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Designing a digital key for hotel applications / Designa en digital nyckel för hotellapplikationerDikken, Niels January 2020 (has links)
Although hotels have already started to implement online check-ins and digital keys in their applications, there has not been much research on the design of these prominent features. This thesis focuses on designing a digital key that is both easy to use and perceived as safe. A Research through Design approach was followed consisting of semi-structured interviews, an analysis of textual user reviews, and Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi prototyping in order to understand the needs and problems users face while receiving and using a digital key, as well as to provide further design directions for this feature. The findings showed that using a mobile phone to open a door or gate was already part of some of the participants’daily life. Still, many people do not like to rush into this digitalization. Hotel guests do not seem very worried about safety and using a digital key because the level of trust is high in the hospitality industry. The design presented in this paper serves as a starting point on how to design the receiving and using of a digital key. / Även om hotell redan har börjat implementera online check-in och digitala nycklar i sina applikationer, finns det idag inte mycket forskning kring design och utformning av dessa framträdande funktioner. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att designa en digital nyckel som både är enkel och smidig att använda, samtidigt som den av användaren skall uppfattas som säker. Ett forskning genom design tillvägagångssätt har använts, som består av semistrukturerade intervjuer, en analys av skriftliga användarrecensioner, samt Lo-Fi och Hi-Fi prototyper. Detta för att skapa förståelse kring de behov och problem som användarna upplever vid mottagande och användning av en digital nyckel, samt för att ge ytterligare vägledning kring design av denna funktion. Resultaten visade att användandet av en mobiltelefon för att öppna en dörr eller port redan var en del av vissa av deltagarnas dagliga liv. Samtidigt är det många som inte vill göra denna digitala transformation allt för snabbt. Hotellgäster verkar inte vara oroliga för säkerheten eller att använda en digital nyckel då man upplever ett starkt förtroende inom hotellindustrin. Den design som presenteras i denna avhandling utgör en startpunkt för hur mandesignar mottagandet och användandet av en digital nyckel.
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Effects of Occupational Stressors on Nurses’ Safety Performance and Well-being: A Within-Individual StudyChe, Xinxuan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Occupational stressors have been extensively studied as predictors of safety performance and employee well-being in previous research. However, many newly introduced organizational constructs that have the characteristics of an occupational stressor have rarely been studied as such, especially from a within-person perspective. The current study focused on three occupational stressors in relation to safety performance. Based on previous literature, I proposed that within individuals, compulsory citizenship behavior, illegitimate tasks, and interpersonal conflict at work as occupational stressors would have negative effects on employees well-being and safety performance through negative emotions (anger), job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and role stressors (role conflict and role ambiguity). In addition, reception of organizational citizenship behavior (ROCB) and perceived safety climate were hypothesized to moderate the relationships of the three occupational stressors with safety performance and employee well-being. Seventy-one nurses were recruited, and data were collected from their survey responses about their daily experiences on the focal variables for 9 shifts over three consecutive working weeks. Results showed that within individuals, the three occupational stressors were positively associated with employee burnout and physical symptoms, and evidence was found that those associations might be mediated by anger, job satisfaction and role conflict. Further, ROCB was found to moderate some of the associations of occupational stressors with safety performance and employee well-being. However, the current study failed to find support for any of the hypotheses regarding perceived safety performance as a moderator in this sample. Findings, limitations and future directions were discussed.
