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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samverkan vid ett akademiskt lärosäte : Mål och målstrukturer enligt värdefokuserat tänkande

Julin Nyquist, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
Enligt högskolelagen ingår det i högskolors och universitets uppdrag, förutom utbildning och forskning, också att samverka med omgivande samhälle. Då samverkansuppdraget inte är lika väldefinierat som utbildnings- och forskningsuppdraget, finns det behov av en gemensam målbild mellan lärosäten och externa parter gällande vad man önskar uppnå med samverkan. Detta examensarbete undersöker vilka likheter och/eller skillnader som finns med avseende på de mål som extern part, forskare och lärare samt samverkansrådgivare har i de mål som ligger som grund för samverkan mellan ett universitet och externa parter. Det har genomförts nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer från tre olika intressegrupper av samverkan: samverkansrådgivare på Linnéuniversitetet, lärare & forskare på Linnéuniversitetet samt externa intressenter. Värdefokuserat tänkande har använts som teoretisk referensram. Utifrån intervjuerna har de fundamentala och instrumentella målen konstruerats i en målstruktur för respektive informant. De fundamentala och instrumentella målen visar vad de olika informanterna har för värderingar kring samverkan och vilka mål de olika parterna önskar uppnå med att samverka med varandra. Fundamentala mål som förekom i flera av målstrukturerna var att bidra till nytta för samhället, att bidra till samhällsutvecklingen och att lösa gemensamma samhällsutmaningar. Ett instrumentellt mål som förekom i flera av målstrukturerna är vikten av att arbeta med studenter, då detta bidrog till att uppfylla de fundamentala målen att stärka kompetensförsörjningen i regionen och kom till nytta för samhällsutvecklingen. De instrumentella målen att arbeta med forskningsprojekt leder till att de fundamentala målen för ökad innovation och att lösa gemensamma samhällsutmaningar kan uppnås. / According to the Higher Education Act, colleges and universities are required to, in addition to education and research, collaborate with the outside society. Since collaboration is not as clearly defined as education and the research assignment, there is a need for a common goal image about what you want to achieve with collaboration. This master’s degree thesis studies what similarities and/or differences an external part, researchers & teachers and senior advisor in collaboration, have as goals with collaboration between a university and external partners. Value-focused thinking is used as theoretic framework. The study consists of nine semi structured interviews from three different interest groups: senior advisors in collaboration from Linnaeus University, researchers & teachers from Linnaeus University and external partners. From the interviews fundamental objectives and means objectives were identified and structured into hierarchies and means-ends networks from each informant´s answers. The fundamental and means objectives show what similarities and differences the informants have for values concerning collaboration and what goals the different parties wish to achieve by collaborating with each other. Fundamental objectives that existed in several of the structures were to contribute to the benefit of society, to contribute to the development of society and to solve common social challenges. A means objective that existed in the goal structures is the importance of working with students, as working with students helped fulfil the fundamental objectives to strengthen the competence in the region and came to benefit the development of society. The means objectives in research were to contribute to the fundamental objectives in strengthen innovation and benefit by enabling to solve common societal challenges.

Male partners's view of involvement in maternal health care services at Makhado B Local Area Clinics in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province

Nesane, Kenneth 11 February 2016 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science

Efectos de la asociatividad en las exportaciones de café orgánico de la selva central del Perú en el periodo 2016-2018

