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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fonction de l'isolement : une méta-psycho-anthropologie du cadre : la chambre d'isolement des hôpitaux psychiatriques et la camarinha du candomblé / A quarto isolamento dos hospitais psiquiátricos e a camarinha do candomblé

Schlesinger, Ella 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'interroge sur les différentes modalités et sur les fonctions de l'isolement. La chambre d'isolement rencontrée dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques suscite des questionnements concernant l'accueil de la souffrance. Cette souffrance réside dans le fait que le moi du sujet ne trouve pas d'écho dans ce qui l'entoure. Cela produit de la terreur et de l'effroi dans lesquels les éléments du moi butent sur la réalité externe et / ou son monde interne et se diffractent en se morcelant. Les soignants face à la détresse des patients, face à leur propre capacité interne d'accueil et aux moyens qui leur sont alloués imposent, dans certains cas, l'isolement comme réponse. Dans la perspective d'interroger la fonction de l'isolement sans que celle-ci ne soit réduite à son propre champ de référence, une méthode complémentariste s'est avérée un outil indispensable. Pour réinterroger le cadre dans lequel cette fonction est pensée, il paraît opportun d'étudier une pratique d'isolement dans un tout autre contexte. La rencontre imprévue avec le candomblé au Brésil, et son utilisation de la camarinha, offre un vaste champ d'étude. Et la confrontation de deux dispositifs, celui de l'hôpital psychiatrique et celui du candomblé, amène à démontrer, et c'est là l'articulation principale de ce travail, que la fonction de l'isolement participe à la remodélisation du processus hallucinatoire du sujet. Cette confrontation permet d'envisager de nouveaux outils permettant d'accompagner le sujet en isolement, lorsque cela est nécessaire. Seront principalement développées les notions suivantes : la « proposition à être », les « attracteurs vibratiles » et l'« objet prothèse ». / Esta tese se debruça sobre as diferentes modalidades e funções do isolamento. O quarto de isolamento encontrado em hospitais psiquiátricos levanta questões sobre o acolhimento do sofrimento. Este sofrimento reside no fato de que o ego do sujeito não encontra eco em seu entorno. Isso produz terror e susto quando os elementos do ego se chocam com a realidade externa e / ou seu mundo interno e se difratam, fragmentando-se. Os cuidadores, frente à aflição dos pacientes, diante de sua própria capacidade interna de acolhimento e dos recursos de que dispõem, impõem, em alguns casos, o isolamento como resposta. No intuito de investigar a função de isolamento sem que ela seja reduzida a seu próprio campo de referência, o método complementarista revelou-se uma ferramenta indispensável. Para re-examinar o marco em que essa função é pensada, parece apropriado considerar uma prática de isolamento em um contexto diferente. O encontro inesperado com o candomblé no Brasil, e seu uso da camarinha, oferece um vasto campo de estudo. O confronto dos dois dispositivos, o do hospital psiquiátrico e aquele do candomblé, leva a demonstrar – e essa é a principal articulação deste trabalho – que a função do isolamento contribui para a remodelagem do processo alucinatório do sujeito. Essa comparação permite considerar novas ferramentas para acompanhar o sujeito em isolamento, quando isso é necessário. Serão desenvolvidos principalmente os seguintes conceitos: a "proposta de ser" o "atratores vibráteis" e o "objeto prótese". / Esta tese se debruça sobre as diferentes modalidades e funções do isolamento. O quarto de isolamento encontrado em hospitais psiquiátricos levanta questões sobre o acolhimento do sofrimento. Este sofrimento reside no fato de que o ego do sujeito não encontra eco em seu entorno. Isso produz terror e susto quando os elementos do ego se chocam com a realidade externa e / ou seu mundo interno e se difratam, fragmentando-se. Os cuidadores, frente à aflição dos pacientes, diante de sua própria capacidade interna de acolhimento e dos recursos de que dispõem, impõem, em alguns casos, o isolamento como resposta. No intuito de investigar a função de isolamento sem que ela seja reduzida a seu próprio campo de referência, o método complementarista revelou-se uma ferramenta indispensável. Para re-examinar o marco em que essa função é pensada, parece apropriado considerar uma prática de isolamento em um contexto diferente. O encontro inesperado com o candomblé no Brasil, e seu uso da camarinha, oferece um vasto campo de estudo. O confronto dos dois dispositivos, o do hospital psiquiátrico e aquele do candomblé, leva a demonstrar – e essa é a principal articulação deste trabalho – que a função do isolamento contribui para a remodelagem do processo alucinatório do sujeito. Essa comparação permite considerar novas ferramentas para acompanhar o sujeito em isolamento, quando isso é necessário. Serão desenvolvidos principalmente os seguintes conceitos: a "proposta de ser" o "atratores vibráteis" e o "objeto prótese".

