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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating Value from Last Mile Deliveries to First Mile Recycling : A Case Study of an Urban Consolidation Center / Skapa Värde från Urbana Varuleveranser till Urban Avfallshämtning : En Fallstudie av en Urban Samlastningscentral

WESTERLUND, GUSTAV, BABAN, DARIN January 2021 (has links)
This study is a part of the HITS-project at the Integrated Transport Research Lab at KTH. The demand for urban freight transportation has continued to grow during the last decades due to increased urbanization. Road-based freight transport contributes to air pollution, traffic congestion and noise pollution. The dependency of these services and because of their emissions of greenhouse gases there is a need for new sustainable initiatives.  To investigate the possibility of consolidating the delivery of parcels and collection of recycling materials, a pilot initiative called Älskade Stad has been implemented in Stockholm. Traditionally, similar initiatives have encountered problems when municipalities have stopped the funding and it has also been difficult to convince companies to cooperate. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate what values that are being created from an urban consolidation center (UCC), as these could be seen as incentives for joining. Furthermore, it will identify what value propositions that are being offered for the city and the involved companies and how these companies capture these values.  The thesis is conducted as a qualitative case study and uses the business model approach as a conceptual framework. The result from the study shows that four key resources and activities were related to value creation: a smaller truck which increased the filling rates, exemptions received from the municipality, new garage space utilization, and goods and waste flow consolidation. Furthermore, sustainable value propositions are offered to the companies and the city, such as, more attractive streets, higher profitability on trucks, increased publicity, improved work environment and finally green transportation solutions. This has entailed changes to the value capturing for the involved companies. Changes that are related to savings, revenue, and cost streams. The analysis from the study showed that the implementation of an UCC can help the city when facing urbanization challenges, and lead to a cleaner, safer, and more attractive city. / Denna studie är en del av HITS-projektet vid Integrated Transport Research Lab vid KTH. Efterfrågan på urbana varutransporter har fortsatt att öka under de senaste årtiondena på grund av en ökad urbanisering. Vägbaserad varutransport bidrar till luftföroreningar, köbildning och ljudföroreningar. Vikten av dess tjänster i kombination med dess stora utsläpp av växthusgaser skapar ett behov av nya hållbara initiativ.  För att utforska en lösning som konsoliderar varuleveranser och upphämtning av returmaterial, har en pilotstudie med namnet Älskade Stad genomförts i Stockholm. Historiskt sett har liknande initiativ mött problem när finansiering från offentlig sektor tagit slut och dessutom har det varit svårt att övertyga företag att delta i samarbeten. Därför ämnar denna studie att kartlägga vilka värden som faktiskt skapas med hjälp av en urban samlastningscentral, vilket skulle kunna ses som möjliga incitament. Vidare syftar denna studie till att kartlägga vilka värden som erbjuds för staden samt involverade företag och hur dessa värden fångas av företagen.  Denna uppsats är genomförd i form av en kvalitativ fallstudie och använder ett affärsmodellsperspektiv som teoretiskt ramverk. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med experter som är involverade i initiativet samt forskare insamlades data. Resultaten från studien påvisar fyra huvudsakliga aktiviteter och resurser kopplat till värdeskapande: en mindre lastbil som ökade fyllnadsgraden, dispenser utdelat från stadsförvaltningen, ny garageanvändning samt godskonsolidering. Utöver detta så uppstår ett hållbart värdeerbjudande till företagen och staden i form av en mer attraktiv gatumiljö, högre lönsamhet på sopbilar, ökad publicitet, förbättrad arbetsmiljö och en grön transportlösning. Detta har medfört förändringar när det gäller företagens värdefångst, förändringar kopplade till besparingar, intäkts- och kostnadsflöden. Analysen från studien visat att en implementering av en urban samlastningscentral kan hjälpa staden att bemöta urbaniseringsutmaningar och bidra till en renare, säkrare och attraktivare stadsmiljö.

