Spelling suggestions: "subject:"honest""
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Personality and Organizational Justice Effects on Counterproductive Work BehaviorDrabish, Alec C. 02 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Social Framework of Individual Decisions / 570+1 Experiments in (Un)Ethical BehaviorGerlach, Philipp 19 January 2018 (has links)
Wann und warum verhalten sich Menschen ethisch (in-)korrekt? Die vorliegende Dissertation fasst allgemeine Theorien und experimentelle Befunde (nicht-)kooperativen, (un-)fairen und (un-)ehrlichen Verhaltens zusammen. Hierzu führt Kapitel 1 experimentelle Spiele als rigoroses Instrument zur Untersuchung (un-)ethischen Verhaltens ein. Kapitel 2 zeigt, dass sich kleine Veränderungen in der kontextuellen Rahmung von experimentellen Spielen langanhaltend auf die Kooperationsneigung der Teilnehmer auswirken können. Kontextuelle Rahmungen verändern zudem Verhaltenserwartungen sowie Aufteilungen in nicht-strategischen Situationen. Diese Effekte sind durch Theorien sozialer Normen erklärbar. Kapitel 3 ergründet, warum sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften teils egoistischer verhalten als ihre Kommilitonen. Theorien sozialer Normen werden hierbei um die Bereitschaft erweitert, Nonkonformität mittels Sanktionen zu erzwingen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und anderer Fächer in ihren Aufteilungsentscheidungen ähnlich häufig mit Fairness beschäftigen und zu ähnlichen Einschätzungen kommen, welche Aufteilung als fair gilt. Sie teilen jedoch weniger großzügig und erwarten dies auch von anderen. Zudem sind sie weniger bereit, als unfair angesehene Aufteilungen zu sanktionieren. Es wird argumentiert, dass sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften egoistischer verhalten, weil sie nicht daran glauben, dass sich andere an eine grundsätzlich geteilte Fairnessnorm halten. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass intrinsische Sanktionen (wie Scham und Schuld) ausreichen, damit sich Menschen ethisch korrekt verhalten. Das Kapitel bietet zahlreiche Antworten zu aktuellen Debatten, wer sich unter welchen Umständen (un-)ehrlich verhält. Es wird gezeigt, dass Ehrlichkeit sowohl von situativen Einflüssen (z.B. Anreizen und Externalitäten) wie von persönlichen Aspekten (z.B. Geschlecht und Alter) und letztlich auch vom experimentellen Paradigma abhängt. / When and why do people engage in (un)ethical behavior? This dissertation summarizes general theories and synthesizes experimental findings on (non)cooperation, (un)fairness, and (dis)honesty. To this end, Chapter 1 introduces experimental games as a rigorous tool for studying (un)ethical behavior. Chapter 2 demonstrates that small changes in the framing of context (e.g., referring to a social dilemma as a competition vs. a team endeavor) can have long-lasting effects on the participants’ propensity to cooperate. Context framing also shapes beliefs about the cooperative behavior of interaction partners and donations in non-strategic allocation decisions. Taken together, the results suggest that social norm theories provide a plausible explanation for cooperation, including its sensitivity to context framing. Chapter 3 investigates why experimental games regularly find that economics students behave more selfishly than their peers. The concept of social norms is thereby extended to include the enforcement of compliance per sanctions. The results indicate that economics students and students of other majors are about equally concerned with fairness and they have similar notions of fairness in the situation. However, economics students make lower allocations, expect others to make lower allocations, and are less willing to sanction allocations seen as unfair. Skepticism mediated their lower allocations, suggesting that economics students behave more selfishly because they expect others not to comply with a shared fairness norm. Chapter 4 shows that intrinsic sanctions (e.g., shame and guilt) can be sufficient for ethical behavior to emerge. The chapter provides answers to many of the ongoing debates on who behaves dishonestly and under what circumstances. The findings suggest that dishonest behavior depends on situational factors (e.g., reward magnitude and externalities), personal factors (e.g., gender and age) as well as on the experimental paradigm itself.
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Narrative persuasion, signaling motives, and entitlement / Behavioral economic essays on communicationFries, Tilman 21 March 2024 (has links)
Kapitel 1: Narrative persuasion (mit Kai Barron)
Anhand eines Experiments untersuchen wir die Verwendung von Narrativen in einem Kontext in dem Sender:innen möglicherweise andere Anreize haben als Empfänger:innen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Sender:innen eigennützige Narrative konstruieren und sie auf objektive Informationen zuschneiden. Desweiteren finden wir, dass Sender:innen in der Lage sind, die Erwartungen von Empfänger:innen zu verändern. Drittens ermitteln wir, dass Empfänger:innen Narrative überzeugend finden, die gut zu den objektiven Informationen passen. Schließlich stellen wir fest, dass es schwierig ist, gegen narratives Überreden zu schützen.