Análise, design e inovação de modelos de negócios para servitização / Analysis, design and innovation of business models for servitization.

Costa, Renato Machado 13 June 2017 (has links)
Empresas de manufatura tradicionalmente concentram os seus esforços em concepção, desenvolvimento, fabricação e comercialização de produtos físicos. No entanto, alguns fabricantes têm alterado suas estratégias de negócio, complementando a venda de produtos com o fornecimento de serviços, incorporando conhecimentos e atividades associados ao seu uso, e gerando maior percepção de valor por parte dos seus clientes. Com isso, a competição estratégica por meio de serviços tem se tornado uma marca distintiva das empresas de manufatura inovadoras, proporcionando à empresa um meio robusto para proteger o seu mercado dos concorrentes. Assim, observa-se um interesse crescente em pesquisas sobre o papel dos serviços para sustentar a competitividade da indústria. Abordagens orientadas a serviço, que incorporam esta mudança de foco do negócio, da oferta de produtos isolados para soluções integradas, têm sido tratadas na comunidade acadêmica como servitização, e tipicamente acarretam inovações no modelo de negócios (MN) da empresa. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as empresas podem promover inovações em seus MNs para suportar suas estratégias de servitização, e propor um conjunto de artefatos para apoiá-las na implantação destas estratégias, a partir do seguinte problema de pesquisa: \"Como inovar o MN de uma empresa que adota a estratégia de servitização?\", que se desdobra nas seguintes questões: (i) quais são os principais fatores motivadores para uma empresa adotar a estratégia de servitização?; (ii) como representar o MN de uma empresa incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, mais adequada para servitização?; (iii) como inovar o MN de uma empresa para implantar sua estratégia de servitização?; e (iv) como aplicar os artefatos propostos para apoiar a implantação da estratégia de servitização em uma empresa? Realiza-se uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e prescritiva, baseada no método design scienceresearche amparada por uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os temas correlatos, visando propor artefatos em resposta às questões colocadas. A demonstração de um dos artefatos propostos é feita com suporte de um estudo de caso em uma empresa multinacional, fabricante de equipamentos médicos, seguida por uma avaliação empírica desta demonstração, suportada pelo método thinkingaloud. A partir das quatro questões de pesquisa, são obtidos os seguintes resultados: (i) identificação, análise e categorização dos principais fatores motivadores para adoção da servitização; (ii) proposição de uma arquitetura de MN incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, para facilitar o estudo da servitização; (iii) proposição de um processo de inovação do MN da empresa, para implantar a servitização. e (iv) demonstração e avaliação da arquitetura proposta de MN para servitização. A pesquisa oferece contribuições à literatura de MN e servitização, e aos gestores de empresas, propondo os artefatos canvas do modelo de negócios para servitização (CMNS) e o processo IPIDI para inovação do MN para servitização, além de contribuições metodológicas relativas a design scienceresearch e thinking aloud. / Manufacturing companies traditionally are focused on designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing physical products. However, some manufacturers are changing their business strategies, complementing the sale of products by providing services, adding knowledge and activities associated with their use, and creating a higher perception of value by their customers.Strategic competition through service delivery has become a hallmark of the innovative manufacturing companies, providing the companies with a robust means to protect their market from competitors. Thus, there is a growing interest in researching the role of services in sustaining the competitiveness of manufacturing industry.Service-oriented approaches, which incorporate this shift in business\' focus from offering isolated products, to proposing integrated solutions, have been addressed in the literature as servitization, and typically entail innovations in the company\'s business model (BM). The goal of this research is investigating how companies can promote transformations in their BMs to support their servitization strategies, and proposing a set of artifacts to support them in the implementation of these strategies, since the following research problem: \"How to innovate the BM of a company which adopts the servitization strategy? \", which unfolds in the following questions: (i) what are the main motivating factors for a company to adopt the servitization strategy?; (ii) how to represent the BM of a company incorporating the service-dominant logic, more suitable for servitization?; (iii) how to innovate a company\'s BM to implement its servitization strategy ?; and (iv) how to apply the proposed artifacts to support the implementation of the servitization strategy in a company? An exploratory and prescriptive research is carried out, based on the design science research methodology, and supported by a systematic literature review on the related subjects, aiming at proposing artifacts in response to the questions posed. The demonstration of the proposed artifacts is done by means of a case study in a multinational company, which manufactures medical devices, followed by an assessment of this demonstration, supported by the thinking aloud method. From the four research questions, the following results are obtained: (i) identification, analysis and categorization of the main motivating factors for servitization adoption; (ii) proposing a BM architecture according to the service-dominant logic, to help the servitization study; (iii) proposing an innovation process for the company\'s BM, to implement the servitization; and (iv) demonstration and assessment of the proposed BM architecture for servitization. The research offers contributions to the literature of BM and servitization, and to practitioners, proposing the artifacts business model canvas for servitization (BMCS) and the IPIDI process for innovation of BM for servitization, besides some methodological contributions related to design science research and thinking aloud.

