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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dans som arkivmaterial : En semiotisk studie av danshandlingar

Daniel, Onna January 2015 (has links)
Ämnet för denna uppsats är dans som arkivmaterial. Teckningar, dansnotation, recensioner, fotografier, rörlig bild och motion capture studeras som handlingstyper som dans bevaras genom. Syftet är att ta reda på vad som har hänt mellan dans och danshandling. Vilken slags representanter av dansen är handlingarna? Vidare knyter studien an till ett användarperspektiv och en annan frågeställning lyder: vad får forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett ut av handlingarna? Hur kan handlingstyperna användas av dansforskare? Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är semiotik och jag använder mig av Ferdinand de Saussures begrepp signifie och signifiant för att orientera mig i skillnaden mellan dansen som skett i tid- rum och danshandlingarna, som berättar om dansen. Charles Sanders Peirce begrepp symbolisk, ikonisk och indexikal används för att beskriva vilket slags förhållande handlingen har till sin signifie, dansen. Metoden är kvalitativa intervjuer. Jag har intervjuat fyra dansvetenskapliga forskare och de inspelade intervjuerna är källan. Forskarna har kunskap om vilken slags representanter för dansen handlingarna är, eftersom de i sitt arbete studerar dans som har skett genom handlingar. Genom intervjuerna har jag även fått reda på vad forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett får ut av handlingarna och hur de kan använda dem. Forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett föredrar ofta rörlig bild som källa. Detta för att den rörliga bilden har ett ikoniskt förhållande (liknelseförhållande) till dansen och för att den, likt dansen, är rörlig. Dock så finns det ingen handlingstyp som är en absolut återgivning av en rörelse som har skett, alla handlingstyper har sina förutsättningar. Det finns inte heller en handlingstyp som kan anses vara bättre än en annan, vilken handlingstyp som är bättre skiftar beroende på forskarens syften. Handlingstyperna kompletterar varandra och många forskare vill använda sig av flera olika handlingstyper. Därför rekommenderas dansarkiv att satsa på pluralitet i handlingstyper som dans bevaras genom. / The subject of this thesis is dance as archive material. Illustrations, dance notation, reviews, photographs, moving imagery and motion capture are studied as different types of records which preserve dance. The purpose is to find out what has happened between dance and dance record. What kind of representation of dance are the records? The study also connects to a user perspective and poses another question: what do scholars who study movement which has happened get out of these types of records? In what way can dance scholars use these record types? The theoretical stance is semiotics and I use Ferdinand de Saussures concepts ‘signifiant’ and ‘signifié’ to orientate myself in the difference between dance which has happened and the records, which tell us something about this dance. Charles Sanders Peirce concepts ‘symbolic,’ ‘iconic’ and ‘indexical’ are used to describe the relationship between dance and record. The method is qualitative interviews. I have interviewed four dance scholars and the recorded interviews are the source material. The scholars have knowledge of what types of representatives of dance the records are, since they study dance which has happened through records. The interviews also answer the question related to the scholar’s perspective: what do dance scholars get out of the records when they study dance which has happened? Scholars who study dance which has happened often prefer moving imagery as a source. They do so because the moving image has an iconic relationship to the dance (a relationship built on likeness) and because it, like dance, is moving. There is no record which could give an absolute transferral of a movement which has happened, all types of records have their prerequisites. Nor is there a record type which is ‘better’ than another, which record is prefered depends on the scholar’s purpose of their study. The different record types complement each other and many scholars prefer to use several different types. Hence, this study recommends dance archives to aim for plurality of record types in their collections.

Allt är inte hopplöst; det finns fortfarande hopp : en litteraturöversikt om upplevelser av hopp och hopplöshet hos självmordsnära patienter och deras möte med vården / Not everything is hopeless; there is still hope : a literature review on the experiences of hope and hopelessness in suicidalpatients and their encounter with health care

