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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formativ bedömning i den tidiga skrivundervisningen : Lågstadielärares syn på sin undervisningspraktik / Formative assessment in early writing education : Primary school teachers’ perspective on their own educational practices

Noah, Oklinski, Hellgren Franzén, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur formativ bedömning kommer till uttryck i lågstadielärares yrkesutövning i skrivundervisning samt de utmaningar och svårigheter som det kan innebära. Undersökningen bygger på data som samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer om formativ bedömning i skrivundervisningen. Metoden som användes för att analysera datan var innehållsanalys. Analysen genomfördes på det transkriberade intervjumaterialet. Resultaten visar att lärare har till viss del en samstämmig syn på vissa aspekter av formativ bedömning men resultaten avslöjar också vissa skillnader i lärarnas syn på formativ bedömning. Undersökningen visar att lågstadielärare lägger stor vikt vid elevernas self-efficacy och väljer därför att inte vara alltför kritiska till formen i elevernas texter. De fokuserar istället på de innehållsliga aspekterna i bedömningen av elevtexter som producerats av elever som befinner sig i den tidiga skriftspråksutvecklingen. Fokus skiftas successivt till formen i texterna i takt med att elevernas skriftspråk utvecklas. Lågstadielärare uttrycker även att deras formativa bedömning kan förmedlas både muntligt och skriftligt, men att båda kräver stor tidsåtgång. Just tid är något som lärare upplever som en bristvara och något som utgör ett hinder för den formativa bedömningen. Kamratbedömning, att vara närvarande i klassrummet, checklistor och att stötta eleverna under tiden som deras texter växer fram ses som särskilt effektiva formativa metoder.

Managing teacher professional development : a case study of foundation phase heads of departments in Mpumalanga province

