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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Étude des liens corrélationnels entre la collaboration école-famille, l’implication parentale, les styles éducatifs des parents et la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire au Burkina Faso

Ouédraogo, Fernand 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係與高中生寂寞之相關研究 / Background Variables, Parenting Styles, Sibling Relationships, and Senior High School Students' Loneliness

陳冠中, Chen, Kuan-Chuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在探討(一)性別、年級、出生序與高中生寂寞之關係;(二)父母管教方式與高中生寂寞之關係;(三)手足關係與高中生寂寞之關係;(四)背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係對高中生寂寞之預測力。 本研究使用調查研究法,並透過文獻分析、問卷調查與統計分析等步驟歸納結論。研究對象為就讀於台北縣市之高中生,共施測1044份問卷,其中有效問卷為906份。研究工具計有:(一)基本資料調查表;(二)寂寞量表;(三)父(母)管教方式量表;(四)手足關係量表。使用之統計方法為:因素分析、描述統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析,並以Scheffe′法進行事後比較。研究結果如下: 一、不同年級的高中生,在整體寂寞及『寂寞無助』、『缺乏友伴』、『歸屬感弱』三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 二、不同性別的高中生,其寂寞程度具有顯著差異:高中男生整體寂寞較女生為高,並且較女生感到缺乏友伴。 三、不同出生序的高中生,在整體寂寞及三個寂寞向度上均無顯著差異。 四、父親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:在父親忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女最為寂寞。 五、母親管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較開明權威、寬鬆放任管教方式為高;而母親若採用專制權威管教方式,高中子女將較採用開明權威管教方式者感到缺乏友伴以及缺乏歸屬感。 六、父母管教方式不同,高中生之寂寞程度具有顯著差異:大致在父母均採用忽視冷漠管教方式下,高中子女之寂寞程度較均採用開明權威、專制權威管教方式為高;此外,若父母管教方式不一致,高中子女之整體寂寞以及三個寂寞向度之得分,均較父母均採用開明權威管教方式者高。 七、四項手足關係均與高中生之寂寞顯著相關:手足間衝突越高、父母對手足越偏寵,則高中生寂寞程度越高;手足關係越親密、在手足間之相對地位越高,則高中生越不咸到寂寞。 八、背景變項、父母管教方式、手足關係等變項,均能有效預測高中生之寂寞。對寂寞之解釋量分別為:整體寂寞-12.8%;寂寞無助-13.3%;缺乏友伴-14.3%;歸屬威弱-7.3%。 本研究針對上述發現加以討論,並提出建議以供父母及學校輔導人員參考。

原住民學生創造力發展及其相關因素之研究-年級、性別、教師教學創新行為、父母教養態度、社會支持與創意經驗、創造思考能力之關係 / The Development of Creativity in Aborigine Students.

