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Das altpreußische Akzentsystem / Prūsų kalbos kirčiavimo sistema / The Old Prussian accentual systemRinkevičius, Vytautas 28 December 2009 (has links)
In der Dissertation wird das altpreußische Akzentsystem, das von der Orthographie der Sprachdenkmäler (zuallererst des 3. Katechismus) indirekt dargestellt wird, beschrieben. Das Ziel der Untersuchung ist eine ausführliche (insoweit das dürftig belegte Material eine Beurteilung zulässt) Rekonstruktion des synchronischen Zustands des apr. Akzentsystems und Feststellung möglicher Entwicklungstendenzen des Systems. Nach der kritischen Übersicht über alle bisherigen Theorien zur apr. Akzentologie und Akzentographie werden im ersten Schritt der Untersuchung die Prinzipien, nach denen betonte Silben der belegten Wörter anhand der Orthographie der Texte identifiziert werden können, bestimmt, auch wird die Realität der in früherer Literatur für das Altpreußische postulierten Akzentverschiebungsgesetze (z.B. Gesetz von Saussure-Fortunatov, Gesetz von Kortlandt u.a.) diskutiert. Die Hauptaspekte der nach den Prinzipien der morphologischen Akzentologiekonzeption vorgenommenen Untersuchung des Akzentsystems sind Feststellung der Akzenteigenschaften der Morpheme, welche die Akzentuierung flektierbarer Wörter bestimmen, Klassifizierung der belegten Wörter nach Akzentparadigmen und Analyse der Rolle des Akzents bei der Wortbildung. Das durch synchronische Untersuchung beschriebene System wird mit Systemen der verwandten Sprachen (zuallererst des Litauischen und der slavischen Sprachen) verglichen, ihre Übereinstimmungen werden konstatiert und Unterschiede werden erklärt. / Disertacijoje aprašoma prūsų kalbos kirčiavimo sistema, galimà atsekti iš šaltinių (visų pirma III prūsų kalbos katekizmo, teikiančio daugiausia akcentologijos duomenų) rašybos. Siekiama atkurti kiek įmanoma išsamesnį sinchroninį sistemos vaizdą ir nustatyti galimas diachronines jos raidos tendencijas. Kritiškai įvertinus visas iki šiol paskelbtas prūsų kalbos akcentologijos ir akcentografijos teorijas, pirmajame tyrimo etape apibrėžiami kirčiuoto skiemens nustatymo iš šaltinių rašybos principai, įvertinamas tokių mokslinėje literatūroje prūsų kalbai postuluojamų reiškinių kaip Saussure'o-Fortunatovo ar Kortlandto dėsniai realumas. Kirčiavimo sistemos analizėje, laikantis morfologinės akcentologijos principų, nustatomos kirčiavimą lemiančios paliudytų prūsų kalbos žodžių morfemų akcentinės savybės, žodžiai klasifikuojami į akcentines paradigmas, analizuojamas kirčio vaidmuo žodžių daryboje. Sinchroniniais metodais atkurta sistema nuosekliai lyginama su giminiškų kalbų (visų pirma lietuvių ir slavų) kirčiavimo sistemomis, konstatuojami jų sutapimai ir motyvuojami skirtumai. / The dissertation contains a description of the accentual system of Old Prussian as evidenced by the orthography of Prussian written monuments, particularly that of the Third Catechism (which abounds the most in accentological data). An attempt is made to reconstruct, as comprehensively as possible, the synchronic state of the accentual system in question, as well as to identify any possible trends in its diachronic development. At the first stage of research, upon a critical examination of all the theories dealing with Old Prussian accentology and accentography published to date, the methods of identifying the stressed syllable based on the orthography of the written monuments are outlined. The validity of Saussure-Fortunatov’s and Kortlandt’s laws, which have been postulated in the scholarly literature on Old Prussian, is subjected to a re-evaluation. Then, an analysis of the accentual system is undertaken, in adherence to the principles of morphological accentology, in order to determine the accentual properties of the Old Prussian morphemes conditioning the stress of the attested words, as well as to classify the words by accentual paradigm and to elucidate the role of stress in word-formation. This reconstructed synchronic system is then thoroughly confronted with those of the related languages (primarily Lithuanian and Slavic) to demonstrate the correspondences and to account for the discrepancies between them.
