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Stochastic and temperature-related aspects of the Preisach model of hysteresisSchubert, Sven 07 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Preisach-Modell bezüglich stochastischer äußerer Felder und temperaturbezogener Aspekte zu untersuchen. Das phänomenologische Preisach-Modell wird oft erfolgreich angewendet, um Systeme mit Hysterese zu beschreiben.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Antwort des Preisach-Modells auf stochastische äußere Felder untersucht. Hier liegt das Augenmerk hauptsächlich auf der Autokorrelation; sie dient dazu den Einfluss des hysteretischen Gedächtnisses zu quantifizieren. Mit analytischen Methoden wird gezeigt, dass sich ein Langzeitgedächtnis, sichtbar in der Autokorrelation der Systemantwort, entwickeln kann, selbst wenn das treibende Feld unkorreliert ist. Im Anschluss werden diese Resultate, m.H. von Simulationen, auf äußere Felder ausgeweitet, die selbst Korrelationen aufweisen können.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss einer endlichen Temperatur auf das Preisach-Modell. Es werden unterschiedliche Methoden besprochen, wie das Nichtgleichgewichtsmodell in seiner mikromagnetischen Interpretation mit Temperatur als Gleichgewichtseigenschaft verknüpft werden kann. Eine Formulierung wird genutzt, um die Magnetisierung von Nickelnanopartikeln in einer Fullerenmatrix zu simulieren und mit Experimenten zu vergleichen. Des Weiteren wird die Relaxationsdynamik des Gedächtnisses des Preisach-Modells bei endlichen Temperaturen untersucht. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Preisach model in regard to stochastically driving and temperature-related aspects. The Preisach model is a phenomenological model for systems with hysteresis which is often successfully applied. Hysteresis is a widespread phenomenon which is observed in nature and the key feature of certain technological applications. Further, it contributes to phenomena of interest in social science and economics as well. Prominent examples are the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials in an external magnetic field or the adsorption-desorption hysteresis observed in porous media. Hysteresis involves the development of a hysteresis memory, and multistability in the interrelations between external driving fields and system response.
In the first part, we mainly investigate the response of Preisach hysteresis models driven by stochastic input processes with regard to autocorrelation functions to quantify the influence of the system’s memory. Using rigorous methods, it is shown that the development of a hysteresis memory is reflected in the possibility of long-time tails in the autocorrelation functions, even for uncorrelated driving fields. In the case of uncorrelated driving, these long-time tails in the autocorrelations of the system’s response are determined only by the tails of the involved densities. They will be observed if there are broad Preisach densities assigning a high weight to elementary loops of large width and narrow input densities such that rare extreme events of the input time series contribute significantly to the output for a long period of time. Afterwards, these results are extended by simulations to driving fields which themselves show correlations. It is shown that the autocorrelation of the output does not decay faster than the autocorrelation of the input process. Further, there is a possibility that long-term memory in the hysteretic response is more pronounced in the case of uncorrelated driving than in the case of correlated driving. The behavior of the output probability distribution at the saturation values is quite universal. It is not affected by the presence of correlations and allows conclusions whether the input density is much more narrow than the Preisach density or not. Moreover, the existence of effective Preisach densities is shown which define equivalence classes of systems of input and Preisach densities which lead to realizations of the same output variable. The asymptotic behavior of an effective Preisach density determines the asymptotic correlation decay of the system’s response in the case of uncorrelated driving.
In the second part, temperature-related effects are considered. It is reviewed how the non-equilibrium Preisach model in its micromagnetic picture can be related to temperature within the framework of extended irreversible thermodynamics. The irreversible response of a ferromagnetic material, namely, Nickel nanoparticles in a fullerene matrix, is simulated. The model includes superparamagnetism where ferromagnetism breaks down at temperatures lower than the Curie temperature and the results are compared to experimental data. Furthermore, we adapt known results for the thermal relaxation of the system’s memory in the form of a front propagation in the Preisach plane derived basically from solving a master equation and by the use of a contradictory assumption. A closer look is taken at short time scales which dissolves the contradiction and shows that the known results apply, taking into account the fact that the dividing line propagation starts with an additional delay time depending on the front coordinates in the Preisach plane. Additionally, it is outlined how thermal relaxation behavior in the Preisach model of hysteresis can be studied using a Fokker-Planck equation. The latter is solved analytically in the non-hysteretic limit using eigenfunction methods. The results indicate a change in the relaxation behavior, especially on short time scales.