Kapitel 2: Signaling motives in lying games
Dieses Kapitel untersucht ein Lügenspiel, in dem Agent:innen ihren moralischen Typ signalisieren. In der theoretischen Analyse zeigt sich ein Signalisierungsmotiv, bei dem es den Agent:innen missfällt, der Lüge verdächtigt zu werden, und bei dem einige Lügen stärker stigmatisiert werden als andere. Die Gleichgewichtsvorhersage des Modells kann experimentelle Daten aus früheren Studien erklären. Ich verdeutliche die Beziehung des untersuchten Modells zu Modellen in denen Agent:innen eine Abneigung haben, des Lügens verdächtigt zu werden und biete Anwendungen auf Narrative, Lernen und das Offenlegen von Lügen.
Kapitel 3: Because I don't deserve it: Entitlement and lying (mit Daniel Parra)
Wir untersuchen die Auswirkungen von Anspruchsdenken auf die Bereitschaft zu lügen. In einem Laborexperiment erhalten Teilnehmer:innen entweder ein hohes oder niedriges Einkommen. Das Einkommen wird entweder leistungsabhängig oder unabhängig gezahlt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen folgendes: Unter Teilnehmer:innen die ein leistungsabhängiges Einkommen erhalten haben, lügen diejenigen, die weniger Geld verdient haben, weniger als diejenigen, die mehr verdient haben. Wir finden keine Unterschiede bei denjenigen die lügen können, um leistungsunabhängiges Einkommen zu behalten. / Chapter 1: Narrative persuasion (with Kai Barron)
Using an experiment, we examine the use of narratives as a persuasive tool in a context where senders may hold incentives that differ from those of receivers. Our results reveal several insights about the underlying mechanisms that govern narrative persuasion. First, we show that advisors construct self-interested narratives and make them persuasive by tailoring them to fit the objective information. Second, we demonstrate that advisors can shift investors' beliefs about the future performance of a company. Third, we identify the types of narratives that investors find convincing. Finally, we find that narrative persuasion is difficult to protect against.
Chapter 2: Signaling motives in lying games
This chapter studies the implications of agents signaling their moral type in a lying game. In the theoretical analysis, a signaling motive emerges where agents dislike being suspected of lying and where some lies are more stigmatized than others. The equilibrium prediction of the model can explain experimental data from previous studies, on partial lying, where individuals lie to gain a non-payoff-maximizing amount. I discuss the relationship with theoretical models of lying that conceptualize the image concern as an aversion to being suspected of lying and provide applications to narratives, learning, and the disclosure of lies.
Chapter 3: Because I don't deserve it: Entitlement and lying (with Daniel Parra)
We study the effect of entitlement on the willingness to lie. In a laboratory experiment, participants receive either a high or low endowment. In one treatment, the allocation depends on participants' performance, and in the other, it depends on random draw. Our study shows that entitlement influences lying in an intuitive direction: when performance determines income, those who earn less money lie less than those who earn more. We do not find differences in lying when participants lie to keep windfall endowments.
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Вербализација концепта части и поштења у српском језику / Verbalizacija koncepta časti i poštenja u srpskom jeziku / Verbalization of the concepts “Honor” and “Honesty” in Serbian languageDimitrijević Ivan 25 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Најрепрезентативнији показатељ вербализације части и поштења у српском језику су српске паремије. Но, оне одражавају врло растегљиво схватање тих моралних појмова, и тешко је наћи јединствени лингвистички чинилац који их означава. Српски народ је исказивао поменуте концепте сразмерно ретко у пословицама и изрекама помоћу речи поштење и част, те њихових изведеница, а ова лексичка разноврсност је одраз недовољно екзактне концептуализације поштења и части уопште, уз многа поклапања са другим моралним појмовима. Различити разлози су утицали на ову неегзактност. Први је дуг, можда и вишемиленијумски период од настанка појединих паремија до њиховог објављивања, што је створило велику шароликост денотација поштења и части у српској паремиологији: од примитивног праисторијског поимања, заснованог више на на митском мишљењу, преко преетичке, хомеровске античке идеје, по којој је моралност изједначавана са обичајношћу, теорија попут Аристотелове, па до средњовековног теолошког учења (о врлини као богоугодности, светости, правоверности), нововековних становишта и тако даље. Сва ова схватања имају мање-више заједночко једино поистовећивање поштења са поштовањем етичких правила