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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the obstacles that prevent the meaningful participation in the IEP process by parents/guardians of African American males in special education

Hotchkiss, Angela M. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Participation of minority parents in the Special Education IEP process continues to be a concern for public school administrators. With the disproportionality of African American males placed in special education and the mandatory involvement requirement in the IEP process, administrators and schools would benefit by understanding the obstacles that prevent the meaningful participation of parents/guardians of African American high school males in the special education IEP process. The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyze the obstacles faced by parents/guardians of African American males, grades 9-12, in the special education Individual Education Plan (IEP) process. This study involved interviewing ten parents/guardians of African American males receiving special education services, attending high schools in Contra Costa and Alameda counties in California. The results found the following themes that prevented the parents/guardians from meaningful participation in the IEP process: (1) Communication between home and school, (2) Knowledge of special education, (3) Parental rights and involvement in the IEP process, and (4) Attitudes of teachers. The strategies there were recommended to increase parental involvement were: (1) Engagement in active listening to parents and guardians at IEP meetings, (2) Changing of IEP meetings to work with parents' work schedules. (3) Improve overall communication with parents and guardians, and (4) Provide special education training for parents and guardians to teach them special education terminology and jargon. Lastly, the study provided various recommendations for further study.

Förskolebarn inom autismspektrat : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger arbetar med barn med autism / Preschool children with autism spectrum : A qualitative study on how preschool teachers work with children with autism

Campelo, Jasmine, Tarahomi, Melina January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts inom temat specialpedagogik med inriktning inom autismspektrat. Det övergripande syfte med denna studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger inom förskolans verksamhet beskriver hur de arbetar med barn som har autism, samt vad de gör för att skapa inkludering för dessa. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har åtta kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med pedagoger verksamma i förskolan som i nuläget arbetar eller har tidigare erfarenheter av att arbeta med barn som har autism. Den insamlade empirin analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod för att sedan koppla till studiens sociokulturella teoretiska perspektiv. Det sammanfattade resultatet visade att pedagogernas tankar och arbetssätt skiljer sig men även hur de överensstämmer med varandra. Pedagogerna lägger stor vikt på samarbetet med vårdnadshavarna, där bra och tydlig kommunikation lyfts fram som en viktig beståndsdel för att deras arbete med barn som har autism ska underlättas och vara gynnsamt. Det framkom att tid och mer personal behövs för att en inkluderande undervisning ska bli möjlig. Många syftade till att en tydlighet kring rutinerna på förskolan är grundläggande för barn med autism samt att metoder och strategier måste diskuteras fram mellan pedagoger och vårdnadshavare för att på bästa möjliga sätt främja barnets utveckling. Resultatet pekade även på att det finns egenskaper som pedagoger bör besitta för att underlätta arbetet för en själv och för barnet. Vi hoppas att studien ska kunna gynna verksamma samt framtida blivande pedagoger.

Fritidshemmets digitala kommunikation med vårdnadshavare : En kvalitativ studie ur ett socialvetenskapligt och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv / Leisure-time centers' digital communication with guardians

Fridhamn, Matilda, Civic, Michaela January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av ineffektiv och effektiv digital kommunikation mellan fritidshem och vårdnadshavare. Syftet är att få insikt i vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser av att ta emot och förstå digital kommunikation. Påverkansfaktorer som teknologi, tydlighet, återkoppling, anpassning, förväntningar och erfarenheter undersöks i syfte att analysera deras inverkan på kommunikationens effektivitet eller ineffektivitet. Resultaten tyder på att vårdnadshavarna generellt sett har goda möjligheter att ta emot och förstå digital kommunikation, trots vissa problem. Identifierade negativa kommunikativa faktorer inkluderar bristfälliga plattformar, otydlig och begränsad information samt brist på regelbunden och relevant kommunikation. Slutsatsen är att ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om vårdnadshavares upplevelser av digital kommunikation och dess påverkansfaktorer är önskvärt för att gynna både vårdnadshavare, deras barn och fritidshemmet som organisation. / The study examines legal guardians' experiences of ineffective and effective digital communication between leisure-time centers and guardians. The aim is to gain insight into guardians' experiences of receiving and understanding digital communication. Factors of influence such as technology, clarity, feedback, adaptation, expectations, and experiences are examined in order to analyze their impact on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of communication. The results indicate that guardians generally have good opportunities to receive and understand digital communication, despite some challenges. Identified negative communicative factors include inadequate platforms, unclear and limited information, and a lack of regular and relevant communication. The conclusion is that increased knowledge and awareness of guardians' experiences of digital communication and its influencing factors are desirable to benefit both guardians, their children, and the leisure-time centers as an organization.