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Stochastic and temperature-related aspects of the Preisach model of hysteresisSchubert, Sven 22 June 2011 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Preisach-Modell bezüglich stochastischer äußerer Felder und temperaturbezogener Aspekte zu untersuchen. Das phänomenologische Preisach-Modell wird oft erfolgreich angewendet, um Systeme mit Hysterese zu beschreiben.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Antwort des Preisach-Modells auf stochastische äußere Felder untersucht. Hier liegt das Augenmerk hauptsächlich auf der Autokorrelation; sie dient dazu den Einfluss des hysteretischen Gedächtnisses zu quantifizieren. Mit analytischen Methoden wird gezeigt, dass sich ein Langzeitgedächtnis, sichtbar in der Autokorrelation der Systemantwort, entwickeln kann, selbst wenn das treibende Feld unkorreliert ist. Im Anschluss werden diese Resultate, m.H. von Simulationen, auf äußere Felder ausgeweitet, die selbst Korrelationen aufweisen können.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss einer endlichen Temperatur auf das Preisach-Modell. Es werden unterschiedliche Methoden besprochen, wie das Nichtgleichgewichtsmodell in seiner mikromagnetischen Interpretation mit Temperatur als Gleichgewichtseigenschaft verknüpft werden kann. Eine Formulierung wird genutzt, um die Magnetisierung von Nickelnanopartikeln in einer Fullerenmatrix zu simulieren und mit Experimenten zu vergleichen. Des Weiteren wird die Relaxationsdynamik des Gedächtnisses des Preisach-Modells bei endlichen Temperaturen untersucht. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Preisach model in regard to stochastically driving and temperature-related aspects. The Preisach model is a phenomenological model for systems with hysteresis which is often successfully applied. Hysteresis is a widespread phenomenon which is observed in nature and the key feature of certain technological applications. Further, it contributes to phenomena of interest in social science and economics as well. Prominent examples are the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials in an external magnetic field or the adsorption-desorption hysteresis observed in porous media. Hysteresis involves the development of a hysteresis memory, and multistability in the interrelations between external driving fields and system response.
In the first part, we mainly investigate the response of Preisach hysteresis models driven by stochastic input processes with regard to autocorrelation functions to quantify the influence of the system’s memory. Using rigorous methods, it is shown that the development of a hysteresis memory is reflected in the possibility of long-time tails in the autocorrelation functions, even for uncorrelated driving fields. In the case of uncorrelated driving, these long-time tails in the autocorrelations of the system’s response are determined only by the tails of the involved densities. They will be observed if there are broad Preisach densities assigning a high weight to elementary loops of large width and narrow input densities such that rare extreme events of the input time series contribute significantly to the output for a long period of time. Afterwards, these results are extended by simulations to driving fields which themselves show correlations. It is shown that the autocorrelation of the output does not decay faster than the autocorrelation of the input process. Further, there is a possibility that long-term memory in the hysteretic response is more pronounced in the case of uncorrelated driving than in the case of correlated driving. The behavior of the output probability distribution at the saturation values is quite universal. It is not affected by the presence of correlations and allows conclusions whether the input density is much more narrow than the Preisach density or not. Moreover, the existence of effective Preisach densities is shown which define equivalence classes of systems of input and Preisach densities which lead to realizations of the same output variable. The asymptotic behavior of an effective Preisach density determines the asymptotic correlation decay of the system’s response in the case of uncorrelated driving.
