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HIV as an internal object : the subjective experience of HIV infection in women on ARVs.Gordon, Tiffany Amanda 13 March 2012 (has links)
HIV/AIDS research has proven crucial in an effort to prevent and manage this
epidemic. However, there is little research being done in an attempt to understand the
internal worlds of those living with HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this research was to
begin to explore the relationship that exists between the person living with HIV/AIDS
and the virus, as an internal object, inside them. This study focused on 6 women who
were on Anti-Retroviral Medication (ARVs), and who have been diagnosed for at
least one year. The participants’ mental representations of the virus as an object inside
them was explored, as well as how they experienced and viewed the triangular
relationship that exists between themselves, the HI Virus, and the ARVs. This
exploratory research utilised a qualitative framework in order to understand and
explore these relationships and perceptions, with psychoanalytic theory being used a
lens through which to view the data that emerged. In depth semi-structured interviews
were conducted with the participants, and the corpus of data was analyzed using a
thematic content analysis. In addition, the participants were asked to draw the virus
inside their bodies. These were analyzed using a technique devised by Paola Luzzatto
(1987) in a study exploring the internal world of drug-abusers. For the purpose of this
study, a variation of the same art therapy technique was used in that the participants
were asked the ‘draw the virus in their bodies’. Whilst the drawings allowed for
insight into the internal worlds of the participants, the drawings were also used as a
point of departure. For most of the women, HIV was drawn using a red crayon, whilst
the ARVs were drawn in either yellow or green. As depicted in the drawings, post
diagnosis the HIV/red seemed to cover most of the body, but later when the
ARVs/green was added, more of a balance was achieved. Results show that for these
women, HIV was often perceived as dangerous and criminal, whilst the ARVs were
often associated with security. From the perspective of Kleinian theory, the perception
of the HIV and the ARVs seemed to be dependent upon the position from where they
were functioning: either a paranoid-schizoid or a depressive position.
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Représentations des travailleurs sociaux sur les conduites culturelles lors des conflits familiaux et incidences sur les pratiques professionnelles / Social workers' representations of cultural behaviour during family conflicts and their impact on professionnal practiceBlanchard, Marie-Madeleine 15 February 2016 (has links)
Les difficultés rencontrées par les populations immigrées sont le reflet exacerbé des inégalités sociales subies par les autres usagers dans les domaines de l’emploi, du logement, de la précarité… ; mais, en outre, du fait même de la migration, de profondes mutations sont vécues au sein de la sphère familiale avec une recomposition des rôles et des statuts, une nouvelle conception de l’autorité…. Soumises à rude épreuve, les relations intergénérationnelles et conjugales génèrent notamment des crises familiales pour lesquelles les institutions sont sollicitées. Aux difficultés de toute intervention sociale auprès des familles s’ajoutent, dans ces situations conflictuelles, des éléments liés à la diversité culturelle et à l’intégration, deux termes qui entretiennent un rapport ambigu et font l’objet de débats dans la société française.Bien que le mandat et les missions des assistants de service social s’inscrivent dans un cadre institutionnel et une éthique commune, les modes d’intervention en contexte migratoire sont multiples et divers, marqués par un style personnel de penser et d’agir, oscillant entre les deux pôles de l’"universel" et du "particulier". En étant chargés par les institutions d’accompagner les immigrés dans le processus d’intégration, les professionnels sont, bien entendu, porteurs de représentations sociales qui les amènent à agir de telle façon plutôt que de telle autre, au nom de certaines valeurs.Dans ces situations de crises intrafamiliales, la présence de l’altérité, de valeurs et de modèles culturels différents, révèle le « soi professionnel » des praticiens et fait émerger leurs représentations des conduites des immigrés. Ces représentations révèlent ainsi leurs systèmes de valeurs et les préjugés, leurs affects, de même que les attributions de sens et les jugements qui interpellent le fondement même de leurs rôles professionnels. Les représentations sociales remplissent une véritable fonction d’orientation des pratiques tout en exerçant une fonction identitaire en déterminant comment un groupe social donné se perçoit et perçoit les autres groupes avec lesquels il est en interaction.L’étude de la relation entre la perception des conduites sociales et culturelles des immigrés et les pratiques des Assistants de Service Social est au cœur de notre travail de recherche. La thèse vise à déterminer les différentes