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“REENACTING” THE PLOTGrahl, Till 31 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das Phänomen Remake ist so alt, wie die Geschichte des Films selbst. Dennoch wird der Begriff immer wieder leichtfertig benutzt, weshalb sich die Arbeit zunächst um die Entwicklung einer praktikablen Arbeitsdefinition bemüht, welche Remakes im engeren Sinne von anderen Formen der Neuinszenierung abgrenzt, bevor in einem nächsten Schritt ausgewählte Original-Remake-Paare einer ausführlichen strukturellen Analyse unterzogen werden: Dazu werden die jeweiligen Filme in ihre einzelnen Szenen aufgegliedert und mit einem Plotschema - dem sogenannten Paradigma nach Syd Field und Hans-Ulrich Mohr - unterlegt, welches neben der allgemeinen Struktur des Films auch für die Handlung besonders relevante Szenen offenlegt und strukturelle Veränderungen offensichtlich macht, aus welchen Änderungen des Inhalts, der Handlungsrichtung und des Genres resultieren. Dazu werden die Neuverfilmungen ihren filmischen Vorgängern in direkter Weise gegenübergestellt, wodurch stilistische Mittel und inszenatorische Elemente sowie historische und kulturelle Zusammenhänge und strukturelle Unterschiede sauber ausgearbeitet und sichtbar gemacht werden können. Damit leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag sowohl zum noch spärlich ergründeten Feld der Remakeforschung als auch zur Debatte um die Existenz und Funktionsweise von Filmstrukturen.
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Tangram-base Problem Solving in Radical Constructivist Paradigm: High School Student-Teachers ConjecturesRahim, Medhat H., Siddo, Radcliffe, Issa, Moushira 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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[pt] A ética ambiental, um campo relativamente novo na reflexão teológica, apresenta diferentes modelos e tendências que nem sempre são pautados por uma visão integrada da realidade. O ser humano e a natureza não são realidades justapostas e antagônicas, mas são componentes distintos da comunidade biótica, que se organiza segundo uma dinâmica relacional e integradora. Superando dualismos e visões dicotômicas, uma ética ambiental de inspiração cristã deve integrar compromisso ecológico e justiça social, preservação do ambiente natural e respeito ao ambiente humano. Esta é a abordagem central de nossa tese que acentua a necessidade de um modelo de ética que, seguindo uma dinâmica de integração-inclusão, expresse a visão relacional e integradora da fé cristã em sintonia com outros campos do saber. A nossa pesquisa consiste em buscar um discurso ético, em perspectiva ecológica, fundamentada na teologia da criação-salvação e articulada criticamente com o paradigma ecológico e com o conceito geográfico de espaço. / [en] Environmental ethics, a relatively new field of theological reflection, presents models and approaches which do not always have an integrated vision of reality. Human beings and Environment are not separated and mutually opposed realities. On the contrary, one cannot be studied apart from the other, for they are distinct parts of the same biotic community that is organized in a relational and integrated dynamical structure. In order to overcome dualisms and reductionist viewpoints, an Environmental Ethic from a Christian perspective must integrate ecological commitment and social justice, that is, preservation of the natural world and respect for the human environment. This is the central approach of our dissertation. We stress the urgency of an ethical awareness that, following a dynamics of integration and inclusion, presents a mutually interacting perspective of the Christian faith which, at the same time, is in harmony with other fields of knowledge. Our research intends to seek an ethical reflection on environment which is grounded on creation-salvation theology and, at the same time, is critically articulated with the ecological paradigm and with geographical concept of space.