Faculty Senate Minutes March 5, 2012

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 05 March 2012 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Le Conseil d'Etat et la confection de la loi / The council of state and the making of the law

Bouvier, Laure-Alice 04 December 2013 (has links)
Si l’on s’en tient à une vision formelle, la participation du Conseil d'Etat à la confection de laloi apparaît marquée par une permanence et une stabilité remarquables depuis sa création enl’An VIII. Un examen plus approfondi montre une vérité plus complexe. Jusqu’à saconstitutionnalisation sous la Vème République, la participation du Conseil d'Etat à laconfection de la loi a été confrontée à la problématique de sa légitimité. C’est à un tout autreenjeu auquel le Conseil d'Etat est aujourd'hui confronté dans l’exercice de sa fonctionlégislative, celui de son expansion au sein des institutions publiques depuis la révisionconstitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 qui a modifié sa place dans le processus législatif. Dans lecadre de sa participation à la loi, le Conseil d'Etat a par ailleurs à faire face auxtransformations qui traversent l’ordre juridique, et en particulier au phénomène dediversification des sources du droit qui commande une nécessaire adaptation de son cadreorganisationnel, de ses méthodes et de sa grille d’analyse. / If we stick to a formal vision, participation of the Council of State in making the law appearsmalrked by a remarquable permanence and stability since its inception in the year VIII. Acloser examination reveals a more complex truth. Until its constitutionalization in the FifthRepublic, the participation of the Council of State in making the law was faced with theproblem of legitimacy. This is a different issue that the Council of State is currently facing inthe exercise of its legislative function, the one of its expansion in public institutions since theconstitutional revision of the 23th July 2008 which amended its place in the legislativeprocess. As part of its participation in the law, the Council of State has also to deal with thetransformations the legal system has to face today, and in particular the phenomenon ofdiversification of sources of law that controls a necessary adaptation of its organizationalframework, its methods and its analytical framework.

半導體原物料通路商之策略研究 / Strategy Research for Semiconductor Manufacturing Raw Material Distributors: the Case Study of Topco Scientific Co., Ltd

