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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La France et la crise des euromissiles, 1977-1987 / France and the Euromissile crisis, 1977-1987

Parisi, Ilaria 25 November 2017 (has links)
La crise des euromissiles trouve son origine en octobre 1977, lorsque le chancelier allemand Helmut Schmidt exprime son inquiétude face à l’aggravation du déséquilibre militaire en Europe, consécutive au déploiement des missiles soviétiques de moyenne portée SS-20. Plus précis que les systèmes qu’ils remplacent et dotés de têtes nucléaires multiples, les SS-20 pourraient neutraliser la mise en œuvre de l’escalade nucléaire de l’OTAN. Qui plus est, les armes de moyenne portée de l’organisation militaire intégrée versent dans un état d’obsolescence. La question qui se pose est de ce fait celle de savoir quelles sont les garanties sécuritaires que les Américains offrent à l’Europe, alors que la parité stratégique, bientôt consacrée par le traité SALT II, rend improbable l’engagement de la dissuasion centrale américaine en faveur du Vieux Continent. La montée de la menace soviétique et la méfiance européenne vis-à-vis de la protection militaire américaine sont alors les deux éléments au centre du débat atlantique qui caractérise la décennie 1977-1987 et qui se conclut par le traité de Washington, sanctionnant l’élimination de toutes les armes nucléaires soviétiques et américaines de moyenne portée d’Europe.Cette situation risque d’affecter la France pour deux raisons. Tout d’abord, l’aggravation du déséquilibre militaire engendré par les SS-20 confèrerait à Moscou un droit de véto sur toute évolution politique future du continent, que cela ait trait à la construction européenne ou à la résolution de la question allemande. Deux dossiers sur lesquels Paris n’accepte pas d’être marginalisé. Ensuite, la manifestation d’une méfiance européenne vis-à-vis de l’engagement américain en Europe semble amener certains alliés, la RFA au premier chef, à chercher un équilibre militaire propre au continent européen. Or, loin de garantir plus de sécurité, un équilibre « eurostratégique » n’aurait pour conséquence que d’éloigner la dissuasion américaine d’Europe ; en outre, il finirait par imposer des limitations aux forces nucléaires des puissances nucléaires tierces comme la France. Dès lors, la crise des euromissiles concerne la France dans la mesure où sa politique d’indépendance et sa politique de défense risquent d’être mises à mal par les évolutions du débat atlantique à propos de la sécurité de l’Europe, qui constitue l’environnement stratégique dans lequel Paris inscrit sa propre sécurité. / The origins of the Euromissile crisis date back to October 1977, when Helmut Schmidt publicly expressed his anxieties about the nuclear imbalance in Europe, following the deployment of the Soviet SS-20 missiles. The new Soviet system was more accurate than its predecessors and equipped with three nuclear warheads. NATO’s aging nuclear medium-range missiles could not match the Soviet technology and NATO’s nuclear escalation strategy proved weakened. At a time when SALT II fixed a rough strategic nuclear parity between the Soviet Union and the United States, Europe wondered whether the American extended deterrence was still reliable. The increasing Soviet threat and the deepening European defiance vis-à-vis the American military protection were the two central elements of the Euromissile crisis, which lasted until 1987, when the Washington treaty sanctioned the elimination of all Soviet and American medium-range nuclear forces in Europe.The French concern about the Euromissile crisis was twofold. Firstly, Moscow might profit from its military superiority in Europe in order to extend its influence over the Western part of the continent. As a consequence, the Soviet Union might acquire a veto over any European political development, for example as regards the European integration process or the resolution of the German question, issues on which France was eager to play a major role. Secondly, the European distrust towards the American military protection could lead to the establishment of a “eurostrategic” balance, or a balance between the Soviet and the American nuclear weapons in Europe. This would definitely have weakened the value of the American extended nuclear deterrence in Europe, but also in due course included third country nuclear forces into the military European balance as a part of the Western military effort. In this case, France would be deprived of a major element of her defense policy. As a consequence, France got involved in the Euromissiles crisis to preserve her strategic environment from any Soviet European ambition and to defend her policy of national independence from any attempt to diminish her military force at a time of increased East-West confrontation.

