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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quand la puissance publique délègue l'égalité : ethnographie de la politique de développement du football féminin en France (2011 - 2017) / When public authorities delegate equality : ethnography of the development policy of women's football in France (2011 - 2017)

Martin, Camille 01 December 2017 (has links)
Le fonctionnement du secteur associatif ne peut être compris sans envisager le lien qu'il entretient aux pouvoirs publics et cette intrication entre secteurs public et privé non lucratif s’avère particulièrement structurante dans le domaine du sport. En effet, ces activités sont largement administrées par des structures associatives mais la reconnaissance de l'utilité publique est ancienne et invite à leur encadrement public. L'action publique dans le domaine du sport est alors largement déléguée aux associations et fédérations sportives, lesquelles se voient attribuer dans ce cadre des ressources matérielles, humaines et symboliques qui assurent le pouvoir de prescription de l'Etat sur leur fonctionnement. C'est dans un tel contente que je propose d'envisager la politique de féminisation du football engagée par la Fédération Française de Football comme une politique publique sectorielle en faveur de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, déléguée par l’État. Ainsi, ce travail propose une réflexion sur les effets de la délégation de politiques publiques vers le secteur associatif, en réalisant un détour par l’observation du travail concret des salarié-e-s de droit privé à qui incombent ces missions de service public, pour rendre compte des rapports de domination dans lesquelles ils et elles se voient pris-e-s et qui constituent autant de contraintes sur leur activité. Cette démarche permet ainsi d'envisager conjointement les conséquences de cette délégation sur les modalités de réalisation de ces missions (les effets sur les usager-e-s) et sur le travail de celles et ceux à qui incombent leur définition et leur mise en œuvre (effet sur les prestataires, salarié-e-s et bénévoles). Cette présentation s'adosse ainsi à un travail ethnographique de plusieurs années au sein des instances gestionnaires de la FFF, lequel s'est construit en partie autour de ma participation aux activités fédérales. Après avoir proposé une évaluation quantitative des modalités de diffusion du football féminin depuis le début des années 1990, je montre qu’en dépit du caractère hautement ambigu de la position de salarié-e associatif-ve – contractuellement rémunéré-e-s dans des organisations structurées par une éthique de désintéressement – celles et ceux qui sont chargé-e-s de la mise en œuvre de la féminisation à la FFF construisent leur activité autour de la vocation de service public qui la justifie et orientent en conséquence le contenu de leur activité. J’envisage ensuite la manière dont les rapports de genre dans lesquels sont prises les salariées chargées du développement du football féminin informent les orientations qu’elles donnent aux dispositifs de diffusion de cette pratique, au gré d’un travail de naturalisation des dispositions féminines, et de qualification individualisée des rapports sociaux de sexe. Ainsi, c'est en articulant des questionnements propres à la sociologie du travail (associatif), du genre et de l'action publique qu'il s'est agi de proposer une réflexion sur les enjeux de la recomposition de l'action publique, au travers des effets sociaux de sa délégation au secteur associatif. / This doctoral research has begun after I joined a workgroup of the French Football Association – the Fédération Française de Football (FFF) – in October 2012. This workgroup was focused on how to develop female football. The reason I joined the group was initially to get access to administrative data to study the career of the players. I got this access in exchange of doing some statistical work for the group. Thus, I worked during four years, with four employees of the FFF, in charge of the development of female football. Doing so, I got the chance to observe the negotiations about gender equality in football and debates about the best orientation to give to the policy of development.This work precisely deals with the construction and implementation of this new policy, created in 2011. This policy takes place in the institutional context of a partnership between the ministry of sports and the sports associations. Thus, the policy of football feminization will be seen as a delegated sectorial policy for gender equality. This mechanism of policy delegation exists in the domain of sport since the 50’s. In other words, the policy of sports is partially operated by the sports associations. The ministry of sports provides them with funds and human support (nearly 1,600 civil servants work for the sport associations). Thus, the public authority keeps a control over the policy of sport and delegates its implementation. This delegation scheme is not specific to sport and has been used in various fields since the 80’s. It is reflected in the growing number of employees in the non-profit associations sector; this sector having increasingly a role of intermediate in the public policies.Therefore, the purpose will be to illustrate the impacts of delegating the public policy related to gender equality to employees working under private law for the FFF. Consequently, their working conditions, the social relationships in which they are included will be objectively examined, to grasp how they embodied this policy and they reflect it. In that matter, it will be demonstrated that despite the great ambiguity of the employee’s status in an association – contractually hired in an organization structured around an ethic of selflessness –, the ones in charge of implementing the feminization within the FFF, build their activity around public service values which consequently impacts the content of their activities. Subsequently, I will consider how the gender inequality, in which the female employees developing the female football evolve, influences the orientations that they give to the policy of development of female football. I will demonstrate that the marginal position occupied by the female employees in the FFF reduces not only their range of actions but creates the risk of a transfer of gender inequality from the female employees to the female players. Indeed, this work proposes to reflect on the impact of delegating public policies to non-profit associations thanks to an observation study of the actual work of privately hired employees to whom the responsibility of public policy is delegated. Hence, it will interlink questionings in sociology related to gender, associative work and public policy.

