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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legal shifts : shaping expectations of intellectual property protection in an open innovation industrial environment

Bruneau, Mathieu 12 1900 (has links)
Projet de recherche réalisé en 2014-2015 avec l'appui du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture. / Ce mémoire vise à évaluer les effets de variations des attentes des firmes quant à la protection conférée par les droits de propriété intellectuelle (« PI ») pour les inventions et innovations dans un milieu industriel d’innovation ouverte. D’abord, les régimes de PI aux États-Unis et au Canada sont analysés à travers des cas jurisprudentiels et législatifs et des traités internationaux afin d’illustrer de quelle façon les normes juridiques changent et démontrer les répercussions sur les attentes des firmes. Puis, les attributs du modèle de l’innovation ouverte, où les firmes gèrent à dessein leurs relations d’affaires avec une attitude d’ouverture, sont décrits et sa pertinence est appuyée à l’aide d’un modèle simple. L’accent est mis sur son traitement distinctif des échanges de connaissances et d’intrants à l’intérieur même des firmes et entre elles. Une fois ces notions établies et s’y référant à titre d’hypothèses, un modèle microéconomique des échanges de connaissances entre firmes est élaboré, avec deux variables de choix, la PI et le secret, qui captent les mécanismes de gestion technologique des firmes. Par la tension entre ces variables, les processus de prise de décisions et les interactions entre les firmes sont évalués au moyen d’une analyse statique. Pour étudier plus en détails les choix des firmes, une version à deux joueurs du modèle est examinée au moyen de la théorie des jeux. Dans toutes ces formes du modèle, l’impact des fluctuations des attentes des firmes relativement au droit de la PI est jaugé. Tel que prévu, ces effets pour une firme changent en fonction des choix de gestion de chacune des firmes. Les effets varient également eu égard à la nature des relations à travers lesquelles les échanges de connaissance ont lieu. Dans la variante à deux joueurs, la statique comparative d’un équilibre de Nash en stratégie mixte montre que la relation avec l’autre joueur imprègne les incidences des variations du droit sur les stratégies de gestion technologique. Par exemple, une hausse des attentes de protection juridique de la PI couvrant la technologie d’une firme peut étonnamment mener cette firme à moins y recourir. / The purpose of this thesis is to assess the effects of changes in firms’ expectations of intellectual property (“IP”) law protection over inventions and innovations in an industrial environment characterized by open innovation practices. To begin, a legal analysis of IP regimes in Canada and the United States is achieved through different cases of court decisions, legal amendments and international treaties in order to show how legal standards vary and to demonstrate the repercussions of legal shifts over firms’ expectations. Then, the characteristics of the open innovation management model, in which firms adopt a purposively open mindset in their business relationships, are described, and its relevance is supported using a simple model. Emphasis is laid upon open innovation’s distinguishable treatment of intra- and inter-firm flows of knowledge and inputs. Building on these insights and using them as assumptions, a microeconomic model of firms’ knowledge flow interactions is constructed, with two choice variables that capture firms’ technology management mechanisms in an open innovation industrial environment: IP and secrecy. Through the tension between these two variables, inter-firm interactions and decision-making processes are assessed with a static analysis. To study firms’ choices in greater detail, a two-firm version of the model is then examined using game theory. Throughout, the impact of fluctuations in firms’ expectations of IP law is assessed. As expected, these effects, for a focal firm, vary depending on that firm’s technology management decisions as well as other firms’. Effects also differ with respect to the nature of knowledge flows relationships that each firm undertakes. In the two-firm game theoretic version of the model, comparative statics of a mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium show that the relationship with the other firm qualifies the consequences of legal shifts on firms’ technology management strategies. Notably, increasing expectations of IP protection for a firm’s technology might actually result in this firm relying less on IP.

An explorative study of the technology transfer coach as a preliminary for the design of a computer aid

Jönsson, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
The university technology transfer coach has an important role in supporting the commercialization of research results. This thesis has studied the technology transfer coach and their needs in the coaching process. The goal has been to investigate information needs of the technology transfer coach as a preliminary for the design of computer aids.Using a grounded theory approach, we interviewed 17 coaches working in the Swedish technology transfer environment. Extracted quotes from interviews were openly coded and categorized. The analysis show three main problem areas related to the information needs of the technology transfer coach; awareness, communication, and resources. Moreover, 20 features for future computer aids were extracted from the interview data and scenarios and personas where developed to exemplify the future use of computer aids.We conclude that there is a need for computer support in the coaching process. Such systems should aid the coach in; awareness, aiding the coach to focus on meetings; communication, aid the coach to transfer commercialisation knowledge; and resources, aid the coach in accessing and delivering of resources to the coachee. However, it is imperative that the computer aids do not interfere with the coach current process; and that the computer aid is not seen as the sole solution.

