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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neural bearbetning av regelbunden och oregelbunden aspektböjning i modern grekiska : En MMN-studie / Neural processing of regular and irregular aspectual in ection in modern Greek : An MMN-study

Johansson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Skillnader i morfologisk komplexitet mellan språk har inte fått mycket fokus i forskningen kring neural bearbetning av morfologisk information. Trots detta har slutsatser dragits gällande böjningsmorfologi argumenterande för en skild bearbetning baserat på regelbundenhet, dvs. dekompositionell och holistisk bearbetning av regelbundna och oregelbundna böjningar respektive. För att tillföra forskningen en större morfologisk komplexitet och för att undersöka relationen mellan det kontinuerliga regelbundenhetspektrat och dikotomin av dekompositionell-holistisk bearbetning, undersökte denna uppsats den neurala bearbetningen av aspektböjning i modern grekiska, ett språk med hög grad av komplex böjningsmorfologi. Den tidiga auditiva ERP-komponenten MMN användes för att undersöka detta genom exploatering av dess påvisade relation till långtidsminnet genom att återspegla högre språkliga processer så som syntaktisk (sMMN) och lexikal (lMMN) bearbetning. Resultaten visade två MMN pikar, en tidigare vid 120-175 ms och en senare vid 240-300 ms, vilka modulerades enligt en sMMN-elicitering för både regelbunden och oregelbunden aspektböjning. Dessa resultat talar för en dekompositionell bearbetning av oregelbunden aspektböjning genom svag suppletion (/vɣázo/ → /vɣálo/) och argumenterades indikera avsaknaden av nödvändig morfologisk regelbundenhet för en möjlig dekompositionell böjningsbearbetning. / Differences in morphological complexity between languages have not recieved much attention within the field of neural processing of morphological information. Conclusions have though been drawn regarding inflectional morphology, arguing for different processing of regular and irregular inflections, i.e. decompositional and holistic processing respectively. To provide the research with higher morphological complexity and to investigate the relationship between the continuous regularity spectra and the dichotomy of decompositional-holistic processing, this thesis investigated the neural processing of aspectual inflection in modern Greek, a highly inflected language with complex verbal morphology. The early auditory ERP-component MMN was used to investigate this by exploiting it's shown longterm memory connections, reflecting higher linguisic processes such as syntactic (sMMN) and lexical (lMMN) processing. Results showed two MMN peaks, one earlier at around 120-175 ms and one later at around 240-300 ms. The peaks were modulated according to an sMMN elicitation for both regular and irregular inflections. These results, speaking for a decompositional processing of a irregular verb by weak suppletion (/vɣázo/ → /vɣálo/), were argued to indicate a lack of necessity of morphological regularity for a decompositional processing of inflection.

Skriv bara såm de låtär : En kvalitativ studie om stavningsundervisning och rättstavning i åk 1 och 3 / Just spell lajk its sawnd

Åkesson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how five Swedish teachers relates to the spelling education in grade 1 and 3. The material of this study consists of texts from students from grade 1 and interviews with 5 teachers in the Stockholm area. The study originates from the sociocultural theory and the zone of proximate development as well as a grammatical theory which consists of a phonology part and a morphology part. The result of this study shows that the teachers are positive to teach spelling and specific rules in grade 3 in general. The study also shows that the teachers doesn’t correct the student’s texts that much in grade 1 but they do in grade 3, because most students have learned how to write and spell better in grade 3. The study also shows that the most common spelling mistakes is double letters and vowel confusions. Further would the teachers focus on double letters and special spellings, as th eSwedish/ɧ/ sound for example while correcting the student’s texts.

Satellite cells in human skeletal muscle : molecular identification quantification and function / Satellitceller i human skelettmuskulatur : molekylär identifiering, kvantifiering och funktion