Damfotbollsspelares kostintag under 24 timmar retroperspektiv intervjustudie : En tvärsnittundersökning

Eriksson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka kostintaget hos amatördamfotbollsspelare i division 2, 3 och 5 i mellersta Sverige. Studien är en deskriptiv, empirisk tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen bestod av 24 h recall intervjuer och en enkät med bakgrundsinformation om deltagaren. Deltagarnas genomsnittliga kaloriintag beräknades med hjälp av programmet Dietist Net Pro till 1979 kilokalorier/dag utifrån medianvärde, att jämföra med det genomsnittliga rekommenderade dagliga intaget som beräknades till 2137 kcal, (även detta utifrån medianvärdet). Det låga energiintaget bidrog även till att deltagarna inte nådde upp i RDI för järn, folat, vitamin D, kalcium, magnesium och kolhydrater. Det var 19 deltagare som åt mer än genomsnittet av kilokalorier och 21 deltagare som åt under genomsnittskalorierna. Inga statistiska signifikanta skillnader i energi- eller näringsintag kunde påvisas mellan deltagare i olika divisioner eller åldersgrupper. Damfotbollsspelarna i denna studie visade sig äta för lite energi utifrån sitt energibehov, vilket potentiellt kan bidra till näringsbrister, specifikt fråga om järn, folat, vitamin D, kalcium, magnesium och kolhydrater. Detta riskerar leda till försämrad prestationsförmåga vid träning och match, försämrad allmän hälsa och återhämtningen, nedbrytning av kroppen kan förekomma och vardagsorken kan försämras med ett otillräckligt energiintag i relation till träningsfrekvens, intensitet och duration. Denna studie kan vara ett första steg inom Sverige för att förstå att kost och träning är viktiga komponenter för att kunna prestera och orka med längre stunder av ansträngning. / The aim of the study was to examine the dietary intake of female amateur football players in the division 2, 3 and 5 in the middle part of Sweden. The study is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Data collection consisted of 24 hour recall interviews and a questionnaire with background information about the participant. The participants consisted of 40 female football players from divisions 2, 3 and 5. The participants' average calorie intake was estimated using the program Dietist Net Pro 1979 kilocalories (kcal)/day, compared with the average recommended daily allowance (RDA), which was estimated at 2137 kcal. The low energy consumption contributed to the participants' inability to meet the RDA for iron, folate, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and carbohydrates. There were 19 participants who ate more than the average amount of energy and 21 participants who ate below the average amount of calories. No statistically significant differences in energy or nutrient intake could be established between the participants in different divisions or age groups. Female football players in this study were found to eat too little energy (food) on the basis of their energy needs, which may potentially contribute to nutritional deficiencies, specifically in iron, folate, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and carbohydrates. Deficiencies in these nutrients may lead to impaired performance in training and matches, impaired general health and recovery, and to a break-down of body tissues for energy.

Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare : Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling?