Concept-based and relation-based corpus navigation : applications of natural language processing in digital humanities / Navigation en corpus fondée sur les concepts et les relations : applications du traitement automatique des langues aux humanités numériques

Ruiz Fabo, Pablo 23 June 2017 (has links)
La recherche en Sciences humaines et sociales repose souvent sur de grandes masses de données textuelles, qu'il serait impossible de lire en détail. Le Traitement automatique des langues (TAL) peut identifier des concepts et des acteurs importants mentionnés dans un corpus, ainsi que les relations entre eux. Ces informations peuvent fournir un aperçu du corpus qui peut être utile pour les experts d'un domaine et les aider à identifier les zones du corpus pertinentes pour leurs questions de recherche. Pour annoter automatiquement des corpus d'intérêt en Humanités numériques, les technologies TAL que nous avons appliquées sont, en premier lieu, le liage d'entités (plus connu sous le nom de Entity Linking), pour identifier les acteurs et concepts du corpus ; deuxièmement, les relations entre les acteurs et les concepts ont été déterminées sur la base d'une chaîne de traitements TAL, qui effectue un étiquetage des rôles sémantiques et des dépendances syntaxiques, entre autres analyses linguistiques. La partie I de la thèse décrit l'état de l'art sur ces technologies, en soulignant en même temps leur emploi en Humanités numériques. Des outils TAL génériques ont été utilisés. Comme l'efficacité des méthodes de TAL dépend du corpus d'application, des développements ont été effectués, décrits dans la partie II, afin de mieux adapter les méthodes d'analyse aux corpus dans nos études de cas. La partie II montre également une évaluation intrinsèque de la technologie développée, avec des résultats satisfaisants. Les technologies ont été appliquées à trois corpus très différents, comme décrit dans la partie III. Tout d'abord, les manuscrits de Jeremy Bentham, un corpus de philosophie politique des 18e et 19e siècles. Deuxièmement, le corpus PoliInformatics, qui contient des matériaux hétérogènes sur la crise financière américaine de 2007--2008. Enfin, le Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre (ENB dans son acronyme anglais), qui couvre des sommets internationaux sur la politique climatique depuis 1995, où des traités comme le Protocole de Kyoto ou les Accords de Paris ont été négociés. Pour chaque corpus, des interfaces de navigation ont été développées. Ces interfaces utilisateur combinent les réseaux, la recherche en texte intégral et la recherche structurée basée sur des annotations TAL. À titre d'exemple, dans l'interface pour le corpus ENB, qui couvre des négociations en politique climatique, des recherches peuvent être effectuées sur la base d'informations relationnelles identifiées dans le corpus: les acteurs de la négociation ayant discuté un sujet concret en exprimant leur soutien ou leur opposition peuvent être recherchés. Le type de la relation entre acteurs et concepts est exploité, au-delà de la simple co-occurrence entre les termes du corpus. Les interfaces ont été évaluées qualitativement avec des experts de domaine, afin d'estimer leur utilité potentielle pour la recherche dans leurs domaines respectifs. Tout d'abord, il a été vérifié si les représentations générées pour le contenu des corpus sont en accord avec les connaissances des experts du domaine, pour déceler des erreurs d'annotation. Ensuite, nous avons essayé de déterminer si les experts pourraient être en mesure d'avoir une meilleure compréhension du corpus grâce à avoir utilisé les applications, par exemple, s'ils ont trouvé de