李慧賢, Lee, Wai Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要基於環境脈絡對創造力發展之重要性,並從發展的角度來探討原住民學生的創造力,主要探討處於截然不同文化脈絡中的原住民,其環境因素如何影善其創造力的發展;了解原住民學生的創造力、影響創造力發展的環境因素之現況,並探討人口變項(年級、性別)及環境知覺變項(學生知覺其最喜歡的一位老師的「教師教學創新行為」、「父母教養態度」、「環境支持」-社會支持及創新支持)與創意經驗、圖形/語文創造思考能力的關係。   本研究以臺灣地區國小、國中、高中(職)原住民學生為取樣對象,有效樣本共646名(國小男117,女137;國中男149,女129;高中(職)男64,女50)。所使用的研究工具包括「創意經驗開放問卷」、「生活經驗量表」、「我的老師」問卷、「我的父母」問卷、「環境支持量表」。研究中使用之統計方法包括因素分析、信度分析、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等。本研究主要結果如下:   一、原住民學生很少有創意經驗,其中(1)較常有的創意生活經驗是「開放心胸」、「生活風格的變化」、最少有的是「電腦程式設計」,整體而言,女生多於男生。(2)在「得獎獲選次數」部分,超過20%的學生有得獎或獲選:班級幹部、體育、孝悌楷模等、歌唱、繪畫、作文之經驗,整體而言,女生多於男生。(3)在創造思考能力部分:年級愈高,女生在「圖形創造思考能力」的分數愈高,且不論在那一個年級,女生皆高於男生。在「語文創造思考能力」部份,年級愈高,男、女生的分數都愈高;不論在那一個年級,女生皆高於男生。   二、原住民拳生之創意經驗與創造思考能力之相關中,(1)九類創意生活經驗中,除「電腦程式設計」以外,其餘皆與圖形、語文創造思考能力有顯著的正相關,且與「語文創造思考能力」的相關皆高於與「圖形思考能力」的相關。(2)「得獎獲選次數」與圖形、語文創造思考能力有顯著的正相關。   三、在年級與創造力的關係中:(1)高中(職)學生比國小、國中學生有較多的「運用新知精益求精」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」、「舊瓶新裝」、「得獎獲選次數」等創意經驗;(2)國小、國中畢生皆比高中(職)學生有較多的「電腦程式設計」經驗;(3)高中(職)李生的比國小學生有較高的圖形、語文創造思考能力。   四、在性別與創造力的關係中:(1)女生比男生有較多的「運用新知精益求精」、「表演藝術創新」、「視覺生活的設計」、「開放心胸」、「得獎獲選次數」等創意經驗;(2)男生比女生有較多的「電腦程式設計」經驗;(3)女生比男生有較高的圖形、語文創造思考能力。   五、在學生知覺其最喜歡的一位老師的「教師教學創新行為」方面(1)學生知覺其最喜歡的老師在教學上的確有一些創新行為;不同年級在這種知覺上並沒有顯著差異,女生則比男生知覺到更多老師在教學上的創新行為。(2)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創新行為,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,所有達顯著的相關係數中,以與「運用新知精益求精」最高,且女生的相關係數大致比男生高;(3)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創析行為,其得獎獲選次數愈多,尤以國小女生為然;(4)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創新行為,其圖形、語文創造思考能力愈高,尤以國中男生為然。   六、在學生知覺的「父母教養態度」方面:(1)學生知覺其父母教養態度還算重視成就要求盡力、積極教養主動參與,且「重視成就要求盡力」高於「積極教養主動參與」,國中學生知覺到的父母教養態度平均數是最低的;(2)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」、「積極教養主動參與」,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,高中(職)女生甚至愈是知覺到父母「重視成就要求盡力」的態度,其「電腦程式設計」經驗愈少;(3)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」、「積極教養主動參與」,其得獎獲選次數愈多;(4)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」,其圖囤形、語文創造思考能力愈高。   七、在學生知覺的「社會支持」方面:   (一)在一般社會支持方面   (1)畢生知覺其一般社會支持以朋友支持最多、家庭支持次之、學校支持最少。(2)學生知覺受到愈多一般社會支持,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,甚至出現負相關:高中(職)男女生的「學校支持」愈多,圖形、語文創造思考能力愈低;此外,「家庭支持」、「學校支持」愈多,「生活風格的變化」經驗愈多;「朋友支持」愈多,「運用新知精益求精」經驗愈多;(3)學生知覺受到愈多一般社會支持,其得獎獲選次數愈多,且以「朋友支持」最明額;(4)學生知覺受到愈多社會支持,其圖形、語文創造思考能力高,但三種支持中只有「朋友支持」愈多時,圖形、語文創造思考能力會愈高。   (二)在「創新支持」方面:   (1)學生知覺其創新支持以朋友支持最多、家庭支持次之、學校支持最少;年級愈高,朋友支持愈多;年級愈小,學校支持愈多;(2)李生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,甚至出現負相關:高中(職)男生的「學校創新支持」愈多,「電腦程式設計」經驗愈少,高中(職)女生的「學校創新支持」愈多,語文創造思考能力愈低;此外「家庭創新支持」愈多,「科學的創新的問題解決」經驗愈多;「朋友創新支持」愈多,「運用新知精益求精」、「開放心胸」經驗愈多;「學校創新支持」愈多,「生活風格的變化」經驗愈多;(3)學生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其得獎獲選次數愈多,且以「朋友創新支持」最明蘋;(4)學生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其語文創造思考能力愈高,但三種支持中只有「朋友創新支持」愈多時,語文創造思考能力會愈高。 / 646 aborigine students in elementary school (grade 5-6), junior high school(grade 2), and senior high school (grade 2)were studied to examine the relationship between grade, sex, social-environmental factors and creativity. Creativity were measured as creative experiences and creative thinking ability. Results indicated that elder students showed higher creativity than the younger ones andthat girls tender to be more creative than boys.There is a largely significant correlation between teacher creative behaviors, parenting style, social support which aborigine students perceived and their creativity.


