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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hedgefonders avkastningsmönster : En studie av hedgefonders prestation i förhållande till traditionella fonder

Nasr, Dalal January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: De flesta svenskarna sparar i form av värdepapper för att investera sina pengar och få en avkastning. Vilket placeringsalternativ ska de välja mellan investering i traditionella eller speciella fonder? De traditionella fonderna har en relativ avkastning och en stor risk, medan de speciella eller hedgefonderna har en lägre risk och en absolut positiv avkastning oavsett marknadsläge.I denna studie kommer att undersökas om hedgefonders avkastningsmönster är trovärdig, och om deras målsättning har uppnåtts under åtta års period. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan olika svenska hedgefonders investeringsstrategier och avkastningsmönster samt undersöka hur dessa hedgefonder skiljer sig från de traditionella fonderna och marknadsindexet. Delsyftet är att studera två olika perioder och urskilja hur fonderna presterar under hög respektive låg konjunktur läge. Metod: Studien är baserad på forskningsstrategin kvantitativa metoden. Sekundär data i form av historiska avkastningssiffror för åttaårsperiod är avhämtad. Olika nyckeltal är valda för uträckningen och analysen. Korrelation, regression och hypotesprövning är de utvalda statistiska metoder som ska leda författaren att analysera och dra slutsats. Slutsats: De hedgefonderna har under de olika perioderna genererat en genomsnittlig positiv avkastning trots de låga värden. De har lägre totalrisk samt marknadsrisk än de traditionella, och en låg korrelation mellan varandra. Vidare har studien visat att räntearbitrage och marknadsneutrala strategier har presterat bäst under låg konjunktur.Sammanfattningsvis hedgefonders avkastningsmönster skiljer sig mellan de olika strategierna och inom varje strategi. Trots på den låga positiva avkastningen anses hedgefonder ett bättre placeringsalternativ än traditionella fonder i tider där marknaden går ner.Avkastningsmönster är en fördom på kortsikt men anses vara en verklighet långsiktigt. / Background: The majority of the Swedish population saves in the form of securities to invest and receive a return. Which investment option should they choose? Should they invest in mutual or special funds? The mutual funds have a relative return and come with a high risk, while the special funds, also known as hedge funds, have an absolute positive return regardless of the market situation and this fund type accounts for a lower risk. This study will investigate whether the return pattern in the hedge funds are valid or not, and if their objective was achieved during this 8 year period. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a relationship between Swedish hedge funds' investment strategies and their return pattern as well as examining how these hedge funds differ from the mutual funds and the market index. The sub focus is studying two different periods and discerns how the funds perform under high and low economic situation. Methodology: The study is based on results obtained from the research strategy, of a quantitative character. Secondary data in the form of historical returns for the eight-year period is utilized. Different ratios are utilized for calculations and analysis. Correlation, regression, and hypothesis testing are the chosen statistical methods that will lead the author to analyze and draw conclusions. Conclusions: The hedge funds have in the different periods generated an average positive return despite the low values. They have lower total risk and market risk than mutual ones, and a low correlation between each other. Furthermore, the study has shown that rate arbitrage and market neutral strategies perform best under low economy context.In summary, hedge funds' return pattern differs between the diverse strategies and within each strategy. Despite the low positive returns hedge funds are considered a better investment option than mutual funds in times when the market is unstable.The return pattern does not apply to short term investments but it does apply to long term investments.


