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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asymétrie fonctionnelle entre consonnes et voyelles de la naissance à l'âge de 6 mois : données d'imagerie cérébrale et de comportement / Functional asymmetry between consonants and vowels from birth to 6 months of age : cerebral imaging and behavioral data

Bouchon, Camillia 24 November 2014 (has links)
Consonnes et voyelles sont les deux catégories de sons qui composent la parole. Elles se distinguent à divers niveaux et notamment servent des fonctions linguistiques différentes. Cette asymétrie consonne/voyelle établie chez les adultes, a conduit Nespor, Peña et Mehler (2003) à suggérer un partage du travail dès la naissance, les consonnes facilitant l'acquisition des mots tandis que les voyelles aideraient à apprendre les règles de grammaire. La validité développementale de cette hypothèse est explorée par l'étude de ses origines chez les bébés français. Premièrement, nos études d'imagerie cérébrale optique montrent que consonnes et voyelles sont également traitées par les mécanismes précurseurs de l'apprentissage syntaxique à la naissance (Exp. 1 - 3). Deuxièmement, nos études sur la reconnaissance du prénom chez les enfants de 5 mois montrent une sensibilité à une modification vocalique (Alix/Elix) chez les bébés monolingues, mais pas à une modification consonantique en position initiale (Victor/Zictor) chez les bébés monolingues et bilingues, ou finale chez les monolingues (Luca/Luga; Exp. 4 - 9). Au stade des premiers mots, le traitement lexical privilégie donc les voyelles. Nos résultats contribuent à la compréhension des origines développementales de l'asymétrie fonctionnelle consonne/voyelle, et du rôle spécifique de la langue native dans son émergence. / Speech is composed of two categories of sound, i.e. consonants and vowels, which have different properties and serve different linguistic functions. This consonant/vowel asymmetry, which is established in adults, has led Nespor, Peña and Mehler (2003) to suggest a division of labor present from birth, whereby consonants would facilitate lexical acquisition while vowels would help to learn grammatical rules of language. We have explored the developmental validity of this hypothesis by studying its origins in French-learning infants. First, our optical brain imaging studies show that both consonants and vowels provide input for precursory mechanisms of syntax processing (Exp. 1 - 3). Secondly, our studies on own-name recognition at 5 months demonstrate sensitivity to a vowel mispronunciation in monolingual infants (Alix/Elix), but fail to show a reaction to a consonant mispronunciation in initial position (Victor/Zictor) for monolinguals and bilinguals, or in final position (Luca/Luga) for monolinguals (Exp. 4 - 9). Thus, vowels are a better input for lexical processing in first familiar words. Our results contribute to the understanding of the developmental origin of consonant/vowel functional asymmetry, hence the influence of the native input on its emergence.

The Lived Experience of a Community College Grow-Your-Own Leadership Development Program from the Perspective of Program Graduates: A Phenomenological Study

Forbes, Shawna January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sparvugglans (Glaucidium passerinum) invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation, Värmland / Invasions of the Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum) at the Hammarö Bird Station, Värmland, Sweden

