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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

International refugee law in Europe and the temporary relocation scheme : on durable solutions for the refugee child during the refugee crisis

Difford, Crystal 07 May 2018 (has links)
This study explores the international obligations of the European Union to the unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee child. In doing so, it involves an investigation into the concept and content of durable solutions for the refugee child. As such, it analyses the effect of the temporary European relocation scheme in the search for durable solutions. To that end, it engages a comprehensive explanation of the relevant refugee law, the law of the rights of the child and the European legislative framework governing the reception and protection of refugees. Cumulatively, an assessment is made as to the effectiveness of the durable solutions that currently exist. This study seeks to establish whether, in an attempt to relieve the pressure from the frontline member states by creating a system for effective integration, Europe encourages the development of a children’s rights perspective and ultimately, provides a path for the unaccompanied child’s development and self-fulfilment. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

The phenomenon of Xenophobia as experienced by immigrant learners in inner city schools of Johannesburg

Osman, Razia 11 1900 (has links)
There has been a significant increase in immigrant learners in South African schools. This research study captures the experiences of immigrant learners in selected inner city schools of Johannesburg. The May 2008 xenophobic violence prompted the researcher to investigate the extent of xenophobia. A survey of immigrant learners, South African learners and educators was conducted by means of interviews that allowed the research participants to express their feelings and experiences regarding the phenomenon of xenophobia. The result of the study revealed that immigrant learners do experience xenophobia in various forms by South African learners and, in some cases, educators as well. Immigrant learners were predominantly exposed to prejudice and xenophobic comments. They perceived South Africa as positive, giving them hope and opportunities. This research provided a baseline for more extensive research into this phenomenon. / Thesis (M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Ensamkommande flickor och deras framtid : Unga kvinnor som har kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor, hur de talar om sin framtid samt deras upplevelser av utbildning och arbete i Sverige / Unaccompanied refugee girls and their future : Young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee girls, how they speak of their future and their experiences of education and work in Sweden

Trygg, Johanna, Blom, Elin January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie har erfarenheter och framtidsvisioner vad gäller utbildning och arbete i Sverige bland unga kvinnor som kom till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor undersökts. Ambitionen med studien är att öka kunskapen kring gruppen unga kvinnor som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor. Kvalitativa djupgående intervjuer samt en hermeneutisk forskningsansats, präglad av författarnas förförståelse, har använts i studien. I studieresultatet framkommer att de unga kvinnorna upplever mindre stöd samt en ökad ensamhet efter att de har flyttat från HVB-hemmet till eget boende. Studieresultatet visar även på att de unga kvinnorna upplever segregation i skolan samt har kunskapsluckor kring arbete och utbildning. I studiens slutsats formuleras möjliga förbättringar för att öka unga kvinnors kontaktnät innan de flyttar till eget boende, för att motverka segregation i skolan samt förslag på att införa regelbundna samtal. Förbättringarna syftar till att öka unga kvinnors möjligheter att nå sina mål, nå ökat välmående samt en förbättrad integration. / This study have set out to oppose the experience and outlook on future regarding education and work within the group of young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. The purpose of the study is also to increase knowledge about young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. Qualitative in-depth interviews with a hermeneutic research approach characterized by the author’s preconceptions have been used for the study. The key features of the study is that young women after they have moved out of the residential care home to their own apartments experience feelings of loneliness and lack of support. Experiences of segregation in school and knowledge gaps regarding education and work is also key features in the study. In the conclusion of the study possible improvements are suggested to improve young women’s contact network before moving to their own apartments, counteract segregation in school and suggest an establishment of regular dialogues. The improvements aims as a way to increase young women’s abilities to reach their goals, increase their wellbeing and improve integration.

Den hälsodiskursiva praktiken : En etnografisk studie av hälsofrämjande aktiviteter på ett HVB-hem

