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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Faktorer som kan främja eller försämra förutsättningarna för att socionomen kan ha ett långvarigt yrkesliv i ett patient-eller klientnära arbete / Factors that can promote or worsen the conditions for the social worker to have a long term professional working life in patient - or client related work.

Örtenblad, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syftet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar socionomer i ett klient-eller patientnära arbete och som kan bidra till förståelse för vad som kan bidra till ett långt och hållbart yrkesliv i det sociala arbetet. Socionomen tillhör kontaktyrkena vilket innebär att det finns risker som kommer med yrket. Socionomen kan till exempel drabbas av psykisk ohälsa på grund av att ej kunna bemästra den stress som kan uppstå i mötet med patienten eller klienten när egna känslor väcks, men, hen kan också påverkas negativt av brister som finns i organisationen. Studiens frågeställningar har varit att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan främja och vilka faktorer som kan försämra förutsättningarna för ett långvarigt och hållbart yrkesliv i ett patient-eller klientnära arbete. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med socionomer som har arbetat minst femton år i det sociala arbetet där resultatet sedan har analyserats med självbestämmande teori (Self determination theory, SDT). Resultatet visar att det finns både främjande och försämrande faktorer som kan påverka ett långvarigt yrkesliv beroende på hur organisationen väljer att agera i frågor som kan underlätta arbetsvillkoren, men, också att socionomen själv kan bidra genom eget agerande som att förstå hur egna livserfarenheter kan påverka i mötet, lära sig att reflektera och utveckla självkännedom tillsammans med kollegor och genom handledning. När socionomen upplever behovstillfredsställelse av autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet i organisationen och i det patient-och klientnära arbetet bidrar det till att öka motivation vilket leder till bättre förutsättningar för socionomen att kunna arbeta länge och hållbart i det sociala arbetet. En slutsats av studien är att socionomen fortsättningsvis kommer att möta både känslomässiga och organisatoriska utmaningar i det patient-och klientnära arbetet. Sammantaget behöver hen förstå hur hen kan förhålla sig till båda och lära sig att bemästra dessa då det leder till yrkeskompetens. Beroende på hur bra socionomen förstår att tillgodose egna behov, lära sig att sätta gränser, använder sig av reflektion samt har tillgång till bra handledare och socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen så kan det bidra till goda strategier som underlättar för ett långvarigt arbetsliv, till exempel att regelbundet använda sig av egenvårdsstrategier som ger återhämtning. / The purpose of this study is to examine which factors that affect the social worker in client- or patientrelated work and which can contribute to an understanding of what can contribute to a long and sustainable professional life in social work. The social worker belongs to the human care professions, which means that there are risks that come with the profession. The social worker can for example suffer from mental illness due to not being able to master stress that can arise in the meeting with the patient or client when their own feelings are aroused, but the can also be negatively affected by shortcomings that exist in the organization. The study´s questions have been to examine which factors ca promote and which factors can worsen the conditions for a long-term and sustainable professional life in patient- or client related work. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with social workers who have worked at least fifteen years in social work, where the results have been analyzed using Self determination theory, SDT. The results show that there are both promoting and deteriorating factors that can affect a long-term professional life depending on how the organization chooses to act in matters that can facilitate working conditions, but also that the social worker can contribute through his own actions such as understanding how his/her/they own life experiences can affect in the meeting, learning to reflect and develop self-awareness togehter with colleagues and through supervision. When the social worker experience need satisfaction of autonomy, comptence and belonging in the organization and in the work close to the patient and client, it contributes to increase motivation which leads to better conditon for the social worker and to have a sustainably work life A conclusion of the study is that social workers will continue to face both emotional and organizational challenges in patient- and client related work. All in all, the social worker needs to understand how to both relate and learn to master this as they lead to professional competence. Depending on how well the social workers understand  their own needs, can set boundaries, learn to reflect and have access to supervisors and social support, this will contribute to strategies that promote factors that facilitate a long-term working life, for exemple self-care strategies.

Self-regulated Learning in Doctor of Physical Therapy Students

Heath, Amy Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
There is a paucity of adult professional education literature, yet there are multiple theories and models from which to extrapolate information regarding learning in this population, including self-regulated learning theory and adult learning models. The first aim of this study was to explore these bodies of literature and provide a compelling argument for how these theories and models may be considered relative to each other. The second aim of this study was to provide empirical support for the theoretical framework within the professional education population, specifically for Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students. Participants included 232 DPT students from a large, research-intensive university in the mid-Atlantic region. The Self-directed Learning Readiness Survey for Nursing Education (SDLRSNE) (Fisher, King, & Tague, 2001) was administered to five cohorts of students seven times throughout the duration of the DPT program. T-tests and ANOVAs were conducted to determine cohort differences. The data were collapsed across time in order to generate longitudinal growth curve models. Results revealed that the SDLRSNE is an internally consistent tool to utilize with DPT students and that the majority of DPT students were self-regulated learners. Results from the growth curve models indicated that self-regulated learning increased across time, was discontinuous within the DPT program, and that participation in clinical education experiences coincided with the change in slope of the model that best fit the data. Additionally, results indicated that the age of a student (traditional: age 19-24 versus nontraditional: age 25+) significantly predicted Desire For Learning subscale scores. / Educational Psychology

