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Pilotstudie av källsorterande avloppslösning : Identifiering av systemlösning för källsorterat avloppsavfall i Sydöstra staden i Uppsala / Pilot study of source separation sewage systemEkblad, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Utanför Uppsalas stadskärna planeras det att bygga en ny stadsdel till år 2050, kallad Sydöstra staden. Uppsala kommun vill vara i framkant gällande hållbar stadsplanering och är därför intresserade av att utreda möjligheter till att tillvarata resurser i avloppsvattnet, som ett alternativ till konventionell rening. I dagsläget står hanteringen av avloppsvatten inför nya typer av utmaningar som rör utsläpp av växthusgaser, bristande resursåtervinning och energieffektivitet samtidigt som kraven på rening ökar. Ett tillvägagångssätt som skulle kunna möjliggöra hantering av dessa utmaningar är genom implementering av källsorterande system. Ett källsorterande avloppssystem separerar vattenfraktionerna för enskild behandling, vilket möjliggör att resurser så som energi och näringsämnen kan återvinnas. Syftet med arbetet var att kartlägga drivkrafter och utifrån dessa identifiera systemlösningar för källsorterat avloppsavfall i Sydöstra staden i Uppsala. Genom studie gällande drivkrafter samt efterföljande workshop med en referensgrupp från Uppsala Vatten kunde möjliga drivkrafter för Uppsala identifieras: Vattenbesparing, Uppfyllande av höga reningskrav, Resurseffektivitet vad gäller energi och näring, Kunskapsgivande samt Klimatneutralitet. Identifiering av drivkrafter resulterade i litteraturstudie för att identifiera anläggningar med liknande drivkrafter som referensgruppen. Studien visade att drivkrafter likt de ovan nämnda resulterade i teknik såsom membranbioreaktor för rötning av källsorterat avloppsavfall. Därefter, genomfördes intervjuer med personer som varit/är delaktiga i pilotprojekt i Sverige för att specifiera vad som krävs för ett genomförande. I nuläget har det visat sig vara svårt att kräva implementering av ett källsorterande system med huvudsyfte att återföra produkter, då kretsloppsaspekten inte har varit ett tillräckligt juridisk motiv för genomförande. I Helsingborg underlättades genomförandet av en hög ambitionsnivå samt en tydlig målbild från kommunen. Slutsats från arbetet är att systemlösningen som bäst lämpar sig för de identifierade drivkrafterna inkluderar rötning av källsorterat avfall i membranbioreaktor (AnMBR), samt urinsortering med efterföljande torkning. Beräkningar gällande en potentiell implementering resulterade i att pilotanläggningen i Sydöstra staden ska dimensioneras för 900 personer. Gällande systemet för behandling av urin, resulterade den dagliga urinproduktionen i att torkningsbädden bör ha en area motsvarande 30 m2 alternativt 23 m2 (beroende på torkningshastighet). För behandling av fekalier, fastställdes mått på membranreaktorn till radien 5 meter och höjden 11 meter, med volymen spolvatten som huvudsaklig orsak till den stora volymen. / Outside the city center of Uppsala, a new district called ”the Southeastern city” will be built by 2050. Uppsala municipality wants to be at the forefront of sustainable planning and is therefore interested in investigating opportunities to utilize resources found in wastewater, as an alternative to conventional treatment of wastewater. Wastewater management is facing new types of problems related to greenhouse gas emissions, resource recycling and energy efficiency. One approach that enables management of these challenges is through the implementation of source separation sewer systems, that separates the household wastewater into different fractions. This enables resources such as energy and nutrients to be recycled. The purpose of the work was to identify drivers and from these drivers identify a solution for source separated sewage fractions in the southeastern city of Uppsala. Through a literature study followed by a workshop with Uppsala Vatten, possible drivers for Uppsala were determined to be Water Saving, Fulfillment of purification requirements, Resource efficiency regarding energy and nutrition, Obtaining knowledge and Climate neutrality. The determination of possible drivers resulted in further literature study, to identify facilities with similar drivers as Uppsala. The study showed that drivers as the ones identified for Uppsala have resulted in technology such as membrane bioreactor for digestion of source separated wastewater. Interviews were also conducted with people who have been or are involved in pilot projects in Sweden to specify what is required for implementation of a source separation system. It is currently difficult to require the implementation of such system with the main argument of recycling products, as the recycle aspect has not been a motive enough juridically for implementation. In Helsingborg, the ambition and a clear vision from the municipality was crucial for the implementation. In conclusion, the system best suited to the identified drivers include anaerobic digestion of source separated waste water in membrane bioreactor (AnMBR), as well as urine dehydration. Calculations were performed regarding a potential implementation resulted in that the treatment plant should treat wastewater from 900 people. For the treatment of urine, the daily urine production resulted in an area of the drying bed of 30 m2 or 23 m2 for varying drying rates. For treatment of faeces, dimensions of the membrane reactor were determined to radius 5 meters and 11 meters height, where the volume of flush water was the main reason for the large reactor.
