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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spela country på gitarr : En undersökning om att lära sig improvisera i en genre genom plankning och analys

Holmlund, Charlie January 2019 (has links)
Improvisation är den vanligaste och mest spridda musikaliska formen. Lärare väljer själva hur mycket av undervisningen som kommer att handla om improvisation och vilket syfte den fyller, och för att lära sig improvisera i ny genre kan man använda plankning och transkribering som metod. I den här studien undersöks vilka improvisationsmetoder countrymusikerna använder sig av i de stycken jag valt att studera samt vilka likheter och olikheter det finns mellan instrumentens improvisationer. Genom att planka, spela och transkribera improvisationer ur tre olika låtar har materialet analyserats. Analysen har utgått från litteratur i improvisationsmetodik och har hjälpt till att svara på den ställda syftesformuleringen. Resultaten visar att tonmaterialet går att härleda till vedertagna improvisationsmetoder och att countrymusiker ser varje ackord för sig, likt hur en jazzmusiker förhåller sig till harmonik. Jag har lärt mig att se samband mellan instrumentspecifika improvisationsmetoder utöver kartläggningen av toner, och för att lära sig spela en ny genre är det effektivt att använda sig av transkribering och plankning som metod för att lära sig countryns idiom.


LIZE VICENTE DE ALMEIDA 24 March 2009 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a participação feminina no trabalho na zona rural, assim como em movimentos comunitários ali presentes. O objetivo principal do estudo foi o de compreender o significado das atividades laborativas desempenhadas pelas mulheres no campo, assim como de sua inserção nestes movimentos. Buscou-se, também, verificar os efeitos das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo no mundo do trabalho sobre esta categoria de trabalhadoras, assim como entender o sentido que elas atribuem às suas atividades. Foram consideradas, na análise, a percepção que as mulheres têm sobre seu cotidiano de vida e trabalho, assim como a construção de perspectivas de futuro e sonhos. O espaço escolhido para a pesquisa foi o município de são Sebastião do Paraí­so, no sudoeste de Minas Gerais, onde existem nove associações de produtores rurais. Através da utilização de metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a mulheres, de idade entre 26 e 77 anos, residentes no municí­pio, assim como a funcionários de instituições relacionadas, de alguma forma, com as associações dos produtores rurais. A análise final dos dados aponta a composição de uma categoria feminina naquela área rural não apenas de proprietárias de terras mas, também, de outras que vendem sua força de trabalho em empregos fora de casa, tendo, inclusive, a responsabilidade de garantir a reprodução social da famí­lia. Observou-se uma estreita relação entre o trabalho desenvolvido dentro e fora do lar, independente da condição financeira destas mulheres. Com relação à  participação das mesmas nos movimentos comunitários das associações de produtores rurais, apesar de ser detectado certo avanço em suas formas de inserção, foi possível perceber que falta, ainda, um caminho a ser percorrido até que aconteça, de fato, a igualdade social entre homens e mulheres. / [en] This dissertation presents the results of a research about the women participation in the work that is done in rural areas and as well as in the local community movement. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to understand the meaning of the labour activities carried away by these women and also their insertion in those movements. It was also pursued the verification of the effects resulting from the changes that have been taking place in the labour world regarding this category of workers as well as the understanding of the meaning attributed to their activities. The study analises considered the perception that women have about their daily life and work, as well as the building up of their dreams and perspectives for the future. The site chosen for the research was São Sebastião do Paraíso, a city located at the south of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where they have nine associations of rural producers. Using a qualitative research metodology local women aging between 26 and 77 years old and employees of institutions related to rural producers associations were interviewed. The final analyses suggests the existence of a female category in that area formed by not only rural landowners but also by other women that sell their working force in addition to their work at home. This study observed an inner relation between the work cared on inside and outside their homes, independently of their financial situation. With regards to the participation of the same women in the community movements of the rural producers associations it was possible to verify that there is still missing a way through the real social equality between men and women, despite the fact that some progress was detected in their insertion in the community movement.

