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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chosen Children? : An empirical study and a philosophical analysis of moral aspects of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and germ-line gene therapy

Zeiler, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
With pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), genetic testing and selective transfer of embryos is possible. In the future, germ-line gene therapy (GLGT) applied to embryos before implantation, in order to introduce missing genes or replace mutant ones, may be possible. The objective of this dissertation is to analyse moral aspects of these technologies, as described by eighteen British, Italian and Swedish gynaecologists and geneticists. The objective is systematised into three parts: research interviews and qualitative analysis, philosophical analysis, and elaboration of a framework that supports the combination of analytic methods. PGD was described as positive since it enabled some couples at risk for a genetic disease to have a child without the disease. PGD was described as in different senses ‘better’ than methods for prenatal diagnosis and selective termination of pregnancy. It was also described as positive since it provided couples at risk with one more option, even if it did not result in the birth of a healthy child. However, interviewees were concerned about the difficulty of defining and evaluating genetic disease. They were also concerned about patients’ choices, and about exaggerated use or misuse. Whereas PGD gave rise to ambivalence in terms of how to understand, describe and evaluate it, GLGT was often described as unrealistic or undesirable. The results of the qualitative analysis are used in a philosophical analysis of the concepts of choice, autonomous choice, ambivalence, trust and ambivalence in trust relations. A set of distinct characteristics of each concept are elaborated. The results of the philosophical analysis are used in the discussion of the results of the qualitative analysis. The study shows that the technologies imply both ‘new’ ways to perform ‘old’ medical practices and ‘new’ practices. Old moral questions are reformulated. New moral questions are added. Against the background of this, the concept of genetic identity is discussed. Key words: empirical ethics, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, germ-line gene therapy, qualitative research, philosophical analysis, medical progress, genetic disease, choice, autonomous choice, ambivalence, trust, genetic identity.

"I gemenskap" : Dopsyn och dopliturgi i 2016 års förslag till kyrkohandbok för Equmeniakyrkan

Strandh, Spencer January 2018 (has links)
<p>Uppsats i Kyrko- och missionsstudier C.</p>

Playtime! : en studie av lärares syn på film som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel i historieämnet på gymnasiet

Hultkrantz, Catharina January 2014 (has links)
Showing movies to pupils is hardly a new, innovative teaching method. However, knowledge about how film is used and why, as well as what kind of film is used is scarce. In the present licentiate thesis, eight active teachers have been interviewed on their experiences with and approached to using film as a pedagogic tool in high school history lessons. The purpose of the study is to analyze the respective teachers´ use and understanding of history, based on their opinion of film as a didactic alternative. Why do teachers to use film in class? How do they describe the way in which they work with it in concrete teaching situations? What films do they use and what makes them suitable for classroom viewing? The teachers emphasize five primary ways in which they use movies as teaching tools and the advantages in doing so: to present facts; as an example of multiperspectivism; to promote ethics and empathy; to discuss source criticism; and to arouse interest. The teachers see documentary film as an accurate, reliable form of presenting facts while considering drama more complicated and important to address in class. The study shows that the teachers feel they are left to their own devices to discover film´s potential as creators of meaning but that they rarely have the educational background or time to engage colleagues in didactic reasoning on the subject. The type of films they consider as having the most favorable effect in the classroom generally deal with war and other conflicts from a Western perspective. Most see film as an effective secondary source but a few also see it as a useful primary source. Analyzing their statements as a whole, the informants articulate that while film is widely used in high school history classes, it is done so for very different reasons.

Genetic analysis of the otter population (Lutra lutra) in Kristianstad’s Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve, Sweden / Genetisk analys av utterpopulationen (Lutra lutra) i Biosfärområde Kristianstads Vattenrike