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推理類神經網路及其應用 / The Reasoning Neural Network and It's Applications徐志鈞, Hsu Chih Chun Unknown Date (has links)
網路(The Reasoning Neural Network),其主要兩個組成為強記(
cram -ming)及推理(reasoning)部份,透過彈性的組合這兩個部份可
經網路能以合理的隱藏節點數(hidden nodes)達到學習的目標,並建立
一個網路內部表示方式(internal representation),及具有好的推理
能力(g eneralization ability)。 / Most of artification Neural Networks are designed to resolve
spe -cific problems, rather than to model the brain. The
Reasoning N -eural Network (RNN) that imitates the way of human
learning is presented here. Two key components of RNN are the
cramming and t -he reasoning. These components coulds be
arranged flexibly to a -chieve the human-like learning
procedure. One edition of the RNN used in experiments is
introduces, and four different proble -ms are used to evaluate
the RNN's performance. From simulation results, the RNN
accomplishes the goal of learning with a reason -able number of
hidden nodes, and evolves a good internal repres -entation and
a generalization ability.
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Topology simplification algorithm for the segmentation of medical scans / Algorithme de simplification topologique pour la segmentation d'images médicales volumétriquesJaume, Sylvain 23 February 2004 (has links)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, and other image modalities are routinely used to visualize a particular structure in the patient's body. The classification of the image region corresponding to this structure is called segmentation. For applications in Neuroscience, it is important for the segmentation of a brain scan to represent the boundary of the brain as a folded surface with no holes. However the segmentation of the brain generally exhibits many erroneous holes. Consequently we have developed an algorithm for automatically correcting holes in segmented medical scans while preserving the accuracy of the segmentation.
Upon concepts of Discrete Topology, we remove the holes based on the smallest modification to the image. First we detect each hole with a front propagation and a Reeb graph. Then we search for a number of loops around the hole on the isosurface of the image. Finally we correct the hole in the image using the loop that minimizes the modification to the image. At each step we limit the size of the data in memory. With these contributions our algorithm removes every hole in the image with high accuracy and low complexity even for images too large to fit into the main memory. To help doctors and scientists to obtain segmentations without holes, we have made our software publicly available at http://www.OpenTopology.org.
Les images par Résonance Magnétique, la Tomographie par Rayons X et les autres modalités d'imagerie médicale sont utilisées quotidiennement pour visualiser une structure particulière dans le corps du patient. La classification de la région de l'image qui correspond à cette structure s'appelle la segmentation. Pour des applications en Neuroscience, il est important que la segmentation d'une image du cerveau représente la surface extérieure du cerveau comme une surface pliée sans trous. Cependant la segmentation du cerveau présente généralement de nombreux trous. Par conséquent, nous avons développé un algorithme pour corriger automatiquement les trous dans les images médicales segmentées tout en préservant la précision de la segmentation.
Sur des concepts de Topologie Discrète, nous enlevons les trous en fonction de la plus petite modification apportée à l'image. D'abord nous détectons chaque trou avec un certain nombre de boucles autour du trou sur l'isosurface de l'image. Finalement nous corrigeons le trou dans l'image en utilisant la boucle qui minimise la modification de l'image. A chaque étape, nous limitons la taille des données en mémoire. Grâce à ces contributions notre algorithme enlève tous les trous dans l'image avec une grande précision et une faible complexité même pour des images trop grandes pour tenir dans la mémoire de l'ordinateur. Pour aider les médecins et les chercheurs à obtenir des segmentations sans trous, nous avons rendu notre logiciel disponible publiquement à http://www.OpenTopology.org.