Vårdnadshavares upplevelse av delaktighet i utredningsprocessen till mottagande i anpassad grundskola för sitt barn / Guardians experience of participation in their child´s admission to an adapted primary school

Bengtsson, Pia, Jonsson, Karin January 2024 (has links)
Skolans styrdokument påtalar vikten av att vårdnadshavare görs delaktiga i den utredningsprocess som ska bedöma om deras barn ska mottagas i anpassad grundskola.  Forskning visar dock att vårdnadshavare inte alltid inkluderas i processen, utan känner sig maktlösa, frustrerade och exkluderade. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad kunskap om vårdnadshavares upplevelser av delaktighet kring utredningsprocessen till mottagande i anpassad grundskola för sitt barn. Studiens två frågeställningar fokuserar på hur vårdnadshavare upplever delaktighet i processen både som helhet och de olika delarna, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar vårdnadshavares upplevelser av delaktighet. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med vårdnadshavare har genomförts, med en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt. Vid analysen har Giorgis modell använts, för att tolka, urskilja och tematisera svaren. Resultatet visar att 60 % av vårdnadshavarna har upplevt delaktighet i processen som helhet, och kring de olika delarna har graden av delaktighet varierat. De påverkansfaktorer som identifierats är förförståelse, maktbalans och beslut, relation, kommunikation, bemötande och samsyn. Slutsatsen är att vårdnadshavares delaktighet inte är självklar, och att det finns mycket kvar att utveckla. En ökad förståelse för vårdnadshavares perspektiv skulle kunna leda till ökad delaktighet och bättre samverkan, något som skulle främja barnets skolgång. / The school´s governing documents points out the importance of guardians being involved in their child´s admission to an adapted primary school. Research shows that guardians are not always included in the process, but feel powerless and exkluded. The purpose of this study is to contribute to increased knowledge about guardian´s experience of participation in the investigation process for their childs´ reception in an adapted primary school. The study´s two questions focus on how guardians experience participation in the process both as a whole and the various parts, as well as which factors influence guardians´ experiences of participation. The study is a qualitative interview study where ten semi-structured interviews with guardians have been conducted, with a phenomenological starting point. In the analysis, Giorgi´s model has been used to interpret, distinguish and thematize the answers. The result show that 60 % of the guardians have experienced participation in the progress as a whole, and different degrees and types of participation have been experienced around the different parts. The influence factors identified are pre-understanding, balance of power and decisions, relationship, communication, treatment and consensus. The conclusion is that guardians´participation is not self-evident, and that there is still much to develop. An increased understanding of the guardian´s perspective could lead to better collaboration, something that promotes the child´s schooling.

Vårdnadshavarnas erfarenheter kring stödet till sitt barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. : En intervjustudie / Guardians' experiences of the support for their child with intellectual disability