Bergman, Sanne January 2017 (has links)
During the past century the Swedish otter (Lutra lutra) population showed a rapid decline in abundance and genetic diversity. Among the most affected areas was the southern province of Skåne. After prohibiting hunting of otters and banning harmful pollutants like PCB, Swedish populations slowly recovered. To some areas the otter returned late, like Kristianstad in north-eastern Skåne. Here, the River Helge å enters Kristianstad’s Vattenrike, Biosphere Reserve and forms a biodiverse wetland. By 2011, otters had established once more along the river. In recent years, a female otter with cubs have appeared outside Vattenriket visitor’s centre “naturum”, to the joy of inhabitants and visitors. In Kristianstad, otters have become a recurring winter attraction. However, not much is known about this new population. For assessment of abundance and genetic diversity, microsatellite variation was investigated among now-living individuals from eleven sites in the Biosphere reserve, and stored museum samples from ten otters with origins in North-eastern Skåne. Using a non-invasive methodology, investigated DNA was extracted from faeces and muscle tissue from dead individuals. Multiple replicate screening was performed to detect errors in genotyping procedures. Results show the presence of three now-living individuals (two males and one female). Now-living otters and museum specimens from north-eastern Skåne were not closely related. Sampled individuals show Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, but their heterozygosity is very low. Results suggest that, even though some individuals may remain undetected, low admixture of new genes may be a cause for concern. For long-term protection and management in Kristianstad’s Vattenrike, Biosphere Reserve, further knowledge is needed about our new and precious otter population. / Den svenska utterstammen (Lutra lutra) genomgick drastiska populationsminskningar under mitten av 1900-talet. Minskningen ledde till en förlust av genetisk diversitet i många områden, och bland de värst drabbade var Skåne. Uttern blev fredad från jakt och ett förbud mot det skadliga miljögiftet PCB infördes, vilket skapade förutsättningar för utterpopulationen i Sverige att långsamt återhämta sig i antal. Men uttern återvände sent till vissa områden, som Kristianstad i Nordöstra Skåne. Genom staden Kristianstad rinner Helge å, som formar vidsträckta, artrika våtmarker i Biosfärområde Kristianstads Vattenrike. Uttern visade inga tecken på återkomst till området förrän 2011. De senaste åren har en utterhona med ungar regelbundet visat sig vid besökscentret ”naturum”, till glädje för stadens invånare och besökare. Uttrarna har blivit en återkommande vinterattraktion i Kristianstad. Men kunskapen om den nya populationen är begränsad. För uppskattning av antal och genetisk diversitet, undersöktes mikrosatellitvariationer hos nu levande individer från elva lokaler i Vattenriket. För jämförelse inkluderades arkiverade prover från Naturhistoriska Riksmuseets ”Miljöprovbank”, från tio döda uttrar med ursprung i Nordöstra Skåne. Med icke-invasiva metoder undersöktes DNA som extraherats från avföring- och muskelvävnad. Multipel replikatanalys gjordes för detektering av eventuella fel i genotypningsproceduren. Resultaten visar förekomsten av tre nu levande individer i Vattenriket (två hanar och en hona). Det är dock troligt att en- eller flera nu levande individer kan ha undkommit identifiering. Individerna var inte nära släkt med museiexemplaren från Nordöstra Skåne. Studerade individer är i Hardy-Weinberg jämvikt, men heterozygositeten är låg. Låg heterozygositet kan bero på en låg genomblandning i populationen, vilket kan vara en anledning till oro och bör undersökas närmre. Det behövs ytterligare kunskap och studier för att långsiktigt skydda och förvalta den nya, värdefulla utterpopulationen i Kristianstads Vattenrike.

Blodspår i arkiven : Om integritet, personuppgifter och DNA-släktforskning i brottsutredningar / Bloodlines in the archives : About integrity, personal data and DNA genealogy in criminal investigation

Petersson, Rebecka, Persson, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
In 2004 there was a double homicide in a Swedish town called Linköping, a small amount of DNA was found at the scene. Despite a largescale investigation, this murder would go unsolved for 16 years. In 2020 a Swedish genealogist was hired by the Swedish police and through an American commercial DNA database he was able to find the man that had gone unfound for so long. This was made possible through a change of Swedish laws in connection with the European Union’s Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a regulation that protect the integrity of the personal data of Europeans. We have investigated how the evolution of these two legal frameworks coincides with each other, making this rather paradoxical situation possible. We have also investigated how this rather invasive technology is viewed by Swedish genealogists. These websites with their immense databases, and the technological developments in DNA technology, have changed genealogy. But they have also changed the genealogist, the foremost user of the archives today. We wanted to find out how.The investigation was conducted on three analytical levels: the legal/political, the medial and the individual level. On the legal/political level the material consists of legal texts, transcribed protocols from the Swedish Riksdag, but also two different reports on the legal status of using genetic genealogy as a method of criminal investigation. On the medial level the material consists of commercials for genealogy databases, documentaries and talk shows concerning the investigation of the murder in Linköping. On the individual level the material consists of surveys and interviews with genealogists. Follow us as we alongside police and genetic genealogists follow the bloodlines running through the archives. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.