陳建勳, Chen. Chien-Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業協會指出,半導體產業無論是在產值、營運附加價值、外匯收入、稅賦、就業機會、政府投資獲利、興建晶圓廠所帶動的周邊效益等,都有穩定且持續成長之表現,對國家有相當大的貢獻。在半導體產業中,半導體原物料通路商位居上游供應商與下游製造商之間的橋樑位置,維繫通路貨暢其流,在整個產業鏈中扮演重要角色。在此一領域中,以崇越科技的經營績效卓越,足為業界楷模。因此,本研究擬以崇越科技為個案,進行策略研究。 一個成功的營運模式,應該可以解釋如何增強價值展現、如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋等議題。藉由研究連續成長的個案公司-崇越科技,本研究希望可以確認下列議題所採取的關鍵策略: (1)個案公司如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置?亦即如何增強價值展現? (2)個案公司如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值?亦即如何作好價值傳遞? (3)個案公司如何作到提升營業利潤及實現公司價值?亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? / 本研究使用吳思華教授的「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析進行個案研究。策略三構面理論主張,規劃企業策略時,可以由下列觀點進行: (1)營運範疇:產品/市場、活動組合、地理構形、業務規模 (2)核心資源:有形/無形的資源、個人/組織能力 (3)事業網路:體系成員、網路關係、網路位置 / 此外,本研究也將探討三構面之間彼此的調整關係。至於四個競技場分析,則是以下列四個不同觀點,分析企業的策略: (1)價值與效率競技場 (2)能耐與結構競技場 (3)實力與體系競技場 (4)異質與同形競技場 / 本研究針對崇越科技的四項重要策略事件,包括成立光電材料部、成立水處理部、IPO、成立中古設備部等,進行策略三構面分析,以及四個競技場分析。藉以研究半導體原物料通路商如何增強價值展現,如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋。茲將各策略事件分述如下所示: (1)策略事件一:成立光電材料部 成立光電材料部,使得崇越科技的營運模式,由原本的佣金交易,擴增為現品交易。此一策略事件使得崇越科技提昇了倉儲、物管及資金調度的能力。成立光電材料部之後,崇越科技的主要產品,由原有的矽晶片、半導體製程用石英器材,擴展到黃光製程的主要原料-深紫外線光阻液,在2005年該項產品貢獻了逾18億台幣的營業額。其他主要產品如化學研磨液、環氧樹脂積體電路封裝材料、液態封裝材料…等,也可以複製深紫外線光阻液成功的營運模式進行推廣。 (2)策略事件二:成立水處理部 崇越科技成立水處理部,跨入半導體製造廠的廠務系統相關業務。此一策略事件使得崇越科技發展出工程設計、施工維護之組織能耐,並建立了良好的下包廠商體系。之後,水處理部將業務切割為:純水工程及廢水工程等二部份,並在廢水工程此一領域發展自有品牌。在2005年時,水處理部的年營業額達新台幣15億1千萬。此一策略事件也帶來其他額外的商機,如發展潔淨室建造工程以及中央供酸系統等相關業務。 (3)策略事件三:IPO IPO提供崇越科技較佳的籌措資金管道,使得財務運作上更有彈性。IPO使得崇越科技公司知名度及形象大幅提昇,對於延攬優秀的員工,自然也會有正面的助益。此外,財務管理的能力也因此提昇,與金融體系間的關係也更為緊密。 (4)策略事件四:成立中古設備部 崇越科技成立中古設備部,以成為高科技產業的全方位供應者。崇越科技掌握半導體中古設備的商機,使得營運範疇得以擴展至中古設備的買賣、運送、設備翻新、裝機、零件供應、機台調校、甚至包括製程參數設定。「高科技產業的全方位供應者」的公司願景,也使得崇越科技得以在半導體產業有更明確的定位。 / 經由「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析,確定崇越科技的四項策略事件對於其成長具有重大意義。崇越科技的營運範疇、核心資源、事業網路在各個策略事件之後均有顯著的擴展,而不論是在「價值-效率」、「能耐-結構」、「實力-體系」、「異質-同型」競技場,都可看到崇越科技的具體成長趨勢。因此,崇越科技在四個策略事件中所採行的各項關鍵策略,應可成為半導體原物料通路商在勾勒其未來發展的營運策略時的標竿參考。 / 在本研究的事件描述及三構面調整關係當中,我們可以整理出來個案公司在各個策略事件所運用的關鍵策略,並依研究目的所要探討的主題歸納如下: (1)以個案公司為例,通路商如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置,亦即通路商如何增強價值展現。 1)擴大服務平台,滿足顧客整體需求,是通路商確保代理權的重要關鍵。 2)維持暢通而綿密的人脈網路是通路商的天職。 3)對通路商而言,自有品牌的創立應該因勢利導,不該破壞與原有代理的供應商之間的良好關係。 4)踴躍參加各項服務品質競賽有助於提升通路商形象及強化公司體質。 (2)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值,亦即通路商如何作好價值傳遞。 1)通路商辨識需求缺口的能耐,與其是否能持續發展有高度正向關係。 2)人才為通路商最重要的資產。 3)顧客內部的各個部門也存在競爭狀態,通路商應善用情勢並維持與各部門的良好互動。 4)通路商應建立完整的支援/外包體系。 (3)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升營業利潤及實現公司價值,亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? 1)通路商適用多種營運模式。 2)切割現有的服務內容,創造新立足點。 3)延伸產品線,善用核心能耐,創造新價值。 4)健全而靈活的財務控管是通路商持續成長、實現公司價值的重要基礎。 / As Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association pointed out, semiconductor industry had been and is of great contribution to Taiwan in the aspects of GDP, foreign currency income, tax income, unemployment rate, government investment achievement, and also subsidiary industry of wafer fabrication. Semiconductor manufacturing raw material distributors play a very important role in semiconductor industrial value chain, who bridging the raw material manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers. Topco Scientific Co., Ltd (TSC) is a leading company of semiconductor raw material distributor in Taiwan and Great China Region. TSC would be the case to be studied on the strategy of its continuous growth. / A successful business model should cover how to enhance “Value Proposition”, how to perform “Value Delivery”, and how to achieve “Value Capturing”. In the study of TSC’s continuous growth, we shall be able to identify the key strategies which were employed in the following three themes: 1. How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 2. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 3. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? / “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis by Dr. S.H. Wu were applied in this study. The “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory provides the scope of establishing a thorough business strategy, and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploit the business growth in four different points of view. “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory claims the following aspects should be reviewed when establishing the business strategy: 1.Business Domain : product/market, business activities, business geography, business scale 2.Core Resource : physical/non-physical properties, personal/ganizational competence 3.Business Network : network parties, network relationship, network position Also, the adjustment/correlation of these three aspects should be discussed. The “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploits the status of company’s strategy in four different points of view: 1.Value-Efficiency coliseum 2.Competence-Organization coliseum 3.Power-Networks coliseum 4.Innovation- Authenticity coliseum / This study applied the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis on TSC’s four critical strategic issues including the issues of establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department”, establishing the “Water Treatment Department”, IPO, and establishing the “Used Machine Department”. From which we could conclude how the semiconductor raw material distributors enhancing their Value Proposition, improving their Value Delivery, and achieving their Value Capturing. The briefing of these four issues is as followings: Issue 1: Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” was to extend the TSC’s business model from indent order business to stock sale business. Also, this issue strengthened TSC’s ability of technical service, logistics, and financial management. The success of DUV Resist brought annual revenue of over NTD1.8 billion in 2005. Other major products such as CMP slurry, Epoxy Molding Compound, IC Underfill Material…could also copy the business model of DUV Resist. Issue 2: Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” was to create new business in the semiconductor manufacturers’ facility area. TSC built up their engineering capability and also the subcontractor network. The success of separating the water treatment business into pure water and waste water two categories let TSC could have their own brand waste water business. Water treatment business contributed NTD1.5 billion in 2005. Also it brought new business chance like Cleanroom and Chemical Supply System. Issue 3: IPO IPO to let TSC has much stronger financial flexibility. The company status has been up rated and could be easier to recruit excellent employees. The financial management capability had been improved and the business network is much stronger. Issue 4: Establishing the “Used Machine Department” Establishing the “Used Machine Department” was to address TSC as a Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry. TSC captured the business chance of semiconductor manufacturing used machine off-shore service from which they could extend the business to used machine buy-and-sale, logistics, refurbish, installation, parts sourcing, calibration/tuning, and process parameter setting. The company vision of Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry will lead TSC to exploit the semiconductor industry with a higher and thorough position. / Through the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis we could confirm that the above mentioned four critical strategic issues are of great positive effects to TSC in the sense of Business Domain, Core Resource, and Business Networks. Also we could see the continuous growth trend in the Value-Efficiency, Competence-Organization, Power-Networks, and Innovation- Authenticity coliseums. Therefore, the key strategies applied in these four critical strategic issues could be the bench mark of semiconductor raw material distributors for their further growth. From the description of these strategic issues and the adjustment/correlation of three aspects discussion, we could conclude the key strategies for a successful business model of semiconductor raw material distributor, and list these key strategies with respect to our three themes of study: How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 1.Expanding the service base and providing the total solutions to customers is very essential to secure the agency rights 2.Maintaining a freely flowing and circumspect human relationship network is a must-do job of distributors. 3.Distributors should take very caution when developing own-brand products, should not damage the relationship with principles. 4.Attending the service quality contest will strongly promote company’s image and improve competence. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 1.The ability of identifying customers’ needs is proportional to the success of continuous growth of distributors. 2.People are the most valuable assets of distributors. 3.Competitions inside customer’s organization should be handled with care, and should maintain good communications with each departments of customer. 4.Distributor should establish an integrated supporting/subcontractor system. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? 1.Multiple business models are adequate for distributor. 2.Rearranging current service contents to create new business niches. 3.Fully utilize core competence to extend product lines and create new values. 4.Nimble and integral financial management is the foundation of long-term growth and can capture company’s value.