Fernández Campos, Jaqueline Karina, Loayza Beltrán, Shirley Gulnara 16 October 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “EFECTOS DE LA ASOCIATIVIDAD EN LAS EXPORTACIONES DE CAFÉ ORGÁNICO DE LA SELVA CENTRAL DEL PERÚ EN EL PERIODO 2016-2018”, tiene como objetivo determinar los efectos de las cooperativas y asociaciones de la selva central del Perú en la cantidad exportada de café orgánico en el periodo 2016-2018. Su importancia radica entre los efectos de la asociatividad y su influencia en las cantidades exportadas, en vista que se identificó que, en el periodo analizado, los valores de exportación de café orgánico decrecieron en comparación a los años anteriores; sin embargo, la cantidad exportada del mismo producto incrementó en el mismo periodo, siendo las cooperativas y asociaciones quienes tuvieron mayor crecimiento. En el proceso de la investigación se consultó diversas fuentes secundarias vinculadas a los efectos de la asociatividad en las exportaciones, los beneficios de la asociatividad, los obstáculos de la asociatividad, los programas del estado que incentivan las exportaciones y la situación actual de las exportaciones del café orgánico. Esto permitió constituir el marco teórico, marcando las pautas para desarrollar la investigación. El tipo de investigación es cuantitativa, el diseño de la investigación es explicativa transversal simple y no experimental. Asimismo, el cuestionario se aplicó a 32 organizaciones entre cooperativas y asociaciones cafetaleras de la selva central (Satipo, Chanchamayo y Oxapampa), quienes representaron al tamaño de muestra. Para la validación de la hipótesis planteada se utilizó el método estadístico de Chi-Cuadrado de Pearson, la cual fue complementado con la prueba exacto de Fisher para medir su fiabilidad. Por último, los resultados obtenidos del cuestionario aplicado en el presente estudio se validaron que los efectos de la asociatividad influyen en el crecimiento de la cantidad exportada de café orgánico. / The present research work entitled "EFFECTS OF ASSOCIATIVITY ON EXPORTS OF ORGANIC COFFEE FROM THE CENTRAL JUNGLE OF Perú IN THE PERIOD 2016-2018" aims to determine the effects of cooperatives and associations in the central jungle on the quantity of coffee exported organic in the period 2016-2018. Its importance lies between the effects of associativity and its efficient impact on the quantities exported, given that it was identified that, in the period analyzed, the values ​​of exports grew minimally compared to previous years; however, cooperatives and associations increased their exported produced quantity. In the research process, various secondary sources related to the effects of associativity on exports, the benefits of associativity, the obstacles to associativity, the state programs that encourage exports, and the current situation of organic coffee. This allowed to constitute the theoretical framework, setting the guidelines for developing the research. The type of research is quantitative, the research design is explicative, cross-sectional and non-experimental. Likewise, the questionnaire was applied to 32 organizations between cooperatives and coffee associations in the central jungle (Satipo, Chanchamayo and Oxapampa), who represented the sample size. For the validation of the hypothesis presented, the Pearson's Chi-square statistical method was used, which was complemented with the Fisher exact test to measure its reliability. Finally, the results obtained from the questionnaire applied in the present study validated that the effects of associativity influence the growth of the quantity of organic coffee exported. / Tesis

Actitud hacia la compra y satisfacción con la vida en colaboradores financieros / Attitude toward purchase and satisfaction with life in employees of financial entities

Alva Sifuentes, Natalia Patricia, Dongo Ramó, Daniela Elisa 30 April 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo relacionar la actitud hacia la compra y la satisfacción con la vida. Participaron 113 trabajadores de entidades financieras de Lima Metropolitana (50 mujeres y 63 varones), de 20 a 35 años de edad (M=26.25). Se aplicaron la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y la Escala de Estilos Actitudinales hacia la Compra. Los resultados comprobaron parcialmente la hipótesis principal referida a que, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relaciona con una menor impulsividad, menor compulsividad y mayor racionalidad ante las compras. En el grupo de colaboradores de entre 26 a 30 años, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relacionó con una mayor racionalidad. En los niveles socioeconómicos A y C, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relacionó con menor compulsividad. Además, se comprobó que las mujeres se encuentran más satisfechas con la vida y tienen un mayor nivel de compulsividad e impulsividad que los hombres. / The main purpose of this study was to correlate the attitude toward purchase and satisfaction with life in 113 employees of financial entities between 20 and 35 years of age (M=26.25) in Metropolitan Lima (50 women and 63 men). The Life Satisfaction Scale and the Scale of Attitudinal Styles towards Purchase were applied. The results partially verified the main hypothesis that greater satisfaction with life is related to less impulsivity, less compulsiveness and greater rationality in the attitude of purchases. In the group of workers who are between 26 and 30 years old, greater satisfaction with life was related to greater rationality. In socioeconomic levels A and C, greater satisfaction with life was associated with less compulsiveness. However, women score higher in life satisfaction and have a higher level of compulsiveness and impulsivity than men. / Tesis