Pettersson, Sofia Unknown Date (has links)
2011 Praktik med examensarbete i idrottspedagogik inom Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet, 15 hp Sofia Pettersson (2011). Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare – Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling? (The environment surrounding female football players in Dalarna, Sweden – What factors affect their opportunities to develop?) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå university, Department of Education The following study investigated the environment in which female football players in the district of Dalarna in Sweden operate. The aim was to identify the elements that affect the players’ ability to develop according to their own potential, values and differences. Questions regarding how coaches and leaders perceive the availability of football in Dalarna and in which way players are given opportunities to develop in accordance with their own potential, values and differences were answered. Questionnaires were used as method, using the answers from 22 active coaches and leaders for female football as responders. Different factors in the environment were reported as influential for the players’ individual development among which the access to appropriate training facilities and the number of active players in each team were identified as existing and prevalent problems. In spite of this many coaches reported a need for more female football teams, creating an interesting organization paradox for future research.

Kompetenční profil trenéra v ženském fotbale / Competency profile of a women's football coach

Košatková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Title: Competence profile of a women's football coach Aims: The main aim of the thesis is to create six competence profiles of a women's football coach, from the perspective of players, coaches, adult players, adolescent players, lower division players and upper division players. A partial aim is to compare the importance of individual competences for the aforementioned groups of respondents. Methods: The thesis used quantitative research methods. After reviewing professional literature, a list of three groups of 55 competences necessary for the work of a women's football coach was compiled. By means of an electronic questionnaire, women's football coaches and female football players in all adult and adolescent divisions were asked to assess the importance of individual competences. The questionnaire had a total of 424 respondents. Results: Six competence profiles of women's football coaches were created in the thesis, according to players, coaches, adult players, adolescent players, lower division players and upper division players. These competence profiles include competences from all competence groups; personality traits, abilities and skills and coaching and professional aptitude. The greatest differences were found between coaches and players, where players consider fairness, knowledge of the...

”Men lilla gumman, vad kan du om fotboll?” : En kvalitativ studie om erfarna kvinnliga fotbollstränares syn på att vara just en kvinnlig fotbollstränare / "But little girl, what do you know about football?" : A qualitative study on experienced female football coaches views on being a female football coach

Tenman, Nilla January 2024 (has links)
Att vara en fotbollstränare borde vara lika självklart för både kvinnor och män, men idag är det inte det, då majoriteten av alla fotbollstränare är män. Syftet med arbetet var att få en djupare förståelse för erfarna kvinnliga fotbollstränares syn på att vara en kvinnlig fotbollstränare i en förening. Frågeställningarna handlar om hur kvinnliga fotbollstränare upplever att vara just en kvinnlig fotbollstränare, vad de ser för hinder och möjligheter och vad nuvarande och nya kvinnliga tränare skulle behöva för stöttning från förbund och föreningar. För att svara på frågeställningarna gjordes åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med erfarna kvinnliga tränare. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med stöd i Självbestämmandeteorin användes sedan för att analysera materialet. Resultatet visade på att de kvinnliga fotbollstränarna upplever sexism och exkludering på grund av att de är kvinnor. De kvinnliga fotbollstränarna nämnde tre punkter som både förbund och föreningar behöver arbeta med för att bli mer jämställda: •Kvinnliga nätverk •Kvinnliga förebilder •Arbeta mot normens fotbollstränare och belysa att det finns olika typer av fotbollstränare För att det ska ske någon utveckling måste vi lyssna på de kvinnliga tränarnas behov och önskemål. Vi måste också förstå att denna utveckling är ett långsiktigt arbete som kommer kräva både tid och tålamod. / Being a football coach should be equally obvious for both women and men, but today it is not, as the majority of all football coaches are men. The purpose of the work was to gain a deeper understanding of experienced female football coaches views on being a female football coach in an association. The questions are about how female football coaches experience being a female football coach, what they see as obstacles and opportunities and what current and new female coaches would need for support from federations and associations. To answer the questions, eight qualitative interviews were conducted with experienced female coaches. A qualitative content analysis based on the Self-Determination Theory was then used to analyze the material. The results showed that the female football coaches experience sexism and exclusion because they are women. The female football coaches mentioned three points that both federations and associations need to work on to become more gender equal: •Women's networks •Female role models •Work against the norm of football coaches and highlight that there are different types of football coaches For there to be any development, we need to listen to the needs and wishes of female coaches. We also need to understand that this development is a long-term effort that will require both time and patience.