Rektorer och styrning : En studie om hur rektorer upplever styrningen av kommunala grundskolor / Principals and control : A study on how principals perceive the control of municipal compulsory schools

Ridemar, Markus, Dahl, Jacob January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Skolverksamhet präglas idag av en komplex mix av utmaningar som påverkar individer, såsom rektorer, lärare, föräldrar och elever. Rektorn har en central roll som inkluderar att organisera och leda skolan så att målen uppfylls. Tidigare forskning beskriver hur rektorns roll har förändrats och visar på ökad styrning och administration. Det beror på flera aspekter, såsom ett ökat externt tryck från myndigheter. Det betonas även hur skolledare har fått en roll där olika styrlogiker möts och att den offentliga sektorn präglas av motstridiga ideal.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur rektorer upplever styrningen av kommunala grundskolor, utifrån perspektiven förvaltning, lärare, elever/föräldrar och media. Genom att undersöka hur rektorerna navigerar och tolkar styrning från olika perspektiv, strävar studien efter att ge en mångsidig bild av hur styrningen upplevs och hanteras av rektorerna. Vidare är syftet att studera hur styrningen av rektorerna, influerar deras sätt att styra och leda sina skolor. Därav strävar studien efter att öka förståelsen för komplexiteten i rektorernas yrkesroll och de utmaningar de möter i sitt dagliga arbete med att leda och styra sina skolor.  Metod: Studien har genomförts på rektorer i kommunala grundskolor runt om i södra Sverige och är därmed en multipel fallstudie. Vidare har studien antagit en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv forskningsansats med inslag av en iterativ ansats. Studien har även använt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Det teoretiska materialet samlades in genom tidigare forskning om styrning i skolan i form av artiklar och böcker.  Slutsatser: Uppsatsen belyser att den möjliggörande och tvingande styrningen samexisterar i kommunala grundskolor, utifrån rektorernas upplevelser. Ett övergripande mönster är att det förekommer skillnader mellan kommuner, avseende såväl politiska aspekter som upplevelsen av styrmedel. Det identifieras också hur rektors styrning och ledning influeras och bland annat visar uppsatsen att ökad administration begränsar det pedagogiska ledarskapet. Det konstateras även att rektorn behöver använda en pedagogisk ledarstil när tilliten är låg och en fördelad ledarstil när tillititen är hög mellan professionerna. / Background and problem: In today's educational landscape, we encounter a complex mix of challenges affecting individuals, such as principals, teachers, parents and students. The principal plays a central role in the school, which includes organizing and leading the institution, to achieve the general goals. Previous research highlights how the role of the principal has evolved, showing increased control and administration, influenced by various factors such as increased external pressures from authorities. It also emphasizes the clash of different control logics in the principals´ role and that the public sector is characterized by competing ideals.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe how principals perceive the control of municipal compulsory schools, from the perspective of administration, teachers, parents/students and media. Exploring how principals navigate and interpret the control from various perspectives, the study aims to provide a diverse picture of how control is perceived and managed by the principals. Furthermore, the aim is to examine how the control of principals influence thier ways of controlling and leading thier schools. Hence, the study also aims to increase the understanding of the complexity of principals´professional role and the challenges they encounter in their daily work of leading and controlling their school.  Method: The study was conducted with principals in municipal compulsory schools across southern Sweden, constituting a multiple case study. Additionally, a qualitative research method has been adopted, with an abductive research approach, incorporating elements of the iterative approach. The study used semi-structured interviews to gather empirical data, while theoretical materials were sourced from previous research on control in schools in the form of articles and books.  Conclusion: The thesis highlights that enabling and coercive control coexist in municipal compulsory schools, based on the principals´experiences. An overarching pattern is that there are differences between municipalities regarding both political aspects and the perception of control measures. Further, we identify how the principals's control and leadership are influenced and among other things, the thesis shows that increased administration limits pedagogical leadership. It is also noted that the principal needs to use a pedagogical leadership approach when trust is low, and a distributed leadership style when trust is high between the professions.

