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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De la transmission des pratiques traditionnelles culturelles à la Martinique : les cas du bèlè et de la yole ronde : analyses anthropologique et linguistique dans une perspective didactique / About the Transmission of Traditional Cultural Practices to Martinique : The cases of the bélè and the round yole : Anthropological and linguistic analyzes from a didactic perspective

Tareau, Karen 09 November 2016 (has links)
La langue et la culture sont habitées par le concept de transmission intergénérationnelle et transgénérationnelle. De ce fait, les transmissions culturelle et linguistique sont inhérentes à tous les peuples et à toutes les sociétés. Toutefois, les modalités de celles-ci diffèrent en fonction des générations et des territoires. La Martinique est un département français d’Outre-Mer qui ne se serait pas débarrassée des affres de la colonisation. Ancienne colonie française, son passé esclavagiste remet en cause le système éducatif en vigueur actuellement. Le passage brutal d’une société traditionnelle à une société moderne n’est en fait qu’une acculturation de la langue et de la culture créoles et une assimilation à la langue et la culture françaises. Ce phénomène a provoqué une culture de résistance qui s’apparente à celle des mornes au temps de la société de plantation. Les pratiques culturelles traditionnelles témoignent de certaines formes de résistance : le bèlè est à la fois une danse et une musique datant de la période coloniale ; tandis que la yole ronde est une pratique datant de la société postcoloniale. Devenues emblématique à la Martinique, ces pratiques ont été les supports de revendications de la culture martiniquaise. Elles sont sujettes aujourd’hui à une réappropriation ; ce qui entraîne une modification de leurs modes de transmission et des agents en charge de celle-ci. Deux modalités subsistent à la Martinique : une transmission informelle qui relève de l’éducation traditionnelle et une transmission formelle dont la codification est celle de la société moderne. Se pose dès lors la problématique de la transmission. Une certaine logique analytique démontre à l’évidence que le bèlè et la yole ronde s’acquièrent par mimétisme en zone rurale et s’apprennent au sein de l’Éducation nationale et des associations. Il en est de même pour la langue créole : celle-ci demeure une langue maternelle pour certains, par la voie de l’acquisition ou évolue comme langue seconde pour d’autres, par la voie de l’apprentissage. En outre, transformer une langue de l’oral à une langue de l’écrit entraîne une perte dans le processus de transmission. Il en est de même pour les pratiques traditionnelles. Toutefois, toute perte implique une réappropriation de la langue et de la culture. Ainsi, tant au niveau de la langue que des pratiques traditionnelles, de nouvelles formes langagières et linguistiques tentent de se généraliser par le biais de l’évaluation formelle. Ces nouveaux modes d’expression semblent moderniser des pas (de danse), des gestes (techniques) et mettre en exergue des particularités lexicales, syntaxiques et sémantiques qu’il convient d’adapter au Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECLR). La transmission devient dès lors un concept de la traditionnalité dans un monde moderne et modernisé. Il concerne en fin de compte tous les agents : qu’ils relèvent de l’éducation traditionnelle que de l’éducation moderne. / Language and culture are inhabited by the concept of intergenerational and transgenerational transmission. Therefore, the cultural and linguistic transmissions are inherent in all people and all societies. However, the terms of these differ according to the generations and territories.Martinique is a French department overseas who would not rid the throes of colonization. A former French colony, its slave past challenges the current education system in Martinique. The abrupt transition from a traditional to a modern society is actually an acculturation Creole language and culture and assimilation to the language and French culture. This has caused a culture of resistance that is similar to the hills in the time of plantation society. Traditional cultural practices reflect certain forms of resistance: the bèlè is both a dance and music dating back to the colonial period; while the round skiff is a practice dating from the post-colonial society. Become iconic in Martinique, these practices were media claims of Martinican culture. They are subject to a reappropriation today; which causes a change in their modes of transmission and officials in charge thereof.Two methods exist to Martinique: an informal transmission that falls within traditional education and formal transmission whose codification is that of modern society. This raises the problem of transmission. Some analytical logic clearly demonstrates that the bèlè and the round yawl is acquired by imitation in rural areas and are learned within the national education and associations. It is the same for the Creole language: it remains a mother tongue for some, by way of acquisition or evolve as a second language for others through learning. Furthermore, transforming a language spoken in a language of writing leads to a loss in the transmission process. It is the same for traditional practices. However, any loss involves appropriation of language and culture. Thus, both in the language of traditional practices, new language and linguistic forms are trying to generalize through the formal evaluation. These new modes of expression seem to modernize not (dance), gestures (technical) and highlight the lexical, syntactic and semantic features to be adapted to the European Framework of Reference for Languages (EFRL). The transmission then becomes a concept traditionality in modern and modernized world. It concerns all agents: they fall within traditional education that modern education.