Green Information Systems in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Eine multimethodische und multiperspektivische Analyse der Technologieakzeptanz

Warnecke, Danielle 02 March 2021 (has links)
Im Fokus der Dissertation steht die Erforschung nachhaltiger Effekte durch Informationssysteme, insbesondere Ansatzpunkte zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation der Gesellschaft durch Methoden und Artefakte der Green Information Systems (Green IS). Als Green IS werden sozio-technische Informationssysteme bezeichnet, die neben wirtschaftlichen Kriterien der ressourceneffizienten Bereitstellung von Informationen, der Koordination und Kommunikation auch die ökologische und soziale Dimension gemäß der „Triple Bottom Line“ (Drei-Säulen-Modell der nachhaltigen Entwicklung) adressieren. Der Anwendungsbereich von Green IS liegt auf der Reduktion von Umweltbelastungen und der Bewältigung komplexer Umweltherausforderungen durch sozio-technische Informationssysteme. Neben Forschungsthemen der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik und der Wirtschaftswissenschaften werden Bereiche der Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften zu Fragen der digitalen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung sowie Akzeptanzforschung behandelt. Aufgrund der Komplexität und Vielschichtigkeit des Themas wird ein multimethodischer Forschungsansatz verfolgt, indem sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Methoden zum Einsatz kommen. Die zentralen Forschungsfragen lauten dabei wie folgt: FF1. Welchen Beitrag können Green IS auf Makro- und Meso-Ebene zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung leisten und welchen Reifegrad weisen sie auf? FF2. Inwiefern können digitale Geschäftsmodelle zur unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation beitragen? FF3. Kann durch gezieltes Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing die Akzeptanz von Green IS in der Gesellschaft gefördert werden? Gemäß der Design Science Research werden Verfahren zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für Smart City Mobilitätsstrategien und betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS) des produzierenden Gewerbes konstruiert. Es wird ein Prototyp zum webbasierten Benchmark solcher Smart City Initiativen realisiert. Das entwickelte Geschäftsprozessmodell zeigt auf, inwiefern eine Transformation zur Plattformorganisation im Rahmen von Open Innovation für Industriebetriebe erfolgreich gelingen kann. Die quantitativen Erhebungen zeigen auf, das vor allem hochpreisige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) für Geschäftsmodelle der Sharing Economy geeignet ist sowie, dass die Akzeptanz nachhaltiger IKT in der Gesellschaft bereits insbesondere bei Zugehörigen des "Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability" (LOHAS) vorhanden ist und der weiteren Förderung durch geeignete Verbraucher-Symbole bedarf.

New understandings of disruptive innovation : micro- and macro-level studies / 破壊的イノベーションの微視的・巨視的構造に関する研究 / ハカイテキ イノベーション ノ ビシテキ キョシテキ コウゾウ ニカンスル ケンキュウ / 破壊的イノベーションの微視的巨視的構造に関する研究

モントヤ セバスチャン フアン, Sebastian Juan Montoya 21 March 2018 (has links)
本論文は破壊的イノベーションの微視的・巨視的構造に関する研究だ。クリステンセンによって提唱された破壊的イノベーション理論の基礎を明らかにし、破壊的イノベーション現象の原因と結果を明確に区別する。破壊的イノベーション理論が先行研究で直面した批判に取り組み、イノベーションのジレンマの原因メカニズムに関する問題を浮上する。 / This thesis is a comprehensive study about disruptive innovation, its patterns, and the mechanisms that cause it. This research tests Christensen's disruption theory, the main theory proposed today as an explanation of this phenomenon. In order to do so, this research identifies the strengths and weaknesses of Christensen's theory, and builds upon it to propose an improved theory of disruption that takes into account the differences between the micro and macro perspectives of disruption. / 博士(技術・革新的経営) / Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovative Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

PSD2 - A Catalyst for the Future of Retail Banking : Banks’ strategies to reach a competitive advantage from PSD2 in Sweden / Andra Betaltjänstdirektivet - En katalysator för Framtidens Bank : Bankernas strategier för att nå en konkurrensfördel från PSD2 i Sverige

