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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Religionen, hejdå! Ateism, välkommen!" : Nyanlända elevers självpositionering och upplevelser av religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige / "Religion, goodbye! Atheism, welcome!" : The religious self positioning and experience of RE in Sweden among recently immigrated pupils

Bergenfelz, Charlotte, Silverglimth, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur nyanlända elever ser på religion utifrån två teman. Det första behandlar hur dessa elever positionerar sig till religiösa traditioner, samt på vilka sätt dessa positioner kan ha förändrats i diaspora. Det andra temat behandlar hur de nyanlända eleverna upplever religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige. Studiens resultat är baserat på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex nyanlända elever och deras lärare i religionskunskap. Intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån kritisk diskursanalys och ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Studiens resultat på det första temat visar hur de flesta av eleverna inte ser sig som religiösa, utan benämner sig som troende, och deras religionsutövning präglas av en stor variation. Av de sex eleverna kommer fem från en muslimsk bakgrund, och hos flera av de fem finns ett språk som tyder på stereotypisering av muslimer. Samtliga muslimska elever beskriver en förändring av tro och minskad praktik som ett led av att befinna sig i diaspora. Resultatet av det andra temat visar hur elevernas upplevelser av religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige generellt sett är positiv, men en elev har en negativ bild av undervisningen och menar att undervisningen leder till ateism. Undervisningen och läromedel upplevs som bra eller neutrala på att skildra islam, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare forskning, samtidigt som några av de muslimska eleverna anmärker på felaktigheter. / The aim of this study is to explore how recently immigrated pupils perceive religion based on two themes. The first theme deals with how these students position themselves in regard to religious traditions, and how these positions might have changed in the diaspora. The second theme deals with how the pupils experience Religious Education (RE) in Sweden. The results are based on semi-structured interviews with six recently immigrated pupils and their RE teacher. Critical discourse analysis and postcolonialism are used as theoretical and analytical approaches. The findings on the first theme indicate that most of the pupils do not see themselves as religious, and instead refer to themselves as believers, and their religious practice is characterised by a large variation. Five of the six pupils come from a muslim background, and the language these pupils use show signs of stereotyping muslims. All the muslim pupils describe a change in belief and a decrease in practice as a result of being in diaspora. The findings on the second theme indicate that the pupils generally have a positive experience of their RE in Sweden. One pupil had a negative view of the education, which was seen as a leading factor in becoming an atheist. The teaching and study materials used in the classroom were perceived as good or neutral in their depiction of islam, which does not match the findings of previous research, although some of the muslim pupils remarked on a few inaccuracies.

La Kafala en droit algérien et ses effets en droit français / The Kafala in algerian law and its effects in french law

Houhou, Yamina 24 January 2014 (has links)
La kafala n’est pas un concept de droit musulman mais un concept nouveau de droit positif. Il est fort complexe dès lors qu’il est analysé sous l’angle juridique. Sa complexité est inhérente aux multiples questions qu’il soulève. La kafala ne crée pas de filiation, mais confère l’autorité parentale , et le nom pour l’enfant makfoul sans filiation. La transposition de la kafala en droit français a posé problème. L’interdiction de l’adoption posée par le droit algérien a eu un impact négatif sur la kafala car elle est souvent comparée à l’adoption. Le droit français a en effet interdit l’adoption d’un enfant recueilli par kafala. Le makfoul souvent sans filiation n’a pas de statut juridique en France. / Kafala is not an Islamic law concept but a new concept of positive Law. Kafala is a complex legal concept. Its complexity is inherent to the many legal questions it raises. Kafala does not create affiliation, but confers parental authority, and a name for the makfoul (adopted child) without filiation. The transposition of the concept of kafala by the French law has generated a problem. The prohibition of adoption imposed by the Algerian law has had a negative impact on the kafala concept because it is often compared to adoption. French law has actually banned the adoption of a child raised by kafala. The makfoul , often without filiation, has no legal status in France

Etude des discours islamiques fondamentalistes sur la femme véhiculés par des acteurs et actrices religieux glocaux à Bruxelles: une analyse genrée des modèles sexués prônés

