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Analyse multispektraler Fernerkundungsdaten im Hinblick auf deren Eignung zur Einschätzung des Biomassepotenzials großer Landschaftsräume am Beispiel des Naturparks TERRA.vitaKopka, André 29 January 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von multispektralen Fernerkundungsdaten in der Kohlenstoffbilanzierung in großen Landschaftsräumen, wie z.B. des Naturparks TERRA.vita. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, welche Modelle und Parameter in der modellbasierten Kohlenstoffbilanzierung sicher aus Fernerkundungsdaten gewonnen werden können. Die Dissertation soll aber auch deutlich machen, wo etwaige Schwachstellen der Fernerkundungsdaten liegen, die möglicherweise durch terrestrische Messungen verifiziert werden müssen. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich dabei mit dem Forschungsgebiet der Kohlenstoffbilanzierung und den aktuellen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sowie klimapolitischen Hintergründen. Die für die Untersuchung ausgewählten Fernerkundungssensoren MODIS, ASTER und LANDSAT TM werden im Hinblick auf ihre speziellen qualitativen Eigenschaften (wie räumliche und zeitliche Auflösung sowie radiometrischen Besonderheiten) miteinander verglichen und beurteilt. Die drei Sensoren werden darüber hinaus mit CORINE Land Cover 2000 Daten verglichen. CORINE, dargestellt in thematischen Karten, ist aus dem Programm Coordination of Information on the Environment aus dem Jahre 1997 entnommen und beschreibt eine einheitliche Kartierung der Landnutzungen und Bodenbedeckungen in Europa. Ein besonderer Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf der Erfassung der Biomasse (speziell in Waldbeständen) sowie der Beschreibung der Methodik der derzeitigen Verfahren zur Determinierung und Bilanzierung von Kohlenstoffvorräten in komplexen Waldökosystemen und den Einsatzmöglichkeiten mittels multispektraler Fernerkundungsdaten.
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Involving behavior in the formation of sensory representationsWeiller, Daniel 07 July 2009 (has links)
Neurons are sensitive to specific aspects of natural stimuli, which are according to different statistical criteria an optimal representation of the natural sensory input. Since these representations are purely sensory, it is still an open question whether they are suited to generate meaningful behavior. Here we introduce an optimization scheme that applies a statistical criterion to an agent s sensory input while taking its motor behavior into account. We first introduce a general cognitive model, and second develop an optimization scheme that increases the predictability of the sensory outcome of the agent s motor actions and apply this to a navigational paradigm.In the cognitive model, place cells divide the environment into discrete states, similar to hippocampal place cells. The agents learned the sensory outcome of its action by the state-to-state transition probabilities and the extent to which these motor actions are caused by sensory-driven reflexive behavior (obstacle avoidance). Navigational decision making integrates both learned components to derive the actions that are most likely to lead to a navigational goal. Next we introduced an optimization process that modified the state distributions to increase the predictability of the sensory outcome of the agent s actions.The cognitive model successfully performs the navigational task, and the differentiation between transitions and reflexive processing increases both behavioral accuracy, as well as behavioral adaptation to changes in the environment. Further, the optimized sensory states are similar to place fields found in behaving animals. The spatial distribution of states depends on the agent s motor capabilities as well as on the environment. We proofed the generality of predictability as a coding principle by comparing it to the existing ones. Our results suggest that the agent s motor apparatus can play a profound role in the formation of place fields and thus in higher sensory representations.