représentations en présence, les facteurs liés à leur émergence et leur rôle dans le choix du mode d’intervention. / Social disparities endured by social service users are exaggerated when encountered by immigrants: in employment, accommodation, precariousness… Besides, as a result of the migration itself, family spheres experience deep transformations through the re-composition of roles and status, through a new conception of authority. Relations between generations or inside the couple are put to the test, and sometimes generate family crisis for which institutions can be solicited. Any social intervention implies difficulties, but in addition to those conflicting situations in families, other elements must be considered, which are connected to cultural diversity and integration – both ambiguous terms that are very controversial in French society.Social workers’ mandate and missions belong to common institution and ethic, but the ways of intervention in a migratory context are multiple and diverse. They are the result of personal methods of thinking and doing, fluctuating between the ‘universal’ and the ‘particular’. Professionals are in charge of helping immigrants throughout the process of integration, and have of course their own social representations that lead to act one way or another, for the sake of certain values.In those situations of internal family crisis, otherness and cultural and value models bring the practitioner’s ‘professional self’ to the light and reveal his/her representation about the immigrants’ behaviour; value system and prejudice, affects, interpretations and judgements put a question to the very foundation of their professional roles. Social representations orientate practices and also fulfill an identity function by determining how a certain group conceive of themselves and of groups they interact with.The study of the relation between the immigrants’ social and cultural behaviour and the Social Workers’s practices is the central point of this research. The dissertation aims to determine the different representations at stake, how they come out and influence the mode of intervention.
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Mettre en débat l’état de référence. Analyse des représentations des dynamiques paysagères au prisme des services écosystémiques : l’exemple du Mont Lozère / Opening the debate on baseline. Analysis of representations of landscape dynamics through ecosystem services concept : example of Mont LozereMoreau, Clémence 15 March 2019 (has links)
Dans les territoires de montagne en Europe, les paysages évoluent sous l’effet d’une double dynamique : l’augmentation du couvert forestier et l’intensification des paysages agricoles. A partir d’un cas d’étude, le Mont Lozère, nous montrons comment ces deux dynamiques peuvent rentrer en tension, en explorant la question des choix sociaux liés aux dynamiques paysagères. Nous développons dans cette thèse un cadre conceptuel original, qui associe le concept de service écosystémique avec celui de l’état de référence, que nous avons mis en oeuvre par une démarche compréhensive et un dispositif de recherche-action. A travers l’étude des représentations, nous avons mis à jour un glissement de l’état de référence au sein des paysages agricoles, perçu différemment par les acteurs. Nous avons ensuite révélé les mécanismes sous-jacents aux choix liés aux dynamiques des paysages agricoles, ce qui nous a permis d’identifier un besoin de concertation autour de l’état de référence. Nous y avons répondu par une proposition concrète à travers un jeu de rôles, destiné à mettre les acteurs en situation d’apprentissages et à les accompagner vers des choix plus concertés. Notre contribution porte à la fois sur la question de la conciliation de différents objectifs dans les aires protégées, le rôle de l’état de référence dans la gouvernance des paysages et la plus-value scientifique et opérationnelle du concept de service écosystémique. / In mountain areas in Europe, landscapes evolve under the effects of the dual dynamics of both an increase of forest cover and the intensification of farming landscapes. Based on a case study, on the Mont Lozère we show how these two dynamics can be caught in tension by studying the question of the social choices linked to such landscape dynamics. In this thesis, we develop an original conceptual framework combining the concepts of ecosystem services and baseline references into a comprehensive and a research-action approach. The analysis of representations revealed a shifting baseline on the perception of farming landscapes, which are diversely perceived by stakeholders. We then describe the mechanisms underlying the choices related to farming landscape dynamics, and identify the need for dialogue around this baseline. We respond to this need with a proposition from role playing games that may help foster social learning and encourage more concerted choices. Our contribution addresses both the question of reconciliating different objectives in protected areas, the role of the baseline in landscape governance and the scientific and operational added-value of the concept of ecosystem services.