Talent Development in Female Football : What characterizes a successful environment?

Westermark, Moa January 2016 (has links)
Research on talent development has developed to highlight the central role of the environment and have found that good and supportive environments can ease prospective elite athletes’ transition from junior to senior elite level in sport. The aim of this study was to examine a successful athletic talent development environment in female football through a holistic ecological approach, in order to provide a holistic description of the environment. Furthermore, the aim was to explain how factors are influencing the environmental success in developing prospective elite athletes into senior elite athletes. The study was designed as a case-study and data collection included a total of eight interviews from multiple perspectives (prospective elite athletes, head coach, elite athletes and sport manager) and analysis of documents. The environment was characterized by good communication and cooperation, centered around the relationships between prospects, coaches and school. Moreover, the environment included a strong organizational culture characterized by good attitude and motivation, a whole person approach and coordinated and integrated efforts. The results showed many similarities with research conducted in other successful athletic talent development environments.

Relative Age Effect in Elite German Soccer: Influence of Gender and Competition Level

Götze, Martin, Hoppe, Matthias W. 31 March 2023 (has links)
The relative age effect (RAE) is associated with (dis)advantages in competitive sports. While the RAE in elite male soccer reveals a skewed birthdate distribution in relation to a certain cut-off date, research of RAE in elite female soccer is affected by small number of samples and conflicting results. The purpose of this study was to investigate the RAE in elite adult German soccer regarding gender and competition level. The sample comprised 680 female and 1,083 male players of the two top German leagues during the 2019/20 season and German national teams (A-Team to Under 19). Differences between the observed and expected birthdate distributions were analyzed using chisquare statistics and effect sizes followed by calculating odds ratios. Results showed a statistically significant RAE with small effect size across all players included for both genders (female players: P < 0.001, W = 0.16, male players: P < 0.001, W = 0.23). The identified RAE was based on an over-representation of players born at the beginning of the year. According to gender and competition level, RAEs were more pronounced in German male soccer. While significant RAEs were found among males in the first two leagues (first league: P < 0.001, W = 0.19, second league: P < 0.001, W = 0.26), the RAE of females was more pronounced in the second league (first league: P = 0.080, W = 0.16, second league: P = 0.002, W = 0.20). The analysis of RAE regarding the national teams revealed a statistically significant RAE with large effect size for only the youngest investigated age group of male players (Under 19: P = 0.022, W = 0.52). Our data show an RAE in female and male German adult soccer, which could be accompanied by a loss of valuable elite players during the youth phase of the career. Consequently, the pool of talented players at the adult level would be limited.

“You get Under Such a Safety Blanket” : the Career Development of Female Football Elite Coaches in Sweden

Evaldsson, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, the desire of getting more female coaches involved in Swedish sports in general, and football in particular. The goal is clearly stated by various organizations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the career development of Swedish female elite football coaches. Thus, getting a better understanding of their experienced prosperity and adversity. This exploratory study scrutinizes the experiences of twelve female elite football coaches' career developments. By using in-depth interviews and reflexive thematic analysis, three overall chronological themes are generated: beginning - from player-to-coach transition, continuation - searching for sustainability, and today -making decisions for the future. Within these findings, there are, for example, reasons for starting to coach, the value of having a mentor, challenges in the profession in combination with having a lifestyle balance, personal insights to foster sustainability, and strategies to promote safety along the journey. Finally, additional studies regarding female coaches in different contexts are of interest to further understand and promote this field in progress.

Motivation och hinder för genomförande av knäkontrollsträning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i Damallsvenskan och division 1