заједнице коју појединац осећа као своју, однсоно части са награђивањем те индивидуе од стране истог колектива за поштовање речених норми. Чињеница да су Срби, услед вишевековног живота под страним, турским законима, често могли да се ослоне искључиво на неписане, моралне законе властигог колектива, значајно је утицала да етички термини поштења и части прошире изворно значење. Такође, подређени положај нашег народа у Отоманском царству истакао је функцију пословица и изрека као својеврсног тајног, интерног језичког кода у српском друштву. Ова је функција захтевала симболичку употребу речи, како би се прикрио њихов стварни контекст од туђина, често упознатог са српским језиком, али у исто време да би се вербализовали и учинили препознатљивим апстрактни појмови части и поштења у махом неписменом домаћем становништву, које је преносило те пословице и изреке, и које је кудикамо боље познавало конкетне термине, колико год ови били семантички „тврди“ и у основи непрецизни. За ту сврху су се користили лексичко-семантички бинарни парови (поређења по слиности или супротности), рима и друге игре речи, с њиховом експресивном симболиком и емфатичким карактером, те најзад, обиље митологема, иако је многим од њих првобитни смисао временом измењен или заборављен.</p> / <p>Najreprezentativniji pokazatelj verbalizacije časti i poštenja u srpskom jeziku su srpske paremije. No, one odražavaju vrlo rastegljivo shvatanje tih moralnih pojmova, i teško je naći jedinstveni lingvistički činilac koji ih označava. Srpski narod je iskazivao pomenute koncepte srazmerno retko u poslovicama i izrekama pomoću reči poštenje i čast, te njihovih izvedenica, a ova leksička raznovrsnost je odraz nedovoljno ekzaktne konceptualizacije poštenja i časti uopšte, uz mnoga poklapanja sa drugim moralnim pojmovima. Različiti razlozi su uticali na ovu neegzaktnost. Prvi je dug, možda i višemilenijumski period od nastanka pojedinih paremija do njihovog objavljivanja, što je stvorilo veliku šarolikost denotacija poštenja i časti u srpskoj paremiologiji: od primitivnog praistorijskog poimanja, zasnovanog više na na mitskom mišljenju, preko preetičke, homerovske antičke ideje, po kojoj je moralnost izjednačavana sa običajnošću, teorija poput Aristotelove, pa do srednjovekovnog teološkog učenja (o vrlini kao bogougodnosti, svetosti, pravovernosti), novovekovnih stanovišta i tako dalje. Sva ova shvatanja imaju manje-više zajednočko jedino poistovećivanje poštenja sa poštovanjem etičkih pravila zajednice koju pojedinac oseća kao svoju, odnsono časti sa nagrađivanjem te individue od strane istog kolektiva za poštovanje rečenih normi. Činjenica da su Srbi, usled viševekovnog života pod stranim, turskim zakonima, često mogli da se oslone isključivo na nepisane, moralne zakone vlastigog kolektiva, značajno je uticala da etički termini poštenja i časti prošire izvorno značenje. Takođe, podređeni položaj našeg naroda u Otomanskom carstvu istakao je funkciju poslovica i izreka kao svojevrsnog tajnog, internog jezičkog koda u srpskom društvu. Ova je funkcija zahtevala simboličku upotrebu reči, kako bi se prikrio njihov stvarni kontekst od tuđina, često upoznatog sa srpskim jezikom, ali u isto vreme da bi se verbalizovali i učinili prepoznatljivim apstraktni pojmovi časti i poštenja u mahom nepismenom domaćem stanovništvu, koje je prenosilo te poslovice i izreke, i koje je kudikamo bolje poznavalo konketne termine, koliko god ovi bili semantički „tvrdi“ i u osnovi neprecizni. Za tu svrhu su se koristili leksičko-semantički binarni parovi (poređenja po slinosti ili suprotnosti), rima i druge igre reči, s njihovom ekspresivnom simbolikom i emfatičkim karakterom, te najzad, obilje mitologema, iako je mnogim od njih prvobitni smisao vremenom izmenjen ili zaboravljen.</p> / <p>The most representative indicator of verbalization of honor and honesty in the Serbian language are Serbian proverbs. However, they show very elastic conception of these moral concepts, and it is hard to find unique linguistic factor which marks them. Serbs were expressing forenamed concepts relatively rarely in proverbs and sayings with words поштење (“honesty”) and част (“honor“), or their derivatives, and the lexical diversity is a reflection of insufficient exact conceptualization of honesty and honor in general, with many matching with other moral concepts. Reasons that contributed to this inexactness are various. The first is long, perhaps millenniums-old period from the occurrence of certain proverbs to their publication, which has created a great diversity of denotations of honesty and honor in Serbian proverbs: from primitive prehistoric comprehension, based more on the mythical thought, through the idea of pre-ethical Homeric antiquity, when morality has been equated with tradition, theories such as those of Aristotle, to Middle Ages