Applying the business model canvas to develop business models for SMEs in Namibia : a case of the Khomas Region

Charamba, Millicent Patience 12 1900 (has links)
There have been tremendous economic developments in all parts of the world including developing nations. One of the major drivers of these developments has been from the Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). These businesses have enabled many nations to create employment, resulting in an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In as much as SMEs have well documented benefits, they also require many support, capital and business skills. This has led to the establishment of SME incubation centres where start-ups are hosted and trained to have the business skills. However, despite the incubation initiatives, SMEs still fail to grow and always have challenges. At times, the challenges are not finance related but lack of proper business strategies. This could be addressed by considering business models. This dissertation considers the initiatives that have been taking place on SMEs. A case study of SMEs in Namibia within the Khomas region is used. A mixed research approach was adopted. Specific research methods used were interviews and observations with questionnaires being used as the instruments to gather the required information. SMEs from the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre in Windhoek were selected for the research population. One of the popular Business Model Canvas tools was used as a sample of a guide in data collection, where SMEs engaged were to indicate how they apply certain categories of the canvas. Results show that SMEs engaged do not have specific business models they are applying. However, there were many elements and understanding of the categories from the business model canvas. At the same time, SMEs mentioned incorporating technologies in their businesses and using ICTs to reach customers and make an effort to cut on the cost of bringing in stock. It was also clear that SMEs work independently and have long working hours when they are to meet specific orders. It was concluded that SMEs’ needs are different and that it may be difficult to use one business model. However, a mixture of a few business models could be combined to cater for the changing environment and address business needs. The Business Model Canvas could be applied for the Namibian SMEs but there is need to consider some other business models such as cutting out the middleman, business partnership models and bricks and clicks models. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

"Vi kan göra underverk tillsammans!" : En intervjustudie om HR-chefers upplevelse av sin roll och sitt arbete / "Together we can do miracles!" : An interview study based on HR managers’ experiences of their work

