Spelling suggestions: "subject:"knowhow"" "subject:"knowshow""
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Le contrat de franchise au Brésil / The franchising agreement in BrazilAmaral, Pedro 16 December 2010 (has links)
Le Brésil, comme tous les pays en voie de développement, est très sensible à l'investissement étranger, qui stimule son industrie et son commerce, intérieur et extérieur. En même temps, la sécurité juridique est donc une clé dans le processus d'affirmation du commerce international brésilien, notamment aux yeux de l'UE et la France, et garantit un développement continu et durable du pays. Dans ce contexte, déjà en 2001, plusieurs aspects politiques et juridiques ont été cités par la Banque Mondiale et le Gouvernement Français comme étant une barrière à l'investissement : la bureaucratie, le coût de la main d'œuvre, la fiscalité, le transfert de technologie, le respect aux contrats et les accords internationaux. La présente étude vise à contribuer au développement de la relation entre le Brésil et les investisseurs franco-européens, en apportant à ceux-ci une meilleure compréhension du système juridique brésilien, à travers l'analyse comparée du contrat de franchise, lequel exige une étude plus approfondie grâce à sa complexité, plus particulièrement en matière de droit des obligations, de la concurrence, et de la propriété intellectuelle. / As any other developing country, Brazil is very sensitive concerning foreign investments, which stimulates its industry and commerce, domestically or cross borders. At the same time, legal safety is one of the keys in this Brazilian international commerce consolidation, especially vis-à-vis Europe and France, in order to ensure a sustainable and continuous development of the country. In this context, in 2001 already, several political and legal aspects were mentioned by the World Bank and the French Government as true barriers to foreign investment : bureaucracy, work force cost, taxation, technology transfer, and the respect to contracts and international treaties. The present essay aims to contribute to the development of the relationship between Brazil and the franco-european investors, by providing a better comprehension of the Brazilian legal system, through a comparative analysis of the franchising agreement, which demands deeper studies in view of its complexity, concerning particularly contract law, competition and intellectual property.
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Artisanat et sociétés en Gaule méridionale à l’âge du Fer (fin du VIIIe s.-fin du IIIe siècle avant notre ère) / Handicrafts and Society in Southern Gaul in the Iron Age (from the end of the VIIIth to the end of the IIIrd century B.C.)Anwar, Nasrine 17 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se veut une synthèse sur l'artisanat de Gaule méridionale entre la fin du VIIIe s. et la fin du IIIe s. av. n. è., thématique encore peu abordée dans son ensemble pour cet espace géographique. Il vise à définir les facteurs de la spécialisation des tâches et des individus et à traiter de l'évolution du travail dans les sociétés indigènes. Successivement, seront approchées les activités associées aux arts du feu la métallurgie, la céramique et le verre - et les productions dérivées du travail vivrier les textiles, le cuir et les matières dures animales -. À chaque fois, il s'agira d'identifier les procédés techniques attestés à l'âge du Fer, d'examiner les degrés de technicité associés à chaque activité et de dépeindre l'environnement dans lequel ces opérations se déroulent. Une fois ces considérations posées et à la lumière de cette documentation, les aspects économiques attachés à la production d'objets manufacturés et notamment le rôle de l'artisanat dans le processus de complexification sociale dans lequel les communautés sont alors engagées seront analysés. Enfin, compte tenu de l'importance fondamentale de la composante sociale dans le développement du travail spécialisé, les thèmes liés aux lieux dédiés à la production et à l'apparition des ateliers, au statut et à la place des artisans ou à l'apprentissage seront tour à tour abordés, parfois pour susciter plus de questions que de réponses. / This documentation presents a synthesis concerning the handicrafts of Southern Gaul between the end of the VIIIth and the end of the IIIrd century B.C., a topic that has not been overly dealt with globally with respect to that geographical area. It aims at defining the factors determining the specialization of tasks and individual people as well as discussing the evolution of activities within the indigenous societies. Subsequently the activities associated with the arts of fire will be dealt with, i.e. metallurgy, ceramics and glass as well as the products derived from cottage industry, i.e. textiles, leather and hard materials stemming from animals. There always arises the need of identifying the technical procedures bearing witness to the Iron Age, of examining the degrees of technical achievement associated with each and every activity and of depicting the environment where these operations take place. Once those considerations are established - and in the light of that documentation - we shall analyze the economic aspects underlying the production of hand-made objects and namely the role played by handicrafts in the creation of an ever more complex society made up by the individual communities. Finally, given the fundamental importance of the social component in the development of specialized activities, the topics connected with the actual place of production, with the appearance of workshops, with the status and place of the craftsmen or with the institution of apprenticeship will be alternately dealt with; sometimes giving rise to more questions than answers.
