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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duas mulheres ceramistas entre o Japão e o Brasil: identidade, cultura e representação / Two women ceramists between Japan and Brazil: identity, culture and representation

Liliana Granja Pereira de Morais 20 October 2014 (has links)
Ao apresentar o relato da trajetória de vida de duas mulheres ceramistas japonesas, Shoko Suzuki e Mieko Ukeseki, inserindo-o em seu contexto histórico e sociocultural, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as construções históricas, representações culturais, experiências pessoais e subjetividades envolvidas na construção da sua identidade. A partir da análise do discurso e da prática destas ceramistas, recolhidos a partir dos preceitos definidos por Daniel Bertaux (1997) como récits de vie (relatos de vida), pretende-se compreender os processos pessoais envolvidos na construção da identidade cultural das duas ceramistas, marcados pela vivência transcultural decorrente da imigração para o estado de São Paulo, Brasil, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970 respectivamente. A história da cerâmica japonesa toma aqui papel relevante para a construção das imagens de japonesidade, traduzidas no discurso e na prática das ceramistas. Contudo, é na apropriação e reinterpretação destas representações em diálogo com suas subjetividades e experiências pessoais que a identidade cultural é recriada. Ao lançar luz sobre o relato pessoal da trajetória de vida de duas ceramistas japonesas no Brasil, esta pesquisa pretende também contribuir para iluminar vários aspetos da história, sociedade e cultura do Japão e do Brasil do último século, em especial, a situação das mulheres na cerâmica nipônica, a imigração de artesãos e artistas japoneses para o Brasil, os processos de construção da identidade cultural japonesa através do artesanato e da cerâmica e os processos pessoais envolvidos na criação de uma identidade nipo-brasileira / By presenting the life-story account of two Japanese women potters, Shoko Suzuki and Mieko Ukeseki, inserting it in its historical and sociocultural context, this work aims to present the historical constructions, cultural representations, personal experiences and subjectivities involved in the construction of their identity. From their discourse and practice analysis, collected from the precepts defined by Daniel Bertaux (1997) as récits de vie (\"life story accounts\"), we intend to understand the personal processes involved in the construction of their cultural identity, marked by the transcultural experience due to the immigration to Brazil in the 1960s and 1970s respectively. The history of Japanese ceramics takes here an important part for the construction of images of \"Japaneseness\", which are translated in the discourse and practice of these potters. However, it is in the appropriation and reinterpretation of these representations in dialogue with their personal experiences and subjectivities that cultural identity is recreated. By shedding light on the personal account of the life stories of two Japanese women potters in Brazil, this research also aims to contribute to illuminate various aspects of the history, society and culture of Japan and Brazil in the last century, in particular, the situation of women in Japanese ceramics, the immigration of Japanese artists and craftsmen to Brazil, the processes involved in the construction of a Japanese cultural identity through craft and pottery and the creation of a Japanese-Brazilian identity

Betydelsen av personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom

Nellegård, Sara, Brynielsson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Personer som drabbas av demenssjukdom ökar. Forskning visar att personcentrerad omvårdnad bidrar till ett minskat lidande och ökat välbefinnande hos personer som drabbats av demenssjukdom. Vårdpersonal står inför en ny kultur där utbildning inom personcentrerad omvårdnad och demenssjukdom behövs för att kunna bedriva en god och säker vård. Det är således relevant att ta reda på vårdpersonalens upplevelser av personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevelser av personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats, där tio vetenskapliga artiklar baserade på kvalitativ metod användes. Resultat: Det framkom i resultatet att vårdpersonal upplevde att personcentrerad omvårdnad ligger till grund för en god demensvård. Resultatet sammanställdes i två kategorier, vilka var fördelar med personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom och kunskapsbrist inom personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom. Respektive kategori beskrivs med hjälp av tillhörande underkategorier. Slutsats: Vårdpersonal upplever att det råder kunskapsbrist inom personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demenssjukdom. Utbildning krävs inom dessa områden för att bidra till en trygg och säker demensvård. Personcentrerad omvårdnad ligger till grund för att kunna ge individuell vård samt bidra till en god relation mellan vårdpersonal, vårdsökande och deras anhöriga. / Background: The number of people who are diagnosed with dementia is increasing. Person-centered care contributes to decreased suffering and increased well-being among individuals suffering from dementia. Today´s caregivers face a new culture where knowledge of person-centered care and dementia is of immense importance when providing good and secure care. It is thus relevant to ascertain what kind of experiences caregivers have of person-centered care.  Aim: To describe the caregiver's experiences of person-centered care when dealing with dementia.  Method: A literature review, with inductive approach, where ten articles based on qualitative method were included. Result: Findings revealed that caregivers experienced that person-centered care is an important underlying factor when providing safe care to people with dementia. The findings were compiled into two categories, benefits with person-centered care when dealing with dementia and lack of knowledge within the same field. Each category is further described with the help of associated subcategories. Conclusion: Caregivers experience a general lack of knowledge of person-centered care when caring for individuals with dementia. More education is required in order to establish a safe and secure care for people with this condition. Person-centered care is a key aspect when providing safe care and also contributes to good relationship between caregivers, patients, and their next of kin.