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Questa ricerca esplorativa qualitativa si è posta l’obiettivo di comprendere il funzionamento del peer support in ospedale e le ragioni che spingono alcuni pazienti a diventare peer supporter. È stata realizzata un’ osservazione di tre reparti ospedalieri italiani in cui il peer support è praticato e successivamente sono state condotte 27 interviste agli attori coinvolti (peer supporter, pazienti, operatori). Uno sguardo internazionale si è avuto con la realizzazione di due interviste a peer supporter del King’s Hospital di Londra.
I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati e interpretati alla luce del paradigma relazionale, secondo il quale il professionista da solo non è in grado di trovare delle soluzioni ad una malattia che colpisce una persona, ma necessita anche dell’aiuto della persona stessa per fronteggiare la situazione.
Dalla ricerca è emerso che la presenza del peer support produce benefici per il reparto ospedaliero e tutti gli attori coinvolti: i pazienti conoscono meglio i servizi, i loro doveri e diritti e comprendono meglio alcune scelte terapeutiche del medico; i medici comprendono meglio i vissuti dei pazienti e le loro esigenze, si avvicinano al paziente e riescono a lavorare meglio; i peer supporter valorizzano il proprio sapere esperienziale e si sentono utili. / This exploratory qualitative reasearch identifies the reasons who leads patient to become peer supporter and explain peer support program in hospital ward. Three italian hospital ward, whose already have a peer support program, have been selected.
Practicioners, patients and peer supporters were interview in these hospital departments (27 interviews in total), moreover each department was observed for three days to follow all the peer supporter’s activities.
Thanks to two peer supporter’s interviews who worked at King’s Hospital in London was possible to have an international view.
The collected qualitative data were then analyzed and interpreted according to the relational paradigm of social work. The idea of this approach is that social workers are not able to solve problems and to find solutions for the life problems; in the contrary professionals need to be helped from the service users. From the results emerged that the peer support program produce benefit for all people: the patients learned to know their rights and duties together with social and clinical services; the practitioners learned to know experiential knowledge, patient’s needs and how to work in a better way; the peer supporters learned to use their illness experience and feel useful.
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Současná praxe a možnosti využití supervize v ošetřovatelství / Current practice and ways of the supervision use in nursingVAŇKOVÁ, Milena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis named "Current practice and possible ways of implementing clinical supervision in nursing" is the first doctoral dissertation establishing the concept of supervision in the Czech nursing environment. Itscentralresearch questionis as follows: How do nurses and university educators in nursing construct, interpret and practically apply theconcept ofclinical supervision and the supervisor's role in the context of nursing education at specific institutions of tertiary education and clinical nursing practice in the Czech Republic? The author draws on international theoretical literature and local empiricalevidence.Her qualitative research took the form of 26 semi-structured interviews with academic nursingeducators from the entire Czech Republic. In justified cases those are supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the study of legislative, policy and strategic documents in nursing and health care, including publicly available information and sources on clinical supervision, in order torefine the resulting picture of her interpretation of current clinical supervision practice in Czech nursing. A shift to the constructivist paradigm enabled one to conceive the term "clinical supervision" mainly in relation to learning, training and professional development of supervisees, also in the context of transformation of education and supervision not only of nurses but also of supervisors themselves in the Czech Republic. The author also focuses on the philosophical and theoretical foundations of clinical supervision and application of the postmodern approach in egalitarian clinical supervision. The empirical part of this dissertation is based on the qualitative research conducted. The author gradually presents her results as individual categoriesand relations between them that ensued from the analysed data in the process of open coding. The author draws a link between the category of implementation of clinical supervision in the context of nurses' professional education andexternal conditions, the environment and a broader professional and social-cultural context. Clinical supervision in nursing is constructed mainly as a unidisciplinaryconcept and a part of the nursing profession. The university nursing educatoris typically constructed as a role professional, but there is also an ongoing process ofdiversification, stratification, profiling and professionalization of non-academic nursing educators. Based on a content analysis of documents and post-modern philosophical-theoretical foundations and strategies of legitimizingclinical supervision, the author views the concept of clinical supervision in nursing as socially constructedand discursively legitimated. The author also defines the limitations of her research that arise from the choice of a qualitative research design. In the conclusion she outlines some future trends of clinical supervision in particular educational institutions that can be interesting and inspiring not only for supervisors but also for teachers of supervision themselves. Based on the results of her empirical analysis the author emphasises the need to integrate the theory and practice of education, clinical supervision and nursing. A comprehensive structure and methodology of system-wide implementation of clinical supervision, based on the situation of clinical nursing practice and supervision needs in the Czech Republic,should in future formthe basis of innovation of existing university programmes in nursing and approaches to the education and training of supervisors, as well as the subject of new research in clinical supervision.