黃君瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是以個人與環境契合理論探討青少年的能力與外在要求是否契合,以及其需求與外在資源問的契合,由契合狀態顯示青少年的適應。而父母教養態度又與青少年的適應有關聯,因此,研究目的又欲呈現在青少年與外在環境的互動中,其所知覺之父母教養態度對其個人與環境之契合有何影響,如何影響,而此一影響結果是否會改變孩子對父母教養態度的知覺,父母教養態度在孩子的適應上扮演什麼角色。   首先根據父母管教態度問卷將受訪者區分為正向父母管教態度組以及負向父母管教態度組,再利用深度訪談收集資料。從十個個案分析結果發現,父母教養態度係經由孩子的主觀知覺影響孩子的契合狀態,亦即,當孩子面對一環境事件,他對此事件的知覺與對自己的知覺決定其個人與環境是否契合,契合狀態以及對事件、對自己的知覺影響孩子選擇之因應或防衛方式,因應或防衛的結果,可能會改變孩子的契合狀態;而父母親對於此事的態度,孩子對父母親態度的知覺,亦如同一環境事件,形成外在要求或外在資源,影響孩子在此事件上的契合。其中孩子知覺之父母教養態度、孩子對事件與對個人的知覺以及因應與防衛均會相互影響,又共同作用於孩子的契合。   父母教養態度經由上述歷程影響孩子的適應,而不同的父母教養態度也會對孩子的適應造成不同影響。研究結果顯示,當孩子知覺父母的教養態度是關懷、寬嚴適中、適中限制、民主、協助、建議、愛護、誘導、獎勵、一致、親子認同等積極性教養態度,會促使孩子之個人與環境契合,有利於孩子的適應;當孩子知覺父母的教養態度是嚴格、控制、忽視、矛盾、獎懲無常、期待、紛歧等消極性教養態度時,會擴大孩子的不契合,不利於孩子的適應。正向父母管教態度組之個案知覺到較多積極性父母教養態度,負向父母教養態度組知覺到較多消極性父母教養態度。   整體而言,本研究累積十位個案的資料,藉以呈現父母教養態度對青少年期孩子生活適應影響之面貌,其中以正向與負向父母管教態度組相對照,有助於了解那種父母教養態度有利於孩子的適應,那些父母教養態度不利於孩子的適應,同時顯現其作用歷程。

不同管教方式之父母比較行為對子女能力影響之研究 / The impact of parental comparison from different parenting styles on children's general ability

王正婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TEPS資料庫第二、三波追蹤樣本為資料來源,使用多元迴歸分析中的OLS(ordinal least squares)最小平方法,分析不同管教方式之父母比較行為如何影響子女之綜合能力。刪除作答不全的缺失值後,共計取得有效樣本為2,595人。 研究結果顯示:父母管教方式若以雙向度作為分類,以高反應(74.6%)與高要求(69.2%)者居多,綜合兩大面向後,有52.40%的父母採取開明權威型的管教方式,有22.20%的父母為專制權威型,有16.90%的父母為寬鬆放任型,有8.50%的父母是忽視冷漠型。此外,父母最常把子女與其同班同學(45.5%)進行比較,其次依序為鄰居小孩、同事或朋友小孩(42.0%)、同年齡的親戚(37.0%)、兄弟姊妹(26.9%),父母最少拿自己小時候(18.8%)與子女相比。 經由多元迴歸分析之後得知,無論是開明權威、專制權威、寬鬆放任或忽視冷漠型的父母,凡拿子女與其「同班同學」比較者,子女的綜合能力越高,達到統計顯著水準;但是當父母持專制權威的管教方式時,無論有無加入控制變項(子女性別、父母教育程度和家庭月收入),有與「同班同學」和「父母小時候」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越高,但與「同年齡親戚」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越低。 / The research was to explore the effects of parenting style, parental comparison, and the interaction of them on children’s general ability. Data were collected from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), the core panel in the second and the third wave. Total number of the students from high school reduced to 2,595 people after listwise deletion. We explored the effects by using ordinal least squares in the multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there were 74.6% high-respective parents, and 69.2% high-demanding ones. Mixed with the two dimensions, demanding and responsive, there were 52.40% authoritative parents, 22.20% authoritarian ones, 16.90% indulgent ones, and 8.50% neglectful ones. Besides, parents compared their children with their classmates (45.5%), neighbors (42.0%), cousins (37.0%), siblings (26.9%), and parents’ childhood (18.8%). After regression, the results showed in the following ways. First, no matter what the parenting style was, children who were compared with classmates had significantly higher ability. Whether adding the control variables like children’ gender, parents’ education level and family monthly income or not, when parents were authoritarian, children compared with classmates and parents’ childhood had significantly higher ability. Meanwhile, if they were compared with cousins, then they had significantly lower ability. Keywords: Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), multiple regression analysis, parenting style, social comparison, general ability

