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JAV Respublikonų partijos užsienio politikos nuostatų analizė 2000 - 2013 metų laikotarpiu / Analysis of U.S. Republican Party foreign policy views in the period 2000-2013Rimkevičius, Mantas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos (JAV) vis dar neabejotinai yra galingiausia pasaulio valstybė,
todėl įvairiapusė šalies užsienio politikos analizė yra labai svarbi. JAV užsienio politika išsiskiria savo
daugiavektoriškumu, kadangi šalis turi interesų visuose pasaulio regionuose, gali veikti įvairiomis
priemonėmis. Politinės partijos, kaip demokratinės valstybės vidaus veikėjas, užsienio politikos
procesų kontekste gali būti reikšmingas tuo atveju, jei valstybė turi platų spektrą lygiaverčių savo
vaidmens tarptautinėje arenoje vizijų, o politinė sistema yra pilnai susiformavusi ir visiškai stabili. JAV
yra būdingi abu šie aspektai, todėl pagrindinių šalies politinių partijų užsienio politikos nuostatų analizė
yra labai aktuali. Pagrindinis šio darbo tyrimo objektas yra JAV Respublikonų partijos užsienio
politikos nuostatos. Svarbiausias tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti JAV Respublikonų partijos užsienio
politikos nuostatas bei jų kaitą 2000 – 2013 metų laikotarpiu.
Darbe teigiama, jog JAV išsiskiria labai stipria prezidento institucija, kuriai suteikti įgaliojimai
vadovauti visam užsienio politikos aparatui, tačiau Kongresas (kurį sudaro Atstovų Rūmai bei Senatas)
taip pat turi įvairių politinių instrumentų varžyti ar palaikyti prezidento iniciatyvas. Dėl įtvirtintos JAV
dvipartinės sistemos, Respublikonų ir Demokratų partijos yra plačios skirtingų interesų, visuomenės
grupių koalicijos, o jų ideologinės nuostatos yra giliai įsišaknijusios į šalies politinę sistemą.
Prezidentas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / United States of America (U.S.) is still undoubtedly the most powerful state in the world
therefore diverse analysis of its foreign policy is very important. There is no doubt that U.S. tries to
secure its current position using various foreign policy instruments. What can be called U.S. Grand
Strategy depends on many external and internal factors and foreign policy visions of two main political
parties of U.S. are not at last place.
Political parties can possibly be important object of foreign policy analysis in case when state‘s
democratic political system is fully functioning and state has many competing visions of its role in
international arena. These features are typical of U.S. political system therefore analysis of foreign
policy visions of state‘s two main political parties is very relevant. The main object of this research is
foreign policy views of the Republican Party of United States. The main goal of this research is to
analyse change of foreign policy views of the Republican Party in the period 2000 - 2013.
U.S. political system is characterized by strong presidential institution that has authority to lead
state‘s foreign policy. However U.S. Congress also has various political instruments that can be used to
support or restrict initiatives of U.S. President. President is also the leading voice and leader of his
political party and represents consensus of party‘s ideology.
This research concludes that U.S. political parties are broad coalitions of various... [to full text]
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The Roman festival of the Lupercalia : history, myth, ritual and its Indo-European heritageVukovic, Kresimir January 2015 (has links)
The Roman festival of the Lupercalia is one of the most discussed issues in the field of pre-Christian Roman religion. Hardly a year goes by without an article on the subject appearing in a major Classics journal. But the festival presents a range of issues that individual articles cannot address. This thesis is an attempt to present a modern analysis of the phenomenon of the Lupercalia as a whole, including literary, archaeological and historical evidence on the subject. The first section presents the ancient sources on the Lupercalia, and is divided into five chapters, each analysing a particular aspect of the festival: fertility, purification, the importance of the wolf and the foundation myth, the mythology of Arcadian origins, and Caesar's involvement with the Lupercalia of 44 BC. The second section places the Lupercalia in a wider context, discussing the festival's topography and the course of the running Luperci, its relationship to other lustration rituals, and its position in the Roman calendar, ending with an appraisal of the changes it underwent in late Antiquity. The third section employs methods from linguistics, anthropology and comparative religion to show that the Lupercalia involved a ritual of initiation, which was also reflected in the Roman foundation myth. The central chapter of this section discusses the methodology used in comparative Indo-European mythology, and offers a case study that parallels the god of the festival (Faunus) with Rudra of Vedic Hinduism. The last chapter considers other parallels with Indian religion, especially the relationship between flamen and brahmin. The thesis challenges a number of established theories on the subject and offers new evidence to show that the festival has Indo-European origins, but also that it played an important role throughout Roman history.
