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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financování developerských projektů / Financing of real estate development projects

Svoboda, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis disserts on real estate development projects. The main targets are analysis of current situation in the field of real estate development and suitable ways of financing such projects. As a result this text should bring a detailed insight into how real estate development projects are managed and evaluated.

Zpracování nabídky do veřejné obchodní soutěže stavebním podnikem / Offer processing by Construction Company for Public Tender

Kráčmarová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The subject of the thesis is "Processing of an offer to a public tender by construction company" from theoretical and practical perspective. In the theoretical part, I define terms related to selecting and processing of the offer briefly. The part describes terms such as marketing, project management methods, project planning including determination of the offer price. I look into the Public Procurement Act, which I consider to be an important control instrument in the processing of offers to public tenders by construction company.

Motivation i projekt : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av motivation inomprojektarbete och projektledares arbetssätt att motivera / Motivation in project : A qualitative study of the importance of motivation in project work and theproject manager's way of motivating

Safari Nasab, Ali January 2023 (has links)
Inledning: Motivation är en nyckelfaktor för att uppnå ett lyckat slutresultat i projekt. Motiverade medarbetare är viktiga inom alla arbetsplatser. Att ha motiverade projektteam är därför avgörande för driva projektet framåt. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera projektledares tillvägagångsätt för att upptäcka motivationsfaktorer och motivera projektteamet. Teori: Teoretiska utgångspunkter i studien är Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori (TF) och självbestämmandeteorin (SDT). Metod: Metoden som används i denna studie är en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats som är baserad på intervjuer som är kopplat till teorin för att uppnå resultat i studien. Intervjuer har gjorts med tio projektledare med erfarenhet från olika branscher. Intervjuerna har gjorts med hjälp av applikationer Teams och Zoom och varje intervju är på cirka 1 timme. Resultat och slutsats: Studien har visat att flera faktorer har påverkan på projektmedarbetarnas motivation. Resultat visar att en projektledare behöver individuellt arbeta med att uppfylla medarbetarnas interna och externa behov för att skapa en motiverad projektgrupp.

Mot gröna horisonter : Projektledarens befogenheter och påverkan för att främja hållbarhetsarbetet inom produktutvecklande företag / Towards Green Horizons : The Project Manager's Authority and Impact in Promoting Sustainability Efforts within Product Development Companies