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Evaluation formative du savoir-faire des apprenants à l'aide d'algorithmes de classification : application à l'électronique numérique / Formative evaluation of the learners' know-how using classification algorithms : application to th digital electronicsTanana, Mariam 19 November 2009 (has links)
Lorsqu'un enseignant veut évaluer le savoir-faire des apprenants à l'aide d'un logiciel, il utilise souvent les systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents (STI). Or, les STI sont difficiles à développer et destinés à un domaine pédagogique très ciblé. Depuis plusieurs années, l'utilisation d'algorithmes de classification par apprentissage supervisé a été proposée pour évaluer le savoir des apprenants. Notre hypothèse est que ces mêmes algorithmes vont aussi nous permettre d'évaluer leur savoir-faire. Notre domaine d'application étant l'électronique numérique, nous proposons une mesure de similarité entre schémas électroniques et une bas d'apprentissage générée automatiquement. cette base d'apprentissage est composées de schémas électroniques pédagogiquement étiquetés "bons" ou "mauvais" avec des informations concernant le degré de simplification des erreurs commises. Finalement, l'utilisation d'un algorithme de classification simple (les k plus proches voisins) nous a permis de faire une évaluation des schémas électroniques dans la majorité des cas. / When a teacher wants to evaluate the know-how of the learners using a software, he often uses Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS). However, those systems are difficult to develop and intended for a very targeted educational domain. For several years, the used of supervised classification algorithms was proposed to estimate the learners' knowledge. From this fact, we assume that the same kinf of algorithms can help to adress the learners' know-how evaluation. Our application field being digital system design, we propose a similarity measure between digital circuits and instances issued from an automatically generated database. This database consists of electronic circuits pedagogically labelled "good" or "bad" with information concerning the simplification degrees or made mistakes. Finally, the use of a simple classification algorithm (namely k-nearest neighbours classifier) allowed us to achieve a circuit's evaluation in most cases.
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Avbrutna rutiner i en studentdriven organisation : En fallstudie över Norrlands nationAskros, Johanna, Höjerback, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin har förändrat och i vissa fall omöjliggjort den verksamhet som bedrivs av studentnationerna i Uppsala, vilket har medfört att nya studenter inte har kunnat lära sig bedriva delar av nationsverksamheten. Studiens syfte är därför att genom en fallstudie över Norrlands nation förklara vad konsekvenserna av detta kan bli samt vilka återhämtningsförutsättningar som finns. Organisatoriska rutiner utgör vanebaserade och repetitiva inslag i en verksamhet. Tillgången till minnen relaterade till vad som ska göras, hur och vem som besitter kunskap om detta bidrar till upprätthållandet av rutinerna, varför empirin analyseras utifrån minnestyperna know-how, know-what och know-who. Studien visar att främst know-how och know-what riskerar att saknas efter pandemin och att tillgången till know-who kan användas för att inhämta erfarenhet från tidigare nationsaktiva och återskapa rutinerna från innan verksamheten tvingades ställa om. Användandet av dokumenterade erfarenheter konstateras vidare ha teoretisk potential att ersätta förlorade minnen, men inte vara praktiskt genomförbart för nationen.
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Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden koulutuksen työelämävastaavuus:esimerkkitapauksena Oulun yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitoksen koulutusohjelmaRiihijärvi, J. (Jorma) 17 March 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of this study has been to examine the working life correspondence of education both theoretically and empirically. In this study, three different conceptual interpretations have been used to define working life correspondence: interpretation emphasizing the know-how needs of the working life, interpretation emphasizing the educational expectations of the working life and the interpretation emphasizing the career development of the individual. This phenomenon has been studied from the point of view of computer science education in particular. The interpretations emphasizing know-how needs and educational expectations are examined using gap analysis. The correspondence between the know-how capacities and the educational expectations is significantly different from that between the know-how capacities and the know-how needs. The gaps between the individual’s know-how capacities and the educational expectations are clearly more positive, less dependent upon external factors closely related to the respondent and there was considerably less variation among them than between the know-how capacities and the know-how needs.