O demônio do ringue - pesquisa e desenvolvimento de roteiro cinematográfico

Maciel, Daniel 09 November 2011 (has links)
Este mestrado utiliza os gêneros cinematográficos e suas convenções como ponto de partida para a escrita de roteiros. A análise de filmes de ação, conhecidos como filme de boxe, é usada como referência na escrita de um roteiro de longa metragem de um filme de luta, que trata mais especificamente do universo do MMA. Assim, meu mestrado tem dois resultados distintos e ao mesmo tempo complementares: um pequeno estudo do gênero proposto, sugerindo suas transformações, e o próprio roteiro de longa metragem, O Demônio do Ringue. / This dissertation uses the cinematographic genres and its conventions as starting point to the writing of screenplays. The analysis of action movies, known as boxing movies, is taken as reference in the writing of a fighting films screenplay, which approach more specifically the MMA universe. Hence, my dissertation has two distinct results which are complementary at the same time: first a study of the proposed genre, suggesting its transformations, and the movie screenplay itself, O Demônio do Ringue

Homem como professor de creche: sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos diferentes atores institucionais / Man as a daycare teacher: objectives and meanings assigned by different institutional players

Souza, Mára Isis de 09 November 2010 (has links)
Em meio às diversas mudanças que vêm ocorrendo na relação entre gênero e profissão, a presença do homem atuando na educação e cuidado de crianças em contextos coletivos, particularmente de crianças de 0 a 3 anos de idade, suscita debates que fazem aflorar o senso comum e desafiam a construção do conhecimento dessa realidade. Ainda em número reduzido, a presença do homem como professor de creche vem sendo preconizada como parte das políticas de promoção de igualdade de oportunidade entre homens e mulheres, do movimento de profissionalização da educação infantil e das tentativas de promover uma educação pautada na diversidade, étnica e de gênero, de figuras de referência para as crianças. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira um homem se constitui professor de creche, nas relações com suas colegas, com a direção e com as crianças e suas famílias. A construção do corpus da pesquisa, ancorada no referencial teórico-metodológico da Rede de Significações, foi feita por meio de: (1) visitas e observações, com registros, em caderno de campo, das práticas e relações estabelecidas pelo professor com as crianças, com as famílias, com suas colegas e a direção; (2) entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em áudio e transcritas na íntegra, com os atores envolvidos neste processo (professor, professoras, direção e famílias). A análise do material foi feita no sentido de identificar o masculino na relação com as colegas de trabalho, com a direção, com as famílias e com as crianças. Análises dos registros de observação e das entrevistas trazem a experiência de inserção do homem como professor de creche de maneira positiva e recomendável. Dentre os argumentos apresentados acerca das possibilidades que se abrem ante a presença do homem como professor, a figura masculina é representada fortemente pela imagem do pai, justificada especialmente para as crianças que não convivem com esta figura em suas famílias. Em relação à questão do cuidado com o corpo, a decisão da direção, acatada pela equipe, foi de afastar o educador dessas atividades com as meninas, o que evitou a emergência de conflitos e resultou em instrumento para tranquilizar as famílias. Como consequência desta inserção, a possibilidade de interações do professor com as famílias, mesmo que de maneira indireta por meio dos relatos e manifestações das crianças, parece resultar em uma (re)significação da presença de um homem professor na creche, que caminha do estranhamento inicial ao estabelecimento de uma relação de confiança com este profissional. / Amid the many changes that have occurred in the relationship between gender and occupation, the presence of men working in the education and care of children within collective contexts, particularly with children between 0-3 years of age, gives rise to debates that bring forth the common sense, and challenges the existing knowledge within such reality. Although few in number, the presence of men as daycare teachers has been recommended as part of policies to foster equal opportunity between men and women, the movement to professionalize the early childhood education and attempts to promote an education based in the diversity, both ethnic and gender, of role models for children. This study aims to investigate how a man becomes a daycare teacher, his relationship with colleagues, with his superiors and with the children and their families. The construction of the corpus of research, rooted in the network of meanings theoretical- methodological perspective, was made by way of: (1) visits and observations, with records in a field book of practices and relationship established by the teacher with the children, with families, with their colleagues and school management, (2) semi-structured interviews, recorded on tape and transcribed in its entirety, with the players involved in this process (teacher, colleagues, school management and families). The analysis was performed to identify the male in the relationship with coworkers, with management, with families and children. Analysis of the observation records and interviews showed that the experience of integrating a man as a daycare teacher is positive and recommended. Among the arguments presented with regards to new possibilities opened up by the presence of a man as a teacher, the male figure is strongly represented by the father image, justified especially for children who do not have a father figure in their families. As far as the childrens hygiene and use of toilet, the decision of the school management, embraced by the team, was to remove the male teacher from the girls bathroom activities, which prevented the emergence of conflicts and became a tool to reassure the childrens families. As a result of this integration, the possibility of teachers interacting with the families, even if indirectly by way of reports and childrens manifestation, seems to bring about a (re)signification of the presence of a man teacher at the daycare, which moves away from the initial strangeness to the establishment of a trusted relationship with this professional.