李建忠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融市場的整合、金融控股公司的成立,保險公司、銀行與證券機構等的經營不再只是各自為政,其經營變化皆會影響到整體的經營成敗。子公司的經營應不再只是注重經營績效,還應納入各項經營風險的考量,在報酬與風險之間取得一個平衡點。 本研究主要是透過風險調整資本報酬(RAROC),來測量在金控旗下產物保險公司經營績效之優劣。本文利用民國73年至93年的產物保險年鑑的財報資料,以RAROC及傳統財務比率,比較富邦公司與本國老公司經營績效之差異。 本文之實證研究結果發現如下: 1. 在傳統財務比率之下,富邦產物保險公司的經營能力與本國老公司大致相同,但獲利能力明顯優於本國老公司。 2. 在風險調整資本報酬比率下,營運部分之績效比較結果為: (1) 在全部業務之下,富邦產物保險公司與本國老公司大致相同。 (2) 在扣除分保業務之後,富邦產物明顯優於本國老公司 3. 在風險調整資本報酬比率下,富邦產物之投資方面的經營績效明顯優於本國老公司。 / After the renovation of financial market and the establishment of financial holding company in Taiwan, insurance companies, banks and security institutes will not operate independently, and their efficiency on operation will affect themselves. Subsidiary companies not only focus on efficiency on operation, but also measure variation of risk on operation to achieve a balance between risk and return. This study applies the concept of Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) to measure efficiency on operation of non-life insurance company in financial holding company. The empirical analysis is conducted based on the financial data of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan during the period of 1984-2003. The empirical results are summarized as follow. 1. Base on traditional financial ratios, the underwriting efficiency of Fubon is the same as the other companies, but in the part of investment, Fubon is more efficient than other companies. 2. Based on Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital for measuring underwriting efficiency: (1) Fubon and old local companies are the same efficient for total business. (2) Fubon is significantly more efficient than other companies for the retained business. 3. Based on Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital for measuring investment efficiency, Fubon is better than other companies.

市場風險與個別國家風險對台灣股市的影響(按產業分) / A study of the market risk and the country specific risk impacts on Taiwan stock market (by industry)

魏武興, Wei, Wu Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣各類股在不同貨幣單位之下,風險報酬之間的抵換關係,以此來探討台灣各類股在面對風險情況下的特性。我們考慮的有市場風險與國家特殊風險的影響,其中市場風險為整體經濟情勢帶來的風險;而國家風險代表一個地區的獨有風險,像是政治、經濟、社會等因素所帶來的風險。在衡量風險報酬抵換關係方面,我們藉由資本資產訂價模型的概念來做實證研究,並且藉由對角BEKK模型來做報酬與風險的條件共變異數的估計。我們先估計出市場風險與報酬之間的關係,爾後再加入國家風險因子的影響,並比較在不同貨幣單位之下的估計結果,而此結果亦能代表匯率風險的影響。 實證結果顯示,各大類股在面對風險的反應不一致,其中金融類股為受風險影響最大的類股,且其市場風險係數為顯著的負值,跟理論上風險報酬為正向關係不同。而其他類股在風險與報酬關係上,有正也有負向的結果出現,故我們可得知在面對相同風險之下,各類股有其不同的反應,且在不同的貨幣單位下得到的結果也有所差異,表示匯率的確會對風險報酬關係造成影響,甚至讓風險係數從負值轉為正值,故也顯示了匯率風險的存在。研究也顯示了國家風險對於各類股的影響係數皆不大,表示台灣地區的風險尚屬穩定。而本研究或許可幫助投資人在面對風險時,能藉由各類股風險報酬關係的反應來選擇最適的投資組合。 / This study investigates the various types of stock in Taiwan under the different monetary unit, between risk and return trade-off relations, in order to investigate the characteristics of various types of shares in Taiwan in the face of risk situations. We consider the impact of market risk and country-special risk, the risks of market risk for the economic situation; country risk represents a country risk, the risks such as political, economic, social and other factors . We have empirical research done by the concept of the capital asset pricing model, and the conditions covariance estimated by the diagonal BEKK model.We first estimate the relationship between market risk , and then add the impact of country risk factors, and compare the estimation results under different monetary unit, and this results in representing the exchange-rate risk. The empirical results show that the various stocks in the face of risk response is inconsistent, which financial stocks for the greatest impact on stocks are subject to risks, and the market risk coefficient is significantly negative, difference the theory. Other stocks in the relationship between risk and returns, positive and negative results, so we can learn to face the same risks under various types of shares have different reactions, and in a different currency unit the results also different, it also shows the existence of exchange-rate risk. The study also shows the country risk coefficient of various types of shares were weak effects. This research to help investors in the face of risk, by the reactions of all kinds shares the risk and return relationship to select the optimal portfolio.


