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Får lärare ha kul på jobbet? : En kvantitativ studie av lärares passion. / Are teachers allowed to have fun at work? : A quantitative survey of the passion of teachers.Sydvart, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen baseras på en enkätundersökning bland lärare i en kommun i Östergötland, där lärarnas uppfattning, om det fanns plats för passion i vardagspraktiken och om det uppmuntrades och stöttades av skolledningen, undersöktes. Frågeställningarna, om lärarnas uppfattning om de har någon passion, om de får möjlighet att utöva den i sin vardagsprakrik, om de stimuleras eller hindras av styrdokumenten, samt om de upplever att skolledningen tillför inspirerande motivation i en passionerad vardagspraktik, ledde till enkätfrågorna. Detta är en kvantitativ studie i enkätform, inom det empirisk-induktiva fältet, med en kvalitativt inriktad analys då svaren i enkäten är lärares uppfattningar av bl.a. relationer till skolledning och kollegor. Den har sin grund i positivismen, med så objektiva frågeformulering som möjligt samt lärarnas uppfattningar av fenomen och företeelser som svar (Bryman, 2002). Goda exempel av lärares uppfattningar analyserades och sammanfattades utifrån den förståelse som tidigare forskning gett. Aktuell forskning undersöktes och sammanlänkades med de undersökningsresultat som erhållits. Lärarna uppfattar att de får utrymme för sina passioner i vardagspraktiken, att de uppmuntras och stöttas av skolledningen och att deras arbete med passioner är lönemeriterande. Skolledarna möter lärarna i pedagogiska diskussioner, men är mindre benägna att ge tid schemamässigt. Vad gäller styrdokumenten anser lärarna att de inte är något hinder för en passionerad vardagspraktik. Kärnan i undersökningen var ändå om lärarna ansåg att de hade någon passion och det fanns en samstämmighet runt den elevcentrerade passionen: Elevernas lärande och elevernas välmående var i fokus när de skulle ange sin passion i vardagspraktiken. / This essay is based on a survey among teachers in a municipality in Östergötland, where the teachers' opinion, if there was room for passion in everyday practice and if it was encouraged and supported by the school management, was investigated. The issues of teachers' perception if they have passion, if they are given the opportunity to exercise it in the everyday practice, if they are stimulated or hindered by the policies, and whether they interpret the school management adding inspiring motivation in a passionate everyday practice, led to the survey questions. This is a quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire, in the empirical-inductive field, with a qualitatively oriented analysis where the answers in the questionnaire are teachers' experiences of, inter alia, relationships with school management and colleagues. It is rooted in positivism, with objective questionnaires, as well as teachers' perceptions of phenomena and phenomena responses (Bryman, 2002). Good examples of teachers impressions were analyzed and summarized based on the understanding that was given by previous research. Current research was studied and linked with the findings obtained. The teachers perceive they get space for their passions in everyday practice, they are encouraged and supported by the school management and that their work passions are wage meritorious. School leaders meet teachers in educational discussions, but are less likely to give time schedule-wise. As for the policy documents the teachers consider them not to be an obstacle to a passionate everyday practice. The core of the investigation was still if the teachers perceived that they had any passion, and there was a consensus around the student-centered passion: Students' learning and students' well-being was the focus when their passion in everyday practice was to be mentioned.
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Åtta 11-åringar och deras frågor och funderingar kring livet : en jämförelse av två studierKrasniqi, Albulena January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe children’s life issues. What kind ofquestions they have aboutlife, their thoughts about life. Another purpose of this study is to see the differences in how children’s thoughts about life have changed through the years. I have used a book called Barns tankar om livetwritten by Sven G Hartman which I used to make a comparison. This study will alsodiscusswhat the policy documents for Swedish schools say about the subject “life issues” or the questions of life.The method used for this study is a qualitative researchmethod. Eight children got interviewed and the results have been represented in a dialogue together with Hartman (1986) and Hartman (2007) result. For any further research of this study it would be interesting to do a studythat shows whetherSwedish schools follow the policy documents in the case of the “life issues”. To see how much the schools discuss such things.
