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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exkursioner i gymnasieskolan : Lärande, motivation och plats

Schmidinger, Helen January 2015 (has links)
The present licentiate thesis comprises a review of Swedish and Anglo-Saxon literature on excursions and their history, followed by a study on three one-day excursions and two neighbourhood excursions, conducted by pupils at upper secondary school. The primary purpose of the thesis was to highlight the development of excursion procedures, aiming at increasing the interest of the pupils, improving their inner motivation, but also to develop the learning process. Thus, the work also attempted to identify learning models and excursion methods, furnishing pupils with a positive attitude during excursions and field studies. Article no 1 consists of a survey of Swedish (particularly in Geographical Notices) and Anglo-Saxon literature, describing and discussing how the excursion procedures have been developed, influenced, and designed. Excursions became a practiced teaching method at the beginning of the last century. The urbanization and instigation of a public school are described as incitements for arranging excursions. British as well as Swedish teaching authorities emphasized excursions in school activities in different curricula or school documents. The present study shows that arranging excursions and other activities in the field was in the interests of the teaching authorities and a number of different society instances. Excursion methods and their extent and incorporation into the school activities have been amply discussed in the excursion literature. Qualitative interviews with 50 pupils from five upper secondary schools were conducted after excursions. Observations were carried out during four of these excursions. Article II comprises one-day excursions in geography or biology, conducted by pupils in the social and natural science programs at three upper secondary schools. The methods applied in this study were group interviews and observations during two of the excursions. Two neighbourhood excursions in geography and science, performed by two upper secondary schools, were investigated, and form the foundation for article II. The neighbourhood excursions were examined by observations, 25 individual interviews, and a smaller questionnaire. The interviews generated information about how pupils perceive, experience, and interpret the applied excursion methods. Pupils have in interviews and in their questionnaire answers reported their motivation, which ranged from non-existent to a deep inner motivation. Preparations were identified as a key factor for pupils as well as teachers. The observations yielded knowledge about the focus of pupils, their attitudes and concentration level, and also how they use digital media in the field. Furthermore, the relevance of location, along with pupils’ comprehensions and experiences, created an applicable backdrop for future excursions. Careful selection of excursion locations, where pupils are able to discern correlations, was identified as important to their capability of interpreting their observations, which they afterwards might be able to transform into knowledge, inner motivation, or even flow.

Contested Food : The Construction of Home and Consumer Studies as a Cultural Space

Höijer, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Education about and for the home has been part of the Swedish education system for over one hundred years, and Home and Consumer Studies (HCS) has been compulsory for all pupils since the common nine-year school system was introduced in 1962. For all this time food has been a central theme, however we know very little of what food means in this context. The aim of this thesis was to seek to understand the construction of food in HCS. This thesis consists of four papers that explore food in HCS from the perspective of teachers and pupils, the role of the classroom and how food in HCS is part of a larger cultural context. Observations and focus group interviews were used to collect data. The material consists of field notes from 13 days in three HCS classrooms and transcripts of focus group interviews with 25 HCS-teachers and 20 pupils. The analytical methods used were based on social constructionist assumptions which were supplemented by theories on culture, space and spatiality. Results show that teachers constructed both pupils’ homes and society in general as deficient in relation to health. Their role, as public health commissioners, was to educate pupils about food on issues such as health and sustainability. Pupils relied on their personal experiences from home to make sense of food in HCS. To them, home was the authentic place for food where everyday life took place. Food in HCS on the other hand was de-authenticised and sometimes hard to make sense of. This meant that there was a limited shared understanding between pupils and teachers. A spatial analysis of the HCS classroom as a learning space for food showed that past ideologies and traditional power geometries were built into the physical layout and social relationships constructing the room. Food in HCS was found to reflect cultural values of the surrounding society at the same time as a specific HCS cuisine emerged. Food in HCS was thus constructed as contested in interaction between food, pupils, teachers and classroom as well as in relation to a wider context.