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D'Alexandrie à Pouzzoles : les rapports économiques entre l'Égypte et Rome du II° siècle avant J.C. au Ier siècle après J.C. / Alexandria to Puteoli : the economic relationships between Egypt and Rome from IInd century B.C. to Ist century A.D.Rossi, Lucia 10 December 2011 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons à l’évolution des rapports économiques entre la Rome républicaine et l’Égypte lagide et notamment à la commercialisation du blé égyptien au bénéfice de Rome. L’étude diachronique des échanges économiques entre les deux pays nous mène à nous confronter avec l’évolution de leurs rapports politiques réciproques. Nous poursuivons notre enquête pour le premier siècle d’Empire Romain. Nous nous attarderons sur l’étude de la gestion du blé égyptien au sein du système annonaire, sans pour autant négliger les acteurs « privés » du commerce du blé sous les Empereurs julio-claudiens. Nous articulerons notre recherche autour des trois axes principaux: les institutions, les acteurs et les structures du commerce du blé. / We will study the history of economic relationships between Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Egypt, focusing on Egyptian grain trade in western Mediterranean basin, especially in Rome and Puteoli. Our diachronic approach about economical exchanges between these two countries will retain attention on their reciprocal political relationships. We will continue our research during the first century of Roman Empire. We will interest to Egyptian grain administration by the annona and the imperial supply structures. We will bring interest also on private grain trade under Julio-Claudians emperors. We will develop our research on three fundamental items: the institutions, the actors and the structures of the grain trade.
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O lugar da língua na São Paulo transformada: os usos linguísticos dos intelectuais republicanos paulistas / The Place of Language in a transformed São Paulo: the linguistic usages of the republican intellectuals of São PauloSilva, Hosana dos Santos 17 April 2012 (has links)
Neste estudo, refletimos sobre a relação língua-sociedade tal como desenhada na São Paulo do final do século XIX e início do XX, época de mudanças decisivas para o Brasil e particularmente para essa cidade, que sofre um intenso processo de urbanização e também de adensamento populacional, sobretudo pela entrada de imigrantes. Mais especificamente, discutimos a complexa experiência social e linguística do grupo de intelectuais republicanos paulistas, procurando observar o modo como diferentes ideologias e militâncias políticas influíram em suas produções linguísticas. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, descrevemos e analisamos os padrões empíricos de ordenação dos clíticos pronominais em textos produzidos por cinco integrantes do grupo. Aos resultados dessa produção, contrapomos dados extraídos de textos publicados na imprensa imigrantista lusitana, com o fim de apreender, expor e comparar diferentes usos da língua portuguesa em São Paulo. Levamos em conta, nessa abordagem, as condições sociais de produção e reprodução linguísticas, isto é, a estrutura de relações subjetivas e objetivas subjacentes às escolhas desses falantes. Nessa proposta de trabalho interdisciplinar, orientada pelos pressupostos teóricos da Sociolinguística Variacionista e da Teoria Gerativa, em diálogo estreito com História e com a Sociologia da Linguagem (conforme concebida por Pierre Bourdieu), defendemos a hipótese de que a variedade culta paulista apresenta características próprias, que a distanciam não somente dos usos vernaculares (populares), mas também do português europeu moderno. Ademais, as formas linguísticas que singularizam a produção escrita desses intelectuais funcionam como marcadores privilegiados de diferenciação entre falantes, à medida que revelam a posição social do indivíduo e os efeitos da instrução formal sobre suas práticas. / This research examines the relationship between language and society in the city of São Paulo at the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Significant changes occurred in Brazil at that time, especially in São Paulo, where an intense process of urbanization took place and the population exploded due to large migration flows. More precisely, in this dissertation we discuss the complex social and linguistic experience of a group of educated speakers, viz. the republican intellectuals of São Paulo, and attempt to observe how distinct ideologies and political militancy influenced their language production. The empirical patterns of clitic placement