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Kommuners framställningar av våld i nära relationer - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av sex kommunersDanielsson, Matilda, Schön, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Domestic violence is a major problem in the society. How policies and other important documents are framed lays the foundation for how the social work is structured. The objective of this study is to scrutinize documents covering the course of actions in cases of domestic violence in six different municipalities. More precisely, the study aims to investigate how the proposed policies constructs and describes domestic violence from the perspective of the abused and the abuser but also its impact on practical social work. For this purpose, the study adopted a qualitative summative content analysis to examine the policies from themes occurring in previous literature. Themes identified and used are as follows: municipalities explanations and definitions for domestic violence, production of domestic violence relative to gender, especially vulnerable groups and lastly the support in the social work. After that, themes were put into the perspectives of the feminist structural theory as well as the system theoretical view, also named the family violence perspective. The findings of this study suggest that when the municipality explains violence in close relationships with the gender neutral conception domestic violence, both men and women can take the role of the abuser. However, if violence instead was formulated as men’s violence against women, results assumed the man to be the abuser and the women to be abused. From this, various understandings and explanations resulted in different courses of action and who would be subject to this support. Moreover, noticeable was that in all documents scrutinized the woman was assumed to be abused regardless of theoretical perspective.
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Blicken på undervisningsbegreppet i lokala styrdokument : En diskursanalys av hur undervisningsbegreppet skrivs fram i förskolans lokala styrdokument / With the gaze on the concept of teaching in local policy documents : A discourse analysis of how the concept of teaching is projected in local policy documentsWaite, Carl, Wallander, David January 2020 (has links)
When the new curriculum for preschools Lpfö 2018 was released and the concept of teaching was introduced, it wasn’t without debate. Since then two years have passed and the work with understanding what the concept of teaching is, in relation to Swedish preschools is still ongoing. We are interested in how the concept of teaching is projected in local policy documents, and its relation to the concept of learning. To do so we asked the following questions: How is the concept of teaching being projected in local policy documents? How is the relationship between the concept of teaching and the concept of learning being projected? We have conducted a qualitative study with a social constructive onset where language is seen as a social construction. We collected seven different local policy documents that were the objects for analysis. The analysis was made through a discourse analysis. In our study we found that the concept of teaching isn’t given a lot of room in the local policy documents, in terms of a being defined in a deeper sense. Nevertheless, there are big variations in how the different practices write about the concept in local policy documents. Some already use the concept of teaching as a given, while some are still working with the understanding of what it is or simply don’t mention it. Another finding of ours is an overture towards the school-discourse, but at the same time a resistance towards that and a will to make the concept of teaching something new in relation to pre-school discourses. Another result we found is that when the concept of teaching is being used the teacher’s role becomes more prominent, while the teacher’s role is more inexplicit when the concept of learning is being used.
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“A stronger Denmark” vs. “to welcome people seeking refuge” An analysis of Danish and Swedish newspapers’ and policy documents’ framing of "the refugee crisis” and border controlsJayananthan, Diantha, Pedersen, Mette January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Danish and Swedish news media and governments framed “the refugee crisis” in the context of the Swedish implementation of border controls in 2015 and the removal of external border controls in 2017. We operationalize framing theory (Entman 1993) to understand the differences and similarities in the framing of "the refugee crisis” in Denmark and Sweden. While the main focus is media representations, policy documents are included in the study to deepen the analysis and understand the similarities and differences across migration policies. Through a quantitative content analysis of 259 newspaper articles from eight Danish and Swedish newspapers, a framing analysis of ten policy documents and a qualitative framing analysis of the overall frames in the news articles and policy documents, we identified a dialectic relation of power between media and political discourse in both countries. We found that issues defined and represented in policy documents tend to reflect the challenges that news media define and the other way around. Even though Danish and Swedish newspapers and policy documents highlight similar problems, our data indicates clear differences in migration policies, in the two countries, in terms of the framing of asylum seekers, refugees and political events in 2015.
