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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


IGOR FRANCÊS 19 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Após a experiência pessoal como psicoterapeuta no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto na cidade de Belém do Pará, atendendo pacientes portadores de HIV/aids, este pesquisador deparou-se com casos em que os pacientes apresentavam em seus discursos autoacusações relacionadas ao diagnóstico. A partir desses casos, foi desenvolvida primeiramente uma dissertação de mestrado que se ocupava com a questão do trauma reinscrito pelo diagnóstico de aids e sua possível ressignificação. O projeto de doutoramento tem como motivação continuar as investigações sobre as subjetividades reconstruídas após o diagnóstico positivo para aids. Para tanto, esta pesquisa objetivou investigar a relação entre o sentimento inconsciente de culpa e o sentimento de vergonha, como propostos na teoria psicanalítica, e o sofrimento psíquico produzido com a comunicação diagnóstica positiva para HIV/aids. Falar de aids, nos dias de hoje, ainda é difícil. E falar de sexualidade relacionada à aids é bem mais complicado. Temas-tabu (sexo e morte, associados no diagnóstico da doença) e o imaginário sobre a epidemia de aids, sentenciaram ao longo de sua história grupos que foram condenados a pagar pelo pecado que trouxe a aids, colocando-a dentro de nossas casas. O preconceito ainda é muito forte em relação aos sujeitos portadores da doença, o que se manifesta por sentimentos de culpa e vergonha. Este trabalho visou, dessa forma, a contribuir para o desenvolvimento de saberes, articulando teoria e prática psicanalíticas levando em consideração a mulher, e sua inserção na cultura e sociedade, e pensando as formas de subjetivação envolvidas na temática da aids. Para que se discuta o impacto da aids, é preciso discutir a própria sexualidade. O que propôs com esse trabalho foi pensar os sentimentos de vergonha e culpa como mantenedores do laço e do pacto sociais e como o diagnóstico de aids é um evento que coloca em perigo não só a vida do sujeito como a vida social. / [en] After personal experience as a psychotherapist at the University Hospital João de Barros Barreto in the city of Belém, treating patients with HIV / AIDS, the researcher came across cases where patients had self-incrimination speeches related to their diagnosis. From these cases, it was first developed one dissertation which dealt with the issue of trauma reinstated by the diagnosis of AIDS and its possible redefinition. The PhD project represents a motivation to continue the investigation into the subjectivities rebuilt after positive diagnosis of AIDS. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between the unconscious sense of guilt and a sense of shame, as proposed in psychoanalytic theory, and psychological distress produced with the positive diagnostic communication for HIV / AIDS. Talking about AIDS stills difficult nowadays. Furthermore, speaking of AIDS-related sexuality is much more complicated. Taboo subjects (sex and death associated with the diagnosis of disease) and the imaginary about the AIDS epidemic, sentenced over its history groups were ordered to pay for the sin that brought AIDS, placing it within our houses. Prejudgement is still very strong to subjects with the disease, which is manifested by feelings of guilt and shame. This work aims, thereby, to contribute to the development of knowledge, linking theory and psychoanalytic practice, taking into account the woman, and its place in culture and society, and thinking forms of subjectivity involved in the AIDS issue. In order to discuss the impact of AIDS, we need to discuss their sexuality. What has proposed with this work was to think of the feelings of shame and guilt as the bond holders and the social pact and how the AIDS diagnosis is an event that endangers not only the subject s life as social life. / [fr] Après l expérience personnelle en tant que psychothérapeute à l