Embaye, Danayt January 2024 (has links)
Ekologisk hållbarhet har på senare tid blivit alltmer framträdande i den globala medvetenheten, särskilt med tanke på den ökande befolkningen, industrialiseringen och konsumtionen av materiella resurser. Produktutvecklande företag inser alltmer att deras hållbarhetsarbete inte bara är en etisk skyldighet, utan även en strategisk nödvändighet för att bibehålla konkurrenskraft. I den konventionella produktutvecklingsprocessen är projektledaren en central roll och har en betydande möjlighet att påverka utvecklingsarbetets riktning. Denna studie fokuserar därmed på att undersöka projektledarens möjligheter och utmaningar när det gäller att främja hållbarhetsarbete inom produktutvecklande företag. Vidare analyserar studien hur externa faktorer, såsom kundkrav och lagstiftning, påverkar projektledarens benägenhet att initiera åtgärder för att minska miljöpåverkan. Den kvalitativa studien inleddes med en djupgående litteraturstudie, som utgör den teoretiska referensramen för arbetet. Därefter genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre olika projektledare inom möbel- och inredningsföretag, vilket utgör den empiriska grunden för studien. Analysen, diskussionen och slutsatserna i studien baseras på resultaten från både den teoretiska och empiriska datainsamlingen. Genom att jämföra och sammanväga dessa två datakällor ges en mer omfattande förståelse och helhetsbild av ämnet. Resultaten av studien indikerar att projektledare har tre huvudsakliga kriterier att hantera under produktutvecklingsprocessen: budget, tid och kvalitet. Dessa faktorer sätter ramar som automatiskt begränsar projektledarens möjligheter att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter, särskilt om de riskerar att kompromissa med projektets övergripande mål och syfte. Att uppfylla dessa tre kriterier och samtidigt sträva efter ökad ekologisk hållbarhet utgör en paradoxal utmaning, då det kräver både tidskrävande processer samt betydande kapitalinvesteringar för Industriell ekonomi och organisation att effektivt minska miljöpåverkan. Denna utmaning förstärker den befintliga konflikten mellan hållbarhet och ekonomisk vinst. Kundens inflytande över företagens verksamhet är betydande. Dock råder det en brist på enhetliga mätstandarder för att kvantifiera det samlade miljöavtrycket från diverse företag. Denna brist på standardiserade mätningar hindrar kundernas förutsättningar att fatta informerade beslut och välja att stödja hållbara företag på ett rättvist och korrekt sätt. Det är även svårt att garantera att slutkunder i praktiken kommer att stödja organisationer som främjar hållbarhet, särskilt om det innebär ökade kostnader för dem. Därför är det avgörande att myndigheter inför lagar och regler som främjar hållbart företagande för att uppmuntra betydande förändringar och främja företagens hållbarhetsarbete. / In recent times, ecological sustainability has become increasingly prominent in the global consciousness, particularly considering the growing population, industrialization and consumption of material resources. Product-developing companies increasingly realize that their sustainability work is not only an ethical obligation, but also a strategic necessity to maintain competitiveness. In the conventional product development process, the project manager plays a crucial role and has a significant opportunity to influence the direction of the work. Thus, this study focuses on examining the opportunities and challenges for project managers in promoting sustainability within product-developing companies. Furthermore, the study analyzes how external factors, such as customer demands and legislation, influence the project manager's propensity to initiate actions to reduce environmental impact. The qualitative study was commenced with an in-depth literature review, which forms the theoretical framework of the work. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different project managers within furniture and interior design companies, constituting the empirical basis of the study. The analysis, discussion, and conclusions of the study are based on the results from both the theoretical and empirical data collection. By comparing and weighing these two data sources, a more comprehensive understanding and overall picture of the subject is provided. The results of the study indicate that project managers have three main criteria to manage during the product development process: budget, time, and quality. These factors set boundaries that automatically limit the project manager's opportunities to integrate sustainability aspects, especially if they risk compromising the project's overall goals and Industriell ekonomi och organisation Industrial economics and management objectives. Meeting these three criteria while striving for increased ecological sustainability poses a paradoxical challenge, as it requires time-consuming processes and significant capital investments to effectively reduce environmental impact. This challenge reinforces the existing conflict between sustainability and economic profit. Customer influence over companies' operations is significant. However, there is a lack of standardized measurement standards to quantify the overall environmental footprint of various companies. This lack of standardized measurements hinders customers' ability to make informed decisions and choices to support sustainable companies in a fair and accurate manner. It is also difficult to guarantee whether end customers will practically support organizations that promote sustainability, especially if it entails increased costs for them. Therefore, it is crucial for authorities to introduce laws and regulations that promote sustainable business practices to encourage significant changes and support companies' sustainability efforts.

Osobnostní, odborné a sociální kvality projektového manažera / Personal, Professional and Social Qualities of a Project Manager

Zobačová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The MA thesis is divided to two basic parts. First of them is dealing with personal, social and professional knowledge of a project manager and the second one is mapping the education of soft skills at Czech universities where the subject of study "Information Studies and Librarianship" is taught. The theoretical part is devoted to project management. The attention is devoted to basic terms from project management's area, it represents the most well-known project methodologies, it defines particular roles of a project manager and most importantly the part is dealing with particular competences, which should be commanded by a project manager. The last chapter of theoretical part is devoted to an analysis of the three most well-known project methodologies. The practical part is mapping the situation at universities - namely which subjects they offer within the education of soft skills and how the teachers are working with the subject. Other activities of universities within the education and the development of soft skills are also given. Further the examples of subjects with the same topic taught at American universities are listed. In the end of thesis the recommendation how to improve the quality of teaching soft skill at Czech universities are given. And also which topics could be put among optional...

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Carvalho, Liza Fachin de 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Liza Fachin de Carvalho 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

Learning from previous projects for improving project management practices : Improving project risk management and intra-project communication at Saab Dynamics