l'évidence nouvelle pour leurs questions de recherche existantes, ou s'ils ont trouvé de nouvelles questions de recherche. On a pu mettre au jour des exemples où un gain de compréhension sur le corpus est observé grâce à l'interface dédiée au Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre, ce qui constitue une bonne validation du travail effectué dans la thèse. En conclusion, les points forts et faiblesses des applications développées ont été soulignés, en indiquant de possibles pistes d'amélioration en tant que travail futur. / Social sciences and Humanities research is often based on large textual corpora, that it would be unfeasible to read in detail. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can identify important concepts and actors mentioned in a corpus, as well as the relations between them. Such information can provide an overview of the corpus useful for domain-experts, and help identify corpus areas relevant for a given research question. To automatically annotate corpora relevant for Digital Humanities (DH), the NLP technologies we applied are, first, Entity Linking, to identify corpus actors and concepts. Second, the relations between actors and concepts were determined based on an NLP pipeline which provides semantic role labeling and syntactic dependencies among other information. Part I outlines the state of the art, paying attention to how the technologies have been applied in DH.Generic NLP tools were used. As the efficacy of NLP methods depends on the corpus, some technological development was undertaken, described in Part II, in order to better adapt to the corpora in our case studies. Part II also shows an intrinsic evaluation of the technology developed, with satisfactory results. The technologies were applied to three very different corpora, as described in Part III. First, the manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham. This is a 18th-19th century corpus in political philosophy. Second, the PoliInformatics corpus, with heterogeneous materials about the American financial crisis of 2007-2008. Finally, the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), which covers international climate summits since 1995, where treaties like the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris Agreements get negotiated.For each corpus, navigation interfaces were developed. These user interfaces (UI) combine networks, full-text search and structured search based on NLP annotations. As an example, in the ENB corpus interface, which covers climate policy negotiations, searches can be performed based on relational information identified in the corpus: the negotiation actors having discussed a given issue using verbs indicating support or opposition can be searched, as well as all statements where a given actor has expressed support or opposition. Relation information is employed, beyond simple co-occurrence between corpus terms.The UIs were evaluated qualitatively with domain-experts, to assess their potential usefulness for research in the experts' domains. First, we payed attention to whether the corpus representations we created correspond to experts' knowledge of the corpus, as an indication of the sanity of the outputs we produced. Second, we tried to determine whether experts could gain new insight on the corpus by using the applications, e.g. if they found evidence unknown to them or new research ideas. Examples of insight gain were attested with the ENB interface; this constitutes a good validation of the work carried out in the thesis. Overall, the applications' strengths and weaknesses were pointed out, outlining possible improvements as future work.