hôpital universitaire João de Barros dans la ville de Belém do Pará, au service des patients porteurs du VIH / SIDA, le chercheur a rencontré des cas où les patients avaient dans leurs discours des auto-accusations liées au diagnostic. De ces cas, il a d abord été développé une thèse qui traitait de la question du traumatisme rétabli par le diagnostic et de son éventuelle redéfinition. Le projet de thèse est la motivation de poursuivre l enquête sur les subjectivités reconstruites après diagnostic positif du SIDA. À cette fin, la présente étude a examiné la relation entre le sentiment inconscient de culpabilité et un sentiment de honte, comme proposé dans la théorie psychanalytique et la stresse psychologique produite avec la communication de diagnostic positif du VIH / SIDA. Parler du SIDA, de nos jours, est encore difficile. Et parler de la sexualité liée au SIDA est encore plus compliqué. Thème tabou (sexe et mort associés au diagnostic de la maladie), l imaginaire social du SIDA a fait que ces groupes ont été condamnés à payer pour le péché qu est le SIDA, tout au long de leur histoire, ces groupes ont été condamnés à payer pour le péché qu est le SIDA, le plaçant au sein de nos maison. Les préjugés sont encore très forts par rapport aux sujets atteints de la maladie, qui se manifestent par des sentiments de culpabilité et de honte. Ce travail visite ainsi à contribuer au développement des connaissances, liant la théorie et la pratique psychanalytique, en tenant compte de la femme, et de sa place dans la culture et la société, et des penser aux formes de subjectivité inhérente à la question du SIDA. Afin de discuter de l impact du SIDA, nous devons discuter de sexualité. Ce travail est proposé afin de penser aux sentiments de honte et de culpabilité comme détenteurs du lien et du pacte social et comment le diagnostic du SIDA est un événement qui met non seulement en danger la vie du sujet, mais aussi la vie sociale. / [es] Después de la experiencia personal como psicoterapeuta en el Hospital Universitario João de Barros Barreto en la ciudad de Belém del Pará, atendiendo a los pacientes con VIH / SIDA, el investigador encontró casos en que los pacientes tenían autoacusaciones en sus discursos relacionados con el diagnóstico. De estos casos, se desarrolló por primera vez una tesis que trata de la cuestión del trauma reintegrado por el diagnóstico de SIDA y su posible redefinición. El proyecto de tesis doctoral es la motivación para continuar la investigación sobre las subjetividads reconstruidas después del diagnóstico positivo de SIDA. Con este fin, esto estudio investigó la relación entre el sentimiento inconsciente de culpa y el sentimiento de vergüenza, como propone la teoría psicoanalítica, y la angustia psicológica producida con la comunicación de diagnóstico positivo para el VIH / SIDA. Hablar del sida, en estos días, sigue siendo difícil. Y hablar de la sexualidad relacionada con el SIDA es mucho más complicado. Temas tabú (sexo y la muerte asociada con el diagnóstico de la enfermedad) y el imaginario sobre la epidemia del SIDA, sentenciarona lo largo de su historia grupos que fueron condenados a pagar por el pecado que trajo el SIDA, colocándolo dentro de nuestra casas. El prejuicio es todavía muy fuerte en relación con los sujetos con la enfermedad, que se manifiesta por sentimientos de culpa y vergüenza. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo contribuir con ello al desarrollo del conocimiento, la integración de la teoría y la práctica psicoanalítica, teniendo en cuenta a la mujer, y su lugar en la cultura y la sociedad, y pensando en las formas de subjetividad involucrada en el tema del SIDA. Con el fin de analizar el impacto del SIDA, tenemos que hablar de la sexualidad. Lo que se ha propuesto en el presente trabajo ha sido pensar en los sentimientos de verguenza y de culpa como sustentadores de vínculos y del pacto social y de cómo el diagnóstico de SIDA es un evento que pone en peligro no sólo la vida del sujeto sino también la vida social.