El Bachiri, Leïla 10 June 2011 (has links)
Quels sont les modèles sexués prônés dans les discours islamiques par les acteurs religieux issus des courants fondamentalistes, conscientisateur des Frères Musulmans et néosalafiste, à Bruxelles? Préconisent-ils un rapport hiérarchique, complémentaire ou égalitaire entre la femme et l’homme ?<p>L’analyse genrée de ces discours propres à chacun de ces courants, permet-elle d’identifier des différences de représentation de « la femme musulmane » ?L’émergence d’une féminisation du discours islamique à Bruxelles, au sein du courant conscientisateur des Frères Musulmans engendre-t-elle une remise en question de ces représentations et la mise en exergue des rapports sociaux de sexe ?A partir d’une recherche de terrain, qui s’est étendue de septembre 2006 à mars 2011, nous répondons à ces questions à l’aide d’un corpus constitué de plus 60 discours issus des acteurs et actrices religieux des courants fondamentalistes à Bruxelles. Ce corpus peut prétendre à l’exhaustivité.<p><p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experiences of young adult Muslim second generation immigrants in Britain : beyond acculturation

Ashraf, Mujeeba January 2016 (has links)
This research is an attempt to understand the living experiences of young adult Muslim SGIs, in Britain. This research advocates to understand their living experiences from the perspective of social identity approach which discusses multiple dimensions of identity, unlike acculturation theory which focuses on a mono dimension of identity. This research introduced a multiple social identity model for Muslim SGIs. Contrary to the previous literature, the first study, the interview study, revealed that they explained their conflicts with their non-Muslim British peers and with their parents on the basis of non-shared identity. With their non-Muslim British peers they shared cultural (national) identity, therefore, they explained their conflicts in terms of different religious values (practices); with their parents they shared religious identity, therefore they explained their conflicts in terms of different cultural (ethnic) values and practices. They argued that their parents practise various cultural practices in the name of Islam, and Muslim SGIs distinguished Islam from their parents' culture, and identified with the former, not the latter, and attributed their conflicts to their parents' cultural values. In addition, they explained that their religious identity enables them to deal with conflicts with peers and parents. The second study, the focus group, successfully validated the findings of the first study, and it broadened the understanding of the fact that SGIs and their parents both explained their religion in their own cultural context. Their religious (Muslim) identity also promotes their relationships with their non-Muslim British peers and parents, which contributes positively towards their British identity, and more specifically they define themselves as British Muslims. In the third study, the survey study, the hypotheses were developed on the bases of the qualitative studies. It was expected and found that British and Muslim identities were positively correlated; they had non-significant identity differences with the Muslim identity and significant identity difference with British and ethnic identities from their parents. Ethnic identity difference from their parents was the only found predictor of their attribution of their conflicts to their parents' cultural values.

Komu důvěřují konvertitky k islámu? Zdroje informací mladých pražských konvertitek k islámu a jejich cesty k poznávání nového náboženství / Whom do Muslim female converts trust? Informational sources of young female Muslim converts from Prague and their ways of discovering the new religion

Popovová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Komu věří české konvertitky? Zdroje informací mladých pražských konvertitek k islámu Bc. Klára Popovová English Abstract At present, Islam is a hotly debated issue in the Czech society; however, we still know very little about our own Muslim minority and academic studies only started to focus on it in the last few years. Apart from native Muslims, several hundred converts to Islam live in the Czech Republic. These people discovered their religion as adults and have not been brought up with it. Where do women who have decided to become Muslims look for information and on what basis do they trust their sources? Apart from the above-mentioned questions, this thesis discusses other topics related to conversion of women to Islam, be it their motivation to convert or the response of their families and friends. The main contribution of this thesis consists of original quantitative research in which fifteen young women converts to Islam living in Prague took part. This sample provides an interesting insight into the lives of several Czech Muslim women and also a starting point for further, more complex research. From the respondents' answers, it is evident that the Internet, social networks, and information exchange between Czech Muslim women play an important part. More traditional sources, such as...