Comprendre la situation d’interaction entre des personnes vivant avec de l’aphasie et les interlocuteurs non-familiers de leur communauté

Anglade, Carole 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte L’aphasie, conséquence d’une lésion neurologique, est une difficulté à parler, comprendre, lire ou écrire. La diminution de qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec une aphasie (PVA) ne serait pas associée à la sévérité de l’aphasie, mais à leur participation - c’est à dire la façon dont une personne fonctionne dans la société. Les PVA réalisent moins d’activités sociales, et s’en montrent insatisfaites. Elles éprouvent de la difficulté à communiquer dans leurs échanges du quotidien, y compris avec des personnes non familières de la communauté comme les commis, serveurs, etc. Quand ces interactions sont jugées trop difficiles, les PVA peuvent en venir à éviter de communiquer avec d’autres interlocuteurs que leurs proches et s’enfermer dans un environnement de communication protégé mais limité. Ceci ne leur permet plus de s'engager dans la société autant qu’elles le souhaiteraient. En s’isolant ainsi, leur qualité de vie est menacée. Il est donc à la fois nécessaire et important de favoriser les interactions des PVA en dehors du domicile, ce qui est encore peu courant dans les interventions orthophoniques proposées en réadaptation. Pour cela, il faut pouvoir comprendre les situations dans lesquelles les PVA peuvent s'engager dans le cadre de leurs activités quotidiennes. Or peu d’écrits ont étudié en détail les situations d'interaction entre des PVA et les interlocuteurs non familiers de leur communauté. Objectif L’objectif de ce projet doctoral est de comprendre la situation d’interaction entre des PVA et des interlocuteurs non familiers de leur communauté. Méthodologie Trois études furent réalisées. - Nous avons effectué une première étude à visée exploratoire avec l'objectif de décrire, grâce à l'analyse de conversation, la structure de ces interactions de service récoltées auprès de 6 PVA (étude 1).  - À partir de la première étude et toujours grâce à l'analyse de conversation, nous avons réalisé une nouvelle étude, visant à décrire comment ces 6 PVA faisaient comprendre leurs requêtes lors des interactions de service malgré leur aphasie (étude 2). - Enfin, dans une troisième étude nous avons cherché à comprendre - avec une étude de cas - comment une personne dont l'aphasie était sévère vivait la situation d’interaction de service au quotidien (étude 3). Résultats Dans l'étude 1, nous avons décrit les situations d’interaction de service de la vie quotidienne (ISQ) pour les PVA, et en avons notamment relevé la structure en quatre étapes sur le plan de la communication. Les interlocuteurs doivent s’entendre sur : 1) leur disponibilité à réaliser l’interaction, 2) l’objet de l’achat, 3) son prix, 4) le fait que l’interaction commerciale est terminée. Cette étude a également révélé que : - Les étapes 1 et 4, au cours desquelles la PVA doit faire comprendre à l’interlocuteur qu’elle est prête à commencer / clore l’interaction, ne représentent pas de défi spécifique pour les PVA. - Les étapes 2 et 3 peuvent pour leur part représenter des défis sur le plan de la communication. L'étape 2 visant à faire comprendre à l’interlocuteur l’objet de l’achat ou de l’intérêt de la PVA, l’interaction sera facilitée si la PVA peut se servir elle-même ou pointer sur des supports visuels. L'étape 3 sera facilitée si le montant est visible au moment où la PVA prend connaissance du prix qu'elle doit payer. Cette première étude a ainsi permis de mieux circonscrire les sources de défis sur le plan de la communication pour les PVA lors d’interactions à la caisse. Dans la deuxième étude, nous nous sommes spécifiquement penchées sur l'étape 2 des interactions de service afin d'analyser comment les PVA font comprendre l’objet de leur intérêt à leurs interlocuteurs. Nous avons examiné comment la PVA exprimait sa requête, et comment l’interlocuteur y réagissait. Cette étude mit en lumière la façon dont les personnes vivant avec une aphasie même sévère pouvaient faire comprendre l’objet de leur requête lors des interactions de service en appuyant leur communication non verbale dans le contexte et l’environnement physique de l’interaction. Dans notre étude 3, nous avons montré que la participation aux interactions de service de la vie quotidienne (ISQ) semblait liée chez le participant de cette étude de cas à la confiance qu’il avait dans sa capacité à réaliser l’ISQ malgré son trouble du langage. Ce participant a démontré un éventail de savoir-être et savoir-faire lissant l’interaction là où l’aphasie aurait pu l’écorcher, lui permettant d'obtenir le bien ou le service qu'il désirait, tout en donnant l'image d'un bon client, et ce malgré son aphasie. Conclusions Les interactions de service représenteraient une situation de communication dans laquelle les PVA pourraient participer de façon