Eficácia da Terapia Focada na Compaixão em grupo no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático / The Efficacy of group Compassion-Focused Therapy in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Lina Sue Matsumoto Videira 02 October 2018 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da Terapia Focada na Compaixão em grupo no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Desenho: Estudo randomizado controlado, cego, dois braços paralelos, no grupo controle a Terapia de Apoio em grupo (TA-G) e no grupo experimental a Terapia Focada na Compaixão em grupo (TFC-G). Duração e frequência: Os dois grupos receberam oito sessões semanais de 90 minutos e, caso necessário, tratamento psiquiátrico. Todos preencheram escalas de avaliação, antes (T-1), depois da terapia (T-2) e no seguimento de três meses (T-3). Oitenta e sete pacientes foram randomizados (TA-G=44 e TFC-G=43) e sessenta e um pacientes completadores foram analisados (TA-G=30 e TFC-G=31). Resultados: Os pacientes melhoraram significativamente e não houve efeito de interação entre os grupos e os tempos, exceto na escala de trauma CAPS-5, F (1, 171) = 4,35, p = 0,041. Houve uma diminuição expressiva, comparando a média do T-3 em relação ao T-1, nos dois grupos (TA-G e TFC-G, respectivamente) nas escalas: CAPS-5 de trauma (24,40 e 29,77), DTS de trauma (31,83 e 33,94), BDI de depressão (9,77 e 12,06), BAI de ansiedade (7,33 e 8,23), BHS de desesperança (3,53 e 3,55), ATQ-N de pensamentos automáticos negativos (15,67 e 14,90), OAS de vergonha (8,20 e 7,68), FSCS de autocrítica (9,07 e 6,71) e aumento na escala ATQ-P de pensamentos automáticos positivos (10,96 e 16,36) e SCS de autocompaixão (0,50 e 0,52). Conclusões: A significativa melhora dos pacientes comprova a importância da terapia em grupo no tratamento do TEPT. A redução de 30 pontos na escala de trauma CAPS-5, em apenas oito semanas, somente no grupo da Terapia Focada na Compaixão, é uma evidência robusta de que este modelo de tratamento focado na compaixão, vergonha, culpa e autocrítica, é seguro, eficaz e uma esperançosa opção no tratamento de pessoas que vivenciaram eventos traumáticos / Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Group Compassion-Focused Therapy in posttraumatic stress disorder. Design: A randomized controlled trial, blind study, with two parallel arms, control group with Supportive Therapy Group (SUP-G) and experimental group with Compassion-Focused Therapy Group (CFT-G). Duration: The two groups received eight weekly sessions of 90 minutes and, if necessary, psychiatric treatment. All patients completed evaluation scales, before (T-1), after therapy (T-2) and in three months follow-up (T-3). Eighty-seven patients were randomized (SUP-G=44 and CFT-G=43) and sixty-one completers were analyzed (SUP-G=30 and CFT-G=31). Results: Patients improved significantly and there was no interaction effect between groups and times, except for the trauma scale CAPS-5, F (1, 171) = 4.35, p = 0.041. There was an expressive decrease, comparing the mean of T-3 in the relation to T-1, in both groups (SUP-G and CFT-G, respectively) in the scales: trauma CAPS-5 (24,40 and 29,77), trauma DTS (31,83 and 33,94), depression BDI (9,77 and 12,06), anxiety BAI (7,33 and 8,23), hopelessness BHS (3,53 and 3,55), automatic negative thoughts ATQ-N (15,67 and 14,90), shame OAS (8,20 and 7,68), self-critical FSCS (9,07 and 6,71) and an increase in the scales of automatic positive thoughts ATQ-P (10,96 and 16,36) and self-compassion SCS (0,50 and 0,52). Conclusions: Significant improvements in the patients confirm the importance of group therapy in PTSD treatment. The 30-point CAPS-5 trauma scale reduction, in eight weeks only, in the Compassion-Focused Therapy group alone, is robust evidence that this treatment model focused on compassion, shame, guilt and self-criticism, is safe, effective and a hopeful option in treating people who have experienced traumatic events