In the second part, temperature-related effects are considered. It is reviewed how the non-equilibrium Preisach model in its micromagnetic picture can be related to temperature within the framework of extended irreversible thermodynamics. The irreversible response of a ferromagnetic material, namely, Nickel nanoparticles in a fullerene matrix, is simulated. The model includes superparamagnetism where ferromagnetism breaks down at temperatures lower than the Curie temperature and the results are compared to experimental data. Furthermore, we adapt known results for the thermal relaxation of the system’s memory in the form of a front propagation in the Preisach plane derived basically from solving a master equation and by the use of a contradictory assumption. A closer look is taken at short time scales which dissolves the contradiction and shows that the known results apply, taking into account the fact that the dividing line propagation starts with an additional delay time depending on the front coordinates in the Preisach plane. Additionally, it is outlined how thermal relaxation behavior in the Preisach model of hysteresis can be studied using a Fokker-Planck equation. The latter is solved analytically in the non-hysteretic limit using eigenfunction methods. The results indicate a change in the relaxation behavior, especially on short time scales.
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Organische Feldeffekt-Transistoren: Modellierung und SimulationLindner, Thomas 23 March 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Simulation und Modellierung organischer Feldeffekt-Transistoren (OFETs). Mittels numerischer Simulationen wurden detaillierte Untersuchungen zu mehreren Problemstellungen durchgeführt. So wurde der Einfluss einer exponentiellen Verteilung von Trapzuständen, entsprechend dem sogenannten a-Si- oder TFT-Modell, auf die Transistorkennlinien untersucht. Dieses Modell dient der Beschreibung von Dünnschicht-Transistoren mit amorphen Silizium als aktiver Schicht und wird teils auch für organische Transistoren als zutreffend angesehen. Dieser Sachverhalt wird jedoch erstmals in dieser Arbeit detailliert untersucht und simulierte Kennlinien mit gemessenen Kennlinien von OFETs verglichen. Insbesondere aufgrund der Dominanz von Hysterese-Effekten in experimentellen Kennlinien ist jedoch eine endgültige Aussage über die Gültigkeit des a-Si-Modells schwierig. Neben dem a-Si-Modell werden auch noch andere Modelle diskutiert, z.B. Hopping-Transport zwischen exponentiell verteilten lokalisierten Zuständen (Vissenberg, Matters). Diese Modelle liefern, abhängig von den zu wählenden Modellparametern, zum Teil ähnliche Abhängigkeiten. Möglicherweise müssen die zu wählenden Modellparameter selbst separat gemessen werden, um eindeutige Schlussfolgerungen über den zugrundeliegenden Transportmechanismus ziehen zu können. Unerwünschte Hysterese-Effekte treten dabei sowohl in Transistorkennlinien als auch in Kapazitäts-Spannungs- (CV-) Kennlinien organischer MOS-Kondensatoren auf. Diese Effekte sind bisher weder hinreichend experimentell charakterisiert noch von ihren Ursachen her verstanden. In der Literatur findet man Annahmen, dass die Umladung von Trapzuständen oder bewegliche Ionen ursächlich sein könnten. In einer umfangreichen Studie wurde daher der Einfluß von Trapzuständen auf quasistatische CV-Kennlinien organischer MOS-Kondensatoren untersucht und daraus resultierende Hysterese-Formen vorgestellt. Aus den Ergebnissen läßt sich schlussfolgern, dass allein die Umladung von Trapzuständen nicht Ursache für die experimentell beobachteten Hysteresen in organischen Bauelementen sein kann. Eine mögliche Erklärung für diese Hysterese-Effekte wird vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. In einem weiteren Teil der Arbeit wird im Detail die Arbeitsweise des source-gated Dünnschicht-Transistors (SGT) aufgezeigt, ein Transistortyp, welcher erst kürzlich in der Literatur eingeführt wurde. Dies geschieht am Beispiel eines Transistors auf der Basis von a-Si als aktiver Schicht, die Ergebnisse lassen sich jedoch analog auch auf organische Transistoren übertragen. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass der SGT ein gewöhnlich betriebener Dünnschicht-Transistor ist, limitiert durch das Sourcegebiet mit großem Widerstand. Die detaillierte Untersuchung des SGT führt somit auf eine Beschreibung, die im Gegensatz zur ursprünglich verbal diskutierten Arbeitsweise steht. Ambipolare organische Feldeffekt-Transistoren sind ein weiterer Gegenstand der Arbeit. Bei der Beschreibung ambipolarer Transistoren vernachlässigen bisherige Modelle sowohl die Kontakteigenschaften als auch die Rekombination von Ladungsträgern. Beides wird hingegen in den vorgestellten numerischen Simulationen erstmalig berücksichtigt. Anhand eines Einschicht-Modellsystems wurde die grundlegende Arbeitsweise von ambipolaren (double-injection) OFETs untersucht. Es wird der entscheidende Einfluß der Kontakte sowie die Abhängigkeit gegenüber Variationen von Materialparametern geklärt. Sowohl der Kontakteinfluß als auch Rekombination sind entscheidend für die Arbeitsweise. Zusätzlich werden Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen für die Datenanalyse mittels einfacher analytischer Ausdrücke aufgezeigt. Es zeigte sich, dass diese nicht immer zur Auswertung von Kennlinien herangezogen werden dürfen. Weiterhin werden erste Simulationsergebnisse eines ambipolaren organischen Heterostruktur-TFTs mit experimentellen Daten verglichen.
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Constructing and transforming the curriculum for higher education : a South African case studyDirk, Wayne Peter 07 1900 (has links)
This study explores the various processes that constructed and transformed the undergraduate curriculum in a Faculty of Education at a South African university. It attempts to delve beneath the representation of post-apartheid curriculum change as a linear process. The thesis argues that scholars should attempt to unravel how the curriculum performs the task of social transformation at the site of the university by empirically investigating how the relationship between structure and action links with the ideals of post-apartheid higher education policy. Theoretically, this study posits that the deficit in the local literature on the use of the structure/agency relationship as a heuristic device for examining institutional change should be addressed with the relational sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. / Sociology / D. Phil. (Sociology)
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Analysis of Accuracy for Engine and Gearbox SensorsDogantimur, Erkan, Johnsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis provides a standardized method to measure accuracy for engine and gearbox sensors. Accuracy is defined by ISO 5725, which states that trueness and precision need to be known to provide a metric for accuracy. However, obtaining and processing the data required for this is not straight forward. In this thesis, a method is presented that consists of two main parts: data acquisition and data analysis. The data acquisition part shows how to connect all of the equipment used and how to sample and store all the raw data from the sensors. The data analysis part shows how to process that raw data into statistical data, such as trueness, repeatability and reproducibility for the sensors. Once repeatability and reproducibility are known, the total precision can be determined. Accuracy can then be obtained by using information from trueness and precision. Besides, this thesis shows that measurement error can be separated into error caused by the sensors and error caused by the measurand. This is useful information, because it can be used to assess which type of error is the greatest, whether or not it can be compensated for, and if it is economically viable to compensate for such error. The results are then shown, where it is possible to gain information about the sensors’ performance from various graphs. Between Hall and inductive sensors, there were no superior winner, since they both have their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis ends by making recommendations on how to compensate for some of the errors, and how to improve upon the method to make it more automatic in the future.
