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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wohnraum Atlas Göttingen: Wohnunsversorgung und Wohnungspolitik in Göttin seit 2010.: Fakten - Analysen - Perspektiven

Frieling, Hans-Dieter von, Mießner, Michael, Marlow, Robin 12 May 2020 (has links)
Die Wohnungsfrage ist – wieder einmal – zu einem sehr ernsten Problem geworden. Es fehlt in großem Umfang an bezahlbarem Wohnraum. Seit fast einem Jahrzehnt gibt es dementsprechend Mieter*innenproteste in zahlreichen Städten, auch in Göttingen. Der Atlas greift allgemeine gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen auf und versucht die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen am Beispiel Göttingens zu beantworten: Welche Folgen hatten die Reformen für die kommunale Wohnungsfrage? Welche Auswirkungen hat eine marktwirtschaftlich organisierte Wohnungsversorgung? Wie stellt sich die finanzgetriebene Immobilienmarktentwicklung auf lokaler Ebene dar? Welche politischen Strategien wenden Kommunen angesichts dieser Entwicklungen an und welche Folgen hat dies für die Wohnungsfrage? Dieser Atlas untersucht zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen die grundlegenden Entwicklungen des Göttinger Wohnungsmarktes. Der zweite Abschnitt widmet sich den Effekten neoliberaler Wohnungspolitik. In einem dritten Schritt stellt er die Auswirkungen investorengetriebener Wohnungsmarktentwicklung anhand von Beispielen großer Immobilienunternehmen wie Vonovia oder Adler Real Estate, aber auch lokaler Projektentwickler und Investoren dar. Viertens erläutert der Atlas verschiedene wohnungspolitische Strategien zum Umgang mit der Wohnungsfrage und macht deutlich, dass diese die Wohnungsfrage keinesfalls lösen. Fünftens wird diskutiert, welche Effekte die Bodenpreise auf die Miethöhe und die Bezahlbarkeit des Wohnens haben. Sechstens widmet sich der Atlas dem vielfältigen Widerstand gegen die Verschärfung der Wohnungsfrage in den vergangenen zehn Jahren. Abschließend umreißt er Diskussionen und Überlegungen, wie eine bessere, strukturell andere Wohnungspolitik und -wirtschaft gestaltet werden müsste und könnte, die ein „gutes Wohnen für alle“ zuverlässig sicher stellt.:I Wohnungsmarkt Göttingen 1 Wohnungsbau und Wohnungsbedarf in Göttingen 2 Mietenwahnsinn und die Verknappung günstigen Wohnraums 3 Studentisches Wohnen 4 Verdrängung und Segregation II Neoliberale Wohnungspolitik 5 Neoliberale „Soziale Marktwirtschaft“ III Immobilienunternehmen und ihre Praktiken 6 Die finanzmarktgetriebene Immobilienwirtschaft 7 Wem zahlen Mieter die Miete? 8 Grone und die Adler Real Estate AG 9 IWF – Bodenspekulation, Stadtplanung und Projektentwickler 10 Die Coreo AG 11 Immobilien-Aktiengesellschaften – Die Vonovia AG 12 Jenseits von Aktiengesellschaften: Bassil Group – Wertgrund GmbH – Gruppe Kurth IV Kommunale Wohnungspolitik 14 Vom sozialen Wohnungsbau zur sozialen Wohnraumförderung (1) 15 Vom sozialen Wohnungsbau zur sozialen Wohnraumförderung (2) 16 Kommunale Wohnungspolitik In der Zwickmühle? 17 Kommunale Wohnungspolitik In der Zwickmühle? (2) 18 Bündnis und Kommunales Handlungs-konzept für bezahlbaren Wohnraum V Bodenpreise und ihre Effekte 19 Wohnen – Unbezahlbar ? Baukosten und Bodenpreise 20 Wohnen – Unbezahlbar? Mietbelastung und Einkommensentwicklung 21 Bodenpreise in Göttingen 22 Bodenpolitik der Stadt - Kommunaler Grundbesitz und Bauleitplanung VI Proteste 23 Protest und Widerstand (1) 24 Protest und Widerstand (2) 25 Protest und Widerstand (3) 26 Protest und Widerstand (4) VII Eine grundlegend neue Wohnungspolitik ist notwendig 27 Mieterschutz - Mietersyndikat 28 Rekommunalisierung 29 Neue Gemeinnützigkeit - Landeswohnungsbaugesellschaft 30 Soziales Bodenrecht, Öffentliches Grundeigentum Quellen und Literatur