親子知覺之教養方式與偏差行為關係之研究:以臺灣青少年成長歷程研究資料庫為例 / Parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles in relation to adolescent deviant behaviors: Evidence from the Taiwan Youth Project

詹欣怡, Chan, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」2000年國三樣本第一波學生和家長問卷的資料,探討親子知覺教養方式的差異性,同時了解親子知覺的教養方式與國中生偏差行為之關係,並以子女知覺的教養方式為中介變項。   本研究之分析方法為描述性統計、相依樣本變異數分析、結構方程模式等,研究結果顯示:一、最常出現的教養方式為監督教養,最少出現的教養方式則為嚴厲教養;而國中生偏差行為的發生情形不高;二、親子雙方的教養知覺有顯著差異;三、本研究提出親子知覺的教養方式與偏差行為之結構關係模式皆獲得支持,(一)親子知覺監督教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,而子女知覺的監督教養也具有中介效果;(二)子女知覺嚴厲教養的程度愈高,其發生偏差行為的情形也愈高,而父母知覺的嚴厲教養則完全透過子女知覺的嚴厲教養之中介效果,而影響子女的偏差行為;(三)母子知覺引導式教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,同時子女知覺的引導式教養也具有中介效果,然而父子部分則皆無顯著影響;(四)親子知覺的一致性教養皆對偏差行為沒有顯著的預測力。據此,本研究提出相關討論與建議。 / This study explored the differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles, and examined the relationships between these perceptions and adolescent deviant behaviors. Adolescent perception of parenting styles also played a role of mediated variable. The data come from questionnaires filled out by ninth-grade students and their parents from the Taiwan Youth Project in 2000. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA of paired samples, and structural equation modeling. The results showed that : 1. The frequency of deviant behavior of junior high school students was low. 2. The frequency of monitoring was the highest, and the frequency of harsh disciplines was the lowest. 3. The differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles were significant. 4. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the theoretical model of parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles and adolescent deviant behaviors. (1) When parents and adolescents perceived more monitoring, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of monitoring also played an important mediating role. (2) When adolescents perceived more harsh disciplines, they had more opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Through the mediating effect of adolescent perception of harsh disciplines, parental perception of harsh disciplines had significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (3) When mothers and adolescents perceived more inductive reasoning, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of inductive reasoning also played an important mediating role. However, paternal and adolescent perceptions of inductive reasoning had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (4) Parental and adolescent perceptions of consistency had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. This study also proposed some relevant suggestions.

Relations entre le style parental, le style parental alimentaire et les pratiques alimentaires de la mère et les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant québécois d’âge préscolaire