Odénius Hedman, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Sparvugglan (Glaucidium passerinum) är en invasionsfågel som uppvisar årliga fluktuationer i sina invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation. Invasioner av denna art utlöses vanligtvis av brist på föda tidigt under hösten, vilket kan orsaka att hundratals fåglar migrerar på ett oförutsägbart sätt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka ekologiska faktorer som ligger bakom detta beteende, och om invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation sker samtidigt som invasioner i övriga Sverige. Hypoteserna var att 1) sparvugglefångst uppvisar ingen årlig trend vid Hammarö Fågelstation, 2) sparvugglans populationstrender sammanfaller inte med andra ugglors trender, 3) det finns en korrelation mellan sparvugglans populationstrender vid Hammarö Fågelstation och övriga Sverige, och 4) det finns ett samband mellan sparvugglors populationstrender vid Hammarö Fågelstation och årliga fluktueringar i sorkpopulationer samt andra ekologiska faktorer såsom årlig temperatur och snötäcke. Data samlades in från Hammarö Fågelstations årsrapporter över fångst och ringmärkning av migratoriska fågelarter, och data som uppskattar populationstrender över hela Sverige inhämtades från Svensk Fågeltaxering. Korrelationstester utfördes på dessa parametrar mot sorkpopulationer och andra ekologiska faktorer. Studien fann en positiv korrelation mellan sparvugglefångst på Hammarö och populationstrender från hela Sverige under vintermånaderna. Det fanns även en positiv korrelation mellan årliga fluktuationer i sorkpopulationer vid Vindeln och fångst av sparvuggla i Hammarö. Inga korrelationer hittades när sparvugglefångst mättes mot miljömässiga faktorer. Dessa resultat stämmer överens med tidigare litteratur över området, och öppnar för möjligheter till ny forskning gällande miljö- och beteendemässiga aspekter av invasionsmigratoriska mönster, som ännu är en dåligt förstådd aspekt av fågelbeteende. / The Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum) is an irruptive migrant that shows yearly fluctuations in its invasions at Hammarö Bird Station, Värmland, Sweden. Invasions in this species are usually triggered by a shortage in food supply during early autumn, which can cause hundreds of birds to migrate in an unpredictable manner. The purpose of this study was to explore what ecological factors cause this behaviour, and if invasions at Hammarö Bird Station occur during the same years as invasions in the rest of Sweden. The hypotheses were that: 1) Eurasian pygmy owl captures at Hammarö Bird Station show no inter-annual trend, 2) Eurasian pygmy owl invasions are not correlated with captures of other owl species, 3) there is a correlation between population trends of the Eurasian pygmy owl at Hammarö Bird Station and trends in the rest of Sweden, and 4) there is a correlation between Eurasian pygmy owl captures and annual fluctuations in vole population as well as other environmental factors such as yearly temperature and snow cover. Data was collected from Hammarö Bird Stations annual review of capture and ringing of migratory bird species, and data approximating population trends nationwide were collected from “Svensk Fågeltaxering”. Correlation tests were conducted on these parameters against vole populations and other ecological factors. The study found a positive correlation between owl captures at Hammarö and population trends from all of Sweden during the winter. A positive correlation was also found between annual vole population fluctuations in Vindeln, Västerbotten and owl captures at Hammarö. No correlations were found when measuring owl captures against environmental factors. These results coincide with previous literature on the subject, and open up possibilities for future research regarding the environmental and behavioral aspects of irruptive migration patterns, which is still a poorly-understood aspect of bird behaviour.

Schemalagt eget arbetes inverkan på studiemotivation i skolan : Hur elevers motivation påverkas av att de själva får bestämma vad de ska arbeta med på skoltid / How scheduled own study time affect students motivation in school

Sund, Kasper, Johansson, Emil January 2018 (has links)
denna studie undersöks hur elever påverkas av att arbeta under friare former, med avseende på studiemotivation. Studien är gjord på en gymnasieskola i Stockholm med schemalagt eget arbete där eleverna själv får välja vad de vill arbeta med. En kvalitativ undersökning gjordes med hjälp av fokusgrupper för att utröna elevers, lärares och rektorers uppfattningar om studiemotivationen för eleverna under dessa lektionstillfällen. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i Ryan & Decis’ självbestämmandeteori (SDT) och teorier om ansvar och kontroll. Resultatet visar att valfriheten gör att en del av eleverna upplever dessa lektionstillfällen som fördelaktiga för sin studiemotivation. De andra eleverna upplever att valfriheten påverkar dem negativt då de inte kan ta det ansvar som krävs för skolgången. Gemensamt för alla eleverna är att trots det egna valet genereras inte den inre motivationen, som enligt SDT skall bildas då eleverna får vara autonoma i sin planering och arbetsfördelning. Vidare tyder resultaten på att merparten av eleverna inte ännu är rustade för att agera inom en normativ styrfilosofi trots skolans vision om detta. / The aim of the study is to examine how pupils are affected by working under free forms, with respect to student motivation. The study took place in a high school in Stockholm with free study time scheduled, where the pupils are able to choose to work with whatever they find suitable. A qualitative study was carried out with focus groups to explore the opinions of students, teachers and principals regarding the student motivation during these classes. The theoretical framework of this study draws on Ryan & Decis’ Self Determination theory (SDT) and other theories concerning responsibility and control. The results show that a large amount of freedom makes some of the pupils regard these classes as an advantage for their motivation. Some other pupils perceived that freedom of choice affects them negatively as they cannot take responsibility for their schooling. Common for all pupils is that despite their own choice, the intrinsic motivation is not generated. Furthermore, the results indicate that the majority of the pupils are not prepared to act within a normative governance philosophy despite the school's vision regarding this.