Tirer son épingle du jeu : danse classique et construction sociale des figures de la féminité / "Tirer son épingle du jeu" : ballet and social construction of figures of femininity

Nicot, Isabelle 05 December 2016 (has links)
La « petite fille modèle » conserve, encore de nos jours, une image valorisée au sein de certaines classes sociales. Partant de cet engouement, il est possible de percevoir quel serait, pour certains, une féminité légitime. Quels modèles constituent la représentation de la ballerine, personnage irréel et fantasmé des ballets, et l’image plus concrète de la danseuse professionnelle dans la socialisation des pratiquantes enfants de loisirs et les stratégies éducatives des mères ? L’approche socio-anthropologique soutenue par un apport historique vise à apporter des éléments de compréhension sur ce que font réellement les pratiquantes quand elles entrent dans la « maison des femmes » que constitue l’école de danse. Les mères interviewées semblent parfois parler d’une seule voix. Bien conscientes des stéréotypes de genre ayant cours dans notre société, proposer cette activité à leur(s) fille(s) serait pour elles une manière d’offrir à ces dernières des moyens d’action. La danse classique apparaît comme une activité « rentable ». La transmission de la féminité associée et l’apprentissage d’autres acquis transposables rentrent dans le cadre d’un projet beaucoup plus vaste : c’est un investissement pour le futur en ce qui concerne la scolarité, la profession, le lien social, la santé, la culture, la famille, etc.. Tout se joue alors dans la tension entre : ce qui serait positif dans cette pratique, l’acquisition de stratégies féminines, et ce qui y serait négatif, toucher au paroxysme des stéréotypes de genre. Dotées d’atouts et d’une connaissance fine des attentes de notre société envers elles, les nouvelles générations pourraient ainsi composer avec les règles du jeu social. / These days "little miss perfect" promotes an image within specific social classes. This bold statement, makes it possible to experience what would be, for some, real femininity. The ballet dancer represents an unreal figure, a fantasy from ballet and the most stereotypical image of the professional dancer in children socialising during their spare time and mother’s educational strategies ? The socio-anthropological approach supported by a historical contribution aim to bring comprehensive elements on what ballet dancers really do when they enter the « women house » that provide dancing schools. Interviewed mothers seem to sometimes speak with a single voice. Being well aware of gender stereotypes occurring in our society, suggesting this activity to their daughters may be a way for them to offer the most recent form of action. Ballet dancing appears to be a « profitable » activity. The display of femininity associated and learning other transposable knowledges fit within the framework of a much more global project: it’s an investment in the future of schooling, occupation, social issues, health, culture, family, etc… All will be decided in relations between: what will be positive in this practice, gaining femininity strategies, and what will be negative, such as gender stereotypes paroxysm. Rich in assets and excellent knowledge of societies expectations towards them, new generations could re write the social rules.

Vad kännetecknar en genre? : En jämförande analys av jazzrock, bebop och progressiv rock

Jonsson, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Vilken musik som tillhör en genre kan i många fall uppfattas som en självklarhet, men vad är det som verkligen kännetecknar en specifik genre? Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vad som kännetecknar fusiongenren jazzrock, för att sedan jämföra denna med de snarlika genrerna bebop och progressiv rock. I tidigare forskning tas Lilliestam, Milkowski och Björnfots forskning upp, de har olika infallsvinklar. Lilliestam går in på vad musik har för påverkan på oss människor, Milkowski utgår ifrån själva genren fusion och dess utövare medan Björnfot har gjort en undersökning som analyserar snarlika subgenrer. Som teori har Fabbris genredefinitionsmall använts för att med hjälp av hans regler få fram de mest väsentliga resultaten. Gridley tar upp kännetecknande element i jazz respektive rock, hans tidigare arbete har använts för att jämföra och styrka resultaten. Musikanalys är den metod som använts för att djupgående analysera varje enskilt verk och deras diverse aspekter, för att sedan skapa en helhetsbild. I resultat presenteras vad som kommit fram under analysen, vilka kännetecken man hör och upplever under respektive regel och genre. Slutligen anser jag att resultatet av denna undersökning visar att man finner många likheter mellan de tre genrerna. Likheterna i det hörbara uppfattades som mer påtagliga mellan bebop och jazzrock, men det fanns en större likhet mellan progressiv rock och jazzrock när det kommer till beteende samt de sociala och ideologiska reglerna. Det jag anser mig ha kommit fram till vad gäller kännetecknande drag hos jazzrocken är en musikalisk skicklighet, komplexitet och en stor del improvisation, något som härstammar från jazzen, men med en attityd och framtoning som mer påminner om rocken. Att visa på vad som kännetecknar en genre kan vara en svår uppgift, för vem är det som egentligen avgör vilken genre en låt eller en artist tillhör om inte själva artisten.