autonome et efficace. Leur structure, contexte et environnement physique pourraient permettre d'appuyer la communication non-verbale des PVA, et la relation de service orienterait les interlocuteurs vers une collaboration dans l'échange. Il est possible pour les PVA - mêmes celles dont l'aphasie est sévère - d'avoir confiance dans leur communication dans les situations d’interactions de service avec des personnes non familières, et de participer dans leur communauté de façon plus satisfaisante. / Background Aphasia is a difficulty in speaking, understanding, reading or writing as a result of neurological damage. The quality of life of people living with aphasia (PLWA) is not related to the severity of aphasia, but to their participation - that is, how well a person functions in society. PLWA perform fewer social activities and are less satisfied with them. They find it difficult to communicate in their daily interactions, including with people unfamiliar within their community such as clerks, waiters, etc. They have difficulty communicating in their daily interactions. If these interactions are felt to be too difficult, PLWA may avoid communicating with people other than their relatives, and remain in a protected but limited communication environment. This does not allow them to engage in society as much as they would like. By isolating themselves this way, their quality of life is threatened. It is therefore important to encourage PLWA’s interactions outside their home, which is still uncommon in speech-language pathology interventions offered in rehabilitation. This requires an understanding of the situations in which PLWA may engage in their daily activities. However, there is little literature that has examined in detail the situations in which PLWA interact with unfamiliar people in their community. Objective The objective of this Ph.D. project is to understand the situation of interaction between PLWA and unfamiliar people within their community. Methodology Three studies were carried out. The first is an exploratory study whose objective is to describe through conversation analysis the structure of service encounters collected from 6 PLWA (study 1). Based on Study 1 and still using conversation analysis, we conducted a new study to describe how these 6 PLWA made their requests understood during service interactions despite their aphasia (study 2). Finally, in a third study we sought to understand with a case study how a person with severe aphasia experienced this communication situation in everyday life (study 3). Results In Study 1, we described the Daily Service Encounter (DSE) situations for PLWA, including the four-step communication structure. Interlocutors must agree on: 1) their availability to perform the interaction, 2) the purpose of the purchase, 3) the price, 4) that the business interaction is complete. This study also found that: -Steps 1 and 4, where the PLWA must make the interlocutor understand that they are ready to begin/end the interaction, do not present specific challenges for PLWA. -Steps 2 and 3 however may present communication challenges. Since Step 2 aims to make the clerk understand the purpose of the purchase, the interaction will be facilitated if PLWA can help themselves or point to visual aids. Step 3 will be facilitated if the price is visible when PLWA are ready to pay. This initial study thus made it possible to better identify the sources of communication challenges for PLWA at the checkout. In the second study, we specifically looked at Step 2 of the service interactions in order to analyze how PLWA make the clerks understand the purpose of their interest. We looked at how the PLWA expressed their request, and how the clerks responded to it. This study highlighted how PLWA – even severe aphasia - could make the subject of their request understood during service encounters by supporting their non-verbal communication in the context and physical environment of the interaction. In our third study, we found that participation in DSE appeared to be related - in this case study - to the confidence of the participant in his ability to perform the DSE despite his language impairment. This participant demonstrated a range of interpersonal skills and abilities that smoothed interaction where aphasia might have nicked it, enabling him to obtain the good or service he wanted, while still presenting the image of a good customer, despite his aphasia. Conclusion Service encounters provide communication situations in which PLWA could participate effectively. Their structure, context, and physical environment would support the non-verbal communication of PLWA, and the service relationship would direct the interlocutors towards collaborative exchange. It is possible for PLWA - even those with severe aphasia - to be confident in their communication with unfamiliar people in service encounters, and to participate in their community in a more satisfying manner.


