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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle fonctionnel des longs ARN non codants dans l'adaptation et la pluripotence des cellules souches en culture. / Functional roles of long non coding RNAs in pluripotency and adaptation of stem cells in culture.

Bouckenheimer, Julien 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les applications des cellules souches pluripotentes humaines (CSP) dans le domaine biomédical sont particulièrement prometteuses, aussi bien au niveau expérimental qu’au niveau clinique. Leur utilisation comme source inépuisable de cellules permettant de tester et développer de nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques (notamment par modélisation de pathologies in vitro, criblage haut-débit et tests de cytotoxicité) s’ajoute à l’important potentiel qu’elles présentent en médecine régénérative et en thérapie cellulaire. Utilisables comme matériel biologique permettant de restaurer partiellement ou totalement un organe ou un tissu défaillant, il reste essentiel de vérifier l’intégrité génétique des lignées cellulaires utilisées afin de garantir une utilisation sécurisée pour le patient. Parmi les facteurs responsables de l’apparition d’anomalies génétiques chez les CSP, les conditions cultures jouent un rôle essentiel. Des techniques de culture inadaptées peuvent facilement provoquer l’émergence d’une instabilité génomique. Toute altération doit être détectée et documentée afin de pouvoir définir des critères d’acceptation préalable à leur utilisation clinique.Les CSP sont des cellules particulièrement sensibles au stress qui peut résulter de techniques de repiquage inappropriées. La dérive génétique qui découle de ce stress peut être précoce et apparaître dès les premiers passages des lignées cultivées. Notre équipe a pu tester de nombreuses méthodes de repiquage sur différentes lignées cellulaires pluripotentes. Nous avons notamment observé que des anomalies génétiques majeures caryotypiques (trisomies) et infra-caryotypiques (SNPs) ainsi que des changements phénotypiques (survie augmentée, acquisition de mobilité) apparaissaient rapidement suite à l’utilisation de techniques de repiquage basées sur l’utilisation d’enzyme de dissociation (TryPLE). Ces altérations apparaissent dans des lignées qui s’adaptent progressivement à la dissociation en cellules uniques (dissociation « single-cell ») provoquées par ces enzymes.Notre équipe étudie les conséquences cellulaires liées à ce phénomène d’adaptation des CSP provoquée par la dissociation « single-cell ». Grâce à des techniques de séquençage dernière génération (RNA-Seq), nous avons comparé les profils transcriptomiques de CSP repiquées par des techniques standard (comme le passage mécanique) et par des techniques basées sur la dissociation « single-cell » (comme le passage enzymatique par TryPLE). Cette comparaison a montré au niveau transcriptionnel une surexpression spectaculaire d’ARNs non codants appartenant à une classe récemment décrite : les longs ARNs non codants (lncRNAs).L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer le niveau d’implication de ces lncRNAs dans le processus d’adaptation des CSP en culture, et leur rôle fonctionnel potentiel. Nous avons ainsi dans un premier temps déterminé in silico quels lncRNAs étaient différentiellement exprimés dans les CSP adaptées, et après validation expérimentale par biologie moléculaire des candidats les plus prometteurs, nous avons utilisé des tests fonctionnels (notamment par RNA interférence (siRNA)) afin de déterminer le rôle de ces lncRNAs dans la machinerie cellulaire et la pluripotence des CSP. Autour de ce projet principal, nous avons essayé de comprendre les mécanismes régissant les changements phénotypiques et comportementaux provoquées par la dissociation « single-cell ». Nous avons notamment pu suggérer la mise en place d’un phénomène de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT) chez des CSP dissociées. Enfin, l’attractivité que représente un sujet d’étude récent comme les lncRNAs et la disponibilité croissante de publications les concernant nous ont poussé à publier une revue approfondie ainsi qu’une méta-analyse sur l’implication des longs ARN non codants dans le développement précoce de l’embryon et dans les cellules souches pluripotentes. / The actual and future applications of human pluripotent stem cells (PSC) in the biomedical field are highly promising. Their use for the discovery of new therapeutic drugs through the development of high-throughput screening tests, cytotoxicity tests and in vitro disease modeling has been added to their tremendous interests in regenerative medicine and cellular therapy. As a source of biological material that can be used to restore partially or totally the lost functions of a damaged organ or tissue, or as a source of normal cells to study human development or test putative new drugs, their genomic integrity has to be thoroughly assessed. Therefore, an effective optimization of their culture conditions has to be considered, in order to control the absence of genomic instability and prevent their potential emergence. Any genetic or epigenetic alteration resulting from cell culturing must be detected in order to define and characterize acceptance criteria for scientific and medical purposes.PSC are particularly sensitive to stress resulting from unappropriated passaging techniques, which cause rapid genetic drift. Indeed, our team observed that many genomic abnormalities arise from aggressive single cell, enzymatic based, passaging methods, and that substantial phenotypical changes such as increased survival after cell dissociation and variation in cell shape can then occur.In order to understand the mechanisms governing the emergence of those adverse alterations, the team focused on the consequences resulting from the adaptation of PSC to single-cell dissociation. By using new generation sequencing techniques as RNA-Seq, we compared transcriptomics of PSC passaged by standard techniques (such as mechanical passaging) versus single-cell enzymatic dissociation (such as TRyPLE-based single-cell passaging). This comparison showed that the most striking difference in the gene expression pattern between adapted and non adapted cells concerned the dramatic overexpression of RNAs from a recently discovered class: long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).The aim of this thesis work was to determine to which extent some of these lncRNAs were functionally linked to adaptation of PSC. In order to address this matter, we first investigated in silico which lncRNAs were upregulated by single-cell dissociation, and after experimental validation of lncRNA candidates by molecular biology, we performed functional in vitro analysis (notably by siRNA-mediated loss of function) and sought their cellular localization in order to decipher their role in the cellular machinery and their level of implication. Beside this main project, other auxiliary projects were grafted. The observation of major changes in cell phenotype and behavior led to the investigation of the global mechanisms governing these modifications, underlining the potential role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition provoked by single-cell dissociation. Finally, the global attractiveness of lncRNAs and the emergence of exponential documentation concerning non-coding RNAs prompted the writing of an extensive review and meta-analysis concerning the implications of lncRNAs during embryo development and in pluripotent stem cells.