theological learning (of the virtue as obedience, holiness, orthodoxy), New Century opinions and so on. All these opinions have more or less in common only mere identification of the honesty with respect of the ethics rules of community which an individual feels like his own, and identification of the honor with rewarding the individual by the same community for respect of the abovementioned rules. The fact that the Serbs, due to centuries of living under foreign Ottoman laws, often were able to rely exclusively on unwritten, the moral standards of their own collective, has significantly influenced the ethical terms of honesty and honor extend their original meaning. Also, the subordinate position of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire emphasized the function of proverbs and sayings as a kind of secret, internal language code of Serbian community. This function required the symbolic use of words, so as to conceal their actual contents from aliens, often familiar with the Serbian language, but at the same time to verbalize and make recognizable abstract concepts of honor and honesty to almost illiterate local population who communicated these proverbs and sayings, rather accustomed to concrete terms, however semantically “hard” and basically imprecise. For that purpose have been used binary pairs that is opposites (comparison by semantic and lexical similarity or contrast), rhyming words and other wordplays with their expressive symbolism and emphatic character, and finally, plenty of mythologems, even though original meaning of many of these words by time was altered or forgotten.</p>
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Moments of AbsorptionKaufman, Sarah K. 01 January 2008 (has links)
Moments of Absorption explores the conceptual and visual themes that are presented in my MFA thesis exhibition. The research looks into the absorption of the nude subject, the gestures that communicate this absorption, and the domestic space as a stage for the presentation of these gestures. This work investigates a tension between the theatrical and the natural as represented by images.
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Le soutien parental à l’autonomie et l’honnêteté : le rôle médiateur de l’intériorisation de la valeur de l’honnêteté et de l’analyse coûts/bénéficesBureau, Julien S. 04 1900 (has links)
Une communication honnête entre l’adolescent(e) et son parent est associée à un développement plus sain chez l’adolescent(e) (Stattin & Kerr, 2000). La présente étude s’intéresse à la façon dont les parents peuvent favoriser l’honnêteté chez leurs adolescents. En nous basant sur la Théorie de l’Autodétermination (Deci & Ryan, 2000), nous postulons que plus les parents soutiennent l’autonomie de leurs adolescents, plus ceux-ci sont honnêtes avec leurs parents. Nous postulons également qu’il y aurait deux variables médiatrices de cette relation : l’intégration de la valeur de l’honnêteté chez les adolescents ainsi que leur perception des coûts et des bénéfices vis-à-vis du fait d’être honnête avec leurs parents. Des analyses de modélisation par équations structurales se basant sur 174 dyades parent-adolescent ont démontré que plus les parents soutiennent l’autonomie de leurs adolescents, plus les adolescents intègrent la valeur de l’honnêteté et plus ils perçoivent des bénéfices élevés, et de faibles coûts, à être honnêtes avec leurs parents. L’intégration de la valeur de l’honnêteté et le fait de percevoir davantage de bénéfices que de coûts à être honnête prédisaient par la suite une communication plus honnête entre l’adolescent(e) et son parent. Le fait que le parent valorise l’honnêteté contribuait aussi à l’intégration de la valeur de l’honnêteté chez l’adolescent(e). / Honest communication in parent-adolescent relationships is a precursor of adolescents’ healthy development (Stattin & Kerr, 2000). This study investigates how parents can foster their adolescents’ honest communication. In line with self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), we postulated that the more parents are autonomy supportive, the more their adolescents would be honest with them. We also postulated that this relation would be mediated by two variables: adolescents’ integration of the honesty value and their perception of the costs/benefits of being honest with their parents. Results from Structural Equation Modeling with 174 parent-adolescent dyads showed that the more parents were autonomy supportive, the more adolescents integrated the value of honesty and the more they perceived high benefits and low costs in being honest with their parents. These variables, in turn, were positively related to adolescents’ honest communication behaviors. Parental valuation of honesty also predicted adolescents’ integration of the honesty value.