were described and analyzed in texts written by five members of such group of people. The findings were contrasted with data taken from the Portuguese immigrant press, in order for us to show, compare and understand the different uses of Portuguese in the city. Under this approach, the social conditions of language production and reproduction are taken into account; in other words, we focus on the structure of the subjective and objective relations that underlie the speakers choices. This interdisciplinary proposal follows the theoretical assumptions of Variationist Sociolinguistics and the Generative Theory, in dialogue with History and the Sociology of Language (cf. Pierre Bourdieu). We support the hypothesis that standard Brazilian Portuguese in São Paulo has characteristics that separate it from both vernacular Brazilian Portuguese and modern European Portuguese. Moreover, the linguistic forms that distinguish the written production of those intellectuals serve as differentiation markers among speakers, since they reveal the social status of the individuals and the effects of formal instruction on their practices.
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Jardim cerrado: um trânsito para a identidade / Jardín cerrado: a passage to identityFreitas, Josenildes da Conceição 30 June 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe-se a examinar a obra Jardín cerrado (1946) de autoria do poeta espanhol Emilio Prados, exilado no México. Tem por objetivo apontar o jardín cerrado como um território de busca da identidade do sujeito lírico, onde se realiza um deslocamento simbólico que é associado ao processo de elaboração poética. O trabalho constrói-se a partir da análise de sete textos poéticos, na sequência dos livros que compõem a obra, e pretende analisá-los sob o signo do trânsito que marca a experiência do exílio republicano espanhol para delinear a proposta de uma poética do escritor. / The proposed study aims to examine the literary work Jardín cerrado (1946) written by the Spanish poet Emilio Prados, exiled in Mexico. It aims to define \"jardín cerrado\" as a search territory of the identity of the lyrical subject where there is a symbolic displacement associated to the process of poetic creation. The study builds on the analysis of seven poetic texts presented according to the sequential books which compose the work. The study intends to analyse them under the image of the passage that describes the experience of the Spanish republican exile to outline the author\'s poetic proposal.
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Le fait colonial à l’école : genèse et scolarisation d’un objet de débat public, scientifique et mémoriel (des années 1980 à 2015) : essai de socio-histoire du curriculum / The events of colonialism at school : genesis and schooling of a scientific, memorial, and public debate : a social history essay on the curriculum (1980 to 2015)Cock, Laurence de 24 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à identifier les conditions de possibilité de modification des curricula au regard des pressions sociales. Pour cela, elle s’appuie sur un contenu d’enseignement précis : le fait colonial qui, entre les années 1980 et aujourd’hui, interroge de plus en plus le consensus national-républicain au fur et à mesure qu’il se connecte avec la question de l’immigration postcoloniale. Cette thèse s’appuie aussi sur un matériau empirique varié : des discours politiques et médiatiques construisant l’enseignement du fait colonial comme un problème public ; des archives de l’Éducation nationale, des rapports officiels, ainsi que des entretiens. Nos pistes de travail consistaient alors à identifier la configuration de réseaux d’acteurs susceptibles de procéder à une mise en compatibilité des questions scientifiquement et politiquement débattues avec les attendus du curriculum d’histoire, afin d’en faciliter la traduction. Il apparaît que chaque moment de débat mémoriel sur le passé colonial rejoue des tiraillements propres à l’école républicaine et à l’enseignement de l’histoire : la dialectique entre la pluralité culturelle et l’universalisme, celle entre l’égalité et l’identité, ou encore entre les logiques de reconnaissance et les logiques civiques. On trouve des injonctions de différents niveaux et parfois contradictoires, des décalages entre les agendas des débats publics et l’agenda scolaire, de sorte que la porosité entre les débats sociaux et les curricula d’histoire ne s’avère pas naturelle. / This thesis seeks to identify the conditions of possibility for variations and amendments in the curricula, given social pressures. For this purpose, it is founded on a precise