Mashiane-Nkabinde, Mfulathelwa Maria Bongi 17 January 2020 (has links)
This study explored how foundation phase heads of departments manage and support professional development in the foundation phase. The study also explored the support these heads of departments receive from external sources in managing and supporting teachers in their professional development. Teachers' perspective about their professional development and support from heads of departments were also explored. A qualitative approach, located in an interpretive paradigm, was adopted. Drawing on various elements of case study research designs, the study focused on six foundation phase HoDs, one Intermediate Phase HoD and five foundation phase teachers from different school settings in one of the provinces in South Africa. Interviews and document analysis were used as the primary tools for data collection. During the interviews, teachers outlined their views on the support provided by both heads of departments and external sources that work to enhance their professional learning. Through a cross-case analysis approach, the study indicated that teachers appreciated the support received from heads of departments and external sources. The main finding of the study was that there was little support for the heads of departments from external sources. Another finding was that there was minimal support for heads of departments from external sources, predominantly Non-Governmental Organisations. This study indicated the none availability of induction programmes for the newly appointed foundation phase heads of departments. It is recommended that the Mpumalanga Department of Education organise an induction programme for the newly appointed foundation phase heads of departments. The induction should focus mainly on leadership and management. Lastly, it is recommended that government officials from the district, province and nation provide external support that would benefit the foundation phase heads of departments. / Ifundorhubhululweli belihlola ngokuzeleleko kobana iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo ziphatha begodu zisekela njani ukukhula kwabosolwazi kusigabasisekelo. Ifundorhubhululweli, liveze isekelo lemithombo yangaphandle, lokuphatha nokusekela abotitjhere ekukhuleni kwabo ngokwelwazi. Indlela abotitjhere babona ngayo ukukhula kwabo ngokwelwazi nesekelo abalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nalo lihlolwe ngokuzeleko. Ifinyelelo lekhwalitheyithivi eliyi-interpretative paradigm ngilo elisetjenzisiweko. Ngokutjhejwa kwemihlobo eyahlukahlukeneko yeemfundosehlakalo, iinHloko zemiNyango ezisithandathu (HoD’s) zesigabasisekelo, iHloko yesiGaba (HoD) ngayinye nabotitjhere abasithandathu besigaba sisisekelo, ababuya eenkolweni ezihlukahlukeneko ngokuhleleka esifundeni sinye seSewula Afrika. Ukuhlunga nokuhlaziywa kwamadokhumende/kwemitlolo ngikho okusetjenziswe ukubuthelela ilwazi elaneleko. Ngesikhathi sokuhlungwa, abotitjhere baveze imizwa yabo ngesekelo ebalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nakumithombo yangaphandle ebasiza ukwandisa ilwazi labo kezefundo. Ngokwefinyelelo le-cross analysis, ifundorhubhululweli litjengise kobana abotitjhere bayalithokozela isekelo abalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nalelo elibuya kumithombo yangaphandle. Okukhulu okufunyenwe lirhubhululweli, litlhayelo lesekelo eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo elibuya kumithombo yangaphandle, kuqaliswe khulu eenhlanganweni ezingasekelwa mbuso (Non-Governmental Organisations). Ifundorhubhululweli litjengise godu itlhayelo lamahlelo wokufundisa iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo ezibekwe eenkhundleni ezitjha. Amahlelo wokufundisa iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo eziqedwa ukubekwa eenkhundleni, ezitjha azokuhlelwa mNyango wezeFundo eMpumalanga. Ukwethulwa kwabo kufanele kuqale zoburholi nokuphatha. Kokugcina, iinsebenzi zombuso ezibuya iiyingini, eemfundeni zenarha yoke zinikele ngesekelo langaphandle elizokuzuzisa iinhloko zeminyango yefundo yesigaba-sisisekelo. / Lolu cwaningo luhlola ukuthi izinhloko zeminyango yesigaba semfundo eyisisekelo ziyiphatha ziyesekele kanjani intuthuko yobuchwepheshe esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. Lolu cwaningo luhlole nangokwesekeleka okuvela emithonjeni yangaphandle okutholwa yilezi zinhloko zeminyango ekuphatheni nasekwesekeleni othisha ekuthuthukeni ebuchwephesheni emsebenzini wabo. Kwabuye kwahlolwa ukuthi othisha bakubuka ngeso elinjani ukuthuthuka kwabo emsebenzini wabo nokubheka ukwesekelwa kwabo yizinhloko zeminyango. Kwalandelwa indlela yokubheka ikhwalithi egaxwe emkhakheni wokuchazwa (interpretative) kwezinto. Kwacashunwa ezimpawini ezahlukene zokucubungula amadizayini okucwaninga kokwenzeka ngempela (case study), kwagxilwa kuZinhloko Zeminyango eziyisithupha zeSigaba Semfundo Eyisisekelo, eyodwa yeSigaba Semfundo Emaphakathi, nothisha abahlanu besigaba semfundo eyisisekelo abavela ezizindeni zemfundo ezahlukene kwesinye sezifundazwe zaseNingizimu Afrika. Kwasetshenziswa ukuhlaziywa kwama-intaviyu namadokhumenti njengamathuluzi okuqoqa imininingwane noma idatha. Ngesikhathi sama-intaviyu, othisha babenika imibono yabo ngokwesekelwa ababekuthola ezinhlokweni zeminyango nemithombo evela ngaphandle eyayibambisene ekuthuthukiseni ukufunda kwabo ubuchwepheshe. Lapho kusetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziya ngokugamanxana kokucubungulwayo (cross-case), ucwaningo lukhombise ukuthi othisha bakuthokozela ukwesekelwa abakuthola kuzinhloko zeminyango nemithombo evela ngaphandle. Okubalulekile okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo ukuthi kuncane kakhulu ukwesekelwa ezazikuthola emithonjeni yangaphandle izinhloko zeminyango. Okunye okwatholakala ukuthi kuncane kakhulu ukwesekelwa izinhloko zeminyango ezazikuthola kuvela ngaphandle, ikakhulu eziNhlanganweni okungezona ezikaHulumeni. Lolu cwaningo lukhombise ukuthi azitholakali izinhlelo zokuzingenisa emsebenzini (induction) izinhloko zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo, Kunconywa ukuthi uMnyango Wemfundo WaseMpumalanga uhlele ukuba kube nohlelo lokuzingenisa emsebenzini izinhloko ezintsha zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. Lokhu kungeniswa kumele kugxile ebuholini nasekuphatheni. Okokugcina-ke, kunconywa ukuthi izikhulu zikahulumeni ezivela esifundeni, esifundazweni nakuzwelonke zilethe ukwesekela okuzosiza izinhloko zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Educational Leadership and Management)

Digitala lärresurser i problemlösningsundervisningen : En kvalitativ undersökning om matematiklärares uppfattningar om digitala lärresurser i problemlösningsundervisningen / Digital resources in problem-solving teaching : A qualitative study about mathematics teacher’s view on digital resources in problem-solving teaching