Gunnarsson, Irma Lina, Mencevski, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Att människan är företagets viktigaste resurs vidhåller många organisationer i det moderna arbetslivet. Ett företags HR-avdelning ansvarar för att hantera alla frågor som rör de anställda i en organisation, såsom kompetensförsörjning, ledarskapsutveckling, arbetsmiljö- och lönefrågor. HR-arbetet har under de senaste decennierna genomgått en transformation från administrativ stödfunktion till strategisk affärspartner, och ska existensberättigas genom ett ständigt värdeskapande mot företagets affärsmål. I Sverige ansvarar HR-funktionen också för att säkerställa en strategi för de organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljöproblem som under 2010- talet legat till grund för landets kraftigt ökade sjukskrivningar orsakade av detta. Forskning visar att ledarskapet är en faktor som har stor betydelse för medarbetarnas hälsa. I vår studie har vi undersökt HR-chefers upplevelser av sin roll, och analyserat vilka resurser HR-cheferna är beroende av för att skapa inflytande i sitt arbete. Studiens analytiska verktyg har utgjorts av teorier om styrningsfilosofi, Bourdieus kapitalteori, Ostroms teori om kollektivt handlande samt Dave Ulrichs transformationskoncept Värdeskapande HR. Vi har utfört åtta tematiska intervjuer med kvinnor verksamma som HR-chefer. Resultatet visar att samtliga HR-chefer i vår studie har inslag av både mjuk och hård HRM i sitt arbete, men att tyngdpunkten mellan perspektiven varierar mellan cheferna. Samspelet mellan HR-chefens och organisationfältets aktörer påverkar möjligheterna för HR-cheferna att skapa inflytande och att nå ett värdeskapande HR-arbetssätt där kollektivt handlande och organisationens affärsmål står i fokus. Detta står i direkt beroende av HR-chefens sociala och kulturella kapital, samt hur det används och efterfrågas av organisationsfältets aktörer. / Many organizations in modern working life holds their employees as their most important resource. The human resources (HR) department is responsible for managing all questions relating to the employees in an organization, such as talent management, supply of competence, leadership development, work environment and payroll issues. Over the past decades, the HR work organization has undergone a transformation; from being an administrative support function, to the present and modern role as a strategic business partner, where the existence of the HR function must be legitimized through constant value creation by working strategically towards the company's business goals. In Sweden, the HR department is also responsible for ensuring a strategy to manage the organizational and social workplace health problems. Since 2010, sickness absence due to these problems has increased dramatically in the country. Extensive research and science studies from the past decade, shows that the leadership has considerable impact on the state of health of the employees. We have studied HR managers’ experiences of their role, and analyzed which varieties of resources that they depend on to create influence in their work. The fundament in our analyze, is a set of scientific theories, which consists of contrasting organization theories, Bourdieu's capital theory, Ostrom's theory of collective action and Dave Ulrich's transformation concept; The HR Value Proposition. We have carried out eight thematic interviews with women in the position of HR manager. The result shows that all HR managers in our study practices elements of both soft and hard HRM in their work, but that the main emphasis between perspectives varies amongst the managers. The interaction between HR managers and organizational stakeholders effects the HR manager’s prospects to generate influence and to achieve a value-creating HR approach that focuses on collective action and the business goals of the organization. This circumstance also stands in direct reliance to the HR manager's amount of social and cultural capital, as well as how they are used and demanded by the organizational stakeholders.

The price you’re worth: A case-study of pricing in the TIC-market

Vinberg, Kasper, Lindstedt, Stefan January 2020 (has links)
How to price your offering is one of the main managerial decision issues today and is alarmingly often not grounded in necessary market and cost research. Pricing is a complex topic, dependent on a multitude of internal and external factors, which makes pricing practice and strategy alignment even more difficult. As a simplifying measure, pricing practices are commonly categorized into three categories: cost-based, competition-based and value-based pricing, of which value-based pricing is considered the superior practice by scholars. Consequently, the issue of how to adopt value-based pricing and how to actually price according to value is pertinent and a main focus of this thesis. What comprises perceived customer value, how a firm creates and captures value, and how a firm chooses to formulate the customer value proposition in order to communicate the generated value are all questions that this thesis investigates and attempts to answer. Furthermore, the effects of the customer-supplier relationship on pricing and change management aspects of a transition to value-based pricing are also investigated and analyzed. In order to answer the research purpose and accompanying research questions, a qualitative single case-study was conducted. The case company was a leading company in the TIC-market, who just recently had started discussing implementing value-based pricing and was therefore deemed as an appropriate case for this study. Empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with the employees as well as the customers of the case company. The analysis of the empirical data in conjunction with the theoretical framework led to a revised analytical model that attempts to explain the relations and correlations of the different concepts discussed in this thesis, as well as conclusions regarding the aforementioned research questions. This study concludes that the common value drivers are Quality, Delivery reliability, Delivery time, Price, Geographical location, Relationship and communication, Customization. Additionally, the study concludes that the alignment of pricing practice and strategy is heavily dependent on internal and external awareness, and it is of utmost importance for a firm engaging in value-based pricing to know not only their customer and market, but also their own capabilities and strengths. Regarding how to formulate the customer value proposition, the study concludes that it should be customized for the specific customer and have a resonating focus with elements of points of difference. Lastly, the study details the challenges that a firm transitioning to a value-based pricing practice might encounter, and the suggestive solutions to these obstacles.