The results showed that the know-how needs of working life are very heterogeneous and strongly dependent on the external factors relating closely to the individual. The educational expectations were shown to be very homogeneous. Therefore it seems natural that the development of the contents of instructions and the structure of the education – particularly in the case of the compulsory core contents – should be based on the very homogeneous and independent educational expectations of the working life. In the light of the results, the educational expectations point of view brings a completely new and significant perspective to the examination of the working life correspondence and the effectiveness of the education, as well as the development of the contents of instruction.
In terms of explaining and anticipating student satisfaction, the results turned out to be interesting. The results showed that learning results, the age of the respondent and the satisfaction in studying are significantly interconnected. The most significant external factor anticipating satisfaction in the field of computer science was the career development of an individual, which refers to the long-term effects of the education.
In terms of method, this study was conducted as field research with the help of a questionnaire. The target group were students who had graduated from the department of Information Processing Science of the University of Oulu from 1976 through 2006. The questionnaire was sent to a total of 680 persons, 210 of whom replied. This was 31.3 % of the entire target group. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen pääasiallisena tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia sekä teoreettisesti että empiirisesti ilmiötä ”koulutuksen työelämävastaavuus”. Tutkimuksessa koulutuksen työelämävastaavuudelle on määritelty kolme erilaista käsitteellistä tulkintaa: työelämän osaamistarpeita korostava tulkinta, työelämän koulutusodotuksia korostava tulkinta sekä yksilön urakehitystä korostava tulkinta. Ilmiötä on tarkasteltu erityisesti tietojenkäsittelytieteiden koulutuksen näkökulmasta. Osaamistarpeita korostavassa tulkinnassa työelämävastaavuutta voidaan tarkastella osaamistarpeiden ja koulutuksen tuottamien osaamisvalmiuksien vastaavuutena. Koulutusodotuksia korostavassa tulkinnassa työelämävastaavuutta voidaan vastaavasti tarkastella koulutusodotusten ja koulutuksen tuottamien osaamisvalmiuksien vastaavuutena. Urakehitystä korostava tulkinta tarkoittaa sitä, kuinka hyvin koulutuksen tuottamat osaamisvalmiudet tukevat yksilön urakehitystä. Osaamistarpeita ja koulutusodotuksia korostavia työelämävastaavuuden tulkintoja on tarkastelu kuiluanalyysin avulla. Osaamisvalmiuksien ja koulutusodotusten keskinäinen vastaavuus poikkeaa merkittävästi osaamisvalmiuksien ja osaamistarpeiden vastaavuudesta. Osaamisvalmiuksien ja koulutusodotusten väliset kuilut ovat selvästi positiivisempia, riippumattomia vastaajaan kiinteästi liittyvistä ulkoisista tekijöistä ja niiden vaihtelu huomattavasti vähäisempää kuin osaamisvalmiuksien ja osaamistarpeiden välisten kuilujen tapauksessa. Koulutuksen vaikutuksia yksilön urakehitykseen ei ollut mahdollisuuksia tutkia, joskin ammattiryhmäkohtaiset kuiluanalyysien tulokset osoittivat, että muodollinen koulutus ei kykene tuottamaan yksilön urakehityksen myötä laajenevia ja kasvavia osaamistarpeita.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että työelämän osaamistarpeet ovat hyvin heterogeenisia ja ne ovat vahvasti riippuvaisia yksilöön kiinteästi liittyvistä ulkoisista tekijöistä. Tämä osaamistarpeiden heterogeenisuus muodostuu ongelmaksi tarvelähtöisen koulutuksen työelämävastaavuuden kehittämisessä. Sen sijaan koulutusodotukset osoittautuivat hyvin homogeenisiksi. Todella merkittävä havainto on nimenomaan se, että koulutusodotukset eivät ole yksilön osaamistarpeiden johdannaisia eivätkä lainkaan riippuvaisia vastaajien taustatekijöistä, vaan ne perustuvat mitä ilmeisimmin vastaajien näkemyksiin tietojenkäsittelytieteiden ydinalueista ja sisällöistä. Siksi tuntuu luonnolliselta, että opetussisältöjen ja rakenteen kehittäminen – etenkin pakollisten ydinsisältöjen osalta – tulisi perustua työelämän hyvin homogeenisiin ja riippumattomiin koulutusodotuksiin. Tulosten valossa koulutusodotusnäkökulma tuo täysin uuden ja merkittävän näkökulman koulutuksen työelämävastaavuuden ja vaikuttavuuden tarkasteluun sekä opintosisältöjen kehittämiseen.