Residential segregation of poverty : A longitudinal study of socio-economic segregation in Stockholm County 1991-2016

Wass, Mingus January 2020 (has links)
Segregation refers to the uneven spatial distribution of social groups over space. Segregation can be perceived as the spatial representation of social, cultural, and economic exclusion. There is no accepted standard way segregation is measured; instead, studies have used a wide range of methods, measurements, and indices to estimate levels of segregation. Existing studies are seldomly longitudinal in character, mostly because of lack of data, and have only been conducted until 2010 for Stockholm. The aim of this thesis is to investigate trends of residential poverty segregation in Stockholm County for the period 1991-2016. This study has utilized the isolation index, the dissimilarity index, percentile plots and location quotients on data aggregated to both administrative units and individualized neighborhoods on multiple scales to assess how these common techniques influence results. Results show that segregation patterns vary depending on technique, but most results indicate increasing levels of segregation of individuals at risk of poverty for the period 1991-2011, in line with previous research. On the other hand, the results indicate stagnating or decreasing levels of poverty segregation in recent years. Poverty segregation varies substantially by scale level, and therefore this thesis recommends multiscalar methods in segregation studies.

Vems Möllevången

Sekaric, Tamara January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att sätta ord på förändringarna som sker på Möllevången i Malmö genom att testa om det skulle kunna förklaras med ordet gentrifiering. Samt hur dessa förändringar har påverkat och kommer att påverka människor.Metoden för genomförandet kommer till största del att bestå av djupgående intervjuer med människor som bor och vistas i området. Detta för att uppmärksamma vilka förändringar som sker, har skett och hur de upplevs. Sedan kommer berättelserna från intervjupersonerna att jämföras med gentrifieringen som den beskrivs av samhällsvetare och författare.Resultatet visar att det med högsta sannolikhet pågår en gentrifiering av Möllevången men att denna uppfattas olika av olika människor och inte behöver vara negativ. / The study aims to put into words the changes that occur on Möllevången in Malmö by testing whether it could be explained by the word gentrification. And how these changes have affected and will affect people. The method of implementation will largely consist of in-depth interviews with people who live and reside in the area. This is to pay attention to the changes taking place, the changes that have taken place and how they are perceived. Then come the stories of the interviewees which are compared with gentrification as outlined by social scientist and authors. The result shows that the highest probability is an ongoing gentrification of Möllevången but this is perceived differently by different people and not necessarily negative.

Learning apart? : A quantitative study on the role of economic segregation and contextual effects on educational outcomes for Swedish youth

Kourkis, Carla January 2024 (has links)
Research on segregation's impact on educational outcomes has been extensive worldwide. Given Sweden's immigration levels and persistent patterns of economic residential segregation, this research aims to investigate how students' educational outcome is associatedwith area characteristics such as socio-economic deprivation, presence of residents with foreign background, and economic segregation. Results are evaluated for all students then separately by gender and students’ background status. Educational outcome is measured with the average merit value for students who finished the ninth grade in 2023. Regression analysis has been used as a method to conduct results. Surprisingly, economic residential segregation alone is associated with higher average school results. Yet, economic residential segregation is no longer a significant predictor of educational outcomes once other factors such as socio-economic deprivation and the share of persons with foreign background are accounted for. The findings suggest that a high proportion of residents with higher levels of education in the municipality has the most consistent and positive association with educational outcomes across all groups. Additionally, no significant association was found between educational outcomes and the presence of residents with foreign background, once socio-economic deprivation has been accounted for. In terms of gender, girls appear less affected by area characteristics compared to boys.