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Mobilidade em potência e discurso publicitário na sociedade contemporânea globalizada: Brasil, 1982-2014Nogueira, Maria Alice de Faria 17 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Alice Nogueira (ma.nogueira@terra.com.br) on 2015-04-24T12:08:05Z
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TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-05-14T13:05:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:08:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE MARIA ALICE NOGUEIRA VERSÃO FINAL BIBLIOTECA 17042015.pdf: 9860732 bytes, checksum: 32f1821bc9f612cab49b6ab8aa794aa7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-17 / In the world, today, everything is in motion. People, objects, values, information and images circulate each day more intensively and widely in a social environment which is fluid, connected and risky. When mobility becomes an important element of everyday experience and physical, geographic, virtual or imaginary displacements take front row in the relationships and radically alter the ways of life in all spheres – social, cultural, political and economic – then mobility culture imposes itself and involves everybody in new possibilities and experiences, as well as, in new constraints, risks and discourses that have to be studied. The ever going intense imbrication between mobility culture and advertising discourse constitutes the basis that sustains the thesis and stablishes the two fundamental premises in the study: first, that things in the world reaches the subject regardless of its immobility, by means of objects, information and images that circulate globally; second, that regardless of its commercial, persuasive and selling character, advertising can also be seen as a cultural good that expresses the culture to which it belongs. The articulation of these two premises constitutes the main interest and the object of this research: considering the act of advertising as representation of society, we intend to investigate, within the perspective of the New Mobility Paradigm, how movement is expressed in the advertisement discourse of global brands. The interpretation of global advertisement discourse aims at validating the hypothesis that there is consumption of (im)mobility when the person looks for objects that, depending on their availability (ready-to-hand) and on their potential of use in relation to the environment (affordance), support his everyday (im)mobility, with a certain amount of stability and less risk. The locus of the investigation was Brazil and the study focused its analysis on the 32 years encompassed in the period from 1982 to 2014. Advertisements of brands published in the magazine VEJA during the period of the three FIFA World Cups – 1982 in Spain; 1998 in France, and 2014 in Brazil were analysed. / No mundo, hoje, tudo está em movimento. Pessoas, objetos, valores, informação e imagens circulam cada dia mais intensa e extensamente em um ambiente social fluido, em rede e de riscos. Quando a mobilidade torna-se parte importante da experiência cotidiana e os deslocamentos físicos, geográficos, virtuais ou imaginativos tomam a frente nas relações e alteram radicalmente os modos de vida em todas as esferas - social, cultural, política e econômica -, nesse momento uma cultura da mobilidade se impõe e envolve a todos em novas possibilidades e experiências, assim como, em novos constrangimentos, riscos e discursos que devem ser estudados. O cada dia mais intenso imbricamento entre a cultura da mobilidade e o discurso publicitário constitui a base que sustenta a tese e que delineia as duas premissas fundamentais do estudo: a primeira, de que as coisas do mundo chegam até o sujeito apesar de sua imobilidade, por meio dos objetos, das informações e das imagens que circulam globalmente; e, a segunda premissa, de que a despeito de seu caráter comercial, persuasivo e de vendas, a publicidade também pode ser encarada como um bem cultural que expressa a cultura da qual faz parte. É na articulação destas duas premissas que reside o interesse primordial e o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: ao considerar o fazer publicitário como representação da sociedade, investigar, a partir da perspectiva do Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, como o movimento é expresso discursivamente na publicidade das marcas globais. A interpretação do discurso publicitário global teve como objetivo validar a hipótese de que há um consumo de (i)mobilidade sendo feito quando o indivíduo sai em busca de objetos que, a partir de sua disponibilidade (ready-to-handness) e potencial de uso em relação ao ambiente (affordance), suportem sua (i)mobilidade cotidiana com certa estabilidade e menor risco. O locus da investigação é o Brasil e o estudo focou sua análise nos 32 anos relativos ao período de 1982 a 2014. Foram selecionados anúncios de marcas veiculados na revista Veja durante o período de três Copas do Mundo FIFA: de 1982, na Espanha; de 1998, na França; e de 2014, no Brasil, que cobrem o período proposto pela pesquisa.