BRODERICK, MARTIN, PALM, RASMUS January 2018 (has links)
The new EU regulation, revised payment services directive (PSD2), will change how the retail banking market works today. It will obligate banks, with the consumer’s consent, to provide access to account information and thus open up the market for new actors. This study aims to provide an understanding of the effects PSD2 will have on the retail banking market in Sweden and how the banks will act to cope with the changes it entails. There is a lack of academic articles on PSD2, and the reports that do exist are to the greater extent published by consultants. Hence, this report seeks to bridge that gap by exploring banks from a strategic point of view, taking a starting point in the theory of competitive advantage and open innovation, in order to analyse different banks’ strategies that they are considering when PSD2 is enforced. This will be a cornerstone for understanding the future development of the Swedish retail banking market. To gain in-depth knowledge about the banks’ strategies to cope with PSD2, a case study has been made where 10 semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 10 different banks operating in Sweden - this represents the greater majority of all banks in the Swedish retail banking market. From the empirical findings in this report, it is clear that very few banks consider that only complying to PSD2 is a good strategic alternative. Instead, most banks see greater business opportunities in PSD2 and from this study it is evident that the market is heading towards an open banking approach. However, the path towards open banking differs between banks. All banks will focus on becoming compliant but due to differences in size, capabilities and resources, the banks try to differentiate themselves through different approaches. Some banks will attempt an open banking approach immediately, while others will start by becoming a producer of services and from there decide whether or not to move into open banking. What has been made crystal clear from the analysis of the empirical findings, is that no banks will start off by becoming a distributor of more advanced customer data to third parties. / Den nya EU-regleringen, andra betaltjänstdirektivet (PSD2), kommer att förändra hur bankmarknade fungerar idag. Det kommer att förplikta banker, med konsumentens samtycke, att ge tillgång till kontoinformation och därmed öppna marknaden för nya aktörer. Denna studie syftar till att ge en förståelse för de effekter som PSD2 kommer att ha på bankmarknaden i Sverige och hur bankerna kommer att agera för att klara de förändringar som medförs. Det finns få akademiska artiklar om PSD2, och rapporterna som finns är i större utsträckning publicerad av konsulter. Därför syftar denna rapport till att bidra med en akademisk rapport som utforskar banker från en strategisk synvinkel, med utgångspunkt i teorin om konkurrensfördelar och öppen innovation, för att analysera bankernas strategier för att möta PSD2. Detta  kommer att vara grunden för att få en förståelse av den framtida utvecklingen av den svenska bankmarknaden.  För att få en djupare förståelse av bankernas strategier för att möta PSD2 har en fallstudie gjorts där 10 halvstrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med 10 olika banker som är verksamma i Sverige - det motsvarar större delen av marknadsandelen på den svenska bankmarknaden. Från de empiriska resultaten i denna rapport är det uppenbart att väldigt få banker anser att endast följa PSD2 är ett bra strategiskt alternativ. I stället ser de flesta banker större affärsmöjligheter i PSD2 och från denna studie är det uppenbart att marknaden är på väg mot “open banking”. Vägen mot “open banking” skiljer sig mellan bankerna. Alla banker kommer att fokusera på att bli kompatibla men på grund av skillnader i storlek, kapacitet och resurser försöker bankerna skilja sig genom olika metoder. Vissa banker kommer omedelbart att ta sig an “open banking”, medan andra börjar med att bli en producent av tjänster och därmed bestämma huruvida de ska gå in i “open banking” eller inte. Vad som har tydliggjorts från analysen av de empiriska resultaten är att inga banker kommer att börja med att bli distributör av mer avancerade APIer till tredje parter.