Daniel Menezes Cavalcante 28 August 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Quando a conjuntura econÃmica de um paÃs propicia baixa taxa de juros de mercado, a rentabilidade de aplicaÃÃes ditas seguras, como em renda fixa, deixa de ser negÃcio atrativo para investidores, que optam por submeter-se a um risco maior em busca de maiores rendimentos. Em tais cenÃrios, investidores arriscam-se no mercado acionÃrio, no qual ganhos maiores podem ser auferidos, apesar do risco superior ao da renda fixa. A Teoria Moderna do PortfÃlio mostra que esse risco pode ser reduzido pela diversificaÃÃo de ativos. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar se um modelo quantitativo baseado na Teoria Moderna do PortfÃlio à capaz ajudar na diversificaÃÃo de um portfÃlio, reduzindo risco a nÃveis inferiores aos da carteira de mercado, enquanto proporciona rendimentos superiores aos de s de mercado. Os testes utilizaram sÃries histÃricas de 36 ativos negociados na BOVESPA entre 1999 e 2012, e foram conduzidos em janelas de amostras de 12, 36, 60 e 120 observaÃÃes. Os resultados mostram que a ampliaÃÃo do horizonte de investimento permite a obtenÃÃo de desempenho superior do portfÃlio selecionado pela otimizaÃÃo baseada na mÃnima variÃncia, comparativamente à aplicaÃÃo livre de risco (CDI) e ao Ãndice Bovespa.

Fondförvaltares finansiella prestationer : sett utifrån demografiska faktorer samt gruppaspekter

Månsson, Carl, Pllana, Arlinda January 2017 (has links)
Intresset för fondsparformen har ökat de senaste åren och med tanke på att åtta av tio svenskar sparar i fonder är det viktigt att undersöka vad det är som påverkar hur en fond presterar utifrån vem som förvaltar fonden.    Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad kunskap kring vad det är som påverkar en fondförvaltares prestationer. Studien avser först att undersöka den enskilda fondförvaltarens prestation i form av riskjusterad avkastning utifrån de demografiska aspekterna. Därefter undersöks om grupper presterar bättre eller sämre riskjusterad avkastning än enskild individer och slutligen undersökes om gruppers diversitet, utifrån de demografiska aspekterna, påverkar fondens prestation också mätt i riskjusterad avkastning.   Studien utgår från ett positivistiskt synsätt och en forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats. Metodvalet karaktäriseras av ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt där empirin grundar sig på icke-indexfonder i Morningstars kategorisering Sverigefonder.   Studiens övergripande slutsatser är att de olika demografiska aspekterna har olika påverkan på den riskjusterade avkastningen. Grupper presterar generellt sämre än enskilda individer och ju mer diversifierad gruppen är desto sämre blir också resultatet. / The interest of saving in funds has risen in recent years. Since eight of ten Swedes have got savings in funds it’s important to investigate what affects the funds’ performance, based on who manages the fund.   The purpose of the study is to contribute with increased knowledge about what affects the performance of fund managers. The focus of the study is firstly on different demographic aspects and how they affect the risk-adjusted returns. Secondly the study examines whether group performances are superior to individuals. Lastly the study also examines whether more diverse groups perform better than less diverse groups.   The study is based on a positivistic approach and a research strategy with a deductive approach. The method selection is characterized by a quantitative approach where data is based on non-index funds in the Morningstar categorization of Sverigefonder.   The overall conclusions of the study is that different demographical aspects have different effects on the risk-adjusted returns. Groups generally perform worse than individuals and the study also concludes that the more diversified the group gets, the worse the results will be.

Investing for a Brighter Future :  A qualitative study of the management of impact investing in emerging markets.