Linde, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Background: Suicidal individuals are vulnerable patients in need of a caring relationship. A caring relationship should be based on a real presence were the patient's needs are in focus. Yet research has shown that suicidal patients experience caring that exacerbate their suicidial problems and hopelessness. Aim: To describe the experiences of hope and hopelessness in suicidal patients and their encounter with health care. Methods: In a literature review, in accordance with Friberg (2012) eight scientific papers have used, analyzed and scrutinized to answer the purpose of a new whole. Results: Two main themes emerged in the results with related subcategories. Experiences of hopegiving acts with sub-themes: The significance of  a caring relationship, the significance of a strong social network and the significance of feelings of hopefulness. The second main theme that emerged was: Experiences of acts connected to hopelessness with subthemes: The significance of a non-confirmatory caring relationship and the significance of feelings of hopelessness. Discussions: It is found that suicidal patients experience care that lead to feelings of despair. Nursing theorist Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Human Becoming theory has been used as a basis for discussion in this literature review where a deepening of the results derived from the concept of a real presence. A real presence is all about the nurse's ability to share the lived situations of individuals and families in which hope can be expressed and shared. / Bakgrund: Självmordsnära individer är utsatta patienter i behov av en vårdande relation. En vårdande relation ska baseras på en verklig närvaro där patientens behov står i fokus. Forskning har dock visat att självmordsnära patienter upplever vårdande som förvärrar deras självmordsproblematik och hopplöshetskänslor. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av hopp och hopplöshet hos självmordsnära patienter och deras möte med vården. Metod: I en litteraturöversikt i enlighet med Friberg (2012) har åtta vetenskapliga artiklar använts, analyserats och granskats för att besvara syftet i en ny helhet. Resultat: Två huvudteman framkom i resultatet med tillhörande subkategorier. Upplevelser av hoppingivande handlingar med underteman: Betydelsen av en vårdande relation, betydelsen av ett starkt socialt nätverk och betydelsen av känslor av hoppfullhet. Det andra huvudtemat som framkom är: Upplevelser av handlingar förknippade med hopplöshet med underteman: Betydelsen av en icke-bekräftande vårdrelation och betydelsen av känslor av hopplöshet. Diskussion: Det framkommer att självmordsnära patienter upplever vård som leder till både känslor av hopp och hopplöshet. Omvårdnadsteoretikern Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Human becoming teori har använts som underlag för diskussionen i denna litteraturöversikt där en fördjupning av resultatet härletts till konceptet verklig närvaro. En verklig närvaro handlar om sjuksköterskans förmåga att dela levda situationer med individer och anhöriga i vilka hopp kan uttryckas och delas.

”Du kan ta den gula spaden här om du vill vara med i leken” : En studie om yngre barns sociala samspel och lek i sandlådan

Hildingsson, Anna, Unnestam, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka barns sociala interaktion samt hur pedagoger möjliggör denna interaktion under leken i utomhusmiljön. Studiens forskningsfrågor är följande: vilken betydelse har tillträdet till leken för det sociala samspelet i de yngre barnens lek och hur skapar pedagoger möjlighet för ett socialt samspel mellan de yngre barnen under den fria leken i sandlådan? Denna studie tar inspiration från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv och Lev Vygotskij som är grundare till detta perspektiv. Denna kvalitativa studie närmar sig ett resultat genom utförda videoobservationer och fältanteckningar med fokus i sandlådan med interaktionsanalys som analysmetod. Studien genomfördes på två förskolor under tre tillfällen vardera. Studien resulterade i att de yngre barnen på förskolan samspelade genom att imitera varandra där de utförde liknande handlingar. Genom att barnen utförde liknande handlingar fick leken en gemensam handlingsram vilket visade sig vara av vikt för barnens sociala samspel. Det framkom även att pedagogerna både möjliggjorde och hindrade barnens samspel i leken. Pedagogerna möjliggjorde samspelet mellan barnen genom att stötta dem in i andra barns lek. När pedagogerna blev för delaktiga i barnens lek och styrde lekens handlingsram kunde detta leda till att barnens sociala samspel avbröts. Resultatet visade även på att utifrån hur pedagoger såg möjligheter med artefakterna styrdes barnens lek men även barnens användande av artefakterna i leken medförde att andra barn tog efter och imiterade deras handlingar.