Opiskelijatyytyväisyyden selittämisen ja ennustamisen osalta tulokset osoittautuivat mielenkiintoisiksi. Tutkimuksessa opiskelijatyytyväisyys jakaantui kahteen osaan: opiskelutyytyväisyyteen ja koulutusalatyytyväisyyteen. Tulokset osoittivat, että oppimistuloksilla, vastaajan iällä ja opiskelutyytyväisyydellä on merkittävä keskinäinen yhteys. Ulkoisista tekijöistä merkittävimmäksi koulutusalatyytyväisyyttä ennustavaksi tekijäksi nousi yksilön urakehitys, joka viittaa koulutuksen pitkäaikaisiin vaikutuksiin.
Menetelmällisesti tutkimus oli kyselymetodiin perustuva kenttätutkimus, jossa kohdejoukon muodostivat Oulun yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitokselta vuosina 1973–2006 valmistuneet opiskelijat. Kyselyt lähetettiin 680 henkilölle ja niihin vastasi 210 henkilöä, mikä on 31,3 % koko kohdejoukosta.
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Développement hydro-agricole au sud-est du lac Alaotra (Madagascar). Histoire, limites et pespectives de la maîtrise de l'eau / Hydro-agricultural development in the southeast of the lake Alaotra (Madagascar). History, limitations and perspectives of water managementErismann, Julie 28 February 2014 (has links)
Le lac Alaotra est la plus grande étendue d’eau douce de Madagascar et les vastes plaines qui l’entourent ont tout naturellement attiré les convoitises des différents pouvoirs en place au cours de l’histoire, de sa colonisation. Essentiellement tournée vers la riziculture, cette région a bénéficié de nombreux aménagements qui ont transformé le paysage et le rapport des hommes à leur environnement. La combinaison au fil du temps des savoirs et savoir-faire paysans, techniciens, et l’intérêt des chercheurs en font aujourd’hui « le grenier à riz » de Madagascar. C’est autour de la maîtrise de l’eau, ressource essentielle dans ce pays d’économie rurale, que s’organise cette thèse de Géographie. À travers l’étude des vallées du sud-est de l’Alaotra, nous nous intéressons ici à montrer dans quelle mesure les aménagements hydro-agricoles permettent d’envisager un meilleur développement agricole et territorial et comment, dans un contexte de décentralisation, le contrôle et l’appropriation des ressources naturelles par les acteurs locaux peuvent engendrer des dynamiques et des modalités de gestion renouvelées de leur environnement. / Alaotra lake is the biggest body of fresh water in Madagascar and the vast plains surrounding it, have naturally become highly coveted by the various authorities over the course of it’s history and its colonization. Primarily based on rice cultivation, this region has benefited from numerous rural planning projects. As a result, the landscape as well as the relationship between the people and their land has been transformed. Over time, the combination of knowledges and know-how farmers, technicians and the research interest in this area, have made it Madagascar’s most significant rice granary. This geography thesis is structured around water management, an essential resource in a country based on rural economies. Through the study of the southeastern valleys, we will focus on showing the extent to which the hydro-agricultural planning allows us to consider better agricultural and territorial development and how, in a context of decentralization, the control and the appropriation of natural resources by local actors can lead to renewed management dynamics and procedures in their environment. / Ny farihy Alaotra no fihebanandranomandry lehibe indrindra ao Madagasikara , ary ny tany lemaka midadasika manodidina azy no nanitona ny fitsiriritan’ireo manampahefana nifandimby tao amin’ny tantaran’ny fiorenamponenana.Ny fambolem-bary no votoatim-piainana ao amin’io faritany io , ary fanajariana marobe no efa nanova tanteraka ny endrikin’ny tany sy ny fonenana eo . Ny fandrindrana ny fahalalàna sy fahaiza-miasan’ny tantsaha, ny mahay taozavatra , sy ny finiavan’ny mpikarodalana no nahatonga azy ho « lavabarin’i Madagasikara ». Manodidina ny fanafolahana ny rano , andry ijoroan’ny toekarenan’ny antsaha , no namolavolàna ity tandro-kevitra fandinihantany ity. Avy eo amin’ny fikatsahana natao tao amin’ireo lohasaha ao Atsimo-atsinanan’Alaotra no niaingan’ny sainay hampiseho fa ny fanajariana ny rano sy asatany no hahafahana mihevitra ny fivoaram-bokatra amin’ny voly sy ny faritany ; ary koa ao anatin’ny fitsinjarampitondrana , dia hahitàna fa ny fandinihana sy ny fandraisana an-tanana ireo loharanon-karena velona ataon’ny mpiasa eo antoerana no mety hiteraka fampandrosoana sy fivaozan’ny fitantanana ny toe-ponenana manotolo.