The presumption of gult created by Section 235(2) of the Tax Administration Act: a constitutional and comparative perspective

Faifi, Farai January 2014 (has links)
This research examined the legal nature of the presumption of guilt created by section 235(2) of the South African Tax Admiration Act and considered whether or not its practical application violates the taxpayer’s fundamental right contained in section 35(3) of the Constitution, which gives every accused taxpayer the right to a fair trial, including the right to be presumed innocent. The research also provided clarity on the constitutionality of this presumption because it has been widely criticised for unjustifiably violating the taxpayer's constitutional right to a fair trial. The conclusion reached is that the presumption created by section 235(2) of the Tax Administration Act constitutes an evidentiary burden rather than a reverse onus. It does not create the possibility of conviction, unlike a reverse onus where conviction is possible, despite the existence of a reasonable doubt. Therefore, it does not violate the accused taxpayer’s the right to a fair trial and the right to be presumed innocent and hence it is constitutional. Accordingly, the chances that the accused taxpayer will succeed in challenging the constitutionality of section 235(2) of the Act are slim.

“Det är nästan värre att inte bli trodd än att hantera själva situationen” : Berättelser om barns våld mot föräldrar / “It is almost worse to not be believed than to manage the actual situation” : Narratives of parent abuse

Svensson, Ronja, Escalante, Silvia January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how shame and guilt are manifested in the narratives of parents that have been subject to violence by their children. Parent abuse is a form of violence that has recieved limited attention compared to other forms of violence. Previous research shows that serviceproviders lack knowledge and guidelines to assess the problem. Three qualitative semi-structured interviews were analysed using Labov and Waletzky’s (1967) model of the structure of narratives. Lewis (1971) theory of shame and guilt was applied to highlight the different aspects of the emotions manifested in the narratives. Four themes were identified using a first round thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006); (1) Personal guilt; instant and continually present, (2) Violence as an attack on one’s own feeling of self worth, (3) Children’s expression of guilt is intertwined with the parent’s feeling of guilt and (4) Professionals blaming the parents’ exacerbates an already difficult situation. The results indicate that parents experience strong feelings of guilt and that these feelings might need to be adressed in a non-judgemental environment for the best of both the parent and the child.

Skammen och de ickeverbala signalerna vid inlärningssituationer

Roos, EwaMaria January 2017 (has links)
Skam förlamar och förminskar. Den fördärvar och fördämmer. Men kan man också utvecklas genom skam? Det tar denna vetenskapliga essä upp på ett tvärvetenskapligt sätt. Som logonom och pedagog har jag uppmärksammat min och mina studenters kommunikation i rummet under påverkan av skam eller i situationer då skam kan uppkomma. En yrkesrelaterad händelse som utlöste ett kraftigt skamtillstånd i mig startade en process som ledde vidare till ett utforskande av två pedagogiska situationer där jag detekterade och förebyggde skam under inlärningssituationerna. I dessa situationer visade sig att kommunikationen bortom orden blev avgörande för om inlärningsprocessen skulle gå vidare på ett konstruktivt sätt. Syftet är att undersöka betydelsen av den ickeverbala kommunikationen i rummet, de kroppsliga och röstliga signalerna, att läsa mellan raderna för att medvetandegöra denna kommunikation hos studenter och pedagoger. I sökandet efter det skamfria rummet fann jag att olika förändringar i min pedagogik kunde förebygga skam för mig och mina studenter och på så sätt kunde skapa en bättre lärandemiljö. Med hjälp av bland annat fenomenologin, Nathanson, Cullberg Weston, Dreyfus & Dreyfus och en förståelse för olika skammekanismers påverkan på det ickeverbala mötet ledde det till en insikt om preventiva åtgärder för att undvika skam och skuld under inlärning. Det går att utvecklas genom skam, den möjliggjorde en förändring för mig som pedagog. / Shame and nonverbal communication in learning processes Shame, dishonour, disgrace. However described, it is often paralysing and diminishing. It is crippling and destructive. But is it possible to develop through shame? This research paper takes an interdisciplinary look at this subject. As an aesthetic voice and speech pedagogue I have observed how shame has affected communication between my students and myself in situations where shame could and/or has occurred. One particular vocational event invoked a powerful sense of shame within me and launched a process which led to the investigation of two pedagogical situations where I detected and prevented shame in the learning process. These situations revealed that communication beyond words were crucial for the learning process to continue in a constructive manner. The purpose of this study is to explore the importance of nonverbal communication, the wordless cues of paralanguage, in body language and voice in the learning process, increasing the awareness of the students and pedagogues to this type of communication. In this quest for a shame free workspace, I found that changes in my pedagogy had the ability to prevent shame for both my students and myself, whilst doing so shaping an improved learning environment. A phenomenological approach by way of Nathanson, Cullberg Weston, Dreyfus & Dreyfus along with an understanding of the different mechanisms of shame and its influence on nonverbal interaction has led to the realisation of the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid shame and guilt in learning situations. It is possible to develop through shame, it enabled a change within myself as a pedagogue.

O que é pedofilia e quem é o pedófilo?

