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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Playful writing i Sverige : Möjligheter och hinder ur verksamma pedagogers synvinkel

Ingvarsdotter, Anna, Walter, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Metoden Playful writing är utarbetad i Storbritannien utifrån deras läroplan. Metoden bygger på att elever via högläsning och guidad lek med byggande i grupp med 3D material får närma sig narrativt skrivande. Metoden bygger på multimodalt och kooperativt lärande. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger i Sverige uppfattar metoden Playful writings möjligheter och hinder med avseende på inkludering under narrativ skrivundervisning. För att kunna ta del av hur pedagoger uppfattar metoden behöver vi undersöka hur de uppfattar metodens olika delmoment. Vi har därför under hösten 2018 erbjudit två workshoptillfällen till pedagoger för att de ska prova på och bilda sig en uppfattning om metoden. Workshoptillfällena har utgått från vår tolkning av metoden utifrån den engelska handledningen. Efter workshopstillfällena har de deltagande pedagogerna fått en förfrågan om att delta i vår webbenkätstudie. Studiens 46 deltagare är överlag positiva till metoden. De anser att metoden ger elever möjlighet att öka måluppfyllelsen i narrativ skrift. Deltagarna anser också att metoden Playful writing har möjligheter att bidra till alla elevers delaktighet i undervisningen. I enkätsvaren framkommer fler möjligheter än hinder för metoden. Från första juli 2019 gäller läsa, skriva, räkna garantin i alla Sveriges skolor (Regeringskansliet, 2018). Personal med specialpedagogisk kompetens förväntas då tidigt bedöma elevers kunskapsutveckling. Personalen med specialpedagogisk kompetens skall också tillsammans med de pedagoger som arbetar i klasserna erbjuda inkluderande undervisningsmetoder. De metoderna erbjuder ett rikt utbud av variation i undervisningen som bidrar till en väl fungerande skrivundervisning. Utifrån resultatet i vår studie menar vi att Playful writing kan vara en inkluderande undervisningsmetod i narrativ skrift. / The method is developed in the UK and based on the UK curriculum. The method is based on pupils being able to approaching narrative writing by reading together and by guided play with building in groups using 3D material. The method is based on multimodal and cooperative learning. The aim with our study is to investigate how educators in Sweden perceive the method Playful writing opportunities and obstacles with regard to inclusion during narrative writing. To be able to find out how the educators perceive the method we need to find out how they perceive the different steps of the method. In the autumn of 2018, we have carried thorugh two workshop opportunities for educators to try and form an idea of the method. The workshops are based on our understanding of the handbook Playful writing. After the workshops the participating educators have been asked to participate in our web survey. The 46 participants of the study are generally positive towards the method. They believe that the method gives pupils the opportunity to increase goal achievement in narrative writing. The participants also believe that the method Playful writing has the opportunity to contribute to all pupils' participation in learning. The answers in the questionnaire suggest that the method has more possibilities than obstacles. From July 1, 2019, reading, writing, counting the guarantee applies to all Swedish schools (Government Offices, 2018). Personnel with special educational skills are expected to assess pupils' knowledge development at an early stage. The staff with special pedagogical competence shall also, together with the educators working in the classes, offer inclusive teaching methods. These methods offer a rich diversity in teaching that contributes to a well-functioning writing instruction. Based on the results in our study, we suggest that Playful writing can be such a method.

Förderung der Schreibkompetenz bei Grundschülern : Effekte einer integrierten Vermittlung kognitiver Schreibstrategien und selbstregulatorischer Fertigkeiten