Preuve de concept de thérapie génique d’une dystrophie rétinienne en l’absence de modèle animal de la pathologie : cas de la Choroïdérémie / Proof of concept of gene therapy of retinal dystrophy in the absence of animal model of the disease : case of Choroideremia

Cereso, Nicolas 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les dystrophies rétiniennes héréditaires (DRH) sont des maladies qui conduisent à une perte de la vision au cours de leur évolution. Les premiers essais cliniques utilisant la thérapie génique pour traiter ces maladies ont été réalisés et apportent des résultats encourageants. En amont de telles études, les essais précliniques s'effectuent le plus souvent sur modèle animal. Cependant, pour un certain nombre de DRH, il n'existe pas de modèle animal approprié ce qui compromet l'arrivée d'un traitement à un stade clinique. C'est le cas de la Choroïdérémie, qui représente 2% des DRH. La choroïdérémie est caractérisée par une perte de la vision nocturne dès la petite enfance et conduit à la cécité autour des 40-50 ans. Son diagnostic précoce et son évolution lente résultent en une grande fenêtre thérapeutique qui fait de la choroïdérémie une bonne candidate pour la thérapie génique. Sur le plan génétique, la maladie est causée par une mutation dans le gène CHM qui est localisé sur le chromosome X et code pour la Rab Escort Protein 1 (REP1). Cette protéine est impliquée dans le processus de prénylation de petites protéines GTPases, les protéines Rab. Afin de pallier au manque de modèle animal, nous avons généré au cours de ce travail de thèse, un modèle cellulaire humain de la choroïdérémie pour évaluer l'efficacité d'un protocole de thérapie génique sur le tissu réellement atteint in vivo. Pour cela, nous avons reprogrammé des fibroblastes de patient CHM-/y en cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPS), que nous avons ensuite différenciées en Epithélium Pigmentaire Rétinien (EPR). Nous avons caractérisé cet EPR, montrant que c'est une couche monocellulaire polarisée possédant une morphologie et une expression de marqueurs caractéristiques. De plus, ce tissu est fonctionnel, sur le plan du transport de fluide et de la phagocytose, et possède le même phénotype biochimique que celui observé chez les patients. Dans un but de thérapie génique et afin d'évaluer le vecteur viral le plus efficace sur nos cellules, j'ai testé un panel de 5 sérotypes d'AAV et démontré que l'AAV2/5 est le plus efficient pour transduire un EPR dérivé de cellules iPS humaines. J'ai ensuite utilisé un AAV2/5-CAG-CHM afin d'évaluer l'efficacité fonctionnelle du vecteur et j'ai pu montrer qu'outre une expression correcte du transgène, le traitement de cellules de patients déficientes pour REP1 avec ce vecteur permet de restaurer une activité normale de prénylation. Nous avons donc démontré la supériorité d'efficacité de transduction de l'AAV2/5 dans des cellules d'EPR humain et soulignons le potentiel d'un modèle d'EPR pathologique dérivé de cellules iPS pour apporter une preuve de concept de thérapie génique en absence d'un modèle animal approprié. / Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) lead to a progressive vision loss. The first clinical trials using gene transfer to treat such diseases have been performed with positive results. Prior to clinical trials, preclinical studies are usually performed on animal models. However, for many IRDs, appropriate animal models do not exist, which compromises their progress towards a clinical trial. An example of an IRD that lacks an appropriate model is choroideremia, which represents 2% of IRD patients. It is characterized by night blindness in childhood, followed by progressive loss of the visual field resulting in blindness by 40–50 years of age. Its early diagnosis and slow evolution result in a large therapeutic window making choroideremia a good candidate for gene therapy. Genetically, the disease is caused by a mutation in the CHM gene located on the X chromosome and encoding the Rab Escort Protein 1 (REP1). This protein is involved in the prenylation of small GTPases, the Rab proteins. To palliate the lack of an animal model, we generated a human cellular model of choroideremia in order to evaluate the efficacy of a gene therapy approach in the tissue that is affected in vivo.Towards this aim, we reprogrammed REP1-deficient fibroblasts from a CHM-/y patient into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPScs), which we differentiated into retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). We characterized the iPSc-derived RPE that is a polarized monolayer with a classic morphology, expresses characteristic markers, is functional for fluid transport and phagocytosis, and mimics the biochemical phenotype of patients. In terms of gene therapy and to evaluate the most efficient viral vector, I assayed a panel of 5 adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector serotypes and showed that AAV2/5 is the most efficient at transduce the iPSc-derived RPE. I then transduced the iPSc-derived RPE of a choroideremia patient with an AAV2/5-CAG-CHM and demonstrated that this vector is able to restore a normal prenylation function to the cells.To conclude, I demonstrated the superiority of the transduction efficiency of AAV2/5 in the iPSc-derived RPE and highlight the potential of a diseased RPE model derived from iPS cells to provide a proof of concept of gene therapy in the absence of a suitable animal model.