Internet of Things : The Potential Influence of Enterprise Buyers on the Security of IoT

Mozayani, John January 2018 (has links)
While IoT safety and security incidents continue to increase in frequency, scope and severity, there remains a gap in how the issue will be addressed. While the debate continues within academia, industry standards bodies, government and industry media, new entrants continue to rapidly enter the market with cheaper more powerful products with little incentive to address information security issues. In a free market economy, the supply and the demand would determine the product and services and the associated prices without intervention. Manufacturers are free to innovate, consumers drive choice and competition brings these opposing forces to an equilibrium of market price. But how does this economic system factor in the risk of an event that neither party may ever consider and, yet, it may impact not only impact those involved, but has the potential to have catastrophic harm to others? The downside, the system does not consider “external factors”, i.e. a compromise to accommodate what consumers need. Economists often urge governments to adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them. Such an intervention, however, often comes with many challenges and consequences. Even with the added urgency of growing risk to human safety, regulatory intervention takes time. Likewise, a self-regulating market would undoubtedly also take a significant amount of time to take the necessary actions to address such an externality, even if incentivized. While it continues to be all too easy to defer the blame and risk on consumer, like the industrial revolution, this industry must overcome its own safety challenges like the auto, transportation or energy industries before it. While, consumers must inevitably take some reasonable measures to protect their interests, clearly the accountability must reside elsewhere. There is a potentially increasingly significant influential subset of consumers in the IoT ecosystem, the Enterprise Buyer, specifically marketing and technology executives, who champion consumer needs within their organization’s broader products and services that incorporate IoT. In this thesis, we aim to investigate the following issue: What are the attitudes and potential role for Enterprise Buyers in influencing negative externalities, i.e. IoT security in the IoT market, specifically from the perspective of marketing and technology executives? We believe that this group is uniquely positioned to understand a consumer first mindset and how to articulate value in otherwise negatively perceived field of information security by examining context, business/technical challenges and opportunities and reveal awareness, attitude and accountability. The results of our survey show the majority of marketing and technology executives who responded believe information security awareness is increasingly an executive accountability and priority and Enterprise Buyers hold a highly influential position in their ability to influence the IoT market and its security development and maturation. / Medan IoT- säkerhetsincidenter fortsätter att öka i frekvens, omfattning och svårighetsgrad, finns det fortfarande ett gap i hur problemet ska hanteras. Samtidigt som debatten fortsätter inom akademin, branschstandardorganen, myndigheter i regeringen och industrin fortsätter nya aktörer att snabbt komma in på marknaden med billigare, kraftfullare produkter med få incitament att ta itu med informationssäkerhetsfrågor. I en öppen marknadsekonomi skulle utbud och efterfrågan avgöra produkt och tjänster och tillhörande priser utan intervention. Tillverkare kan obehindrat driva innovation, konsumenterna driver urval och konkurrens ger dessa motstridiga krafter jämvikt genom marknadspriset. Men hur påverkar detta ekonomiska system risken för en händelse som ingen av parterna någonsin kan överväga och som ändå kan påverka inte bara de inblandade som berörs utan även har potential att få katastrofala skador på andra? Nersidan är att systemet inte beaktar "yttre faktorer", det vill säga gör en kompromiss för att leverera vad konsumenterna behöver. Ekonomer uppmanar ofta regeringar att anta policies som "internaliserar" något externt, så att kostnader och fördelar kommer att påverka främst parter som väljer att ådra sig dem. Ett sådant ingrepp kommer emellertid ofta med många utmaningar och konsekvenser. Trots att förhöjda hot mot människors säkerhet ökar angelägenheten tar uppdatering av regelverken tid. På samma sätt skulle en självreglerande marknad utan tvivel också ta väldigt mycket tid på sig för att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att hantera en sådan extern faktor, även om det fanns incitament för att göra det. Medan det fortsätter att vara alltför lätt att överlåta ansvaret och risken till konsumenten, såsom under den industriella revolutionen, måste denna industri övervinna sina egna säkerhetsutmaningar såsom bil-, transport- eller energibranschen gjort före den. Samtidigt som konsumenter oundvikligen behöver vidta rimliga åtgärder för att skydda sina intressen, måste yttersta ansvaret ligga någon annanstans. Det finns en potentiellt allt större inflytelserik delmängd av konsumenter i IoT-ekosystemet; företagsköpare, specifikt ledare inom marknadsföring och teknologi, som driver konsumentbehov inom sin organisations bredare produkter och tjänster som innehåller IoT. I denna avhandling strävar vi efter att undersöka följande problem: Vad är företagsköparnas attityder och möjliga roll för att påverka negativa externa effekter, det vill säga IoT-säkerhet på IoT-marknaden, särskilt ur marknadsförings- och teknikledarens perspektiv? Vi tror att denna grupp är unik positionerad för att förstå en konsumenternas första tankegång och hur man kan uttrycka värdet i ett annars negativt uppfattat område för informationssäkerhet genom att undersöka kontext, affärs- / tekniska utmaningar och möjligheter och avslöja medvetenhet, attityd och ansvar. Resultaten av vår undersökning visar de flesta marknadsförings- och teknikchefer som svarade tror att informationssäkerhet blir del av ledningens ansvar och prioriteringar och att företagsköpare har en mycket inflytelserik position i deras förmåga att påverka IoT- marknaden och dess säkerhetsutveckling och mognad.