Dulude, Geneviève 10 1900 (has links)
Le surpoids (embonpoint et obésité) chez l’enfant est un problème préoccupant qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le rôle du parent dans cette problématique est prédominant, puisqu’il assure la disponibilité des aliments, choisit les mets présentés, joue le rôle de modèle dans l’acte alimentaire et interagit avec l’enfant durant les prises alimentaires pour guider son comportement alimentaire. Le parent offre et façonne l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’enfant. Cette thèse explore le rôle de la mère dans cet environnement. Le parent utilise diverses pratiques alimentaires pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant. Certaines sont douces, comme encourager positivement l’enfant à essayer un aliment (ex. Goûtes-y, moi je trouve ça très bon!) et d’autres plus coercitives (ex. Tu ne sors pas de table sans avoir terminé ton assiette). Les interactions parent-enfant lors de la prise alimentaire sont susceptibles d’avoir différentes conséquences sur l’alimentation de l’enfant, modifiant possiblement les apports alimentaires, les préférences, la néophobie et le statut pondéral. Les interactions parent-enfant en général, donc hors du contexte précis de l’alimentation, peuvent aussi influencer les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’explorer les relations entre les interactions parent-enfant en général, aussi nommées « styles parentaux » (SP), les interactions parent-enfant dans le contexte alimentaire, portant le nom de «styles parentaux alimentaires» (SPA), les stratégies alimentaires utilisées par les parents pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant, nommées « pratiques alimentaires parentales » (PAP), les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant et le statut pondéral de ce dernier. Cette thèse comprend 4 objectifs spécifiques. D’abord, d’examiner les relations entre les SP, les SPA et les PAP. Dans un deuxième temps, les relations entre les SPA, le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant (préférence et fréquence de consommation) et le statut pondéral de l’enfant seront explorées. Puis, l’existence de relations entre l’usage de PAP et le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant sera évaluée. Finalement, les relations entre les attitudes de la mère à l’égard de son poids et de celui de son enfant et du comportement néophobique de l’enfant seront explorées. Cent vingt-deux mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, de 3 à 5 ans, ont été recrutées par des milieux de garde de l’île de Montréal et ont complété et retourné un questionnaire auto-administré portant sur le style parental, style parental alimentaire, les PAP, les fréquences de consommation de l’enfant, les préférences de l’enfant pour certains aliments et groupe d’aliments, la néophobie de l’enfant, le poids et la taille de l’enfant, le régime actuel de la mère, la perception du poids de l’enfant, la préoccupation face au poids de l’enfant ainsi que la description du profil familial. Les SP, les SPA et les PAP montrent des corrélations. Les SPA, plus particulièrement les deux échelles qui les composent (exigence et sensibilité) montrent des corrélations avec la consommation et la préférence pour certains aliments. Des différences sont aussi notées entre les différents SPA et le statut pondéral de l’enfant et certains comportements alimentaires. La présente thèse suggère une implication de trois concepts, soient les SP, les SPA et les PAP, dans la dynamique alimentaire de la dyade mère-enfant. Des relations importantes entre les SPA et les préférences alimentaires sont suggérées. Les futures recherches dans ce domaine devront évaluer l’impact relatif des PAP, des SP et des SPA sur le comportement alimentaire (consommation et préférence) et le poids de l’enfant. Une intervention efficace visant des changements de comportements alimentaires auprès des familles devra adresser à la fois les PAP, mais aussi les SP et les SPA. / Childhood overweight is a fast growing and worrisome problem. The role of parents in this situation is of great importance as they ensure food availability, chose the presented meals, act as role models in the feeding act and interact with children during feeding to guide their eating behavior. The parent offers and molds the environment in which the child will evolve. This thesis explores the mother's role within this environment. The parent uses various feeding practices to guide the child's food choices. Some are kind, such as positively encouraging the child to taste new foods, (e.g., give this a taste, I think it's delicious!) while others are coercive (e.g., you are not leaving from this table until you finish your plate). Parent-child interactions during mealtime are likely to have different consequences on the child's eating habits, possibly modifying his food intake, food preferences, neophobia and weight status. Parent-child interactions can also influence a child's eating behavior without necessarily being within a food setting. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the relationship between the general parent-child interactions, also known as the parenting style, the parent-child interactions in a food setting, known as the feeding style, the feeding strategies used by the parents to guide the child's food choices, known as the feeding practices, the child's eating behavior and his weight status. This thesis has 4 specific objectives. First, to examine the relationship between the parenting style, the feeding style and the feeding practices. Second, to study the relationship between the feeding style, the child's eating behavior (food preferences and consumption frequency) and his weight status. Thirdly, to evaluate the existence of a relationship between the feeding practices and the child's eating behavior. Finally, to explore relations between mother’s attitudes toward her weight and her child’s weight and neophobic behavior. One hundred twenty-two mothers of preschoolers aged 3 to 5, were recruited by daycare centers on the island of Montreal and completed and auto-administered questionnaire on parenting style, feeding style, feeding practices, child consumption frequency, child preference for certain foods and food groups, child neophobia, child weight and height, the mother's diet, the mother's perception of the child's weight, the mother's concern regarding the child's weight and a description of the family profile. Parenting styles, feeding style and feeding practices display correlations among themselves. The feeding styles, more precisely the two scales that describe them (demandingness and sensibility), show correlations with the consumption and preference for certain foods. Differences were also noted between various feeding styles and child weight status and certain eating behaviors. The following thesis suggests that three concepts are implicated in the feeding dynamic of the mother-child dyad; the parenting style, the feeding style and the feeding practices. It is suggested that the feeding style and food prerefences are correlated. Future research in this field will need to evaluate the relative impact of feeding practices, parenting styles and feeding styles on eating behavior (consumption and preferences) and child weight. An effective intervention seeking to change eating behavior among families will need to address parent feeding practices as well as parenting style and feeding style.