Moberg, Anna, Nilsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
På grund av oroligheter i världen skedde under år 2015 en kraftig ökning av asylsökande, där ibland även ensamkommande barn. Ökning av ensamkommande barn medförde en boendeproblematik för Sveriges kommuner, vilket lett till behov av flertalet nyuppstartade HVB-hem. Det fanns ett intresse av att studerades hälsofrämjande aktiviteter i kontexten, detta för att förstå dem som en del av en hälsodiskursiv praktik. Detta gjordes utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, diskurs analys samt ett helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Därav har studien genomförts som kvalitativ studie med inspiration ifrån etnografisk forskning. Deltagande observationer utfördes vid tre tillfällen. Observationerna utfördes på två olika avdelningar på ett HVB- hem för ensamkommande pojkar. Genom ett hälsopedagogiskt perspektiv var avsikten med studien att synliggöra hälsodiskurser och dess betydelse för ungdomarnas lärande och skapande av hälsa. Kategorierna för studiens analyserade resultat återspeglar de hälsofrämjande aktiviteter som observerades. Teman för diskussionsdelen framanalyserats med utgångspunkt i studiens valda teorier och utföll i följande sex kategorier: Tidspassning, Vi och dem, Laganda och att ha trevligt ihop, Minskad förtäring av sötsaker, Regelföljning och självständighet samt Dubbla budskap. Av resultatet framkom det att den rådande hälsodiskursen tycks bygga på ett omedvetet helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Det framkommer genom personalens utsagor att en strävans finns mot att skapa förutsättningar för att ungdomarna att utvecklas till självständiga individer, dock strider detta mot vad som kan ses i den hälsodiskursiva praktiken. Därav kan det tänkas att hälsa är ett ämne som kan behöva lyftas i praktiken. Då det var svårt att hitta relevant forskning i ämnet tycks även behov finnas av att bedriva forskning kring hur insatser på HVB-hem bör utformas för att uppnå ökad självständighet hos ungdomarna. / 2015 saw a sharp rise in unaccompanied children seeking asylum. This is due to turmoil in many parts of the world. The rise has brought housing problems for Sweden’s municipalities, with more housing and treatment facilities started as a result. A study was conducted, motivated by ethnography research. Participants were observed on three occasions, in two separate wards in a HVB resident for unaccompanied boys. Health promoting activities were observed, to gain an understanding of them for use from a pedagogic perspective. This was done using a sociocultural perspective in teaching, study analysis, as well as health in general. Through a health discourse perspective, the purpose of the study was to analyze health awareness in the children. The categories for the analysed results reflected the health promoting activities that were encouraged during the study. The study was analysed using the following six categories Punctuality, Us and them, Team spirit and getting along, Reduced sugar consumption, Following rules and independence, as well as Double standards. The results showed that the current health discourse is founded on a subconsciously overall perspective on health. Housing and HVB resident staff have the aim to create possibilities for the children to develop into independent individuals. It can be seen as a field that needs to be improved in practice, through staff education. Relevant data is lacking, further research is needed into what action is required to help the children reach independence.

Två skolklasser i månaden : En kvalitativ studie om myndigheters syn på arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn som försvinner i Sverige.

Mourad, Camilla January 2017 (has links)
Since 2007, about 300 unaccompanied children have annually disappeared in Sweden. This study investigates whether authorities are aware of the problem and how they look at risks, responsibilities and causes of disappearance of unaccompanied children. This is done through a combination of text analyzes of relevant reports as well as qualitative interviews of selected social service professionals and the National Method support against prostitution and human trafficking. The empirical findings have been analyzed with the help of Michael Lipsky’s (2010) Street-Level Bureaucracy theory and Carol Bacchi’s (2009) what’s the problem represented to be – approach. There seem to be a mixed awareness amongst those who are dealing with the problem that unaccompanied refugees disappear. There seems to be, however, a national goal as well as a local interest, to improve the preventive work against the problem that unaccompanied refugee children disappear. Yet the results show that other aspects and participants are to be considered for an extensive understanding of the problem.

The phenomenon of Xenophobia as experienced by immigrant learners in inner city schools of Johannesburg

Osman, Razia 11 1900 (has links)
There has been a significant increase in immigrant learners in South African schools. This research study captures the experiences of immigrant learners in selected inner city schools of Johannesburg. The May 2008 xenophobic violence prompted the researcher to investigate the extent of xenophobia. A survey of immigrant learners, South African learners and educators was conducted by means of interviews that allowed the research participants to express their feelings and experiences regarding the phenomenon of xenophobia. The result of the study revealed that immigrant learners do experience xenophobia in various forms by South African learners and, in some cases, educators as well. Immigrant learners were predominantly exposed to prejudice and xenophobic comments. They perceived South Africa as positive, giving them hope and opportunities. This research provided a baseline for more extensive research into this phenomenon. / Thesis (M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Vzdělávání dětí v uprchlických táborech / Educating children in refugee camps

Lejskeová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
According to UNHCR data from 2018, there are approximately seven and a half million school-age child refugees, with only 61% of them having access to primary education (versus 91% of the total child population). In Greece, child migrants have been around for several years, but they have not had access to education for a long time and some children still do not. The situation was dealt with in various alternative ways, through non-profit organizations, volunteers from around the world and refugees themselves. The thesis is conceived theoretically and empirically. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with these issues. It seeks to explore the educational situation of refugee children in the world, describes the recent migration crisis in Greece, deals with the right to educate refugee children at world and European level, and also in Greece, introduces educational opportunities for refugee children in Greece, both formal, provided by the state, and informal, provided by volunteers and non-profit organizations. In the empirical part, qualitative research examines the barriers that non-formal education providers have encountered in trying to deliver education to refugee children and describes the methods overcoming these barriers. Conducted ethnographic research included volunteer observation in...