Chanel M Beebe (10520390) 18 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Engineering engagement programs use service learning and community engagement pedagogies that require a real-world situated problem in which the community partners who experience those problems are integral to those spaces. Despite community partners being integral to engineering engagement programs, research on community partner perspectives is vastly unrepresented in literature Therefore, the goal of this work is to investigate engineering engagement programs from the perspective of the community partners by answering the research question: what meaning do community partners make of their experience in engineering engagement programs? This study describes a qualitative research inquiry in which interviews with three community partners from three different engineering engagement programs were conducted and analyzed for community partner meaning. Using a framework developed by Zittoun and Brinkmann for meaning making, this study presented several themes associated with pragmatic, semantic, and existential meanings made by community partners within this study (2012).</p><p>Findings from this study suggest implications for expansions of existing frameworks of constituents and components of engineering engagement programs, as well as potential opportunities to more deeply engaging community partners the assessment of student contributions and trajectories as a function of participation in EEPs. Additionally, findings from this study suggest an opportunity to investigate communication and thinking between students and community partners to better support the experience of the community partner (and potentially, the learning of the students). Lastly, findings from this study suggest that participation in EEPs presents the opportunity for community partners to learn by doing which can be more deeply investigated to begin addressing the gap in the literature associated with community partners in research on engineering engagement spaces.</p>

Men Managing Uncertainty: The Political Economy of HIV in Urban Uganda

Schmidt-Sane, Megan M. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Implementering av ’Dans för hälsa’-metoden : samverkansparters erfarenheter / Implementation of the ’Dance for health’-method : collaboration partners experience

Hägggström, Åsa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka samverkansparters erfarenheter av implementering av ’Dans för hälsa’-metoden. Metoden för datainsamling i den här explorativa studien var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, genomförda med fem individer involverade i arbetet med metoden i en kommun. Data analyserades med konventionell innehållsanalys, vilket gav tre huvudkategorier: ’Förutsättningar för arbetet med metoden’, ’Samverkan’ och ’Hållbart hälsofrämjande arbete’, med tillhörande åtta subkategorier. Utifrån samverkansparternas svar framkom det i resultatet ett flertal faktorer som påverkade implementeringsprocessen. Huvudfynden visade att det upplevdes ha varit till fördel för dem att den projektansvarige arbetade inom kommunen, vilket underlättade kontakt med beslutsfattare och med finansiering av metoden. De behövde inte ansöka om ekonomiska medel då det redan fanns inom den förvaltningen som projektansvarige arbetade på. Den rekommenderade planeringsmodellen från ’Dans för hälsa’ följdes steg för steg, och tid och planeringen lades på rekryteringen av flickorna innan uppstart vilket upplevdes ha bidragit till en mer lyckad implementering. Rektorer och elevhälsopersonal bjöds in till att prova på metoden vid ett tillfälle, vilket beskrivs som en framgångsfaktor. Det var inte alla skolor i kommunen som var delaktiga i projektet vilket beskrivs av respondenterna som en brist i kommunikation och information. Slutsatsen var att olika faktorer upplevdes både som en styrka och utmaning beroende på sammanhang; tid, kommunikation och finansiering. Planering och inneha ett långsiktigt tänkande är av stor betydelse i hälsofrämjande arbete. / Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore collaboration partners experience of the implementation of the ’Dance for health’-method. Method: The method for datacollection were semi-structured qualitative interviews, conducted with five individuals working within the project in one municipality. Data were analysed using conventional content analysis, yielding three main catagories.  Results: The findings showed that it was perceived by the participants to have been an advantage for them, in the implementation process, to have a project manager working within the municipality. It gave them a direct contact with decision makers, and with the financing due to it already being within the department. Contributing factors were that a planning model was followed step by step, time and planning were spent on the recruitment of the girls. Also that principals and student health staff were invited to test the method on one occasion. All schools in the community were not a part of the project due to a lack of communication and information.  Conclusion: Different factors in implementation were perceived as both an advantage and challenge depending on the situation; including time, communication and factors related to economic resources. The study concludes that planning and a long-term perspective on health promotion is of main importance.