The Sheela-na-gig and the creation of her history : a comparative analysis of two theories concerning the mysterious medieval figure

Pettersson, Joanna January 2017 (has links)
After scholars started conducting research on the medieval Sheela-na-gig carvings, a number of theories regarding the purpose and origin of the figure have been suggested. The question has been tackled through many different approaches, but still remains unfinished as there are no written records explaining what the Sheela-na-gig figure actually is. Scholars have divided into different areas, approaching the discussion from different disciplines: art history, medieval social history, and religious history (both Christian and pre-Christian) to name a few. As the figure is usually found on Christian buildings but is distinguished by very sexual imagery, it leaves the door open for many interpretations. This thesis looks at two common theories on what the Sheela-na-gig is; one which is viewing her as a Romanesque warning against lust and sin, and one which argues that the figure is a folk deity used as an amulet for childbirth, symbolising both life and death. By using discourse theory and a comparative method, this thesis compares the descriptions and arguments of the different theories, and studies the intention behind them. The thesis then shows how the theories choose to focus their search for evidence in order to support their own perspective, while also excluding information which does not serve their particular agenda.

Principalen och giggaren : En undersökning av principalansvarets omfattning i gig-ekonomin / Tort law and gig-work : A study of the extent of a principal’s responsibility in the gig-economy

Tyni, Emil, Lindholm, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Som huvudregel är en huvudman ansvarig för skada vållad av arbetstagare denne har i sin tjänst, ett så kallat principalansvar. I undantagsfall är även en huvudman ansvarig för skada vållad av den som formellt sett inte är en arbetstagare. I denna uppsats fastslås att vissa typer av gig-arbete omfattas av ett principalansvar. Gig-arbetare är en relativt ny arbetsrättslig term, som ännu inte kommit att behandlas i svensk rätt. I denna uppsats avser vi att konkretisera en skadeståndsrättslig utgångspunkt för gig-arbete, närmare bestämt i vilken mån gig-arbetare omfattas av ett principalansvar. Gig-arbetare omfattas i regel inte av ett anställningsavtal, gig-företagen tenderar i stället att klassificera de arbetspresterande som självständiga uppdragstagare. Huruvida en sådan klassificeringen av en arbetspresterare är legitim eller inte är av central vikt vid fastställandet av den arbetspresterandes rättigheter. För att klarlägga principalansvarets omfattning redogörs således först för de arbetspresterandesarbetsrättsliga situation. Arbetsrättens lagstiftning tillhandhåller inga tydliga definitioner av vad som utgör en arbetstagare, vilket innebär att svaret på frågan måste sökas på annat håll i rättskällehierarkin. I uppsatsen redogörs även för grundläggande skadeståndsrätt, med fokus på principalansvaret och dess omfattning, samt fenomenet gig-ekonomi och parterna aktiva däri. Den presenterade informationen ställs därefter i relation till arbete på gig-ekonomiska premisser. I uppsatsens slutsats konstateras att vissa typer av gig-arbete ska omfattas av ett principalansvar. Eftersom gig-ekonomin är mångfacetterad och föränderlig har det emellertid inte varit möjligt att fastslå principalansvarets exakta omfattning i sammanhanget. För att nå en slutsats i ett specifikt fall, måste en bedömning göras utifrån de unika omständigheterna som råder i just det fallet. Uppsatsens slutsats ska således förstås som en sorts grundsats eller huvudregel.