Les relations turco-américaines de l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'OTAN jusqu'à la crise Irakienne de 2003 / Turkish-American relations from Turkey's entry to NATO until the Iraqi crisis in 2003

Parlar Dal, Emel 28 May 2009 (has links)
L’entrée de la Turquie dans l’OTAN en 1952 a influencé les relations turco-américaines de façon plus importante que tout autre événement. Pendant la période entre 1950 et 1960 considérée comme la période de « lune de miel » dans l’histoire des relations turco-américaines des derniers cinquante ans, la Turquie est devenue un acteur clé des stratégies de défense de l’OTAN et ainsi des Etats-Unis. Dans la décennie 1960, les deux pays traversèrent une période de turbulence marquée par deux crises. Le retrait du sol turc des missiles Jupiter en 1963 sans consultation préalable du gouvernement fut un tournant important dans l’histoire des relations turco-américaines La deuxième crise éclata dans les relations entre Ankara et Washington lors des premiers affrontements inter-communautaires à Chypre, avec la fameuse lettre de Johnson de juin 1964. En 1973, Washington protesta vigoureusement contre l'autorisation, accordée par le gouvernement d'Ankara, de cultiver le pavot à des fins médicales. La crise chypriote de 1974 avait une nature différente de celle des crises précédentes car son impact sur les relations entre les deux pays ont été finalement de plus longue durée et aussi plus profonds. Dans la décennie 1980 Ankara apparut donc aux yeux des Américains comme un partenaire qui cherchait toujours un équilibre dans ses relations avec ces derniers. Durant la décennie 1990 les relations turco-américaines connurent une transition majeure d’une coopération stratégique étroite établie de longue durée dans la période de la Guerre froide à un nouveau type de relation basée sur le rôle important de la Turquie dans les affaires régionales. A la différence de la crise chypriote de 1974 que nous considérons aussi comme une grande rupture, la crise de la guerre d’Irak de 2003 a laissé les traces les plus marquantes sur les relations bilatérales et a causé des frictions très importantes entre les militaires de haut rang des deux pays et par conséquent, la méfiance s’installa rapidement dans les relations militaires entre les deux pays. / Turkey’s entry to NATO in 1952 influenced the Turkish-American relations in a way more important than any other event. During the period between 1950 and 1960 considered as “honeymoon period” in the history of the Turkish-American relations of the last fifty years, Turkey became a key actor of NATO’s defense strategies and thus of the United States. In 1960’s, two countries crossed a turbulent era marked by two crises. The withdrawal of the Jupiter missiles in 1963 from Turkish ground without preliminary consultation of the government was revolving important in the history of the Turkish-American relations. The second crisis in the relations between Ankara and Washington burst during the first intercommunity confrontations in Cyprus, with the famous letter of Johnson of June 1964. In 1973, Washington protested vigorously against authorization, granted by the Ankara Government, to cultivate the poppy for medical purposes. The Cypriot crisis of 1974 had a nature different from that of the preceding crises because its impact on the relations between the two countries was also deeper. During the eighties Ankara appeared in the eyes of the Americans as a partner who always sought a balance in his relationships to the latter. During following decade which testified to the disintegration of the Soviet Union and thus of the end of the Cold war Turkish-American relations entered a major transition from an established close strategic co-operation long life during the time of the Cold war to a new type of relation based on the big role of Turkey in the regional affairs. With the difference of the Cypriot crisis of 1974 that we also regard as a great rupture, the crisis of the war of Iraq of 2003 left the most outstanding traces on the bilateral relations and because of the very significant frictions between the high ranking soldiers of the two countries a mistrust settled quickly in the military relations between the two countries.

