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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Talets gåva eller färdighet i förhållande till förutsättningar? : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning av hur gymnasieelever upplever momentet muntlig framställning

Johansson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>The gift of speech or skill in relation to conditions? </em>is a qualitative interview survey of ten students’, in the upper secondary school, experiences of oral presentation in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to research how rhetorical previous knowledge, verbal interaction in the classroom and speech anxiety and speech tendency affect the experience of oral presentation. </p><p>     The result shows that rhetorical previous knowledge has a positive affect on how oral presentation is experienced. Larger previous knowledge generates a more positive experience of oral presentation. The results also show that many of the students have a theoretical knowledge about outline, introduction and conclusion but lack the ability to practically use their theoretical knowledge in their oral presentations. The results also show that many students are experiencing a shortage of rhetorical education. </p><p>     In the classroom culture signified by verbal interaction and dialogue, the students are more encouraged to perform an oral presentation, than in the classroom culture signified by one way communication. The results also show that response often is given orally by the teacher and less often in writing. Response from other classmates is unusual.</p><p>     Students’ speech anxiety and speech tendency affect how most students are experiencing discomfort in some way or another in relation to oral presentation. The background to this discomfort are most commonly related to the performance in front of classmates, the self-image or self-esteem but also being assessed by classmates or the teacher. Two other variables were found in the survey, that of the desire of knowing the audience or not and that of the size of the audience.</p><p>     Oral presentation is important to master both in school but also in real life. The common strategy for development of verbal interaction seems to lay in the actual performance only. Students are not handed other occasions to practice. At the same time students are graded on their performances without having any previous knowledge. Awareness about oral cultures in the classrooms and about the background of students speech anxiety are important for their development of verbal interaction in any form, and it is also important to vary the size of the group and the kind of audiences.</p>

Talets gåva eller färdighet i förhållande till förutsättningar? : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning av hur gymnasieelever upplever momentet muntlig framställning

Johansson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
The gift of speech or skill in relation to conditions? is a qualitative interview survey of ten students’, in the upper secondary school, experiences of oral presentation in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to research how rhetorical previous knowledge, verbal interaction in the classroom and speech anxiety and speech tendency affect the experience of oral presentation.       The result shows that rhetorical previous knowledge has a positive affect on how oral presentation is experienced. Larger previous knowledge generates a more positive experience of oral presentation. The results also show that many of the students have a theoretical knowledge about outline, introduction and conclusion but lack the ability to practically use their theoretical knowledge in their oral presentations. The results also show that many students are experiencing a shortage of rhetorical education.       In the classroom culture signified by verbal interaction and dialogue, the students are more encouraged to perform an oral presentation, than in the classroom culture signified by one way communication. The results also show that response often is given orally by the teacher and less often in writing. Response from other classmates is unusual.      Students’ speech anxiety and speech tendency affect how most students are experiencing discomfort in some way or another in relation to oral presentation. The background to this discomfort are most commonly related to the performance in front of classmates, the self-image or self-esteem but also being assessed by classmates or the teacher. Two other variables were found in the survey, that of the desire of knowing the audience or not and that of the size of the audience.      Oral presentation is important to master both in school but also in real life. The common strategy for development of verbal interaction seems to lay in the actual performance only. Students are not handed other occasions to practice. At the same time students are graded on their performances without having any previous knowledge. Awareness about oral cultures in the classrooms and about the background of students speech anxiety are important for their development of verbal interaction in any form, and it is also important to vary the size of the group and the kind of audiences.

Man måste ta sig tid att lyssna : Talhandikappade elevers möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig svenskundervisningen inom Riksgymnasieverksamheten

Bredberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>En enkätundersökning, en intervjustudie och en observationsstudie har gjorts. Undersökningarna handlar om talhandikappade elevers syn på sin utbildning och sin framtid. Resultatet visar att eleverna ser positivt på sin framtid och att få jobb och att eleverna känner sig kränkta i vissa situationer. Intervjuerna gjordes med tre lärare, en rektor samt en logoped, alla verksamma inom Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever. Frågeställningarna i denna uppsats var:</p><p>• På vilket sätt arbetar skolan för att elever med talhandikapp ska uppfylla kursmålen för svenska?</p><p>• Hur ofta och på vilka grunder används Gymnasieförordningens undantagsbestämmelser i undervisningen?</p><p>• Hur ser eleverna själva på sin framtid, sin utbildning och sitt funktionshinder?</p><p>Resultatet visar också att man inom verksamheten har god kunskap och erfarenhet med elever med talhandikapp och de har utvecklat strategier för at kunna ge dessa elever en så god undervisning och skolgång som möjligt. Observationsstudien visade att det är gott socialt klimat bland elever som undervisas i mindre undervisningsgrupper</p> / <p>A study with help of interviews, inquiries and observations has been made. The surveys is about students with speech disorders and their views on their education and their future. The result shows that pupils welcomes their future and to get jobs and that students feel wronged in some situations. The interviews were carried out by three teachers, a headmaster and a speech therapist, all active in Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever (special schools for disabled students). Issues of this essay was:</p><p>• In what way are the school working to help students with speech disorders to meet the course goals in Swedish education?</p><p>• How often and on what grounds are the Act`s exemptions beeing used in teaching?</p><p>• How do the students see themselves and their future, their education and their disability?</p><p>The result also shows that,Riksgymnasieverksamheten have a good knowledge and experience with students with speech disorders and have developed strategies to give these students a good education and schooling. The observations showed that there are good social climate among students who are taught in smaller teaching groups</p>

Säg vad du menar och mena vad du säger! : En diskursanalytisk studie av svenska grundskolans nationella prov, läroplan och kommentarmaterial för årskurs 4-6 / Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say! : A discourse-analytic study of standardised tests, the national curriculum and accompanying commentary content for swedish primary schools.

Lilliehöök, David, Söderberg, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify discourses about oracy and the spoken language, how these discourses were constructed as well as investigating how these discourses compared to those about writing and written language. Through the use of a social-constructivist approach, we have analysed central documents in the Swedish school system and deconstructed these to uncover implicit meanings bound to them. The materials analysed include a standardised test taken by pupils in the 6th grade along with an excerpt from the Swedish curriculum, containing the aim of Swedish as a school subject, as well as a complimentary material provided for clarifying purposes. We’ve fragmented these documents to identify discourse-indicating variables and their possible function in constructing discourse. In this study we have identified small-scale discourses which we believe to be contributing to the present view on oracy as well as an implicit undermining of its legitimacy, something which we haven’t found any signs of in texts associated with written-language education.This undermining presents itself as language which is hard to decipher, which may be perceived as leading to the expressed uncertainty amongst Swedish teachers and a vertigo linked to these forms of educating. Conclusions drawn from this study point toward a favouring of written activities in the texts, reasons for which we believe could be historical and/or social in nature.

Betyg på sin muntliga grammatik? : Sambandet mellan grammatisk utvecklingsnivå och betyg på det muntliga nationella provet i SVA1

Jonsson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

"Vad det hela faller på är flera saker..." : En diskursanalytisk studie utifrån mellanstadielärares utsagor om muntlighetsundervisningen i den svenska skolans svenskämne / “It All Comes Down to Several Things…” : A discourse-analytic study of Swedish intermediate-school teachers’ views on oracy education in the Swedish subject

Söderberg, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to better understand how oracy education is viewed by a selection of active intermediate-school teachers in the school-subject Swedish. Oracy in the intermediate-school level of education is a subject which is rarely researched and this study thus seeks to broaden the base of knowledge available to future studies. Data was gathered through internet-based interview questions sent to respondents from a selection of Swedish schools as well as teacher students. This was then analysed through a discourse-analytic method. Through the use of this method, common themes were identified within many of the respondents’ answers which in turn pointed to some discourses about oracy. What I found was that common topics circled around the pupils and the classroom climate, Oracy in education and time in both a resource- and fairness perspective. These made up for three main discourses in the material: A preparatory-activities discourse concerning how the pupils are to be prepared for oracy education. This was separated into two discussions about: (1) the maturity of the pupils and (2) teaching proper preparation strategies. A benefits discourse centring on how the student benefit from oracy education. The respondents’ statements point towards there being two benefits of oracy education: (1) its role in providing a well-rounded education and (2) it acting towards their own personal maturity as speakers. A resource discourse which addresses the time-aspect of a teacher’s practice. Two main parts of this discourse focused on: (1) how teachers save time by taking notes during oral examination forms and (2) The problems with fairness faced when time constraints force an oral exam to be split into more than one period.

