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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medlen helgar målen : Förhållandet mellan beställare och utförare i Nacka kommuns upphandlade biblioteksverksamhet som det formaliseras i styrdokument / The Means Justify the Ends : The relationship between municipality and contractors in the privatized libraries of Nacka

Hedelin, Lars January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the means of control that a municipality has over privatized library services. Specifically what methods of evaluation it uses, and how it formulates its demands in contracts and other documents. The case study was the municipality of Nacka, Sweden. Method. All documents investigated in the thesis with information concerning the public libraries of Nacka kommun were gathered from the municipality's website and archive. Interviews were conducted with representatives of the two contractors currently in charge of operating the six library branches of the Nacka library system. Analysis. Document analysis was used to identify sections of text with relevant information. Taking into account the status and relationship of the source documents theses were arranged thematically according to a model of organizations proposed by Charles Perrow. The motive of the analysis was to identify the ends the municipality has in mind for the libraries and what means they propose to use to reach those ends. Perrow’s concept of bounded rationality was used to look for inconsistencies in the relationship between means and ends in the organizational structure. Insights gained from the interviews were used to corroborate the findings. Results. Instances of bounded rationality was found in the way the municipality specifies and evaluates the work of the external contractors. Further studies should take into account the interests of the contractors and how that affects the privately run public libraries. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Kommunernas dilemma kring avyttringar av Samhällsfastigheter : En analys av samspelet mellan det offentliga och det privata / Municipalities’ dilemma regarding divestments of public properties

Bergvall, Olof, von Bahr, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
Under senare år har antalet privata aktörer verksamma inom segmentet för samhällsfastigheter, en typ av fastighet där samhällsservice bedrivs, mångdubblats. Cirka 85 procent av dessa fastigheter bedöms finnas i kommunal, regional eller statlig ägo, men allt större andel förvärvas av privata aktörer. Med bakgrund av detta ämnade denna studie att identifiera de bakomliggande drivkrafterna för utvecklingen av marknadssegmentet för samhällsfastigheter och främst hur kommuner förhåller sig till det privata investeringsintresset. Studien baserades på såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa datainsamlingar där representanter från offentlig och privat sektor intervjuades och data insamlades. Dessa analyserades och jämfördes mot varandra för att nå ett tillfredsställande resultat. Resultatet analyserades dels genom teorier som moral hazard och asymmetrisk information, men även genom tidigare forskning på området. Detta för att belysa de svårigheter som uppkommer mellan kontraktsparter i sådana transaktioner och vad som får kommuner att vara återhållsamma i sina beslut om avyttringar Resultatet visade att det primärt är demografiska utmaningar och investeringsbehov och sekundärt ekonomiska problem som får kommuner att avyttra samhällsfastigheter, och att politiken spelar en mindre roll. Fastighetsbolagen anser att kommuner är en säker hyresgäst och ser främst till demografin i sina investeringsstrategier. För att undvika moral hazard-problem fann studien att tydligare avtal krävs mellan parterna och ett ökat ansvarstagande av bolagen. Studien fann att ett ökat privat inflytande i segmentet för samhällsfastigheter är att vänta. / In recent years, the number of private companies active in the public property sector has increased manifold. Public properties are those in which some form of public service is practiced. Some 85 percent of these are estimated to be owned by municipalities, regional authorities and the central government, but the share owned by private real estate companies is increasing. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify driving forces behind the market development of the public property segment, and primarily how municipalities regard the private companies’ interest in buying their properties. The method chosen for this study was both quantitative as well as qualitative, where representatives from both public and private sectors was interviewed and historical data were collected. In analyzing our results, comparisons to previous research were made and theories such as moral hazard and asymmetric information applied. This method was used to accentuate problems that might arise in transactions between public and private interests and how these cause municipalities to be wary of selling real estate. The results showed that changes in demographics and the need for investments in public property are primary causes of selling real estate, whereas municipalities’ financial performances are secondary. Ideology appeared to be a less impacting factor than the aforementioned two. Private companies consider municipalities risk-free tenants and view demographics as the key factor in their investment strategy. To prevent moral hazard problems, the study found that transparent and flexible lease contracts are needed, as well as increased responsibility-taking by the companies. The study showed that an increase in private sector influence over the public property sector is to be expected.