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Natural remediation of surface water systems used as deposits of nuclear industry waste by humic substances. Natural remediation of contaminated surface waters by humic substancesAleksandrova, Olga 23 October 2009 (has links)
Presented investigation and quantification of natural remediation of highly contaminated surface water systems located in South Ural via humic substances is the first step for sustainable developing of nuclear industry. In the surface water systems, humic substances are shown to promote the immobilization of radionuclides and decreasing of the bioavailability for fish contamination in the investigated water bodies. As proved in this thesis, the influence of humic substances on radionuclide sorption is provided by their special properties of a reversible transform into micelles. The theoretical approach based on consideration of protons as fermion gas in water solution was assumed and applied to this phenomenon, being due to the duel nature of humic substances molecules. The influence of humic substances is quantified as a modified Henry s low of sorption. Investigation of changing of electrostatical status of micelles with increasing of humic substances concentration in water solution leads to modelling of remediation effect of humic substances in respect to influence on fish in contaminated waters. This effect was interpreted and quantified, based on properties of proteins of gill s cell membranes under certain conditions in water solution. Humic substances appreciably influence the chemical and biological interactions between radionuclides and the environment that has experienced increasing interest concerning the remedial uses of humic materials.
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Modelling human behaviour in social dilemmas using attributes and heuristicsEbenhöh, Eva 16 October 2007 (has links)
A question concerning not only modellers but also practitioners is: Under what circumstances can mutual cooperation be established and maintained by a group of people facing a common pool dilemma" A step before this question of institutional influences there is need for a different way of modelling human behaviour that does not draw on the rational actor paradigm, because this kind of modelling needs to be able to integrate various deviations from this theory shown in economic experiments. We have chosen a new approach based on observations in form of laboratory and field observations of actual human behaviour. We model human decision making as using an adaptive toolbox following the notion of Gigerenzer. Humans draw on a number of simple heuristics that are meaningful in a certain situation but may be useless in another. This is incorporated into our agent-based model by having agents perceive their environment, draw on a pool of heuristics to choose an appropriate one and use that heuristic.Behavioural differences can be incorporated in two ways. First, each agent has a number of attributes that differ in values, for example there are more and less cooperative agents. The second behavioural difference lies in the way, in which heuristics are chosen. With this modelling approach we contribute to a new way of modelling human behaviour, which is simple enough to be included into morecomplex models while at the same time realistic enough to cover actual decision making processes of humans. Modellers should be able to use this approach without a need to get deep into psychological, sociological or economic theory. Stakeholders in social dilemmas, who may be confronted with such a model should understand, why an agent decides in the way it does.
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Är Sveriges områdesskydd klimatanpassat? : En geografisk analys över hur mycket av Sveriges skyddade natur som påverkas vid en havsnivåhöjning.Korall, Elin January 2020 (has links)
På grund av klimatförändringarna och den globala uppvärmningen sker en pågående havsnivåhöjning. IPCC har i sina klimatscenarier kommit fram till att havet förväntas stiga mellan 28 cm och 98 cm till år 2100, vilket kommer att leda till stora konsekvenser för människa och samhälle. Förhöjda havsnivåer förväntas även ha en stor påverkan på kustnära naturvärden, bland annat för ett flertal Natura 2000-naturtyper. Den här studien visar för första gången vilka nationella effekter en havsnivåhöjning kan ha på skyddad natur i Sverige. Studien har undersökt hur stor andel av svenska naturreservat och Natura 2000-naturtyper som kommer att påverkas vid de projicerade havsnivåförändringarna i tre av IPCC:s klimatscenarier. Mellan 34 och 102 reservat kommer att förlora minst 5% av sin totalyta beroende på scenario, detta motsvarar landförluster med ca 750-4640 hektar. Av Sveriges totala yta kommer minst 5% hos 14-15 naturtyper att hamna under havsytan. Fyra av de naturtyper som förväntas drabbas hårdast vid det högsta scenariot är; Driftvallar (46%), Glasörtstränder (85%), Salta strandängar (42%) och Strandängar vid Östersjön (44%). Forskning har däremot visat på att en god förvaltning av omgivande mark är av yttersta vikt för naturtypers och arters överlevnad, exempelvis kan vissa naturtyper förflytta sig inåt land när havet stiger. Det krävs därför en