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Aplicaciones separadoras sobre espacios de funciones. Representación y continuidad automáticaDubarbie Fernández, Luis 01 October 2010 (has links)
Esta Tesis se enmarca dentro del estudio de las aplicaciones lineales entre subespacios de funciones continuas definidas en espacios métricos y que toman valores en espacios normados. En concreto, el Capítulo 1 está dedicado al estudio de las aplicaciones separadoras entre espacios de funciones absolutamente continuas. En el Capítulo 2 consideramos aplicaciones biseparadoras definidas entre espacios de funciones de Lipschitz. Por otro lado, las isometrías entre espacios de funciones de Lipschitz se estudian en el Capítulo 3 y, finalmente, analizaremos las aplicaciones que preservan ceros comunes entre ciertos subespacios de funciones continuas que incluyen, entre otros, los mencionados anteriormente.Así, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar algunos resultados acerca de la representación de las aplicaciones lineales consideradas. Además, observamos que la continuidad de las aplicaciones biseparadoras y de las que preservan ceros comunes se puede deducir de manera automática bajo ciertas condiciones. / In this Thesis we deal with linear maps between subspaces of continuous functions defined on metric spaces and taking values in normed spaces. In particular, the Chapter 1 is devoted to study separating maps between spaces of absolutely continuous functions. In Chapter 2 we consider biseparating maps between Lipschitz function spaces. On the other hand, the isometries between spaces of Lipschitz functions are studied in Chapter 3 and, finally, we consider maps preserving common zeros between some subspaces of continuous functions, which include the subspaces given above.Therefore, our aim is providing some results about the representation of each linear map that we consider in this Thesis. Besides, the automatic continuity of biseparating maps and maps preserving common zeros is derived in some cases.
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Adaptation des techniques actuelles de scoring aux besoins d'une institution de crédit : le CFCAL-Banque / Adaptation of current scoring techniques to the needs of a credit institution : the Crédit Foncier et Communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine (CFCAL-banque)Kouassi, Komlan Prosper 26 July 2013 (has links)
Les institutions financières sont, dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions, confrontées à divers risques, entre autres le risque de crédit, le risque de marché et le risque opérationnel. L’instabilité de ces facteurs fragilise ces institutions et les rend vulnérables aux risques financiers qu’elles doivent, pour leur survie, être à même d’identifier, analyser, quantifier et gérer convenablement. Parmi ces risques, celui lié au crédit est le plus redouté par les banques compte tenu de sa capacité à générer une crise systémique. La probabilité de passage d’un individu d’un état non risqué à un état risqué est ainsi au cœur de nombreuses questions économiques. Dans les institutions de crédit, cette problématique se traduit par la probabilité qu’un emprunteur passe d’un état de "bon risque" à un état de "mauvais risque". Pour cette quantification, les institutions de crédit recourent de plus en plus à des modèles de credit-scoring. Cette thèse porte sur les techniques actuelles de credit-scoring adaptées aux besoins d’une institution de crédit, le CFCAL-banque, spécialisé dans les prêts garantis par hypothèques. Nous présentons en particulier deux modèles non paramétriques (SVM et GAM) dont nous comparons les performances en termes de classification avec celles du modèle logit traditionnellement utilisé dans les banques. Nos résultats montrent que les SVM sont plus performants si l’on s’intéresse uniquement à la capacité de prévision globale. Ils exhibent toutefois des sensibilités inférieures à celles des modèles logit et GAM. En d’autres termes, ils prévoient moins bien les emprunteurs défaillants. Dans l’état actuel de nos recherches, nous préconisons les modèles GAM qui ont certes une capacité de prévision globale moindre que les SVM, mais qui donnent des sensibilités, des spécificités et des performances de prévision plus équilibrées. En mettant en lumière des modèles ciblés de scoring de crédit, en les appliquant sur des données réelles de crédits hypothécaires, et en les confrontant au travers de leurs performances de classification, cette thèse apporte une contribution empirique à la recherche relative aux modèles de credit-scoring. / Financial institutions face in their functions a variety of risks such as credit, market and operational risk. These risks are not only related to the nature of the activities they perform, but also depend on predictable external factors. The instability of these factors makes them vulnerable to financial risks that they must appropriately identify, analyze, quantify and manage. Among these risks, credit risk is the most prominent due to its ability to generate a systemic crisis. The probability for an individual to switch from a risked to a riskless state is thus a central point to many economic issues. In credit institution, this problem is reflected in the probability for a borrower to switch from a state of “good risk” to a state of “bad risk”. For this quantification, banks increasingly rely on credit-scoring models. This thesis focuses on the current credit-scoring techniques tailored to the needs of a credit institution: the CFCAL-banque specialized in mortgage credits. We particularly present two nonparametric models (SVM and GAM) and compare their performance in terms of classification to those of logit model traditionally used in banks. Our results show that SVM are more effective if we only focus on the global prediction performance of the models. However, SVM models give lower sensitivities than logit and GAM models. In other words the predictions of SVM models on defaulted borrowers are not satisfactory as those of logit or GAM models. In the present state of our research, even GAM models have lower global prediction capabilities, we recommend these models that give more balanced sensitivities, specificities and performance prediction. This thesis is not completely exhaustive about the scoring techniques for credit risk management. By trying to highlight targeted credit scoring models, adapt and apply them on real mortgage data, and compare their performance through classification, this thesis provides an empirical and methodological contribution to research on scoring models for credit risk management.