Olsson, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Using certain practices for managing projects is a critical factor in successfully executing projects. For a firm where there are few set practices by the organization for managing projects, project managers have to create their own practices with varying degrees of success. Experienced project managers often have had plenty of time to develop fully functioning practices whereas new project managers struggle to find any practice to use. This thesis examines how learning from previous projects at Saab Dynamics can improve the project management practices project risk management and intra-project communication. Further, this thesis proposes how Saab Dynamics can improve continuous risk management and intra-project communication.  A qualitative approach is utilized for this thesis where the data is collected from five separate interviews with project managers from various development projects at Saab Dynamics. The result from the interviews partly contains successful practices used by project managers, such as how to integrate sub-projects or how to manage risks continuously, but also highlights issues for the projects. These findings are analyzed by applying relevant research from the fields of learning in project-based organizations, project risk management and intra-project communication which resulted in a discussion and conclusion providing various recommendations for Saab Dynamics to improve each project management practice.  Key findings include that functions are needed to facilitate learning and how post-project reviews need to be structured to transfer tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, where focus needs to be on documenting using stories. Further, this thesis utilizes a model for risk maturity with five steps where only the top two allow for continuous risk management. To progress to these steps the importance of building a risk culture is recognized where the issue is in communicating the set process of risk management to project managers. Here, having a risk manager is identified as important. Intra-project communication focuses on the areas of information distribution, sub-project integration and communication planning. It was found that the information distribution needs to be balanced between forced and voluntary communication. Moreover, five mechanisms for integration are covered where some are more important for complex projects and some during high uncertainty. Lastly, a model for a communication plan is presented.

SSII, laboratoire de formes modernes de mise au travail ? / IT companies laboratoy of modern forms of getting to work ?

Thomas-Chauffin, Solene 06 December 2013 (has links)
En définissant les notions de „travail“ et de „ métier“, nous avons observé l’importance du „système d’information“ dans la réinvention du „travail“. Constatant la disparition ainsi que la modification des métiers ; en atteste les licenciements et les réorganisations des entreprises ; le travail ne disparait pas pour autant et s’invite sous de nouvelles formes, comme les statuts auto-entrepreneur et stagiaire, mais aussi en positionnant le consommateur comme travailleur. Du travail visible, sous la forme d’un travail salarié, au travail „caché“, c‘est la société tout entière qui s’en trouve réinventée, et invite à de nouvelles perspectives sociales.Au travers de l’étude de deux SSII (société de services en ingénierie informatique), pendant une durée de 5 ans, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différentes formes de mise au travail de 152 ingénieurs informaticiens. Appréhender le contexte des SSII comme un laboratoire de formes modernes de mise au travail, nous a permis d‘identifier ces mises au travail novatrices et leurs valorisations.Le système d’information se constituant comme l’axe incontestable de cette modification du travail, permet la mise en place d‘un travail normé et standardisé, dessine les nouveaux contours du travail, et ouvre vers de nouvelles perspectives sociales et économiques enrichissantes.Si le système d’information contribue à la mise en œuvre de ces nouvelles formes de travail, les décisions managériales se constituent comme étant à l’origine de cette l’utilisation.Vers quel paradigme nous oriente, cette utilisation du système d‘information ? / Defining the concepts of "work" and "job", we observed the importance of "information system " in the reinvention of "work".Noting the loss and modification of „jobs“ ; evidenced by layoffs and reorganization of enterprises , the work does not disappear , however, and invites new forms , such as statutes of freelance and student , but also by positioning the consumer as a worker.Work visible, in the form of wage labor, to work "hidden" , it is the whole society that is reinvented, and calls for new social perspectives.Through the study of two IT compagnies, for a period of 5 years , we are interested in various forms of work activity concerning 152 computer engineers .Understand the context of IT compagnies as a laboratory for modern forms of development work has enabled us to identify these updates in innovative work and valuations.The information system is forming as the undisputed center of this change of work, allows the establishment of normalized and standardized work , draws the new border of work, and open to new rewarding social and economic opportunities.If the information system contributes to the implementation of these new forms of work , managerial decisions are to be at the origin of this use.To what paradigm directs us, this use of information system?

Řízení projektů v kompetenčním centru SQA / Project management in competence centre SQA

Hendrich, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with project management competence center in Software Quality Assurance, which operates the University of Economics in Prague. The first part of this thesis is focused on basic terminology management projects and projects aimed at testing. The second part focuses on project management competence center in Software Quality Assurance, which describes a modified project life cycle according to the PMBOK and project life cycle testing. All phases of the lifecycle contain sub-activities and the person responsible for the activity. The last part of this thesis is focused on management competency center Software Quality Assurance tool available for cooperation IBM Connections, which is available for students and staff of the University of Economics in Prague. The thesis is a complex material intended primarily for manager competency center, its teams and includes guides on how to manage the very center and its projects.

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