Análise de marcadores de células tronco e progenitores das células de polpa dentária e de vibrissas de camundongos C57BL6. / Analysis of stem cells and progenitor markers of dental pulp cells and vibrissae of C57BL6 mice.

Dener Madeiro de Souza 14 September 2016 (has links)
Os tecidos da polpa dentária e vibrissa são dois microambientes celulares que compartilham a mesma origem embrionária. Ambos possuem o seu nicho especifico pós-natal que abrigam células tronco adultas (CTA). O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar a expressão diferencial dos marcadores de células pluripotentes, mesenquimais e neuroepiteliais nas populações de células tronco isoladas das vibrissas (CTV) e polpa de dente (CTPD) de camundongos C57BL-6. Resultados obtidos no presente trabalho, utilizando o método de imunofluorescência, revelaram que as CTA de ambos tecidos expressam um amplo painel de marcadores de pluripotência (Oct4, Nanog e Sox2), mesenquimais (CD73, CD90 e CD105), hematopoiético (CD34), crista neural (CKit), neuronal (Nestina) e epitelial (Integrina α6, LGR5 e LGR6) e indica possível potencial destas células em diversas linhagens celulares. Desta forma, células isoladas destes tecidos podem ser interessantes para serem aplicadas em diversos tratamentos na medicina regenerativa. Portanto, o estudo comparativo da expressão de um amplo painel de marcadores de células tronco em CTV e CTPD pode vir a aumentar o leque de possibilidades de sua utilização na terapia celular. Com isso, as células isoladas de polpa dentária foram submetidas à análise de expressão de marcadores já citados e a outros conhecidamente positivos e específicos para os folículos piloso como Citoqueratina 15 (CK15), LRig1 e Blimp1. Foram realizados ensaios de imunofluorescência, imunohistoquímica, citometria de fluxo e RT-PCR. Os dados obtidos nos permitiram concluir, que as CTA isoladas das ambas as fontes são bastante semelhantes em relação ao seu imunofenótipo, porém as características da sua diferenciação precisam ainda ser analisadas. / The tissues of the dental pulp and vibrissae are two cellular microenvironments that share the same embryonic origin. Both have their postnatal specific niche that keep adult stem cells (ASC). The objective of this study was to investigate the differential expression of pluripotent markers, mesenchymal and neuroepithelial in populations of stem cells isolated from whiskers (WSC) and dental pulp (DPSC) C57BL-6 mice. Results obtained in this study, using immunofluorescence, revealed that the ASC both tissues express a broad panel of pluripotency markers (Oct4, Nanog and Sox2), mesenchymal cells (CD73, CD90 and CD105), hematopoietic (CD34), crest neural (cKIT), neuronal (Nestin) and epithelial (Integrin α6, LGR5 and LGR6) and indicates possible potential of these cells in several cell lines. Thus, isolated cells of these tissues may be interesting for application in various treatments in regenerative medicine. Therefore, the comparative study of the expression of a broad panel of stem cell markers in WSC and DPSC could increase the range of possibilities for their use in cell therapy. Thus, the isolated cells were subjected to the dental pulp marker expression analysis cited above and others known to be positive and specific to hair follicles as Cytokeratin 15 (CK15), and LRig1 Blimp1. Immunofluorescence assays were performed, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and RT-PCR. The data allowed us to conclude that the ASC isolated from both sources are quite similar with respect to their immunophenotype, but the characteristics of differentiation remain to be analyzed.

Développement par génie tissulaire d’un modèle de peau humaine innervée, vascularisée et immunocompétente pour l’étude des réactions inflammatoires cutanées / Development of an immunocompetent, innervated and vascularized human tissue-engineered skin model for the study of cutaneous neuro-immune interactions

Muller, Quentin Philippe Sylvain 28 September 2018 (has links)
Les réactions immunitaires de la peau sont initiées par les cellules dendritiques cutanées (dendritic cells, DCs). L'effet potentiellement sensibilisateur d'un composé peut être prédit in vitro en utilisant des monocytes humains différenciés en DCs (MonoDCs). Cependant, ces modèles simplistes restent imprécis car l'activation des DCs cutanés par les sensibilisateurs peut être déclenchée ou modulée par des interactions microenvironnementales avec de multiples types de cellules non immunitaires. Notre objectif est de développer une peau immunocompétente qui combinera des MonoDCs avec tous les éléments structurels et fonctionnels de la peau, c'est-à-dire une barrière épidermique posée sur un derme contenant une pseudo-vascularisation et des neurones nociceptifs. Une matrice de collagène a été ensemencée avec des fibroblastes et des cellules endothéliales, puis avec des précurseurs de fibres nerveuses dérivées soit de l'iPSC humaine, soit de la DRG embryonnaire murins. Enfin, nous avons introduit les MonoDC et les kératinocytes. Nous avons observé que les neurones différenciés in situ innervent l'épiderme comme observé habituellement dans la peau humaine normale. De plus, les neurones dérivées d’iPSCs, expriment neuropeptides et canaux calcique spécifiques des fibres nociceptives. Enfin, les Mono-DC intégrés au modèle restent stable pendant toute la durée nécessaire à la formation de l’épiderme et peuvent être stimulé. Le modèle sera utilisé pour prédire le potentiel irritant des composés chimiques et l'impact de l’innervation nociceptive sur l'activation des DCs. / Immune reactions in the skin are initiated by the cutaneous dendritic cells (DCs). The potential sensitizing effect of a compound can be predicted in vitro using human monocytes differentiated into DCs (Mono-DCs). However, these simplistic models remain inaccurate because the activation of cutaneous DCs by sensitizers may be triggered or modulated by microenvironmental interactions with multiple types of non-immune cells. Our goal is to develop an immunocompetent human tissue-engineered skin that will combine DCs with all structural and functional element of the skin, i.e. an epidermal barrier laid upon a dermis containing a pseudo-vascularization and nociceptive neurons. Collagen matrix was seeded with fibroblasts and endothelial cells, then with precursors of nerve fibers derived from either human iPSC or murine embryonic DRG. Finally, we introduced Mono-DCs and keratinocytes. We observed that in situ differentiated neurons grow axons towards the epidermis as usually observed in normal human skin. What's more, the neurons derive from iPSC, express neuropeptides and calcium channel as normal nociceptive fibers. Moreover, Mono-DCs settled as expected beneath the epidermis and remained sessile to stimulation for several weeks. The model will be used to predict the irritant potential of chemical compounds, and the impact of nerves on DC activation.