Svenska kyrkans funktion i den palliativa vården : - ett religionssociologiskt perspektiv

Bengtsson, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Through the lenses of religion’s role in society, the purpose of this thesis is to examine, the role of the Church of Sweden in providing support to people at the end of life. Questions asked are:  "What types of spiritual support is offered by the Church of Sweden during terminal care provided in patients' homes and how is this support expressed in church orders, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters?" and " How can the work of the Church of Sweden be understood, based on theories of religion's role in society? The method used is a content analysis of the Church Order, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters in 17 different congregations within the diocese of Lund. I then engage in a discussion with theories on differentiation and the privatization of religion as a means to interpret my results. My conclusion is that the investigated parishes in the diocese of Lund do not have any specific goals or targets documented for spiritual support to people who are at life’s end cared in their homes. This can be understood based on theories of differentiation. The privatization of religion may explain the phenomenon that people's religious needs are not linked to the collective institutional religion of the Church of Sweden.  This is despite of the fact that a large proportion of the Swedish population belongs to the Church of Sweden. The de-privatization of religion, at a societal level can explain the reason why these concerns are attracting an increased interest from the healthcare services as people's need of spiritual support are discussed. The question of who should meet the patients' needs for spiritual support is unclear.

Privatisering av offentliga rum : fallstudier av två torg i Malmö stad

Dogertz, Håkansson, Jasmine, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie behandlas ämnet offentliga rum, en diffus definition av allmänna platser som denna uppsats syftar till att råda bot på. Studiens ämne baseras på antaganden om en tilltagande privatisering av offentliga rum som pågår runt om i Sverige och världen, som skapar offentliga rum präglade av handel och service. Forskning och teori i denna studie fokuserar på att finna karaktären av ett offentligt rum och undersöka de konsekvenser som kommer av privatisering. För att besvara de frågor som ställts kommer två fallstudier från Malmö stads två torg Stortorget och Lilla torg redovisas, där forskarnas egna antagande och observationer kompletteras med intervjuer från användare som beskriver sin syn och upplevelse av rummen. I uppsatsen kommer det gå att läsa om de olika fallens bakgrund, hur de uppfattas av besökare, hur de kan ses som motpoler till varandra och vilka konsekvenser offentlighet, eller bristen på det, har på olika grupper. Studien är en del av kandidatprogrammet Fysisk planering vid Blekinge tekniska högskola i Karlskrona. Ämnet, privatisering av offentliga rum, har valts då det är ett intressant ämne att diskutera inom fysisk planering, då gränsen mellan vad fysisk planering kan, och inte kan, påverka är tunn och svår att hantera. Vid ytterligare frågor eller funderingar kring innehållet i uppsatsen eller ämnet, vänligen kontakta författarna på respektive mail: Linnéa Håkansson: linnea-hakansson@hotmail.com Jasmine Dogertz: jasminedogertz@gmail.com / This study concerns the subject public spaces, a vague definition of public places that this study will disentangle. The study is based on assumptions about an increasing privatisation of public spaces that is happening all over Sweden and around the world, that creates public spaces characterized by commerce and service. Science and the theory in this study focuses on to find characterizing trades of a public space and to investigate the consequences that privatization create. To answer questions that has been asked shall two case studies, that has been made on two squares in Malmö called Stortorget and Lilla torg be accounted for, where scientists own assumptions and observations supplemented with interviews from users who describes their view and experience on the subject. In this study will you be able to read about the two cases background, how they are perceived by the users, how they can be seen as opposites and which consequences publicness, or the lack of it, has on different groups. The study is a part of the bachelor program at Fysisk planering (Spatial planning) at Blekinge tekniska högskola (Blekinge technical university) in Karlskrona. The subject, privatization of public spaces, has been chosen because it is an interesting subject to discuss, especially within spatial planning because the borders concerning what spatial planning is able to or not able to do is narrow and hard to equipoise. Further questions or thoughts concerning the content of this study or the subject, please contact the authors on their respective email: Linnéa Håkansson: linnea-hakansson@hotmail.com Jasmine Dogertz: jasminedogertz@gmail.com