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Mobilisation collective des professionnels et représentations sociales de la performance organisationnelle : le cas des enseignants-chercheurs dans les universités françaises / Professional’s collective mobilization and social representations of the organizational performance : the case of French university’s academicsZeller, Christelle 07 December 2015 (has links)
La littérature a souligné à quel point la mobilisation collective des professionnels dans le sens de la performance de leur organisation pose question. En effet, les auteurs sont partagés sur la compatibilité entre engagement envers l’organisation et engagement envers la profession. Cette thèse cherche à comprendre la mobilisation collective des professionnels envers la performance de leur organisation, en interrogeant leur représentation sociale de la performance organisationnelle. Notre étude interroge les enseignants-chercheurs des universités françaises, confrontés depuis plusieurs années à d’importantes réformes, qui ont mis en place un management basé sur la performance. Des logiques managériales ont alors pris place aux cotés des logiques professionnelles pré-existantes. Les résultats révèlent que les enseignants-chercheurs ont une représentation largement partagée de la performance de l’université, mais deux groupes s’opposent : un premier groupe, majoritaire, est favorable au concept de performance, et un deuxième groupe, minoritaire est défavorable. Dès lors, quatre profils de mobilisation collective émergent, révélant ainsi des hybridations identitaires distinctes. Ainsi, l’identité professionnelle des enseignants-chercheurs évolue. Ils s’identifient davantage à leur établissement et intègrent ses besoins. Toutefois, des résultats émergents soulignent que ces quatre profils de mobilisation sont plus ou moins soutenus par une forte mobilisation au service public et que les profils les plus mobilisés ont un besoin fort de reconnaissance organisationnelle / Literature emphasized how much the professional’s collective mobilization towards the performance of their organization is problematic. In fact, the authors have divided opinions about the compatibility between the professional commitment and the organizational commitment. This thesis seeks to understand the professional’s collective mobilization to their organization performance by asking the social representation of the organizational performance. Our study of quantitative and exploratory nature question the academics of the French University who are facing, since previous years, significant reforms which implemented a management approach based on the performance. Therefore, the managerial logics took a place beside the prevailing professional logics. The results reveal that the academics defined the performance of the university as being the scientific publications and the student’s integration into the workplace. In the face of this representation widely shared about the performance of the university, two opposing groups: the first one, the majority group, is favourable to the concept of the performance, and the second one, in the minority, is unfavourable. From then on, four different profiles of collective mobilization emerge from the results, thus, revealing different identity hybridizations. So, the academics’ professional identity evolves. They identify more to their institution and integrate its needs. However, the emerging results stress, on one hand, that these four mobilization profiles are, more and less, supported by a strong Public Service Motivation. On the other hand, the most mobilized profiles need a high organizational support
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Développement de la compétence orthographique : étude des connaissances des frontières lexicales d'élèves sans difficulté à l'écrit et d'élèves dyslexiques du primaire / Development of spelling ability : study of lexical boundary knowledge of normally-developing students and primary school students with dyslexiaCosterg, Agnès 19 June 2018 (has links)