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Left without protection : A study on how honour-related violence and oppression is being problematised in Swedish public policyGudmundsdottir, Margrét January 2022 (has links)
In June 2022, a new law will be implemented in the Swedish legal system, making honour- violence a certain crime. Before the new law has been implemented, investigations have been made by government officials trying to present how honour-related violence and oppression is a problem in the Swedish society. The aim for this thesis is to examine how the policy makers has presented the problematisation according to the method ‘What is the problem represented to be? (WPR). The questions that are being asked are how the policy makers problematise honour-related violence and oppression the Swedish society and how they present the Previous research has shown how social isolation and mobility plays a crucial role to those who experience honour-related violence and oppression. The thesis has therefore undertaken the theoretical framework of intersectionality to show how social and political identities can cause a person to experience a social isolation and subordination in society. The purpose is to examine how the policy makers problematise honour-violence and oppression in the law proposal and if they account for any particular vulnerabilities that can cause social isolation. Results shows that the victims of honour-related violence and oppression are being left without protection from their family, are the government including them in their policy documents to make sure that they are protected by laws and legislations? How the problem with honour-related violence and oppression is produced within policy documents and referral documents and if they account for particular vulnerability is what will be examined in this thesis and see if the government are subordinating an already subordinated group.
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I skuggan av våldet: Äldre kvinnor och våld i nära relation : En kvalitativ textanalysstudie om äldre kvinnors representation i svenska kommuners styrdokumentHultman, Clara, Kfoury, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor thesis explores the representation of older women ́s vulnerability and support needs in policy documents from Swedish municipalities concerning intimate partner violence. The background of this study is that there is a reason to believe in a difference concerning policy documents from Swedish municipalities regarding the work against intimate partner violence. The aim of this study is to examine the representation of older women in Swedish policy documents of intimate partner violence and how the representation is presented. To address the research question the study utilizes a qualitative text analysis method, the study employs the analytical tool along “Discrimination with words” which examines four different forms of linguistic discrimination which are “exclusion”, “belittlement”, “objectifying” and “negative differential treatment”, as well as “invisibility” that is also a form of discrimination. The study aimed to include all 290 Swedish municipality policy documents, however we were able to gain access to 144 policy documents. The findings reveal an underrepresentation of older women in the documents. Out of the 144 policy documents from municipalities, 64 mentioned older women. Moreover, the mentions often lacked depth and failed to adequately describe older women ́s unique challenges and needs. Out of the documents that mentioned older women, many did so in a generalized manner, lacking specific strategies to address their situations. The lack of detailed representation suggests that intimate partner violence against older women is not sufficiently acknowledged or addressed in the municipal policy documents. This study emphasizes the necessity for Swedish municipalities to expand their representation of older women experiencing intimate partner violence. Such improvements are necessary to ensure that older women receive adequate support that reflects a commitment to include intersectionality and ageism in Swedish policy documents. Lastly the findings underscore the importance of using inclusive language when forming policy documents.
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En bild säger mer än tusen ord : Analys av gudabilder i religionsläroböcker / A picture is worth a thousand words : Analyze of images of gods in schoolbooks for religions studiesRönnfjord Vedin, Malin January 2019 (has links)
I denna studie analyseras bilder i svenska religionsläroböcker för högstadiet. Syftet med denna studie är att granska och analysera hur ikoniska och anikoniska gudabilder inom hinduismen lyfts fram genom bilder i olika läroböcker sedan läroplanen (Lgr11) infördes. Analysen avser att undersöka om bilderna representerar ett inhemskt perspektiv (det vill säga hinduisk ikonografi) eller exempelvis ett orientalistiskt perspektiv. Resultaten jämförs sedan med hur styrdokumentens skrivningar uttrycker att ikoniska och anikoniska gudabilder inom hinduismen ska lyftas i religionsundervisning. Studien innefattar semiotiska bildanalyser och analys av tillhörande texter samt analys av styrdokument. Resultaten visar att bilderna i läroböckerna står i relation till ett inhemskt perspektiv, men att tillhörande texter och förklaringar till stor del står i relation till orientalistiska perspektiv. Resultaten visar att bilderna överensstämmer med styrdokumentens skrivningar men att det ändå är en brist i information och fakta. Det kan påverka elevernas förmåga att förstå hinduismen utifrån ett inhemskt perspektiv och istället fortsätta influeras av det orientalistiska perspektivet. / Images in swedish schoolbooks for religions studies in secondary school will be analysed in this essay. The purpose of the essay is to review and analyse how iconic and aniconic images of gods within hinduism are presented in images from textbooks that are produced since the new swedish policy documents (Lgr11) were introduced. The intent with the analyse is to find if the images represent a domestic perspective (hindu iconography) or an oriental perspective. The results from that will then be compared to how the swedish school policies about religion education present that iconic and aniconic images of gods within hinduism should be mediated in religious studies. The essay includes semiotic analyses of the images and analyse of the belonging texts, also an analyse of the policy documents. The results shows that the images in the schoolbooks meet the hindu iconography, while the text and explanations that comes with the images have an oriental perspective. The result also shows that the images meet the school documents guidelines but there is a lack of information and facts. This may affect the students ability to properly understand what hindusim is from a domestic perspective and will instead continue the be influenced with an oriental perspective.