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

Jensen, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeindependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing. By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school’s results as a whole. They rely on the teachers to produce theseresults among their students, which at times creates a heavy burden on teachers. The teachersare expected to have a much larger role, often ones that have to do with advertising for theschool in addition to teaching their students. In order to attract more student applications,school management expects that their teachers follow a curriculum that will produce highscores and grades. This study was done with a secondary school in Stockholm, where four teachers and oneprincipal were interviewed in order to have their opinion of the discussion about teachers newposition in the school as they operate today.

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

Jensen, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
<p>During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeindependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing.</p><p>By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school’s results as a whole. They rely on the teachers to produce theseresults among their students, which at times creates a heavy burden on teachers. The teachersare expected to have a much larger role, often ones that have to do with advertising for theschool in addition to teaching their students. In order to attract more student applications,school management expects that their teachers follow a curriculum that will produce highscores and grades.</p><p>This study was done with a secondary school in Stockholm, where four teachers and oneprincipal were interviewed in order to have their opinion of the discussion about teachers newposition in the school as they operate today.</p>

Privatisering av svensk säkerhet : Vilka faktorer driver expansionen av privata säkerhetsföretag? / The privatization of Swedish security : Which factors contributes to the expansion of private security companies?

Halvarsson, Niklas January 2011 (has links)
Sedan kalla krigets slut har en ny typ av aktör dykt upp i internationella konflikter och krig världen över. Denna aktör är privata företag som i dagsläget erbjuder allt från supplementär logistik till att helt ersätta nationella arméer. Utgångspunkten i denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka faktorer som har skapat en marknad för dessa företag generellt, samt vilka av dessa faktorer som kan förklara framväxten i Sverige specifikt. I uppsatsen undersöks befintlig forskning kring vad som drivit utvecklingen. Därefter kommer befintlig teori att prövas som förklaringsmodell för expansionen i Sverige. Den befintliga teorin som prövats på Sverige består av sju faktorer beskrivandes politiska och samhälleliga förutsättningar vilka förklarar expansionen. Av dessa återfinns samtliga i Sverige, men genom en analys av deras respektive giltighet i svensk kontext uppstår en mer nyanserad bild, där endast fyra av faktorerna är relevanta som förklaringar. Dessa är en transformation av försvarets fokus och organisation, en politisk trend av privatisering samt ett överflöd av militärt utbildad personal utan sysselsättning. Av dessa är den förstnämnda den starkaste katalysatorn medan den sistnämnda endast i viss mån påverkar den redan pågående expansionen. / Since the end of the Cold War a new phenomenon has shown in international conflict and war, worldwide. This phenomenon is the private companies nowadays offering supplementary logistics, armed troops to the front and everything in between. This essay aims to identify which factors that have contributed to the creating of a market for these companies in general, and which of these that can explain the growth of Swedish companies in particular. In the essay previous research on the topic of privatization of security are examined and thereafter applied onSwedenin order to examine to what extent it can be used to explain the changes inSweden. The existent theory applied onSwedenconsists of seven factors, describing political and social basis, which explain the expansion. All of these are found in Sweden, however, through a further analysis of their individual relevance, a more nuanced result can be seen, whereas only four out of seven are relevant as explanations. These are a transformation in defence focus and organization, a political trend of privatization and a flood of trained unemployed military personnel. The first one of these is the strongest catalyst for expansion while the latter only to a certain degree reinforces the already ongoing process.