Verteilung und Ernährung larvaler und juveniler Stadien von Plötze (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) und Barsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) im Biomanipulationsexperiment Feldberger Haussee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Laude, Uwe 23 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In der Studie wurde die Ernährung und die Verteilung von larvalen und juvenilen Stadien von Plötze (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) und Barsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) untersucht. Untersuchungsgewässer war der Feldberger Haussee, ein geschichteter eutropher Hardwassersee, der seit über 15 Jahren biomanipuliert wurde. Der Bestand an Barschen war in diesem Gewässer im gesamten Biomanipulationszeitraum sehr gering (< 1% der Gesamtfischbiomasse). Längerfristig stabilisiert, aus wissenschafticher Sicht, eine hoher Bestand an piscivoren Barschen die Effekte der Biomanipulation. Ziel der Untersuchung war daher die Überprüfung der Hypothese, dass das Vorhandensein von Konkurrenz um die Ressource Zooplankton zwischen den juvenilen Barsch und Plötzen für den geringen Barschbestand verantwortlich ist (PERSSON & GREENBERG 1990, PERSSON et al. 1991). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen ließen sich in folgenden Punkten zusammenfassen: i) Der juvenile Barsch segregierte in der Hochsommer- bis Herbstperiode in eine spezielle Nahrungsnische. Die beiden Fischarten unterschieden sich deutlich bezogen auf die Art der bevorzugten Zooplankter (0+-Barsch vorwiegend Eudiaptomus, Diaphanosoma, Leptodora; 1+/2+-Plötzen fraßen Cladocerennahrung Bosmina und in hohen Anteilen auch Daphnia). Separation und Aufteilung der Zooplanktonresourcen konnte auch für die bevorzugte Größe der Zooplankter beobachtet werden. Die hohen Wachstumsraten und der gute Konditionszustand des juvenilen Barsches sowie das Fehlen von Wintermortalität ließen konkurrenzinduzierte Mortalität als Begründung für den geringen Bestand nicht glaubhaft erscheinen. ii) Die räuberbedingte saisonale Mortalität der juvenilen Barsche in der Hochsommer- bis Herbstperiode ließ sich bei den 0+-Barschen und 1+-Barschen jeweils auf bis zu 90% einschätzen. Dadurch wurde auch ein starker Jahrgang (wie 1997) innerhalb der ersten zwei Lebensjahre auf bis zu 99% reduziert. iii) Als Alternativhypothese wurde aus den Ergebnissen der Studie und den Bedingungen am Feldberger Haussee gefolgert, dass eine Kombination von langer zooplanktivorer Phase und einem hohen Bestand an effektiven pelagischen Piscivoren (wie Sander lucioperca L.) für den geringen Barschbestand verantwortlich ist. / In the study the feeding behaviour and distribution of larval and juvenile stages of roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) was examined. The object of the study was the Lake Haussee, an stratified eutrophic hardwater lake that was biomanipulated for more than fifteen years. Over the whole period of biomanipulation the portion of perch population did not reach the level of one percent of the total fish biomass. From the scientific point of the view, a high biomass of piscivorous perch may stabilize the effects of biomanipulation in the long run. The aim of the study was to evaluate the hypothesis of strong competitive interaction between juvenile roach and perch for zooplankton, which could be responsible for the minor population of perch in lakes (PERSSON & GREENBERG 1990, PERSSON et al. 1991). The results of the study can be summarised as follows: i) In the period of midsummer to autumn juvenile perch segregated to a special food niche. In comparison to 1+/2+-roach, which fed on cladocerans (e.g. Bosmina and a high portion of Daphnia), 0+-perch preferred Eudiaptomus, Diaphanosoma and Leptodora. Thus, partitioning and separation were also observed for size-selectivity. Furthermore, the high growth rates and the good state of condition of the young perch as well as the lack of winter mortality did not indicate a competitive-induced mortality in the Lake Haussee. ii) In the period of midsummer to autumn the predator-induced seasonal mortality of juvenile perch (groups like 0+/1+) was estimated nearly up to 90 percent. Thereby, also a strong age group (like 1997) of juvenile perch was reduced up to 99 percent within the first two years of life. iii) The results of this study supported an alternative hypothesis: the morphological conditions of Lake Haussee, a prolonged zooplanktivore period of juvenile perch in combination with a strong stock of an effective pelagic piscivore predator (like Sander lucioperca L.) are responsible for the low perch stock.

Segregace směsí do vozovek pozemních komunikací / The segragation of mixtures to pavement

Trávníček, Dušan January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the examination of repression and segregation in asphalt mixtures. The theoretical part is monitoring the current situation about the problem of segregation, which mainly refers to the practical adjustments during laying „risking“ asphalt mixtures on the formation of segregated places in the shelter layers of roads. The practical parts of the thesis are summarised measurements on six samples of the most commonly used asphalt mixtures to determine the segregation depending on the selected parameters. The work is describing and valorising a test for determining segregation according to ČSN EN 12697-15.