An Economic Comparison of High Tunnel and Open-Field Strawberry Production in Southeastern Virginia and A Joint Estimation of Acreage Planted to U.S. Major Crops

Mbarushimana, Jean Claude 07 June 2022 (has links)
This thesis covers two separate studies. The first study, chapter 2, was conducted to evaluate whether there are additional economic returns from producing strawberries in the high tunnel compared to the open-field in Southeast Virginia. We develop and compare budgets for eight strawberry cultivars grown in the two environments and sold under three marketing strategies (pre-pick wholesale, pre-pick retail, and U-pick). Almost all cultivars in the high tunnel generated negative net revenues regardless of the marketing strategy. In contrast, net revenues from open-field cultivars were always positive. In the second study, chapter 3, we used a fractional multinomial logit model to estimate the effect of crop revenues, input costs, and fuel ethanol production on the joint acreages planted to eight U.S major crops (barley, corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans, and wheat). We found a positive and statistically significant marginal effect of the expected peanuts' revenue on its acreage share. The expected corn revenue had a negative average marginal effect on soybean acreage share, and the effect of expected wheat revenue was positive on cotton acreage share and negative on rice acreage share. / Master of Science / This thesis covers two separate research studies. The first study, chapter 2}, was conducted to evaluate whether growing strawberries in a simple, low-cost, and passive heat structure known as a "high tunnel" would yield more profit (the difference between total revenues and total costs) compared to growing them outside in an open-field in Southeast Virginia. We estimate and compare differences between total revenues and costs for eight strawberry cultivars grown in the two environments and sold under three marketing strategies. The first two marketing strategies involve growers harvesting strawberries themselves. They can then either retail them (farm stands, farmers' markets, or in a similar setting: pre-pick retail) or sell them in bulk to be retailed by others (pre-pick wholesale). A third marketing strategy involves consumers visiting a farm and picking their own strawberries (U-pick). Almost all cultivars grown in the high tunnel structure resulted in a loss (negative difference between total revenues and costs) regardless of the marketing strategy. In contrast, cultivars produced in the open-field always generated a profit (positive total revenues and costs difference). In the second study, chapter 3, we estimated the effect of crop revenues, input costs, and fuel ethanol production on acreages planted to eight U.S major crops (barley, corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans, and wheat), and we considered the fact that acreages allocated to one crop affect other crops' acreages. We found that increasing the expected revenue of peanuts leads to an increase in its acreage share. Increasing the expected revenue of corn leads to a decrease in soybeans' acreage share. Finally, increasing the expected revenue of wheat leads to an increase in the cotton acreage share and a decrease in the rice acreage share.