Non-canonical amino acid incorporation as a strategy for labeling membrane bound Na+/K+-ATPase for fluorescence microscopy imaging

Johansson Holopainen, Adam January 2023 (has links)
Natrium-kaliumpumpen spelar en väsentlig roll i en rad fysiologiska funktioner då den upprätthåller den elektrokemiska gradienten över cellmembranet. Ytterligare så är störningar i dess funktion associerade med flera neurologiska sjukdomar. Proteinet är en heterodimer av α– och β–subenheter, ibland även associerat med en tredje γ (FXYD) subenhet, vilket gör det problematiskt att studera dess högre ordningens organisation i cellmembranet med hjälp av konventionella, relativt storskaliga inmärkiningsprober såsom antikroppar. Inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror är ett nyutvecklat och växande område som erbjuder en lösning. Genom CuAAC– och SPIEDAC–klickkonjugationsreaktioner kan organiska färgämnen (fluoroforer) snabbt och specifikt fästas i sidokedjor med motsvarande reaktiva grupper på jonpumpen, vilket skapar en liten och icke-invasiv inmärkningsprob för fluorescensmikroskopi. För att specifikt studera alla tre subenheter samtidigt krävs inmärkning med tre olika fluoroforer). Syftet med detta projekt var att lyckas med trefärgsinmärkning genom inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror, och därigenom underlätta studerandet av hur natrium-kaliumpumpens subenheter ordnar sig i cellmembranet. Transient transfekterade HEK293T-celler med membraninmärkta jonpumpar studerades med hjälp av fluorescensmikroskopi, vilket kompletterades med gelfluorescensavbildning och immunoblotting. Samtidigt gjordes proteinuttryck och tvåfärgsinmärkning av alla nonsenskodonmuterade subenheter i kombination med varandra och var synlig i proteingel, där endast α och β tidigare hade samuttryckts. α/γ parinmärkning visade sig framgångsrik när de samtransfekterades med β av vildtyp. En autofluorescenseffekt i en av färgkanalerna påverkade resultaten för mikroskopin. Trefärgsinmärkning observerades inte i gelen, och uttrycket av subenheterna (varav α var ersatt för detta experiment) var i stort sett obefintligt. Otydlighet består därmed huruvida trefärgsinmärkning eller trippelsamuttryck är möjligt med de bioortogonala translationssystemen som användes i detta projekt på jonpumpen. / Na+/K+-ATPase is an essential ion pump protein in a host of physiological functions as it maintains the electrochemical gradient across cell membranes. Additionally, its dysfunction is implicated in several neurological diseases. The protein is a heterodimer of α and β subunits, occasionally associated with a third γ (FXYD) subunit, which makes studying its higher order organization in the cell membrane difficult using conventional, relatively large scale labeling probes such as antibodies. Non-canonical amino acid incorporation is an emerging field which offers a solution. Via CuAAC and SPIEDAC click conjugation reactions, organic fluorophores can be specifically attached to the side chains of residues of the ion pump with corresponding reactive moieties, creating a small and noninvasive probe for fluorescence microscopy imaging. In order to specifically image all three subunits concurrently, three color labeling is required. The objective of this project was to achieve three color labeling via non-canonical amino acid incorporation to aid in the study of the cell membrane localization of the subunits of Na+/K+-ATPase. Fluorescence microscopy of transiently transfected and live cell labeled HEK293T cells was complemented by in gel fluorescence imaging and immunoblotting. Coexpression and two color labeling of all nonsense codon subunit mutants in combination was shown in gel, of which only α and β had previously been coexpressed. α/γ dual labeling proved successful when cotransfected with wild type β. An autofluorescent effect in one of the color channels compromised the microscopy results. Three color labeling was not observed in gel, and expression of the subunits (including a substitute for α) was middling to absent. It remains unclear whether three color labeling or triple coexpression is a possibility with the bioorthogonal translation systems used in this project.

Grannarne och Jane Eyre. En komparativ studie. / A Comparative Study of the Novels The Neighbours and Jane Eyre

Ludwigs, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish author Fredrika Bremer's novel Grannarne was published in 1837, and the English translation The Neighbours was published in London in 1842. This novel as well as other novels by Bremer which were published in English in the 1840s, were widely read and they were very popular with readers as well as with literary critics. As has been noted formerly, there are certain striking likenesses between The Neighbours and Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre, published in 1847. In this essay, a comparative study is made of motifs found in both novels, such as "The Byronic Hero", and "The Strange Woman" as well as structures such as "the acceptance of guilt", followed by "judgement" and the possibility of "mercy", which are also found in both novels. In the last chapter, there is a discussion of the characters' perception of their respective worlds as primarily conditioned by religion, and how this is manifested in the previous chapters of the essay. A connection between Bertha in Jane Eyre and Hagar in The Neighbours is explored and a suggestion is made of a possible connection between Hagar and the ancient poet Sappho.