Muntlig framställning i årskurs 1–3 : Lärarperspektiv på stödstrukturer i svenskämnet / Oral Presentation in Primary School : Teachers’ perspectives of scaffolding when teaching Swedish

Elisson, Caroline, Persson, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien studerar hur lärare i årskurs 1–3 säger att de förbereder och stöttar sina elever inför och under muntliga framställningar. Fem lärare har intervjuats om vilka stödstrukturer de använder sig av under lektioner med fokus på muntlig framställning. Som en teoretisk bakgrund och analysverktyg kommer studien använda sig av ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, och särskilt begreppet scaffolding (stödstrukturer). Resultatet kategoriseras som antingen yttre eller inre stödstrukturer. Inre stödstrukturer behandlar det läraren gör för att stärka elevens självkänsla och bygga upp ett tryggt klassrumsklimat, medan de yttre stödstrukturerna innebär att läraren använder sig av mer konkreta hjälpmedel för att stötta eleverna att bli bättre och tryggare talare. De tydligaste stödstrukturerna lärarna i studien använder är: att förhålla sig till elevens proximala utvecklingszon, att modellera och ge eleverna strategier samt att ge återkoppling på elevernas muntliga framställningar, lärarna använder även stödstrukturer som syftar till att skapa ett gott klassrumsklimat.

"Man får smyga in det muntliga" : En studie om lärares förhållningssätt till muntlighet i klassrummet. / ”You have to sneak in the oral communication” : A study about teachers’ attitude towards oral communication in the classroom.

Grundström, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Att komma till tals - Muntliga interaktionsmönster i klassrum F-3

Schwerin, Christina January 2018 (has links)
I detta examensarbete undersöks klassrummet som kommunikativt rum. Forskning visar atttalutrymmet i klassrummet är ojämnt fördelat, på så sätt att läraren tar den största delen avtalutrymmet jämfört med eleverna. Enligt läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklassen ochfritidshemmen (2011) ska "eleverna ska ges förutsättningar att utveckla sitt tal- ochskriftspråk så att de får tilltro till sin språkförmåga” (s. 247). Klassrummet somkommunikativt rum utforskas i detta examensarbete genom att undersöka på vilka sätt lärarearbetar i de lägre årskurserna för att låta alla elever komma till tals. Det är i begreppetflerstämmighet som examensarbetet tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt. I examensarbetet har jagvalt att göra en empirisk, kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning genom insamling,bearbetning och analys av data från observationer i fyra olika klassrum, i årskurs 1-3, ochintervjuer med de fyra klasslärarna.Resultatet visar att lärare och elevers talutrymme är jämnt fördelat. Lärarna står för igenomsnitt 51% i de fyra klasserna och eleverna för 49%. Sett till antal interaktionerförekommer stora variationer hos eleverna. Den elev som har färst antal har endast eninteraktion och den elev som har flest har 24 stycken interaktioner.Lärarintervjuerna ger en beskrivning av olika sätt att möjliggöra interaktion och muntlighet,genom att organisera undervisningen, planera undervisningens innehåll samt sittförhållningssätt mot enskilda elever.

”Jag ska prata om…” : En kvaliativ studie av det muntliga nationella provet i svenska 1 och 3.

Fagerlund, Maja January 2020 (has links)
Ett av skolans syfte är att lära ut kommunikativ kompetens och göra eleverna till goda, retoriska talare med förmåga att tala i olika sammanhang. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka hur elever använder sig av inledning, avslutning samt ickeverbalt språk i inledning och avslutning i det muntliga nationella provet, samt om ett generellt mönster kan utläsas från eleverna med samma betyg. Analysmetoden bygger på ett antal kriterier kring inledning, avslutning och ickeverbalt språk utarbetade från tidigare forskning angående de tre aspekterna. Materialet för studien utgörs av 13 inspelade tal från kurs 1 och 3 i svenska. Resultatet visade att det helhetsbetyg eleverna fått på provet korrelerade med deras förmåga att använda språkliga medel vid aspekterna inledning, avslut och ickeverbalt språk och att eleverna med samma betyg i stort sett använde sig av samma språkliga medel.

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