Kultur och kommers. En analys av Eva Unanders kommersiella lånbibliotek 1818-1829 / Culture and trade. An analysis of Eva Unander’s commercial lending library 1818-1829

Greek, Eva, Rova, Heléne January 2000 (has links)
This thesis has been written with the intention of investigating a commercial lending library to be found in Stockholm in the first decades of the nineteenth century. We chose this subject because it is a relatively unexplored area. Furthermore, we were curious to know what books could be found in the library. The lending library was run as a business thus giving a good indication of the contemporary reader's taste in literature. The lending library that we chose had a total of three thousand titles in those of its catalogues that have survived to the present day and was run by a woman called Eva Unander. We started by registering all the catalogued titles from our chosen library in the Royal Library's database SB17, which includes all printed matter between 1700-1829. The relevant information discovered was fed into a database, after which we have tried to make an interpretation and analyse the results of our interpretation from different standpoints. We discovered that many of the authors were anonymous, perhaps because writing novels was not held in high esteem. The library contained mostly fiction and the inflow of books in translation came mostly from Germany. Many of the named writers have no place in literary history today but have been forgotten. The laws regarding the freedom of the press of 1810-1812 gave people in the world of books far greater freedom. The library had many books in popular genres such as horror, piracy and family chronicles. We have also investigated the archives to find out about the person Eva Unander and follow her own personal history. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vad automatisk indexering och genreklassifikation kan tillföra skönlitteraturen / What automatic indexing and genre classification can bring to fiction

Claesson, Karl Adam January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines what automatic indexing and genre classification may bring to fiction. The thesis studies five theorists of the subject to find out what the biggest problems are concerning fiction indexing. The thesis also investigates which automatic text analysis methods that can be effective for automatic indexing and genre classifying fiction. To show that it is possible according to philosophy of language to index fiction, in particular to automatically index it. Wittgenstein’s, Barthes’ and Ricoeur’s language and fiction theories are presented and used to problemize the subject. Wittgenstein’s theory is used to show that language finds its meaning in the context, Barthes’ to show that the author is, metaphorically speaking, dead and Ricoeur’s to show that the meaning of the texts uses the readers context to create itself. The thesis concludes that it is probably possible to genre classify fiction, after both aboutness and style. Conversely is it not possible to index fiction automatically after the fictions connective part. / Uppsatsnivå: D

”Seriously seeking comics” : Ämnesbestämning, klassifikation och indexering av tecknade serier / “Seriously seeking comics” : Subject determination, classification and indexing of comics

Åberg, Sofie January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine how comics, here defined as a combination of text and images, are handled by the libraries in regards to subject analysis, classification and indexing. A comparative approach has been used in this study. First, common practices, methods and theories concerning subject analysis developed for documents consisting of text or images are presented. Then the current systems at two special libraries, specializing in comics and consequently dealing with both text and images, are examined and related to the above mentioned practices, in order to discover differences and similarities. The results indicate that practices, methods and theories developed for documents consisting of text or images are applicable on comics as well. The two examined special libraries had both developed their own classification systems and lists of subject headings, to accommodate the special needs of their particular type of documents consisting of text and images, but these were based on similar principles as practices and methods developed for text or images. Also discussed here is that comics appear to lack general acceptance as a form of literature in the larger library sector. Special libraries dedicated to comics often develop their own in-house systems, while general libraries tend to overlook the special attention this type of documents need. As a result, and unless comics receive the same considerations as text and image separately, they may become more obscure as a genre within general libraries. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Quand la puissance publique délègue l'égalité : ethnographie de la politique de développement du football féminin en France (2011 - 2017) / When public authorities delegate equality : ethnography of the development policy of women's football in France (2011 - 2017)