Lindström, Mona January 2009 (has links)
Skeletal muscle satellite cells located between the plasma membrane and the basal lamina of muscle fibres, could for many years, only be studied in situ by electron microscopy. The introduction of immunohistochemistry and the discovery of molecular markers of satellite cells then made them accessible for light microscopic studies and a wealth of information is today available. Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells that can be activated from a quiescent state to proliferate for self-renewal or differentiate into myogenic cells. The satellite cells are involved in muscle growth during fetal and postnatal development and play a key role in repair and regeneration of damaged muscle fibres. The satellite cells are also essential for muscle fibre hypertrophy and maintenance of muscle mass in the adult. When the present thesis was initiated, studies on satellite cells in human skeletal muscle relied on the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) as a marker for satellite cell identification. The results from different studies varied markedly. Therefore the aims of the present thesis were i) to develop a highly reliable method using light microscopy for satellite cell identification and quantification in biopsies of human skeletal muscle in normal and pathological conditions. A molecular marker for the myofibre basal lamina or plasma membrane to enhance the reliability of myonuclei and satellite cell identification were to be included. Furthermore unbiased morphometric methods should be used in the quantification process. ii) to evaluate which molecular markers which had been described for satellite cell and stem cell identification in different cell states (quiescence, activated or differentiated) are the most useful for studies on human skeletal muscle. iii) to further explore the function and heterogeneity of satellite cells with respect to different markers in human skeletal muscle by studying the effects of strength-training, intake of anabolic substances and pathological conditions. A new immunofluorescence method was developed where in the same tissue section, two satellite cell markers, the basal lamina and nuclei were monitored. From the evaluation of different markers it was found that both NCAM and Pax7 identified the majority of satellite cells but that both markers were needed for reliable identification. The members of the myogenic regulatory family were evaluated and by using the new method MyoD and myogenin were found to be useful markers to identify activated and differentiated satellite cells. Upon re-examination of biopsies from power-lifters, power-lifters using anabolic substances and untrained subjects it was observed that the new results on satellite cell frequency were significantly different from those obtained when using staining for NCAM and nuclei alone. In addition three subtypes of satellite cells (94.4% NCAM+/Pax7+, 4.2% NCAM+/Pax7– and 1.4% NCAM–/Pax7+) were observed. Thus the multiple marker method gave more information about satellite cells heterogeneity in human muscle and we propose that this is more reliable than previous methods. Low numbers of MyoD or myogenin stained satellite cells were observed in both untrained and strength trained subjects. Other markers such as DLK1/FA1, a member of the EGF-like family and c-Met, the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor showed that satellite cell heterogeneity in human muscle is far greater than previously shown. Furthermore, new evidence is presented for so called fibre splitting observed in hypertrophic muscle fibres to be due to defect regeneration of partially damaged fibres.

De feminina substantivens böjning i runsvenskan

Marklund, Felix January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur de belagda feminina substantiven böjdes i runsvenska. Materialet utgörs i huvudsak av beläggen på de feminina substantiven i Svenskt runordsregister. För att uppnå syftet används dels böjningssformerna som materialet visar, dels motsvarande feminin substantivböjning i fornsvenska och fornisländska. Uppsatsen visar att det är möjligt att ställa upp böjningsparadigm med de feminina substantivens böjning i runsvenska.

Personliga pronomen i pidginspråk : En jämförande undersökning / Personal pronouns in pidgins : a comparative study

Hammar, Tabea January 2015 (has links)
Pidginspråk är kontaktspråk som uppstår under ansträngda sociolingvistiska förhållanden. De anses vara de mest reducerade språkliga system som ändå möjliggör en lyckad kommunikationinom ett specifikt socialt sammanhang. Det saknas idag forskning som undersöker hur pidginspråk bildar sina språkliga system. Den aktuella studien ska vara ett steg mot mer kunskap inom området och ämnar analysera hur pidginspråk bildar sina personliga pronomenparadigm. Förekomsten av nio olika grammatiska drag har kartlagts hos 18 pidginspråk, deras lexifierare och viktigaste substratspråk. Uppgifterna hämtades genom litteratursökningar och sammanställdes i tabeller i datorprogrammet Excel. Resultatet visar att samtliga undersökta drag förekommer bland pidginspråken men med varierande frekvens. Uppgifterna indikerar att substratspråken har en framträdande roll i processen när pidginspråken bildar sina personliga pronomenparadigm. / Pidgins are contact languages that emerge under strained sociolinguistic circumstances. They are seen as the most reduced linguistic system that can still enable successful communication in a specific social context. To this date there is a lack of research investigating how pidgins form their linguistic systems. The present study is intended to be a step towards extended knowledge within the field and aims to investigate how pidgins form their personal pronoun paradigms. The occurrence of nine different grammatical features in 18 pidgins, their lexifiers and most important substrates has been surveyed. The data was collected through literature search and compiled in tables in the computer program Excel. The results show that all surveyed features occur among the pidgins but the frequencies vary. The data indicates that the substrates have a prominent role in the process of pidgins forming their personal pronoun paradigms.