La lecture et l’écriture sont deux activités complexes qui contribuent à la réussite dans toutes les disciplines scolaires. Pour l’apprenti scripteur, et plus particulièrement pour l’élève qui éprouve des difficultés d’apprentissage (notamment l’élève dyslexique), l’apprentissage de l’orthographe représente un réel défi et nécessite souvent des années d’effort. Or, la connaissance du code orthographique constitue le socle sur lequel se construit la compétence orthographique. La reconnaissance et la production de mots écrits impliquent la mise en place d’un noyau de connaissances communes se rapportant aux connaissances orthographiques, c’est-à-dire aux connaissances rattachées aux propriétés phonologiques, morphologiques et visuelles du code orthographique. Ainsi, tout au long du développement de la compétence orthographique, le lecteur-scripteur doit notamment construire des représentations orthographiques de plus en plus stables et mieux définies qui tiennent compte de l’ensemble des propriétés du code orthographique. Des données empiriques récentes indiquent toutefois que les élèves dyslexiques, qui commettent davantage d’erreurs orthographiques de fusion et de segmentation de mots que les élèves sans difficulté à l’écrit, ne semblent pas disposer de représentations orthographiques précises des mots à orthographier, et plus spécifiquement de bonnes représentations du début et de la fin des mots. L’objectif général de cette étude est donc d’expliquer les erreurs orthographiques de frontières lexicales chez les élèves dyslexiques. Comme à notre connaissance, il n’existe pas de norme quant au développement des connaissances des frontières lexicales chez les élèves normo-lecteurs/scripteurs, le premier objectif spécifique est de décrire, de façon transversale et longitudinale, les performances d’élèves normo-lecteurs/scripteurs de la maternelle à la 4e année du primaire à des épreuves évaluant les connaissances des frontières lexicales (étude 1). La mise en place de cette référence développementale a permis de répondre au deuxième objectif spécifique qui est d’évaluer les connaissances des frontières lexicales d’élèves dyslexiques du primaire (étude 2). Pour évaluer les compétences en lecture et en production de mots, une épreuve de lecture de la batterie de tests du K-ABC et une dictée de mots insérés en contexte phrastique ont été proposées. Trois épreuves (décision lexicale, identification lexicale et permutation lexicale), variant en termes de degré de contraintes cognitives, ont été effectuées par tous les participants à l’oral et à l’écrit afin d’évaluer leurs connaissances des frontières lexicales. / Reading and writing are two complex activities that contribute to success in all school subjects. For apprentice writers, and particularly for students with learning difficulties (notably students with dyslexia), learning to spell represents a real challenge and often requires years of effort. To be successful, students require knowledge of the orthographic code, which is the foundation upon which spelling ability it built. To recognize and produce written words, students must develop a set of core skills that are linked to orthographic knowledge, including knowledge of the phonological, morphological and visual properties of the orthographic code. As their spelling skills develop, readers and writers must construct increasingly stable and better defined orthographic representations that reflect the properties of the orthographic code. However, recent empirical research has found that students with dyslexia, who tend to make more errors related to word merging and segmentation than students without writing difficulties, do not seem to have accurate orthographic representations of the words they are trying to spell, particularly of the beginnings and endings of words. Therefore, the general aim of this study is to explain spelling errors occurring at word boundaries in dyslexic children. To our knowledge, no typical trajectory of development has been established for normally-developing readers/writers with regards to knowledge of lexical boundaries. Therefore, using both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, this study’s first objective is to describe the performances of normally-developing reader and writers from kindergarten to grade 4 on tasks related to lexical boundary knowledge (Study 1). With this developmental reference having been established, the second study will evaluate lexical boundary knowledge in primary school students with dyslexia (study 2). To evaluate ability in reading and word production, a reading test from the K-ABC battery and a dictation task requiring students to insert words in the context of a sentence were administered. To evaluate knowledge of lexical boundaries, three tasks (a lexical decision task, a lexical identification task, and a lexical permutation task) were completed by all participants in oral and written form, each of which varied according to the level of cognitive constraint involved in completing the task.