Glaser, Cornelia January 2004 (has links)
In Anlehnung an das Self-Regulated-Strategy-Development-Modell von Harris und Graham (1996) wurde das Selbstregulatorische Aufsatztraining (SAT) zur Förderung der Schreibkompetenz bei Grundschülern der 4. und 5. Klasse entwickelt. SAT integriert die Vermittlung von Schreibstrategien (hier: „Erzählendes Schreiben“) mit Merkmalen selbstgesteuerten Lernens (Zielsetzung, strategisches Planen, Selbstbewertung und Selbstkorrektur). <br><br> Die Wirksamkeit des Trainings wurde in drei Studien untersucht: 1. Eine Pilotstudie diente der Überprüfung der prinzipiellen Eignung von SAT zur Förderung von Schreibleistungen bei Grundschülern der 5. Klassen (N = 42) und der Optimierung seiner Teilkomponenten und Vorgehensweisen. 2. In der Hauptuntersuchung wurden die Effektivität und Nachhaltigkeit des SAT-Programms bei Schülern der 4. Klasse (N = 154) im Vergleich zu zwei Bedingungen getestet: (a) der isolierten Einübung von Schreibstrategien (Aufsatztraining) und (b) konventionellem Aufsatzunterricht (Unterrichtskontrollgruppe). 3. In einer weiteren Studie wurde die Wirksamkeit des Trainings speziell bei Schülern mit ungünstigen Lernvoraussetzungen überprüft; die Studie diente zudem der Illustration des dabei gewählten Vorgehens am Einzelfall (N = 6). <br><br> Die ermittelten Befunde sprechen übereinstimmend dafür, dass die Kombination aus strategischem plus selbstregulatorischem Training (SAT) die stärksten und nachhaltigsten Effekte auf die Schreibleistung erzielt. Der Trainingseffekt generalisiert zudem auf die Erinnerungsleistung bei der freien Wiedergabe einer Kurzgeschichte. Schüler mit schwachen Aufsatzleistungen und ungünstigen Lernvoraussetzungen profitieren von dem SAT-Programm in besonderem Maße. <br><br> In der Diskussion werden Aufgaben für die zukünftige Forschung erörtert. Forschungsbedarf besteht u.a. hinsichtlich (a) einer stärkeren Verknüpfung von Schreibtrainings mit der kognitionspsychologischen Forschung; (b) der Dekomposition und gezielten Überprüfung der einzelnen Trainingskomponenten; (c) der Ausweitung des SAT-Programms auf andere Textgenre; (d) der Integration verfeinerter Revisionsstrategien in das Förderprogramm; und (e) dessen Implementierung in den Regelunterricht. / Extending on Harris and Graham′s (1996) Self-Regulated-Strategy-Development-Model, I designed an curriculum-integrated intervention program (SAT) to promote the composition skills of elementary school-age students. SAT combines the instruction of task strategies required to write good narratives with the explicit instruction of self-regulation procedures (goal setting, strategic planning, self-evaluation, self-correction). <br><br> Three studies examined the effectiveness of the training: 1. A pilot study investigated the viability of the SAT-program among 5th graders (N = 42) and served to refine its components and procedures. 2. In a sample of 4th graders (N = 154), the main study tested the strength and stability of the SAT effects in relation to two comparison groups: (a) Students who were taught the same set of task strategies but received no instruction in self-regulation procedures (strategy-only condition); (b) students who received conventional classroom teaching in composing (control condition). (3.) A third study served to examine the effectiveness of the SAT-program in a group of low achieving 5th graders and to illustrate its instructional steps in a number of single cases (N = 6). <br><br> Results obtained from these studies converge in showing that a writing program that conjointly addresses both task strategies and self-regulation procedures (SAT) is most effective in producing strong and lasting effects on elementary school students′ composing skills and generalization performance. Among all students, low achievers were most likely to benefit from the SAT-program. <br><br> The discussion highlights a number of issues for future research on writing. Specifically, it is argued that there is a need to (a) further explore the cognitive and meta-cognitive processes underlying good writing, (b) examine the effectiveness of specific training components incorporated in the present version of SAT, (c) crossvalidate the reported SAT effects with respect to various writing genre, (d) incorporate more elaborated revision strategies into the training program, and (e) implement components and procedures specified in SAT into conventional classroom teaching.

The Sustainability Journey : An exploration into small and medium-sized enterprises' quest for legitimacy: the B Corp case

van Eck, Wiep, Kelly, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study contributes to the research field on legitimacy theory and creating shared value (CSV) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), regarding helping entrepreneurs and business owners better understand the journey of engaging with social and environmental issues. Recent years have seen a growing number of organisations engage in CSV, which builds on identifying societal needs and approaching these as business opportunities. A standard that purports to uphold these values and is comprised of for-profit companies committed to sustainability-related initiatives is the B Corp label. We consider B Corp certification and explore how sustainably oriented SMEs engage with their wider community in a way that fosters corporate credibility and legitimacy.  Empirical data about five SMEs organisational narratives working with CSV, implementation of social and environmental activities, and effects of B Corp certification were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with company representatives and a range of secondary data materials. Analysing the data from these five interviewed companies established them to be engaging with the notion of CSV and regard addressing societal or environmental issues as the purpose of their business. Furthermore, findings suggested that values and beliefs incorporated by the SMEs supersede the generally adopted values in society, thereby representing a paradox with legitimacy theory. As a result, these businesses aim to close the perceived legitimacy gap by trying to raise awareness and engage the public with the appropriateness of their business, thereby slowly providing citizens with a more conscious mindset.