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O trabalho do professor de matemática: a confluência da experiência profissional com a formação acadêmica / The work of the mathematics teacher: the confluence of professional experience with academic formationCastro, Franciana Carneiro de 07 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:56:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims at investigating and analyzing the confluence of the professional
experience with academic formation, identifying the process of mobilization and
resignification of the teaching work of a group of student-teachers who teach
Mathematics. Therefore, it is based on a theoretical framework that allows for the
analysis of the relationship between formal studies of Mathematics teachers and
professional experience, with emphasis on the concepts of formation, work,
teaching knowledge, experience and professional development. The
methodological process of research is developed on an investigative path that
allows the mixed mode of data analysis, i.e. quantitative and qualitative. In the first
phase, 43 student-teachers take part as research subject, and in the second, 8
student-teachers. Data collection is done through instruments such as: registration
form, questionnaire, interview and materials (report and memorial). Because of
this reflection process, it is possible to notice that there was a process of
mobilization and resignification of the teacher s work. In fact, the professional
experience spread all over the school allowed student-teachers to resignify their
professional craft based on academic background. It is expected, thus supporting
the deepening of the theme, so that it can better describe the work of the trainerteacher
group of professionals from which this researcher is a member and
perhaps to provide graduates and students of the Mathematics bachelor degree
with a more theoretical support on the pedagogical practice of the Mathematics
teacher in the classroom / O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar e analisar a confluência da
experiência profissional com a formação acadêmica, identificando o processo de
mobilização e ressignificação do trabalho docente de um grupo de professores
que ensinam Matemática. Para tanto, recorre a um referencial teórico que permite
analisar a relação entre a formação do professor de Matemática e a experiência
profissional, com ênfase nos conceitos de formação, trabalho, saberes docentes,
experiência e desenvolvimento profissional. O processo metodológico da
pesquisa desenvolve-se em um percurso investigativo que possibilita a
modalidade mista de análise dos dados, ou seja, quantitativa e qualitativa. Na
primeira fase, participam como sujeitos da pesquisa 43 professores-discentes e,
na segunda, oito professores-discentes. A coleta dos dados é feita por meio de
instrumentos como: ficha de cadastro, questionário, entrevista e materiais
(relatório e memorial). Como resultado desse processo de reflexão, constata-se
que houve um processo de mobilização e ressignificação do trabalho docente. De
fato, a experiência profissional mobilizada na escola permitiu que professoresdiscentes
ressignificassem seu ofício com base na formação acadêmica. Esperase,
assim, colaborar com o aprofundamento da temática, a fim de que se possa
melhor qualificar o trabalho do professor-formador grupo de profissionais do
qual esta pesquisadora faz parte e, quiçá, propiciar aos egressos e discentes da
Licenciatura de Matemática mais um aporte teórico sobre o fazer pedagógico do
professor de Matemática em sala de aula
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Coletores de samambaia-preta e a questão ambiental : estudo antropológico na área dos Fundos da Solidão, município de Maquiné, Encosta Atlântica no Rio Grande do SulKubo, Rumi Regina January 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo antropológico sobre os moradores dos Fundos da Solidão, uma localidade do município de Maquiné, RS. Essa área encontra-se dentro dos limites da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica e sua identidade e condições de existência são tensionadas pela prática de uma atividade específica: a coleta de samambaia-preta - que sofre restrições sob ponto de vista da legislação ambiental. Caracteriza-se assim, um grupo social, envolto por um problema que tem conotação ambiental. Reconhecendo o caráter polissêmico do termo ambiental, parte-se do pressuposto de que esse grupo, encontra-se atravessado por ditames gestados por um campo circunscrito como ambiental. Tais ditames, tendo abrangência ampla, atingem esferas sociais diversas, e diante de situações locais específicas, como no caso deste grupo, apresentam-se na forma de conflito e dilemas que evidenciam modos de vida diferenciados e submetidos às condições assimétricas constitutivas da sociedade, transfigurando-se como um problema social. O recorte e a abordagem ocorrem, portanto, sob o