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Constructing and transforming the curriculum for higher education : a South African case studyDirk, Wayne Peter 07 1900 (has links)
This study explores the various processes that constructed and transformed the undergraduate curriculum in a Faculty of Education at a South African university. It attempts to delve beneath the representation of post-apartheid curriculum change as a linear process. The thesis argues that scholars should attempt to unravel how the curriculum performs the task of social transformation at the site of the university by empirically investigating how the relationship between structure and action links with the ideals of post-apartheid higher education policy. Theoretically, this study posits that the deficit in the local literature on the use of the structure/agency relationship as a heuristic device for examining institutional change should be addressed with the relational sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. / Sociology / D. Phil. (Sociology)
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Modelagem computacional de escoamentos com duas e três fases em reservatórios petrolíferos heterogêneos / Computational modeling of two and three-phase flow in heterogeneous petroleum reservoirsGrazione de Souza 21 February 2008 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Considera-se neste trabalho um modelo matemático para escoamentos com duas e três fases em reservatórios petrolíferos e a modelagem computacional do sistema de equações governantes para a sua solução numérica. Os fluidos são imiscíveis e incompressíveis e as heterogeneidades da rocha reservatório são modeladas estocasticamente. Além disso, é modelado o fenômeno de histerese para a fase óleo via funções de permeabilidades relativas. No caso de escoamentos trifásicos água-óleo-gás a escolha de expressões gerais para as funções de permeabilidades relativas pode levar à perda de hiperbolicidade estrita e, desta maneira, à existência de uma região elíptica ou de pontos umbílicos para o sistema não linear de leis de conservação hiperbólicas que descreve o transporte convectivo das fases fluidas. Como conseqüência, a perda de hiperbolicidade estrita pode levar à existência de choques não clássicos (também chamados de choques transicionais ou choques subcompressivos) nas soluções de escoamentos trifásicos, de difícil simulação numérica. Indica-se um método numérico com passo de tempo fracionário, baseado
em uma técnica de decomposição de operadores, para a solução numérica do sistema governante de equações diferenciais parciais que modela o escoamento bifásico água-óleo imiscível
em reservatórios de petróleo heterogêneos. Um simulador numérico bifásico água-óleo eficiente desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa no qual o autor está inserido foi modificado com
sucesso para incorporar a histerese sob as hipóteses consideradas. Os resultados numéricos obtidos para este caso indicam fortes evidências que o método proposto pode ser estendido para o caso trifásico água-óleo-gás. A técnica de decomposição de operadores em dois níveis permite o uso de passos de tempo distintos para os quatro problemas definidos pelo procedimento de decomposição: convecção, difusão, pressão-velocidade e relaxação para histerese. O problema de transporte convectivo (hiperbólico) das fases fluidas é aproximado por um esquema central de diferenças finitas explícito, conservativo, não oscilatório e de segunda ordem. Este
esquema é combinado com elementos finitos mistos, localmente conservativos, para a aproximação dos problemas de transporte difusivo (parabólico) e de pressão-velocidade (elíptico).
O operador temporal associado ao problema parabólico de difusão é resolvido fazendo-se uso de uma estratégia implícita de solução (Backward Euler). Uma equação diferencial ordinária
é resolvida (analiticamente) para a relaxação relacionada à histerese. Resultados numéricos para o problema bifásico água-óleo em uma dimensão espacial em concordância com resultados semi-analíticos disponíveis na literatura foram reproduzidos e novos resultados em meios heterogêneos, em duas dimensões espaciais, são apresentados e a extensão desta técnica para o caso de problemas trifásicos água-óleo-gás é proposta. / We consider in this work a mathematical model for two- and three-phase flow problems in petroleum reservoirs and the computational modeling of the governing equations for its numerical solution. We consider two- (water-oil) and three-phase (water-gas-oil) incompressible, immiscible flow problems and the reservoir rock is considered to be heterogeneous. In our model, we also take into account the hysteresis effects in the oil relative permeability functions.
