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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feminicidio jako alarmující problém mexické společnosti - analýza procesu u dvou vybraných případů / Feminicidio as an alarming problem of Mexican society: Process tracing of two selected cases

Kunická, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Gender violence in Mexico is a problem that affects its society on a long- term basis. Its most extreme form known as feminicide, that is a gender- based murder of women, appears with so much frequency that it can be considered a structural problem yet. Mexico is one of the countries with most cases in Latin America, however, insufficient and ineffective measures taken by the state facilitate their perpetration which is often immune from prosecution. This thesis aims to approximate the issue to the reader and explain the concept of feminicide in given context within its complexity. For that purpose, a process tracing analysis of two selected cases is done; starting from their perpetration to their sentencing by judicial instances. The sentences of both cases became very important milestones. The factors that contributed to the outcome are tracked and afterwards a comparison of tracked causal mechanisms is done. As it was already mentioned, the cases were not selected randomly. Not only are they important for their sentences, but moreover they took place in two Mexican states with traditionally high numbers of committed feminicides, that is in Chihuahua and Mexico State. The results of the analysis suggest that even though Mexico has signed the most important international conventions about women's...

Representaciones sociales sobre misoginia en estudiantes varones de educación superior de Lima Metropolitana / Social Representations about misogyny of male students of higher education in Lima

Guerra Valencia, Cecilia Alejandra 11 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación exploró las representaciones sociales sobre misoginia en estudiantes varones de educación superior. Se realizó desde el paradigma cualitativo, con el enfoque fenomenológico hermenéutico. En el estudio participaron ocho varones, utilizándose la entrevista semiestructurada para recoger la información. Los resultados evidencian que, en la construcción de las subjetividades de estos jóvenes, aun se preservaban representaciones estereotipadas de género. Asimismo, mantienen una concepción difusa sobre la misoginia y sus diversas expresiones. Otro hallazgo central es que las subjetividades actuales se encuentran en proceso de “pseudo transformación”, que expresa el rechazo de violencia de género en su discurso y la presencia de acciones misóginas en su accionar, lo que indica que aún no se puede hablar de una transformación integrada en las subjetividades de estos jóvenes. / The present research explored the social representations about misogyny in male students of higher education. It was carried out from the qualitative paradigm, with the hermeneutical phenomenological approach. Eight men participated in the study, using the semi-structured interview to collect the information. The results show that, in the construction of the subjectivities of these young people, stereotyped gender representations were still preserved. Likewise, they maintain a diffuse conception about misogyny and its various expressions. Another central finding is that current subjectivities are in the process of “pseudo transformation”, which expresses the rejection of gender violence in their discourse and the presence of misogynistic actions in their actions, which indicates that it is still not possible to speak of a transformation integrated into the subjectivities of these young people. / Tesis

Not What "Almost Famous" Made It Out to Be: Gendered Harassment of Female Music Journalists

Carter, Simone 05 1900 (has links)
As with women journalists in other male-dominated fields, female music writers have long endured gendered harassment. In the newsroom, this sexist treatment is foisted upon female music journalists by their male editors and colleagues; in the outside world, it often occurs at the hands of male sources, readers, and online trolls. Unfortunately, the victims of such abuse are frequently left to cope with it alone, and many report that their mental health suffers in the process. Some may even ultimately decide to quit pursuing music journalism entirely. These women report wanting to feel more supported within their work environment, as well as through informal means, such as via a network of fellow female writers. Feminist media theory, utilitarianism, and ethics of care will serve as the study's theoretical bases. This research, based on in-depth interviews with women music journalists, suggests that the vast majority of participants had faced sexism and/or gendered harassment during their time as a female music journalist, experiences that left many of them feeling frustrated and devalued. Based on the research, I offer recommendations on how to make the industry more inclusive for women writers.