Carvalho, Vanessa Carneiro Bandeira de 18 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_vanessa_carneiro.pdf: 876455 bytes, checksum: d6bed2714ec4f0447024151ecd4d1183 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study had as aim to investigate pedophiles representations about themselves and their victims. In this way, we question whether there was or not an instauration of the guilt feeling. A qualitative method was used based on psychoanalysis and other theoretical references, such as psychiatry, neurology, psychology and law, which contributed to enrich discussion. Three people participated in the research, one accused and two condemned for pedophilia. The Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test, under Cícero Vaz s perspective, and a semi-structured interview were used. The research is divided into three papers, one theoretical and two empirical ones. The first paper is a historical retrospective on pedophilia. We highlight the work of the Pedophilia CPI, as well as the lack of public actions for this matter. The second paper regards one of the participants, in whom the guilt feeling was observed. In this way, we question to what extent the guilt feeling, when transformed in accountability, could favor the process of resocialization. The other two cases were studied in the third paper, in which we investigate the functioning of the denial mechanism. Results show that there is no mark or profile to define what is a pedophile, in other words, we have not found a specific subjective configuration among those who are accused and/or condemned by sexual abuse, such as it appears in clinical classical definitions / O presente estudo teve como objetivo primordial investigar as representações que os pedófilos possuem sobre si e suas vítimas. Para tanto, interrogamo-nos em que medida houve ou não a instauração do sentimento de culpa. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, com base no referencial teórico da psicanálise; ao mesmo tempo, outras perspectivas teóricas, como a psiquiatria, neurologia, psicologia e direito, também foram utilizadas para enriquecer as discussões. A pesquisa contou com a participação de três indivíduos, um acusado e dois sentenciados pelo crime de pedofilia. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach, aplicado e analisado de acordo com Cícero Vaz, e um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado. A dissertação está dividida em três artigos, sendo um teórico e dois empíricos. O primeiro consta de uma retrospectiva histórica sobre a temática da pedofilia. Salientamos o trabalho da CPI da Pedofilia, como também a inexistência de ações públicas direcionadas ao tratamento dos pedófilos. O segundo abordou um dos participantes, no qual foi observada a existência do sentimento de culpa. Desse modo, foi indagado em que medida o sentimento de culpa, quando transformado em responsabilização, poderia ser um fator de favorecimento no processo de ressocialização. No terceiro, foram abordados os outros dois casos nos quais investigamos as peculiaridades de cada um. Os resultados mostram que não foi encontrada uma marca ou perfil segundo o qual possamos definir o que é o pedófilo, ou seja, não encontramos uma configuração subjetiva específica entre aqueles que são acusados e/ou condenados por abuso sexual tal qual aparece nas definições clínicas psiquiátricas

Witnessing moral educators breaking (their) moral teachings, morality and self-reported crime : A study on adults in two countries, Sweden and Greece

Avratoglou, Alexandros January 2021 (has links)
The present paper extends previous research in terms of integrating social learning with morality theories, under the framework of moral educators’ and their conflicting moral influences. Specifically, this study aims to investigate the impact of witnessing moral educators breaking (their) moral teachings on individual’s morality and criminal behavior using a sample of two countries, Sweden and Greece, with similar population but entirely different cultural and social characteristics. We focus on three research questions regarding the correlations and (i) the explanatory influence of witnessing this conflict on moral emotions and values by gender and country, (ii) its impact on traditional crime by gender and country and (iii) the impact that witnessing the conflict and morality mutually have on traditional crime in the two countries. Our findings emerge in three key points. First, we found that witnessing moral educators influenced both moral emotions differentially in each country and gender, but only affected Swedish males’ moral values. Secondly, our results showed that witnessing moral educators can explain a moderate to small variance of traditional crime only for males in the two countries. Lastly, we found that witnessing moral educators together with morality can explain a moderate variance of traditional crime in the two countries, while gender is highly important for both countries. Findings are discussed in relation to theory and previous research. Future research is recommended in order to expand the understanding of the cultural and social learning processes that inhibit (im)moral contexts and subsequently affect morality and offending.

Služebné kněžství jako pomáhající profese / Ministerial Priesthood as the Assisting Profession

Wendelin, David January 2011 (has links)
The thesis " Ministerial Priesthood as the Assisting Profession" introduces, in the first part, the general view of the assisting profession as a process having its input, stages, output and anticipated target. It shows the connection and similarity to other assisting professions associated with various difficulties and experience that may be beneficial for priesthood. The assistance provided using the means of the priesthood is perceived as a therapeutical process, the result of which shall be sanation - however, the debt is not understood to be an illness, but a sin, the sanation of which leads to redemption. The second part is focused on the specificity of the ministerial priesthood, while tracing it in the theology of the Gospel according to John, as well as in the historical context of the Czech territory, searching for similarities and differences of priesthood compared to other assisting professions. Keywords assisting profession, process, input / output, difficulty, crisis stage, psychotherapy, guilt, sin, therapy, priesthood, targets, re/sources,

Belastungsfolgen nach Frühgeburt: Die patho- und salutogene Wirkung des Scham- und Schulderlebens und der persönlichen Resilienz auf das mütterliche Wohlbefinden / Adjustment to Preterm Birth: Pathogenous and Salutogenous Effects of Shame and Guilt and Personal Resilience on Maternal Wellbeing