Viljen I veta? : Om verbens pluralböjning i sydvästsvenska dialekter.

Horn af Åminne, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Så sent som vid 1900-talets början var pluralböjningen av verb ännu fullt levande på ett stort område i södra och västra Götaland. Den här studien undersöker det här pluralområdet på ett geografiskt, kronologiskt, och morfologiskt plan. Syftet är att fastställa var pluralformer fortfarande användes vid tiden för förra sekelskiftet, vilka ändelser som förekom och deras eventuella variation över tid, samt hur och när pluralböjningen slutligen försvann. Studien undersöker också pluralböjningens kronologiska utveckling i ljuset av morfologiska teorier om markering ('markedness'), för att på så sätt lämna ett bidrag till historisk-morfologisk teoribildning. Studiens huvudsakliga material utgörs av samlingarna till Ordbok över Sveriges dialekter på Institutet för språk och folkminnen i Uppsala. Ur dessa har pluralformer från tre specifika verb excerperats och analyserats. Studien preciserar området där pluralböjning förekom vid 1900-talets början och definierar fyra pluralparadigm som förekom inom detta, som vart och ett kan anses spegla olika historiska skeden i pluralformernas historiska utveckling. Kronologiskt är det möjligt att urskilja en geografisk tillbakagång tillsammans med morfologisk förenkling. Den morfologiska utvecklingen sammanfaller med de för studien aktuella teorierna och visar på att mer markerade ändelser har ersatts av mindre markerade. Dessa processer skedde dock långsamt, och var inte anledningen till att pluralböjningen slutligen försvann, vilket i stället tillskrivs riksspråklig påverkan.

LIDAR-analys av flygsanddyner i Västerbottens inland : Har dynmorfologi bildad under tidigare interstadialer bevarats i landskapet? / Analysis of aeolian sand dunes in the inland of Västerbotten using LIDAR-derived images : Has dune morphology formed during earlier interstadials been preserved in the landscape?

Bogren, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to map the prevalence of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten, northern Sweden to find dunes formed during earlier deglaciation phases, which was then preserved in cold-based conditions during the youngest stadial of the Weichselian glaciation. These preserved dunes were expected to be covered by a layer of till and have a rather faint morphology compared to dunes formed during the Holocene. Consequently, high resolution LIDAR-derived images from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) was used to detect the dunes throughout an area covering most of Västerbotten, above the highest coastline and below the mountain range. The analysis resulted in several new findings of aeolian dunes compared to the findings in the quaternary soil map created by the Geological Survey of Sweden. Despite the fact some of the dunes at the LIDAR-derived image had a strange faint appearance, it was quickly evident during the fieldwork that the aeolian sand was not covered by till on any of the dunes visited. The common view during the last decades has been that cold-based ice will not erode or alter the morphology of the landscape beneath the ice. However, this study suggests that hypothesis may not be entirely correct, and therefore it can be hard to use geomorphological implications to reconstruct past glacial environments. Thus, it can be concluded that even under cold-based conditions, preservation of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten is probably not very common.

Feminine/Ornamental/Perverse : feminized forms and mysogyny in architectural aesthetics

Lundmark, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Architectural ornamentation has historically been referred to as feminine, making out the non-structural surplus but also the sublime beauty in a building. By gendering the ornament female, it has become subjected to the same sets of prejudices and moralization as the women of the time.  Modernism escalated the misogynist rhetoric regarding ornamentation to such a degree that it was abolished from the architectural practice. Their dismissal of ornament painted the will to adorn as both infantile projection and erotic deception, the same clashing dualities found in female stereotypes.The contemporary discipline is still affected by the constraints introduced on aesthetics a decade ago and attempts of reclaiming the ornamental have been met by contradicting critique on if- and what contemporary ornamentation should be.  The thesis examines the contemporary debate regarding the definition, utility and application of ornament, as well as a brief historical background focused on late 19th and early 20th century architecture. By examining the decade before ornamentation became taboo, the research highlights the correlating evolution of female archetypes and ornament and how these reacted to the moralization of beauty, leading up to the abolishment of the ornament through Adolf Loos' Ornament and Crime. Reviewing a wide selection of literature on taste, ornamentation and gender, the thesis argues for the return of ornamentation as a tool in a feminist architectural practice. Through the feminized ornament, the project hopes to initiate a discussion on how one could emasculate architectural aesthetics by promoting a more inclusive and diverse morphology. Such a development would not only benefit the built environment cosmetically but improve the visual legibility and create less stress-inducing spaces.