My loneliness is killing me (and everyone else) : En kvalitativ studie om hur incels diskuterar våld online / My loneliness is killing me (and everyone else) : A qualitative study on the discussion of violence within the incel community online

Auf der Strasse, Rosa, Philipson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur incels talar om våld, vilken betydelse våld har för incel-kulturen och incels identitetsskapande. Incels är ett relativt nytt fenomen, som ägnats mer uppmärksamhet i samband med ett antal våldsamma incel-attacker under 2010-talet. Attackerna har riktat sig mot civilsamhället, och har enligt Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) ofta föregåtts av att gärningsmannen spenderat tid på incel-forum (2020, s. 1). Denna iakttagelse om korrelationen mellan incelforum och incel-attacker föranledde utförandet av den här studien. Studiens material utgörs av 511 inlägg från våldsrelaterade diskussionstrådar på hemsidorna incels.net och incels.is, vilka undersöktes med en kvalitativ analys av meningsinnehåll. Resultatet visade att inlägg av våldsbejakande karaktär var mycket vanligt förekommande. Resultatet visade även att teman som kvinnohat, offerskap och icke-våldsbejakande ofta återkom. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien har varit en triangulering av Agnews teori om General strain, Connells maskulinitetsteori och Goffmans teori om stigma. Utifrån dessa teorier kan våldsbejakande diskurs förstås som en hantering av strain, ett iscensättande av maskulinitet och en reaktion på stigma. Resultatet i den här studien bekräftar till stor del tidigare forskning på incels, men det går att konstatera att ytterligare forskning krävs för att förstå varför incels är våldsbejakande, och vilken betydelse internetforum har för incel-kulturen och incel-attacker. / The aim of this study was to examine in what way incels discuss violence, as well as how significant violence is for the incel-culture and their identity. Incels are a relatively new phenomenon, which has been more closely examined following recent attacks perpetrated by incels. The attacks have been aimed at civilians, and according to the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), these attacks have often been preceded by the perpetrator spending time on incel forums (2020). This observation regarding the correlation between incel forums and incel attacks inspired the approach of this study, which aims to shed light on how incels talk about violence, and what role violence plays within the online incel community. The empirical material for this study consisted of 511 posts made on violence related threads from the websites incels.net and incels.is. The study applied qualitative analysis of data to examine the research questions, and the result showed that pro-violence was a common theme within the material. The result also showed that misogyny, feelings of injustice and anti-violence were recurring themes. Agnew’s General strain theory, Connell’s theory of masculinity and Goffman’s theory of stigma was used as a theoretical framework to analyse the material. Using these theories, the study explains the identified themes as coping strategies for strain, attempted staging of masculinity and a reaction to stigma. The results in this study confirm previous research made on the subject, but more research is needed to fully understand the ways incels talk about violence and the significance of violence within the incel community.