Logopedinės pagalbos mikčiojantiems moksleiviams modeliavimas į vaiką orientuoto ugdymo paradigmoje / DESIGNING INTERVENTION FOR STUTTERING PUPILS WITHIN THE CHILD CENTERED EDUCATION PARADIGM

Makauskienė, Vilma 26 September 2008 (has links)
Sudėtinga mikčiojimo dinamika, skirtingas šio sutrikimo poveikis komunikacijai ir socialiniam dalyvavimui, aktualizuoja individualius mikčiojančio asmens poreikius atitinkančių pagalbos būdų ir jų derinimo galimybių, aktyvaus mikčiojančiojo ir jo šeimos narių dalyvavimo ugdymo(si) procese, logopedų kompetencijos tobulinimo, mokslinį diskursą. Naujos švietimo politikos, inkliuzinio ugdymo realybės kontekste, išryškėja teorinio ir metodinio pobūdžio, pagalbos mikčiojantiems vaikams, probleminiai klausimai. Disertaciniame tyrime siekiama išsiaiškinti kaip derinami skirtingi logopedinės pagalbos būdai, atsižvelgiant į individualius mikčiojančių moksleivių poreikius, emocinius, kognityvinius ir socialinius mikčiojimo struktūros komponentus, kaip teikiamos pagalbos veiksmingumą vertina ugdymo(si) proceso dalyviai, kuo pasižymi logopedinė pagalba mikčiojantiems moksleiviams taikant į vaiką orientuoto ugdymo principus. Remiantis mikčiojančių moksleivių jų tėvų, logopedų, mokytojų nuomone ir patirtimi, atskleidžiama iki šiol netyrinėta logopedinės pagalbos mikčiojantiems moksleiviams situacija Lietuvoje, apibrėžiami mikčiojimo įveikimo būdai ir metodinės kryptys, identifikuojami teorijos ir logopedinės praktikos prieštaravimai. Atlikto tyrimo tikslas – teorinėmis prielaidomis bei empirinio tyrimo rezultatais sukonstruoti į vaiką orientuoto ugdymo principais grįstą logopedinės pagalbos mikčiojantiesiems modelį, kuris padėtų plėtoti edukacinį teikiamos pagalbos veiksmingumą. / Statistical data shows that adults who stutter constitute 1% and children who stutter from 4–5% of the population. Stuttering therapy is based on the principles of a system of development in relation to other psychological processes, a holistic approach where individual features are emphasized. Thesis research is based on social constructivism, social participation, empowerment theories and child centered educational paradigm. Research aim – to design a model of therapy to pupils who stutter based on child centered educational paradigm. This research (theoretical analysis of stuttering therapy for the pupils who stutter and empirical research, appended with a discussion of foreign scientists) underlined a few essential conclusions, useful while solving problems related to the education of the pupils who stutter, and the potential of implementation of stuttering therapy based on child-oriented educational principles.

Pagrindinės mokyklos (VI - VIII KLASIŲ) moksleivių savivaldos ypatumai / The peculiarities of the pupils' (VI - VIII forms) autonomy in basic school

Vidraitė, Janeta 09 June 2005 (has links)
Summary THE PECULIARITIES OF THE PUPILS’ (VI-VIII FORMS) AUTONOMY IN A BASIC SCHOOL Janeta Vidraitė School’s community makes an important stream in the making community. All its members’ activity, self-expression freedom, communication and collaboration, unconditional respect of the living rules of the community. So, there is a very important role falls on the pupils autonomy at schools, where has been laying the bases of an active citizen, culture and other. Pupils’ autonomy work can be the first aid organizing educating and training procedures. The point of this work is not only the procedure reaching results in one of another ground but also doing the functions of the organizers pupils gain social proceeding skills, try practically difficult social matters managing workmanship. There could be predicated that the developing of the pupils’ autonomy is a necessary condition, which enable to reach democratic school, active, creative and pushing generation’s training aims. I raised a problematic question if there is run successfully pupils’ autonomy in schools in the Republic of Lithuania, what the main functions and influence it makes to pupils’ life and work variety. The exploring subject – the peculiarities of pupils’ autonomy. The tasks of the research: to explore pedagogical, psychological, methodical literature about pupils’ autonomy; to set what pupils’ institutions and run in the school and what kind of autonomy work the pupils are involved; to discuss pupils... [to full text]

Gabių vaikų atpažinimas ir ugdymas priešmokykliniame amžiuje / Recognition and education of gifted pupils of pre-school age