Precarious working conditions in gig organisations: saving money or losing value? : A qualitative study of food deliverers in Sweden

Revina, Daria, Lopes Bringel Netto, Camilo January 2021 (has links)
Background: Considering the growing popularity of gig organisations and the socioeconomic situation enabling precarity in this type of firms, there is the need to investigate potential gains and losses of this type of work contract from the organisational side.  Aim: The aim is to understand the benefits and losses platform organisations may face by offering precarious work conditions. Apart from economic influence, as on direct labour costs and staff turnover, there are expected to be cultural and social capital losses. Methodology: A qualitative study approach was chosen to discover new details and access the background of the employees. Six food deliverers from three different app-based food delivery companies in Sweden were interviewed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Findings: The empirical findings indicated that apart from decreasing direct labour costs and high turnover, offering precarious working conditions may deprive organisations of access to a qualified workforce and knowledge pool that the employees bring.

Managed by a Machine: Workers' Job Crafting Abilities in the Case of Lieferando Riders in Germany

Henkel, Sandra, Köhrbrück, Gesa January 2020 (has links)
Background:  Despite the utilization of algorithms as data management tools, they are increasingly used as people management tools to allocate, optimize and evaluate workers. This is especially popular among digital labor platforms of the gig economy as it is seen as one of the core innovations that enabled such platforms. Usually, these platform workers are self-employed, which results in an apparent autonomy while working under a rigid algorithm. For those workers, proactively shaping the job according to their own needs and abilities, commonly known as job crafting, may be increasingly important. As research suggests that job crafting occurs across professions and industries, how is it possible under the constraints of algorithmic management?  Purpose:  This thesis investigates the abilities of German food delivery riders of the company Lieferando to perform job crafting while being managed by an algorithm.  Method:  To meet the purpose of this study, the authors conducted a qualitative study. The data was collected through technology-mediated interviews with riders of the company Lieferando in Germany. The authors applied an online recruitment strategy through various social media websites to find suitable interviewees. Interview partners were picked with a random sampling strategy. The interviews were semi-structured, and the researchers guided the interviewees through a previously prepared topic guide with open-ended questions.  Conclusion:  The results of this study provide empirical evidence that riders of the food delivery company Lieferando engage in job crafting activities although working under the constraints of algorithmic management. The outcomes further show that all riders performed task crafting and cognitive crafting in various ways, whereas engagement in relational crafting was less developed. Riders not only have the ability to modify their work but also enrich it.  The findings of this study allow to draw several theoretical and managerial implications as well as provide possible research opportunities for future studies.

Outsourced or Outforced? : A study on multi-sided food delivery platforms in the gig economy: the business actor perspective.

Moxstad, Torbjörn, Pettersson, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The growth of the gig economy has resulted in an increased interest in the relatively new phenomenon of multi-sided digital platforms. Previous research has naturally been focused on one of the key actors on these platforms, namely the gig workers, and how the gig economy has affected the labor market. However, multi-sided platforms entails complex dynamics and relationships between several actors, and the purpose of this study is to investigate what drives a business actor to join a multi-sided platform, what conditions it entails, as well as how it affects their business. To fulfill the purpose, a qualitative research design was conducted, in which semi-structured interviews with seven business actor representatives were included. Through theoretical perspectives on outsourcing, network externalities, and relationship management, this study is able to suggest that to handle the complexity, multi-sided platforms entail a certain degree of standardization that leads to increased transparency in the food delivery industry. In order to access the positive network effects that come from joining the platform, the business actors must adapt to the standardized conditions. Furthermore, they can differentiate to adapt or accept a change towards becoming commodity producers. The study indicates that there is a discrepancy between reality and theory on who outsources to whom when it comes to understanding a multi-sided platform in the gig economy.