In the case of three-phase flow, the choice of general expressions for the relative permeability functions may lead to the loss of strict hyperbolicity and, therefore, to the existence of an elliptic region or umbilic points for the system of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws describing the convective transport of the fluid phases. As a consequence, the loss of hyperbolicity may lead to the existence of nonclassical shocks (also called transitional shocks or undercompressive shocks) in three-phase flow solutions. We present a new, accurate fractional time-step method based on an operator splitting technique for the numerical solution of a system of partial differential
equations modeling two-phase, immiscible water-oil flow problems in heterogeneous petroleum reservoirs. An efficient two-phase water-oil numerical simulator developed by our
research group was sucessfuly extended to take into account hysteresis effects under the hypotesis previously annouced. The numerical results obtained by the procedure proposed indicate
numerical evidence the method at hand can be extended for the case of related three-phase water-gas-oil flow problems. A two-level operator splitting technique allows for the use of distinct time steps for the four problems defined by the splitting procedure: convection, diffusion, pressure-velocity and relaxation for hysteresis. The convective transport (hyperbolic) of the fluid phases is approximated by a high resolution, nonoscillatory, second-order, conservative central difference scheme in the convection step. This scheme is combined with locally conservative mixed finite elements for the numerical solution of the diffusive transport (parabolic) and the pressure-velocity (elliptic) problems. The time discretization of the parabolic problem is performed by means of the implicit Backward Euler method. An ordinary diferential equation
is solved (analytically) for the relaxation related to hysteresis. Two-phase water-oil numerical results in one space dimensional, in which are in a very good agreement with semi-analitycal
results available in the literature, were computationaly reproduced and new numerical results in two dimensional heterogeneous media are also presented and the extension of this technique to the case of three-phase water-oil-gas flows problems is proposed.
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Modelagem computacional de escoamentos com duas e três fases em reservatórios petrolíferos heterogêneos / Computational modeling of two and three-phase flow in heterogeneous petroleum reservoirsGrazione de Souza 21 February 2008 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Considera-se neste trabalho um modelo matemático para escoamentos com duas e três fases em reservatórios petrolíferos e a modelagem computacional do sistema de equações governantes para a sua solução numérica. Os fluidos são imiscíveis e incompressíveis e as heterogeneidades da rocha reservatório são modeladas estocasticamente. Além disso, é modelado o fenômeno de histerese para a fase óleo via funções de permeabilidades relativas. No caso de escoamentos trifásicos água-óleo-gás a escolha de expressões gerais para as funções de permeabilidades relativas pode levar à perda de hiperbolicidade estrita e, desta maneira, à existência de uma região elíptica ou de pontos umbílicos para o sistema não linear de leis de conservação hiperbólicas que descreve o transporte convectivo das fases fluidas. Como conseqüência, a perda de hiperbolicidade estrita pode levar à existência de choques não clássicos (também chamados de choques transicionais ou choques subcompressivos) nas soluções de escoamentos trifásicos, de difícil simulação numérica. Indica-se um método numérico com passo de tempo fracionário, baseado
em uma técnica de decomposição de operadores, para a solução numérica do sistema governante de equações diferenciais parciais que modela o escoamento bifásico água-óleo imiscível
em reservatórios de petróleo heterogêneos. Um simulador numérico bifásico água-óleo eficiente desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa no qual o autor está inserido foi modificado com
sucesso para incorporar a histerese sob as hipóteses consideradas. Os resultados numéricos obtidos para este caso indicam fortes evidências que o método proposto pode ser estendido para o caso trifásico água-óleo-gás. A técnica de decomposição de operadores em dois níveis permite o uso de passos de tempo distintos para os quatro problemas definidos pelo procedimento de decomposição: convecção, difusão, pressão-velocidade e relaxação para histerese. O problema de transporte convectivo (hiperbólico) das fases fluidas é aproximado por um esquema central de diferenças finitas explícito, conservativo, não oscilatório e de segunda ordem. Este
esquema é combinado com elementos finitos mistos, localmente conservativos, para a aproximação dos problemas de transporte difusivo (parabólico) e de pressão-velocidade (elíptico).