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Validation of a VR cycling simulation in terms of perceived criticality and experience of presenceTrommler, Daniel, Bengler, Philip, Schmidt, Holger, Thirunavukkarasu, Anisiga, Krems, Josef F. 03 January 2023 (has links)
Cycling offers many benefits, such as reducing traffic congestion, Iower emissions and health benefits. To further promote cycling, the cyclists' perceived safety needs to be addressed. In this context, automated vehicles offer high potential for designing safe and comfortable interactions with cyclists in the future. A key parameter in these interactions constitutes the proximity of vehicles passing cyclists to avoid causing discomfort. To evaluate specific scenarios with varying proximity, cycling simulators provide a safe and standardized environment for traffic safety research. Therefore, there are numerous efforts to implement cycling simulators for use in research. However, it is important to verify the simulator validity to ensure the generalizability of results. In this work, an implementation of a virtual reality (VR) cycling simulation is presented and it is aimed to investigate the simulator validity in terms of perceived criticality in traffic conflict scenarios as well as the participants' experience of presence within the VR cycling simulation. [from Introduction]
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Perceived Safety Aspects when Collaborating with Robots in the Manufacturing Industry : Applying an HTO MethodologyEklund, Jonas, Hallengren, Ida January 2024 (has links)
As Industry 4.0 continues to evolve, human-robot collaboration, HRC, has become more common in industries. This study aimed to explore perceived safety in HRC within manufacturing, with a focus on the assembly processes at Volvo. The goal was to promote perceived safety among operators by applying the Human-Technology-Organization, HTO, perspective, including Safety-I, -II, and -III. A framework was developed to illustrate the aim in relation to the theory and the approach taken in the study. The Volvo case RITA, a collaborative robot designed to assist with kitting, was used as a use case in the study. Numerous interviews were conducted with organizational representatives and assembly line operators with a complementary questionnaire. Since RITA was not operational, a video of the case was utilized extensively throughout the study. Operator interviews were centered on gathering their insights on perceived safety, drawing from the above safety perspectives. The formulated recommendations emphasized the importance of comprehensive operator training and early involvement in new development processes. Various traffic rules were devised for different collaboration scenarios, and the significance of clear workspaces was underscored to maintain system efficiency. These recommendations were later validated by an organizational representative from Volvo. Lastly, the study emphasizes that while technical solutions for safety are necessary, they are not sufficient without a strong safety culture that encourages openness and collaboration. By considering technical, organizational, and human aspects of safety, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics in HRC and lays the foundation for safe and efficient manufacturing processes.
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Simulation Based Virtual Testing for Perceived Safety and Comfort of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving SystemsSingh, Harnarayan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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"Trygghet från dag ett"- Proaktivt agerande i stadsplaneringen : Samverkansprojekt och lärandeprocesser med fokus på att prioritera trygghet utifrån ekonomiska incitamentHögbacka, Linda, Sandelowsky, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om samverkan och samarbete i samhällsplaneringens praktik och upplevd trygghet utifrån fysisk planering. För att kunna skapa trygga samhällen är det nödvändigt att sociala värden får plats i strategisk planering. Genom en intervjustudie studerar vi hur en proaktiv planering kan öka upplevd trygghet. Våra resultat visar att problematiken inte ligger i förståelsen av begreppet utan det måste finnas en förståelse att samverkansprojekt är ett steg mot att arbeta med dessa frågor. Samverkan är en lärandeprocess och ska ses som ett tillfälle att övervinna viljan att agera självständigt och istället utnyttja de olika kompetenserna som finns i en grupp. Det är viktigt att prioritera trygghetsaspekter i stadsplanering. Ett proaktivt agerande i strategisk planering kan förebygga en känsla av otrygghet utifrån fysisk planering och kan i ett långsiktigt perspektiv också förebygga att åtgärder behöver sättas in i ett senare skede. / This study will discuss co-action and collaboration in urban planning practice and also perceived safety through a spatial planning perspective. Strategic planning where social values are taken into consideration is crucial to build safe societies. Through interviews we are studying how a proactive aim in future planning will increase perceived safety. Our results indicate that the problem is not in the comprehension of the term, but in the organization of the term. Projects with co-action is a step in the right direction though. Collaboration can be seen as a learning process and an opportunity to work together and take advantage of different competencies. It is important to incorporate and prioritize safety into planning. Proactive action can prevent a perception of insecurity and in long-term this could also mean prevention of reactive action in later stages.