Hemleverans, på vilka villkor? : En sociologisk intervjustudie om hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas i förhållande till gig-ekonomins framväxt

Paulander, Erica, Petersson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Med huvudsakligt fokus på budföretaget Foodora och de otrygga arbetsförhållanden som växer fram i samband med gig-ekonomins utbredning har denna studie som syfte att bilda en djupare förståelse för hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas, samt vilka huvudsakliga utmaningar som finns med att höja den fackliga organisationsgraden inom företaget Foodora. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts genom studien utgörs av Guy Standings teori om prekariatet. Standing framhåller hur prekariatet är en klass i vardande som idag växer fram till följd av de otrygga förhållanden denna grupp tvingas förhålla sig till. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts där semistrukturerade intervjuer med fackligt anställda på Svenska Transportarbetarförbundet utgjort vårt empiriska material. Vår slutsats visar hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas negativt av hur de potentiella medlemmarna befinner sig i otrygga arbetsförhållanden och därför upplever det som riskfyllt att engagera sig fackligt. Vi identifierade främst hur en avsaknad av anställning-, inkomst- och representationstrygghet hos buden orsakade svårigheter för Transport med att organisera gruppen. Vi kunde även identifiera att det främst är migranter som anställs inom Foodora, där både den typ av dubbla otrygghet individen befinner sig i, samt kulturella skillnader och språkliga barriärer var försvårande i arbetet med att organisera gruppen fackligt. / With the main focus on the company Foodora and the precarious working conditions that emerge in connection with the gig economy, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how union work is affected and which primary challenges there are in reaching a higher level of trade union organization within the company Foodora. The theoretical framework used in the study is based on Guy Standing’s theory concerning the precariat. Standing emphasizes how the precariat is a becoming class whose growth is caused by the precarious work conditions that this group is forced to adhere to. The basis for gathering our empirical material has been a qualitative method with semi structured interviews with employees organized within the Transport union. Our results show that there is a negative attitude towards engaging in organized unions among the potential members since they perceive it as a risk, which then has a negative effect on the work of the union. We identified that the lack of insecurity with employment, insecurity with salary and lack of representation caused problems when trying to organize members in the trade union. We could also identify that those who are mainly employed at Foodora are immigrants, who are affected by insecurity based on various interplaying factors. Caused by the lack of civil rights as well as the lack of work-related safety. The cultural and linguistic barriers, in combination with the insecurity within the group caused obstacles when trying to organize members in the trade union.

"Det handlar om att överleva dag för dag." : En kvalitativ studie om gig-arbetares prekära arbetssituation i den framväxande digitala kapitalismen / "It's about surviving day by day." : – A qualitative study of the precarious work situation of gig-workers in the emerging digital capitalism

Qvist, Emil, Bexing, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Med teknikens utveckling kommer det en ny form av digital arbetsmarknad, även kallad för gig-ekonomi eller plattformsekonomi. Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker nio personers egna upplevelser om hur det är att besitta ett jobb inom gig-ekonomin som förare i serviceyrkena Foodora, Uber och Bolt. Studien inriktar sig på arbetsvillkor och välbefinnandet hos dessa taxiförare och matbud. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att dessa arbeten bidrar med en stor flexibilitet för utföraren där man är sin egen chef och har frihet att bestämma mycket själv. Däremot utmärker sig jobben med låg lön och därmed långa arbetsdagar som resulterar i olika former av otrygghet vilket leder till ohälsa.