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Ouderdom en geslag as veranderlikes in die salutogenese paradigma / Age and gender as variables in the salutogenesis paradigmWilmans, Luna Jean 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor ouderdom en geslag as veranderlikes in die salutogenese paradigma. Die salutogenese paradigma het sy ontstaan en ontwikkeling aan verskeie navorsingsperspektiewe te danke. Daar is reeds op internasionale gebied breedvoerig navorsing oor hierdie paradigma gedoen. In die Suid-Afrika is die navorsing van Strumpfer en Wissing goed bekend. In hierdie navorsing is daar deur middel van faktorontleding gepoog om die onderliggende dimensies van die konstrukte gevoel van koherensie en geharde persoonlikheid bloot te le. Daar is onderskeidelik twee duidelike faktore vir beide konstrukte bepaal. Die faktore op die Lewensorientasievraelys (OLQ) het noue ooreenstemming getoon met die komponente betekenisvolheid en
hanteerbaarheid (OLQ1 ), en verstaanbaarheid (OLQ2) soos deur Antonovsky (1987) bespreek. Die faktore op die "Personal Views Survey" (PVS) het ooreenstemming getoon met die komponente verbintenis en beheer (PVS1) en uitdaging (PVS2), soos deur Kobasa (1979) daargestel. Hierdie navorsingsresultate toon verder dat ouderdom wel die mate van gevoel van koherensie wat 'n individu mag ervaar, kan be"invloed. Alhoewel geslag in 'n mindere mate 'n invloed op die mate van gevoel van koherensie getoon het, behoort geslag (in perspektief van die totale steekproef beskou) nie 'n bepalende invloed uit te oefen nie. In terme van die mate van geharde
persoonlikheid wat 'n individu mag ervaar, het ouderdom en geslag geen invloed getoon nie. Daar is ook geen interaksie-effek tussen ouderdom en geslag en die onderskeie konstrukte vasgestel nie. / This research project deals with age and gender as variables in the salutogenesis paradigm. The salutogenesis paradigm owes its origin and development to various research projects. Research in the international field
has already been done on this paradigm on a wide sphere. The research of Strumpfer and Wissing is well known in South Africa. In this area of research an attempt is made through the analysis of factors to expose the underlying dimensions of the construct sense of coherence and the construct hardy personality. Two certain factors for both constructs have been indicated. The factors influencing the Orientation to Life Questionnaire indicated a close resemblance with the components of meaningfulness and manageability (OLQ1), and comprehensibility (OLQ2), discussed by Antonovsky (1987). The factors of the Personal Views Survey (PVS) demonstrated a similarity with the components commitment and control (PVS 1) and challenge (PVS2), as stated
by Kobasa (1979). The results of this research demonstrates that age may well influence the measure of the sense of coherence which an individual may experience. Although gender indicated a minor measure of influence on the degree of sense of coherence, gender should not (in perspective of this research findings) have
a deciding influence. Age and gender indicated no deciding influence in the measure of hardy personality experienced by an individual. Age and gender did not manifest any interaction in the various constructs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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Interpretar o enunciado ou dialogar com a enunciação? uma análise sobre processos de leitura no ENEMBranchini, Camila Sabatin 31 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This paper discusses the reading concepts that are present on the Enem items, specifically on the tests of Languages, Codes and Their Technologies (LCT), in editions from 2009 to 2013. For this, we adopted as the main theoretical reference of this research the notion of discursive genders, (BAKHTIN, 2010; 2011; MARCUSCHI, 2005) the concept of enuciate and enunciation (BAKHTIN, 2010; BRAIT, 2012; FLOWERS, 2009; GERALDI, 1993) as a basis to substantiate the reading conceptions (BAKHTIN, 