Problemlösning i flera steg med laborativt material : En kvalitativ studie om hur elever kan använda laborativt material i samband med problemlösningar i flera steg / Problem solving in multiple steps using manipulatives : A qualitative study of how pupils can use manipulatives in connection with problem solving in multiple steps

Johansson, Julia, Olsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur olika elevgrupper i årskurs två kan använda sig av laborativt material i problemlösningar med flera steg, samt hur det framtagna materialet kan påverka elevernas förståelse och lösningsprocess. Studien bygger på observationer och elevintervjuer som bearbetas med hjälp av ett variationsteoretiskt ramverk samt ur ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv. Pólyas fyra faser är också en central del i studien som återkommer i diskussionsdelen. Resultatet visar att elevernas tidigare erfarenheter av laborativt material påverkar deras lösningsprocess och förmåga att lösa problemlösningsuppgifter i flera steg. Det visar också att materialets påverkan på elevernas lösningsprocess beror mycket på vilket material som används, vilken uppgift det handlar om samt elevernas kunskapsnivå. Påverkan kan vara både positiv och negativ.

Kommuner & Facebook : Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?

A. Hedqvist, Anja January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records. Three did not, and a large group had not yet decided how to treat these documents. Only three municipalities did archive documents from Facebook. The involvement of archivists, registrars and similar personnel was generally very small, even though regulations concerning public records had more often been taken into account in the municipalities that had informed this personnel about the use of an official Facebook page. The difference in management between the municipalities was together with the demand for national guiding principles indicating difficulties in applying the regulations to social medias like Facebook. The fact that most of the municipalities that had taken the regulations into account had come to the conclusion that Facebook generated public records, together with the fact that national guiding principles presented during the work with this thesis had the same interpretation, indicated that documents originating from Facebook will be a part of Swedish public records in the future. The difference in management and the demand for guidance also indicated a need for better division of responsibilities and a more active approach in the future, to ensure that the regulations concerning public records are taken into account early and correctly when authorities starts to use new medias.</p>

Search Processes, User Behaviour and Archival Representational Systems

Sundqvist, Anneli January 2009 (has links)
Information technology and political motives, e.g. e-governance, freedom of information legislation, has recent years lead to an increasing emphasis on users and access to records, but little research based knowledge about those issues exist so far. The main focus of the previous research is the use of non-current records in archival repositories. The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the research field, in order to gain a better understanding of the information behaviour of users of records in contemporary organizational settings. The research questions addressed are: § How are records used in contemporary organizations?- In what context and for what purposes are records used?- What user categories can be identified? § How is the search for records mediated?- What intermediaries are used in the search process?- How well do the features of the artefactual intermediaries serve the users' information needs?- What is the role of human intermediaries? An additional purpose of the study is to contribute to theory development, and to provide a conceptual model of the information behaviour of users of records that can form the basis for further research. The thesis is based on explorative case studies undertaken in two contemporary Swedish public organizations, one municipality and one governmental agency. Data was collected through interviews, analysis of documentary sources and complementary observations. The analysis of the findings was guided by a theoretical framework consisting of activity theory informed by concepts from archival theory and models of information behaviour. The results of the cases studies showed that information behaviour of users of records and the search process could be described as a part of an activity system. The search process was a sub-ordinated activity of other activities. The needs for records was generated by a task or accomplishment of anykind with purpose to achieve something. Those needs motivated the purposes of use of records: material, operational, accountability seeking or knowledge enhancing purposes. The subjects, users in collaboration with the registrars and archivists, seeked to obtain records with help of different mediational means, e.g. artifactual intermediaries as the journal and the archives inventory that could be defined as representational systems, in order to reach a certain outcome: fact-finding, re-construction of past actions and events, regaining experience and knowledge, verifying status, or illustrating and exemplifying. A variety of user groups, internal as well as external, could be identified in both organizations. Those could act as direct or indirect users, and indirect use by one part meant direct use by another who acted as a mediator between the records and the end users. The external users could be defined as stakeholders of the organizations or other users. Users showed, with occasional exceptions, a preference for informal means of mediation, particularly personal communication. Certain features of the formal representational systems, journals and inventories, could be identified, which made them less useful as search tool. Those were generated by contradictions and tensions within the organizations: contradictions within the representational systems; contradictions between the tasks of the users and the representational systems; contradictions between user requests and the access points in the representational systems; contradictions between external users and the activities of the organizations; contradictions between exogenous institutional conditions and the the activities of the organizations; and contradictions of a temporal character. These circumstances necessitated an active intervention of human intermediaries. This could be seen as an example of the division of labour in the organizations. Search and retrieval of records were part of the registrars’ and the archivists’ specific professional knowledge, but were not considered as primary tasks of other employees or, especially not, of the external users. The results of the study contributes to to the knowledge about the use of records, and how records are approached. It provides a model of the search process that can form the basis for further research. The practical implications of the findings could be improved search tools and user services, i.e. enhanced access. The thesis can also contribute to theoretical enrichment of the field by combining a more comprehensive social theory with archival theory and concepts from information science. / Utveckling av arkiv- och informationsvetenskap

Att efterleva GDPR : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om handlingar, förberedelser och utmaningar kring införandet av den nya allmänna dataskyddsförordningen.

