativne nedostatke u pravnim sistemima država, su&scaron;tinsko nerazumevanje vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije žena, odlučivanje pod uticajem rodnih stereotipa i predrasuda, kao i te&scaron;koće u primeni pojedinih odredaba zakona.</p><p>Rad nudi uvid u prepreke i izazove u pravnoj za&scaron;titi žena od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije, koje je neophodno otkloniti kako bi se vi&scaron;estruko diskriminisanim ženama obezbedila efikasna i delotvorna za&scaron;tita od diskriminacije. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti od koristi pravnim profesionalcima (sudijama i advokatima), kao i donosiocima odluka i op&scaron;toj javnosti, u cilju podizanja svesti, boljeg razumevanja fenomena vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije žena i pobolj&scaron;anja pravne za&scaron;tite žena od vi&scaron;estruke diskriminacije.</p> / <p>In recent decades, human rights, including the right to equality and the right to freedom from discrimination, have been intensively developed at the universal and regional levels. This has contributed to progress in the realization of women&#39;s rights and gender equality. Formal legal barriers for women were abolished, discrimination was then banned and the right to equality was guaranteed, which enabled de iure equality, and subsequently sought to achieve de facto equality. However, substantive equality between women and men has not yet been achieved. Women around the world are still disadvantaged compared to men, discriminated against in all spheres of public and private life and subjected to violence. In addition, women are a very heterogeneous group, and some groups of women are marginalized and at higher risk of multiple discrimination, so their position is much worse compared to women and men in the majority population as well as men from their minority group. Multiple discrimination is a complex social phenomenon researched by many scientific disciplines, and interdisciplinary approach is necessary.</p><p>The dissertation deals with the phenomenon of multiple discrimination against women, as well as the scope and limitations of legal protection of women against multiple discrimination in the Republic of Serbia and Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France and Germany, as selected countries of the European Union. The theoretical framework of this paper is feminist theories in general, and feminist legal theory in particular, which Martha Chamallas defines as the feminist legal theory of the generation of complex identities, and Claire Dalton defines it as the phase of diversity. The divisions they formulate are linked to the legal theories of equity and equality, which are an important part of the theoretical framework of this dissertation because the prohibition of discrimination is based on those theories. Sandra Fredman defines it as follows: formal legal barriers are abolished, direct and indirect discrimination is prohibited in all spheres, and mechanisms have been introduced to promote equality. The feminist theory of intersectionality, founded by Kimberl&eacute; Crenshaw, is an important part of the theoretical framework of this dissertation because understanding the multiple identities and their interdependence and inseparability is important for understanding the concept of multiple discrimination. Intersectionality theory emphasizes that the focus must be on the unique identity of the person, and introduces new concepts in which separate parts of identities, and groups created on the basis of one or more personal traits should be overcame. In addition, the central question should be focused on power dynamics acting in relation to the specific unique and indivisible identity of a person. The subject of my interest was whether the legal systems have an answer to the indivisibility of women&#39;s identities, which means that I researched whether multiple discrimination was recognized in anti-discrimination proceedings, and whether women belonging to multiple marginalized groups had an adequate possibility to be efficiently and effectively protected against discrimination. In my dissertation, I argue that the prohibition of multiple discrimination is a necessary but not sufficient condition for adequate protection of women against multiple discrimination, that is, the mere introduction of a prohibition of multiple discrimination in legislation is not sufficient for women to obtain adequate protection against discrimination. I also argue that the barrier to achieving equality for multiple discriminated women is the lack of an essential understanding of the phenomenon of multiple discrimination among judges and lawyers, who often decide under the influence of their own prejudices and stereotypes, which renders legal protection against discrimination ineffective and further marginalizes women. Therefore, I have analyzed the case law and practice of national equality bodies in Serbia and selected European Union countries, as well as the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union in cases of multiple discrimination against women.<br />The results of the research show that the number of procedures for the protection of women from multiple discrimination is very small, and that there are numerous challenges in ensuring effective and effective legal protection against multiple discrimination against women, which include, among other things, certain regulatory deficiencies in the legal systems of the states, lack of understanding of multiple discrimination against women, decision making under the influence of gender stereotypes and prejudices, and difficulties in applying certain provisions of the law.</p><p>The dissertation offers insights into the obstacles and challenges in the legal protection of women against multiple discrimination, which need to be addressed in order to provide effective and efficient protection from multiple discriminated against women. The results of the research can be useful to legal professionals (judges and lawyers) as well as decision makers and the general public, with the aim of raising awareness, better understanding the phenomenon of multiple discrimination against women and improving the legal protection of women against multiple discrimination.</p>