Quand l'orientation professionnelle rencontre l'orientation sexuelle : représentations professionnelles des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation pratiquant auprès des jeunes

Veilleux, Andy Dimitri 04 July 2019 (has links)
Considérant l’orientation professionnelle comme un processus complexe, dynamique et imprévisible, cette démarche de construction de soi semble se complexifier pour les jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle, bisexuelle ou en questionnement, selon les représentations de la majorité des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation ayant participé à notre recherche. Elle s’opère effectivement dans une société normée par un système catégoriel de sexe (homme/femme), de genre (masculinité/féminité) et de sexualité (hétérosexualité/homosexualité) fondé sur le binarisme, l’opposition et la hiérarchisation. Se traduisant par l’enjeu central du travail, ce système produit et reproduit un différentiel de rapport qui tient tant à l’inégalité des conditions dans lesquelles les hommes et les femmes se trouvent qu’à la dévalorisation des professions et positions qu’occupent les femmes (Bidet-Mordrel et Bidet, 2010). Ce système est d’évidence à l’origine de stéréotypes sexuels, de préjugés homophobes, de l’intimidation et de la stigmatisation qui fragilisent l’estime de soi et la confiance en soi de nombre de jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle ou bisexuelle, présumés comme tels en raison d’une non-conformité de genre ou en questionnement par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle. « Pour que les adolescents [et les jeunes adultes de la diversité sexuelle] […] puissent se développer et envisager l’avenir avec sérénité, les institutions et la société tout entière devront faire un travail sur elles-mêmes » (Dorais, 2014, p. 161). Qu’en est-il pour les conseillers et conseillères d’orientation qui oeuvrent auprès des jeunes? Dans leur pratique, sont-ils témoins de certaines préoccupations ou de défis particuliers rencontrés par les jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement? Quel rôle sont-ils amenés à jouer au regard des besoins et réalités des jeunes d’une orientation sexuelle minoritaire? Compte tenu du modèle social dominant fondé sur l’alignement du sexe, du genre et de l’orientation sexuelle (c.-à-d. l’homme masculin hétérosexuel ou la femme féminine hétérosexuelle), de quelles manières le poids de ce modèle naturalisé se traduit-il dans leur pratique? Comment intègrent-ils les différents -ismes et -phobies (sexisme, hétérosexisme, homophobie, efféminophobie, lesbophobie, biphobie) aux problématiques de l’orientation professionnelle? Quelles interventions mettent-ils en oeuvre? Il s’agit là de quelques-unes des nombreuses questions auxquelles nous nous sommes intéressé dans cette recherche. Notre recherche porte sur une problématique encore peu développée malgré l’importance des enjeux et défis de l’orientation professionnelle des jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels ou en questionnement. De nos jours, les jeunes peuvent observer que le modèle hétérosexuel n’est pas le seul. Une diversité de façons de vivre est désormais possible dans les sphères privées et publiques. Malgré ces nouvelles réalités, les jeunes d’une orientation sexuelle minoritaire sont trop souvent en première ligne du harcèlement à l’école, au cégep, à l’université ou, encore, dans les milieux de travail. Sans surprise, leur souffrance est grande. Parce que l’homophobie, la biphobie et l’hétérosexisme persistent, et leurs effets sur l’orientation professionnelle sont méconnus, notre recherche se penche sur les représentations que se font les conseillers et conseillères d’orientation qui pratiquent auprès des jeunes concernant l’articulation de l’orientation professionnelle et de l’orientation sexuelle. Pour dégager et décrire les représentations de ces professionnels et professionnelles, nous nous sommes basé sur l’approche structurale associée à la théorie du noyau central (Abric, 2002, 2011; Rateau, 1995). Selon cette théorie, les éléments nodaux déterminent les priorités de l’action et leur justification quant aux conduites à suivre, d’où la pertinence de s’y intéresser afin d’examiner pour mieux comprendre comment s’expriment ces représentations dans un contexte de pratique auprès des jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle, bisexuelle, perçus comme tels ou en questionnement. Deux méthodes ont été choisies pour recueillir les informations : un questionnaire écrit a d’abord été rempli par 155 conseillers et conseillères d’orientation, puis des entretiens en dyade et de groupe ont été réalisés auprès de 25 de ces professionnels et professionnelles. Les données recueillies ont été traitées à l’aide de l’analyse thématique et du logiciel d’analyse de données textuelles Alceste. Cinq éléments nodaux émergent de ce travail d’analyse, soit : (1) le caractère fondamental de l’identité, (2) l’omniprésence des stéréotypes sexuels, (3) la pression ressentie de l’entourage, (4) la complexité du choix professionnel et (5) la fonction de l’accompagnement. Les retombées de cette recherche se situent à un double niveau : l’avancement des connaissances sur un sujet peu documenté et l’approfondissement des pratiques d’orientation auprès des jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels ou en questionnement.