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Miljonprogrammets inflytande på kvinnans upplevda trygghet i staden : En kvalitativ fallstudie på miljonprogramsområdet Sätra, GävleJohansson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Sätra är en stadsdel i Gävle kommun som byggdes under miljonprogrammet. När Sätra byggdes var många av byggnaderna standardiserade för kostnadseffektivitet. Stadsdelen har idag ett rykte med brottsproblematik och otrygga invånare, allra mest kvinnorna. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om standardiseringen har påverkat tryggheten hos Sätras kvinnliga invånare negativt. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur Sätra kan förbättra tryggheten. Med detta tas gestaltningsförslag fram på otrygga platser för att visualisera hur tryggheten kan förbättras med fysisk utformning. För att genomföra detta arbete har då en multimetod applicerats. Den första metoden för att samla kvalitativa data var genom platsanalyser på studieområdet. Där utfördes tre platsanalyser: en på dagen, en på kvällen och en igen på dagen för att samla ytterliga information. Sedan skickades en enkät ut till Sätraborna för att samla in deras åsikter. De fick även svara hur trygg eller otrygg de känner sig på vissa platser för att peka ut vilka av dessa platser som är mest otrygga. De platserna kunde sedan analyseras mer för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som de har gemensamt för att kunna identifiera vad som påverkar tryggheten. Detta data användes för att skapa en heatmap. Genom brottsdata insamlat från polisen kunde en heatmap för brottsplatser skapas och jämföras med otrygghetskartan. Slutligen med hjälp av teori och dessa metoder togs förslag fram på hur dessa otrygga platser kan förbättras. Svarsfrekvensen på enkäten var 48 kvinnor av 61 respondenter, så enkäten representerar inte vad hela Sätra tycker tillräckligt. Tack vare teori och hjälp från en expert inom ämnet kunde trots allt resultatet valideras. Faktorer som kan påverka tryggheten är belysning, siktlinjer, naturlig övervakning, rykte, image, underhåll och mänsklig aktivitet. Sätra har flertal av dessa listade faktorer, men belysning, underhåll, siktlinjer och ett stärkt samfund är det som saknas mest. Ryktet är även en influerande faktor, som med hjälp av en bättre image och gemenskap i stadsdelen kan stärka tryggheten. Det finns många olika faktorer kring trygghet och säkerhet som är svåra att besvara i ett examensarbete. Men den tydligaste slutsatsen att dra efter denna studie är att Sätra Centrum och de intilliggande områdena är i stort behov av underhåll, bättre belysning och ett förstärkt samfund med hjälp av bättre image.Nyckelord: / Sätra is a district in Gävle municipality in Sweden, which was built during the Million Programme. When Sätra was built, many of the buildings were standardised for cost effectiveness. The district has today a bad reputation with crime problems and citizens who feel unsafe, particularly the women. The aim of this study is to find out if the standardization has negatively affected the perceived safety of Sätra’s female inhabitants. The objective is to bring forth a suggestion on how Sätra can improve the perceived safety of the area, and to create a design proposal on how these areas can improve through physical design. To accomplish this objective a multi method have been applied. The first method was site analysis on the study area, which of three were carried through two on during daytime and one during the evening. A survey was also sent out to habitants of Sätra to collect their opinions on the matter. They also had to answer how safe or unsafe they felt on different picked out places to analyse which components the unsafe areas have in common. This data was also used to make a heat map, and crime statistics data was collected from the police to make a heat map. These two heat maps were later compared. Lastly, a design proposal was brought forth. The response rate of the survey was 48 women out of 61 responses. Therefore, the survey does not completely represent what everyone of Sätra’s residents think. However, thanks to earlier research and the help of an expert in the subject the results could be validated. Factors that affect the perceived safety are lighting, sightlines, natural surveillance, reputation, image, maintenance, and human activity. Sätra has several factors that plays into the lack of perceived safety, but lighting, maintenance, sightlines, and a strengthened community is what is missing the most. Reputation is also an influential factor, which with the help of a strengthened image and stronger community in the district can improve the perceived safety. There are many different factors playing in to perceived safety and actual safety that are hard to answer in a bachelor thesis. However, the most evident conclusion to draw from this study is that Sätra Centrum and its neighbouring residential areas need maintenance, improved lighting, and a reinforced community and image.