Le grand schisme. La France, la Grande-Bretagne et les problèmes euro-atlantiques, 1957-1963 / The Great Schism : France, Britain and the Euro-Atlantic Issues, 1957-1963

Gloriant, Frederic 27 November 2014 (has links)
Dès janvier 1957, après la crise de Suez, Macmillan donna toute priorité à la refondation de la « relation spéciale » anglo-américaine ; en juin 1958, de Gaulle revint au pouvoir, avec l’ambition de pratiquer une politique étrangère fondée sur l’indépendance nationale vis-à-vis des Etats-Unis. La volonté gaullienne de faire émerger une autonomie européenne entra en opposition avec la politique de la Grande-Bretagne, visant à maximiser son influence globale au sein de l’Alliance atlantique. Le heurt entre ces deux orientations fondamentales, d’abord latent, déboucha sur un schisme politico-stratégique entre Paris et Londres, que de Gaulle choisit de proclamer publiquement le 14 janvier 1963 en refusant l’entrée de la Grande-Bretagne dans la Communauté Economique Européenne et l’offre anglo-américaine de partenariat nucléaire. A la lumière des archives diplomatiques françaises et britanniques, cette thèse se concentre sur une question essentielle, mais jusqu’ici insuffisamment étudiée : le rôle qu’aura joué la relation franco-britannique et en particulier sa dimension politico-stratégique à une époque cruciale pour la constitution de l’architecture de sécurité euro-atlantique dans un monde dominé par la guerre froide. En croisant les perspectives européenne et transatlantique, cette étude montre le lien entre la construction politico-stratégique de l’Europe et les évolutions de l’OTAN et permet ainsi de mieux comprendre certaines tendances fondamentales de la politique étrangère de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne dans la longue durée, ces deux pays représentant depuis lors des positions extrêmes dans le débat opposant atlantistes et partisans de l’« Europe européenne ». / From January 1957 onwards, following the Suez crisis, Macmillan prioritised the rebuilding of the Anglo-American “Special Relationship”; in June 1958, de Gaulle returned to power, with the ambition to deliver a foreign policy grounded in the principle of French national independence from the United States. De Gaulle’s desire to promote a strategic European autonomy came into conflict with a British foreign policy designed to maximise British influence within the framework of the Atlantic Alliance. The fundamental clash between these two directions of travel, latent at first, resulted in a politico-strategic schism between Paris and London, which de Gaulle chose to expose publicly on January 14, 1963, by vetoing the British entry into the European Economic Community and turning down the Anglo-American offer of a nuclear partnership.Drawing on the French and British diplomatic archives, this thesis will examine a crucial question which, until now, has been insufficiently analysed: the role that Anglo-French relations played, especially their politico-strategic dimension, during a period which proved crucial for building the architecture of Euro-Atlantic security, in a world dominated by the Cold War. By bringing together European and transatlantic perspectives, this study demonstrates the links between the politico-strategic dimension of the European project and the development of NATO, and thus improves our understanding of fundamental long-term trends in British and French foreign policies, namely how, from that point on, Britain and France came to represent two antagonistic positions within the debate between Atlanticists and supporters of “European Europe”.

The MLF: A Study in International Alliance Cohesion

Bennett, William 01 April 1971 (has links)
This paper proposes to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the role, attitudes, and interrelationships of West Germany, France, Great Britain, and the United States within the framework of the North American Treaty Organization. This investigation will be limited to the involvement of these four members states in the proposed establishment, and eventual failure of a NATO controlled multilateral nuclear force (MLF). This limitation was imposed because it was discerned that these four major NATO members set the tempo and boundaries for the debate stemming from this proposal. The smaller member states seemed reluctant to take a definite stance on the issue until one of these four set forth its own convictions. Once this was done the smaller countries allied themselves with a major member's views. Thus, a study of the relationships and positions of France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States will lend itself to a full and precise investigation of the matter. The time span involved in the major portion of this research will be limited to the years 1960 through 1965, as these were the years in which the MLF proposal had its origin, was debated and died from a lack of action.