Cellular Origin and Development of Glioma

Lindberg, Nanna January 2009 (has links)
Gliomas are the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system believed to arise from glial cells. Invasive growth and inherent propensity for malignant progression make gliomas incurable despite extensive treatment. I have developed a life-like orthotopic glioma model and used this and other in vivo models to study basic mechanisms of glioma development and treatment. Previous studies had indicated that experimental gliomas could arise from glial stem cells and astrocytes. The present thesis describes the making and characterization of a novel mouse model, Ctv-a, where gliomas are induced from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). Our study shows that OPCs have the capacity to give rise to gliomas and suggests in light of previous data that the differentiation state of the cell of origin affects tumor malignancy. CDKN2A encodes p16INK4a and p14ARF (p19Arf in mouse) commonly inactivated in malignant glioma. Their roles in experimental glioma have been extensively studied and both proteins have tumor suppressor functions in glial stem cells and astrocytes. Here, we demonstrate that p19Arf only could suppress gliomagenesis in OPCs while p16Ink4a had no tumor suppressive effect. Functional DNA repair is pivotal for maintaining genome integrity, eliminating unsalvageable cells and inhibiting tumorigenesis. We have studied how RAD51, a central protein of homology-directed repair, affected experimental glioma development and have found that expression of RAD51 may protect against genomic instability and tumor development. Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is a central feature of malignant progression in glioma. Antiangiogenic treatment by inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling is used in the clinic for treatment of some cancers. We have investigated the effect of an alternative antiangiogenic protein, histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), on glioma development and found that HRG could inhibit the formation of malignant gliomas and completely prevent the formation of glioblastoma.