Berglund, Karl, Björnbom, Mårten, Rosander, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of the term impact investing and examine how Nordic impact investors manage risk, return, and social and/or environmental in emerging markets. Relevant aspects to impact investing have been identified to enable this thesis to be conducted. The thesis derives from a qualitative research method, this to gain a deeper understanding of the term and how Nordic impact investors conduct their business in emerging markets. The thesis is based on a deductive research approach due to that the term impact investing has a limited amount of previous research.   The literature review highlights relevant theories related to the research questions. The concepts presented are impact investing, emerging markets, dual interest, and risk management. These theories have later been put into a conceptual framework to showcase the interconnections. From the conceptual framework, three main concepts (impact investing, dual interest, and risk management in emerging markets) have been established and then later analysed based on the empirical data gathered from a multi-case study.   The analysis chapter includes a comparison and discussion between the empirical findings and the literature review in order to answer the thesis research questions. Furthermore, the analysis follows the same concepts presented in the operationalization. The final chapter reveals the conclusions drawn based on the analysis conducted. The final chapter further highlight implications both theoretical and practical, followed by suggestions for future research. The theoretical implications of the thesis pinpoint that impact investing require conceptual clarity to raise more awareness and gain recognition. Furthermore, risk management is an essential part of conducting investments in emerging markets. The practical implications showcase that impact investing can be conducted in several different ways and that there are no distinct patterns on how to manage impact investments best. Furthermore, the thesis stresses the importance of impact investing in emerging markets.

En kvantitativ, komparativ studie om hållbara och traditionella fonders prestation

Andersson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och jämföra hur svenska hållbara aktiefonder och svenska traditionella aktiefonder har presterat inom premiepensionssystemet under perioden 2015-2019. Detta görs eftersom att intresset för hållbara investeringar har ökat markant både hos privatpersoner och företag de senaste åren. Premiepensionssystemet väljs eftersom att varje privatperson som arbetar och betalar skatt i Sverige får en del av sin inkomst placerad i detta system, och sedan 2018/2019 läggs det otroligt mycket fokus på ökad transparens och medvetenhet hos Pensionsmyndigheten på fondplaceringar och att de kan erbjuda hållbara investeringar eftersom efterfrågan ökar. Författaren kan heller inte identifiera någon liknande studie som gjorts angående premiepension efter det att fondtorget gjorts om. Studien innehåller ett urval på totalt 5 hållbara fonder och 24 traditionella fonder. Studien har inriktat sig på den svenska marknaden, det vill säga fonder som placerar i svenska företag och som återfinns på den svenska marknaden samt uteslutande aktiefonder. Historisk data har insamlats från Pensionsmyndigheten och Morningstar för att sedan ligga till grund för beräkningar med hjälp av olika ekonomiska modeller och prestationsmått som Sharpekvot, Jensen’s alfa och Treynors kvot. Dessa mått mäter den riskjusterade avkastningen. Författaren väljer också att titta på faktisk avkastning, nettoavkastning för att se vad som presterat bäst för en privatperson som investerare. Därutöver görs statistiska beräkningar av statistiska mått i form av t-test för att beräkna p-värde och således kunna se om det finns någon statistisk signifikans för att antingen kunna acceptera eller förkasta en formulerad nollhypotes. Studiens resultat visar ingen större skillnad i prestation mellan hållbara och traditionella fonder, om än en marginell fördel för de traditionella i faktisk nettoavkastning. Studien erhåller heller ingen statistisk signifikans på 5-procentsnivån vilket indikerar på att vi inte kan förkasta nollhypotesen. / The purpose of the study is to investigate and compare how Swedish sustainable equity funds and Swedish traditional equity funds have performed within the premium pension system during the period 2015-2019. This is because the interest in sustainable investments has increased markedly among both individuals and companies in recent years. The premium pension system is chosen because every private person who works and pays tax in Sweden gets part of their income placed in this system, and since 2018/2019 there is an incredible amount of focus on increased transparency and awareness at the Swedish Pensions Agency on fund investments and that they can offer sustainable investments as demand increases. The author can also not identify any similar study that has been done regarding premium pensions after the fund market has been redesigned. The study contains a selection of a total of 5 sustainable funds and 24 traditional funds. The study has focused on the Swedish market, i.e. funds that invest in Swedish companies and that are found on the Swedish market, as well as exclusively equity funds. Historical data has been collected from the Swedish Pensions Agency and Morningstar to then form the basis for calculations using various economic models and performance measures such as Sharpe quota, Jensen's alpha and Treynor's quota and these measures measure the risk-adjusted return. The author also chooses to look at actual returns, net returns to see what has performed best for an individual as an investor. In addition, statistical calculations are made of statistical measures in the form of a t-test to calculate the p-value and thus be able to see if there is any statistical significance for either being able to accept or reject a formulated null hypothesis. The results of the t-statistics show that there is not significant differences in performance between sustainable and traditional funds, although a marginal advantage over the traditional ones in actual net returns. The study also receives no statistical significance at the 5% level, which indicates that we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