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Le soutien parental à l’autonomie et l’honnêteté : le rôle médiateur de l’intériorisation de la valeur de l’honnêteté et de l’analyse coûts/bénéficesBureau, Julien 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding repeat attendance in market research studies : reasons for regular participation and recruitment proceduresVan Zyl, Shalaine 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents the findings of a qualitative study on understanding the motivating factors underlying repeat attendance in market research studies and the ways in which repeat attendance participants are recruited to take part in such studies. The study was approached from an interpretivist paradigm, employing the self-determination theory and the theory of self-concept maintenance. Purposive sampling was applied. The data was collected by conducting eight semi-structured interviews with participants who had taken part in numerous market research studies. Through thematic analysis, sub themes were identified from the data, combined into second-level themes and grouped into the following three overarching themes: (1) participation motivation; (2) honesty/dishonesty; and (3) recruitment procedures. It was found that participants were not only motivated by extrinsic motivators such as incentives, but that intrinsic motivators were also present. Furthermore, a level of dishonesty was also evident, not only among the participants, but among the recruiters as well. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology with specialisation in Research Consultation)
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La transparence dans le droit budgétaire de l'Etat en France / Transparency in the French state budgetary lawSy, Aboubakry 12 September 2016 (has links)
Le droit public financier est congénitalement lié à la question de la transparence budgétaire. Notre entrée dans la modernité politique s’est en effet accompagnée d’une réelle volonté de garantir la clarté de la gestion des deniers publics. Pourtant, aujourd’hui encore, la réalisation de cette transparence n’est pas totalement aboutie. Ainsi, sa conceptualisation, qui est un préalable indispensable à sa mise en œuvre effective, est loin d’être évidente. Alors que l’on pouvait légitimement s’attendre à ce que la force actuelle de l’exigence de transparence lui assure un ancrage assez aisé, les obstacles sont encore nombreux. D’ailleurs, ils ne méritent pas tous d’être critiqués. Il existe des motifs légitimes pour une part, sinon d’opacité, du moins de discrétion pour certaines activités sensibles de l’État. En revanche, tous les autres cas d’opacité budgétaire sont illégitimes. Malgré tout, la transparence a réussi à s’affirmer à la fois comme une finalité de notre ordonnancement budgétaire – à laquelle concourent les prérogatives financières du Parlement et les principes budgétaires classiques – mais aussi comme un moyen d’action indispensable à la bonne gestion des finances publiques et à la crédibilité financière de l’État. Quant à sa concrétisation, la notion de transparence budgétaire n’est pas clairement reconnue par notre droit positif qui devrait pourtant, à notre avis, en faire un objectif de valeur constitutionnelle. Pour ce qui est de sa mise en œuvre pratique, elle reste encore perfectible, même si des progrès significatifs ont été enregistrés depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi organique relative aux lois de finances du 1er août 2001. / Public finance law is naturally linked to the issue of budget transparency. Our transition into the modern political society is indeed accompanied by a genuine desire to ensure clarity in the management of public funds. Yet, even today, the fulfilment of this transparency is not completely successful. Thus, its conceptualization, which is an essential prerequisite for its effective implementation is far from being obvious. While one could legitimately expect that the current force of the transparency requirement guarantees a relatively easy anchorage, obstacles are still numerous. Besides that, they do not all deserve to be criticized. There are legitimate grounds to some extent, if not a lack of transparency, at least a level of discretion for certain sensitive activities of the State. In contrast, all other cases of no budget transparency are illegitimate. Despite this, transparency has managed to assert itself both as an end to our budget scheduling – to which the financial prerogatives of the Parliament and the traditional budget principles take part – but also as an essential means of action to better manage the public finances and the financial credibility of the state. As for its implementation, the notion of budgetary transparency is not clearly recognized in the French positive law which should, in our opinion, make it an objective of constitutional value. With regard to its practical implementation, it is still perfectible, even though significant progress has been made since the organic law on finance laws of August 1st, 2001 came into force.
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Oxidační stres a kondiční závislost ornamentálních signálů kvality u sociálně monogamního pěvce / Oxidative stress and condition-dependence of ornamental signals of quality in socially monogamous songbirdValášek, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
6 ABSTRACT Conditional ornaments plays irreplaceable role in sexual selection in non-small part of by sexual reproduction reproducing animals. Fastidiousness of generating and later also carrying of these ornaments which show condition of their wearer, burdens also metabolism in non-small scale. This thesis tests hypothesis of mutual addiction between conditional ornaments, as the indicators of qualities of individuals and metabolism, as the most significant source of free radicals which are responsible for oxidative stress. The real weight of influence of ornament fastidiousness on organism, resp. on redox state, is tested in this thesis. Manipulations which were performed with individual males of model species should point how much the selected factors correlate each other. The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) is the model species. Analyses of dates collected during trapping which were realized in breeding seasons in 2012 and 2013 does not show any important trends between observing variables. This fact is confirmed by minimal differences and inconsistent variability of levels of measured antioxidants - oxidoreductases, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The marginal effect of manipulations with one of the conditional ornaments which are presented in model species supports the hypothesis of...
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