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Professionalising criminology in South Africa

Beukman, Brenda Ann 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study explores and describes the professional role of the Criminologist in South Africa. National and international research and personal practice are used to demonstrate the role of the South African Criminologist. A qualitative research design supports the exploratory nature of this study. The areas of focus are veracity assessing, criminogenesis, assessment of juveniles, assisting victims of crime through debriefing and compiling victim impact statements and compiling pre-sentence reports. Each of these areas rely on the expert knowledge of the Criminologist and is accompanied by real life case study which is preceded by theoretical explanations and research findings. The research also highlights the quest for professionalising Criminology in South Africa by presenting and analysing the formal application for recognition. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Mentorskap as begeleidingshandeling

Dreyer, Johannes Machiel 10 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In die verhandeling word mentorskap as 'n begeleidingshandeling ondersoek. Die oorsprong van mentorskap word nagespeur, enkele deur tyd beproefde kenmerke van mentorskap word bespreek en heersende praktyke ter bevordering van mentorskap word met die van vervloe eras vergelyk. 'n Uiteenlopende verskeidenheid opvattinge oor mentorskap word aan die orde gestel: benewens die standpunte van eietydse ontwikkelingpsigoloe, beroepskundiges, onderwys- en opvoedkundiges word die klassieke opvatting van mentorskap (socs wat dit weergegee is in die Odusseia en die Les Adventures de Telemaque, die werke van onderskeidelik Homerus en Fenelon) ook ender die loep geplaas. In die laaste afdeling word 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak met betrekking tot die doelstellings, aard, kenmerke en waarde van mentorskap, faktore wat die eindresultate van mentorskap kan beinvloed en die bekwaamhede en persoonseienskappe van mentors. Die aanbevelings sluit riglyne vir die effektiewe hantering van problematiese aangeleenthede rondommentorskap, ender meer die verpragmatisering en formalisering daarvan, in. / In this dissertation mentoring as a form of guidance is researched. The origin of mentoring is investigated, a few characteristics of mentoring which have stood the test of time are discussed and prevailing practices promoting mentoring are compared with those of bygone eras. A diverse variety of approaches to mentoring are presented: in addition to the views of contemporary behavioural psychologists, vocationalists, educationists and teaching specialists, the classic interpretation of mentoring (as presented in the Odyssey and the Les Adventures de Telemaque (the works of Homer and Fenelon respectively) is also considered. In the last section a number of conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the aims, nature, characteristics and value of mentoring, factors affecting the outcome of mentoring and the skills and personal characteristics of mentors. The recommendations include guidelines for the effective handling of problematic issues regarding mentoring, such as the pragmatization and formalization thereof. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Studies)

The role and position of women in Roman North African society

De Marre, Martine Elizabeth Agnès 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis I have endeavoured to throw light on both the private and public aspect of the lives of women living in the Roman African provinces from the first century BC to the seventh century AD. Funerary inscriptions reveal that the role of women in private life was projected in a manner which reflected the ideals for Roman womanhood (pudicitia, castitas,fides and fecunditas), even when they clearly came of Afro-Punic stock. In terms of the quality of their lives Roman African women of the propertied status groups (about whom we know the most) had a good standard of living compared to other parts of the Roman Empire, and for example were well-educated in the urbanized areas compared to provinces such as Gaul. Roman African women of the elite also enjoyed a degree of autonomy enhanced by the increased financial independence granted to them in terms of Roman law, which enabled them to function as benefactors in their communities in the same way as their male counterparts, donating money for temples, baths and markets. In return for this they were duly recognized in honorary inscriptions by their communities. Although this public role may appear to be in conflict with the 'ideal' domestic or private role of the Roman matron, this activity was sanctioned by the fact that they were acting in the interests of male family members who were engaged in municipal careers. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries there are a few signs that women were beginning to act more in their own interests, but much of their public role faded with the increasing dominance of the Christian Church which prescribed a more limited role for women. The only exceptions occurred in the times of persecution through the temporary prominence gained by women as martyrs and confessors, although this prominence cannot be said to have advantaged women in general. During the Vandal and Byzantine period we know of only a few women, primarily those with connections to the elite at Rome and Constantinople, who acted with the independence and authority of their class. / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ancient History / Ancient and Near Eastern Studies


Herrmann, Jeremia 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation nimmt die ungleiche Verteilung und Präsenz von Gruppen nach dem Merkmal Geschlecht innerhalb verschiedener Sphären der Erwerbsarbeit (bspw. in Betrieben, Berufen, Berufsfeldern oder auf Hierarchieebenen) in den Blick. Die Geschlechtersegregation hat fast immer negative Auswirkungen (z.B. schlechtere Bezahlung oder geringere Aufstiegschancen) auf Frauen*. Generell wird zwischen horizontaler und vertikaler Segregation unterschieden. In der Forschung hat sich der Blick auf geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation von akteurszentrierten über strukturkategoriale hin zu sozial-konstruktivistischen Ansätzen entwickelt.

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