Norenbom, Therése January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of guardians experiences of coordination between the various support measures for their children with intellectual disabilities in special schools. My research questions are to find out how the guardians describe the contact with LSS administrators, child and youth habilitation personnel and specialist teachers in schools for children with special needs as well as the experiences of the guardians based on their contacts with LSS administrators, child and youth habilitation personnel and specialist teachers in special schools. To find this out, a qualitative study is conducted in the form of interviews with guardians of children with intellectual disability. Informants in the study were nine guardians from three different municipalities. The results have been analyzed using Bronfenbrenners developing ecological model. The results show amongst other things that the guardians want more coordinated meetings to facilitate everyday life for the family. Another result was that the contact between the different instancesvary greatly both in quantity and quality and it is up to the guardians if contact occurs. It commonly emerged that the guardians experiences are that there is a good competence in general within different personnel groups. Another finding was that there are shortcomings regarding documentation and monitoring. Finally, it also emerged that it differs regarding how agencies act in preparing guardians for the future in different instances. One conclusion is that variation seems to be bound to whom the guardians have as an administrator and it becomes clear that the role of the special education teacher as a qualified conversation partner is important both in special schools but also in meeting with other professionals. It cannot be stressed enough how important the role is as a special education teacher and coordinator to simplify everyday life for parents or guardians. In addition, monitoring and evaluations fill an important function in professional practice as necessary for improving mutual understanding between home and special schools. / Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa kunskapen om vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av samordning mellan olika stödinsatser för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning i grundsärskolan. Mina forskningsfrågor utifrån syftet är att dels att ta reda på hur vårdnadshavarna beskriver kontakten med LSS-handläggare, barn-och ungdomshabiliteringens personal samt speciallärare i grundsärskolan, dels att ta reda på vilka erfarenheter av stöd vårdnadshavare har utifrån sina kontakter med LSS-handläggare, barn- och ungdomshabiliteringens personal samt speciallärare i särskolan.   För att ta reda på detta har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts i form av intervjuer med vårdnadshavare till barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Antalet informanter i intervjun var nio stycken personer från tre olika kommuner. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska modell. Resultatet visar bland annat att vårdnadshavare önskar mer samordnade möten för att underlätta vardagen för familjen. Ett annat resultat var att kontakten mellan olika instanser varierar mycket i både antal och kvalitetoch det är upp till vårdnadshavarna om kontakten sker. Gemensamt framkom det att vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser är att det finns en god kompetens över lag hos olika personalgrupper. Ytterligare ett resultat var att det finns brister gällande dokumentation och uppföljning. Till sist framkom det också att det är ojämnt hur myndigheteragerar föratt förbereda vårdnadshavare inför framtiden inom de olika instanserna. En slutsats är att det verkar vara mycket bundet till vem vårdnadshavarna har som handläggare om stödet fungerar och det blir tydligt att speciallärarens roll som kvalificerad samtalspartner är viktig både i grundsärskolan men även i mötet med andra yrkesgrupper. Det kan inte nog betonas hur viktig rollen är som speciallärare samt samordnare för att förenkla vardagen för vårdnadshavarna. Dessutom fyller uppföljningar och utvärderingar en viktig funktion i yrkespraktiken då detta krävs för att öka samförståndet mellan hemmet och grundsärskolan.

La responsabilité civile dans le domaine équin / The liabilities in the horses fields