Karlsson, Calle January 2018 (has links)
Because of the increased digitization, the amount of data that companies process has increased significant. The EU Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers have therefore instituted a new law to ensure that data is handled correctly. This new law comes into force on May 25th 2018 and is called GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation. This law stands over the recent “Personuppgiftslagen” (PuL) and therefore require higher standards on system development, communication and routines which leads to a whole new approach to data management. This essay explains the structure of the law, but focuses on finding out what specific actions the companies implement to comply with the law's requirements. The focus is also on studying whether these actions (and the law itself) will affect the activities and what the businesses themselves consider to be the greatest challenges for compliance at the moment.

När spel om pengar blir viktigare än allt : En kvalitativ studie om att leva med spelmissbruk / When money gambling becomes more important than everything

Snygg Aronsson, Linda, Rufener, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to get knowledge and understanding about the actions people do and the experiences they have in the two different lifeareas, family/relatives and workplace, when they have an ongoing gambling addiction. The study was conducted with a qualitative method based on literature studies on four autobiographies written by Swedish people with a gambling addiction, and the study had a sociological perspective. The results showed that gambling addiction leads to patterns of actions and emotions/thoughts in a downward spiral with common actions as lies and immorality, and emotions of shame. It also showed that the actions and emotions/thoughts emerged in the social interaction with other people in the lifeareas, and can therefore be seen as a sociological process.

Direkt effekt av testning för motoriskt utförda handlingsfraser / Direct testing effect for self-performed action events

Kihlstedt, Max, Saletovic, Jasmina January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker direkt effekt av testning för motoriskt utförda handlingsfraser eftertvå veckor. Studien omfattar trettioen försökspersoner (N=31), 18 kvinnor och 13 män.Försökspersonerna är studenter från Örebro Universitetet. För att utföra experimentetanvänds dataprogrammet E-Prime. Försökspersonerna får lära sig 48 olika handlingsfraser,till exempel ”lyft glaset”, samtidigt som de utför fraserna motoriskt. Resultatet visar att detfanns en direkt testeffekt för motoriskt utförda handlingsfraser efter två veckor. / This study investigates direkt testing effect for self-performed actions after two weeks. Studyincludes 31 participants (N=31) 18 women and 13 men. Participants are students at ÖrebroUniversity. The computer program E-prime is used to carry out the experiment. Participantslearns 48 action phrases . One example of an action phrase is ”lift the glass” and this actionevent is self- performed at the same time. Result shows that there is an direkt testing effect onself-performed action events after two weeks.

Rituella depositioner i våtmark under vikingatid : Kan politisk och religiös centralisering kopplas till kontroll av ritualer? / Ritual depositions in wetlands during the Viking age : Is it possible to connect political and religious centralization to control of rituals?

Bodin, Markus January 2021 (has links)
To date, previous discussions of the practise of ”weapon deposition” in prehistoric Scandinavia have focused primarily on the Roman Iron Age. The focus of these investigations have been the large offerings of weapons in bogs, which were presumably taken from enemies defeated in battle. Until recently, these particular kind of ritual practises were thought to have ceased in the middle of the 6th century. It is now widely acknowledged, however, that this sort of ritual practises did not simply dissappear, but instead re-emerged during the Vendel- and Viking age in a changed state. These rites, which are frequently associated with elite groups and so called ”central places” are embodied, for example, in the weapons and other valuable objects deposited in the lake adjacent to the Late Iron Age magnate site at Tissø, Denmark. Similar finds have been recovered in Scania and Gotland, but these practises have not received enough attention compared to other ritual aspects of the Viking Age. This essay therefore aims to investigate the ideologies and motivations underpinning these rites, and provide a reassessment of their possible connection to elites, political and religious centralization, and central places/manorial sites.

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