Exploration de la continuité de soi dans la schizophrénie au travers des récits de vie de patients / Self-continuity investigation in schizophrenia through patients’ life stories

Allé, Mélissa 26 October 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de nos travaux de thèse était de mieux comprendre les troubles de l’identité dans la schizophrénie, et en particulier les perturbations du sentiment de continuité de soi dans le temps. Dans ce but, nos recherches ont consisté en une analyse exhaustive de la cohérence narrative de récits de vie recueillis auprès de patients schizophrènes stabilisés. Nos résultats mettent en évidence un défaut de raisonnement autobiographique au sein des récits de patients accompagné de perturbations de la cohérence temporelle. Ces altérations sont liées aux déficits exécutifs des patients d’une part et à la diminution de leur sentiment subjectif de cohérence personnelle d’autre part. Nos résultats vont dans le sens d’une dysconnexion entre le self et la mémoire autobiographique dans la schizophrénie conduisant à une perturbation du sentiment de continuité de soi dans le temps. Nous concluons notre travail en développant des applications cliniques et thérapeutiques en vue d’aider les patients à recréer un récit cohérent de leur vie et tenter de renforcer leur sentiment de continuité de soi. / The purpose of this project was to better understand disorders of the self in schizophrenia, and more particularly impairments of the sense of self-continuity observed in these patients. In order to do so, we deeply investigated narrative coherence of stabilized patients’ life stories. Our analyses showed a lack of autobiographical reasoning within patients’ narratives and a decreased of temporal coherence. Those impairments were related to patients’ executive dysfunction and to their subjective feeling of less coherent life. Our results suggest a disconnection between the self and autobiographical memory in schizophrenia leading to an impoverishment of the sense of self-continuity across time in those patients. To go further, clinical and therapeutic applications could ensue from our work. Indeed, it would be possible to help patients creating new and more coherent life stories through psychotherapy and by this way help them to retrieve a sense of self-continuity.

Migration Stories : A Case Study on the Life Course, Social Networks and Mobility Intentions of Refugees in Hofors

Zetterberg, John January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the mobility intentions of refugees in Hofors. The aim is to apply the theoretical framework of the life course perspective and social network theory; evaluating their suitability in approaching the topic of refugees’ mobility intentions in the Swedish countryside. The research questions ask how the life courses, social networks, and the specific locality influences their mobility intentions. The empirical research is based on biographical interviews and participatory mapping with refugee migrants residing in Hofors and an expert interview with a municipal employee. The findings illuminate: the role and dominance of different life domains at different timings (e.g. importance of the work domain in the initial stages of integration), the function of social networks as a resource of information, and the social context offered by Hofors (facilitating certain resources) – indicating the central importance of this conjunction, between the needs of trajectories within certain life domains and the ability of the locality to satisfy these needs, in influencing the mobility intentions. The research is situated in the field of international migration to the Swedish countryside, focusing on how rural municipalities can retain more refugees, by addressing the issue from the perspective of refugee migrants.