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Alltid redo : - En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet i Helsingborg / Always ready : - A Qualitative Study about Women´s Perceived Unsafety in HelsingborgMagnusson, Ella, Knutsson, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
Det finns en identifierad ökad otrygghet i Helsingborgs stad (Helsingborg 2022). Tidigare forskning visar att det främst är unga kvinnor som upplever denna otrygghet (Brå 2021; Skr. 2007/08:39; Yates & Ceccato 2020). Studiens syfte är därmed att få en djupare förståelse om vilka faktorer som påverkar unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet, samt vilka tänkbara åtgärder kvinnorna upplever är nödvändiga för att öka deras trygghet i Helsingborgs stad. Studiens resultat skulle senare kunna bidra till ett fortsatt preventivt arbete kring tryggheten i Helsingborg genom ett förbättrat kunskapsläge. Frågeställningarna som studien bygger på är således; Vilka faktorer påverkar intervjudeltagarnas upplevda otrygghet i Helsingborgs stad? och Vilka tänkbara åtgärder upplever intervjudeltagarna krävs för att öka tryggheten i Helsingborgs stad? Föreliggande studie baseras på 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor som är mellan 20-30 år bosatta i Helsingborg. Resultatet bekräftade bilden som tidigare forskning visar då faktorer såsom rykte och media, utsatthet samt olika yttre faktorer såsom mörker, en plats utformning och människors närvaro har en påverkan på kvinnors upplevda otrygghet. Människors närvaro, avsaknaden av belysning samt kvälls- och nattetid, hade störst påverkan på kvinnornas otrygghet. Åtgärder som ansågs nödvändiga för att öka kvinnornas upplevda trygghet var övervakning i form av belysning och kameraövervakning, närvaro av aktörer samt mer och tydligare information. Kvinnorna berättade även om egna strategier de använde sig av för att öka deras trygghet. De mest önskade åtgärderna var en ökad närvaro av olika aktörer samt belysning. Vidare vore det av intresse att även undersöka andra målgrupper i Helsingborg för att se om det skiljer sig i vad de anser bidrar till deras upplevda otrygghet samt vilka åtgärder de anser kan minska den. / There is an identified unsafety that increases in the city of Helsingborg (Helsingborg 2022). Earlier research shows that it is mostly young women who experience unsafety (Brå 2021; Skr. 2007/08:39; Yates & Ceccato 2020). The aim of this study is thereby to get a deeper understanding about those factors that affect young women’s perceived unsafety, and what possible actions they feel are necessary to increase their safety. The result of this study may later contribute to the continued preventive work on security in Helsingborg by an improved state of knowledge. The questions on which this study is based on are; What factors affect the interview participants perceived unsafety in the city of Helsingborg? and What possible actions do the interview participants think are necessary to improve the safety in the city of Helsingborg?The present study is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with women between the ages of 20-30 living in Helsingborg. The results confirmed what earlier research demonstrated where factors such as rumor and media, vulnerability and external factors such as darkness, area planning and people´s presence have an impact on women’s perceived unsafety. People´s presence, evening and night time, as well as lighting had the greatest impact on women's perceived unsafety. Actions that were considered necessary to increase women´s perceived safety were surveillance in the form of lighting and CCTV, presence of actors, and more and clearer information. The women also talked about strategies they used to increase their safety. The actions they requested the most were increased presence of various actors, as well as lighting. Furthermore, it would be of interest to examen other target groups in Helsingborg to see the difference in what they believe contributes their perceived unsafety and what actions they think are needed to reduce it.
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Determinantes de la adopción de la banca móvil en el contexto peruano / Determinants of the adoption of mobile banking in the Peruvian contextOrtiz gutierrez, Yuli sevelin, Tabuchi Gushiken, Mario Toshihide 26 April 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / El presente estudio busca determinar la relación de las variables seguridad percibida, facilidad de uso y utilidad percibida con la actitud del consumidor y la satisfacción de los usuarios en el Perú. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 243 personas y se utilizó SMART PLS para hallar los resultados del estudio. Dentro de los resultados más resaltantes se determinó que la variable facilidad de uso demostró poseer la mayor influencia respecto a la actitud de los usuarios al utilizar la banca móvil. Por otro lado, se determinó que la actitud del usuario afecta de gran manera a la satisfacción que poseen ante la banca móvil, aportando una nueva perspectiva a los estudios con relación a estas variables debido a que gran parte de los autores investigados relacionan a la satisfacción como un antecedente de la actitud. Teniendo en cuenta esto, el sector bancario debe considerar no sólo las variables como facilidad de uso, seguridad percibida y utilidad percibida sino también la actitud si quiere satisfacer a sus usuarios de banca móvil. / The present study seeks to determine the relationship of the variables perceived safety, ease of use and perceived utility with consumer attitude and user satisfaction in Peru. For this, a sample of 243 people was used and SMART PLS was used to find the results of the study. Among the most outstanding results, it was determined that the ease-of-use variable proved to have the greatest influence on the attitude of users when using mobile banking. On the other hand, it was determined that the user's attitude greatly affects their satisfaction with mobile banking, providing a new perspective to the studies in relation to these variables due to the fact that a large part of the authors investigated relate to satisfaction as an antecedent of the attitude. With this in mind, the banking sector must consider not only variables such as ease of use, perceived security and perceived usefulness but also attitude if it wants to satisfy its mobile banking users. / Tesis / PE
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The Environmental Design Barrier:Gendered Perceptions of Safety on The Ohio State University CampusRhodes, Stephanie Marie 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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