content of teaching : the events of colonialism that, from the 1980’s to the Present, have questioned more and more the national and republican consensus, as it connects to the issue of post-colonial immigration.This thesis is also founded on firsthand empirical material : political and media discourses constructing the teaching of the events of colonialism as a public matter ; archives of National Education ; official reports ; and many interviews.Our lines of inquiry consisted then in identifying the establishment of networks of social actors likely to make compatible scientifically and politically debated issues with the expectations of the history curriculum, and to facilitate its translation.Our inquiry reveals that every occurrence of the memorial debate on the colonial past restages specific stinging and pulling in the republican school systen and in the teaching of history : the dialectic between cultural plurality and universalism, the one between equality and identity, or even the one between logics of acknowledgment and civic logics. Many injunctions are to be found, at different levels, sometimes contradictory, many discrepancies between the agendas of public debates and the timescale of school, so that the concordance between the social discourse and the history curricula does not turn out to be innate or natural.
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Ariane, vision parlante ? : l’ekphrasis illusionniste chez Catulle et les épigrammatistes hellénistiques / Ariadne, a speaking vision? : illusionist ekphraseis in Catullus and Hellenistic epigramsIff-Noël, Flora 04 July 2019 (has links)
Catulle, dans le poème 64, invente une ekphrasis d’un nouveau genre : au lieu de décrire une œuvre d’art dans sa matérialité pour la mettre sous les yeux des lecteurs selon la tradition rhétorique, il fait parler son personnage principal, Ariane. En quoi la figure d’Ariane a-t-elle permis à Catulle d’entériner une évolution de l’ekphrasis entamée par la littérature hellénistique, à savoir la focalisation non sur la matérialité de l’objet, mais sur son sens, une réflexion sur les liens entre vision et diction ? Il convient d’éclairer ce poème majeur de la littérature latine en le réintégrant, d’une part, aux multiples représentations figurées d’Ariane dans l’Antiquité et, d’autre part, à la lignée des ekphraseis précédentes, concept entendu au sens de « texte consacré à une œuvre d’art » pour inclure descriptions mais aussi narrations ou courts dialogues comme ceux des épigrammes ecphrastiques. En particulier, la prise de parole de l’objet d’art se révèle un topos épigrammatique hellénistique qui nécessite une étude systématique. Ce motif, baptisé topos de l’illusionnisme de l’art, mesure la qualité d’une œuvre d’art à sa capacité à sembler sur le point de parler, se mouvoir ou prendre vie. La typologie de ce topos met en évidence l’évolution de l’esthétique et de la relation entre poésie et arts figurés. Le poème 64 de Catulle se révèle alors reprendre ce topos – comme de nombreux textes après lui – pour constituer une surenchère illusionniste dans l’ekphrasis où l’œuvre d’art prend vie. La poétique de Catulle trouve un éclairage nouveau qui permet de mieux tracer la réception de l’esthétique alexandrine à Rome et l’influence de Catulle sur les poètes latins postérieurs. / This interdisciplinary dissertation uses text and image studies, intertextuality and metapoetics to analyze the relationships between vision and diction in ekphraseis understood as texts devoted to works of art, and particularly in Catullus’s canonical poem 64. Poem 64 has puzzled many critics by its “disobedient ekphrasis” of a coverlet: not only does it scarcely describe its subject, but it turns into a long monologue by Ariadne, the main figure woven into the coverlet. I argue that, far from disregarding the coverlet, Catullus elaborates on a topos of Hellenistic ekphrastic epigrams that measures an artwork’s value by its illusionist capacity to “seem about to speak” and “come to life”. My extensive classification of the epigrammatic variants of this topos reveals its presence in Catullus through specific keywords. Ariadne’s representation on the coverlet is so lifelike that it starts to speak. Instead of following the critical tradition which considers Ariadne’s speech as another instance of epic or tragic monologue, I analyze it as a major Catullan innovation, in dialogue with the aesthetic debates of his day. Bringing together Hellenistic and Roman figurative arts and literatures sheds a new light on Catullan poetics and, more generally, on the reception of Alexandrian aesthetics in Rome and on Catullus’s influence on posterior Latin poets.