Rohdin, Emma, Steen, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skada på främre korsbandet (ACL) är en av de vanligaste skadorna en fotbollsspelare kan drabbas av. Anatomi och fysiologi kan förklara varför kvinnor drabbas i högre grad än män. Vid tillämpning av knäkontroll har incidensen av korsbandsskador setts minska men följsamhet till programmet har setts vara låg. Motivation och följsamhet är viktigt för att vidmakthålla ett hälsorelaterat beteende och med hjälp av en fysioterapeuts kompetenser inom beteendemedicin kan förutsättningarna optimeras för att öka tillämpningen av knäkontrollsträning. Syfte: Undersöka upplevelser av vad som motiverar och hindrar kvinnliga fotbollsspelare till genomförande av knäkontrollsträning. Metod: En kvalitativ beskrivande design med semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Sju kvinnliga fotbollsspelare inom Damallsvenskan och division 1 inkluderades. Manifest innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats användes. Resultat: 12 underkategorier uppdelade i fyra kategorier presenterades: Spelarens attityd till knäkontrollsträning, tid, kunskap för knäkontroll, förväntningar på effekter av knäkontroll. Slutsats: Uppsatsen påvisar att det finns flera psykosociala motivatorer och hinder för genomförande av knäkontrollsträning. Beteendemedicinsk tillämpning vid implementering av programmet kan optimera förutsättningarna för att fotbollsspelare ska utföra programmet.

Anknytning, självkritik och unga kvinnliga fotbollsspelares förmåga till självmedkänsla

Brokvist, Elin, Näsholm, Anna January 2023 (has links)
I idrottsvärlden är det vanligt förekommande att utövare upplever krav och press från sin omgivning, vilket vid misslyckanden ofta leder till en hög grad av självkritiska tankar. I sammanhanget har självmedkänsla visat sig vara en hjälpsam strategi för att hantera negativa tankar, men relativt lite forskning inom denna domän återfinns inom den idrottsliga kontexten. Vidare indikerar aktuell forskning att effekten av självmedkänsla påverkas av anknytningsstil. Således var syftet med denna experimentella studie att undersöka om en kortvarig intervention med fokus på självmedkänsla kan påverka grad av självkritiska tankar hos kvinnliga fotbollsspelare, samt om spelarnas anknytningsstil kan predicera förmågan att framgångsrikt ta till sig interventionen.  Urvalet bestod av aktiva kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i åldrarna 15–31 år (N=74) från sex lag som randomiserades till en interventionsgrupp, respektive kontrollgrupp. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes självskattningsformulären Self-compassion Scale Athlete Version (SCS-AV), Self-criticism Scale Athlete Version (SC-AV) samt Experiences in Close Relationships - Relationship Structures questionnaire (ECR-RS). Varians- och regressionsanalyser visade att interventionen signifikant påverkat deltagarnas upplevda grad av mindfulness och samhörighet, samt att grad av undvikande anknytning kan predicera deltagarnas upplevda omsorg och vänlighet mot sig själv. Sammanfattningsvis ger studien visst stöd till att en korttidsbaserad intervention i självmedkänsla kan ge gynnsamma effekter på kvinnliga fotbollsspelares självmedkänsla. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på vad som är verksamma mekanismer i interventioner av självmedkänsla i en idrottspopulation för att åstadkomma goda och reliabla behandlingsutfall. / In the sports world, it is common for practitioners to experience demands and pressure from their surroundings, which in the event of failure often leads to a high degree of self-critical thoughts. In this context, self-compassion has been shown to be a helpful strategy for dealing with negative thoughts, but relatively little research in this domain is found within the sporting context. Furthermore, current research indicates that the effect of self-compassion is influenced by attachment style. Thus, the aim of this experimental study was to investigate whether a short-term intervention focusing on self-compassion can affect the degree of self-critical thoughts in female soccer players, as well as whether the players' attachment style can predict the ability to successfully adopt the intervention. The sample consisted of active female soccer players aged 15-31 years (N=74) from six teams who were randomized to an intervention group and a control group, respectively. To answer the questions, the assessment forms Self-compassion Scale Athlete Version (SCS-AV), Self-criticism Scale Athlete Version (SC-AV) and Experiences in Close Relationships - Relationship Structures questionnaire (ECR-RS) were used. Variance and regression analysis showed that the intervention significantly affected the participants' perceived degree of mindfulness and common humanity, and that the degree of avoidant attachment can predict the participants' perceived self-kindness. In summary, this study provides some support that a short-term self-compassion intervention can have beneficial effects on female soccer players' self-compassion. Future research should focus on the mechanisms at work in self-compassion interventions in an athletic population to achieve good treatment and reliability outcomes.

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