Die ESVP als Konkurrent zur NATO? : Entwicklungen, Analysen und Strategieaussichten einer europäischen Verteidigungsdimension / The ESDP as a competitor for NATO? : developments, analysis and strategies for a european defence dimension

Kestermann, Carsten January 2006 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht die Hypothese inwieweit EU/ESVP und NATO sich in einem Konkurrenzkampf befinden.<br> Dabei werden mehrere Dimensionen beleuchtet. Der zeitliche Aspekt, der organisatorische, der ideengeschichtliche und die spezielle Situation im Politikfeld Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik.<br> Auf Grundlage dieser Parameter wird eine Einschätzung bezüglich der aufgestellten These für die Gegenwart vorgenommen, sowie eine Strategieempfehlung für die nähere Zukunft gemacht. / This work analysis the actual competition between EU/ESDP and NATO. It considers several dimensions. The temporary, the organisational and the historical aspects, as well as the specific circumstances in the defence and security policies. Based on these parameters the author makes a conclusion concerning the current situation, as well as strategic recommendation for the future.

A Theoretical Analysis of the Future of NATO

Pedersen, Kaj W. E. 01 January 2011 (has links)
My argument about NATO’s future is a combination of both neo-realist and constructivist thought, an adaptation of both neo-realist power struggles and constructivist institutional structures. Due to a lack of a significant threat, NATO will collapse as a military alliance. However, due to the longevity of the Trans-Atlantic Relationship, the similarities in the governmental structure of its members and the history of peaceful interactions between the allies on both sides of the Atlantic, the current “security community” will remain despite the collapse of the military aspects of the Alliance. NATO has been held together through organizational inertia and shifting the unifying threat to a variety of lesser threats. Nevertheless, the weakness of the new threat will be insufficient in maintaining the Alliance. This argument is supported through three different period analyses of NATO. The first is an analysis of NATO in the Cold War and an overview of its creation as an answer to the threat of the Soviet Union. The second delves into the Alliance after the Cold War and the reasons for NATO’s continuation. The third section outlines NATO’s current missions, issues, and tensions within the Alliance. The paper concludes that NATO will fall apart in the future, with a slow but sure break down of the military structures of the Alliance. It will, however, remain a political entity due to the strength of the security community created between the allies.

Les Ambitions de Sarkozy et Le Leadership Francais dans L'Intervention en Libye de 2011

Siegel, Heather Annette 01 January 2012 (has links)
En mars 2011, la communauté internationale s'est réunie pour soutenir les ambitions démocratiques des manifestants libyens et pour s'opposer vigoureusement à la violence perpétrée par Kadhafi contre son peuple. Nicolas Sarkzoy, président de la République française, a joué un rôle clé dans les négociations qui ont entraîné la mise en place d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne et le lancement d'une opération militaire pour protéger les populations civiles en Libye. Cette thèse examine les ambitions de Sarkozy et le leadership diplomatique qu'il a démontré entre le déclenchement des révoltes en Libye et le prise en charge de l'opération militaire par l'Otan. Elle analyse d'abord les grands thèmes qui influencent la politique étrangère française traditionnelle puis la politique étrangère menée par Sarkozy depuis le début de sa présidence pour mieux comprendre la vision que la France a de sa place dans le système international. Après avoir identifié les objectifs de la politique étrangère française en général et de la politique étrangère de Sarkozy, cette thèse explique les objectifs que Sarkozy voulait réaliser à travers ses actions diplomatiques vis-à-vis du conflit libyen ainsi que les moyens dont il s'est servi pour les réaliser. Elle trouve que les actions de Sarkozy représentent une tentative de réaffirmer la réputation de la France en tant que grande puissance diplomatique.

En komparativ studie av hur inrikespolitiska faktorer påverkar en fortsatt linje av alliansfrihet och neutralitet för Finland, Sverige och Österrike