Li, Zhen January 2019 (has links)
Promoting the use of electric vehicles (EVs) has become an important measure to solve the environmental issue in China. In Beijing, the number of EVs has increased rapidly during recent years. In parallel, an extensive charging infrastructure has been deployed. However, most charging infrastructure operators find it difficult to make a profit by only providing charging services due to the lack of a sound business model. This thesis aims to investigate the current status of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in urban Beijing and the business models of Beijing’s main charging infrastructure operators. Furthermore, based on the empirical findings, the weaknesses in the business models are identified. Beijing was chosen as case study in which the three main operators were studied in order to identify their business models in terms of value proposition, value creation and value capture. Questionnaire and interview as data collection methods were used to collect qualitative data. The study has shown that owing to the market demand and governmental promotion, the charging infrastructure industry retains its rapid development in Beijing. Moreover, the study indicates that the EV users’ most important demands on the charging services are: safety, convenience, speed, and stability during charging. The services need to be delivered at a reasonable price, and this is the development orientation for the charging operators. The business models of the three main charging infrastructure operators are almost identical, as all of them both manufacture and deploy charging piles as well as deliver charging services. They create and capture value by providing charging piles and service as well as various services based on mobile apps. Furthermore, through the investigation and analysis of their business models, five weaknesses in the business model have been identified: the slow pace of technology adoption, high initial investment requirements, few revenue streams, high cost for both internal personnel and external contractors, and insufficient information from App/mobile platform. / Att främja användningen av elbilar har blivit en viktig åtgärd för att lösa miljöproblemet i Kina. I Peking har antalet elbilar ökat snabbt de senaste åren. Parallellt har en utbyggnad av laddningsinfrastruktur skett. De flesta laddningsinfrastrukturoperatörer har dock svårt att göra vinst genom att endast tillhandahålla laddningstjänster på grund av bristen på en sund affärsmodell. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka den nuvarande situationen för laddningsinfrastrukturen för elbilar i Peking samt affärsmodellerna hos Pekings främsta laddningsinfrastrukturoperatörer. Enligt de empiriska resultaten identifieras svagheterna i affärsmodellerna. Peking valdes som fallstudie där de tre huvudoperatörerna studerades för att identifiera deras affärsmodeller i fråga om värderbjudande, värdeskapande och värdefångst. Frågeformulär och intervju som datainsamlingsmetoder användes för att samla in kvalitativa data. Studien har visat att, på grund av efterfrågan på marknaden och statens främjande behåller laddningsinfrastrukturbranschen sin snabba utveckling i Peking. Dessutom visar studien att elbilanvändarnas viktigaste krav på laddningstjänsterna är: säkerhet, bekvämlighet, hastighet och stabilitet under laddning. Tjänsterna måste levereras till ett rimligt pris, och detta är utvecklingsorienteringen för laddningsoperatörerna. Affärsmodellerna för de tre huvudoperatörerna är nästan identiska, eftersom alla tillverkar och distribuerar laddstolpar samt levererar laddningstjänster. De skapar värde genom att tillhandahålla laddningspolar och service samt olika tjänster baserade på mobilapp. Vidare, har fem svagheter identifierats genom undersökningen och analysen av affärsmodellerna: den långsamma teknikspridningen, höga initiala investeringskrav, få inkomstströmmar och höga kostnader för både intern personal och externa entreprenörer samt otillräcklig information från app / mobil plattform.