Språkvalet i engelskundervisningen : En studie om lärares språkval i engelskundervisningen i årskurs 4–6 / A study on teachers' choice of language in English teaching in grades 4–6

Wessling Reisenhofer, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Lärare reflekterar ofta kring vilket språk av svenska och engelska som ska användas mest i engelskundervisningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka lärares val av språk i engelskundervisningen samt vad de ser för konsekvenser med att använda svenska respektive engelska under engelsklektionerna. Syftet är också att undersöka hur elever tänker kring språkvalet som lärare gör när de har engelska. I denna studie genomfördes tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare, verksamma eller har varit verksamma i engelska i årskurs 4–6, samt en enkät, utdelad som en survey till elever i årskurs 6 (12 år) och besvarades av 20 elever. Slutsatsen av denna studie visar att lärare vill använda den mängden engelska som är möjligt, men att svenskan behöver användas som ett hjälpmedel, främst till svaga elever i engelska. Konsekvenser med att använda engelskan visar enligt resultatet att svaga elever får svårigheter att förstå vad som ska göras under engelsklektioner. Konsekvenser med att använda svenskan blir enligt lärare att eleverna tappar en del engelska och att de inte får öva på sina språkliga strategier. Majoriteten av eleverna i studien har bekräftat att de är nöjda med lärares språkval på engelsklektionerna. Många elever föredrar också att både svenskan och engelskan används. / Teachers often reflect on which language of Swedish and English should be used mostly in English teaching. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate teachers' choice of language in English teaching and what they see as consequences of using Swedish and English respectively during English lessons. The purpose is also to investigate how students think about the language choice that teachers make when they have English. In this study, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers working or have been working in English in grades 4–6, as well as a questionnaire, distributed as a survey to students in grade 6 (12 years old) and answered by 20 students. The conclusion of this study shows that teachers want to use as much English as possible, but that Swedish needs to be used as an aid, mainly for weak students in English. Consequences of using English shows according to the results that weak students have difficulties in understanding what to do during English lessons. According to teachers, negative consequences of using Swedish are that the students lose some English and that they do not get to practice their linguistic strategies. The majority of the students in the study have confirmed that they are satisfied with the teachers' choice of language in the English lessons. Many students also prefer that both Swedish and English are used.

”Alla får bestämma, inte bara vuxna” : En fenomenografisk studie om förskolebarns inflytande i den barninitierade leken

Jansson, Madeleine, Rönström, Emelina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka barnens inflytande i den barninitierade leken utifrån deras perspektiv för att uppmärksamma barnens inflytande i förskolans verksamhet. Frågeställningarna är; Vad uppfattar barn som barninitierad lek i förskolan? och Hur uppfattar barn sitt inflytande över den barninitierade leken? Den barninitierade leken innefattar att barnen fritt får styra sin egen lek utan pedagogers medverkan. Studien tar sitt avstamp i en fenomenografisk ansats, vilket innebär att ta del av individers uppfattningar om fenomen. Studien använder sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta verksamma förskolebarn i åldrarna tre till fem år. Resultatet och analysen är indelat i ett kategorisystem som presenterar barns uppfattningar om deras inflytande i den barninitierade leken utifrån åtta olika kategorier. Slutsatsen i studien visar att det finns olika betydelsefulla aspekter för den barninitierade leken. Däremot får barnen inte tillräckligt med inflytande för att kunna påverka leken eftersom det finns regler och rutiner, vilket barnen uttryckte att de vill få mer inflytande kring. / The purpose of the study is to investigate the children's influence in the child-initiated play from their perspective in order to draw attention to the children's influence in the preschool's activities. The questions are; What do children perceive as child-initiated play in preschool? and How do children perceive their influence over child-initiated play? The child-initiated play includes that the children can freely control their own play without the involvement of educators. The study is based on a phenomenographic approach, which means taking part in individuals' perceptions of phenomena. The study uses semi-structured interviews with eight active preschool children aged three to five years. The results and analysis are divided into a category system that presents children's perceptions of their influence in child-initiated play based on eight different categories. The conclusion of the study shows that there are various important aspects for child-initiated play. However, the children do not get enough influence to be able to influence the game because there are rules and routines, which the children expressed that they want to have more influence around.