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Os efeitos econômicos da globalização financeira sobre o Brasil na transição para século XXI: a perspectiva editorial do jornal \'O Estado de S. Paulo\' (1999-2002) / The economic effects of financial globalization on Brazil in the transition to the twenty-first century: the newspapers perspective O Estado de S. PauloCarlotto, Maria Fabiola Ramos Caramez 14 October 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação se apoiou numa pesquisa documental composta de 1.460 documentos da hemeroteca do Acervo do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. E tem por objetivo apresentar uma análise e síntese dos editoriais produzidos pelo jornal de 1999 a 2002, que configuram uma série tipológica, sistematizada em corpus da pesquisa documental. A metodologia foi conduzida por análise documental direcionada à pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. A primeira parte deste trabalho se constitui do capitulo I, etapa em que a pesquisa justifica a escolha do objeto empírico e sua inserção de sentido no processo histórico brasileiro. No capítulo II, contextualiza-se o conceito central, o da globalização, como uma chave ideológica e geopolítica da conjuntura mundial no final do século XX. No capítulo III, apresentamos os resultados da pesquisa empírica, que se orientou por uma pergunta norteadora: quais foram os efeitos da globalização financeira sobre o Brasil da perspectiva do jornal OESP? Para responder a essa pergunta, a pesquisa foi organizada em duas etapas. A primeira sistematizou a agenda editorial de todo o ano de 1999 de forma quantitativa e temática para, então, analisar sistematicamente o tema mais relevante para este ano, a assim chamada crise do Real. A segunda etapa partiu do estudo desse contexto para produzir uma síntese das questões temática priorizadas pela agenda de OESP de 2000 a 2002. A conclusão visou identificar os pontos convergentes relacionados com a realidade brasileira, observando o ponto de vista dessas narrativas com os pressupostos da questão norteadora, isto é, como e em que medida o jornal narrou, analisou e interpretou os efeitos econômicos da globalização sob o Brasil na transição para o século XXI (1999-2002). / This work was based on a desk research consisting of 1,440 documents Newspaper Collection \"O Estado de S. Paulo\". And aims an analysis and synthesis of editorial produced by the 1999 journal to 2002. And constitute a typological series, systematized corpus of experimental research. The method was conducted by analysis and synthesis. The first part of this work constitutes of Chapter I, step in the research justifies the choice of the empirical object and its insertion direction in the Brazilian historical process. In Chapter II, contextualizes the core concept, globalization as an ideological key geopolitical and global at the world end of the 20th century. Chapter III, we present the results of empirical research, which was guided by hypothesis. What explains the way that was organized in two stages. The first stage, systematized the editorial schedule 1999 quantitative thematically. He noted a theme that agenda from January to July, chosen by the relevance criteria, producing reports. The second stage, produced a synthesis of thematic issues prioritized by the 2000 OESP Agenda to 2002. The conclusion identified the converging points observed by chance with the Brazilian reality, observing the point of view of these narratives, aiming punctuate how and to what extent, the newspaper chronicled, analysed and interpreted \"the economic effects of globalization in Brazil in the transition to the 21st century\"(1999-2001)