Problèmes et possibilités d’une lecture féministe de Spinoza

Charbonneau, Rémi 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire tente de faire une analyse de la philosophie de Spinoza sous le prisme d’une lecture féministe et, subséquemment, de proposer une nouvelle manière d’interpréter le philosophe. Dans un premier temps, principalement grâce aux travaux de Moiras Gatens, Genevieve Lloyd et Hasana Sharp, mais aussi ceux d’Alexandre Matheron, Étienne Balibar, Antonio Negri et Michael Hardt, cette recherche effectue une critique des aspects misogynes de la philosophie de Spinoza. Pour ce faire, nous mettons en relief les incohérences relatives à cette misogynie. Dans un second temps, en comparant les travaux des philosophes.esses susmentionné.es à une interprétation libérale de Spinoza, nous examinons en quoi la lecture féministe est la plus pertinente dans le cadre de cette recherche. Par la suite, il est question d’une réinterprétation des concepts de connaissance de soi, d’individu et de multitude. Par cela, nous abordons l’approche de Lloyd sur la question de la différenciation sexuelle. Dans un troisième temps, nous tentons de prendre l’analyse spinoziste pour expliquer et critiquer certaines problématiques contemporaines. Par la définition de l’hégémonie offerte par Hardt et Negri, nous verrons en quoi la formation d’une norme ne nécessite pas d’être quantitativement importante. Suivant la lecture de Gatens de Spinoza, nous voyons par ailleurs comment le corps masculin blanc fut érigé comme hégémonie, soit comme norme qui définit dans l’imaginaire commun le corps neutre. Finalement, nous tentons une critique de l’hégémonie qui, par le biais d’une lecture féministe de Spinoza, permet une production d’un nouvel imaginaire commun. Cette approche repose sur une analyse de la liberté et de la responsabilité que nous trouvons dans la lecture de Gatens de Spinoza, ainsi que la question de la connaissance de soi développé par Lloyd. / This master’s thesis attempts to analyze Spinoza's philosophy through the prism of a feminist reading and, subsequently, to propose a new way of interpreting this philosopher. In the first place, mainly thanks to the works of Moiras Gatens, Genevieve Lloyd, and Hasana Sharp, but also to those of Alexandre Matheron, Étienne Balibar, Antonio Negri, and Michael Hardt, this research criticizes Spinoza's philosophy in its misogynistic aspects. To do so, we highlight the inconsistencies related to this misogyny. In the second place, by comparing the works of the above-mentioned philosophers with a liberal interpretation of Spinoza, we examine how the feminist reading is the most relevant for this research. Subsequently, a reinterpretation of the concepts of self-knowledge, of the individual, and of the multitude is discussed. Through this, we address Lloyd's approach to the question of sexual differentiation. In the third place, we try to take the spinozist’s philosophy to explain and criticize some contemporary issues. Through the definition of hegemony offered by Hardt and Negri, we will see how the formation of a norm does not need to be quantitatively important. Following Gatens' reading of Spinoza, we also see how the white male body has been erected as hegemonial, that is, as a norm that defines what the neutral body is in the shared imagination. Finally, we attempt a critique of hegemony which, through a feminist reading of Spinoza, allows for the production of a new shared imaginary. This approach is based on an analysis of freedom and responsibility that we find in Gatens' reading of Spinoza, as well as in the question of self-knowledge developed by Lloyd.

Los cambios en los arquetipos de la mujer andina / Changes in the archetypes of Andean women in Peruvian cinema

Chang Talavera, Valeria Fernanda 08 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo explora los diversos arquetipos de la mujer andina identificados en las películas peruanas “La vida es una sola” (1992) dirigida por Marianne Eyde, “Madeinusa” (2005) dirigida por Claudia Llosa y “Wiñaypacha” (2018) dirigida por Óscar Catacora. Dentro de este marco, para el desarrollo de este análisis se planteó la pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo son los cambios de los arcos de transformación de los arquetipos de la mujer andina en el cine peruano representados a través de las películas “La vida es una sola”, “Madeinusa” y “Wiñaypacha”? Este trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar cómo la construcción de estas representaciones, fidedignas o erróneas, pueden afectar en las implicancias de raza, clase y género dentro de la industria cinematográfica nacional, generando desigualdad, normalizando el racismo o la misoginia y afectando a la cultura peruana en general. En última instancia, se utiliza una investigación cualitativa para analizar y comparar los diversos arcos de transformación de arquetipos utilizando la herramienta de investigación: análisis de contenidos. / This research explores the various archetypes of Andean women identified in the Peruvian films "La vida es una sola" (1992) directed by Marianne Eyde, "Madeinusa" (2005) directed by Claudia Llosa and "Wiñaypacha" (2018) directed by Oscar Catacora. Within this framework, for the development of this analysis the research question was posed: How are the changes in the arches of transformation of the archetypes of Andean women in Peruvian cinema represented through the films “La vida es una sola”, “Madeinusa” and “Wiñaypacha”? The purpose of this work is to analyze how the construction of these representations, trustworthy or erroneous, can affect the implications of race, class and gender within the national film industry, generating inequality, normalizing racism or misogyny and affecting Peruvian culture in general. Ultimately, qualitative research is used to analyze and compare the various archetype transformation arcs using the research tool: content analysis. / Trabajo de investigación

The Relationship between Mainstream Radio Music, Vulgar Lyrics, and Race and the Impact on the Criminal Black Male Stereotype.