"Ces étudiants étrangers qui restent ou qui veulent rester" : résonance de discours en circulation sur l'immigration dans les récits d'étrangers diplômés en Suisse, candidats à "l'établissement" / "The foreign students that stay, or who attempt to stay" : how immigration debates influence the life stories of highly qualified foreign workers desiring to prolong their stay abroad in the country of their academic studies

Keller-Gerber, Alessandra 12 November 2015 (has links)
De par ses réseaux catholiques et son bilinguisme français / allemand, l'université de Fribourg a été la plus internationale de Suisse. A partir des années 60, la Confédération helvétique avait ouvert à Fribourg une école préparant aux études universitaires, visant un public international dont le diplôme du secondaire n'était pas reconnu (les CIUS). En 2011, la fermeture de cette école fut symptomatique d'un changement de profil de l'étudiant étranger en Suisse: l'étudiant en provenance de pays exotiques et lointains – inscrit en bachelor pour un cursus de longue durée, venu en qualité de free mover ou soutenu financièrement par une bourse de coopération – laissa progressivement sa place à un autre type d'étudiant, occidental, venu par le biais de programmes d'échange tels qu'Erasmus. Ayant travaillé précédemment sur la figure de l'étudiant de mobilité courte dans diverses études basées sur des récits de vie, nous nous sommes posée la question suivante : la manière de se dire d'un ex-étudiant de mobilité, ayant décidé de poursuivre ses études en Suisse, puis d'y rester en tant que diplômé hautement qualifié, varie-t-elle par rapport au discours sur soi d'un étudiant de type Erasmus ? Ce travail s'encre dans le champ de la didactique des langues et des cultures étrangères. Il s'agit d'une recherche qualitative, menée dans une perspective anthropologique. Nos outils d'analyse s'inspirent d'autres disciplines, telles que la sémiotique ou la narratologie. Notre cadre théorique porte sur l'étudiant de mobilité et le migrant hautement qualifié, deux figures sociologiques limites par lesquelles les personnes que nous avons interrogées sont passées, ou vont passer. Ce cadre s'est centré, en outre, sur les rapports entre récit et fabrication de l'identité dans des contextes de mobilité. Nous considérons, sur le plan méthodologique, le récit de vie comme le produit d'une situation d'énonciation spécifique : celle d'organiser des souvenirs – des soi passé(s) – en fonction d'une formulation de soi au présent, qui se construit en réponse à une commande. Cet autoportrait peint à deux mains fera appel à des voix de tiers absents s'étant – dans le passé – exprimés sur ce soi remis en scène pour l'entretien. Le premier volet d'analyse vise l'établissement d'un paysage discursif autour de la question des étudiants étrangers / travailleurs étrangers hautement qualifiés en Suisse – via l'étude d'un corpus de presse. Le second volet s'attelle au corpus des récits de vie dans le but d'appréhender, puis de typifier, les stratégies de mise en scène de soi (et de l'autre) de chacun des narrateurs. Le volet conclusif reprend transversalement ce corpus principal dans le but de voir apparaître – dans ce contexte – des typologies de narrateurs : ces diplômés, candidats à l'établissement, reprennent-ils dans l'autoportrait qu'ils nous livrent les discours produits sur leur compte dans les médias ? La nature performative du dispositif de recherche est questionnée, enfin, pour comprendre si le récit « d'établissement » via les études peut être considéré comme un récit de mobilité spécifique. / Given its Catholic network and French-German bilingualism, the University of Fribourg has long been among the most international in Switzerland. Beginning in the 1960's, the Helvetic Confederation opened a preparatory school for university study, envisioning an international student body for which a secondary, or high school, diploma would not be recognized abroad (CIUS). In 2011, the closure of this school was symptomatic of a change in the profile of the foreign student in Switzerland: the student, having typically arrived from countries considered both exotic and distant – enrolled in a bachelor degree for long term study in the role of a free mover without the assistance of financial aid scholarships– gradually bequeathed this position to a new kind of student, a western student, who arrived as part of exchange programs like Erasmus. Having previously examined the role of the short-term transitory student in various studies based on real-life accounts, in this dissertation I examine the following question: How does the role of the ex-transitory student, who has decided to pursue his academic studies in Switzerland and to afterward remain there as a highly qualified graduate, differ in relation to the manner in which we can discuss the position of an Erasmus student? This study is grounded in the field of foreign language education. It is a qualitative study guided by an anthropological perspective, though my research methods additionally draw from other similar disciplines such as semiotics and narratology. My theoretical frame focuses on the transitory student in addition to highly qualified migrants, two limited sociological roles that my interviewees have already or will soon experience. Moreover, this frame will concentrate on the relationship between the account and the fabrication of identity in the context of mobility. Methodologically speaking, in this study, I consider the real-life account of experience as the product of a particular kind of vocalization: that of organizing recollections – of the former self or selves – according to an image of the self in the present, that constructs itself in response to the questions advanced in the interview. This self-portrait, crafted the participants, will recall the eclipsed voice of the absent third-party participant, discussed and recreated within the discussion. The first component of analysis examines the establishment of a discursive landscape addressing the question of foreign students, or those that are highly qualified and employed in Switzerland, through the study of a body of journalistic articles. The second step is closely tied to the corpus of real-life accounts and has the objective of understanding the methods for representing the self (and the other) for each of the narrators. The final conclusive step will transversally address this corpus in order to observe – in context – the typologies of narrators: what are the echoes, if any, between the representation of the foreign student, or graduate, within the media as well as within real-life accounts? Finally, the performative nature of the research plan is questioned, in order to understand if the account of “installation” via academic studies can be taken into consideration as a specific account of mobility.

