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Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entitiesHudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.
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Pohledávky z právního, účetního a daňového pohledu v podmínkách ČR / The debts from a law, accounting and tax aspekt in a conditions of the Czech republicRADOŠOVSKÁ, Šárka January 2008 (has links)
From an economic point of view the claims mean a capital part of a company. They are a special part of intangible property and a treatment with them mean very complicated juristic, accounting and tax probems. The claim means a reason of creditor to urge to debitor a charge of definite engagement. Ever business subject can secure the discharge of the engagement by the help of a security instrument, for example of an advance, a right of lien, a penalty, a liability etc. When the claim will become after all these precautions the overdue claim, the creditor must face up to costs of their recovery, for example by the help of a forfaiting, a factoring, a eviction recovery, a bilateral cleaning of claims etc. The overdue claims we can depreciace or create discretionary entries on them under the rule of law or of bylaw. The company should realize all these facts and keep a general and consistent register of claims. The register is an objectives of this work.
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Daňová optimalizace při změně právní formy podnikání z fyzické osoby na společnost s ručením omezeným / Tax Optimization in Change of Legal Form from a Sole Entrepreneur to a Limited CompanyNěmcová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the changes in the legal form of business from individuals to corporate, namely the limited liability company. The work is focused on the method of taxation of natural and legal persons, individual ability to switch between these legal forms and evaluate the pros and cons of various forms of business. The aim is to communicate the business advantages and disadvantages of different forms of taxation of business, entrepreneurs propose a change of legal form and to acquaint him with the steps that are needed to change the legal form to do.
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Daňové dopady na majitele nemovitostí / Tax Implications for Real Estate OwnersSemerád, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with tax liabilities of an owner of real estate. The theoretical part describes tax acts in 2010 which are used in the thesis. I focused on selection of the parts of the acts which refer to real estate so that the public can easily understand and use them. The practical part includes taxation of specific cases with commentary and reasoning of individual steps arising during purchase, usage and transfer of real estate. The specific cases are modelled for a natural person taxpayer not being an entrepreneur and a natural person taxpayer being an entrepreneur.
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Volba formy podnikání z pohledu daně z příjmu / The choice of the enterprise form from the sight of income taxVávrová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with possibility of choice different legal forms of business in the economic environment of Czech republic and choice of the enterprise which is the most suitable from the sight of income tax. I deal with choice of an appropriate type of partnership and comparison of different legal forms, which are based on the analysis of individual types of partnership by important criteria. Especially I focused on the criterion of the tax burden. Besides of the criterion of the tax burden it´s necessary also mention and judge the proper place - seat of an individual/a legal entity which is connected with taxation to the individual country. And take possibility of international tax planning into consideration. The aim of the thesis is to find and choose the most appropriate legal form of the enterprise to the potential entrepreneur.
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Condicionantes para a aplicação da sanção administrativa de multa sobre o infrator pessoa física, no mercado de seguros privados fiscalizado pela SUSEPSchmitt, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Daniel Schmitt (daniel@schmitt.adv.br) on 2017-03-08T14:29:56Z
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FGV - Trabalho de Qualificação da Dissertação (DS) (28-02-17).pdf: 1238374 bytes, checksum: 77427104099be295ae4735e8aae098ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-23T13:10:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FGV - Trabalho de Qualificação da Dissertação (DS) (28-02-17).pdf: 1238374 bytes, checksum: 77427104099be295ae4735e8aae098ed (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / This paper deals with the repressive regime in the private insurance market ('MSP'), supervised by SUSEP – Superintendência de Seguros Privados. The research focus is to investigate the structure and the application of the norms that govern SUSEP's regulatory activity, regarding the application of the administrative sanction of fine on the individual offender. The administrative accountability in these cases is analyzed. For that, the theory of sanctioning is dealt with, dealing with the violation and the administrative sanction, especially the administrative penalty of fine. Some of the main principles of administrative sanctioning law are also highlighted, such as due process, lawfulness, characteristics and culpability. It also addresses the issue of relativisation of legality in special compliance regimes. These issues are displayed in