Méthodologie instrumentale à l'échelle atomique pour une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de ségrégation intergranulaire dans les aciers : application au phosphore. / Instrumental methodology at the atomic scale for a better understanding of intergranular segregation mechanisms in steels : application to phosphorus

Akhatova, Alfiia 20 December 2017 (has links)
Il est bien connu que la ségrégation intergranulaire du phosphore peut diminuer la cohésion entre les grains, entraînant une fragilisation des aciers. Les aciers bainitiques faiblement alliés utilisés pour la construction des cuves des réacteurs à eau sous pression (REP) contiennent généralement une faible quantité de phosphore (dans la gamme de 100 ppm). L’exposition continue à une irradiation sous un faible flux de neutrons à une température moyenne (environ 300°C) conduit à une fragilisation de l’acier de l'acier de cuve. La ségrégation intergranulaire du phosphore peut potentiellement contribuer à cette fragilisation. Pour assurer la fiabilité des REP en fonctionnement, il est donc important de comprendre les effets des conditions de vieillissement (température, dose d’irradiation etc.), de la composition du matériau et du type de joint de grains (JG) sur l’intensité de la ségrégation intergranulaire du phosphore. La littérature montre que la ségrégation intergranulaire peut fortement varier entre différents joints de grains. Cependant, les études systématiques manquent dans ce champ d’étude.Dans le but d’obtenir une description précise et représentative des joints de grains d’un point de vue structural et chimique, ce travail combine différentes techniques. La principale technique utilisée est la Sonde Atomique Tomographique (SAT). Cette technique permet d’explorer en trois dimensions la distribution atomique d’une grande variété d’éléments dans les joints de grains. La géométrie des joints de grains est déterminée grace à la Diffraction de Kikuchi en Transmission (TKD) associée à une reconstruction de SAT. Pour avoir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de ségrégation, des modèles ségrégation d'équilibre et de ségrégation induite par l'irradiation ont été utilisés. / It is well known that the intergranular segregation of phosphorus can diminish the cohesion between grains, resulting in steel embrittlement. Low alloyed bainitic steels used to build nuclear reactor pressure vessel (RPV) generally contain a small amount of phosphorus (in the range of 100 ppm). Continuous exposure to a low neutron dose rate irradiation at intermediate temperature (~300°C) results in radiation embrittlement of RPV steel. Since intergranular segregation of phosphorous can contribute to this embrittlement, for purpose of RPV reliability during operation, it is important to understand the effects of ageing conditions (temperature, irradiation dose etc.), material composition and grain boundary (GB) type on the intensity of phosphorus intergranular segregation. Regarding to literature sources, it was revealed that the intergranular segregation values may strongly vary among different GBs. However, there is a lack of systematic studies in this field.In order to get an accurate and representative description of GB from structural and chemical points of view, different techniques are combined in this work. Atom Probe Tomography technique is utilized as the main tool. This technique is able to explore the 3D atomic distribution of broad variety elements at GB. GB geometry is determined from Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) map supplemented by APT reconstruction. To gain a better understanding of segregation mechanisms, models of thermally and radiation-induced segregation were employed.

Diblock copolymer–selective nanoparticle mixtures in the lamellar phase confined between two parallel walls: a mean field model

Shagolsem, Lenin S., Sommer, Jens-Uwe 07 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We present a mean field model for a mixture of AB diblock-copolymers and A-block selective nanoparticles confined between two identical non-selective walls. A horizontally symmetric lamellar structure of the nanocomposite is considered where nanoparticles are allowed to segregate between the polymer–wall interfaces. For a fixed value of wall separation, we study changes in the free energy as a function of the number of lamellar layers and the amount of nanoparticle uptake in the A-phase denoted by y = ϕx with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 for a given value of ϕ, where ϕ is the overall nanoparticle volume fraction. The absorption isotherm for nanoparticle uptake in the A-phase as a function of ϕ shows saturation beyond a threshold value ϕs, and the optimal value of uptake y increases with increasing strength of monomer–nanoparticle attractive interaction. Increasing ϕ above ϕs produces a decrease in the optimal number of lamellar layers which is related to a jump-like transition of the chain extension. The effect of varying film thickness is also studied. By considering A-block selective walls we also investigated a wetting transition of the copolymer film and found the transition to be discontinuous. A corresponding phase diagram is constructed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Integrationsarbete "med" eller "för" medborgarna? : En jämförande textanalys av underlagen till två statliga integrationssatsningar, Storstadssatsningen och Nya långsiktiga reformprogrammet för minskad segregation