Deployable Base Stations for Mission Critical Communications

Panneerselvam, Gokul January 2021 (has links)
Uninterrupted network connectivity is vital for real-time and mission-critical communication networks. The failure of Base Stations due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or emergencies can affect the coverage and capacity provided by terrestrial communication networks. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones in cellular networks is an upcoming area of research interest in 5G where the public sector and the communication service providers are fervently discussing it. The drones can be rapidly deployed to bridge the gaps in coverage or capacity of the network due to unforeseen circumstances. This thesis explores drone base stations' use for a simple hexagonal cell deployment scenario where the deployable base stations replace two failed macro base stations to improve the mean network capacity. Simulations show that the introduction of the deployable base stations indeed helps improve mean network capacity in case of one or multiple macro base station fail. The Genetic Algorithm is used to achieve Pareto optimality between downlink and uplink capacity of the simulated network. The simulation results show that introducing deployable nodes in a network can improve the network's capacity while also giving near-optimal transmit power values. / Oavbruten nätverksanslutning är avgörande för realtids- och missionskritiska kommunikationsnätverk. Fel på basstationer på grund av oförutsedda omständigheter som naturkatastrofer eller nödsituationer kan påverka täckningen och kapaciteten som tillhandahålls av markbundna kommunikationsnätverk. Användningen av Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) eller drönare i cellulära nätverk är ett kommande område av forskningsintresse inom 5G där den offentliga sektorn och leverantörerna av kommunikationstjänster ivrigt diskuterar det. Drönarna kan snabbt sättas in för att överbrygga klyftorna i nätverkets täckning eller kapacitet på grund av oförutsedda omständigheter. Denna avhandling utforskar drönarbasstationers användning för ett enkelt scenarie för hexagonal celldistribution där de utplacerbara basstationerna ersätter två misslyckade makrobasstationer för att förbättra den genomsnittliga nätverkskapaciteten. Simuleringar visar att introduktionen av de utplacerbara basstationerna verkligen hjälper till att förbättra den genomsnittliga nätverkskapaciteten i händelse av att en eller flera makrobasstationer misslyckas. Den genetiska algoritmen används för att uppnå Pareto-optimalitet mellan nedlänks- och upplänkkapaciteten i det simulerade nätverket. Simuleringsresultaten visar att införandet av utplacerbara noder i ett nätverk kan förbättra nätverkets kapacitet samtidigt som det ger nästan optimala värden för sändningseffekt.

Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Using Machine Learning : A Comparative Study of Different Feature Selection Algorithms, Classifiers and Sampling Methods / Automatisk igenkänning av Parkinsons sjukdom med hjälp av maskininlärning : En jämförande studie av olika urvalsalgoritm, klassificerare och provtagningsmetod

He, Jeannie January 2021 (has links)
Over the past few years, several studies have been published to propose algorithms for the automated diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease using simple exams such as drawing and voice exams. However, at the same time as all classifiers appear to have been outperformed by another classifier in at least one study, there appear to lack a study on how well different classifiers work with a certain feature selection algorithm and sampling method. More importantly, there appear to lack a study that compares the proposed feature selection algorithm and/or sampling method with a baseline that does not involve any feature selection or oversampling. This leaves us with the question of which combination of feature selection algorithm, sampling method and classifier is the best as well as what impact feature selection and oversampling may have on the performance. Given the importance of providing a quick and accurate diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, a comparison is made between different systems of classifier, feature selection and sampling method with a focus on the predictive performance. A system was chosen as the best system for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease based on its comparative predictive performance on two sets of data - one from drawing exams and one from voice exams. / Som en av världens mest vanligaste sjukdom med en tendens att leda till funktionshinder har Parkinsons sjukdom länge varit i centrum av forskning. För att se till att så många som möjligt får en behandling innan det blir för sent har flera studier publicerats för att föreslå algoritmer för automatisk diagnos av Parkinsons sjukdom. Samtidigt som alla klassificerare verkar ha överträffats av en annan klassificerare i minst en studie, verkar det saknas en studie om hur väl olika klassificerare fungerar med en viss kombination av urvalsalgoritm (feature selection algorithm på engelska) och provtagningsmetod. Därutöver verkar det saknas en studie där resultatet från den föreslagna urvalsalgoritmen och/eller samplingsmetoden jämförs med resultatet av att applicera klassificeraren direkt på datan utan någon urvalsalgoritm eller resampling. Detta lämnar oss en fråga om vilket system av klassificerare, urvalsalgoritm och samplingsmetod man bör välja och ifall det är värt att använda en urvalsalgoritm och överprovtagningsmetod. Med tanke på vikten av att snabbt och noggrant upptäcka Parkinsons sjukdom har en jämförelse gjorts för att hitta den bästa kombinationen av klassificerare, urvalsalgoritm och provtagningsalgoritm för den automatiska diagnosen av Parkinsons sjukdom.