Crepulja, Maria, Larsson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur matematiklärare beskriver digitala lärresursers användbarhet i sin problemlösningsundervisning. För att undersöka detta har flera kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. De genomförda intervjuerna med lärarna har analyserats med hjälp av TPACK-ramverket och visar att problemlösning med digitala lärresurser har både fördelar och nackdelar. De fördelar som lärarna lyfter fram berör i huvudsak individualisering och differentiering, exempelvis att det är enkelt att hitta och anpassa uppgifter till respektive elevs nivå. Nackdelarna handlar främst om digitala läromedlens funktion, bland annat att det finns för få och för enkla problemuppgifter. Digitala lärresurser möter delvis lärarnas förväntningar, men resultatet visar också på vilken utvecklingspotential som finns. / The purpose of this study is to examine how mathematical teachers describe digital teaching resources usefulness in their problem-solving teaching. To examine this, we have conducted several qualitative semi-structured interviews. The completed interviews with the teachers have been analyzed using the TPACK-framework and show that problem-solving using digital resources have both pros and cons. According to the teachers the advantages are mainly connected to individualization and differentiation, for example it is easy to find and adjust tasks to each pupil’s level. The disadvantages concern the function of digital teaching aids, among other things, there are too few and too simple problem-solving tasks. Overall digital resources match the teacher’s expectations, but the result also indicate the potential for development.

Samverkan mellan fritidshem och grundskola : En intervjustudie om hur lärare på fritidshemmet och grundskollärare upplever samverkan / Cooperation between leisure time center and elementary school : A studie about how leisure-time teachers and primary school teachers experience cooperation

Lillieholm, Sophie, Korpela, Mia January 2021 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att undersöka lärare i fritidshem och grundskollärares upplevelser och erfarenheter kring samverkan på en skola. Studien bygger på intervjuer med fyra lärare i fritidshem och fyra grundskollärare. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna upplever att det inte finns en fungerande samverkan mellan fritidshemmet och grundskolan, men visar samtidigt att inställningen som lärarna har till samverkan i de båda verksamheterna är att det finns en stark vilja och en önskan om att förbättra detta. Undersökningens resultat visar också att på grund av brist på samverkan, finns inte möjligheten att delge och ta vara på varandras yrkeskompetenser på det sätt som lärarna själva önskar. Vidare visar resultatet att mer gemensam planeringstid och gemensamma möten krävs för att kunna skapa och utveckla en större och mer fungerande samverkan mellan varandra. / The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers´ experiences of collaboration at a school inHelsingborg. This study is analysed with the help of selected theories and based on a qualitativemethod. We have had the opportunity to interview four teachers in leisure-time centres and fourprimary school teachers. The result of the study is that teachers feel that there is no collaborationbetween the occupational categories. At the same time the study shows that the teacher’s attitudetowards collaboration is that there is a strong will and desire to improve. Due to the lack ofcollaboration, there is no opportunity to share knowledge and competence. Furthermore, theresults show that more time together are required to be able to develop a functionalcollaboration.

The design and development of information and communication technology instructional tools for primary school teachers

Motene, Rannosi Francis 06 1900 (has links)
Despite attempts by the South African government in partnership with private sector to equip schools with computers, research has shown that technology integration into teaching and learning is very low. Literature revealed that professional development or capacitation of teachers as the key element in enabling them to utilise technology and integrate it in their teaching practices. The main aim of this study was to design and develop Information Communication and Technology (ICT) instructional tools which were to be used to train teachers in primary schools on how to integrate ICT into teaching and learning. Design research and Instructional design theories were employed in guiding this study. The study used the ADDIE model of Instructional design as a guiding principle in the design and development of the tools. The study is located in the positivist paradigm of exploring reality and the methodology employed in this study was quantitative in nature. The participants were 28 teachers from three primary schools. The sample was purposely selected since the schools were awarded computers after taking part in a water management project. The quantitative data to determine the participants‟ prior knowledge, effectiveness of the solution and the teachers‟ satisfaction with the designed solution were collected by means of two questionnaires administered in two phases: pre- and post- workshop. The results of this study revealed that capacitation of teachers have to lay the foundation for ICT integration into teaching and learning. Giving computers to schools can lead to successful integration once the teachers feel competent to use them. Furthermore, it is crucial that other intervention strategies be explored, to empower teachers. It is recommended that this study be transferred to other similar situations. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The implementation of professional development in the foundation phase in the North West Province with reference to Curriculum and assessment policy statement