Contribution à la connaissance du cycle de vie du dirigeant-actionnaire dans le gouvernement de l’entreprise familiale non cotée : une approche exploratoire par la méthode des récits de vie / Understanding the life cycle of manager/shareholder in the governance of the unlisted family business : an exploratory approach by the biographic method

Bellakhdar, Mohamed Aymen 16 September 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte socio-économique et démographique français caractérisé par l’importance destransitions générationnelles dans les entreprises familiales non cotées. Il devient essentiel dedécrire pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement et les comportements du dirigeant-actionnaireau sein du gouvernement de son entreprise tout au long de son mandat. Dans le but, d’unemeilleure préparation de la relève générationnelle.Cette thèse se donne comme objectifs la mobilisation de la méthode des récits de vie pourconstruire un modèle de cycle de vie du dirigeant-actionnaire. En effet cette méthode qui se basesur des entretiens de récit de vie permet la construction dans une logique abductive un modèledescriptif de la réalité de l’objet de recherche.Enfin, ce travail constitue une contribution à l’enrichissement du cadre théorique du courantcomportemental cherchant à appréhender la réalité des entreprises familiales. / In a socio-economic and demographic context characterized by the importance of generationaltransitions in family businesses in France that are not listed in the stock market. It becomesessential to describe it in order to better understand the operation and the behavior of themanagers that are also shareholders when running his or her company throughout his or her termin order to have a better generational succession planning.This thesis is presented with the objective of mobilizing a method of life stories to build a modelof life cycle of the manager/shareholder. In fact, this method is based on real life story interviewsthat will allow the construction of a descriptive live cycle model of the managers based onabductive logic.Finally, this work is a contribution to the theoretical framework in order to enrich the currentbehavioral seeking to help better understand the reality of family businesses.

Japanese Pronoun Adventure: a Japanese Language Learner's Exploration of His Japanese Gender Pronoun

Nakano, Takumi 07 November 2016 (has links)
In Japanese, there are various kinds of first-person pronouns, and some of them express the referent’s gender identity. Gender-neutral pronouns are made in English- speaking world day by day, but there is not any common first-person pronoun which indicates the gender identity that positions the referent’s gender somewhere between masculine and feminine. The present paper conducted a life story research on the “Japanese life” of an advanced learner of Japanese at a university in the United States who has been exploring his gender identity by coining and using a new Japanese first- person pronoun 㛪 ore, which indicates “in the middle between masculine and feminine.” This new Japanese gender pronoun has enabled the research participant to express his gender identity as he desires to be, and brought the gender non-binary view to the Japanese-speaking world. His invention and usage of the new pronoun has been achieved between two languages, Japanese and Chinese, with the help of his friends. The study also shows the influence of the ideology of gender binary view in the society, which made a gap between his preferred gender expression and actual expression that occurs when he speaks Japanese. Finally, the present study suggests teachers and educational institutions of Japanese to provide students with environments where they can try out different identities and expressions before asking them what kind of language user they aspire to be.