Influencers' Own Brands : Investigating the Drivers of Young Female Followers' Purchase Intentions towards Influencers' Own Brands

Bergström, Vilma, Fredriksson Johansson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Influencers have been working with collaborations with different brands during a long period of time, the latest development in their career has been to launch their own brands without any intermediators. Previous studies have investigated influencers' own brands but there is still a knowledge gap between intention and behavior. To fill the gap about this subject it is relevant to further expand on the underlying drivers by expanding the variables to get a deeper understanding for the purchase intentions that drives purchase behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to get a deeper understanding of the drivers underlying young female followers' purchase intentions towards influencers' own brands in the category of beauty products. To answer this research purpose, the “Theory of Reasoned Action” has been used and through that a theoretical framework has been developed. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with young females (18 to 30 years old) living in Northern Sweden. The interview questions focused on the females shopping habits, attitudes, subjective norm, previous experiences and purchase intentions towards influencers' own brands. In order to analyze the data a thematic analysis was used. The interview respondents were divided into two groups depending on whether they have purchased a product from an influencer's own brand or not to be able to find out if there were any differences or similarities between them. The result showed that attitudes of influencers in general and subjective norms did not have a big impact on the participants' purchase intention towards influencers' own brands. However, attitudes towards influencers' own brands had an impact on purchase intention. More important factors were also their shopping habits and previous experience from influencer marketing.

An Investigation into the Performance of Ethnicity Verification Between Humans and Machine Learning Algorithms

Jilani, Shelina K. January 2020 (has links)
There has been a significant increase in the interest for the task of classifying demographic profiles i.e. race and ethnicity. Ethnicity is a significant human characteristic and applying facial image data for the discrimination of ethnicity is integral to face-related biometric systems. Given the diversity in the application of ethnicity-specific information such as face recognition and iris recognition, and the availability of image datasets for more commonly available human populations, i.e. Caucasian, African-American, Asians, and South-Asian Indians. A gap has been identified for the development of a system which analyses the full-face and its individual feature-components (eyes, nose and mouth), for the Pakistani ethnic group. An efficient system is proposed for the verification of the Pakistani ethnicity, which incorporates a two-tier (computer vs human) approach. Firstly, hand-crafted features were used to ascertain the descriptive nature of a frontal-image and facial profile, for the Pakistani ethnicity. A total of 26 facial landmarks were selected (16 frontal and 10 for the profile) and by incorporating 2 models for redundant information removal, and a linear classifier for the binary task. The experimental results concluded that the facial profile image of a Pakistani face is distinct amongst other ethnicities. However, the methodology consisted of limitations for example, low performance accuracy, the laborious nature of manual data i.e. facial landmark, annotation, and the small facial image dataset. To make the system more accurate and robust, Deep Learning models are employed for ethnicity classification. Various state-of-the-art Deep models are trained on a range of facial image conditions, i.e. full face and partial-face images, plus standalone feature components such as the nose and mouth. Since ethnicity is pertinent to the research, a novel facial image database entitled Pakistani Face Database (PFDB), was created using a criterion-specific selection process, to ensure assurance in each of the assigned class-memberships, i.e. Pakistani and Non-Pakistani. Comparative analysis between 6 Deep Learning models was carried out on augmented image datasets, and the analysis demonstrates that Deep Learning yields better performance accuracy compared to low-level features. The human phase of the ethnicity classification framework tested the discrimination ability of novice Pakistani and Non-Pakistani participants, using a computerised ethnicity task. The results suggest that humans are better at discriminating between Pakistani and Non-Pakistani full face images, relative to individual face-feature components (eyes, nose, mouth), struggling the most with the nose, when making judgements of ethnicity. To understand the effects of display conditions on ethnicity discrimination accuracy, two conditions were tested; (i) Two-Alternative Forced Choice (2-AFC) and (ii) Single image procedure. The results concluded that participants perform significantly better in trials where the target (Pakistani) image is shown alongside a distractor (Non-Pakistani) image. To conclude the proposed framework, directions for future study are suggested to advance the current understanding of image based ethnicity verification. / Acumé Forensic

The New Normal: Lived Experiences of Teachers’ Educating Students in an Always-on and Connected Middle School Environment

Murray, Alexander R. 19 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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