Dias, Luiz Jorge Bezerra da Silva 21 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T18:20:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Jorge Bezerra da Silva Dias.pdf: 2115580 bytes, checksum: 3a34ce4f0c2ddc77343befca19620e6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Area of Environmental Protection of the Baixada Maranhense is one of the poorest areas economically of the State of Maranhão (Brazil) and lacking with respect to the readiness of information on the municipal districts that compose her. That implicates in a lack of appropriate theoretical-methodological orientation to the perspectives of environmental plannings and of establishment and execution of public politics gone back to the improvement of the conditions of the inhabitants' life. In that sense, a methodological proposal of Environmental Zoning was elaborated applied to the municipal district of Anajatuba (MA), because that space represents a mosaic of the situations physical, ecological and social (in all the senses) of the regional domain in that he/she interferes. They grew recognition studies and of classification of the elements / physical environmental resources (geology, geomorphology), geoecology(typologies of ecosystems) and humans (population evolution). That approach was complemented by the elaboration of the swinging municipal hidrological, which is considered important for sending to the readiness of the waters, in their several compartments, destined to the human provisioning and maintenance of their activities. The crossing of those information indicates which should be the appropriate sustainability strategies for the municipal district. / A Área de Proteção Ambiental da Baixada Maranhense é uma das regiões mais pobres economicamente do Estado do Maranhão (Brasil) e carente no que tange à disponibilidade de informações sobre os municípios que a compõem. Isso implica numa falta de orientação teórico-metodológica adequada às perspectivas de planejamentos ambientais e de estabelecimento e execução de políticas públicas voltadas para a melhoria das condições de vida dos habitantes. Nesse sentido, elaborou-se uma proposta metodológica de Zoneamento Ambiental aplicada ao município de Anajatuba (MA), pois esse espaço representa um mosaico das situações físicas, ecológicas e sociais (em todos os sentidos) do domínio regional em que se insere. Desenvolveram-se estudos de reconhecimento e de classificação dos elementos/recursos ambientais físicos (geologia, geomorfologia), ecogeográficos (tipologias de ecossistemas) e humanos (evolução populacional). Essa abordagem foi complementada pela elaboração do balanço hídrico municipal, o qual é considerado importante por remeter-se à disponibilidade das águas, em seus diversos compartimentos, destinadas ao abastecimento humano e manutenção de suas atividades. O cruzamento dessas informações indica quais devem ser as estratégias de sustentabilidade adequadas para o município.

銀行顧客關係管理員制度:從策略規劃與組織績效考核層面探討 / A study conducted on the bank account officer’s system from the planning of strategy and the examining of operation performance

黃炳華 Unknown Date (has links)
個案銀行力行顧客關係管理員制度(CRM)背景,爰因客戶資料分析經驗顯示與現有的顧客做生意,成本只有開發新顧客的1/5至1/8;80/20 法則,告訴我們企業80% 的利潤來自 20% 的顧客。且因個案銀行深知銀行競爭激烈,有形的產品價格競爭不具差異性,企金客戶經理AO能替客戶創造無形價值的服務能力,便成為決戰未來的能力,惟有用對方法,深化與客戶互動的品質,創造感動的服務,就能維持長久競爭優勢。 該銀行採「全功能分行」模式,並對企金AO採雙軌矩陣式管理之組織改造,行政管理隸屬分行經理,業務目標績效發展隸屬總行企金部並行制,歷經逐年個案銀行經營績效亮麗表現實證,的確是一個行得通的商業模式。並不斷加強企金AO交叉銷售能力(CROSS-SELLING),成果顯示,改造後組織績效已等同金控集團彼此整合之共同行銷效能。因此近5年以非金控組織架構下仍堅持走自己的路,奮力圖強,業績仍然表現亮麗。同時也採行扁平化組織,進行作業中心制、區域中心、到事業部的組織改造在保留原分行風貌、雙軌制下,實施KPI目標設定、職位職等新制、績效管理與發展,並通過現金增資提供員工參股,屬於調合式的變革管理。 因成立作業中心後,除了可減少人為疏失及人謀不臧的風險外,亦可經由專業化的人員作業而將風險有效控管,並且更進一步的將徵授信作業流程E化。近期更致力建置良好的客戶信用評等系統且與並和風險訂價系統及績效評核系統整合。此等運作因此,可避免營運陷入惡性競爭,提升風險控管能力,亦有別於過去的放款作業形態不完全依賴業務人員的人為判斷。對於不同風險等級的授信對象,給予不同的利率,儘可能做到質價並重。


Spitzl-Dupic, Friederike 26 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les grammaires germanophones rationnelles, dites aussi philosophiques, constituent le premier domaine des approches historiographiques réunies ici. A côté d'études synthétiques portant sur des ouvrages spécifiques, la théorisation de certains concepts - prédicat, diathèse, 'valence', adverbe - est retracée à travers le XVIIIe siècle dans une analyse critique. Celle-ci fait apparaître dans l'approche rationnelle l'importance des fondements philosophiques, la fécondité conceptuelle qui peut en résulter, mais aussi des problèmes de cohérence et de non prise en compte de faits de langue. Un second domaine est celui de la critique de la langue où l'attention se porte sur la théorisation de la synonymie, de la formation des mots et du concept arts du langage dans des textes esthétiques et philosophico-linguistiques. Les investigations portent sur des textes de référence et sur des textes secondaires voire 'oubliés' et cherchent à les (ré-)évaluer selon leur validité historique propre.