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O sistema de normas e valores dos Grupos Escolares paulistas: a naturalização da ênclise / The system of norms and values of School Groups of São Paulo: the enclitic naturalizationTeles, Fernanda Alvarenga 23 September 2014 (has links)
Grandes transformações sociais, econômicas e políticas ocorriam no Brasil republicano do final do século XIX. Nesse contexto, forças sócio-políticas operavam na proposta de civilização do país que se apoiava na difusão das instituições de ensino como estratégia para se equiparar à modernização e ao progresso dos países europeus. Assim, os Grupos Escolares foram criados em contraposição às escolas isoladas do período monárquico, inovando no cenário brasileiro com a implantação do ensino graduado e com o método intuitivo, servindo de propaganda ao novo governo instaurado. Alguns estudos têm mostrado que, dentro desse panorama da virada do século XIX, uma mudança na colocação pronominal em orações infinitivas preposicionadas se implanta no Português Brasileiro, o qual se distanciava do padrão lusitano e do uso vernacular da época. Considerando o crescimento da próclise do vernáculo brasileiro (OLIVEIRA, 2013) e a ênclise majoritária dos intelectuais republicanos paulistas (SANTOS SILVA, 2012) nesse contexto sintático, este trabalho investigará se os Grupos Escolares Paulistas adotavam um único padrão linguístico quanto à posição do pronome em infinitivas preposicionadas. Para essa análise, serão estudados ofícios e relatórios escritos em 1902 e 1906 por diretores de 34 grupos e inspetores da educação do estado de São Paulo. Para uma boa análise qualitativa dos dados, será adotado o paradigma indiciário de Ginzburg (1989), juntamente a um estudo etnográfico dos grupos e de seu conteúdo programático que permitirá identificar o pano de fundo da difusão desse novo tipo de escola e entender a simbólica importância dessa instituição de ensino para a sociedade republicana. Dessa forma, será possível entrelaçar o ponto de vista linguístico com a sócio-história dos Grupos Escolares paulistas na virada do século XIX para o XX. / Significant social, economic and political changes took place in the Brazilian Republic in the end of 19th century. In this context, socio-political forces operated in the civilization proposal of country supported in the dissemination of educational institutions as a strategy to match the modernization and progress of European countries. So School Groups were created in opposition to distant schools of the monarchy period, innovating in the Brazilian scenario with the implementation of graduate education and the intuitive method, serving as an advertisement of the new government. Some studies have shown that a change was implanted in the clitic placement in prepositional infinitive sentences in Brazilian Portuguese in the turn of 19th century, which distanced from both the standard European Portuguese and the Brazilian vernacular use. Considering the increase of proclisis of Brazilian vernacular (OLIVEIRA, 2013) and the majority enclitic of republican intellectuals of São Paulo (SANTOS SILVA, 2012) in this syntactic context, this study will investigate if the School Groups of São Paulo adopted a single linguistic standard about the clitic placement in prepositional infinitive sentences. For this analysis, formal texts written in 1902 and 1906 by directors of 34 School Groups and education inspectors of São Paulo will be studied. For a satisfactory analysis, the evidential paradigm of Ginzburg (1898) will be adopted, along with an ethnographic study of School Groups and their curriculum that will identify the background of the propagation of this new kind of school and understand the symbolic matter of this educational institution for the republican society. So the linguistic point of view can be interlace with the socio-history of School Groups of São Paulo in the turn of 20th century.