Differential object marking in South Saami

Kroik, David January 2016 (has links)
This licentiate thesis investigates the case and the syntactic position of the direct object in South Saami. The focus is on plural direct objects, which have Differential Object Marking, a phenomenon in which the case alternates between different types of direct objects. In South Saami, some direct objects carry the accusative case form in the plural, while others only carry the plural marker. This variation of suffix displayed on the direct object is contingent on definiteness; definite direct objects consistently display the accusative case form in the plural while indefinite direct objects, specific and nonspecific alike, lack accusative morphology. In addition to case marking, the study presents an analysis of the alternation of the syntactic position of some direct objects. Definite and indefinite specific direct objects can be realized in two positions: as the complement of the verb or in a position as specifier of the light verb projection. By contrast, indefinite nonspecific direct objects obligatorily surface in the complement position of the verb. This variability in syntactic position of some direct objects is analyzed by means of a Specificity Operator, adjoined to the DP-level of every specific NP, definite and indefinite. The operator moves as an instance of quantifier raising in order to take scope over Existential Closure (EC). EC binds NPs in its domain and give them an existential reading. Therefore, when the Specificity Operator raises, it anchors the DP it is adjoined to in a domain, which is unbound by EC and therefore facilitates a specific interpretation. The operator, void of phonological content, can raise alone to the specifier of vP as an instance of covert movement. The operator can also Pied-pipe the DP it is adjoined to, which results in overt movement of the DP. Indefinite nonspecific direct objects lack the Specificity Operator and therefore they remain in-situ in the VP, where they are bound by EC. In addition to its theoretical value, the thesis will be of use for teachers, students and others with an interest in a better understanding of the case form and the position of the direct object in South Saami. / Daennie licentiaatetjaalegisnie gïehtjedem guktie Åarjelsamien direkte objeekth gelliengiertesne kaasushgïetjieh åadtjoeh. Manne gelliengiertem veeljeme juktie åarjelaemien gïele Differential Object Marking åtna. Naakenh direkte objeekth dam giehtjiem -idie guedtieh, mij ackusatijvem gelliengïertesne muana. Jeatjah direkte objeekth barre låhkoegiehtjiem -h guedtieh, mij ajve gelliengïertem muana, menh ij kaasusem. Dan åvteste direkte objeekti kaasushaamoeh molsedieh. Mov gïehtjidimmie vuesehte ahte definijte direkteobjeekth gelliengiertesne dam ackusatijvegïehtjiem. Eah indefinijte direkte objeekth dam gïethjiem utnieh, valla barre gelliengierehaamoem utnieh. Manne vielie gïehtjedem gusnie, dennie raaje- sisnie, leah dej direkte objeekti sijjieh. Gaavneme ahte joekehtsh leah aaj ovmessie direkte objeekti gaskoeh. Definijte jïh indefinijte specifijke direkte objeekth utnieh göökte sijjieh gusnie maehtieh jïjhtedh, valla indefinite ovspecifijke direkte objeekth utnieh ajve aktem sijjiem gusnie maehtieh årrodh. Gaajhkh dah golme ovmessie direkte objeekth maehtieh maadthsijjesne årrodh goh verben komplemeente, valla definijte jïh indefinijte specifijke direkte objeekth maehtieh aaj aktene vP:n specificeerijisnie jïjhtedh. Manne daam joekehtehtem jïh vuesehtem mannasinie naemhtie jis. Mov innovasjovne lea akte specifijkeoperatovre. Dïhte lea adjungeradamme fïerhten DP:se mij lea definijte jallh indefinijte specifijke. Dïhte operatovre iktesth bæjjene DP:n sistie vP specificeerijen sïjse, men dïhte maahta aaj dam DP:m buektedh Pied-pipingen tjïrrh. Dïhte specifijkeoperatovre bæjjene juktie edtja baataridh Existential Closuren (EC) jaksoste. Gosse operatovre bæjjene, dïhte dan sov DP:m dïbrehte akten domeenese, gusnie specifijke guarkoe daerpies sjædta. Dah direkte objeekt mah eah specifijkeoperatovrem utnieh tjoerieh baetsedh VP:n sijse, jïh dannasinie EC dejtie veadta. Dannasinie existentielle guarkoem åadtjoeh. Daate tjaalege vihkeles lingvistihke teorijese, valla aaj lohkehtæjjide, learoehkidie jïh jeatjide guhth sïjhth buerebe guarkedh mij kaasusidie lea direkte objeekten jïh gusnie, dennie raajesisnie, dïhte objeekte jæjhta. / I den här licentiatavhandling undersöks kasusformen hos de direkta objekten och deras syntaktiska position i sydsamiskan. Fokus ligger på direkta objekt i pluralis, vilka uppvisar fenomenet differentiell objektsmarkering, som innebär att vissa direkta objekt bär ackusativsuffixet i plural medan andra endast bär pluralsuffixet. Denna variation i objektsmarkering är känslig för definithet. Definita direkta objekt har accusativändelsen medan indefinita, både specifika och icke-specifika direkta objekt, saknar den. Utöver själva realiseringen av kasussuffix undersöks också de direkta objektens syntaktiska position. En analys presenteras som definierar olika typer av nominalfraser och skiljer definita och specifika direkta objekt från icke-specifika direkta objekt. Den första typen uppvisar variation i sin syntaktiska placering och har möjligheten att dyka upp både i komplementställning till verbet och i en den lilla verbfrasens specificerare, det vill säga vid gränsen för den lexikala fasen. Indefinita icke-specifika direkta objekt, som utgör den andra typen, kan bara uppträda i en position som komplement till verbet. På basis av den analys som inkluderar min innovation Specifikhetsoperatorn, vilken är adjungerad till alla definita och specifika direkta objekts DP-nivå, kan de två positionerna förklaras. Specifikhetsoperatorn flyttar alltid till vP:s specifierare som en kvantifierarinteraktion, där Specifikhetstoperatorn får räckvidd över Existential Closure (EC) och förankrar sin DP i en domän där en specifik tolkning blir nödvändig. Detta är en typ av osynlig flytt. Flytten kan också vara synlig. I det fallet sker medfraktning (Pied-piping) när Specifikhetsoperatorn tar med sig den DP den är adjungerad till när den flyttar till vPs specifierare. Direkta object som saknar Specifikhetsoperatorn stannar i positionen som komplement till verbet och binds därför av EC, vilket leder till att de får en existentiell tolkning. Bortom sitt värde för lingvistisk teoribildning kommer avhandlingen också att bli viktig för lärare, studenter och elever såväl som för andra med ett intresse av att bättre förstå vilket kasus som uppträder på sydsamiska direkta objekt och dessa objekts position i satsen.

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