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Tlakové a rychlostní pulsace kapaliny v tenké válcové oblasti / Pressure and velocity pulsations of liquid in thin cylindrical domainOborná, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a dynamic analysis of phenomena occurring in the thin cylindrical region, ie in a gab, which flows liquid by the given parameters. Through the simplifications introduced, it comes to the problem of structural and forced vibration for both the horizontal pulsation in a tube and the area of a compensating piston. The described method uses the separation of variables for pressure function. The speed function is derived from the already known pressure field distribution using the Navier-Stokes equation.
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Utvärdering av luftrenare som använder sig av centrifugalteknologi : På uppdrag av Airission i samarbete med Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Huddinge / Assessment of the Efficiency of an Air Purification System Utilizing Centrifugal Technology : On Behalf of Airission, and in Collaboration with Karolinska University Hospital in HuddingeBarsoumi, Rabi, Odowa, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport presenterar en utvärdering av en centrifugal luftrenare från företaget Airission som användes i en infektionsavdelning på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Airissions luftrenare rensar bort partiklar och aerosoler, genom så kallad centrifugalteknologi, en relativt oprövad teknologi för luftrening. Målet var att undersöka och försöka verifiera luftrenarens funktion och prestanda samt jämföra den med en konventionell luftrenare som använder traditionella tvåstegsfilter för att rena luft.För att utföra studien användes ett bioaerosolmätinstrument som i realtid mäter partikelnivåerna i rummet. Testerna utfördes under olika driftförhållanden och tidsintervall med luftrenare påslagen respektive avstängd. Datainsamlingen och analysen inkluderade beräkningen av medelvärdet, jämförelse av partikelnivåerna mellan de olika testfallen och beräkning av standardavvikelsen.Resultaten visade att Airissions centrifugala luftrenare fungerar väl för rening av luft från partiklar och aerosoler. Reningseffektiviteten var jämförbar med en konventionell luftrenare. Den var mer effektiv än en konventionell luftrenare utan användning av högeffektiva luftfilter, mer allmänt känt som HEPA-filter. En signifikant minskning av antalet partiklar i luften observerades medan luftrenaren var i drift. Det uppstod dock en del komplikationer vid appliceringen av HEPA-filtret, vilka kunde ha haft en negativ påverkan på båda luftrenarna. Sammanfattningsvis visar analysen att den tillämpade centrifugalteknologin hos Airissions luftrenare fungerar väl. Jämförelsen av den konventionella luftrenaren visar vissa fördelar med en luftrenare som använder centrifugal teknologi - både gällande effektivitet och kvalitet.Denna rapport bidrar till kunskapen om luftreningslösningar för att förbättra luftkvaliteten och minska spridningen av luftburna sjukdomar, framför allt i sjukhusmiljöer. Resultaten kan vara till nytta för fortsatt forskning och utveckling av mer effektiva luftrenare som i sin tur ger ett bättre skydd för patienter och sjukhuspersonal som exponeras för luftburna smittämnen. / This report presents an evaluation of a centrifugal air purifier from the company Airission used in an infectious ward at Karolinska University Hospital. Airission's air purifier removes particles and aerosols using centrifugal technology, a relatively untested technology for air purification. The goal was to investigate and attempt to verify the functionality and performance of the air purifier and compare it to a conventional air purifier that uses traditional two-stage filters for air purification.To conduct the study, a bioaerosol measuring instrument was used to measure real-time particle levels in the room. The tests were performed under different operating conditions and time intervals with the air purifier turned on and off. Data collection and analysis included calculating the mean values, comparing the particle levels between different test cases, and calculating the standard deviation.The results showed that Airission's centrifugal air purifier effectively purifies air from particles and aerosols. The purification efficiency was comparable to a conventional air purifier. It was more effective than a conventional air purifier without the use of highefficiency air filters, commonly known as HEPA filters. A significant reduction in the number of particles in the air was observed while the air purifier was in operation. However, some complications arose during the application of the HEPA filter, which could have had a negative impact on both air purifiers.In summary, the analysis demonstrates that the applied centrifugal technology in Airission's air purifier works well. The comparison with the conventional air purifier shows certain advantages of an air purifier that uses centrifugal technology - in terms of both efficiency and quality.This report contributes to the knowledge of air purification solutions to improve air quality and reduce the spread of airborne diseases, especially in hospital environments. The results can be useful for further research and development of more effective air purifiers, which in turn provide better protection for patients and hospital staff exposed to airborne pathogens.