Par-delà le féminisme, le féminisme musulman? le cas de l'écriture-femmes en Arabie Saoudite, 1958-2008 / Beyond feminism, islamic feminism? a study case, women writing in Saudi Arabia, 1958-2008

Temsamani, Hafsa 18 October 2012 (has links)
Lorsqu’on s’interroge sur l’essor du mouvement féministe dans les pays musulmans, d’autres questions, lancinantes, se font jour. Car l’enjeu culturel, sur fond religieux, d’un islam souvent imbriqué dans la vie politique elle-même, interpelle les féministes et les penseurs de tout l’Occident. En effet, contrairement à ce qui se passe au sein de la civilisation occidentale où généralement s’est transmise une idée de la laïcité bien précise, il n’en ira guère de même dans les pays à prédominance musulmane. Dans ces contrées, la problématique féministe différera sensiblement de celle en vigueur dans les pays occidentaux. Pour les nations soumises à la loi de la charia, le champ d’action du mouvement féministe visera avant tout à libérer les femmes d’une emprise patriarcale qui se réfèrera le plus souvent à de libres interprétations des textes sacrés pour exiger de leur part une soumission absolue. <p>Dans les études sur le féminisme et le genre, l’Arabie Saoudite, il est vrai, constitue « une énigme ». Et c’est précisément ce qui nous a incité à explorer cet univers « voilé » dont nous allons, au gré de notre étude, tenter de « dévoiler » un tant soit peu le mystère.<p>Nous avons entrepris dans ce but une recherche approfondie à propos de l’écriture-femmes saoudienne romanesque depuis son essor en 1958 jusqu’à 2008. Ce sont donc cinquante années d’écriture-femmes saoudienne sur lesquelles nous nous pencherons au cours de notre étude. Le lecteur l’aura compris :le fil conducteur de notre recherche reposera sur l’écriture en tant que vecteur de prise de conscience féministe. <p>En définitive, ce travail se composera donc de trois grandes parties, chacune subdivisée en chapitres. Dans la première partie, nous développerons la question du féminisme en rapport avec l’islam. Le premier chapitre exposera le féminisme et le genre en tant qu’approche méthodologique des discours et des arguments féministes. Le deuxième chapitre traitera de la question de l’islam et de la laïcité. En effet, pour la plupart des pays musulmans, l’islam est une religion d’Etat. La charia est la source principale du droit, voire exclusive dans certains pays, comme en Arabie Saoudite où elle est considérée comme complète, suprême, supérieure à toute loi. Logiquement, une autre question surgira, celle qui sous-tend le troisième chapitre de cette première partie, au cours duquel nous nous demanderons si un « féminisme musulman » représente une réalité vraiment envisageable. La deuxième partie sera censée investiguer le contexte idéologique en vigueur en Arabie Saoudite. Ensuite, nous évoquerons une esquisse de la littérature en Arabie Saoudite et les orientations des écrivains saoudiens et saoudiennes. La troisième partie se centrera sur une analyse thématique de l’écriture-femmes romanesque saoudienne s’étalant sur une période allant de 1958 à 2008. Nous nous étendrons d’abord sur un panorama de cette écriture dans les contrées en général, avant d’aborder les thématiques les plus spécifiques de cette écriture, approuvant qu’il s’agisse d’un pays encore très mystérieux aux yeux des étrangers: l’Arabie Saoudite.<p>Il apparaîtra qu’une parenté certaine entre « écriture » et « militantisme féministe » sous-tend, à l’évidence, l’univers romanesque des femmes saoudiennes. En clair, l’apport de l’écriture-femmes saoudienne a été considérable :elle nous a offert une peinture vivante de l’Arabie Saoudite et de la condition féminine. Elle contribue à l’émergence d’un style de militantisme marqué par son berceau saoudien et, de ce fait, elle participe à l’avènement d’un féminisme proprement saoudien. <p><p><p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Post 9/11 constructions of Muslim identities in American black popular music / Post nine eleven constructions of Muslim identities in American Black popular music

Khan, Khatija Bibi 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to critically explore the constructions of Muslim identities in selected Black African American popular music composed before and after the 11th of September 2001. This study is interdisciplinary because it used popular culture theories developed by Hall, Strinati, Storey and Gilroy’s concept of the Black Atlantic. Postcolonial literary theories of Bhabha, Spivak and Fanon were also used. The study demonstrated that the content and style of the lyrics by Public Enemy, Talib Kweli, Paris, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Scarface, Miss Eliot, Missundastood, Erykah Badu and KRS-One have been influenced by Islam’s religious versions of the Nation of Islam, Five Percenters or Nation of Gods and Earths and Sunny Islam. Individual singers also manipulated the spiritual symbols and cultural resources made available to them in the Islam religion. Black African American singers more or less share common historical experiences, but they constructed and depicted Muslim identities differently because of their class, generational and gender backgrounds. Chapter one introduced the area of study, justified it and adopted an eclectic theoretical approach in order to account for the diverse constructions of Muslim identities in the songs composed by black African American hip hop singers. Chapter two provided an extended review of literature for the study. Chapter three explored the influence of the Nation of Islam on the singers and its creative manipulation by the black singers. Chapter four explored religious hybridity because the lyrics draw from Islam and Christian eschatological values. Chapter five used lyrics by three black female singers and revealed how they reconfigured differently, Black Muslim identities in a musical industry predominantly patronised by male singers. Chapter six explored the use of language in signifying different meanings of Muslim-ness in order to arrive at different definitions of pan Black Islamic musical consciousness. Chapter seven concluded the study by summarising the central argument of the study which was that black African American singers have referenced cultural symbols from Islam and in the process manipulated Islam’s religious metaphors to suggest different and alternative models for the black communities in the United States of America. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