Samband mellan svenska aktiefonders avkastning och avgift med hänsyn till risk

Koriy, Gabriel, Jansson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Förvaltning och avkastning hos fonder har forskats om i flera studier runt om i världen. Tidigare forskning har gett varierande resultat, där vissa studier visar på att det föreligger ett samband mellan en fonds avgift och avkastning, medan andra inte kan säkerställa ett sådant resultat. Då de svenska hushållen idag sparar mer än någonsin, visar det på att fondsparande är ett aktuellt ämne för ytterligare forskning. Statistik från 2020 visar att fondförmögenheten i Sverige totalt uppgick till 4 554 miljarder kronor och har visat på en fortsatt ökande trend de senaste åren. Dock har endast få studier genomförts på den svenska kapitalmarknaden och de har i huvudsak analyserat ämnet på kort sikt, med en tidsperiod om fem år. Eftersom avgifternas påverkan på fonder är tydligast på lång sikt, ger det utrymme för fortsatt forskning inom ämnet. Syftet med följande forskning är att studera sambandet mellan svenska aktiefonders avkastning och avgift på lång sikt i förhållande till fondernas risk. Studien avgränsas till att undersöka svenska aktiefonder som har varit verksamma i minst tio år, mellan åren 2011-2020. Forskningen antar en kvantitativ forskningsmetod, vilket syftar till att testa teorier. Tillvägagångssätt sker genom en analys av urvalets regression och korrelation i samband med hypotesprövning, där variabler undersöks för att ge underlag till studiens analys av resultat. Studiens resultat visar att svenska aktiefonder i genomsnitt underpresterar den svenska marknaden på lång sikt. Forskningen visar även varierande resultat gällande korrelation mellan riskjusterad avkastning och avgift på lång sikt. Resultaten indikerar att den svenska kapitalmarknaden har en relativ marknadseffektivitet av svag form. I tillägg verkar aktivt förvaltade fonder kunna utnyttja tillfällig trendidentifiering och informationsasymmetri för att uppnå en överavkastning. Forskningen avslutas med slutsatsen att högavgiftsfonder, vilka är mer aktivt förvaltade, indikeras vara ett bättre investeringsalternativ för att uppnå en god långsiktig prestation i jämförelse med passiva fonder. / The management and return of funds have been researched in many studies around the world. Previous research has yielded varied results, with some studies showing that there is a link between a fund's fee and return, while others cannot ensure such a result. As Swedish households save more today than ever, it shows that fund saving is a current topic for further research. Statistics from 2020 show that fund assets in Sweden are 4 554 billion swedish crowns in total, a number that has continuously grown in the past years. However, only a few studies have been conducted on the Swedish capital market where the existing studies have mainly analyzed the subject in the short term, with a time period of five years. Since the impact of fund fees is most noticeable in the long term, the subject can be further explored.  The aim of this research is to study the correlation between returns and fees of Swedish equity funds in the long term in relation to the funds risk. The study is limited to examining Swedish equity funds that have been active for at least ten years, between the years 2011-2020. The study adopts a quantitative research method, which aims to test theories. This research utilizes a regression and correlation analysis in conjunction with hypothesis testing, where variables are examined to provide a basis for the study's analysis of results. The results of this study show that Swedish equity funds on average underperform the Swedish market in the long term. The research also shows varying results regarding the correlation between risk-adjusted return and fee in the long term. The results of this study indicate that the Swedish capital market has a relative weak form of market efficiency. In addition, actively managed funds seem to be able to utilize occasional trend identification and information asymmetry to achieve an excess return. The research concludes that high-fee funds, which are more actively managed, indicate to be a better investment alternative for achieving long-term performance in comparison to passive funds.