Stalteri, Sylvia 07 January 2014 (has links)
Le monde équin offre une palette de situations variées mettant en scène aussi bien un profane, ignorant tout du cheval lors d'une promenade à l'extérieur, qu'un driver durant une séance d'entraînement ou un enfant mordu par le poney d'un voisin. Le cheval est réutilisé au travail, comme le transport de personnes, mais aussi pour la réinsertion sociale ou en thérapie pour les personnes handicapées. Les réactions imprévisibles des équidés font que ces activités sont qualifiées d'accidentogènes. Le contact avec des équidés comporte des risques élevés de chutes, inhérents à ces pratiques. Un constat s'impose: l'indemnisation des victimes est au coeur des préoccupations de notre société. La victime touchée dans sa chair ne peut choisir librement le fondement de son action; le principe du non-cumul exige l'application des règles de la responsabilité contractuelle lorsqu'il existe un contrat. La frontière entre ces deux branches constitue parfois un frein à une meilleure indemnisation pour les victimes. Au vu de la judiciarisation constante, il est souhaitable de proposer certaines solutions pour améliorer les conditions et les effets respectifs de chacune des deux branches de la responsabilité civile; on peut renforcer l'intensité de l'obligation de sécurité, le respect de la volonté contractuelle des parties dans un contrat équin tout en cherchant à responsabiliser les acteurs du monde du cheval afin de mettre en valeur leur fonction préventive, sans exclure la théorie de l'acceptation des risques afin que la liberté de « jouer » survive en droit du sport! / The equestrian world offers a large range of activities which may sees the involvement of different persons: a profane ignoring the intrinsic nature of the animal during an outside ride from the equestrian centre under instructor control, a driver during training or a kid bitten by neighbor's pony. Horses are used for work not only for community tasks such as transportation but also for social reinsertion to help people in need or also as a therapy for persons with motor disabilities. Having contact with horses involves a high degree of risk due to the possibility of failing. Therefore, litigation in field of civil liability is constantly growing. Compensation is in the heart of society's concerns. The optimization of the compensation incurred during the sports or leisure's activities must be underlined. Victims cannot freely choose their legal recourse. Indeed, the "none option principal" implies the application of the liability rules when a contract is existing and the application of the tortious liability when no contract is existing. The separation between both liabilities is often an obstacle for improved compensation for victims. Regarding the constant increase of litigation in this field, solutions should be offered to improve the conditions and the effects of the two branches of civil liability mainly by reinforcing the security obligations in several activities and the considerations of the parties intentions involved in an equestrian agreement while searching the liabilities of the parties in order to highlight preventative measures and not to exclude the risk theory to keep the freedom of play in sports regulations area.

Ungdomars upplevelser av påverkan i relation till vuxna : En fenomenologiskt inspirerad studie utifrån ett agens och empowermentperspektiv / Adolescents' experiences of influence in relation to adults : A phenomenological inspired study from a perspective of agency and empowerment

Olsson, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
Barn har rätt att påverka sina liv utifrån barnkonventionen, vilket brister i dagsläget. Studien syftar till att synliggöra ungdomars upplevelser och åsikter om påverkan i relation till vuxna rörande det de anser är viktigt att få påverka i sina liv. Få studier finns om vad unga anser är viktigt att påverka eller om vad vuxna kan göra för att främja deras påverkansmöjligheter, varpå även det ämnas undersökas. Studien intar ett agens och empowermentperspektiv. Inspiration för ansatsen hämtas från fenomenologin där fokus kretsar kring individens upplevelser. Resultatet baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem ungdomar boende i Västra Götalands län, vilka är 16 eller 17 år. Materialet analyserades med tolkande fenomenologisk analys och centrala delar ur det utifrån ungdomarnas upplevelser är: det är viktigt att få möjlighet att påverka allt i sina liv, möjligheten att påverka enklare saker finns, vid komplexa sådana tas de ej på allvar. Att skapa tillit mellan sig och vuxna utgör en påverkansstrategi och samspelet mellan ungdomen och den vuxne påverkar hela processen. Vuxna kan främja möjligheterna till påverkan genom inkludering och att vilja förstå deras perspektiv. Samhället har skyldighet att arbeta för allas lika rättigheter. Så länge ojämlika förhållanden existerar är främjandet av barns rättigheter aktuellt. / According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to impact their own lives, which is inadequately implemented in today's society. The present study aims to highlight experiences from adolescents, who voiced their opinions on their perceived ability to impact decisions affecting matters central in their lives. Few studies exist regarding which areas adolescents consider most important to influence, nor regarding what adults can do to assist them in this. The current study captures a perspective of agency and empowerment and its approach is inspired by phenomenology. The result is based on semi-structured interviews involving five 16-17 year old adolescents living in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. The material was analysed with an interpretative phenomenological analysis methodology. The main findings show that adolescents' view the ability to impact all imoprtant matters in their lives as imperative and that while they do perceive that they are allowed to influence basic things, they are not taken seriously in regard to more complex matters. The findings suggests that adults can encourage impact by including adolescents in decision making and show willingness to understand their perspective. All societies have an obligation to promote equal rights. As long as unequal rights exist, promotion of the UN Rights of the Child is crucial.