2010; GERALDI, 2010; KLEIMAN, 1989; 2006; MARCUSCHI, 2005; Matrix Reference Enem, 2009; FREIRE, 1997; ROJO, 2004.) To support the goals of the Enem test as an instrument of government review, we did a recap of the structure and objectives of the Enem evaluation, through the notion of competence and skill as part of a historical, social, political and economic context that enter politics public in education and become part of the official discourse of the documents (LDB, PCN, PCNE). Contextualization that makes clear how changed the way of evaluate. Others researches has hunched on this content, it points to the relevance of the chosen corpus. Launch a new look, new readings on the corpus, shows the need for ever more clearly the social importance of Enem forming a new way to evaluate We have chosen, for that, two items of each year, starting in 2009, when the advent of the New Enem, to 2013, last evaluation. This choice had as criterions issues related to mother language which utilizes the genders as basis for discussion on the enounced of the questions in the test. From a theoretical-methodological assumptions, regarding the form of analysis developed within the humanities, allowed us to analyze the corpus by the perspective of sociological method and/or Bakhtin's discourses and Ginzburg qualitative method (the paradigm called evidentiary). Were made hipoteses about the interpretive walk performed by the candidates at the time they read the enounced of the objective questions proposed on Enem test. From the analyzed editions, we adopted as corpus 10 items of the LCT test which works issues related to mother language. Then, we trace an overview of the types of reads that the candidate/reader made over five years of evaluation, considering that it depends of some elements, such as how they prepared the enounced of the item, the enunciative context, previous knowledge of the candidate. We conclude that the evaluative profile of ENEM tends to approach the reading under the bias of linguistic structure, grammaticalized, often part of the theme, and a few times, considers the enunciation, the dialogue, the interaction, ie, the discursive bias. / Este trabalho aborda as concepções de leitura que se apresentam nos itens do Enem, especificamente na prova de Linguagens, Códigos e Suas Tecnologias (LCT), nas edições de 2009 a 2013. Para tanto, adotamos como principais referências teóricas desta pesquisa a noção de gêneros discursivos (BAKHTIN, 2010; 2011; MARCUSCHI, 2005), o conceito de enunciado e enunciação (BAKHTIN, 2010; BRAIT, 2012; FLORES, 2009; GERALDI, 1993) como base para fundamentar as concepções de leitura (BAKHTIN, 2010; GERALDI, 2010; KLEIMAN, 1989; 2006; MARCUSCHI, 2005; Matriz de Referência Enem, 2009; FREIRE, 1997; ROJO, 2004). Para fundamentar os objetivos da prova do Enem, enquanto instrumento de avaliação governamental, fizemos uma recapitulação da estrutura e objetivos da avaliação do Enem, passando pela noção de competência e habilidade como parte de um contexto histórico, social, político e econômico que adentram as políticas públicas na área da educação e começam a fazer parte do discurso oficial dos documentos (LDB, PCN, PCNEM). Contextualização que deixa clara as mudanças na forma de se avaliar. Outras pesquisas têm se debruçado sobre esse conteúdo, isso aponta para relevância do corpus escolhido. Lançar um novo olhar, novas leituras sobre o corpus, mostrar a necessidade de ter cada vez mais clareza da importância social do Enem como formadora de uma nova maneira de avaliar. Escolhemos, para isso, dois itens de cada ano, a se iniciar em 2009, quando do advento do Novo Enem, a 2013, última avaliação. Essa escolha teve como critério questões relacionadas à língua materna e que usavam os gêneros como base para discussão do enunciado da prova. A partir dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, referentes à forma de análise desenvolvida no âmbito das ciências humanas, permitiu-nos analisar o corpus sob a perspectiva do método sociológico e/ou discursivo de Bakhtin e do