Criminal Involvement, Risky Sexual Behavior, Relationship Formation, and Fertility Outcomes

Ganser, Brittany 11 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Idrottssponsringens komplexitet : En studie om företags mål och föreningars attraktionskraft / The complexity of sports sponsorship : a study about companies’ goals and the attraction power of sports associations

Ruotsalainen, Sebastian, Westman, Rikard January 2023 (has links)
Idrottssponsring ses idag som ett legitimt marknadsföringsverktyg, och är någonting som företag spenderar allt mer pengar på. För idrottsföreningar är sponsorintäkter en viktig del i att bedriva sin verksamhet. Tidigare forskning inom området hanterar frågan främst ur ett företagsperspektiv, hur företag kan nå strategiska mål genom sponsring. Det finns däremot inte lika mycket forskning som hanterar frågan ur idrottsföreningarnas perspektiv, hur de bör arbeta för attattrahera sponsorer. Därför är syftet med studien att öka förståelsen kring hur idrottsföreningar kan arbeta för att bli så attraktiva som möjligt för sponsorer. Genom en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med två företag och två idrottsföreningar ger studien svar på forskningsfrågan om vad företag vill uppnå genom sin sponsring och vad idrottsföreningars värdeerbjudande består av. Empirin analyserades genom en tematisk analys baserad på teman formulerade ur studiens teoretiska referensram. Studien visar att företag lägger stor vikt vid samhällsnytta som kan kombineras med exponering, att sponsorinvesteringar ger ett affärsvärde tillbaka till företaget samt att det finns en professionell organisation att samarbeta med. Dessa resultat, i kombination med empirin från idrottsföreningarna, utmynnade i följande praktiska rekommendationer. Idrottsföreningar bör fokusera på att optimera exponeringsytor som direkt kan kopplas till samhällsnyttiga projekt, prioritera affärsmässig kompentens inom organisationen för att skapa och bibehålla professionella relationer med företagspartners samt identifiera en tydlig profil att kommunicera utåt. Dessa slutsatser och rekommendationer kan vara till hjälp för idrottsföreningar som vill utveckla sin förmåga att attrahera sponsorer. / Sports sponsorship is seen today as a legitimate marketing tool and is something that companies spend more and more money on. For sports associations, sponsorship income is an important part of running their business. Previous research in the area deals with the issue primarily from a company perspective, how companies can achieve strategic goals through sponsorship. However, there is not as much research that deals with the issue from the sports associations' perspective, how they should work to attract sponsors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how sports associations can work to become as attractive as possible to sponsors. By conducting a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with two companies and two sports associations, the study answers the research question about what companies want to achieve with their sponsorship and what the sports associations' value offer consists of. The empirical material was analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis based on themes formulated from the studies' theoretical frame of reference. The study shows that companies attach great importance to social benefit that can be combined with exposure, that sponsorship investments should provide business value back to the company and that there is a professional organization to collaborate with. These results, combined with the empirical evidence from the sports associations, resulted in the following practical recommendations. Sports associations should concentrate on optimizing areas of exposure which can be directly linked to socially beneficial projects, prioritize business competences within the organization in order to create and maintain professional relationships with partners and finally, they should identify a clear profile to communicate externally. These conclusions and recommendations can be helpful for sports associations that want to develop their ability to attract sponsors.

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