Lenickienė, Alma 16 August 2007 (has links)
Kalbant apie gabių vaikų ugdymo problemas būtina pabrėžti, kad vaiko gabumai atsiskleidžia jau ankstyvąjame amžiuje, todėl svarbu kuo anksčiau juos pastebėti ir plėtoti,kol galimos problemos neužmaskuoja tikrų vaiko galimybių. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti itin gabių vaikų atpažinimo ir ugdymo galimybes priešmokykliniame amžiuje.Tyrimo metu, anketinės apklausos pagalba, išsiaiškinama priešmokyklinės grupės pedagogų nuomonė apie ugdytinių gebėjimus. Atliekama anketinė ugdytinių apklausa, leidžianti išsiaiškinti, kokios srities gebėjimais labiausiai pasižymi šio amžiaus vaikai.Anketinių apklausų pagalba buvo ištirta mokytojų bei tėvų nuomonė apie ugdytinių gabumus. Kaip parodė atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, gabių vaikų ugdymą įtakoja pedagogų darbo stažas, jų nuomonė apie vaikų gebėjimus. atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad pedagogai ir tėvai skirtingai suvokia gabių vaikų prerogatyvas, skatina vaikus užsiimti skirtinga veikla. / With regard to the training problems of the gifted children, it has to be stressed that the capabilities of children are revealed in the early age, thus it is important to notise and develop the as soon as possible, while the potential problems do not hide the real abilities of child. The purpose of this work is to analyze the recognition and training possibilities of the gifted children in the early age. The questionnaires helped the survey to learn the opinion of the pre-school pedagogues about the capabilities of the trainees. The questioning survey of the trainees was done that helped to learn, the skills from which area the most charasteristic to the children of that age. The questionnaires helped ro learn the opinion of parents and pedagogues about the capabilities of the trainees. Acording to the survey results, the education of the gifted children is affected by the work experience of the pedagogue and parents have different understanding about the prerogatives of the gifted children and they encourage the children to engage in different activity.

Development of creative potential of pupils within technological preparation

Svetlana, Kotelenez, Liubov, Bakhteyeva 31 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Vyresnių klasių moksleivių požiūris į aplinkosaugą kaip vertybę / Attitude of the senior pupils towards environment protection of values object

Gediun, Kristina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama problema - Kas įtakoja moksleivių domėjimąsi aplinkosaugos tema, kaip supranta patys moksleiviai jos vietą vertybių skalėje ? Aplinkosaugos kaip vertybės tema nėra plačiai tiriama, todėl darbo tikslu laikiau ištirti, koks X ir XII klasių moksleivių požiūris į aplinkosaugą kaip vertybę, kokie veiksniai turi įtakos šio požiūrio formavimuisi. Tikslui įgyvendinti keliami šie uždaviniai: • Pateikti aplinkosaugos kaip vertybės samprata. • Išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos Valstybės ir Švietimo dokumentuose deklaruojamą požiūrį į aplinkosaugą. • Išsiaiškinti moksleivių lūkesčius ir poreikius, jų požiūrį į mokykloje dėstomus gamtosaugos dalykus ir jų priimtinumą. • Išsiaiškinti aplinkosaugos vietą moksleivių vertybių skalėje. • Išsiaiškinti mokytojų požiūrį į aplinkosaugą ir šio dalyko priimtinumą moksleivių tarpe. • Išsiaiškinti tėvų požiūrį į gamtosaugos dalykų dėstymą mokykloje ir jų svarbą bei būtinumą kuriant saugią visuomenės ir vaikų ateitį. / The subject of this paper is the attitude of the senior pupils towards environment protection. The analysis problem is the attitude of senior pupils towards the motivation to pursue environment protection. The purpose of the paper is to survey what attitude pupils of 10th and 12th grade have towards environment protection as value in order to find out factors that have the greatest on the formation of the attitude. Tasks for carrying out this purpose: 1. To present the notion of environment protection as value; 2. Look into documentation of Lithuanian government and Education about proclaimed point in environment protection. 3. Look into expectation and needs of senior pupils, they view into teaching of environment protection objects. 4. Look into senior pupils values scale, what is the environment protection value in. 5. Look into teachers view about environment protection, acceptability this for senior pupils. 6. Look into parents view about teaching environment protection object in school, an importance for creating safe society and pupils future. Hypotheses raised: 1. Pupils think, that environment protection object are necessary, because to help in adaptation in society, in understanding processes in nature, economic. 2. Parents are interested in environment protection and think, that pupils get in school little information and near theoretical knowledge should be develop practical skills. 3. Senior pupils think, that information about environment protection subject... [to full text]