Deinstitutionalization and Its Discontents: American Mental Health Policy Reform

Kofman, Olga Loraine 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, establishing the beginnings of deinstitutionalization in the United States. By some counts, this Act was a stupendous policy success—by others, a dismal failure. 50 years later, no cohesive national mental health care policy has emerged to deal with increased rates of mental illness among the homeless and the incarcerated. However, California has made enormous strides to create a state policy which provides adequate services to the mildly, moderately, and severely mentally ill as well as adequate funding for those services through Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, passed in 2004. This paper reviews mental health policy history from Colonial America to the present, paying special attention to JFK's deinstitutionalization in 1963 and the discontents that followed. It takes a special look at California's mental health care policy history and the strides the state has made to better serve the mentally ill.

Apologia i offentligheten : En studie av Ola Lindholms retoriska försvar mot Expressens kokainanklagelser

Lindquist, Peter January 2011 (has links)
On the 12:th of April 2011, the Swedish tabloid magazine Expressen publishes a story, claiming that Ola Lindholm, presenter of critically acclaimed TV-show “Wild Kids” has been suspected and apprehended on cocaine allegations. The serious allegation called for Ola Lindholm to defend himself against the allegations. His only public response was a blog-post where he claimed his innocence, albeit with some reservations.   The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lindholm’s rhetorical defense. By applying Benoit’s theory of image restoration, the stasis theory and the rhetorical situation my goal is to find what strategies Lindholm’s defense consists of.   The analyses showed that Lindholm used four different kinds of image restoration strategies. The most salient strategies consisted of bolstering and attacking the accuser. By applying a proposition analysis it was possible to find textual themes used to either undermine the tabloid Expressen's credibility or to mitigate his own actions.   The results also point out that ethos and image restoration strategies are closely intertwined.

Toward A Value Proposition of Digital Opportunity Trust

Shah, Muhammad Umair January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to advance the understanding of Digital Opportunity Trust’s (DOT) value proposition by characterizing the ‘modus operandi’ and to develop a method to explore the impact of entrepreneurship in the developing (or under-developed) regions of the world undertaken by Digital Opportunity Trust. DOT is an initiative to help reduce poverty, and to achieve greater social and economic stability by empowering people with skills and knowledge by utilizing new technologies in their communities. Prior research suggests the adaptation of ‘Information and Communication Technology’(ICT) and technological advancement as a means of addressing 500 million people worldwide, those residing at the ‘bottom of the pyramid’ (Prahalad, 2005) for an effective social transformation. “Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)” is one of the not-for-profit (NFP) / non-governmental organizations (NGO), which strives to accomplish this goal by blending ‘entrepreneurial’ education with ‘corporate social responsibility’ to foster new ventures that use digital communications technology. DOT is operating in eleven (11) countries for more than eight (8) years now, rendering it important to validate and evaluate the extent to which Information and Communication Technology ICT allows people in poor communities to exchange knowledge, and to compete with new enterprise. Personal interviews (Case Study Methodology) with DOT’s executives, staff, interns and contractors were arranged to gather insightful information and to characterize the value proposition. The aim is to gather estimates of achievement for each of the defining attributes (‘as things are’ to reflect present achievement and ‘as things could be’ to reflect how far the attribute might be ‘pushed’). While it must be the responsibility of DOT’s leaders to articulate formally its value proposition, evidence gathered in this case study points in possible directions. For example, DOT’s value proposition is based on a humanitarian goal and a win-win situation that benefits the people of underdeveloped regions as well as DOT itself. DOT does not merely advance monetary aid to the poor regions of the world; rather it creates a model of economical sustainability. It empowers people by imparting technical prowess and training to them. This not only keeps them abreast of the whole world, but also helps improve their quality of life. DOT provides technological initiatives and programs in developing areas, while adhering effectively to accountability structure. Multinational companies and not-for-profit organizations can gain useful and practical knowledge from DOT’s experience. DOT brings an edge to entrepreneurship by advocating productivity and skill, especially in technological fields. The poor man’s plight turns into a healthy, industrious skill. An emerging paradigm for creating shared value suggests that this is precisely the model worldwide corporations should invest in and apply in these ever-challenging economic times.