Bryta upp och börja om : Berättelser om flyktingskap, skolgång och identitet / Being up-rooted and starting over : Stories abour being a refugee, schooling and identity

Wigg, Ulrika January 2008 (has links)
Föreliggande avhandling har som syfte att belysa, analysera och diskutera hur unga människor berättar om sina erfarenheter av att tvingas bryta upp från sitt hemland och börja om i ett nytt land under sin skolgång. Åtta unga vuxna, fyra kvinnor och fyra män, deltog i livsberättelseintervjuer kring detta tema. Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar begreppen identitet i det senmoderna samhället, identitet som berättelse samt globaliseringens olika villkor i form av kategorierna turister och vagabonder, där de förstnämnda har tillgång till världen och de sistnämnda stängs ute. Vidare tas upp begreppet livschanser, vilket berör relationen mellan människors mål och ambitioner och deras möjligheter att realisera desamma. Resultatet presenteras dels i en tematiserad del, dels i en del där tre av deltagarnas berättelser presenteras som profiler. Den tematiserade delen presenterar hur deltagarna berättar om att komma till Sverige, om att börja skolan, och om att skapa ett liv här. Huvudresultaten i denna del rör upplevelser av den första tiden i Sverige, språket som en nyckel, skolans roll, familj, vänskap och identitet samt deltagarnas förhållningssätt till dessa aspekter i berättelserna. Ur några av deltagarnas berättelser uttolkas också mer tydliga strategier, och dessa fokuseras tillsammans med identitet ytterligare i den andra resultatdelen genom tre profiler, vilka har benämnts utanförskap som identitet, en kluven identitet och aktivitet som identitet. I avhandlingens diskussion behandlas metodologiska överväganden, därefter vidtar en resultatdiskussion vilken fokuserar på aspekter av uppbrottets konsekvenser i relation till de teoretiska begreppen livschanser, vagabonder, risk/tillit och identitet. Här behandlas också olika verktyg för identitetsskapande i berättelserna samt hur identiteter berättas i materialet.   Den övergripande slutsatsen är att det inte är fruktbart att betrakta invandrare eller flyktingar som en homogen grupp. Deltagarna i föreliggande studie liknar varandra i stor utsträckning, och det finns likheter mellan deras berättelser, men de berättar också om skilda erfarenheter, förhållningssätt och identiteter. Detta ger liv åt, och empiriskt grundat stöd för, det slitna uttrycket ”vi måste se till individen”, också när det gäller barn och ungdomar med erfarenheter av att kommit till Sverige som flyktingar. / The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to illuminate, analyze and discuss life stories told by young Swedes about their experiences of being up-rooted and forced to leave their home countries and make a new start in a new country during their school years. Eight young adults participated in life story-interviews around this theme. The theoretical framework entails the terms identity in late modernity, identity as story, and the conditions of globalization here represented by the categories tourists and vagabonds, where the first have access to the world and the latter are left out. Furthermore the concept of life chances is used, which is concerns the relation between people’s goals and ambitions and their possibilities to realize these goals. The findings of the study are presented in two chapters. The first is a thematic analysis and the main findings here are experiences of the first meetings with Swedish society, language as a key, the role that school plays, family, friendship and identity and how the participants relate to these aspects in their stories. Some of the stories are interpreted as having more clear strategies, and these are focused along with identity in the second findings chapter.  Here, three profiles are presented as being an outsider as identity, a torn identity and activity as identity. The discussion of the thesis addresses certain methodological considerations and then turns to discuss the findings. This discussion focuses on aspects of the consequences of being up-rooted in relation to the theoretical concepts life chances, vagabonds, risk/trust and identity. Different tools for the construction of identities in the stories are also discussed, as well as how identity can be seen as synonym to telling a story.   The overall conclusion is that it is not fruitful to talk about immigrants or refugees as a homogeneous group. The participants in this study are alike in many ways, and while their stories have mutual traits, they also tell the tale of differing experiences, approaches and identities. This gives life, and empirically grounded support, to the worn out phrase “every child is an individual”, also when it concerns children and young people who have experienced arriving in Sweden as refugees.

Hope and the Caregiving Relationship

Lakhani, Soraya A Unknown Date
No description available.

"Åldern är ju bara en siffra" : En antropologisk litteraturstudie om medicinska åldersbedömningar på ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Bäckström, Ingrid January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to examine the justifications of the swedish government to perform medical age assessments on unaccompanied refugee children seeking asylum in Sweden. These governmental justifications were analyzed through Michel Foucault's theory of disciplinary power as well as through anthropological research on classification of age. The empirical material consisted of a selection of websites from different authorities that process medical age assessments. These were then studied through critical discourse analysis. The essay showed that these justifications can be understood as an expression of disciplinary power, where medical age assessments discipline individuals to docile bodies. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that the governmental justifications were partly founded upon western concepts of how a child is supposed to be and what a child is entitled to.

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