Primazia da guarda materna: a guarda compartilhada como alternativa de mudança

Leite, Aline Ferreira Dias 21 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Ferreira Dias Leite.pdf: 1523703 bytes, checksum: 8f61e385bf2ad0f1bc48d5d037291654 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-21 / This thesis is the result for the long way and research in front of a culture that still give privileges in the majority to the women to be the primary motherhood guardian to her childrens. In face of this tragic reality the men still be excluded in the juridical process of taking care and protect his childrens after conjugal separation/divorce or break their affective relationship .Is necessary to make some suggestions to change , for example , share custody of the childrens ,since that, families studies and researches point that ,childrens request both parents care in the same proportion, is not possible measure which one has the most important role in the process of caring and educating their offspring . The research got the opinion from the Performance of Law Makers involved in this subject ,the principal subject from this studies is understand and identify some cultural factors that gives privileges from women s to be their children priority guardian. The future vision is to find the way to share custody, change the traditional way attributed to that .Was made one interview with the member of one family that experience share custody, the privilege of the motherhood custody exclude and minimized the fatherhood participation on the care of the children, because of the marital separation/divorce on the majority occur custody dispute. The men change into father visitor bi-weekly and food provider. Because of that is important to find alternatives to change the way of traditional form in this attribution. Vision of that fatherhood responsibilities and the preservation of childrens and teens rights from divorce parents to live together with their father and mother with justice and balance to health development of minors / Esta tese é produto de longa caminhada e pesquisa relacionada a uma cultura que ainda tem privilegiado majoritariamente a mulher como guardiã prioritária dos filhos. Diante dessa realidade, em que os homens ainda estão excluídos juridicamente do processo de cuidar e continuar a exercer a guarda de seus filhos após uma separação conjugal/divórcio, ou rompimento de uma relação afetiva, se faz necessário apresentar algumas sugestões de mudança, como, por exemplo, o compartilhamento de guarda, uma vez que, segundo estudiosos e pesquisadores renomados, filhos carecem dos cuidados maternos e paternos na mesma proporcionalidade e, por isso, não é possível mensurar qual tem o papel mais importante no processo de cuidado e educação com sua prole. A pesquisa contempla as opiniões dos operadores do direito acerca dessa temática, e a principal proposta da estudiosa é entender e identificar alguns fatores culturais que têm privilegiado a mulher como guardiã prioritária dos filhos. Subsequentemente, visanto encontrar, na modalidade de guarda compartilhada, alternativas de mudança na forma tradicional dessa atribuição, foram realizadas entrevistas com os membros de uma família que vivenciam o compartilhamento de guarda. O privilégio da guarda materna tende a minimizar ou excluir a participação paterna no cuidado com os filhos, pois, o processo de separação conjugal/divórcio, na maioria das vezes, envolve a disputa de guarda, e o homem se transforma em pai visitador quinzenal e pagador de alimentos. Por isso, é importante encontrar alternativas de mudança da forma tradicional dessa atribuição, visando promover uma parentalidade responsável e a preservação dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes filhos de pais separados a conviverem com o pai e a mãe, de maneira equilibrada e adequada ao desenvolvimento saudável dos menores

A conservação das variedades crioulas como prática de agricultores no Rio Grande do Sul