Minoriteten och majoriteten möter genusnormen : En kvalitativ studie om att arbeta som manlig och kvinnlighantverkare i en mansdominerad byggbransch / The minority and the majority in relation to gender norms

Bergsten, Sara, Webrell, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att byggbranschen är en av världens mest mansdominerade branscher där jämställdhet är svår att uppnå. Denna studie är en kandidatuppsats på Personal och arbetslivsprogrammet vid Högskolan Dalarna. Studien syftar till att utifrån ett genusperspektiv analysera mäns och kvinnors erfarenheter av att arbeta i en mansdominerad byggbransch. Vi vill med denna studie framföra både mäns och kvinnors perspektiv av att arbeta i en bransch som enligt tidigare forskning upplevs som tuff där machokultur förekommer. Det finns en hel del forskning som beskriver kvinnors perspektiv utifrån normer och genus i byggbranschen, men inte lika omfattande forskning om männens upplevelser kring detta. De huvudområden som omfattar studien är arbetsmiljö, jämställdhet, sociala relationer samt genusnormer. Åtta respondenter, fyra kvinnor och fyra män från olika byggföretag har genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod intervjuats. Respondenterna har medverkat i semistrukturerade intervjuer genom fysiska och digitala möten. Svaren har sedan sammanställts, tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att både män och kvinnor välkomnar en jämställd byggbransch som genom utbildning, generationsskiften, medvetenhet samt arbetsmiljöarbete succesivt förväntas öka den kvinnliga arbetskraften i den svenska byggbranschen. / Previous research shows that the construction industry is one of the world's most male-dominated industries where gender equality is difficult to achieve. This study is a bachelor ́s thesis in the program Personnel and work at Dalarna University and the study aims to analyze men's and women's experience of working in a male-dominated construction industry from a gender perspective. With this study, we want to present both men's and women's perspectives of working in an industry that according to previous research is perceived as tough where macho culture occurs. There is a lot of research that describes women's perspectives based on norms and gender in the construction industry, but not as extensive research on men's experiences around this. The main areas that include the study are work environment, gender equality, social relations, and gender norms. Eight respondents, four women and four men from different construction companies have been interviewed through a qualitative research method. The respondents have participated in semi-structured interviews through physical and digital meetings. The answers have then been compiled, thematized and analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis. The results show that both men and women welcome an equal construction industry which, through education, generational shifts, awareness, and work environment management, is gradually expected to increase the female workforce in the Swedish construction industry.

Krossade glastak och stigande glashissar : En inventering av kvinnliga och manliga chefers upplevelser avavancemang i branscher där motsatt kön är överrepresenterat

Sjöholm, Nathali, Kuhalampi, Sara, Sundberg, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att inventera upplevelser från kvinnliga och manliga cheferangående deras karriärer i en bransch där deras biologiska kön är underrepresenterat. Metod: För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställning och ge utrymme för subjektiva upplevelser från respondenterna har en deduktiv forskningsansats implementerats inom ramen för kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har upprättats med tio respondenter. Slutsats: Samtliga respondenter har krossat glastaket och åkt glashissen, dock upplever majoriteten av de kvinnliga cheferna fler utmaningar och hinder kopplat till deras biologiska kön. De manliga respondenterna har erhållit förtroende fort i sina respektive anställningar, medan kvinnorna upplever att de behövt hävda sig och påvisa sin kompetens innan de erhåller respekt från intressenter. / Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to do an inventory of male and female experiences in regards to making a career in an industry where their biological sex is underrepresented. Method: To be able to achieve the Bachelor Thesis purpose and simultaneously give room for the respondents subjective experiences we conducted a deductive research approach within a qualitative research strategy framework. Our ten respondents have contributed their knowledge through semi structured interviews. Conclusion: All respondents have broken the glass ceiling and ridden the glass escalator, however, the majority of the female managers experience more challenges and obstacles linked to their biological sex. The male respondents have gained confidence quickly in their respective employments, while the women feel that they need to assert themselves and demonstrate their skills before they gain respect.