Heimer Åkerlund, Maria, Wahlberg, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Syftet i denna studie är att undersöka och jämföra underlagen till två statliga insatser i Sverige, Storstadssatsningen och Nya långsiktiga reformprogrammet för minskad segregering. Genom att göra en kvalitativ textanalys har vi tittat på hur dessa texter framställer medborgaren, insatser och mål och hur delaktighet och medinflytande ges de medborgare som är mottagare av de riktade insatserna. Medborgaren beskrivs på liknande sätt i båda underlagen. Likheterna handlar om att de framställs med avsaknad av olika kompetenser samt är synonyma med olika problem. De skillnader som framkom är hur medborgares etnicitet framställs. De mål och insatser som jämförts i båda underlagen lägger fokus på arbete och utbildning för att bryta segregationen. Delaktigheten och underifrånperspektivet har stor plats i Storstadssatsningen men är nära obefintlig i den nya satsningen.      Då vi ser ett hårdare klimat i samhället med ökad segregation och en avsaknad av makt och delaktighet för medborgare, kan detta skapa ett utanförskap och dessutom öka klyftorna i samhället. Med stöd av integrationsperspektiv och begreppen empowerment och social mobilisering försöker vi därför se vilka möjligheter till förändring det ges till dessa utsatta medborgare genom de underlag vi undersöker.      Med denna studie som utgångspunkt går det att se brister i det sociala arbetet med utsatta människor. Arbetssätten måste utvecklas i takt med förändringar i samhället. / The aim of this study is to examine and compare the preparatory work of two government efforts to diminish segregation in Sweden: Storstadssatsningen and Nya långsiktiga reformprogrammet för minskad segregation. We have, by a qualitative textual analysis, examined how these preparatory works represent the citizen, their intention, efforts and goals and how the influence and participation by the citizen is intended to meet the needs of recipients of these efforts. The vulnerable citizen is represented in the same way in both preparatory works. Similarities that can be seen are citizens described with a lack of competencies and defined by the problems of their neighbourhood. There are differences concerning how citizens by ethnicity are described. The goals and achievements, which have been compared in both preparatory works, are focused on work and education as instruments to breach segregation. Participation and the influence by the citizen is given a great deal of space in Storstadssatningen, but hardly no space in Nya långsiktiga reformprogrammet för minskad segregation.        We can see a much harder climate in the community, with increased segregation, where citizens without power and participation develops alienation and where the gap between groups increase. With a perspective of integration and concepts of empowerment and mobilization, we examine possibilities for an alteration. We examine the representation of this methods in both preparatory works.       In this study, we can see defects in the government welfare systems, which urges a responsibility, in the social work, to define and work with new methods.

Competição entre dinâmica individual e coletiva em modelos de agentes econômicos / Competition between individual and coletive dynamics in economics agents models.