método qualitativo de Ginzburg (o chamado paradigma indiciário). Foram feitas hipóteses a respeito da caminhada interpretativa realizada pelos candidatos no momento em que leem os enunciados propostos pelas questões objetivas da prova do Enem. A partir das edições analisadas, adotamos como corpus 10 itens da prova de LCT que trabalham questões relacionadas à língua materna. Em seguida, traçamos um panorama dos tipos de leitura que o candidato/leitor fez ao longo de cinco anos de prova, considerando que isso depende de alguns elementos, tais como a forma como se elaborou o enunciado do item, o contexto enunciativo, os conhecimentos prévios do candidato. Concluímos que o perfil avaliativo do ENEM tende a abordar a leitura sob o viés da estrutura linguística, gramaticalizada, muitas vezes, de parte do tema, e, poucas vezes, considera a enunciação, o diálogo, a interação, isto é, o viés discursivo.
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Cluster industrial: as tipologias, estratégias e governança na cadeia produtiva de calçados de FrancaTristão, Hélcio Martins 16 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / The analysis of an industrial cluster has become the main discussion to explain the firm agglomerations success worldwide in the last decade. This discussion has given a bigger dimension in economic terms, especially about the strategic management of the local productive chains. This paper aims to contribute to the theoric development of the theme by the proposition of an industrial cluster typology method considering that the set of local variables related to the firms characteristics are essential for the strengthening of the interfirms relationship and consequently their performance. The theoretical basis of this study are the types of clusters found in literature and the research object are the footwear firms (CPCF) from Franca S. Paulo state. The data analysis used was the descriptive statistics tecnicques as well as multivaried exploratory methods. From the theoretical view this study enabled the identification of multiple characacteristics derived from different cluster typologies within the same productive chain. Which extended the perpective about the strategic role played by the local cooperation and also offered the possibility of the managers and institution representatives reflect on the governance principles adopted in collective actions. / A análise de Cluster industrial tornou-se na última década o centro da discussão para explicar o sucesso de aglomerados de empresas em diversas regiões mundiais. Isso trouxe ao tema maior dimensão em termos econômicos, especialmente sobre a gestão estratégica de cadeia produtiva local. Esta tese tem objetivo de contribuir para o desenvolvimento teórico do tema por meio da proposição de um método de tipificação de Cluster industrial, considerando que o conjunto de variáveis locais, relacionadas às características dos clusters, são críticas para o fortalecimento das relações inter-firmas, e consequentemente para o desempenho dessas empresas. O soporte teórico desse trabalho são os tipos de Clusters existentes na literatura, e o objeto de pesquisa são as empresas do setor calçadista de Franca (CPCF), interior do Estado de São Paulo. A estratégia de análise dos dados utilizada baseou-se em técnicas estatísticas descritivas e métodos estatísticos exploratórios multivariados. Do ponto de vista teórico, o estudo permitiu identificar a existência de múltiplas características provenientes de diferentes tipologias de clusters presentes em uma mesma cadeia produtiva, o que ampliou a perspectiva sobre o papel estratégico das cooperações locais em termos do seu melhor aproveitamento, além de oferecer a possibilidade dos empresários e representantes das instituições refletirem sobre os princípios de governança adotados na gestão das ações coletivas da cadeia produtiva. Além da possibilidade do estudo ser aplicado a outras regiões onde ocorra a aglomeração de empresas que formam clusters.
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