klimatanpassad och adaptiv naturvård där hotade naturtyper och naturvärden ges möjlighet att sprida sig till lämpligare miljöer allteftersom klimatet förändras. / Due to climate change and global warming, there is an ongoing sea level rise. IPCC has published four climate scenarios that show the projected changes in climate until the year 2100. The global sea levels are estimated to rise between 28 and 98 cm, which will result in great consequences for coastal landscape and protected nature. This study is the first in Sweden to analyze which consequences a sea level rise will have on protected nature in Sweden. A geographical analysis has been made of how much of the Swedish nature reserves and Natura 2000-habitat types that are going to be covered by the sea in three of the climate scenarios. The sea will cover more than 5% of the total area in 34-102 nature reserves depending on which scenario takes place, which means a loss of 750-4640 hectares. More than 5% of 14-15 Natura 2000-habitat types in Sweden will be covered by the sea. Four of the habitat types that are most affected in the worst scenario are; Annual vegetation of drift lines (46%), Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand (85%), Atlantic salt meadows (42%) and Boreal Baltic coastal meadows (44%). Recent research has shown that habitat loss due to climate change and sea level rise can be avoided if species and habitats are allowed to move inland, and that management of surrounding areas are of high importance in conservation biology. It is therefore essential to use conservation strategies that are adapted to sea level rise.
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Störst av allt är skogen : En ekokritisk läsning av Erlend Loes DopplerHellström, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår från romanen Doppler och dess humoristiska värld där en man bosätter sig i skogen och blir vän med en älgkalv. I analysen avhandlas skogens gestaltning, protagonistens relation till skogen, djuren och samhället ur ett ekokritiskt perspektiv. Doppler är skogens centrum, den som agerar och domesticerar djur men samtidigt kallar skogen störst av allt. Trots att Dopplers syn på naturen och människan bitvis samstämmer med ekokritiken måste verket betraktas som antropocentriskt då det går att skönja tydlig dualism, en uppdelning av natur och kultur, samhälle och skog, människa och djur. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-08-18</p>
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(O)säkerhet i de norrländska skogarna : Om klimatförändringars och skogsbrukets effekter på renskötares säkerhetSvernlöv, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
I have in this thesis problematized the Swedish climate transition potentially making Sweden one of the first fossil free welfare states in the world. The forest industry has been designated as one of the central components of climate transition in that it will help replace fossil fuels and other unsustainable materials. One group being affected by the increased forestry is that of the Sámi reindeer herders. Not only are they already affected by the effects of climate change to a great extent, but the forest industry in turn causes problems for reindeer husbandry and is a direct source of reduced quality in forests which provide lichen, the primary food source for reindeer. I have conducted interviews with five reindeer herders in the Malå forest Sámi village, in Västerbotten, in northern Sweden, to gain a keener understanding of the effects of climate change and the forest industry on reindeer herding, from a security perspective. The results show that the interviewees perceive climate change and large-scale forestry as a threat to their livelihood connected to reindeer husbandry and, in turn, a significant part of Sámi culture and existence, and that the two exacerbate the effects of each other. Among the effects, are the loss of forest that provides shelter and sustenance for reindeer, as well as the wellbeing and spirituality of the reindeer herders. Using theories drawn from Anthropocene and postcolonial literature, I hereby problematize the climate transition in Sweden in that it is based on a particular way of viewing the relationship between humans and nature. This causes problems for reindeer husbandry, and ultimately a reduction in security for reindeer herders that is reminiscent of and upholding the frictional and colonial bonds between Sweden and Sápmi (the region inhabited by Sámi people).
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Übersicht über die Habilitationen an der Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften der Universität Leipzig von 1993 bis 1997Universität Leipzig, Universität Leipzig 12 March 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Übersicht über die Habilitationen an der Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften der Universität Leipzig von 1998 bis 2000Universität Leipzig 06 August 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Übersicht über die Habilitationen an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig von 1998 bis 2000Universität Leipzig 06 August 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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