Pettersson, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
Det säkerhetspolitiska samarbetet inom EU fördjupas alltmer och inom ramen för Nice-fördraget , år 2001,så institutionaliseras ESDP. EU har tre alliansfria/neutrala stater som alla blev medlemmar år 1995. Imedlemsförhandlingarna förband de sig att acceptera medlemsskapet som ett totalt åtagande mot unionensframsteg och målsättningar, inkluderande utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik. Denna förutsättning har skapat etttryck på de alliansfria/neutrala staterna att anpassa sina säkerhetspolitika ställningstaganden till det nurådande europiska säkerhetsklimatet. Uppsatsen tar avstamp ur ovanstående förhållande och ställer frågorom några centrala inrikespolitiska faktorer som verkar för att bromsa en utveckling som kan innebära enavveckling av först neutraliteten, därefter alliansfriheten och slutligen innebära ett eventuellt medlemskap ien försvarsallians, NATO eller EU. Undersökningen fokuserar tidsmässigt runt perioden år 2001 ochomfattar, för respektive undersökt stat, politiska officiella deklarationer, riksdagspartiers officiellaställningstaganden, folkopinionens ställning, investeringar i försvarssystem och strukturer och slutligenvanans påverkan rörande alliansfrihet och neutralitet. Uppsatsen har en mycket direkt och konkretteorikoppling till Kjell Goldmanns teori om de faktorer som stabiliserar eller destabiliserar en politik.Resultatet visar att de tre staterna avvecklat sin neutralitetslinje men också att det i alla tre stater finnsinrikespolitiska faktorer som i olika grad verkar stabiliserande på den säkerhetpolitiska handlingslinjeninnebärande fortsatt alliansfrihet. Undersökningen visar också att staterna skiljer sig åt på olika punkter ochatt det ur det inrikespolitiska perspektivet inte går att betrakta staterna som en enhetlig grupp. / The security policy cooperation within the European Union is more andmore deepened and due to the Nice-summit, year 2001, the ESDP wasinstitutionalised.Within the European Union there are three states that all became membersin the year 1995. In the accession negotiations all three states, in order toallay the fears of other member states in the Union, they issued a jointdeclaration, in which they made several assurances. They promised, forexample, that their accession would serve to strengthen the coherence ofthe Union and its capacity to act within the area of foreign and securitypolicy. This situation has created a pressure for change and adaptation onthe three countries positions concerning security policy, in order to matchthe new European security climate. This essay identifies this pressure forchange and put forward questions regarding, if some central domesticpolicy factors work in act to hamper a development that might imply theend of non-alliance and neutrality, and eventually a development that willlead to a membership in a defensive alliance, NATO or a reformed EU.The investigation focuses at a period around year 2001 and comprises, foreach investigated state, official political declarations, official stands of theparty’s in Parliament, views of the opinion, investments in defence systemsand structures, and finally how the custom affects the policy of nonalignment and neutrality.The essay has a very clear and distinct connection to Professor KjellGoldmanns theory concerning factors that work as stabilizers ordestabilizers of foreign policy.The results show that the three states all have relinquished their neutralitypolicy, but also that there, in all three states, are domestic policy factorsthat works in order to stabilize a policy of continued non-alliance. Theinvestigation show that the impact of the stabilizers differs between thestates and that they do not represent a heterogeneous group of countries ina perspective of how domestic policy affect security policy standpoints.The essay is written in Swedish with this abstract in English. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

Fredsframtvingande operationer och deras möjligheter till framgång : en studie av manöverkrigföringens principer samt operationerna "Allied Force" (Jugoslavien 1999) och UNOSOM II (Somalia 1993)

Högström, Ulf January 2002 (has links)
Uppsatsen avhandlar fredsframtvingande operationer och deras möjligheter till framgång.Internationella operationer är en av Försvarsmaktens huvuduppgifter och i samband med detta ärfredsframtvingande operationer en typ av operationer som svenska förband kan få delta i. Genomstudier av manöverkrigföringens principer och två begränsade fallstudier tas ett antal faktorer förframgång fram som sedan jämförs och diskuteras. Uppsatsen svarar även på ommanöverkrigföringens principer kan tillämpas vid fredsframtvingande operationer. Resultatet avuppsatsen är att faktorerna lämplig sammansättning av styrkorna, anpassad politisk styrning ochförmåga till att minska egna och civilas förluster är faktorer som har betydelse för framgång påden operativa nivån. Jag har också sett att de faktorer som man kan hämta urmanöverkrigföringen principer är betydelsefulla för möjligheterna till framgång. Det som dockhämmar möjligheterna att fullt ut använda dessa delar ur manövertänkandet är denmultinationella faktorn eller brist på interoperabilitet mellan de deltagande nationerna. / This thesis deals with Peace enforcement operations and their possibilities tosucceed. Participation in international operations is one of the main tasks forthe Swedish national defence forces. An analysis of the principles ofmanoeuvre warfare and of two limited case studies will result in a number offactors for success in peace enforcement operations. These factors will then becompared and discussed. This thesis will also answer whether it is possible touse the principles of manoeuvre warfare in peace enforcement operations. Theresult of the thesis is that force composition, adapted political control; forceprotection and limited collateral damage are factors that are essential for thepossibilities to succeed with peace enforcement operations. The principles ofmanoeuvre warfare are also important for the possibility to succeed with peaceenforcement. But the multinational factor or the lack of interoperability limitsthe possibilities to use the principles of manoeuvre warfare. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-02