Mitt jobb är att vara någons fantasi : En kvalitativ studie av OnlyFans kreatörers upplevelser i det digitala sexarbetets era / My job is to be someone’s fantasy : A qualitative study about the experiences of content creators on OnlyFansin the era of digital sex work

Petersson, Linn, Asplund, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att ge ett tillskott till forskningsområdet gällande digitalt sexarbete i form av en kvalitativ intervjustudie av kvinnliga kreatörers upplevelser på plattformen OnlyFans. Vi har belyst att plattformen utmärker sig i ledetav nya gig-ekonomiska företag som agerar mellanhand för köpandet och säljandetav kommersiella sexuella tjänster. Fenomenet har spridits genom sociala medieroch lockat många att träda in i dess värld, särskilt under COVID-19 pandeminsosäkra tillvaro. Vi har undersökt fenomenet med hjälp av två feministiska ramverk;radikalfeminismen och liberalfeminismen som har hjälpt oss att svara på vilkaaspekter som är exploaterande eller självstärkande. Dessutom har vi redogjort förhur informanterna använder sammanlänkande arbete och rollspel i sitt arbete,samt att pengar och resonans är stora motivationsfaktorer. Resultatet har visat attkvinnorna upplever ett sammanhängande spektrum av erfarenheter och formas avkomplexa strukturella förutsättningar vilket bäst fångas av Weitzers (2010; 2012) “polymorphous paradigm”.

L’autonomie au travail : étude de cas des livreur·euse·s de la gig-économie à Montréal

Coget, Léa 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’expérience de travail des livreur·euse·s de plateformes de la gig-économie, au prisme de la question de l’autonomie. Il apparaît hautement paradoxal que les plateformes numériques, tout en célébrant cette valeur émancipatrice qu’est l’autonomie, sapent simultanément toutes ses chances de réalisation effective par les travailleur·euse·s, en multipliant les sources, directes ou indirectes, de contrôle. Devant ce paradoxe, nous interrogeons la réception par les travailleur·euse·s du discours sur l’autonomie tenu par les plateformes numériques et tentons de déceler leur interprétation personnelle de l’autonomie, afin de comprendre les conditions sous lesquelles une autonomie au travail peut être exercée. En adoptant une conception large de l’autonomie, il s’agit également d’intégrer les niveaux individuel et collectif afin de tisser des fils entre rapport au travail et action collective dans le cadre d’une réflexion sur les ressorts de la mobilisation. À partir d’un corpus de 16 entretiens menés avec des livreurs de plateforme à Montréal, nous développons une analyse qui tente de faire la part entre les aspirations et les pratiques concrètes d’autonomie, tant à l’échelle individuelle qu’à l’échelle collective, en mettant l’accent sur les obstacles à leur réalisation. Au terme de cette analyse, nous mettons en évidence le fait que l’autonomie apparaît comme un enjeu des rapports sociaux de production, qui se trouve dans une tension constante avec son opposé dialectique, à savoir le contrôle. Ce qui se dessine alors apparaît bel et bien comme une « zone grise d’autonomie ». / This dissertation focuses on the work experience of platform-based delivery workers through the lens of autonomy. It appears highly paradoxical that digital platforms, while celebrating the emancipatory value of autonomy, simultaneously undermine all its chances of effective realization by workers, by multiplying direct or indirect sources of control. To address this paradox, we question workers’ reception of the discourse on autonomy held by digital platforms and attempt to identify their personal interpretation of autonomy, in order to understand the conditions under which autonomy at work can be exercised. By adopting a broad conception of autonomy, we integrate the individual and collective scales in order to weave threads between the relationship to work and collective action as part of a reflection on the dynamics of mobilization. Based on a corpus of 16 interviews conducted with platform delivery workers in Montreal, we are developing an analysis that attempts to distinguish between aspirations and concrete practices of autonomy, both at the individual and collective levels, by focusing on the obstacles to their realization. At the end of this analysis, we highlight the fact that autonomy appears to be an issue in the social relations of production, which is in constant tension with its dialectical opposite, namely, control. What then emerges appears to be a "grey zone of autonomy".

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