De mjuka nyckeltalens påverkan på jämställdhet / The impact of soft key performance on gender equality

Flink, Matilda, Gustafsson, Dominika January 2022 (has links)
Arbetet med jämställdhet i arbetslivet är något som bedrivits under flera år. Sverige är ett av de länder som ligger i framkant när det gäller arbetet med jämställdhet, trots detta förekommer det fortfarande kränkande särbehandling och ojämlika arbetsvillkor för kvinnor och män på arbetsplatserna. Att arbeta med jämställdhet handlar inte bara om att det ska vara en jämn fördelning mellan kvinnor och män på arbetsplatsen, utan det handlar även om att uppmärksamma värderingar, ideal, attityder och normer som påverkar kvinnors och mäns arbetsvillkor. Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse för hur de mjuka nyckeltalen påverkar jämställdheten i Kriminalvården. Vidare vill rapportförfattarna undersöka hur föreställningar om kön konstrueras på arbetsplatsen, utifrån jämställdhetsperspektiv. Studien kommer att genomföras genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kriminalvårdare och kompletteras med en gruppintervju från HR-funktionen och har begränsats till två verksamhetsområden. Studien visar att Kriminalvården arbetar aktivt med det kvantitativa jämställdhetsarbetet men att de behöver arbeta mer utifrån det kvalitativa jämställdhetsarbetet. Vidare visar studien att det finns en delad mening kring hur Kriminalvården bedriver sitt jämställdhetsarbete. Avsaknaden av det kvalitativa jämställdhetsarbetet medför att kvinnor och män får olika möjligheter samt att det finns en föreställning om kön på arbetsplatsen. Studien har bidragit med en ökad förståelse för hur de mjuka nyckeltalen påverkar Kriminalvårdens arbete med jämställdhet. / The work on gender equality in working life has been conducted for several years. Sweden is one of the countries at the forefront of gender equality work; despite this, there is still victimization and unequal working conditions for women and men in the workplace. Working with gender equality is not only about ensuring equal distribution between women and men in the workplace, but it is also about paying attention to values, ideals, attitudes, and norms that affect women's and men's working conditions. This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how the soft key figures affect gender equality in the Prison and Probation Service. Furthermore, the report’s authors want to investigate how notions of gender are constructed in the workplace from a gender equality perspective. The study will be conducted through semi-structured interviews with correctional officers and supplemented by a group interview from the HR function and has been limited to two areas of activity. The study shows that the Prison and Probation Service works actively with the quantitative gender equality work, but they need to work more based on the qualitative gender equality work. Furthermore, the study shows a shared opinion about how the Prison and Probation Service conducts its gender equality work. The lack of qualitative gender equality work means that women and men have different work opportunities and perceptions of gender. The study has contributed to an increased understanding of how the soft key figures affect the Prison and Probation Service's work with gender equality.

La influencia de la femvertising en la actitud hacia la marca Scotiabank desde la perspectiva masculina / The influence of femvertising on the attitude towards the Scotiabank brand from the male perspective

Espinoza Bustamante, Ana Gabriela 18 November 2020 (has links)
La femvertising es una estrategia que ha ganado relevancia en los últimos años y son cada vez más las marcas que la practican. Esta se caracteriza por promover la igualdad de género y cuestionar los estereotipos femeninos utilizados tradicionalmente en el ámbito publicitario. Por ello, el propósito de este estudio es investigar cómo esta estrategia puede influenciar en la actitud de los hombres millennials hacia la marca que la implementa. Centrándonos en este objetivo, mediante un estudio cualitativo y utilizando como referencia el spot “Día Igualitario” del Scotiabank, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 15 estudiantes varones de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Como resultado, se encontró que los hombres tienen una percepción favorable hacia la femvertising que se transfiere en una actitud positiva hacia la marca. No obstante, esta no es determinante para fidelizarlos o convertirlos en futuros clientes, pero puede funcionar como estrategia para mejorar la imagen de marca. / Femvertising is a strategy that has acquired relevance in the last years and there are more brands that are practicing it. This is characterized by promoting gender equality and questioning the female stereotypes traditionally used in adverstising sector. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to investigate how this strategy can influence the attitudes of millennial men towards the brand that implements it. Focusing on this objective, through a qualitative study and using as a reference the spot "Día Igualiario" from Scotibank, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 male students from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. As a result, it was found that man have a favorable perception towards femvertising that is transferred in a positive attitude to the brand. However, this is not decisive to retain them or convert them into the future customers, but it can work as a strategy to improve the brand image. / Tesis