Affärsmodellspåverkan vid införande av HCT i Sverige : Implikationer för fordonstillverkare vid förändrade villkor för styckegodstransporter / Business model implications of HCT introduction in Sweden

Tham, Henrik, Mogard, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Syfte – Studiens syfte är att öka kunskapen om hur fordonstillverkares affärsmodeller påverkas vid förändring av statliga regelverk genom att studera ett framtida införande av HCT i Sverige. HCT, High Capacity Transports, är ett samlingsnamn för lastbilar som är tyngre och/eller längre än vad gällande lagstiftning tillåter. Regelförändringen övervägs för att sänka kostnader och miljöpåverkan.  Metod – Arbetet har genomförts i form av en case-studie. För att studera påverkan på både fordonstillverkares och åkeriers affärsmodeller har intervjuer genomförts med varuägare, åkerier och förare inom fjärrtransporter av styckegods. Detta har kompletterats med löpande kontakt med uppdragsgivande fordonstillverkare samt deltagande i konferenser inom ramen för det nationella HCT-arbetet.  Resultat – Inget större modalskifte mellan järnvägs- och landsvägstransporter förväntas eftersom järnvägens infrastruktur styr transportvalet och inte påverkas av ett HCT-tillåtande. Vidare riskerar fordonstillverkare att sälja färre lastbilar vid ett tillåtande av HCT men genom anpassning av affärsmodellen kan de öka värdet per fordon. Detta värde kan ökas genom att sänka kundernas driftkostnad, maximera fordonens drifttid och föra kundens talan mot myndigheter.  Praktiskt bidrag – Studien har resulterat i ett nytt affärsmodellsramverk för fordonstillverkare vid införande av HCT. Ramverket visar att samtliga nuvarande värdeområden bör inkluderas i kommande affärsmodell och att flertalet får ökad betydelse. På grund av nya förutsättningar blir vissa av dessa områden dessutom svårare att uppnå samtidigt som nya områden kan läggas till.  Vetenskapligt bidrag – Genom att öka kunskapen om affärsmodellspåverkan vid förändring av statliga regelverk utvidgar studien befintlig teori om förändringar av affärsmodeller. Studien belyser även vikten av att studera hela leverantörskedjan vid sådana förändringar. Detta eftersom statliga regelverk styr förutsättningarna för flera aktörer med starka inbördes relationer. Därmed sprider sig effekterna av en regelverksförändring till övriga aktörer i kedjan. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about how legislative changes affect the business model of vehicle manufactures by studying a future allowance of HCT in Sweden. HCT, High Capacity Transports, is a generic term for trucks exceeding today’s weight and/or length regulations. Reasons for implementing HCT include reducing costs and environmental consequences. Method – Effects of legislative changes have been studied through a case-study of how HCT would affect the Swedish transport system. In order to study business model implications for both vehicle manufactures and hauliers, interviews have been held with transport buyers, hauliers and drivers within long distance haulage of break bulk cargo. This has been complemented by continuous contact with the commissioning vehicle manufacturer and participation in HCT conferences. Findings – Findings indicate that there will be no major modal shift between railway and road since the railway infrastructure determines the modal choice and is unaffected by HCT. Furthermore findings show that vehicle manufactures risk to sell fewer vehicles in case of HCT allowance but a business model adaption can increase the value per vehicle. This can be achieved by reducing customer operating costs, increasing vehicle uptime and being the voice of the customer against authorities. Practical implications – The study has resulted in a HCT business model framework for vehicle manufactures. The framework shows that all present value areas should be included in a future business model and that several areas will increase in importance. In the effect of new conditions several areas will become more difficult to fulfill. Furthermore new areas will be added. Theoretical implications – This study expands current theories within business model changes by increasing knowledge about how legislative changes affect business models. Furthermore this study highlights the importance of studying the whole supply chain in the event of these changes. The reason for this is that legislations affect the conditions for several players with strong peer relationships. Thereby effects due to changed legislations will spread to other players in the chain.

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