Gebker, Stefanie 05 November 2010 (has links)
Different studies showed a substantially higher rate of different psychological symptoms like PTSD, depression and anxiety in mothers after preterm birth compared with mothers after at term birth. Anyhow lots of mothers stay well and do not develop any symptom after preterm birth. This raises the question, which factors help women to stay well (salutogenous factors) and which factors may support the development of symptoms (pathogenous factors). Little research in this context has dealt with the role of shame and guilt and personal resilience factors like a high sense of coherence. For this reason the medium-term effects of shame and guilt and personal resilience on the outcome of mothers’ adjustment to preterm birth shall be investigated in the current study. This is done in the framework of a multidimensional model for the study of psychological effects of trauma (Maercker, 2003). Aspects of outcome in this study are different psychological symptoms, psychological, physiological and social wellbeing and posttraumatic grow. Grounded in the Personality-System-Interaction-Theory (PSI-Theory, Kuhl, 2001) the functions of different components of shame and guilt and a resilient self-protection-system for the mothers’ adjustment were postulated, tested and discussed. 88 mother after preterm birth before 35 weeks gestational age were asked a few days after preterm birth (T1) and three to four month later (T2, N = 59) in terms of the important variables. Statistical data analyses mainly via regression calculation indicate according to other results in shame and guilt research a substantial dysfunctional effect of shame on mothers’ psychological adjustment, which is partly mediated through the feeling of anger. Feelings of shame and anger mediated in parts the relation between level of trauma intensity and outcome. On the other side there are no or opposing effects of reparation oriented guilt especially related to symptoms of intrusion and hyperarousal (PTSD), which shows an adaptive component of guilt. A resilient self-protection-system in terms of high self determination, low self fragmentation, and a high sense of coherence (SOC) were found to protect against the development of symptoms while high action orientation showed functional effects in relation to psychological and social wellbeing. The cross-sectional data supported the postulated mediation of the relation between self-protection-system and outcome through feelings of shame and anger, whereas longitudinal data support an independent impact of shame and guilt on the one side and personal resilience on the other. There were only little results in relation to posttraumatic grows. Clinical implications of results and consequences for further research are discussed.

”Vad angår baltutlämningen oss?” : Svensk självbild och historiebruk av baltutlämningen i Aftonbladet mellan 1947–2022 / “What Has ‘Baltutlämningen’ Got to Do with Us?” : Swedish Identity and the Image of the Baltic Extradition in Aftonbladet between 1947-2022

Tornberg, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores how and why the memory of the Baltic extradition in 1946 has been shaped and used in relation to the social democratic Swedish identity, trough the theory of cultural history. The method utilized is a qualitative content analysis of the 71 articles in Aftonbladet that discuss the term “baltutlämningen” between 1947-2022. Here, a theoretical and methodical device is presented and applied. The device outlines the Swedish identity by examining how the articles negotiate guilt to avoid shame, thus preserving the self-image.       The findings show that the remembrance of the Baltic extradition serves to cement an image that upholds the identity of the social democratic group as rational, humanitarian, and anti-fascist. Consequently, when Aftonbladet brought the memory to life in 1966 it was shaped to avoid anything that would cause shame by contradicting those values. Thus, the narrative came to portray the political right as guilty for the extradition, and the Balts’ unnecessary suffering during it. Later, the memory was used to reinforce the progressive and humane self-image by being used as a cautionary example, legitimizing current social democratic stances regarding questions of asylum, international relations, and war crime policies.           In the 2000’s a new discussion emerged alongside the previous narrative, as historians started questioning the facts and reassessing the feelings of guilt and shame. With the admission that fascist sympathizers may also have infiltrated the social democratic group, the historian debate joined the European narrative: promoting the international cause for democracy, through national self-evaluation, to combat intolerance and fascism globally. Thus, the memory of extradition of the Balts has come to connect the Swedish cause to the European one, maintaining the rational, humanitarian, and anti-fascist self-image.      From an identity perspective the recurring guilt-shame complex shows that the humanitarian and democratic values are desired, but not innate, aspects of Swedish identity. Furthermore, the study shows that guilt and shame have consistently been used as educational tools to shape the Swedish people, inside and outside the classroom.

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