Assessment of optimal suspension systems with regards to ride under different road profiles / Bedömning av optimala fjädringssystem med avseende på komfort vid körning på olika vägprofiler

Murali, Adithya, Vaje, Pratik Hindraj January 2021 (has links)
Passenger ride vibration comfort is a critical aspect to consider while developing any vehicle and there is a need to understand how the occupants would be affected when driving on different road profile roughness. Hence, road profile generation is critical as road profiles are used as inputs to simulation tools to investigate vehicle dynamic behaviour in depth. At the same time, the optimisation of the vehicle characteristics can be conducted on the various road profiles in order to identify a solution that can provide enhanced ride comfort and improve vehicle handling for all the investigated road profiles. The objective of this thesis is to study ride vibrational comfort and optimise the suspension system for theNational Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS) vehicle model for better ride comfort and road holding. Synthetic road profiles are generated by using stochastic processes according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8608 standards. Further, simulations are conducted in MSC ADAMS Car software using the generated synthetic road profiles for a rigid body NEVS vehicle model to study the vertical accelerations. The analysis includes the investigations of the acceleration Power Spectral Density (PSD) and observations are made on the peaks that appear (at Front Seat Rail (FSR) which is the sprung mass of the vehicle and Wheel centre (WC) which is the un-sprung mass of the vehicle) for different road types and vehicle velocities. It is decided that the comfort objective will be used considering the weighted Root Mean Square (RMS) accelerations. Further, the suspension system of the vehicle model is optimised for three different road profiles (A, B, and C) based on the objectives of ride comfort and handling using a suitable vehicle model with the same characteristics as theNEVScar. A multi-objective optimisation technique is used and the optimised results are observed and discussed. Optimal objectives (based on a compromise between ride comfort and road holding) for the suspension system are determined for each investigated road profile. / Vibrationskomfort för passagerare är en kritisk aspekt att tänka på när man utvecklar ett fordon och det finns ett behov av att förstå hur passagerarna kan påverkas när de åker på olika vägprofiler. Därför är vägprofilgenerering avgörande eftersom vägprofiler används som input till simuleringsverktyg för att undersöka fordonets dynamiska beteende. Samtidigt kan optimeringen av fordonets egenskaper utföras på de olika vägprofilerna för att identifiera en lösning som kan ge ökad åkkomfort och förbättra fordonshanteringen för alla undersökta vägprofiler. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera körvibrationskomfort och optimera fjädringssystemet för NEVS fordonsmodellen för bättre åkkomfort och väghållning. Syntetiska vägprofiler genereras genom att använda stokastiska processer enligt ISO 8608 standarder. Dessutom utförs simuleringar i MSC ADAMS programvara med hjälp av de genererade syntetiska vägprofilerna för en stelkropps NEVS fordonsmodell för att studera de vertikala accelerationerna. Analysen inkluderar undersökningar av accelerations PSD och observationer görs av topparna som visas (vid FSR och WC) för olika vägtyper och fordonshastigheter. Det beslutas att komfortmålet kommer att utvärderas med hänsyn till endast de vägda RMS accelerationerna. Dessutom är fordonsmodellens hjul upphängningssystem optimerat för tre olika vägprofiler (A, B och C) baserat på målen för åkkomfort och väghållning med hjälp av en lämplig fordonsmodell med samma egenskaper som NEVS bilen. En multi-purpose optimeringsteknik används och de optimerade resultaten observeras och diskuteras. Optimala mål (baserat på en kompromiss mellan åkkomfort och väghållning) för fjädringssystemet bestäms för varje undersökt vägprofil.

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