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L'estimation numérique dans les apprentissages mathématiques : rôles et interêts de la mise en correspondance des représentations numériques au niveau développemental, éducatif et rééducatif / Numerical estimation in mathematical learning : role and interest of matching numerical representations in terms of development, education and re-educationMeyer, Samantha 29 May 2015 (has links)
La compréhension du développement des habiletés numériques est un enjeu majeur pour guider les pratiques éducatives et rééducatives des jeunes enfants. Les résultats des enquêtes nationales et internationales sont unanimes à cet égard : le niveau moyen des élèves en mathématiques a chuté depuis 2003 (PISA, 2012). L’hypothèse la plus avancée à l’heure actuelle est celle d’un déficit des correspondances entre les codes numériques et le « sens des nombres » (Dehaene, 1997). Le « sens du nombre » est contenu dans la représentation analogique et non verbale des nombres. Dans le présent travail, nous cherchons à démontrer que l’estimation numérique permet ainsi d’exercer les correspondances entre les codes afin de donner du sens aux représentations symboliques écrites et orales. Malgré l’importance accordée aujourd’hui au processus d’estimation, son rôle dans les apprentissages doit encore être précisé afin d’orienter et de mieux guider les pratiques (ré)éducatives (Dehaene et Cohen, 2001 ; Von Aster et Shalev 2007). A travers trois études expérimentales, nous explorons ainsi le rôle de l’estimation numérique dans les apprentissages d’un point de vue éducatif (auprès d’enfants scolarisés en CP) et d’un point de vue rééducatif (dans le syndrome génétique de la trisomie 21). L’acquisition des différentes représentations et des relations complexes qui s’établissent entre-elles est également analysée et discutée pour mieux préciser les modèles de traitements du nombres et du calcul actuels. Les résultats obtenus corroborent ainsi une hypothèse de spiralité des apprentissages symboliques. / Understanding the development of numerical abilities is a major issue to guide educative and reeducative practices in mathematics in young children. National and international investigations has demonstrated that the mathematical skills of students has decrease since 2003 (PISA, 2012). Nowadays, weak capacities to map numerical representations and therefore a defective « number sense » (Dehaene, 1997 ; 2001) is the most supported hypothesis. The « number sense » is contained into the analogical and non-verbal representation of number. In this work, we consider that numerical estimation is a good way to exercise this mapping and give sense to verbal and written numerical symbols. Indeed, the role of numerical estimation needs to be specified in order to lead the (re)educative practices (Dehaene, 1997 ; 2001 ; Von Aster et Shalev). During three experimental studies, we explore the role of numerical estimation, in an educative and reeducative way in children in first year and children with down’s syndrom. The acquisition of numerical representations and the complex relations they have are also explored and discussed through a spirality hypothesis in order to better specify actual models of number treatment.
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O uso da imagem nas aulas de História. / The use of the images in the lessons of History.Barros, Ricardo 21 March 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal estudar como se dá a utilização da imagem pelos professores de História do ensino básico em escolas públicas da região central da cidade de São Paulo, por meio da análise do discurso dos professores. Utilizou-se, para esse fim, de uma metodologia de inspiração etnográfica e de outros referenciais para compreender a dinâmica da sala de aula e o discurso dos professores à luz da teoria das representações sociais desenvolvida por Roger Chartier e Serge Moscovici. Por meio dessa teoria procurou-se compreender como o professor de História do Ensino Básico lida com as imagens na sala de aula: se ele permite aos alunos lê-las, compreendê-las e interpretá-las. Para o desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram utilizadas as reproduções das obras de Pedro Américo e Victor Meirelles, artistas referenciais da época do II Império brasileiro, que estão na base da construção de uma identidade nacional e que estão presentes na maioria dos livros didáticos de história do Ensino Fundamental. / This ressearch aimmed realize a study of the use of images by History teachers in the Secondary School, in public schools of central region of São Paulo city, by the analysis of their speech. For this, it has been made use of a methodology of ethnographic inspiration and also another references to understand the dynamical in classroom and teacher?s speech, enlightened by social performances theory developed by Roger Chartier and Serge Moscovici. By this theory, it has been tried to understand, how History teacher of the Secondary School deal with the images in classroom: if he allows to the pupils really ?read?, understand, and interpret them. For the development of this work it has been made use of reproductions of pictures made by Pedro Américo and Victor Meirelles, painters of respect of the Second Brazilian Empire, that are in the foundation of an national identity and who are present in most of didactic History books of Secondary School. This ressearch aimmed realize a study of the use of images by History teachers in the Secondary School, in public schools of central region of São Paulo city, by the analysis of their speech. For this, it has been made use of a methodology of ethnographic inspiration and also another references to understand the dynamical in classroom and teacher?s speech, enlightened by social performances theory developed by Roger Chartier and Serge Moscovici. By this theory, it has been tried to understand, how History teacher of the Secondary School deal with the images in classroom: if he allows to the pupils really ?read?, understand, and interpret them. For the development of this work it has been made use of reproductions of pictures made by Pedro Américo and Victor Meirelles, painters of respect of the Second Brazilian Empire, that are in the foundation of an national identity and who are present in most of didactic History books of Secondary School.