Privatisering – men till vilket pris?  : En uppsats om värdering och prissättning av offentliga verksamheter inför privatisering 

Saidi, Saman January 2011 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har omfattningen av privatiseringar tilltagit i Sverige och i synnerlighet har fenomenet ”avknoppning” av offentlig verksamhet blivit en allt vanligare företeelse.  ”Avknoppning” är en privatiseringsform där ansvariga och anställda i den offentliga verksamheten tar över driften och bedriver verksamheten vidare i form av ett privaträttsligt subjekt, ofta i form av ett aktiebolag. Från politiskt håll och via dagstidningar samt annan media har uppmärksamhet riktats mot dessa privatiseringar, bland annat gällande värderingsaspekten av offentliga verksamheter vid privatisering. Anklagelser om utförsäljning eller ren bortskänkning av offentliga tillgångar har föranlett att vissa avknoppningar även lett till domstolsprövning. Denna uppsats granskar och klarlägger de rättsliga förutsättningarna och begränsningarna för ett avknoppningsförfarande av kommunala verksamheter ur ett värderingsperspektiv för att vidare jämföra detta med en värdering av en privaträttslig verksamhet inför en överlåtelse. Resultatet visar att avknoppningsförfarandet som privatiseringsmetod enligt författarens bedömning inte är förenligt med vare sig svensk förvaltningslagstiftning eller EU-lagstiftning, då förfarandet saknar marknadsmässig förankring vilket krävs för avyttring av kommunala verksamheter. Med det överhängande kravet på marknadsmässighet menas att kommunala verksamheter ska betraktas och värderas som vilken annan aktör som helst i den privata sektorn. Detta har visat sig innehålla en rad problem då förutsättningarna för de kommunala verksamheterna och de privata inte är de samma på en rad områden. Dels genom de rättsliga förutsättningar och dels genom att värderingsmetoderna inte kan tillgodose de icke marknadsmässiga premisser som präglar dessa typer av verksamheter. Vidare föreslår författaren att nationellt anpassade rekommendationer för hur värdering av offentliga verksamheter ska gå till bör upprättas för fortsatta privatiseringsförfaranden. Detta för att motverka framtida oklarheter och eventuella ”reor” vid avyttring av kommunala verksamheter.

Making a Market out of a Welfare State : Swedish Local Politicians’ Perspectives on Elderly Care Marketisation

Guo, Ming January 2017 (has links)
Market reforms have quite notably been used as a solution to increase the quality of public services and efficiency since the 1990s. Sweden has also introduced marketisation in the field of elderly care since 1992 to cope with increasing care needs while maintaining costs at a reasonable level. Yet, the introduction of a market mechanism in the welfare state is subject to increasing political and public debates. Many are sceptical about the purported benefits of a market, such as increased quality and reduced costs, as proposed by New Public Management. There have also been increasing critiques of the profit-making in care services in recent years. After two decades of marketisation, it is worthwhile to map out local politicians’ attitude patterns, namely, how they perceive the use of a market or quasi-market in a welfare state, where the market mechanism might challenge traditional principles such as universalism, solidarity, and equality. Complementary to studies on attitudes of public welfare, this research uses a unique survey dataset from 2014 to expand current understandings of politicians’ perspectives of marketisation. To be more specific, this study analyses three different aspects of marketisation: production, regulation, and financing. The results show that attitudinal differences between left- and right-wing politicians on private for-profit providers remain distinct. Political orientations of individuals, political majority in municipalities, and the privatisation level already achieved locally are identified as important factors in explaining local politicians’ willingness to privatise further. The preference differences continue to exist between the two blocs, and political ideology plays a major role in explaining these differences, more so than individual factors such as age, gender, or working position. Self-reported answers reveal that political ideology influences attitude formation. To a large extent, left- and right-wing politicians agree on welfare principles such as universalism, and they both recognise potential impacts that the market could have on society, such as inequality. It seems plausible that welfare state pluralism is the direction of the future. This case study serves as a solid example for examining the market development of public welfare in advanced welfare states and also contributes to the discussion of the potential role of political ideology in post-austerity welfare reforms. / Marknadsreformer har i ökande grad använts som en lösning för att öka effektiviteten och kvaliteten på offentliga tjänster sedan 1990-talet. I Sverige har också en gradvis marknadsanpassning ägt rum från tidigt 1990-tal med syfte att klara av ökade vårdbehov och för att upprätthålla kostnaderna på en rimlig nivå. Införandet av marknadsmekanismer i välfärdsstaten har blivit föremål för en livlig offentlig debatt. Många debattörer har varit klart skeptiska till de påstådda fördelarna med en marknadsanpassning, såsom förbättrad kvalitet och reducerade kostnader, som bland annat hävdats av New Public Managementskolans anhängare. Samtidigt har också skett en växande kritik av vinstuttagen och vinsttillväxten inom offentligfinansierad vård och omsorg de senaste åren. Efter två årtionden av marknadsanpassning är det motiverat att kartlägga lokalpolitikernas attityder, avseende hur de ser på den ökande marknadsanpassningen av den traditionella välfärdsstaten, där marknadsmekanismen kan utmana principer som universalism, solidaritet och jämställdhet. Förutom tidigare analyser av attityder beträffande offentlig välfärd är denna studie baserad på en unik enkätundersökning riktad till svenska kommunpolitiker genomförd 2014 i syfte att undersöka politikernas syn på de ökade marknadsinslagen inom offentlig äldreomsorg. Studien analyserar tre olika aspekter av marknadsanpassningen: produktion, reglering och finansiering. Resultatet visar att skillnaderna i attityder mellan vänster - och högerpolitiker avseende inslaget av privata vinstdrivande tjänsteleverantörer är mycket tydligt. Individernas politiska tillhörighet, politisk majoritet i kommunerna och privatiseringsnivån identifieras som viktiga faktorer för att förklara lokala politikernas villighet att öka privatiseringsgraden ytterligare. Det finns tydliga preferensskillnader mellan de två blocken och den politiska ideologin spelar en övergripande roll, medan individuella faktorer som ålder, kön eller politisk position spelar en klart mindre roll. Att ideologin är viktig konfirmeras även av politikernas självskattning avseende vilken betydelse olika faktorer har haft för deras attityder. I hög grad finns en samstämmighet mellan vänster- och högerpolitiker avseende välfärdsprinciper som universalism, och både blocken anser att marknaden kan bidra till ökad ojämlikhet i samhället. Det verkar troligt att välfärdsstatspluralismen är riktningen för framtiden. Denna fallstudie kan utgöra ett exempel för studier av marknadsanpassning i offentlig välfärd i avancerade välfärdsstater. Studien kan också bidra till diskussioner om den politiska ideologins potentiella roll för reformer av välfärdsstaten.