Socialtjänstens utmaningar i mötet med minoritetsgrupper : – En kvalitativ studie om muslimska kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten. / The challenges of the social services in the meetings with minority groups : – A qualitative study of muslim women's lived experience of the social service.

Athahb, Anwahr January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences and treatment of Muslim women in their encounters with the social services. The primal themes for this study was: How does Muslim women experience the treatment of their case in the social services in a situation of need? How can the encounter and experience with the social services affect the clients trust in the social services?  What is the ideal treatment of women with a Muslim identity by the social services? The aim of this study was to investigate and capture the respondents lived perceptions and experiences with the social services, and thus the qualitative interview methodology was implemented to answer the research questions and hypotheses. Seven interviews with Muslim women were conducted in various districts of Stockholm, a city in northern Sweden. Five of the respondents were of ethnic Swedish origin and two were of other ethic origin. The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced a negative response at least once when in contact with the social services. Respondents emphasize that the unsafe and insecure meeting with the social worker was due to a non-verbal body language which they experience as an indication of preconceived notions about Muslim women, which is particularly experienced and described by the respondents with the Islamic headscarf. The trust in the social services decline in connection with the negative reflection of the respondents. However, the lived experiences with the social worker and the social services have not all been of a negative nature. The suggested ideal is also taken from the respondents own lived experiences with the social services.  A pervasive and consistent ideal is that the respondents want to be listened to, understood and respected for who they are as well as empowered rather than suppressed.  Key words: treatment, attitudes, Muslim women, social services, symbolic interactionism, trust, reliance (confidence) ideal, Rothstein, Mead, structural discrimination.   Nyckelord: bemötande, muslimska kvinnor, socialtjänsten, symbolisk interaktionism, tillit, förtroende, ideal, Rothstein, Mead, strukturell diskriminering.

Válka a nacionalismus. Formování bosňácké a srbské národní identity / War and Nationalism. Formation of Bosniak and Serbian national identity

Žaba, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The thesis analyzes formation of Muslim nationalism identity during the 20th century and then its radical discursive transformation in the context of the Bosnian war between 1992 and 1995 and the conflicting struggle with neighboring Serbian nationalism. Internal redefinition of the Muslim/Bosniak national identity is examined in the context of a number of structural, institutional and discursive continuities and discontinuities, as both a contingent and determined event at the same time. As a result of these heterogeneous processes, the current Bosniak national identity is mainly homogenized around the symbols of Islam and the national myth of eternal suffering of Bosniaks and the age-long genocidal endeavor of Non-Bosniaks that resulted in the "Serbian genocide/Holocaust" over Bosniaks between 1992 and 1995. Key words War, nationalism, national identity, ethnic conflict, nation-building, Bosniak nationalism, Muslim nationalism, Serbian nationalismm, Islam, genocide, Holocaust, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian war

When narratives create community: standing with children against stealing

Morkel, Elizabeth 30 November 2002 (has links)
At a Muslim school a group of boys with a reputation for stealing got the opportunity to share stories with communities of concern. Honesty meetings, honesty tests, honesty certificates and honesty celebrations formed part of narrative therapy ways of working together to try and regain reputations for honesty. As an outsider researcher/therapist I was confronted by stories of slavery, racism, unemployment, poverty, crime and violence. Through collaboration with a cultural consultant it became possible to do theology and pastoral care as a Christian in a Muslim community in a respectful and ethical way. The sharing of stories of pain and resistance contributed to the mutual care and community amongst participants from communities separated by racism and apartheid legislation as well as differences of culture and religion. Reflections on this journey mark a migration of identity for me as researcher, therapist, Christian and white South African practical theologian. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Theology)

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