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Homens e masculinidades na cultura do magistério: uma escolha pelo possível, um lugar para brilhar (São Paulo, 1950 - 1989). / Men and masculinities in the culture of teaching: an option for the possible, a place to shine (São Paulo, 1950-1989).Pincinato, Daiane Antunes Vieira 18 June 2007 (has links)
Este estudo analisa as experiências de um grupo de professores que fizeram a carreira do magistério no sistema de ensino público no estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de investigar a participação dos homens na construção da cultura escolar e, em especial, da cultura do magistério. O recorte temporal efetuado circunscreve a pesquisa entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980: um momento histórico peculiar, em que o país foi marcado por muitas mudanças de ordem política, econômica e ideológica. No campo da educação, essas décadas corresponderam a dois períodos distintos - um anterior e outro posterior à promulgação da Lei 5.692/71 -, mas que pesquisados juntos permitiram uma maior compreensão dos processos de mudança que imprimiram novas configurações à profissão do magistério e ao trabalho docente, sobretudo a partir dos anos 70, quando foi implantada a reforma de ensino de 1o e 2o graus. As sucessivas alterações que ocorreram na organização do sistema de ensino atingiram a carreira e a profissão docente, cujos processos de mudança acabaram por colocar em ebulição certas dinâmicas da cultura escolar. A cultura do magistério, em particular, trouxe à tona disputas entre antigas e novas representações, que explicitam com maior clareza o imaginário social e as hierarquias que passam a (re)ordenar as relações no âmbito dessa profissão. O presente trabalho focaliza, assim, a participação e o papel dos homens nessa dinâmica, especialmente daqueles que se dirigiram aos cargos administrativos. Ao investigar a participação desses profissionais na formação da cultura do magistério, considerou-se que, mesmo a partir da promulgação da referida reforma, datada de 1971, quando os homens se tornaram um grupo proporcionalmente menor em comparação ao das mulheres, aqueles que permaneceram na profissão, sobretudo na carreira administrativa, acabaram por deter parcela significativa de poder, em decorrência de certas prerrogativas adquiridas no âmbito das relações de gênero, em que determinados valores de masculinidade ainda contam como vantagens em relação aos de feminilidade. Como procedimentos, foram adotados questionários, entrevistas, análises documentais e da legislação vigente à época. Os eixos de análise foram definidos a partir dos principais conceitos utilizados no trabalho: habitus; campo e capital simbólico; representações e apropriações sociais; cultura escolar; gênero e masculinidades, tomados dos trabalhos de Pierre Bourdieu, Roger Chartier, Joan Scott, Robert Connell, entre outros autores. As análises desenvolvidas evidenciaram que algumas das determinações legais impostas ao longo do período fizeram com que as escolas e o próprio sistema de ensino sofressem grandes mudanças e, com isso, uma cultura escolar diferenciada acabou se originando, em que o tempo, o espaço e, até mesmo, os próprios sujeitos da educação - alunos, professores, equipe administrativa - não permanecessem os mesmos. As alterações ocorridas deram origem a conflitos, novas interações e novas táticas de viver a profissão por parte desse grupo de profissionais do magistério. Enfim, há uma série de ocorrências que imprimiram novas marcas no modo de os homens trabalharem e viverem o magistério e, também, nas próprias representações que fizeram, e que ainda fazem, sobre sua identidade profissional. / With the purpose of investigating the participation of men in the construction of school culture and, in particular, of the culture of teaching, the present study analyzes the experiences of a group of male teachers that made their careers in the public education system of the State of São Paulo. The chosen time span situates the research between the 1950s and the 1980s: a peculiar historical moment at which the nation was undergoing a series of political, economic, and ideological changes. In the field of education, these decades comprised two distinct periods - before and after the promulgation of Act 5692/71 -, but their joint investigation has afforded a better understanding of the processes of change that brought about new configurations to the teaching profession and work, especially since the 1970s, when a teaching reform introduced the system of 1st and 2nd degrees. The successive modifications that took place in the organization of the education system affected the teaching career and profession, and the processes of change that occurred therein put some of the dynamics of school culture in turmoil. The culture of teaching, in particular, revived disputes between new and old representations, exposing the social imaginary and the hierarchies that started then to (re)order the relations within this profession. This work thus focuses on the participation of men, and on the role they played in such dynamics, with special attention to those men that oriented themselves toward administrative posts. By investigating the participation of these professionals in the formation of the culture of teaching, we have considered that even after the approval of the above-mentioned reform in 1971, when men became a relatively small group compared to that of women, those that did remain in the teaching profession, especially in the administrative career, eventually exercised significant power, as a result of prerogatives acquired