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Idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie av politikers och tjänstemäns syn på idrottspolitikingefjord, Henrik, Vikström, Olle Unknown Date (has links)
This study was made in collaboration between Umeå University and Västerbotten sports federation. The study was aimed to find out how the municipalities are working with various issues in the sports field. A subject of interest for this study was to see if the municipalities were implementing strategies in the sports field on determined goals by using policy documents. Our study focused mostly on kids and youth that participate in organized sports in Västerbotten. Other aspects of interest in the study were economics in sports, how youth sports should be organized, and segregation in sports due to financial factors. The study was based on seven interviews in four different municipalities in Västerbotten. The result of the study showed a lack of working with determined goals in the sports field. Other clinical findings in the study were that in youth’s opportunities to participate in organized sport became a threat due to increasing costs; this may also increase segregation within the society. We also found that municipalities were interested in practicing a youth sports organization that would offer sports to a wide population. During our discussions with politicians and workers in the municipalities we saw a desire to start working in a more goal oriented way.
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Vad gör vi med texter? : Textarbete i en årskurs 3 / What do we do with texts? : Text work in a third gradeDensborn, Linda, Sehlstedt, Erika January 2010 (has links)
Enligt styrdokumenten skall elever rustas inför dagens samhällsliv, fortsatta studier och kommande arbetsliv vilket förutsätter att eleverna kan möta och förstå texter av olika slag. För att klara de nationella proven i åk 3 krävs att eleverna behärskar olika texttyper och vi vill med denna studie se hur arbetet med olika texter i en åk 3 ser ut samt vilka relationer mellan klassrummets textarbete och styrdokumentens intentioner vi kan utlä-sa. Vi är även intresserade av om undervisningen kring texter är inspirerad av literacy-forskning eller en mer traditionell syn på läs- och skrivinlärning. Vi tänker oss att denna studie kan leda till att verksamma lärare och lärarstudenter får upp ögonen för hur arbe-tet med olika texter kan se ut för att uppnå styrdokumentens intentioner. Vi har i studien använt oss av en empirisk kvalitativ observationsstudie för att få ett så trovärdigt resul-tat som möjligt. Resultatet visade att eleverna mestadels arbetade med texter av berät-tande karaktär och att undervisningen framför allt speglar en traditionell färdighetssyn där mycket fokus ligger på grammatik, form och struktur utan något större samman-hang. / As the policy documents reads students must be prepared for today´s society, further studies and future working which implies that students can understand and encounter different types of texts. To cope the National Tests in third grade the students must mas-ter different types of texts and with this study we want to study the work with texts in a third grade classroom, and also how the relation between classroom activities and policy documents may be understood. We are also interested in different Theories of reading and writing, and thus if text activities are inspired by literacy research or a more tradi-tional skill discourse. We imagine that this study can conduce to the active teachers and student teachers can take notice of the importance of early introduction of different types of texts for the students. In this study we have used an empirical qualitative obser-vational study to get a so credible result as possible. The result showed that most of the texts that the students worked with were of narrative character and that the education was based primarily on a traditional skill discourse whit focus on grammar, form and structure without any larger context.
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