O operador temporal associado ao problema parabólico de difusão é resolvido fazendo-se uso de uma estratégia implícita de solução (Backward Euler). Uma equação diferencial ordinária
é resolvida (analiticamente) para a relaxação relacionada à histerese. Resultados numéricos para o problema bifásico água-óleo em uma dimensão espacial em concordância com resultados semi-analíticos disponíveis na literatura foram reproduzidos e novos resultados em meios heterogêneos, em duas dimensões espaciais, são apresentados e a extensão desta técnica para o caso de problemas trifásicos água-óleo-gás é proposta. / We consider in this work a mathematical model for two- and three-phase flow problems in petroleum reservoirs and the computational modeling of the governing equations for its numerical solution. We consider two- (water-oil) and three-phase (water-gas-oil) incompressible, immiscible flow problems and the reservoir rock is considered to be heterogeneous. In our model, we also take into account the hysteresis effects in the oil relative permeability functions.
In the case of three-phase flow, the choice of general expressions for the relative permeability functions may lead to the loss of strict hyperbolicity and, therefore, to the existence of an elliptic region or umbilic points for the system of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws describing the convective transport of the fluid phases. As a consequence, the loss of hyperbolicity may lead to the existence of nonclassical shocks (also called transitional shocks or undercompressive shocks) in three-phase flow solutions. We present a new, accurate fractional time-step method based on an operator splitting technique for the numerical solution of a system of partial differential
equations modeling two-phase, immiscible water-oil flow problems in heterogeneous petroleum reservoirs. An efficient two-phase water-oil numerical simulator developed by our
research group was sucessfuly extended to take into account hysteresis effects under the hypotesis previously annouced. The numerical results obtained by the procedure proposed indicate
numerical evidence the method at hand can be extended for the case of related three-phase water-gas-oil flow problems. A two-level operator splitting technique allows for the use of distinct time steps for the four problems defined by the splitting procedure: convection, diffusion, pressure-velocity and relaxation for hysteresis. The convective transport (hyperbolic) of the fluid phases is approximated by a high resolution, nonoscillatory, second-order, conservative central difference scheme in the convection step. This scheme is combined with locally conservative mixed finite elements for the numerical solution of the diffusive transport (parabolic) and the pressure-velocity (elliptic) problems. The time discretization of the parabolic problem is performed by means of the implicit Backward Euler method. An ordinary diferential equation
is solved (analytically) for the relaxation related to hysteresis. Two-phase water-oil numerical results in one space dimensional, in which are in a very good agreement with semi-analitycal
results available in the literature, were computationaly reproduced and new numerical results in two dimensional heterogeneous media are also presented and the extension of this technique to the case of three-phase water-oil-gas flows problems is proposed.
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Temporalité des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants à algues vertes / Temporality of nutrient transfers in coastal watersheds subjected to green tidesCausse, Jean 30 June 2015 (has links)
En Bretagne, les « marées vertes » sont récurrentes depuis le début des années 70 et occupent une place importante dans le débat public en terme sanitaire, politique et économique. Lors de cette thèse, une large revue bibliographique a été réalisée sur l’export d’azote et une méthodologie innovante a été mise en place afin d’étudier la variabilité spatio-temporelle de l’export de nutriments dans 2 bassins versants à algues vertes à une échelle intra-annuelle et pendant des évènements extrêmes (évènements pluvieux, période touristique de basses eaux,…). Les bassins versants sélectionnés pour les expérimentations de terrain sont l’Ic et le Frémur (Côtes d’Armor). 3 types d’expérimentations ont été réalisées sur ces bassins versants : 1) Des campagnes de prélèvements ponctuels par temps sec et par temps de pluie (32 stations, 27 campagnes) ; 2) des prélèvements automatiques en crue (3 stations, 8 crues) ; et 3) la mesure haute fréquence (2 stations, en continu). Les paramètres hydrologiques et physico-chimiques classiques, les matières en suspension, les spectres UV et toutes les formes de macronutriments (carbone, azote, phosphore) ont été analysés lors de ces expérimentations. Les résultats obtenus confirment pour une part un certain nombre de résultats de la littérature. D’autre part, il met en lumière la relation carbone/nitrates, jusqu’à présent peu étudiée à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles et pendant des évènements pluvieux, qui semble pourtant primordiale