Almeida, Diego Ferreira de 28 September 2015 (has links)
Usando a generalização de Grauwin et al. [Ref. 3] do modelo de segregação de Schelling foi possível estudar, em um modelo simplificado, as consequências da guerra fiscal travada entre os estados de uma federação e os resultados da chamada guerra da taxa que os bancos adotaram depois de implantada a portabilidade de crédito bancário. No modelo de Grauwin a cidade é dividida em Q quarteirões e todos os quarteirões possuem a mesma função utilidade dependente da densidade u(m,?), que mede a satisfação dos agentes que ali residem. Inserimos um parâmetro de desordem m_b em um dos blocos para torná-lo mais atrativo que os demais. Ter um dos blocos diferente é a essência do modelo de guerra entre os quarteirões. Foi analisada uma aplicação deste modelo fazendo um paralelo com o cenário de uma guerra fiscal entre os estados de uma nação. Para tal, interpretamos os agentes econômicos como sendo as de indústrias (ou pessoas) que tomam decisões em busca de aumentar sua própria satisfação e os quarteirões como os estados de uma federação. A guerra fiscal é um instrumento usado por alguns estados brasileiros que reduzem impostos, cedem terrenos, fornecem infra-estrutura, etc para atrair investimentos na sua região. Esta guerra no primeiro momento pode ser benéfica para a sociedade, pois contribui para a descentralização da economia e reduz as diferenças de PIB e social entre os estados. Porém, em âmbito nacional, o embate econômico entre os estados geralmente resulta em perda de arrecadação para a nação. Um Estado totalmente desocupado, caso queira roubar empresas de Estados já consolidados, precisa dar muito mais incentivos para atrair investimento por conta da sua baixa população e consequentemente baixa utilidade. Neste trabalho tentamos quantificar os gastos que os Estados têm com este tipo de ação. Outra releitura dos resultados pode ser aplicada ao modelo de portabilidade de crédito, onde interpretamos os agentes econômicos de Grauwin como tomadores de empréstimo e os quarteirões como bancos de crédito ao varejo. A taxa de juros cobrada de cada banco dependerá do tamanho da carteira que este possui. Ter um banco com uma taxa de juros diferenciada o torna mais atrativo que os demais e este começa a roubar clientes dos outros bancos, contudo, o mercado reage e também reduz suas taxas, criando uma guerra da taxa no mercado financeiro. Estudando o cenário egoísta (onde o governo não desestimule a troca entre bancos) e supondo que a quantidade de tomadores no mercado seja suficientemente pequena, a dinâmica conduzirá a uma situação onde teremos apenas alguns bancos coexistindo e outros falindo. No limite egoísta o banco que se dispôs a dar incentivo terá a carteira maior que os demais bancos com taxas menores e isto vai ser invertendo à medida que o governo impõe comportamento mais altruísta da sociedade. Estudamos analiticamente os efeitos das variações da densidade e dos parâmetros (m) e altruísmo (a) no cenário global bem como os resultados esperados com a inserção de uma desordem (m_b) em um dos blocos. E por fim foram feitas simulações em computador para verificar se comportamento das dinâmicas em todos os cenários eram compatíveis com as soluções obtidas. / Using Grauwins generalization [Ref. 3] of Schelling\'s segregation model we study, in a simplified model, some consequences of the \"fiscal war\" waged between the states of a federation, and of the rate tax generated by the recent Brazilian Central Bank regulation of bank credit portability. In Grauwins model the city is divided into blocks and all blocks have the same utility function, which measures the satisfaction of agents living there and depends on the density of agents. We introduced a disorder parameter in one of the blocks to make it more attractive than the others, in order to mimick the essential igredient of competition between states or banks. We first analyze an application of this model in the scenario of a fiscal war between the states of a nation. We interpret blocks as the states of a federation and economic agents as the industries (or people) who make decisions seeking to increase their own satisfaction. The fiscal war is an instrument used by some Brazilian states consisting in reducing taxes, subsidize land, provide infrastructure, etc in order to attract investment. This war at first can be beneficial for society as it contributes to the decentralization of the economy and reduces the differences of GDP and social discrepancies between states. Nationwide, however, the economic struggle between states usually results in loss of revenue at the global level. A vacated state, in order to attract agents already established elsewhere, need to give more incentives to attract investment because of its low population and consequently low utility. In this work we try to quantify the costs that states have with this kind of action. Another analysis of the results can be applied to a bank credit portability model, where we interpret economic agents as customers and blocks as retail credit banks. The interest rate levied on each bank will depend on the size of the portfolio of that bank. Having a bank with a differentiated interest rate makes it more attractive than others, and it begins to \"steal\" customers from other banks.However, those react and also reduce their rates, creating a \"war tax\" in the financial market. Studying the selfish scenario (where the government doesnt discourage a client from taking his/her debt to another bank), and assuming that the number of customers in the market is sufficiently small, the dynamics leads to a situation where we have just a few coexisting banks, the others having gone bankrupt. In the selfish limit the bank that was willing to give encouragement will have the largest portfolio while offering lower interest rates than the others, but this will be reversed as the government imposes a more altruistic behavior to the clients. We study analytically the effects, at the global level, of variations in the density, in the altruism parameter and in the parameter determining the utility function at saturation, as well as the effects of introducing disorder in one or more blocks. Finally, computer simulations were performed to check that the dynamic behavior in all scenarios was consistent with those obtained solutions.

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