Nelander, Jakob, Forsberg, Elias January 2023 (has links)
En utökad förståelse för vad brottsbenägenhet är och vilka faktorer som påverkar den är ett viktigt första steg för att kunna förebygga hög brottsbenägenhet i befolkningen samt för att hantera aktuell brottsproblematik. Inom Situationell handlingsteori (SAT) definieras individens brottsbenägenhet som hennes lagrelevanta moral och förmåga att utöva självkontroll. Brottsbenägenhet påverkas av en mängd olika faktorer och den moraliska kontext som individen befinner sig i förefaller vara en av de mest centrala. Familjen och kamratgruppen är båda inflytelserika moraliska kontexter som kan påverka individens handlande och forskning visar att de har olika mycket inflytande i olika skeden i livet. Utifrån MINDS materialet undersöks förhållandet mellan familjens och kamratgruppens samband med brottsbenägenheten i 14–15 års ålder. Därutöver testas huruvida föräldrarnas uppfostringsstil samt graden av socialt kapital spelar en viktig roll för respektive kontexts inflytande på brottsbenägenheten.För att besvara forskningsfrågorna formulerades fem hypoteser som testas med en multipel linjär regressionsanalys.Resultaten visar att både föräldrarnas utövande av kontroll och umgänge med kriminella kamrater har ett signifikant samband med brottsbenägenhet i 14–15 år ålder. Dock visar sig umgänge med kriminella kamrater ha ett betydligt starkare samband med brottsbenägenhet än föräldrakontroll. Därav framträder kamratgruppen som en mer inflytelserik moralisk kontext än föräldrarna beträffande brottsbenägenhet i 14–15 års ålder. Socialt kapital visar sig ha ett signifikant samband med brottsbenägenhet, även när modellerna kontrollerar för föräldrakontroll, umgänge med kriminella kamrater och uppfostringsstil. Detsamma gäller inte för föräldrarnas uppfostringsstil vars samband med brottsbenägenheten varken är signifikant enskilt eller när modellen kontrollerar för övriga variabler. Uppsatsens resultat tydliggör flera intressanta möjligheter till vidare forskning om brottsbenägenhet samt har en rad implikationer för långsiktigt brottsförebyggande arbete. / A more comprehensive understanding of what crime propensity is, and which factors influence it, is an important step towards improving prevention of high crime propensity in the population as well as dealing with contemporary crime problems. In Situational action theory (SAT) an individual’s crime propensity is defined as his or her law-relevant morality and ability to exercise self-control. Although many factors can influence crime propensity, the moral context of situations seem to be one of the most crucial. Both family and peers constitute influential moral contexts in adolescents lives and their respective influence may vary in different stages of development. Based on the MINDS material, this paper tests the relationship between family and peers in influencing adolescents’ crime propensity at 14-15 years of age. The influence of social capital and parenting style on crime propensity is also tested in relation to family and peers. In order to answer the research questions five hypothesis were tested with multiple OLS regressions. The results show that both parental control and deviant peers correlate significantly with crime propensity at age 14-15 although the relation between peers and crime propensity is significantly stronger. This leads us to the conclusion that the peer group constitutes a more influential moral context than the parents in influencing crime propensity at age 14-15. Social capital correlates significantly with crime propensity, even when models control for parental control, deviant peers, and parenting style. This is not the case with parenting style which show no significant association with crime propensity. The results highlight several interesting avenues for future research into crime propensity and have several implications for crime prevention in practice.