in the context of gender relations, in which certain values of masculinity still count as advantages over those of femininity. Research procedures adopted have included questionnaires, interviews, and analysis of documents and legislation of the period. The lines of analysis were defined from the main concepts employed in the work: habitus; symbolic field and capital; social representations and appropriations; school culture; gender and masculinities. These have been taken from the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Roger Chartier, Joan Scott, and Robert Connell, amongst others. The analyses developed revealed that some of the legal determinations imposed during that period provoked large changes in schools and to the teaching system itself, giving rise to a different school culture, in which time, space, and even the very subjects of education - pupils, teachers, administrative staff - did not remain the same. The transformations that occurred originated in this group of teaching professionals conflicts, new interactions and new tactics to live the profession. There is, therefore, a whole series of facts that have left a new mark on the way men work at and experience teaching, and also in the representations they made, and still make, about their professional identity.
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Leitura literária em português - língua estrangeira (PLE): representações, compreensão e produção textual / Literary reading in Portuguese as a foreign language: representations, comprehension and compositionTakahashi, Neide Tomiko 31 March 2015 (has links)
Ao considerarmos o aumento do número de estudantes oriundos de diferentes países em universidades brasileiras e a maior demanda por cursos de português para estrangeiros, é possível observar os desafios na elaboração de planos de aulas que permitam criar condições de entrelaçar a prática docente às representações de linguagem de seus aprendizes. Um dos desafios refere-se à leitura de textos literários, cujas atividades promovam um contato interacional profícuo, seja na esfera acadêmica, seja no cotidiano dos estudantes. Nesse contexto, este estudo situa-se na área de Linguística Aplicada ao ensino de português como língua estrangeira (PLE) e teve por objetivo verificar a relação entre a prática social da leitura de textos literários e sua recepção didática em sala de aula. Para tanto, buscamos um levantamento das representações, expectativas e preferências desses estudantes e, também, a análise de comentários por eles escritos a partir da compreensão de textos motivadores da literatura brasileira. Com a finalidade de discutir as contribuições da leitura literária em uma proposta de atividade extraclasse a alunos estrangeiros do nível avançado do Centro de Línguas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo, apoiamo-nos nas perspectivas teóricas da interação verbal e dos gêneros discursivos (BAKHTIN, 2003, 2005), do leitor cooperativo (ISER, 2002; ECO, 2004, 2006), do ensino da leitura literária (SOARES, 2003; SÉOUD, 1997; ROUXEL, 2012), da compreensão da leitura (MARCUSCHI, 1996, 2005; GIASSON, 2003), do processo de aquisição e ensino-aprendizagem em língua estrangeira (KRASHEN, 1981, 1982) e, para a análise das produções escritas, do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006). Os resultados apontam para a necessidade da elaboração de atividades que considerem as expectativas e as criações de novas relações de sentido dos alunos-leitores, propiciando, dessa forma, a compreensão e expressão da língua dentro da esfera comum de experiências literárias. / If one takes into consideration the rise of the number of students from foreign countries in Brazilian universities and the higher demand for courses in Portuguese as a Foreign Language, challenges arise to elaborate lesson plans that convey teaching practices and the language representation of the learners. One of the challenges refers to the reading of literary texts. Such activities should promote a beneficial international contact, either in the academic sphere or in the students daily practices. In this context, this dissertation is situated in the field of Applied Linguistics for the teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. The objective is to observe the relationship between reading social practices and their didactic reception in the classrooms. In order to do so, we contemplated the representations, expectations and preferences of these students. We also analyzed their comments from the comprehension exercises that focused on Brazilian literary texts. Aiming at discussing the contributions of literary reading as an extra-class activity to the students of the Advanced course at Centro de Línguas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas at Universidade de São Paulo, we based our research in the theoretical perspectives of verbal interaction and discourse genres (BAKHTIN, 2003, 2005), Cooperative Learner (ISER, 2002; ECO, 2004, 2006), Teaching of Literary Reading (SOARES, 2003; SÉOUD, 1997; ROUXEL, 2012), Reading Comprehension (MARCUSCHI, 1996, 2005; GIASSON, 2003), Acquisition and Teaching-Learning of Foreign Languages (KRASHEN, 1981, 1982) and for the analysis of the writing texts, Socio-Discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006). The results show the need to create activities that take into consideration first, the expectations of the students and second the student-readers acquisition of new meaning structures, in a way that would reconcile comprehension and expression of the language according to the common sphere of literary experiences.