Brown, DeAngelo K. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The criminal Black male stereotype, cemented in early American literature, has been perpetuated in movies, TV shows, and now on mainstream radio. For this study, Billboard song lyrics were analyzed for three main themes—violence, misogyny, and drugs/alcohol. Billboard song rankings are based on digital download sales, radio airplay, and Internet streaming. The researcher found that the songs played on hip hop and rap genre radio stations con-tained lyrics that strongly correlated with the three themes. The researcher also examined whether a relationship existed between artist’s race and lyrics about violence, misogyny, and drugs/alcohol. Black artists comprised 48% of the artists studied; compared to White artists’ lyrics, Black artists’ lyrics contained the majority of instances of each theme. The Federal Communications Commission does not restrict vulgar lyrical content played on hip hop and rap radio stations. In addition, according to studies of media influence on the social perceptions of racial groups and history of the Black male’s role in entertainment, the mainstream radio industry selects Black artists whose lyri-cal themes show a prevalence of violence, misogyny, and drugs/alcohol.


LAURA ALVARENGA COSTA RIBEIRO 01 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos anos, vários especialistas vêm chamando a atenção para o modo como as redes sociais se tornaram um terreno fértil para o discurso de ódio. Neste trabalho, examino uma postagem de um professor de artes marciais no Instagram, junto com os respectivos comentários, que contêm manifestações de discurso de ódio de gênero. A postagem foi feita em resposta a uma entrevista no YouTube, na qual uma atleta de alta performance faz um relato, enquadrado pela entrevistadora e por alguns comentaristas como um relato de violência sexual. Nosso foco são as práticas de linguagem de natureza discriminatória contra as mulheres, utilizadas nas ações responsivas a esse relato, publicadas no Instagram, tanto pelo professor, quanto pelos usuários que a ele se alinham e afiliam. Com base na análise de categoria de pertença (MCA), foi possível demonstrar o papel crucial desempenhado pela categorização como ferramenta para construir discurso de ódio de gênero. No corpus, categorias que foram historicamente usadas para atacar, intimidar ou excluir mulheres são invocadas, reforçando a deificação dos homens e a demonização das mulheres. A análise aponta para a necessidade de uma discussão sobre a responsabilidade das mídias sociais quanto à propagação de discurso de ódio de gênero e para a discussão jurídica acerca da criminalização da misoginia. A naturalização dessas categorias não apenas favorece o silenciamento da voz feminina, como incita a propagação da violência contra a mulher no meio físico, uma realidade no nosso cotidiano. / [en] In recent years, a number of experts have drawn attention to how social media has become a breeding ground for hate speech. In this work, I examine an Instagram post made by a martial arts teacher, along with the respective comments, which contain expressions of gendered hate speech. The post was made in response to a YouTube interview, in which an elite athlete gave an account, framed by the interviewer and by some commentators as an account of sexual violence. Our focus is on language practices of a discriminatory nature against women, used in responsive actions to this report, published on Instagram, both by the teacher and by users who align and affiliate with him. Based on Membership Categorization Analysis (MCA), it was possible to demonstrate the crucial role played by categorization as a tool to produce gendered hate speech. In the corpus, categories that were historically used to attack, intimidate or exclude women were invoked, reinforcing the deification of men and the demonization of women. The analysis points to the need for a discussion about the liability of social media regarding the propagation of gendered hate speech and for the legal discussion about the criminalization of misogyny. The naturalization of these categories not only favors the silencing of women s voice, but also encourages the spread of violence against women in the real world, a reality in our daily lives.

Witch-hunt : Macbeth, Maleficium and Misogyny in early modern Britain

Dennis, Lisa 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.


Thiele, Anja 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Sexismus bezeichnet verschiedene Formen der positiven und negativen Diskriminierung von Menschen aufgrund ihres zugeschriebenen Geschlechts sowie die diesem Phänomen zugrunde liegende Geschlechterrollen festschreibende und hierarchisierende Ideologie. Ursprünglich wurde der Begriff in den 1960er Jahren in der US-amerikanischen Frauenbewegung als Analogie zu Rassismus (racism) eingeführt. Sowohl Männer als auch Frauen können von Sexismus betroffen sein. Die Erscheinungsformen von Sexismus sind kulturell und historisch bedingt.

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