Mokinių, mokytojų ir tėvų santykiai: konfliktų prevencija / Relationship of pupils, teachers and parents: prevention of conflicts

Skrodenis, Liudas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbą atliko Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto neakivaizdinių magistrantūros studijų absolventas Liudas Skrodenis. Darbo tema – „Mokinių, mokytojų ir tėvų santykiai: konfliktų prevencija“. Švietimas, švietimo sistema, darbo krūvis ir pan. nuolat buvo viena iš aktualiausių visuomenei temų, išsimokslinimas – nuolat aktuali ir prioritetinė valstybės politikos dalis. Mūsų visuomenėje konfliktuojama nuolat, todėl aktualu suvokti bei valdyti konfliktą, ypatingai tai aktualu ugdymo institucijose, nes labai svarbu, kad konfliktai kuo mažiau kenktų ugdymo kokybei. Juk svarbiausi ugdymo tikslai: padėti asmeniui atskleisti bendrąsias žmogaus vertybes ir jomis grįsti savo gyvenimą; ugdyti kritiškai mąstantį žmogų, galintį svarstyti esminius žmogaus egzistencijos klausimus, atsakingai daryti sprendimus ir savarankiškai veikti; ugdyti asmenį, pasirengusį profesinei veiklai, pasiryžusį ir galintį adaptuotis besikeičiančiame socialiniame, ekonominiame gyvenime, ir jį tobulinti; brandinti asmens tautinę bei kultūrinę savimonę; ugdyti žmogų demokratijai; ugdyti Lietuvos valstybės pilietį, gali būti pasiekti tik dirbant nuosekliai bei darnioje komandoje. Kadangi konfliktai pasitaiko visose žmogaus gyvenimo sferose, juos būtina išmokti juos kontroliuoti – nevaldomi jie gali sužlugdyti tai, ką individas ilgai kūrė ar siekė. Konflikto kilimą lemia objektyvūs ir subjektyvūs faktai, ignoruojant susidariusią konfliktinę situaciją bendravimas gali pasidaryti nebeįmanomas. Konfliktas gali paskatinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper was written by Liudas Skrodenis, valedictorian of Vilnius Pedagogical University of extramural master studies. The theme of the paper – „Relationship of Pupils, Teachers and Parents: Prevention of Conflicts". Education, the system of education, the caseload of work and so on has always been one of the most important themes for the society. The background is always relevant and underlying for the state‘s politics. Conflicts appear constantly in our society that‘s why it is important to control conflicts and especially in educational institutions in order to prevent the degradation of teaching level. The most important aims of the education are: to help the person to reveal common values and to ground ones life by them; to educate critically thinking person who is able to understand the fundamental and existential questions of life, to make responsible decisions and act alone; to educate the person who is ready for professional activity and able to adapt himself or herself to the changing social and economical life as well as to accomplish it; to mature person‘s national and cultural consciousness; to mature the person for democratic; to educate the Citizen of Lithuania what is possible only while working in a harmonious and constantly working team. Because the conflicts appear in every sphere of human life it is important to be able to control them. without any control they might destroy whatever is possible and what was achieved or created by the person. The rise of... [to full text]

Mokinių požiūris į verslumą kaip sąlyga efektyvesniam verslumo ugdymui mokykloje / Pupils' standpoint towards entrepreneurship as a condition for more effective entrepreneurship education at school