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Representações sociais de doença mental construídas por profissionais de saúde / Social representations of mental illness developed by health professionalsDias, Francielle Xavier 22 December 2015 (has links)
A loucura teve sua representação elaborada historicamente e significada no contexto científico enquanto doença mental, possibilitando uma semiótica médica do diagnóstico, prognóstico e plano de tratamento. Diante disso, nesta pesquisa colocou-se o discurso sobre a doença mental no centro das investigações sobre os processos de interpretação e subjetivação, de sujeitos profissionais que lidam cotidianamente com o fenômeno. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetivou investigar as representações sociais de profissionais de um serviço público de saúde mental sobre a doença mental, fundamentada no método de análise das representações sociais, segundo Moscovici (1978, 2004), Jodelet (2005a) e Jovchelovitch (1998). O contexto estudado foi um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial III no município de Ribeirão Preto, Brasil. É sabido que as representações de saúde e doença influenciam os paradigmas envolvidos nas práticas de diagnóstico e tratamento. Os procedimentos de coleta de dados contemplaram a observação participante e, a realização de entrevistas em profundidade, com roteiro temático. A escolha dos sujeitos (n=10) procurou contemplar a heterogeneidade do grupo estudado. As entrevistas foram analisadas de acordo com a técnica da análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 1979) e organizadas em categorias temáticas. Os resultados apontaram que as representações sociais dos profissionais foram construídas através da relação com os pares e a incorporação de novos conhecimentos. A doença mental permaneceu romantizada até o contato profissional com pacientes. A etiologia da doença mais aceita pelos profissionais foi a interacionista biopsicossocial. O discurso destes se diferencia dos leigos quanto às causas e melhores formas de tratamento, sendo que estas são idealizadas. As representações sociais dos profissionais compreendem a doença mental como algo imprevisível, incapacitante e permanente, sendo objetivada na imagem do deficiente como incapaz. Observou-se também que o paradigma psicossocial alimenta o discurso dos profissionais de saúde, mas ainda é um desafio para estes na prática. / The madness had its representation developed historically and signified in a scientific context as a mental illness, enabling medical semiotics of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Therefore, this research put this speech on mental illness at the center of investigations into the processes of interpretation and subjectivity of subject professionals who labor daily with the phenomenon. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the social representations of professionals from a public mental health service about mental illness, based on the method of analysis of social representations, according to Moscovici (1978, 2004), Jodelet (2005a) and Jovchelovitch (1998). The context studied was a Centro de Atenção Psicossocial III in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. It is well known that health and ilness influence paradigms involved in diagnosis and treatment practices. Data acquisition was made by observations and in-depth interviews. The subjects (n=10) were chosen in order to guarantee the heterogeneity of the group The interviews were analyzed according to the technique of content analysis (Bardin, 1979) and organized into thematic categories. Data analysis pointed that professional´s social representations were built by relationship with their peers and incorporation of new knowledges. Mental illness remained romanticized to the professional until it´s contact with patients. The etiology of the disease more accepted by professionals was the biopsychosocial interactional. Their vision regarding the causes and treatment of mental illness are different from ordinary people, but it remains idealized. The social representation of professionals comprehends mental illness as something unpredictable, disabling and permanent, objectified in the image of the poor and helpless. It was also observed that the psychosocial paradigm feeds the speech of health professionals, but it is still a challenge for these in practice.
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