Исследование нравственной сферы и особенностей взаимоотношений с родителями старших дошкольников : магистерская диссертация / Study of the moral sphere and characteristics of relationships with parents of older preschoolers

Катькало, К. Д., Katkalo, K. D. January 2019 (has links)
The relevance of the topic is due to the crisis state of the modern family, an increase in the number of problem families, multiplied by the number of manifestations of deviant behavior among children. The topic is socially significant and insufficiently studied. Object of study: the moral sphere of senior preschoolers. Subject of research: cognitive and emotional components of the moral sphere of older preschoolers, depending on the relationship with parents. Objective: to identify the relationship between the characteristics of relationships with parents and indicators of the moral sphere of senior preschoolers. The master's thesis consists of introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references (59 sources) and applications. The work consists of 71 pages, 6 tables and 9 figures. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, sets goals and objectives, defines the object and subject of research, formulates hypotheses, research methods and an empirical basis. The first chapter includes a review and analysis of the literature on the research problem, a description of the basic concepts. Psychological constructs are examined in detail: the moral sphere of older preschoolers, the style of parent-child interaction. The conclusions in the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It provides a description of the progress of the study and interpretation of the results. Based on the data obtained, conclusions on the relationship between the characteristics of the moral sphere and the characteristics of relationships with parents of older preschoolers are demonstrated. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, are summarized in general form, the practical significance of the study is substantiated. The study made it possible to verify that the characteristics of the moral sphere of the personality of older preschoolers are determined by the characteristics of the relationships in their families: rejection of the child, hypoprotection, and lack of responsibilities negatively affect the development of the moral sphere of older preschoolers, especially the characteristics of the cognitive and emotional components. Based on the materials of the master's thesis, an article was published in the collection of the 3rd Youth Convention: Multidimensionality of society: a digital turn in humanitarian knowledge: materials of the international student conference March 14–16, 2019. / Актуальность темы обусловлена кризисным состояние современной семьи, увеличением числа проблемных семей, умножающимся количеством проявлений девиантного поведения среди детей. Тема социально значима и недостаточно изучена. Объект исследования: нравственная сфера старших дошкольников. Предмет исследования: когнитивный и эмоциональный компоненты нравственной сферы старших дошкольников в зависимости от взаимоотношений с родителями. Цель исследования: выявление связи между особенностями взаимоотношений с родителями и показателями нравственной сферы старших дошкольников. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, 2 глав, заключения, списка литературы (59 источников) и приложений. Работа состоит из 71 страницы, 6 таблиц и 9 рисунков. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, ставятся цель и задачи, определяются объект и предмет исследования, сформулированы гипотезы, методы исследования и эмпирическая база. Первая глава включает в себя обзор и анализ литературы по проблеме исследования, описание основных понятий. Подробно рассматриваются психологические конструкты: нравственная сфера старших дошкольников, стиль детско-родительского взаимодействия. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание хода исследования и интерпретация результатов. На основе полученных данных продемонстрированы выводы о связи между характеристиками нравственной сферы и особенностями взаимоотношений с родителями старших дошкольников. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. Проведенное исследование позволило убедиться в том, что характеристики нравственной сферы личности старших дошкольников обусловлены особенностями взаимоотношений в их семьях: отвержение ребенка, гипопротекция, отсутствие обязанностей негативно сказывается на развитии нравственной сферы старших дошкольников, в особенности на характеристиках когнитивного и эмоционального компонентов. По материалам магистерской диссертации опубликована статья в сборнике 3-го Молодежного конвента: Многомерность общества: цифровой поворот в гуманитарном знании: материалы международной студенческой конференции 14–16 марта 2019 года.

Parenting styles affecting the behaviour of five-year olds

Latouf, Natacha Carina Duarte Sequeira 29 February 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between parenting styles, as used by the pre-school parent and the social behaviour of the five-year old. Specific attention was given to three main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. The eight developmental perspectives applicable for the five-year old were also discussed. The research was conducted according to the quantitative approach. The Parental Styles Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) was completed and returned by a sample of 30 parents (N=30) from Evergreen Pre-primary in Gauteng. The representative sample of five-year olds being observed by the teacher were 24 pupils (N=24). The teacher rated the five-year olds' behaviour using the Behavioural Questionnaire (BQ). These results indicated primarily that the Authoritative Parenting Style was most used by the parents of the five-year old group and that this Parenting Style tends to lead to more acceptable social behaviour among the five-year olds. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)

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