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Do culto à cultura: fatos linguísticos e sociais no colégio republicano paulista / From cult to culture: linguistic and social facts in the republican high school in the state of São PauloCoan, Giovanna Ike 21 October 2016 (has links)
Na passagem dos séculos XIX a XX, Campinas era um polo de produção cafeeira no interior de São Paulo. A conjugação de condições econômicas e sociais determinou o crescimento acelerado da cidade e sua modernização, além de conferir-lhe importante papel no cenário político nacional. Na década de 1870, um grupo de republicanos idealizou o Colégio Culto à Ciência, visando a difundir o saber científico e laico aos jovens campineiros. Porém, nos anos de 1890, fatores diversos levaram ao fechamento do colégio e, em 1896, o prédio em que ele funcionava passou a abrigar o Ginásio Estadual de Campinas, uma das instâncias da reforma do ensino público paulista. Neste trabalho, analisamos produções discursivas relacionadas a essas duas instituições de ensino secundário, entre o final da Monarquia e as primeiras décadas da República, de modo que não sejam entendidas apenas como escolas de prestígio no período, mas como espaços de reunião das elites econômica e intelectual, personificadas nos seus idealizadores e no corpo docente e diretor, e como símbolos do ideário republicano na área da instrução. Sob o enfoque da História Social da Língua Portuguesa, uma área de estudos interdisciplinar, a análise de textos oriundos desse espaço social é significativa para identificar tanto elementos conjunturais quanto fatos linguísticos que reflitam e refratam a realidade em transição, além do padrão linguístico culto que servia de referencial para as escolas e, por conseguinte, para os alunos. Os corpora examinados ao longo da tese são: o discurso fundador do Culto a Ciência, proferido por Campos Sales em 1874; textos escritos por lentes de Português tanto do Culto à Ciência quanto do Ginásio de Campinas; jornais dos alunos das duas instituições; e ofícios e atas produzidos no espaço do Ginásio. Os resultados destacam a relação entre as palavras e seu conteúdo ideológico (BAKHTIN (VOLOSHINOV), 1997) no discurso republicano, fazendo emergir significações a partir de seu contexto concreto de uso; a coexistência de marcas pessoais e impessoais nas relações sociais e na língua, salientando distinção e hierarquização num contexto histórico que pressupunha a adoção de tratamentos igualitários, e.g., o tratamento por cidadão se opondo a Vossa Excelência, e o uso do imperativo (ato de comando) seguido do pronome se (impessoal); e, em se tratando do fenômeno sintático da colocação pronominal, a percepção do valor social (ECKERT, 2012) da ênclise no contexto das orações infinitivas preposicionadas, caracterizando o padrão culto do português brasileiro do período e constituindo uma marca identitária do colégio republicano paulista e daqueles que ocupavam postos de prestígio e poder na sociedade. / At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, Campinas was a pole of coffee production in São Paulo. The combination of economic and social conditions determined the accelerated growth of the city and its modernization and also gave it an important role in the national political scene. In the 1870s, a group of republicans idealized the Colégio Culto à Ciência, aiming to spread scientific and secular knowledge to young inhabitants of Campinas. However, in the 1890s, several reasons led this school to close and, in 1896, the building in which it operated started to house the Ginásio de Estado de Campinas, one instance of the public education reform that took place in São Paulo. In this work, we analyze discursive productions related to these two institutions of secondary education, from the end of the Monarchy to the first decades of the Republic, in a way that they are not only seen as prestigious schools in the period, but as meeting places of the economic and intellectual elite, personified in their founders and the professor and director bodies, and as the republican ideals in the area of education. In the approach of the Social History of Portuguese, an interdisciplinary field of language studies, the analysis of texts coming from this social space is significant to identify both social elements and linguistic facts that reflect and refract the reality in transition, in addition to the standard language that served as reference for the schools and their students. The corpora examined are: the founding discourse of the Colégio Culto à Ciência, delivered by Campos Sales in 1874; written production by Portuguese teachers of both Culto à Ciência and Ginásio de Campinas; student periodicals from both institutions; and documents produced in the administrative space of the Ginásio. The results highlight the relationship between words and ideological content (BAKHTIN (VOLOSHINOV), 1997) in the republican discourse, causing meanings to emerge from their concrete context of use; the coexistence of personal and impersonal marks in social relations and in language, emphasizing distinction and hierarchy in a historical context that presupposed the adoption of egalitarian treatments, e.g., treatment by cidadão (citizen) opposing to Vossa Excelência (Your Excellency), and the use of the imperative (command act) followed by the pronoun se (impersonal); and, regarding the syntactic phenomenon of clitic placement, the perception of the social value (ECKERT, 2012) of the enclisis in the context of the prepositional infinitives, characterizing the standard pattern of Brazilian Portuguese in the period and constituting an identity mark of the republican high school in the state of São Paulo and of those who occupied positions of prestige and power in society.
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