Hépatocytes différenciés à partir de cellules souches pluripotentes induites : modèle pour la thérapie cellulaire et génique autologue de l'hémophilie B et modèle préclinique chez le primate / Hepatocytes differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells : model for autologous cell and gene therapy of hemophilia B and preclinical model in primate

Luce, Eléanor 15 December 2017 (has links)
Ce projet de thèse vise à modéliser puis à apporter la preuve de concept d’une thérapie cellulaire et génique autologue de maladies héréditaires du foie par la transplantation d’hépatocytes différenciés à partir des cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPSC) spécifiques du patient, une fois celles-ci corrigées du défaut génétique. L’hémophilie B (HB) est une maladie héréditaire causée par une mutation du gène F9, codant le facteur IX (FIX) de la coagulation synthétisé dans le foie par les hépatocytes. Des fibroblastes d’un patient porteur de la « mutation royale » ont été reprogrammés en iPSC puis différenciés en hépatocytes. L’étude de l’ARNm du F9 par séquençage haut débit a confirmé la présence d’un site d’épissage anormal codant une protéine tronquée. D’autres iPSC ont été obtenues à partir des cellules d’un second patient HB exprimant un FIX inactif. Après insertion ciblée d’une cassette thérapeutique codant le FIX dans un site génomique sûr à l’aide d’endonucléases artificielles (CRISPR/Cas9), nous avons différencié les iPSC corrigées et non corrigées en hépatocytes (respectivement corr-HB-Heps et HB-Heps) et confirmé une expression plus importante de l’ARNm du F9 et de la protéine FIX dans les corr-HB-Heps. En revanche, nous n’avons pas détecté d’activité du FIX transgénique sans doute à cause d’une différenciation incomplète des hépatocytes. Nous avons alors développé un protocole de différenciation en sphéroïdes permettant une différenciation plus efficace confirmée aux niveaux ARN et protéine FIX. L’analyse de l’activité du FIX produit nous permettra de valider la correction in vitro avant de la valider in vivo en transplantant les corr-HB-Heps dans un modèle de souris F9KO. Finalement, la dernière partie de ce travail a consisté à développer un protocole de différenciation d’iPSC de singe en hépatocytes en vue d’une transplantation autologue dans le foie de l’animal donneur pour valider la faisabilité et la sécurité de cette approche chez le gros animal. / This PhD project aims to model and to bring a proof of concept for autologous cell/gene therapy of inherited liver diseases by transplanting hepatocytes differentiated from patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), after correction of the genetic defect. Hemophilia B (HB) is an inherited disease caused by a mutation in the F9 gene encoding clotting factor IX (FIX), synthesized in the liver by hepatocytes. Fibroblasts of a patient with the "royal mutation" were reprogrammed in iPSCs then differentiated into hepatocytes. The study of the F9 mRNA by high-throughput sequencing confirmed the presence of an abnormal splice site leading to a truncated protein explaining hemophilia. Other iPSCs were obtained and characterized from the cells of a second HB patient expressing an inactive FIX. By targeting in these iPSCs the insertion of a therapeutic cassette encoding FIX into a safe harbor site using artificial endonucleases (CRISPR/Cas9), we differentiated the corrected and non-corrected iPSC into hepatocytes. Quantitative analyzes confirmed a higher expression of F9 mRNA and FIX protein in the corrected clones. In contrast, we did not detect transgenic FIX activity due to a lack of post-translational modifications necessary for FIX activity. We then developed a protocol of differentiation in spheroids quantitatively more efficient to produce FIX. Detection of FIX activity will validate our in vitro approach before validation in vivo by transplanting the corrected hepatocytes in a F9KO mouse model. Finally, the last part of this work consisted in the development of a differentiation protocol of nonhuman primate iPSCs into hepatocytes for autologous transplantation into the liver of the donor animal in order to validate the feasibility and the safety of such an approach in the large animal

Estudo da variação da expressão de PGC-1 alfa na reprogramação e diferenciação de células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas / A study of the variation in expression of PGC-1alfa on the reprogramming and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells

Rosas, Graça Correia 15 July 2016 (has links)
As doenças cardiovasculares representam a maior causa de mortalidade a nível mundial. Desde o conhecimento da importância da mitocôndria no metabolismo do cardiomiócito, alterações no funcionamento desta organela têm sido associadas a um dos principais causadores do infarto do miocárdio e consequente morte celular. O cofator de transcrição PGC-1alfa tem sido alvo de diversos estudos relacionados com o metabolismo celular devido à sua forte participação na biogênese mitocondrial. Considerando a limitação de material biológico para o estudo de doenças cardíacas, muito se tem investido no estudo de células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas (iPSCs). Esta tese teve como principal objetivo a avaliação dos efeitos da variação da expressão de PGC-1alfa em iPSCs e na sua diferenciação em cardiomiócitos. Após estabelecimento de um protocolo de reprogramação celular, em que ocorre geração de iPSCs a partir de fibroblastos humanos, induzimos a inibição da expressão de PGC-1alfa em 50% e 70% pelo uso de vetores lentivirais, e analisamos o estado de pluripotência através da avaliação de expressão genica e proteica dos principais marcadores - SSEA4, TRA-1-60, OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, REX1, TRA-1-81. Não observamos diferenças significativas no conteúdo destes marcadores entre os clones de iPSC controle e inibidos. Estabelecemos um protocolo de diferenciação de iPSCs em cardiomiócitos com elevada taxa de reprodutibilidade, através da adaptação de protocolos descritos na literatura, e submetemos estas iPSCs à diferenciação. As células geradas pela diferenciação do clone controle apresentaram características típicas de cardiomiócito: contratilidade e alta expressão molecular de troponina T e troponina I. Em contraste, as células com 70% de inibição de PGC-1alfa se mostraram incapazes de contrair e com baixa expressão de troponina. Através de uma análise dos níveis de expressão genica e proteica de diversos marcadores expressos durante o processo de diferenciação (T, NKX2.5, MIXL1, MYL7, ISL1), observamos que o clone com maior inibição de PGC-1alfa apresentou sempre níveis de expressão diminuídos em relação aos clones controle. Em conclusão, podemos afirmar que o PGC-1alfa não interfere com as características de auto-renovação e pluripotência das iPSCs mas possui um papel essencial na diferenciação de células-tronco pluriotentes induzidas em cardiomiócitos. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para informações preliminares acerca do desenvolvimento de iPSCs com inibição da expressão de PGC-1alfa durante a diferenciação cardíaca, mas estudos relativos ao potencial papel deste cofator durante o desenvolvimento cardíaco in vivo ainda precisam ser aprofundados, utilizando outros modelos de estudo / Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Since the knowledge of the importance of mitochondria in the cardiomyocyte metabolism, changes in the functioning of this organelle has been associated with one of the main causes of myocardial infarction and subsequent cell death. The transcriptional cofactor PGC-1alpha has been subjected to several studies related to cell metabolism due to its strong involvement in mitochondrial biogenesis. Considering the limitations of biological material in the study of heart disease, there has been a lot of investment in the study of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of the variation in expression of PGC-1alpha in iPSCs and it\'s differentiation in cardiomyocytes. After the estabilshment of a cellular reprogramming protocol, where iPSCs is generated from human fibroblasts, the expression of PGC-1alpha was induced by 50% and 70% with the use of lentiviral vectors and the state of pluripotency was determined by analyzing the gene and protein expression of the main markers - SSEA4, TRA- 1-60, OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, REX1, TRA- 1- 81. There were no significant differences observed in the content of these markers between the iPSC clones control and inhibited. A protocol for the differentiation of iPSCs into cardyomyocites was established with a high reproducibility rate, by adapting existing protocols in the general literature, submiting these iPSCs into diferentiation. The cells generated from the differentiation of the control clone showed typical characteristis of cardiomyocytes: contractility and high molecular expression of troponin T and troponin I. In contrast, the cells with 70% inhibition PGC-1alpha were unable to contract and had low troponin expression. Through an analysis of gene expression and protein levels of several markers expressed during the differentiation process (T, Nkx2.5, MIXL1, MYL7, ISL1), the clone with greater inhibition of PGC-1alpha always showed decreased expression levels compared to control clones. In conclusion, we can say that the PGC-1alpha does not interfere with the characteristics of self-renewal and pluripotency of iPSCs but has an essential role in the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells induced into cardiomyocytes. These results were obtained thanks an original approche based on iPSC technology enabling genetic modifications of the cells and controled differentiation into cardiomyocytes, but the potential role of PGC-1alpha on in vivo cardiac development or cardiomyocytes maturation remaisn to be evaluated using other models

Controle epigenético do gene imprinted SNRPN durante o desenvolvimento e reprogramação nuclear em equídeos / Epigenetic control of the SNRPN imprinted gene during developmental and nuclear reprogramming in equids