Morake, Machomi Nnior 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the training given to Foundation Phase (FP) teachers in the implementation of Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), with the intention to develop an alternative professional development (PD) approach for this Phase. Literature indicates that the academic success of learners can be significantly affected by Foundation Phase teachers’ access and participation in quality PD activities. It also indicates that PD is much more than training. It includes on-going workshops, follow-up, study, reflections, observations and assessment which accommodates FP teachers as learners, recognises the long-term nature of learning, and utilises methods that are likely to lead teachers to improve their practice as professionals. In this study, mixed methods research approach was employed to collect empirical data. It includes questionnaires responded to by 84 FP teachers, three sets of interview questions, that is, one for 9 primary school principals, one for 3 subject advisors, and the last one for the Focus group made up of 10 FP teachers who were not included in questionnaires. Observation at training centre was also conducted. The study revealed that the responses from the five sets of data collection instruments seemed to agree on the following: - FP teachers were not involved in the design of their PD activities; - An appropriate time for FP teachers to engage in PD activities is during school holidays; - The length of the training was too short; - Training was not based on the teachers identified needs; and - It was not designed by teachers in cooperation with experts in the field. This study therefore recommends the use of mixed-models approach because the Cascade model that was used, is not addressing the needs of all FP teachers. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Faktore wat die motiveringsvlakke van die grondslagfase-onderwysers in die Waterbergdistrik van die Limpopo Provinsie beinvloed

Viljoen, Christelle 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Gemotiveerde onderwysers speel 'n belangrike rol in suksesvolle onderrig en leer. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om faktore te identifiseer wat 'n invloed uitoefen op onderwysermotivering. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp van individiduele onderhoud-voering met agt doelgerig geselekteerde deelnemers is gebruik ten einde antwoorde te kry op faktore wat „n invloed uitoefen op die motivering van grondslagfase-onderwysers. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was ook om riglyne aan onderwysers te verskaf oor hoe om hulself te motiveer en aan skoolhoofde oor hoe om hul onderwysers te motiveer. Daar is bevind dat faktore wat 'n invloed uitoefen op die motivering van onderwysers verband hou met die spesifieke skoolomgewing, die finansiële vergoeding van onderwysers, die werksverhoudings met ander onderwysers, die invloed van ouers, die verhoudings met die skoolhoof en die gedrag van leerders. As belangrikste motiveringsfaktor geld die onderwyser se eie lewensingesteldheid wat of op 'n positiewe of negatiewe lewensuitkyk gesentreer kan wees. / Motivated teachers play an important role in successful teaching and learning. The aim of this study was to identify factors that have an influence on teacher motivation. A qualitative research design was used. Individual interviews with eight purposefully selected participants were held to get answers to the factors that have an influence on the motivation of foundation phase teachers. The aim of this study was also to give guidelines to teachers on how to motivate themselves and to school principles on how to motivate teachers. The results indicate that factors influencing the motivation of teachers have to do with the specific school environment, the financial reward of teachers, the work relationship with other teachers, the influence of parents, therelationship with the school principal and the behaviour of learners. The most important motivation factor is the teacher‟s own attitude towards lifewhichcanrepresenta positive or negative life view. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Implementation of the curriculum and assessment policy statements in selected primary schools in Limpopo Province

Molepo, Verrah Mmotong 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the implementation of the curriculum and assessment policy statements in the selected primary schools in Limpopo Province. An empirical investigation following qualitative approach was carried out to investigate the views of teachers from two primary schools in Capricorn District. Two curriculum advisors were interviewed as well as five teachers to find out their views and experiences on the CAPS training and implementation issues and challenges. The study confirms that teachers are not well prepared to meet the challenges of the CAPS. The time set aside for training is limited, the resources needed to support teachers and the implementation are inadequate and some of the trainers are not well prepared. The study recommends that the Department of Basic Education continues engaging with trainers, school management teams, teachers and learners and determine specific strategies, based on the school contexts, to improve the provision of training, resources and support to enable effective and efficient curriculum implementation. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

一位澳門小學普通話教師教學專業知識實踐之個案研究 / Case study of the pedagogical practice of a Putonghua teacher in Macau

汪以慧 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門中小學體育教師工作壓力及其因應方式之調查研究 / Job stress and its coping strategy for the teachers of physical education in Macau primary and middle schools

陳唯健 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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