NATO:s operativa planeringsprocess : ett paradigmskifte för svensk operativ planeringsmetodik?

Ståhlberg, Fredrik January 2001 (has links)
Uppsatsen jämför NATO:s respektive Sveriges operativa planeringsprocess och rekommenderar ett svenskt vägval för nationell metod. Inledningsvis motiveras den teoretiska analysmodellen bestående av militärteori, intuitiv beslutsfattning och Försvarsmaktsidé och målbild rapport 4. Därefter beskrivs och sortförvandlas planeringsprocesserna så att en likvärdig jämförelse kan genomföras. Analysen belyser skillnader och likheter, och redovisar styrkor och svagheter med planeringsprocesserna. Avslutningsvis diskuteras det val Sverige bör göra avseende nationell operativ planeringsprocess. Resultatet visar att planeringsprocessernas strukturella likheter inte motiverar att de tillämpas parallellt. Vid analysen uppvisar den svenska modellen spårbarhet till den reflekterande inriktningen inom militärteorin. NATO:s modell har en dragning åt den mer lagbundna skolan, och med en tydlig fokusering på egen och motståndarens kraftcentrum. Den svenska planeringsprocessen uppvisar brister inom intuitiv beslutsfattning. Chefens roll är otydlig och planeringsprocessen fokuserar på alternativgenerering och –värdering i stället för att använda tiden till spel på en tidigt framtagen lösning. NATO-modellen uppvisar liknande brister men har en tydligare och mer formaliserad chefsroll. Vår nationella modell möter inte kraven enligt rapport 4 då den bl.a. brister i interoperabilitet. NATO:s modell fyller i allt väsentligt kraven och är internationell norm. Sammantaget löses operativa problemställningar bäst genom en tillämpning av NATO:s planeringsprocess, varför den rekommenderas som metod för svensk nationell operativ planering. / The essay is a comparative analysis of NATO’s and Sweden’s operational planning processes and recommends the rout for Sweden to take regarding the choice of a national operational planning process. Initially the theoretical model of the essay, consisting of military theory, research within the frame of “Naturalistic Decision Making” and the Armed forces internationalisation according to ”FMI 2020, rapport 4” is motivated. The planning processes are described and transformed in order to allow for an equivalent comparison. The analysis elucidates the differences and the similarities, and accounts for the strengths and weaknesses of the planning processes. The result displays that the structural similarities between the planning processes do not motivate their parallel use. All through the analysis the Swedish model presents a trace to the reflecting concentration within military theory. NATO´s model presents an inclination to be more conformable to law and indicates a distinct focus on enemy and own centre of gravity. The Swedish planning process displays a shortage in the realm of “Naturalistic Decision Making.” Further more, the role of the commander is vague and the planning process focuses on producing and evaluating courses of action in stead of using time for war-gaming an early produced course of action. NATO´s planning process presents the same shortcomings but the role of the commander is more distinct and formalised. Our national model does not cope with the demands according to "FMI 2020, rapport 4”, among other things due to the lack of interoperability. NATO´s model in principle fulfils the demands and is seen as the international norm. As a whole, operational problems are best solved through an application of NATO´s planning process. NATO´s model is therefore recommended as method for Swedish national operational planning. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01

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