Allt är för barnens bästa : livsberättelser om det betydelsefulla i möten

Bengtsson, Ingmarie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa och analysera sex invandrade kvinnors berättelser om hur de upplevt att möta det nya landet i allmänhet och den svenska förskolan i synnerhet utan att kunna svenska, eller ha begränsad tillgång till språkliga uttryck. Detta i relation till förskollärares uppdrag att samverka med hemmen samt ge föräldrar möjlighet till delaktighet i förskolans verksamhet. Livsberättelser utgör empirin. Narrativ teori och socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv används för analys av resultatet. Inom detta perspektiv utgår man från att det inte finns några givna sanningar utan en mängd varianter av uppfattningar om sanningar. Dessa bildas och ombildas i olika kontexter och som narrativ forskare ser man sig som delaktig i skapandet av de berättelser som konstrueras.  Burr´s fyra kategorier för att definiera social konstruktion har använts i analysarbetet. Resultatet visar att mötet och bemötandet är det som är viktigast för mammorna i studien och barnens trygghet och välbefinnande är det som dominerar narrativen. Att inte kunna språket kan vara ett problem men viljan från förskolans personal att förstå och förstås betonas av mammorna, framför svårigheterna med språkliga hinder. Önskan om ytterligare delaktighet nämns inte och detta bör diskuteras och problematiseras i arbetslagen. / Aim of this study is to examine how immigrant parents experience their first meeting with the new country in general and the Swedish preschool, l in particular, with no or little access to the Swedish language. Previous research in the field is poor and the focus is on how teachers´ and preschool teachers´ opinions about cooperation with parents (Crozier 1999), (Joshi, Eberly & Konzal 2005), (Phoon, Abdullah & Abdullah 2013) (Fakir 2010) (Persson & Tallberg Broman 2002). From parents’ perspective the wellbeing and comfort of their children seem to be of most importance (Vuorinen 2018). The difficulty of not understanding each other due to language barriers is also of interest and was discussed by Massing, Kirova and Hennig (2013). The study was based in Social construction with help from Burr´s (2015) definitions as tools, used in the analysis. Since social construction and narrative research argue that the researcher is part of creating the stories, I have striven to consider that during the process. The study has a qualitative approach and data consists life stories told by six mothers that didn´t know any Swedish, or had limited access to the language, when they first met the Swedish preschool. The life stories were transcribed and interpreted in order to find dominating patterns. Prevailing ethical principles have been considered as they are put in Swedish research council guidelines (Gustavsson, Hermerén & Pettersson, 2011). The respondents were guaranteed confidentiality and possibility to stop participating at any time. Results showed that the dominant finding is the wellbeing and comfort of the children. To be met with interest and curiosity seem to be more important than to be able to speak the same language from the beginning, even if the linguistic barriers can be problematic. The curriculum for Swedish preschools emphasizes the importance of giving parents possibility to be involved in the preschool. But this was not anything that was mentioned in the study. It can be of great interest in discussions among preschool teachers to be better prepared to meet parents.

Liven intill livet : En studie om äldre kvinnors erfarenhet av det liv som blev och det liv som kunde ha varit / The life next door : A study on older women's experience of the life that became and the life that could have been

Jakobsson, Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is through life interviews examine how older women talk about their lives, how dreams, life choices and self-understandings are formed and renegotiated in relation to social norms and structures. The study is based on interviews with six different women. The empirical focus of the study is women born and raised in the countryside of Västerbotten, Sweden during the 1930’s and 1940’s. The analysis of the material is based on narrative perspective, with inspiration from the theory of performativity, an intersectional understanding of gender, age, social class and place. The results of the study show that identity can be understood as part of a narrative construction and that the way the life-story is structured interacts with age. In the narrative, memories are given a certain meaning and are presented as central to the whole course of life's entirety. In the women's narrative, it has become clear that the dreams that are formulated are largely the result of intersectional factors; gender, class, age and place, and that dreams are constructed in relation to one's own self-understanding. Many of the women express a satisfaction with the life that has been, but there are also dreams that have continued to function as an alternative narrative to the life that is lived. Some dreams still have a chance to come true, while others act a "what if" next to the existence of life.

Narrative Shock: Helping North Korean Defectors Narrate their Lives Fully in South Korea

Foley, Eric P. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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