an environment of sectoral regulation, therefore, contextualizing the sanctioning power of regulatory agencies. The repressive regime of the MSP is systematized. It identifies the National Council of Private Insurance (CNSP), the Resource Council of the National Private Insurance System (CRSNSP) and SUSEP. The normative archetype of the repressive regime of the MSP is presented, especially CNSP Resolution 243/11. A confrontation between SUSEP's guidelines and decisions of the CRSNSP in the opposite direction is made, regarding the imposition of the administrative penalty of fine on the individual offender, due to its administrative responsibility. At the end, as an outcome of the research, a set of constraints that ensure a more consistent application of the administrative penalty of fines on individuals - when considered as offenders in the MSP – is proposed. / O presente trabalho aborda o regime repressivo no mercado de seguros privados ('MSP'), fiscalizado pela Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP). O problema de pesquisa é investigar a estrutura e a aplicação das normas que regem a atividade regulatória da SUSEP, no que toca a aplicação da sanção administrativa de multa sobre o infrator pessoa física. Analisa-se a responsabilização administrativa realizada nestes casos. Para tanto, aborda-se a teoria da sanção, tratando do ilícito e da sanção administrativa, em especial da penalidade administrativa de multa. Alguns princípios informadores do direito administrativo sancionador também são destacados, tais como o devido processo legal, a legalidade, a tipicidade e a culpabilidade. Aborda-se, também, a questão da relativização da legalidade nos regimes de sujeição especial. Estas questões são expostas em um ambiente de regulação setorial, portanto, contextualizando-se o poder sancionador dos órgãos reguladores. É realizada a sistematização do regime repressivo do MSP. Identifica-se o Conselho Nacional de Seguros Privados (CNSP), o Conselho de Recursos do Sistema Nacional de Seguros Privados (CRSNSP) e a SUSEP. O arquétipo normativo do regime repressivo do MSP é descrito, destacando-se a Resolução CNSP no 243/11. Realiza-se um confronto entre orientações da SUSEP e decisões do CRSNSP em sentido contrário, a respeito da imposição da sanção administrativa de multa sobre o infrator pessoa física, em razão da sua responsabilização administrativa. Ao final, como resultado de pesquisa, propõe-se um conjunto de condicionantes que asseguram uma aplicação juridicamente mais consistente da penalidade administrativa de multa sobre as pessoas físicas, quando consideradas como infratores no MSP.
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Parisavtalets inverkan på utsläppsrättigheter : En undersökning av handeln med utsläppsrätter och dess förenlighet med Parisavtalets klimatmål / The impact of the Paris agreement on emission rights : An analysis of emissions trading and its compatibility with the Paris Agreement’s objectiveEkstrand, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten av utsläppsrätter samt om dessa kan inskränkas under åberopande av Parisavtalet. Parisavtalet är ett internationellt klimatavtal som trädde i kraft år 2016. Avtalet innebär huvudsakligen att ingående parter ska uppnå målet att begränsa den globala temperaturökningen till 1,5 grader Celsius, genom att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser. Avtalets målsättningar innebär inga skyldigheter för parterna, men trots det lades avtalet till grund för en nederländsk dom mot energikoncernen Shell år 2021. Domen innebär för Shell att minska utsläppen med 45 % fram till år 2030 i syfte att uppfylla Parisavtalet, vilket inskränker Shells utsläppsrättigheter. I artikel 3 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren av en utsläppsrätt har en rätt att släppa ut ett ton koldioxidekvivalenter. I artikel 12 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren har en rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter till fysiska och juridiska personer inom unionen. När domen mot Shell inskränker nämnda artiklar, väcks intresset för dels hur exklusivt utsläppsrätter ägs, dels hur rätten att överlåta kan inskränkas. I Sverige regleras utsläppsrätter i lag (2020:1173) om vissa utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige har under lång tid framstått som en förebild i att visa resten av världen att man kan föra en offensiv klimat- och miljöpolitik och att fortsätta vara ett välfärdsland. Trots det, kommer Sverige under år 2022 inte lyckas uppfylla sin del av Parisavtalet om inte kraftigare minskningar genomförs, varför rättigheter om utsläpp kan komma att inskränkas även här. Kortfattat framgår följande av uppsatsen. Endast innehavandet av en utsläppsrätt innebär inte en juridisk rätt att släppa ut. För det erfordras tillstånd. Tillståndet är villkorat och utsläppsrätten måste nyttjas inom den tilldelade handelsperioden, vilket innebär att ett exklusivt ägande inte kan anses föreligga. Således uppfyller inte en utsläppsrätt Elgebrants villkor för begreppet egendom. Överlåtelserätten, som innebär en oinskränkt rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter, faller emellertid under ett undantag vid tillämpning av Parisavtalet. Vidare har överlåtelserätten betydelse för statliga intäkter och företags överlevnad. En successiv minskning av växthusgaser är nödvändig för ett hållbart samhälle. Parisavtalet visar sig kunna inskränka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten i Sverige under vissa förutsättningar. Försiktighetsprincipen, i 2 kap. 3 § miljöbalken, får även betydelse i frågan.
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