ESG-investerande : En studie om fonders riskjusterade avkastning utifrån hållbarhetsbetyg / ESG-investments

Broberg Piller, William, Harryzon, August January 2020 (has links)
Hållbarhet har kommit att bli en av denna generations största utmaningar och som ett resultat av ett globalt växande klimatfokus har regeringar och mellanstatliga organisationer utformat allt mer omfattande regleringar och initiativ för att möta samhällets krav på en hållbar utveckling. Att företag ska engagera sig i hållbarhetsarbete och ta socialt ansvar anses allt mer som en självklarhet och följaktligen har hållbarhetsfrågor inte enbart fått större inslag inom företag och dess ledningsgrupper, utan även hos investerare. Denna studie har som syfte att analysera huruvida ESG påverkar den justerade avkastningen på fonder i Sverige och Norden. För att analysera detta förhållande fokuserar studien på fonders hållbarhetsbetyg grundade på hållbarhetsparametrarna miljö, socialt ansvar och bolagsstyrning (ESG). I denna studie utforskar vi den övergripande frågan om konceptet ESG och för en diskussion kring dess inverkan på fondpriser. Metoden som används innefattar de finansiella kvoterna Sharpe, Sortino och Treynor samt Jensens Alfa, vars värden i sin tur jämfördes mot urvalet av fonder i studien som rangordnats efter Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg. Studiens resultat leder till slutsatsen att det inte finns något tydligt positivt eller negativt samband mellan fonders riskjusterade avkastning och dess hållbarhetsbetyg. / Sustainability has become one of the biggest challenges for the current living generation and as a result of the increased focus on the climate issue, governments and intergovernmental organizations have designed increasingly comprehensive regulations and initiatives in order to meet society's demands for sustainable development. That companies should become more involved in sustainability work and take social responsibility is increasingly regarded as a matter of course, and consequently sustainability issues have not only gained greater importance within companies and its management groups, but also with investors. The purpose of this study is to analyse whether ESG affects the adjusted returns for funds in Sweden and the Nordics. In order to analyse this relationship the study focuses on the sustainability rating of mutual funds that are based on the sustainability parameters environmental, social and corporate governance, together referred to as ESG. In this study, we explore the overall concept of ESG and discuss its impact on fund prices. The method being used includes the financial quotas Sharpe, Sortino, Treynor and Jensen's Alpha, whose values in turn was compared against the selection of funds in the study ranked according to their respective Morningstar sustainability rating. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that there is no clear correlation, neither positive nor negative, between the funds risk-adjusted returns and its sustainability rating.

Does the Fee Affect the Performance of Real Estate Funds? : An Explanatory Study on the Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish Market

Rönnqvist, Nellie, Vigren, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Over the past decades, investing and saving in mutual funds has become a popular alternativefor generating returns. Interest continues to grow and is widespread among different types ofinvestors, ranging from small-scale savers to professional investors, as well as differentgeographic markets. As interest and investment has grown, so has the range of fundsavailable, and with it the range of focused funds. Among these are real estate funds, fundsconsisting of holdings in the real estate market including different types of real estatecompanies and property-related assets. The ownership of funds is associated with a fee to cover various costs associated withoperating the fund. These fees can vary greatly in size across fund types and managers andaffect the fund’s performance and returns. Fees in relation to return have been researchedwith varying results and with the rise of focused funds, the authors felt that it should befurther investigated. The purpose of this study was thus formulated to investigate whetherthere is a relationship between fund fees and returns for real estate funds. This in turn toanswer whether it is justified for fund managers to charge a higher fee and to examine if theTheory of an Efficient Market holds or not. For this, a total sample of 69 real estate fundsfrom the Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish markets during a 3 year period from 1th of January2020 to the 31th of December 2022 was examined. In summary, based on the conducted regression analyses, it can be inferred that the results,similar to previous research, vary. However, it can be observed that there is a negativerelationship between fund fees and the risk-adjusted returns of real estate funds whenanalysing funds that have been active throughout the examined period. The analyses alsoreveal that the age and size of the funds have an impact on the risk-adjusted returns, whereyounger funds with large assets generate higher returns. This means that young real estatefunds with large assets and lower fees generate higher returns compared to older funds withsmall assets and higher fees. Consequently, it is not justified for managers to charge higherfees, nor for investors to pay them. Investors seeking to maximise their returns are thereforeadvised to choose real estate funds with low fees. Finally, based on this, it can be assumedthat the Theory of Efficient Markets holds for real estate funds in the Swedish, Norwegian,and Finnish markets.

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