MILITÄR-PRIVAT OUTSOURCING I GRÅZONEN : En Kartläggning av Gråzonsproblematik Kring Nyttjande av Privata Rederier för Sjöburen Transportlogistik inom Försvarsmakten.

Ankerst, Emil January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to identify, establish and discuss the potential problems associated with outsourcing military functions to private enterprises within the context of “grey-area” threats. This is of high relevance as essential parts of the Swedish armed forces (SAF) sea logistic chain are dependent on private shipping companies (PSC) as they do not possess these functions inhouse, and the “grey-area” in particular is a subject of great juridical uncertainty. By focusing on chartering and freighting outsourcing between PSCs and the SAF, the ambition is to identify certain risks, complications and difficulties for the operational capacity of the SAF, that may arise as a result of threatful situations within the grey-area.By conducting in-depth interviews with prominent personnel within both the SAF and PSCs, it has been possible to identify certain areas of complex issues and challenges necessary to address when entering into freighting agreements adequate for grey-area threats. In conclusion the study identified the following main problematic areas: ·      No guarantee from the state to ensure PSC assets when damaged by grey-area activity, puts increasing demand for good will between parties. This is problematic in the sense of becoming a normative relationship, and not substantial. ·      The SAF may find themselves in a disadvantageous position in terms of competences and resources when negotiating agreements.  ·      Lack of PSC involvement in defence planning leads to deficient understanding for SAF needs and demands. ·      PSCs as civilian corporations are more vulnerable to societal disturbances, which may lead to slow response in crisis-situations. ·      PSCs as a global industry risk (i) exploitation of free-market dynamics by antagonistic activity through foreign co-ownership and buyout, (ii) juridical limitations through PSCs using ships of foreign nations (flag), and (iii) shortage in manpower, as well as security threats to SAF interests may arise by PSCs using multinational crews. ·      Freighting between parties is a time-consuming process which may be problematic for quick response to grey-area threats.

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