Pereira, Viviane Camejo January 2017 (has links)
Apesar da disseminação das sementes comerciais híbridas e transgênicas, muitas famílias no Rio Grande do Sul resistem como guardiãs de sementes crioulas realizando a conservação da agrobiodiversidade. Elas compartilham conhecimentos, práticas e crenças, organizam-se em associações de guardiões de sementes crioulas, estabelecendo redes e parceiros, buscando soluções para suas próprias demandas, ainda que em condições estruturais desfavoráveis. Assim, diversos elementos sociais, políticos, econômicos e culturais são envolvidos nas práticas de conservação. A biologia da conservação, ao não reconhecer o protagonismo e o potencial de muitas práticas imersas no conhecimento tradicional dos agricultores para a conservação nos agroecossistemas, não é suficiente para compreender as práticas destes agricultores familiares camponeses. Sendo assim, as indagações que motivaram a construir esta tese são as seguintes: Como se dá a conservação das sementes crioulas realizada por agricultores guardiões? Que práticas estão envolvidas nesta conservação e como elas se vinculam a outros aspectos além do biológico? O objetivo geral deste trabalho é compreender como os agricultores realizam a conservação das variedades crioulas, que práticas estão envolvidas e como elas se relacionam com outros elementos, além dos aspectos ecológicos, para a conservação. Os objetivos específicos são: identificar experiências de guardiões de sementes crioulas no Rio Grande do Sul; compreender o que são as sementes crioulas para os agricultores guardiões; compreender o que é conservação para os agricultores guardiões; analisar quais as práticas dos agricultores que contribuem para a conservação das variedades crioulas e compreender quais os elementos que estão envolvidos e se relacionam com a prática da conservação. Para alcançar estes objetivos, a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica, optou-se pelo recorte de casos-tipo representativos de guardiões na associação de guardiões das sementes crioulas de Ibarama e da associação de guardiões da agrobiodiversidade de Tenente Portela. A metodologia consistiu na convivência com três famílias em Ibarama e quatro em Tenente Portela visitando-as entre abril de 2014 e agosto de 2016. Além destas, outras famílias foram entrevistadas ao longo do trabalho de campo. Foram realizadas observações das práticas cotidianas e das percepções dos agricultores, realizadas entrevistas com gravação de áudio e transcrição. Como ferramentas auxiliares utilizaram-se a construção do mapa da propriedade e a tomada de fotografias perguntando aos agricultores para que me indicassem até cinco coisas na propriedade que eram muito importantes para eles. Para seguir os atores tomei a Perspectiva Orientada ao Ator (LONG, 2001, 2007) e para analisar as práticas dos agricultores e suas relações com as sementes crioulas tomei como base os conceitos de corpus de conhecimentos, práxis camponesa e kosmos (mundo das crenças) de Toledo (1991, 1993, 2001, 2013). Para analisar as relações entre as práticas individuais dos agricultores e como elas se envolviam com as práticas de outros agricultores na família e nas associações de guardiões tomei como auxiliar a noção de prática social de Reckwitz, e Schatzki, Knorr-Cetina e Von Savigny. A partir da prática social pude compreender que as sementes crioulas são um elo que conecta outros elementos da vida social dos agricultores, que neste estudo foram categorizados em dimensões: socioecológica, socioeconômica, política e cultural, todas permeados pelo aspecto ético com as gerações passadas e as futuras, relacionadas com a reciprocidade. As sementes crioulas remetem principalmente à ancestralidade, ao que é antigo e puro, demonstrando o orgulho da identidade de guardiões. A conservação das variedades crioulas entendida como prática social expressa mais do que intenção, mas uma atividade prática embebida de subjetividades presentes no mundo das crenças dos agricultores. Os guardiões de sementes crioulas são atores potenciais e necessários para a conservação das variedades crioulas, elemento importante da agrobiodiversidade que mantém a família e propriedade rural. Discuto, por fim, a etnoconservação como uma perspectiva que complementa as debilidades da perspectiva da biologia da conservação para pensar a conservação nos agroecossistemas com potencialidades para a orientação de políticas públicas e projetos de conservação da agrobiodiversidade. / Despite the spread of hybrid and transgenic commercial seeds, many families in Rio Grande do Sul resist as landraces (creole seeds) guardians, maintaining the agrobiodiversity. They share knowledge, practices and beliefs, organize themselves into associations of landraces guardians, establishing networks and partners, seeking solutions to their own demands, even under unfavorable structural conditions. Thus, several social, political, economic and cultural elements are involved in conservation practices. Conservation biology, by not recognizing the role and potential of many practices immersed in farmers' traditional knowledge for conservation in agroecosystems, is not enough to understand the practices of these peasant family farmers. Therefore, the questions that motivated the construction of this thesis are the following: How is the conservation of the landraces carried out by guardian peasant family farmers? What practices are involved in this conservation and how are they linked to other aspects than biological? The general objective of this work is to understand how peasant family farmers perform the conservation of creole varieties, what practices are involved and how they relate to other elements, beyond ecological elements for conservation. The specific objectives are: to identify experiences of guardians of landraces in Rio Grande do Sul; understand what are the landraces for the guardian peasant family farmers; understand what conservation is for the guardian peasant family farmer; to analyze which practices of family farmers contribute to the conservation of creole varieties; and to understand what elements are involved in the practice of conservation and what elements relate to this practice. In order to achieve these objectives, from an ethnographic approach, I opted for the representative casetypes of guardians in the association of landraces guardians of Ibarama and the association of guardians of the agrobiodiversity of Tenente Portela. The methodology consisted of living with three families in Ibarama and four in Tenente Portela between April 2014 and August 2016. In addition, other families were interviewed throughout the field work. Observations were made on daily practices and