Ny kutym eller ny kostym? : Etableringsreformen ur ett nyinstitutionellt ekonomiskt perspektiv / A New Custom or a New Costume? : The Establishment Reform from a New Institutional Economic Perspective

Hegart, Ellinor, Högberg, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka måluppfyllelsen av etableringsreformen, som trädde i kraft den 1 december 2010, samt aktören etableringslotsens funktion inom denna reform. Detta görs utifrån de uttalade målsättningarna i regeringens proposition 2009/10:60 Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering – egenansvar med professionellt stöd. Därutöver belyses vilka hinder som finns för målens uppfyllelse. Studien baseras på rapporter och andra dokument från offentliga myndigheter, vilka bland annat kompletteras med egeninsamlad data. Primärdatan bygger på intervjuer som genomförts med fyra handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen och fyra etableringslotsar som är verksamma i Linköping och Norrköping, samt en mailintervju med Arbetsförmedlingen på central nivå. Resultaten tolkas utifrån institutionell ekonomisk teori med fokus på teorier av Douglass North.Studien visar bland annat att likvärdigheten av etableringsinsatserna har ökat över landet och att arbetsmarknadsperspektivet är tydligare med Arbetsförmedlingen som huvudansvarig istället för kommunerna. Dock lider etableringsreformen av icke-individanpassade etableringsinsatser och en hög samordningsproblematik. Detta drabbar i slutänden de nyanlända som redan möter höga barriärer vid etablering i det svenska samhället. Även externa faktorer påverkar etableringsarbetet och de möjligheter som ges till de nyanlända. Framförallt är det bostadssituationen som påverkar olika ledtider och begränsar de nyanländas möjligheter till deltagande i etableringsinsatserna.De ekonomiska incitamenten för etableringslotsarna att fylla sin tilltänkta funktion är för låga och fokus från lotsarna läggs på socialt stöd istället för arbetsförberedande insatser för den nyanlände. Innovationer från positiv konkurrens har till stora delar uteblivit. Systemet innehåller även vissa brister som tillåter oseriösa eller opportunistiska etableringslotsar att verka, vilka sänker kvaliteten på etableringsarbetet och försämrar de nyanländas möjligheter till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. / The aim of the study is to assess the compliance between the goals and the results of the Establishment reform, which entered into force on December 1st 2010, and the role of the participant called the Introduction guide. This assessment is done on the basis of the goals in the proposition from the Swedish government 2009/10:60 Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering – egenansvar med professionellt stöd. In addition the obstacles to achieving the goals are highlighted. The study is based on reports and other documents from public bodies that are supplemented by, amongst others, the primary data of the study. This primary data consists of interviews with four employees at the Public Employment Service and four Introduction guides in Linköping and Norrköping as well as of mail correspondence with the Public Employment Service at a central level. The results are interpreted using New Institutional Economic Theory, focusing on the theories by Douglass North.The study shows, among other things, that the differences between various establishment activities have diminished, and that there is a stronger labour market focus now that the Public Employment Service has taken over the responsibility from the municipalities. However, the Establishment reform does suffer from a lack of individually adapted establishment activities as well from a failure in collaboration and coordination. This ultimately afflicts the new arrivals, which are already facing high barriers while trying to become a part of the Swedish society. External factors also affect the establishment process and the possibilities for new arrivals. It is foremost the living situation that is affecting different lead times and limiting the immigrants possibilities to participate in establishment activities.The economic incentives for the Introduction guides to fill their intended function are too low and the guides are primarily providing social support for the new arrivals instead of labour market oriented activities. Innovations as a result of competition are largely absent. The system contains various flaws that allow for flippant or opportunistic Introduction guides, which in turn lowers the quality of the Establishment work and worsens the new arrivals’ chances of getting established on the labour market.

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