Painful Narrative : A metafictional reading of The Hour of the Star,by Clarice Lispector.

Toresan, Mariela January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Det var en gång en Youtuber : Berättelseskrivande på lågstadiet / Once upon a time there was a Youtuber : Narrative writing in elementary school

Brandstedt, Lisa, Herrlin, Camilla January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka resurser som erbjuds i undervisningen inför och under textskapandet av berättande texter. Vidare syftar studien att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar de berättande elevtexter som skapas i undervisningspraktiken samt vilka samband som synliggörs mellan elevtexterna och lärarens undervisning. Det empiriska materialet i studien utgörs av observationer, fältanteckningar och elevtexter. Studien bygger på socialsemiotisk teori, där språket beskrivs som ett sätt att i ”sociala sammanhang skapa betydelser och kommunicera” (Holmberg &amp; Karlsson 2019:201). I elevtexterna har ord och bilder analyserats med hjälp av verktyg från systemisk-funktionell lingvistik, en språkmodell som beskriver hur språket fungerar i kommunikativa sammanhang (Holmberg, Karlsson &amp; Nord 2011:10). Studien visar att det finns en del tydliga samband mellan lärarens undervisning och elevernas texter. Det kunde även iakttas ett generellt mönster i elevtexterna utifrån innehållet och uppbyggnaden av texterna. Vidare visar resultaten att bilderna ofta uttrycker samma som orden i texten och att läraren verkar lägga störst fokus på den verbala texten.

Magický realismus v perské a saúdské próze / Magical Realism in Persian and Saudi Narrative Writing

Vojtíšková, Věra January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation Magical Realism in Persian and Saudi Narrative Writing views as essential the assumption that the phenomenon of magical realism is not restricted solely to the cultures with colonial legacy, but is transferable to literary works created under systematic and systemic violence anywhere in the world. Previous research of the dissertation's author proved the existence of parallels in the dynamics of sociopolitical development of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the 20th century, foremost in the power relation of the states to their citizens and in the status of women in the society, while there was a strong tendency towards institutionalization of the traditional patriarchal, androcentric and misogynic societal paradigms since the second half of the 20th century. In the last thirty years, women have countered this situation through increased literary activity that has turned out to be an important means of self-fulfillment and emancipation. The fact that some of the most significant Iranian and Saudi women writers use magical realism directed the research to examination of this concept's relevance for the Persian and Saudi narrative writing, inquiry into the reflection of the gender issues and their comparison in both literatures. A detailed case study of two works, each from one country, led...

Rytmen bor i mina steg : En rytmanalytisk studie om kropp, stad och kunskap / The rhythm lives in my steps : A rhythm-analytical study of body, city and knowledge

Johansson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings together a fascination with the city and a keen interest in the knowledge process. The point of departure is the bodily, sensory and emotional experience. That the author uses her own perceptions and experiences and is preoccupied with her own knowledge process means that she writes herself into an autoethnographic context. She also experiments with the writing and allows it to take on a more literary form as she writes about her own sensory impressions and feelings. The term rhythmanalysis is employed as a way of assessing, exploring, interpreting and understanding the world that embraces the embodied experience. Human beings are embodied beings, a claim we can make by referring to our own experiences as well as how we perceive, communicate and interact. The study delves into two aspects of rhythmanalysis, first as a way of describing the knowledge process as rhythm-analytical, which implies that bodily experiences are equally important as intellectual ones, and secondly as a way of talking about the city as polyrhythmic. It follows upon the latter that embodied rhythmanalysis of the city is possible. The rhythmanalysis may ultimately be seen as a project aimed at overthrowing the Cartesian dualism between body and mind. That we are embodied has a methodological consequence that is as simple as it is essential: the scholar exists in the world she studies. The researcher is not a neutral observer. She is a co-creator. She is a body, placed in time, space and history. She is situated, which means that her knowledge is also situated. Thus, the rhythmanalysis encompasses the body, the senses and feelings, and can be described with one key word: movement. It finds support in theories that acknowledge the fluid, the becoming, the situated, the performative, the relational, the dynamic, the material. It seeks methods that experiment, that focus on practices rather than discourses, that are preoccupied with a movable world rather than a static one.

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