farmers' perceptions. Interviews with recording and audio and transcription were carried out. As ancillary tools I used the construction of the property map and I took pictures asking farmers to point to five things on the property that were very important for them. To follow the actors was used the Perspective Oriented Actor (LONG, 2001, 2007) and to analyze peasant family farmers' practices and their relations with the creole seeds, I took as a base the concepts of corpus of knowledge, peasant praxis and Kosmos (world of beliefs) of Toledo (1991, 1993, 2001, 2013). In order to analyze the relationships between peasant family farmers' individual practices and how they engaged with the practices of other farmers in the family and guardian associations, I took the notion of social practice of Reckwitz, Schatzki, Knorr-Cetina, and Von Savigny. From the social practice I was able to understand that the creole seeds are a link that connects other elements of the social life of the farmers, who in this study were categorized in socioecological, socioeconomic, political and cultural dimensions, all permeated by the ethical aspect with past and future generations, related to reciprocity. Landraces refer mainly to ancestry, to what is ancient and pure, demonstrating the pride of the identity of guardians. The conservation of creole varieties understood as social practice expresses more than intention, but a practical activity steeped in subjectivities that are present in the world of farmers' beliefs. Farmer‟s guardians are potential and necessary conservation agents of landraces, because they are also an important element of agrobiodiversity that maintains family and rural property. Finally, ethnoconservation is discussed as a perspective of complementing the weaknesses of conservation biology to think about conservation in agroecosystems with potentialities for the orientation of public policies and projects for the conservation of agrobiodiversity. / A pesar de la propagación de semillas comerciales híbridas y transgénicas, muchas familias en Rio Grande do Sul se destacan como guardianes de las semillas criollas y nativas en que realizan la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad. Ellos comparten conocimientos, prácticas y creencias, organizándose en asociaciones de guardianes, estableciendo redes y colaboradores, para solucionar sus propios problemas, incluso cuando las condiciones estructurales son desfavorables. Así, elementos sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales están involucrados en prácticas de conservación. La biología de la conservación, al no reconocer el papel y el potencial de muchas prácticas inmersas en los conocimientos tradicionales de los agricultores para la conservación no es suficiente para entender las prácticas de los agricultores familiares. Por lo tanto, las preguntas que llevaron a construir esta tesis son las siguientes: ¿De qué manera los agricultores guardianes realizan la conservación de las semillas criollas? ¿Qué prácticas están involucradas en la conservación y como están relacionados con otros aspectos más allá de lo biológico? El objetivo general de este estudio es comprender cómo los agricultores realizan la conservación de las variedades criollas, que prácticas están involucradas y cómo ellas se relacionan con otros elementos, además de los aspectos ecológicos para la conservación. Los objetivos específicos son: identificar las experiencias de guardianes de las semillas criollas y nativas en Rio Grande do Sul; comprender qué son las semillas criollas y nativas para agricultores guardianes; comprender lo que es la conservación para los agricultores; analizar cuáles son las prácticas de los agricultores que contribuyen a la conservación de las variedades criollas y nativas y comprender qué elementos intervienen y se relacionan con la práctica de la conservación. Para lograr estos objetivos, desde un enfoque etnográfico, he optado por los recortes de casos-tipo representativos de guardianes en la asociación de guardianes de semillas criollas y nativas en Ibarama y asociación de guardianes de la agrobiodiversidad en Tenente Portela. La metodología consistió en vivir con tres familias Ibarama y cuatro en Tenente Portela visitándolas entre abril de 2014 y agosto del 2016. Además, otras familias fueron entrevistadas a lo largo del trabajo de campo. Fueron hechas observaciones de las prácticas de todos los días y de las percepciones de los agricultores, entrevistas con grabación y transcripción de audio. Como herramientas auxiliares he utilizado la construcción del mapa de la propiedad y la toma de fotografías preguntando a los agricultores cuáles son las cinco cosas más importantes para ellos en la propiedad. Para seguir los actores fue utilizada la Perspectiva Orientada al Actor (LONG, 2001, 2007) y para analizar las prácticas de los agricultores y sus relaciones con las semillas fueron utilizados conceptos como el corpus de conocimiento, la práxis campesina y el kosmos (mundo de las creencias) de Toledo (1991, 1993, 2001, 2013). Para analizar las relaciones entre las prácticas individuales de los agricultores y cómo ellas se relacionan con las prácticas de otros agricultores en la familia y en las asociaciones de guardianes he utilizado la noción auxiliar de la práctica social de los autores Reckwitz Schatzki, Knorr-Cetina y Von Savigny. A partir de la práctica social fue posible comprender que las semillas criollas y nativas son un eslabón que conecta a otros elementos de la vida social de los agricultores, que en este estudio se clasificaron en las dimensiones: socioecologica, socioeconómico, político y cultural, todo impregnado por el aspecto ético con las generaciones pasadas y con las futuras, relacionadas con la reciprocidad. Las semillas criollas y nativas se refieren principalmente a los ancestros, a lo que es antiguo y puro, lo que demuestra el orgullo del guardián de semillas como identidad. La conservación de las variedades criollas y nativas es una práctica social, es más que la expresión de una intención, sino una actividad práctica empapada de subjetividades presentes en el mundo de las creencias de los agricultores. Los guardianes de las semillas criollas y nativas son actores potenciales y necesarios para la conservación de las variedades criollas que son un elemento importante de la agrobiodiversidad que mantiene la familia y la finca. Se discute, finalmente, la etnoconservación como una perspectiva de complementación a las debilidades de la biología de la conservación para pensar la conservación en los agroecosistemas com potencialidades para la orientación de las políticas públicas y proyectos para la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad.