Chemical and biological studies on human oxygenases

Thinnes, Cyrille Christophe January 2014 (has links)
As depicted in Chapter I, 2-oxoglutarate- (2OG) dependent oxygenases are ubiquitous in living systems and display a wide range of cellular functions, spanning metabolism, transcription, and translation. Although functionally diverse, the 2OG oxygenases share a high degree of structural similarities between their catalytic sites. From a medicinal chemistry point of view, the combination of biological diversity and structural similarity presents a rather challenging task for the development of selective small molecules for functional studies in vivo. The non-selective metal chelator 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) was used as a template for the generation of tool compound <b>I</b> for the KDM4 subfamily of histone demethylases via application of the Betti reaction. Structural analogue <b>II</b> was used as the corresponding negative control (Figure A). These compounds were characterised in vitro against a range of 2OG oxygenases and subsequently used for studies in cells. <b>I</b> displays selectivity for KDM4 and increases the level of the H3K9me3 histone mark in cells. It has an effect on the post-translational modification pattern of histone H3, but not other histones, and reduces the viability of lung cancer cells, but not normal lung cells, derived from the same patient. <b>I</b> also stabilises hypoxia-inducable factor HIF in cells via a mechanism which seems to be independent from prolyl hydroxylase inhibition. This work is described in Chapters II and III. The chemical biology research in epigenetics is complemented by qualitative analysis conducted in the social sciences at Said Business School. With a global view on how innovation occurs and may actively be fostered, Chapter IV focuses on the potential of epigenetics in drug discovery and how this process may actively be promoted within the framework of open innovation. Areas of focus include considerations of incremental and disruptive technology; how to claim, demarcate, and control the market; how knowledge brokering occurs; and insights about process, management, organisation, and culture of open innovation. In contrast to the open-skies approach adopted for the development of a tool compound in Chapters II and III, a focused-library approach was taken for the generation of a tool compound for the OGFOD1 ribosomal prolyl hydroxylase. The development of a suitable in vitro activity assay for OGFOD1 in Chapter V enabled the development of lead compound <b>III</b> in Chapter VI. <b>III</b> is selective for OGFOD1 against the structurally closely related prolyl hydroxylase PHD2.

Il Multinational Managerial Community Index per analizzare l’internazionalizzazione d’impresa da una prospettiva incentrata sul comportamento collaborativo internazionale dei manager relativamente alla propria catena del valore / IL MULTINATIONAL MANAGERIAL COMMUNITY INDEX PER ANALIZZARE L'INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE D'IMPRESA DA UNA PROSPETTIVA INCENTRATA SUL COMPORTAMENTO COLLABORATIVO INTERNAZIONALE DEI MANAGER RELATIVAMENTE ALLA PROPRIA CATENA DEL VALORE / The Multinational Managerial Community Index to analyze the firm’s internationalization degree from a perspective focused on the international collaborative managerial behavior relative to its value chain.

ALBERTIN, ROBERTO 24 May 2017 (has links)
La presente tesi teorica propone il MOPC index per misurare quanto i manager abbiano generato una comunità multinazionale di gestione aperta di un generico processo considerando congiuntamente l’affiliazione, la connettività interna, la forza e la multinazionalità. A tal fine ho impiegato il SAOM-Behavior valutando la collaborazione internazionale di processo ed annessa propensione come variabili multiple i cui valori e co-evoluzione dipendono dalla co-influenza tra le collaborazioni internazionali fasiche, tra le medesime e le rispettive propensioni fasiche e tra queste ultime. L’intensità relazionale dipende dal modello mentale condiviso, generatosi a livello di team internazionale, su una certa fase del processo mentre la propensione è funzione dell’orientamento e dell’attitudine alla collaborazione internazionale fasica. Il MOPC index è stato applicato alla comunità multinazionale di innovazione aperta e di gestione aperta introducendo due indici teorici: MOIC index e MOMC index. Infine ho teorizzato la catena del valore del manager (MVC) impiegando il processo innovativo e gestionale; considerando le collaborazioni internazionali sui due processi con annesse propensioni, si ho analizzato la collaborazione internazionale sulla MVC, la relativa propensione e la loro co-evoluzione. Cosi facendo, ho introdotto il MMC index per misurare la comunità multinazionale manageriale e, mediante questo, la multinazionalizzazione d’impresa da una prospettiva relazionale manageriale. / This thesis presents the theoretical MOPC index to measure how much the managers generate a multinational open process community by considering the affiliation, the internal connectivity, the strenghtness and the multinationality. I employed the SAOM-Behavior by evaluating the international process collaboration and the respective propensity as multiple variables whose value and co-evolution depend on the co-influence between the international collaborations phasic, between the same and the respective propensities phasic and between them. The intensity of these relationships depends on the International phasic team mental model sharing (TMMS) while the propensity’s one depends on the orientation and the attitude. Then the MOPC index has been applied to measure the multinational open innovation community and the multinational open management community by introducing the MOIC index and the MOMC index. Finally, I introduced the managerial value chain (MVC) as composed of the innovative and the management process. By integrating the international collaborations related to the two processes and their propensities It’s possible to measure the international MVC collaboration, the correlated propensity and their co-evolution. In doing so, I introduced the MMC index to determine the multinational managerial community’s degree and use it to evaluate the firm’s multinationalization by a managerial relational perspective.

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