dans la compréhension des phénomènes d’export de nitrates à l’échelle de l’année. Enfin, l’analyse de toutes les formes de nutriments révèle l’importance des formes particulaires issues de l’érosion des sols. Ces résultats soulèvent de nombreuses questions de recherche qui mériteraient un approfondissement afin d’améliorer la connaissance des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants et prioriser les actions de remédiations. Les perspectives de ce travail sont à la fois scientifiques et pratiques. Au niveau scientifique, les efforts de recherche sur la relation carbone/nitrate et l’identification de la fraction de carbone organique assimilable par les organismes dénitrifiants doivent être poursuivis. De même, l’amélioration des connaissances sur l’export de nutriments en crue passe par l’identification précise des sources de nutriments particulaires pendant les crues printanières. Au niveau pratique, il doit contribuer à l’amélioration des pratiques agricoles, à la reconnaissance de l’intérêt des zones humides naturelles et à l’amélioration des types de traitement utilisés par les stations d’épuration. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude devraient notamment être mis en relation avec la dynamique des nutriments observée dans l’estran pendant la période de développement des algues vertes. Enfin, un effort d’amélioration de l’accès à certains type de données sur les bassins versants est nécessaire afin d’améliorer la compréhension des transferts de nutriments. / In Brittany (Western France), "green tides" are recurrent since the early 70s and have an important place in public debate in health, political and economic terms. In this thesis, a wide bibliographic review was performed on the export of nitrogen, and an innovative methodology has been set up to study the spatial and temporal variability of nutrient export in two coastal watersheds on an intra-annual basis and during extreme events (rainfall events, tourist periods of low water, ...). Watersheds selected for the field experiments are Ic and Frémur (Côtes d'Armor). 3 types of experiments were performed on these watersheds: 1) Campaigns of grab samples by dry and wet weather (32 stations, 27 campaigns); 2) automatic sampling during floods (3 stations, 8 floods); and 3) high frequency measurement (2 stations, continuous). Conventional hydrological and physicochemical parameters, suspended solids, UV spectra and all forms of macronutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) were analyzed during these experiments. The results confirm in part a number of results of the literature. Furthermore, it highlights the relationship carbon / nitrates far little studied at different spatial and temporal scales and during rainfall events, which however seems to be crucial in understanding of nitrate export. Finally, the analysis of all forms of nutrients reveals the importance of particulate forms from soil erosion. These results raise many research questions that merit further development in order to improve knowledge on nutrient transfers in watersheds and prioritize remediation actions. The prospects of this work are both scientific and practical. At the scientific level, research efforts on the relationship carbon / nitrate and identification of the assimilable fraction of organic carbon by denitrifying organisms must be continued. Similarly, the knowledge on nutrient export must be improved through the precise identification of particulate nutrient sources during the spring floods. On a practical level, it should contribute to the improvement of agricultural practices, the recognition of the interest of natural wetlands and improvement of the types of treatment used by treatment plants. The results obtained in this study should in particular be linked to the dynamics of nutrients in the foreshore observed during the development of green algae. Finally, an effort to improve access to certain types of data on watersheds is needed to improve understanding of nutrient transfers.
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Analýza ztrát v železe malého asynchronního motoru / Analysis of core loss of a small induction machinePlíšek, Oldřich January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis is to analyze core losses of a small induction motor. Analyzed values are obtained from laboratory measurements, software analysis and 2D finite element method simulation. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of two parts. The analysis of the higher spatial harmonics presents in the induction motor and the analysis of core losses of the motor. Practical part consists of laboratory measurements according to ČSN. Measured values are used to calculate individual losses. The next part consists of creating a model for software analysis (Maxwell RMxprt). The generated model is converted into a 2D simulation environment (Maxwell 2D), where it is adapted to obtain values from the examined parts (rotor and stator teeth and rotor cage). Results of simulations at different loads are compared and analyzed from the point of view of higher harmonics.
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