horizonte de uma prática especifica, a extração de samambaia-preta, a partir da qual, buscou-se o desvendamento de seu universo social. Nesse percurso, não se buscou apenas, resgatar as práticas sócio-culturais desses extrativistas frente a um processo que tende à sua exclusão social, mas procurou-se uma aproximação a estes sujeitos “em processo” que percebem determinadas mudanças em seu meio ecológico e sócio-político, e que frente às intimações de seu tempo, constituem um devir, através da luta pela permanência de determinadas práticas locais, a adesão a outras práticas sociais e aliança com novos mediadores e interlocutores, tudo isto, num clima de constante conflito e re-acomodações. / This work is an anthropological study on the inhabitants of Fundos da Solidão, locality of the city of Maquiné (Brazil), whose territory are inside of the limits of the Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlantica and its identity and life conditions are pressured by the practical one of a specific activity: the Samambaia-preta harvest. This activity is prohibited under point of view of the current forest legislation. We have thus, a social group crossed for environmental questions. Such questions reach diverse social spheres, and in contact with specific local situations, as in the case of this group, results in the conflict form. The clipping and boarding of this group occur, therefore, under the horizon of practical one specify, the Samambaiapreta harvest, from which, your social universe are disclosed. In this situation, one does not only search, to rescue cultural pratices of the these harvesters in front to a process that tends to its social exclusion, but to search an approach to these citizens "in process" that they perceive changes in course in its ecological and social context. In this way, they constitute your future, either through the fight for the permanence of determined local practices and knowledges, the adhesion to social practical others and alliance with new mediators and interlocutors, everything this, in a conflict condition and re-adaptations.
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Adaptação da metodologia Skrat "Strategic Practice for know-how retention and transmission within organization" : O caso dos Serviços Económico-Financeiros de uma Instituição Portuguesa de Ensino Superior PúblicoSantos, Manuela Quitéria Oliveira Santos January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Engenharia de Serviços e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012
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Le contrat de franchise : étude comparative (droit français et droit vietnamien). / Franchise contract : comparative studies (Vietnamese law and France law)Ngo, Quoc Chien 21 June 2012 (has links)
La franchise repose sur l’exploitation par le franchisé d’une clientèle attachée à la marque du franchiseur. L’intérêt commun des deux parties dans l’exploitation d’une clientèle justifie les obligations réciproques qui leurs incombent : le franchisé mobilise des moyens financier et humain, tandis que le franchiseur apporte des actifs immatériels. La réalisation d’une œuvre commune justifie également la collaboration et la confiance mutuelle des parties pendant l’exécution du contrat de franchise. On constate toutefois que les parties au contrat de franchise, au-delà de leur intérêt commun, ont chacune des intérêts particuliers. Il n’est dès lors pas étonnant que chacune d’elles cherche à obtenir le plus grand avantage à son seul profit moyennant le plus faible sacrifice.L’approche comparative du rapport d’intérêts entre le franchiseur et le franchisé, sous l’angle du droit français et du droit vietnamien, est riche d’enseignements. Elle permet de comprendre le régime juridique réservé à la franchise dans deux systèmes juridiques qui, malgré leur différence, possèdent de nombreux points communs. / Franchising is based on the exploitation by a franchisee of a clientele associated with the franchisor’s trademark. The common interest of both parties in operating a class of customers justifies their mutual obligations: the franchisee mobilizes financial and human resources while the franchisor brings intangible assets. The implementation of a common work also justifies collaboration and mutual trust among the parties during the carrying out of the agreement.Beside their common interest, each of the franchisor and the franchisees has proper interests. Therefore, it is not astonishing to find that every party tries to obtain the best advantage at the lowest cost.The comparative approach of the relationship between the franchisor and franchised in light of their respective interests, under French Law and Vietnamese Law, is enriching. It enables to go thoroughly into the legal aspects of franchising under two legal systems which, in spite of their difference, have many common points.
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