Rigoglio, Nathia Nathaly 15 March 2016 (has links)
A tranferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) está sendo utilizada para produzir cavalos de elite. No entanto, durante este procedimento pode ocorrer a perfuração da zona pelúcida, levando, ocasionalmente, à secção da massa celular interna, e conseqüente derivação de gêmeos monozigóticos. Além de serem relatadas alterações no processo de imprinting genômico, que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de doenças. Com a descoberta da possibilidade de reprogramar as células somáticas a um estado de pluripotência (iPSCs), estas células passaram a ser muito utilizadas em pesquisas de neurociência. Contudo, também ocorrem modificações epigenéticas durante esta reprogramação celular. Portanto, nossas hipóteses são que os gêmeos eqüinos gerados pela TNCS podem levar às irregularidades no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. O padrão de metilação do SNRPN nas estruturas dos fetos muares clonados, e as células iPSCs são diferentes dos padrões encontrados nos muares analisados. A expressão dos genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A são maiores no cérebro, enquanto a expressão do H19 é maior nas membranas extra-embrionárias. Em nosso estudo, obtivemos duas gestações gemelares equinas derivadas da TNCS, que foram interrompidas com 40 e 60 dias de gestação, e comparados com gestações eqüinas únicas de idade similar. Diferenças no comprimento entre os embriões gêmeos foram observadas aos 40 (2.0 e 2.2 cm 10%) e aos 60 (6,5 e 8,5 cm 24%) dias de gestação. Somente o plexo coróide do quarto ventrículo apresentou-se mais desenvolvido nos fetos com maior comprimento. Ao analisarmos fetos muares clonados em diferentes idades gestacionais e compará-los com muares, nos períodos embrionário, fetal e adulto, não foi observada diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, na décima passagem das células iPSC o padrão de metilação alterou, em relação aos muares estudados e ao padrão observado nos fibroblastos. Ao analisarmos os fetos clonados nas diferentes idades gestacionais observou-se no cérebro menor expressão dos gene H19 e UBE3A, e maior expressão do gene SNRPN. Contudo, a expressão do gene Necdin variou entre as estruturas estudadas. Em conclusão, apesar dos gêmeos eqüinos provenientes de TNCS diferirem quanto ao tamanho, morfologicamente são iguais. Dentre as estruturas cerebrais o plexo coróide se apresentou mais desenvolvido nos fetos de maior comprimento. Os fetos muares clonados não apresentaram diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, as iPSCs apresentaram alteração no padrão de metilação deste gene na décima passagem. Embora os genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A sejam expressos no cérebro, o SNRPN apresentou-se prevalente nessa estrutura / The nuclear transfer of somatic cells (SCNT) is being used to produce elite horses. However, during this procedure can occur drilling of the zona pellucida, leading occasionally to the section of the inner cell mass, and subsequent derivation of monozygotic twins. Besides being related changes in genomic imprinting process, leading to the development of diseases. With the discovery of the possibility to reprogram somatic cells to a pluripotent state (iPSCs), these cells have become widely used in neuroscience research. However, also occur epigenetic changes during this cellular reprogramming. Therefore, our hypothesis is that equine twins caused by equine ART could lead to developmental irregularities of the nervous system. The patterns of SNRPN methylation in the structures of cloned mule fetuses and in iPSCs are different from the patterns found in the analyzed mules. And the expression of SNRPN, Necdin and UBE3A genes are higher in the brain, while the higher expression of H19 gene occurs in the extraembryonic membranes. In our study we derived two equine twin SCNT pregnancies that were interrupted at 40 and 60 days of gestation and compared to singleton fetuses of similar age. Differences in lengths between twin embryos were observed at both 40 (2.0 and 2.2 cm 10%) and 60 (6.5 and 8.5 cm 24%) days of gestation. Only the choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle more developed in the twins with the greatest length. Analyzing mules cloned fetuses at different gestational ages, and compare them with mules at embryonic, fetal and adult period; there was no difference in the pattern of methylation in SNRPN gene. However, in the tenth passage of the iPSCs the methylation pattern was altered in relation to the studied mules and the pattern observed in fibroblasts. When the cloned fetuses at different gestational ages were analyzed, the brain presented lower expression of H19 and UBE3A genes, and higher expression of SNRPN gene. However, the expression of Necdin gene varied among the structures studied. In conclusion, despite the twin horses from SCNT differ in size, they are morphologically identical. Among the brain structures the choroid plexus performed more developed in the fetuses of greater length. Cloned mules fetuses showed no difference in the pattern of methylation SNRPN gene. However, iPSCs have changes in the pattern of methylation of this gene in the tenth passage. Although SNRPN, Necdin and Ube3A genes are expressed in the brain, SNRPN is prevalent in this structure

Estudo da variação da expressão de PGC-1 alfa na reprogramação e diferenciação de células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas / A study of the variation in expression of PGC-1alfa on the reprogramming and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells

Graça Correia Rosas 15 July 2016 (has links)
As doenças cardiovasculares representam a maior causa de mortalidade a nível mundial. Desde o conhecimento da importância da mitocôndria no metabolismo do cardiomiócito, alterações no funcionamento desta organela têm sido associadas a um dos principais causadores do infarto do miocárdio e consequente morte celular. O cofator de transcrição PGC-1alfa tem sido alvo de diversos estudos relacionados com o metabolismo celular devido à sua forte participação na biogênese mitocondrial. Considerando a limitação de material biológico para o estudo de doenças cardíacas, muito se tem investido no estudo de células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas (iPSCs). Esta tese teve como principal objetivo a avaliação dos efeitos da variação da expressão de PGC-1alfa em iPSCs e na sua diferenciação em cardiomiócitos. Após estabelecimento de um protocolo de reprogramação celular, em que ocorre geração de iPSCs a partir de fibroblastos humanos, induzimos a inibição da expressão de PGC-1alfa em 50% e 70% pelo uso de vetores lentivirais, e analisamos o estado de pluripotência através da avaliação de expressão genica e proteica dos principais marcadores - SSEA4, TRA-1-60, OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, REX1, TRA-1-81. Não observamos diferenças significativas no conteúdo destes marcadores entre os clones de iPSC controle e inibidos. Estabelecemos um protocolo de diferenciação de iPSCs em cardiomiócitos com elevada taxa de reprodutibilidade, através da adaptação de protocolos descritos na literatura, e submetemos estas iPSCs à diferenciação. As células geradas pela diferenciação do clone controle apresentaram características típicas de cardiomiócito: contratilidade e alta expressão molecular de troponina T e troponina I. Em contraste, as células com 70% de inibição de PGC-1alfa se mostraram incapazes de contrair e com baixa expressão de troponina. Através de uma análise dos níveis de expressão genica e proteica de diversos marcadores expressos durante o processo de diferenciação (T, NKX2.5, MIXL1, MYL7, ISL1), observamos que o clone com maior inibição de PGC-1alfa apresentou sempre níveis de expressão diminuídos em relação aos clones controle. Em conclusão, podemos afirmar que o PGC-1alfa não interfere com as características de auto-renovação e pluripotência das iPSCs mas possui um papel essencial na diferenciação de células-tronco pluriotentes induzidas em cardiomiócitos. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para informações preliminares acerca do desenvolvimento de iPSCs com inibição da expressão de PGC-1alfa durante a diferenciação cardíaca, mas estudos relativos ao potencial papel deste cofator durante o desenvolvimento cardíaco in vivo ainda precisam ser aprofundados, utilizando outros modelos de estudo / Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Since the knowledge of the importance of mitochondria in the cardiomyocyte metabolism, changes in the functioning of this organelle has been associated with one of the main causes of myocardial infarction and subsequent cell death. The transcriptional cofactor PGC-1alpha has been subjected to several studies related to cell metabolism due to its strong involvement in mitochondrial biogenesis. Considering the limitations of biological material in the study of heart disease, there has been a lot of investment in the study of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of the variation in expression of PGC-1alpha in iPSCs and it\'s differentiation in cardiomyocytes. After the estabilshment of a cellular reprogramming protocol, where iPSCs is generated from human fibroblasts, the expression of PGC-1alpha was induced by 50% and 70% with the use of lentiviral vectors and the state of pluripotency was determined by analyzing the gene and protein expression of the main markers - SSEA4, TRA- 1-60, OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, REX1, TRA- 1- 81. There were no significant differences observed in the content of these markers between the iPSC clones control and inhibited. A protocol for the differentiation of iPSCs into cardyomyocites was established with a high reproducibility rate, by adapting existing protocols in the general literature, submiting these iPSCs into diferentiation. The cells generated from the differentiation of the control clone showed typical characteristis of cardiomyocytes: contractility and high molecular expression of troponin T and troponin I. In contrast, the cells with 70% inhibition PGC-1alpha were unable to contract and had low troponin expression. Through an analysis of gene expression and protein levels of several markers expressed during the differentiation process (T, Nkx2.5, MIXL1, MYL7, ISL1), the clone with greater inhibition of PGC-1alpha always showed decreased expression levels compared to control clones. In conclusion, we can say that the PGC-1alpha does not interfere with the characteristics of self-renewal and pluripotency of iPSCs but has an essential role in the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells induced into cardiomyocytes. These results were obtained thanks an original approche based on iPSC technology enabling genetic modifications of the cells and controled differentiation into cardiomyocytes, but the potential role of PGC-1alpha on in vivo cardiac development or cardiomyocytes maturation remaisn to be evaluated using other models

Etude d’un locus soumis à empreinte parentale : le locus GNAS. Rôle des transcrits et maintien de l’empreinte / Study of a Human Imprinted Locus : the GNAS Locus. Role of the GNAS Transcripts and Imprinting Maintenance

Grybek, Virginie 13 January 2015 (has links)
GNAS est un locus complexe soumis à l'empreinte parentale. Il code pour cinq transcrits alternatifs dont l’expression est régulée de manière parentale, tissulaire et développementale : la sous-Unité alpha stimulatrice de la protéine G hétérotrimérique (Gαs), XLαs, NESP55, et deux ARNnc, A/B et GNAS-AS1. Gαs est une protéine clé dans la transduction hormonale partageant avec XLαs la capacité de produire l'AMPc intracellulaire après stimulation des récepteurs couplés à Gαs.Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je me suis concentrée sur l'étude du rôle des transcrits de GNAS, en particulier XLαs, dans la croissance fœtale et post-Natale. J’ai profité du modèle unique des pseudohypoparathyroïdies (PHPs), pathologies humaines rare de l’empreinte, causées par des anomalies génétiques ou épigénétiques du locus GNAS altérant le dosage génique des transcrits de GNAS. La croissance anormale est une caractéristique majeure des PHPs.Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j’ai étudié le profil épigénétique du locus GNAS (méthylation de l'ADN et expression des transcrits) dans les cellules souches humaines embryonnaires -HESCs-, dans les cellules pluripotentes induites dérivées à partir de fibroblastes de sujets sains -IPSCs- et dans les cellules redifférenciées en cellules souches neurales et mésenchymateuses. La caractérisation précise du locus humain GNAS en physiologie (cellules souches) et pathologie (PHP) est essentielle pour une meilleure compréhension des processus développementaux importants comme la croissance. L'exploration du phénotype "croissance" de différents types de PHPs a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle des transcrits du locus GNAS dans la physiologie et la physiopathologie. L'analyse de cellules des PHPs a permis de mieux caractériser l’impact des anomalies moléculaires du locus GNAS en pathologie humaine. Les hiPSCs peuvent être un outil utile pour étudier les modifications épigénétiques au niveau du locus GNAS. / GNAS is a complex locus subjected to parental imprinting encoding five parental-, tissue- and developmental-Manner regulated transcripts : the alpha stimulatory subunit of the G protein (Gαs), XLαs, NESP55, and two ncRNAs, A/B and the antisens GNAS-AS1. Gαs is a key protein in hormonal signaling sharing with XLαs the ability to produce intracellular cAMP upon stimulation of Gαs-Coupled receptors. In the first part of my thesis, I focused on studying the role of the GNAS transcripts, particularly XLαs, in fetal and postnatal growth. I took advantage of the unique model of pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP), a rare human disease, caused by genetic or epigenetic abnormalities at the GNAS locus leading to various combinations of GNAS transcripts alterations. Abnormal growth appears to be a major feature of PHP. In the second part of my thesis, I studied the epigenetic pattern of GNAS (DNA methylation and transcripts expression) in human embryonic stem cells -HESCs-, in induced pluripotent stem cells -IPSCs- derived from fibroblasts from healthy individuals, and in cells re-Differentiated from these stem cells in neuronal and mesenchymal cells. The precise characterization of the human GNAS locus in physiology (stem cells) and pathology (PHP) is critical for a better understanding of major processes like growth. Through exploration of the "growth" phenotype of different groups of PHPs we have participated to the better understanding of the role of the GNAS transcripts in the physiology and pathophysiology. Human iPSCs may be an useful tool to study epigenetic modifications at the GNAS locus.