Martin, Camille 01 December 2017 (has links)
Le fonctionnement du secteur associatif ne peut être compris sans envisager le lien qu'il entretient aux pouvoirs publics et cette intrication entre secteurs public et privé non lucratif s’avère particulièrement structurante dans le domaine du sport. En effet, ces activités sont largement administrées par des structures associatives mais la reconnaissance de l'utilité publique est ancienne et invite à leur encadrement public. L'action publique dans le domaine du sport est alors largement déléguée aux associations et fédérations sportives, lesquelles se voient attribuer dans ce cadre des ressources matérielles, humaines et symboliques qui assurent le pouvoir de prescription de l'Etat sur leur fonctionnement. C'est dans un tel contente que je propose d'envisager la politique de féminisation du football engagée par la Fédération Française de Football comme une politique publique sectorielle en faveur de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, déléguée par l’État. Ainsi, ce travail propose une réflexion sur les effets de la délégation de politiques publiques vers le secteur associatif, en réalisant un détour par l’observation du travail concret des salarié-e-s de droit privé à qui incombent ces missions de service public, pour rendre compte des rapports de domination dans lesquelles ils et elles se voient pris-e-s et qui constituent autant de contraintes sur leur activité. Cette démarche permet ainsi d'envisager conjointement les conséquences de cette délégation sur les modalités de réalisation de ces missions (les effets sur les usager-e-s) et sur le travail de celles et ceux à qui incombent leur définition et leur mise en œuvre (effet sur les prestataires, salarié-e-s et bénévoles). Cette présentation s'adosse ainsi à un travail ethnographique de plusieurs années au sein des instances gestionnaires de la FFF, lequel s'est construit en partie autour de ma participation aux activités fédérales. Après avoir proposé une évaluation quantitative des modalités de diffusion du football féminin depuis le début des années 1990, je montre qu’en dépit du caractère hautement ambigu de la position de salarié-e associatif-ve – contractuellement rémunéré-e-s dans des organisations structurées par une éthique de désintéressement – celles et ceux qui sont chargé-e-s de la mise en œuvre de la féminisation à la FFF construisent leur activité autour de la vocation de service public qui la justifie et orientent en conséquence le contenu de leur activité. J’envisage ensuite la manière dont les rapports de genre dans lesquels sont prises les salariées chargées du développement du football féminin informent les orientations qu’elles donnent aux dispositifs de diffusion de cette pratique, au gré d’un travail de naturalisation des dispositions féminines, et de qualification individualisée des rapports sociaux de sexe. Ainsi, c'est en articulant des questionnements propres à la sociologie du travail (associatif), du genre et de l'action publique qu'il s'est agi de proposer une réflexion sur les enjeux de la recomposition de l'action publique, au travers des effets sociaux de sa délégation au secteur associatif. / This doctoral research has begun after I joined a workgroup of the French Football Association – the Fédération Française de Football (FFF) – in October 2012. This workgroup was focused on how to develop female football. The reason I joined the group was initially to get access to administrative data to study the career of the players. I got this access in exchange of doing some statistical work for the group. Thus, I worked during four years, with four employees of the FFF, in charge of the development of female football. Doing so, I got the chance to observe the negotiations about gender equality in football and debates about the best orientation to give to the policy of development.This work precisely deals with the construction and implementation of this new policy, created in 2011. This policy takes place in the institutional context of a partnership between the ministry of sports and the sports associations. Thus, the policy of football feminization will be seen as a delegated sectorial policy for gender equality. This mechanism of policy delegation exists in the domain of sport since the 50’s. In other words, the policy of sports is partially operated by the sports associations. The ministry of sports provides them with funds and human support (nearly 1,600 civil servants work for the sport associations). Thus, the public authority keeps a control over the policy of sport and delegates its implementation. This delegation scheme is not specific to sport and has been used in various fields since the 80’s. It is reflected in the growing number of employees in the non-profit associations sector; this sector having increasingly a role of intermediate in the public policies.Therefore, the purpose will be to illustrate the impacts of delegating the public policy related to gender equality to employees working under private law for the FFF. Consequently, their working conditions, the social relationships in which they are included will be objectively examined, to grasp how they embodied this policy and they reflect it. In that matter, it will be demonstrated that despite the great ambiguity of the employee’s status in an association – contractually hired in an organization structured around an ethic of selflessness –, the ones in charge of implementing the feminization within the FFF, build their activity around public service values which consequently impacts the content of their activities. Subsequently, I will consider how the gender inequality, in which the female employees developing the female football evolve, influences the orientations that they give to the policy of development of female football. I will demonstrate that the marginal position occupied by the female employees in the FFF reduces not only their range of actions but creates the risk of a transfer of gender inequality from the female employees to the female players. Indeed, this work proposes to reflect on the impact of delegating public policies to non-profit associations thanks to an observation study of the actual work of privately hired employees to whom the responsibility of public policy is delegated. Hence, it will interlink questionings in sociology related to gender, associative work and public policy.

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