The implementation and administration of the 'New Poor Law' in Hertfordshire c1830-1847

Rothery, Karen January 2017 (has links)
This research presents a regional study of the implementation of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act (commonly known as the New Poor Law) and its operation in Hertfordshire up to 1847. It examines the economic costs of poor relief across the whole of this rural southern county but it also adopts a microhistory approach to examine in detail how the New Poor Law was implemented and administered in four poor law unions: Hatfield, Hitchin, St Albans and Watford. This study makes national and intra-county comparisons of poor relief data, policy and practice. This research focuses on people as well as place and examines how different groups influenced poor law policy and practice. It makes an important finding about the role played by the second Marquis of Salisbury (a prominent Hertfordshire resident) in the review of the poor laws and the legislation that followed. At the local level this thesis explores the process of implementation and gives new emphasis to the contribution made by the assistant poor law commissioners to both process and policy in the initial years of the New Poor Law. This study is unusual in the attention given to the middlemen of the poor law machinery - the poor law guardians and poor law officers including: medical officers, workhouse masters, relieving officers and schoolmasters and mistresses. This detailed examination of the local guardians challenges the existing historiography on the social demography of this body of men, demonstrates that the influence of elite personnel persisted and adds new data to support the argument that the operation of the poor laws was not just regionally but locally diverse. The workhouse, so symbolic of the New Poor Law and an essential component of the deterrent ideology, is considered in the context of attitudes around its construction and capacity as well as its everyday operation. This thesis adds to the poor law historiography with new data on a previously under-researched area of the country; it provides new information on the development of poor law policy, but more importantly it draws attention to the role of the middlemen and how their individual contributions influenced poor law policy and practice.

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