Gaidys, Raimondas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Šioje studijoje nagrinėjama mokinių verslumo ugdymo efektyvumas mokinių akimis, atskleidžiamas tyrimo aktualumas: šiuolaikinių demokratijų pagrindas yra rinkos ekonomikos sistema. Šiame kontekste ypač svarbus ekonominis švietimas ir supratimo apie verslą ugdymas. Tai susiję su visuomenės požiūrio formavimu, turinčiu įtakos visiems pertvarkos procesams ir jų greičiui, kita vertus, tai kiekvienam piliečiui reikalingos žinios ir įgūdžiai, nes ekonominiai santykiai apima visas gyvenimo sritis ir etapus. Visuomenės poreikis ekonominėms ir verslo žinioms yra didžiulis ir švietimo sistemos uždavinys – padėti šį poreikį patenkinti. Taigi šio tyrimo tikslas – ištirti moksleivių požiūrį į verslumo ugdymą ir verslumo ugdymo galimybes bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos 10-11 klasėse. Uždaviniai šio tikslo įgyvendinimui: 1. Remiantis moksline pedagogine, psichologine, metodine literatūra nagrinėjamos problematikos aspektu bei teisiniais dokumentais atskleisti verslumo ugdymo teorines dimensijas. 2. Nustatyti efektyvaus verslumo ugdymo galimybes. 3. Išanalizuoti mokinių požiūrį į verslumo ugdymą ir tęstinumą mokyklose. 4. Pateikti išvadas ir praktines rekomendacijas skatinančias efektyvų verslumo ugdymą mokykloje. Išvados įgyvendinus uždavinius Pagrindinės priežastys, skatinančios mokinių domėjimąsi verslumo mokymu yra noras tobulėti, savarankiškai mąstyti, išsiugdyti tvirtus mokymosi ir tobulėjimo įgūdžius. Tuo tarpu bendraamžių ir draugų abejingumas dažnai apsunkina domėjimąsi verslumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study examines the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education of the pupils. In terms of relevance the study is based on the fact that modern democracies have market economy system. In this context, particularly important is economical education and understanding of business education. It‘s also related to social attitudes (position) that affects all the transformation processes and their pace, but on the other hand, these are required knowledge and skills for every citizen, as the economic relations cover all areas of life. Public demand for economic and business knowledge is huge, and the main task of education system is to help meet this need. The purpose of the study to investigate students' standpoint towards entrepreneurship education and opportunities of this study at schools of general education forms level 10-11. Following tasks have been brought to achieve this: 1. Reveal theoretical dimensions of entrepreneurship education based on scientific-pedagogical, psychological and methodological issues examining aspects of literature and legal documents. 2. Define effective entrepreneurship education opportunities. 3. Analyze the students' standpoint towards entrepreneurship education and continuity in schools. 4. Provide conclusions and practical recommendations to promote effective entrepreneurship education in school. The implemented tasks have brought these findings: In scientific literature entrepreneurship is associated with creativity, innovation and... [to full text]

Adolescence : the importance of the peer group and friendship

Day, Michael Lewis January 1987 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the nature of the peer group experience and friendship patterns amongst a sample of 3rd, 4th and 5th year secondary school pupils. The thesis has four parts and a General Introduction in which the need for more sociological research in the area of the peer group and friendship is asserted. Certain themes are developed in relation to the peer group and friendship, and arguments for the research established. In the final part of the General Introduction consideration is given to the nature of the sociology of youth in relation to social class and age grading in society. Part One has three Chapters. The first deals with recent research into the peer group, most of which is American in origin with the exception of certain ethnographic studies which have been published in this country over the last few years. In Chapter Two research into friendship is considered with Chapter Three providing a critical evaluation of the research presented. A general schema is provided, drawing on the literature review which provides the basis for the development of research methods and the subsequent research programme. Part Two establishes the basis for the thesis research and has one chapter. Four objectives are explored. The first concerns the importance of friendship to young people, the second with levels of friendship, the third with deriving definitions of friendship. The final objective examines the effects of age and sex on friendship and is compared with the findings from four significant studies undertaken in this area. Sociometry is considered in relation to "mapping" a group, a self esteem inventory is developed and the Higher Schools Personality Questionnaire evaluated with a view to measuring a number of personality traits. In Chapter Five of Part Three a research design for quantitative and qualitative research is presented. The data are presented in Chapters Six and Seven. 371 young people completed a questionnaire into their friendship and peer relations and two peer groups were intensively involved in group discussion in an endeavour to provide more detailed information on friendship and peer activities. The final part, Chapter Eight, is devoted to a detailed consideration of the findings from the research in the light of the established objectives. An appraisal is undertaken of the extent to which new knowledge has been provided in the social sciences regarding the peer group and friendship.

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