Cryoconservation de cellules spermatiques et de cellules souches pluripotentes de mammifères dans un milieu synthétique et chimiquement défini / Cryopreservation of mammals’ sperm and pluripotent stem cells, in a synthetic and chemically defined medium

Gavin-Plagne, Lucie 19 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet CRB-Anim (Centre de Ressources Biologiques d’Animaux Domestiques) dont le but est de constituer une cryobanque nationale et d’améliorer les techniques de cryoconservation. Aujourd’hui, les ressources biologiques de type reproductif (embryons, sperme, ovocytes) et de type somatique (fibroblastes et cellules souches pluripotentes) sont conservées dans des milieux contenant des produits d’origine animale (POA). L’utilisation actuelle des POA (sérums, lait, jaune d’œuf) pose des problématiques sanitaires (risque de contamination) et scientifiques (manque de reproductibilité liée à la variabilité de composition des POA). Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet d’un milieu de préservation synthétique, chimiquement défini, breveté pour la congélation de cellules de sang de cordon (STEMALPHA.CRYO3) sur la cryoconservation de sperme ovin et bovin, et de cellules souches pluripotentes de lapin. Pour cela, une approche biologique (étude in vitro et in vivo sur le terrain), alliée à une approche physique (étude des cinétiques de refroidissement et caractérisation des propriétés thermodynamiques des milieux de congélation) ont été mis en place.Nos résultats montrent l’intérêt de l’utilisation du STEMALPHA.CRYO3, en tant que substituant aux sérums, dans les solutions de cryoconservation des cellules souches pluripotentes. Néanmoins, notre étude indique que ce produit n’est pas efficace pour protéger le sperme lors de la congélation. Cette thèse confirme l’intérêt de standardiser les procédures de cryoconservation afin d’assurer la qualité des ressources biologiques pour les cryobanques et les échanges internationaux / Nowadays, reproductive (embryos, sperm, oocytes) and somatic (fibroblasts and pluripotent stem cells) resources are cryopreserved in media containing animal-derived products (serum, egg yolk, milk). Using these products raises sanitary (risk of contamination) as well as scientific concerns (reproducibility limits due to the variability of their composition). This study aims to replace animal derived-product in assessing the effect of a synthetic and chemically defined medium, STEMALPHA.CRY03® (Stem Alpha, France), on the cryopreservation of ovine and bovine sperm, and on rabbit pluripotent stem cells. First, a physical approach permitted to study the cooling rates and the characterization of thermodynamic properties of the freezing media. The differential scanning calorimetry allowed us to define their phase transition temperatures (crystallization temperature, melting temperature and enthalpy variation of crystallization, proportional to the amount of crystallized ice). Second, a biological approach was used for the cryopreservation of bovine and ovine sperm, as well as rabbit pluripotent stem cells. Flow cytometry and computer- assisted sperm analyses showed that STEMALPHA.CRY03® impaired bovine sperm, compared to a medium containing animal derived-product. These last results were confirmed in ovine species. Nevertheless, artificial insemination by laparoscopy (n = 270 ewes) counteracts this impairment and allowed an average pregnancy rate of 70 %. Moreover, without any additive in the freezing medium, a similar pregnancy rate was obtained. The study of pluripotent gene expression profile, and analyses of viability and growth rates for the cryopreservation of rabbit pluripotent stem cells confirmed that synthetic media, STEMALPHA.CRY03® (with 4, 5 or 10 % of cryoprotectant) and CryoStor® CS10 (containing 10 % of cryoprotectant) were more efficient than serum-based media. We demonstrate that it is possible to cryopreserve sperm cells and pluripotent stem cells in synthetic and chemically defined media. 0ur results confirmed the interest of a standardized approach for cryopreservation procedures of genetic resources in mammals. This work meets the needs of cryobanking activities (quality policy) and of the regulation development within the framework of international trade

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