Una mirada a los códigos emergentes de dadvertising y la equidad de género / A look at the emerging codes of dadvertising and gender equality

Morales Vivanco, Verónica 05 December 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / Esta investigación analiza el dadvertising, el nuevo tipo de publicidad paternal que promueve representaciones cercanas y multifacéticas de los hombres en su rol de padre dentro del hogar. Al ser una tendencia emergente, no hay suficientes estudios para construir mensajes publicitarios empáticos e inclusivos dirigido a los padres; siendo relevante identificar los códigos del dadvertising asociados a la equidad de género que muestre imágenes más equitativas de los padres en la industria publicitaria alejada de los estereotipos tradicionales. La metodología cualitativa analiza el fenómeno de dadvertising a través del spot publicitario “Más tiempo para crecer” de la marca bancaria Interbank. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 15 padres de familia de 25 a 39 años de edad. Como resultado, se sostiene que los códigos de dadvertising orientados a la equidad de género contribuyen a la construcción de un discurso publicitario con características más profundas y consistentes de los padres de familia para generar una identificación y actitud positiva de marca con ellos. / This research analyzes dadvertising, the new type of paternal advertising that promotes close and realistic representations of men associated with gender equality in their role as father within the home. Being an emerging trend, there are not enough studies to build empathetic and inclusive advertising messages directed at parents; it is relevant to identify the dadvertising codes associated with gender equality that show more equitable images of parents in the advertising industry away from traditional stereotypes. The qualitative methodology analyses the phenomenon of dadvertising through the advertising spot “Más tiempo para crecer” from the Interbank banking brand. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 parents from 25 to 39 years of age. As a result, it is argued that dadvertising codes oriented to gender equality contribute to the construction of an advertising discourse with deeper and more consistent characteristics of parents to generate a positive brand identification and attitude with them. / Tesis

De(ter)mined? A Qualitative Research of Gender Mainstreaming Practices in Humanitarian Mine Action in Ukraine

Gajan, Sophia Katharina January 2021 (has links)
Ukraine belongs to the most landmine contaminated countries in the world. Therefore, humanitarian mine action (HMA) is an important area of work for Ukraine’s humanitarian protection cluster. In Ukraine, landmine contamination produces gendered insecurities and vulnerabilities. Casualties are predominantly men, while the affected population has a high proportion of vulnerable people, including women, the elderly, displaced and the disabled.  This study investigates which strategies were applied by organisations in the Ukraine’s mine action sub-cluster in order to respond to gendered insecurities and vulnerabilities to landmine contamination and by empowering vulnerable groups through their programmes. It is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives of HMA operators and international organisations in Ukraine. The main findings are that HMA operators in Ukraine considered gender and diversity to reach marginalised groups for operational purposes, such as internally displaced people (IDPs) and the elderly, by conducting household visits and deploying diverse teams. While operators adopted an evidence-based approach to explosive ordnance risk education (EORE), programmes predominantly focused on children, despite the largest at-risk group being adult men. More than in operations, gender mainstreaming was visible in operators’ efforts to offer equal employment opportunities in the HMA sector, supporting the affected population socio-economically. However, for meaningful participation in decision making in the sector, more time and continuous effort is required to help women advance even further into senior roles of impact.  Challenges to adequately mainstream gender were the lack of a centralised information management system and difficulties accessing the affected population. Particularly since early 2020, gender mainstreaming in community interaction has been severely limited due to COVID-19 related contact restrictions. Technological solutions were identified as the main opportunity for continued community interaction and EORE amid these access restrictions.

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