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Numerical modelling of mixing and separating of fluid flows through porous mediaKhokhar, Rahim Bux January 2017 (has links)
In present finite element study, the dynamics of incompressible isothermal flows of Newtonian and two generalised non-Newtonian models through complex mixing-separating planar channel and circular pipe filled with and without porous media, including Darcy's term in momentum equation, is presented. Whilst, in literature this problem is solved only for planar channel flows of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. The primary aim of this study is to examine the laminar flow behaviour of Newtonian and inelastic non-Newtonian fluids, and investigate the robustness of the numerical algorithm. The rheological properties of non-Newtonian fluids are defined utilising a range of constitutive equations, for inelastic non-Newtonian fluids non-linear viscous models, such as Power Law and Bird-Carreau models are used to capture the shear thinning behaviour of fluids. To simulate such complex flows, steady-state solutions are sought employing time-dependent finite element algorithm. Temporal derivatives are discretised using second order Taylor series expansion, while, spatial discretisation is achieved through Galerkin approximation in combination to deal with incompressibility a pressure-correction scheme adopted. In order to achieve the algorithm of semi-implicit form Darcy's-Brinkman equation is utilized for the conversion in Darcy's terms and diffusion, while Crank-Nicolson approach is adopted for stability and acceleration. Simple and complex flows for various complex flow bifurcations of the combined mixing-separating geometries, for both two-dimensional planar channel in Cartesian coordinates, as well as axisymmetric circular tube in cylindrical polar coordinates system are investigated. These geometries consist of a two-inverted channel and pipe flows connected through a gap in common partitions, initially filled with non-porous materials and later with homogeneous porous materials. Computational domain is having variety it has been investigated with many configurations. These computational domains have been appeared in industrial applications of combined mixing and separating of fluid flows both for porous and non-porous materials. Fully developed velocity profile is applied on both inlets of the domain by imposing analytical solutions found during current study for porous materials. Numerical study has been conducted by varying flow rates and flow direction due to a variety in the domain. The influence of varying flow rates and flow directions are analysed on flow structure. Also the impact of increasing inertia, permeability and power law index on flow behaviour and pressure difference are investigated. From predicted solution of present numerical study, for Newtonian fluids a close agreement is realised between numerical solutions and experimental data. During simulations, it has been noticed that enhancing fluid inertia (flow rates), and permeability has visible effects on the flow domains. When the Reynolds number value increases the size and power of the vortex for recirculation increases. Under varying flow rates an early activity of vortex development was observed. During change in flow directions reversed flow showed more inertial effects as compared with unidirectional flows. Less significant influence of inertia has been observed in domains filled with porous media as compared with non-porous. The power law model has more effects on inertia and pressure as compared with Bird Carreau model. Change in the value of permeability gave significant impact on pressure difference. Numerical simulations for the domain and fluids flow investigated in this study are encountered in the real life of mixing and separating applications in the industry. Especially this purely quantitative numerical investigation of flows through porous medium will open more avenues for future researchers and scientists.
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[pt] Neste trabalho apresentamos a teoria de Tomita-Takesaki para uma álgebra de Von Neumann M com vetor cíclico separante u. Usamos o caso finito dimensional para motivar a teoria, depois prosseguimos para os argumentos analíticos geralmente empregados para provar o caso infinito dimensional. Também calculamos os operadores modulares da teoria para três exemplos padrão. Na mecânica estatística quântica, os estados de equilíbrio termodinâmico de um sistema físico com um número de partículas e volume finito são modelados pelos estados de Gibbs, enquanto no caso infinito eles são modelados pelos chamados estados KMS através da abordagem de álgebra de operadores. Mostramos como a teoria de Tomita-Takesaki fornece estados KMS naturais e a unicidade da evolução temporal do sistema físico para esses estados. / [en] In this work we present the Tomita-Takesaki theory for a Von Neumann algebra M with cyclic separating vector u. We use the finite-dimensional case to motivate the theory, and then proceed to the analytical arguments usually employed to prove the infinite dimensional case. Also, we calculate the modular operators from the theory for three standard examples. In quantum statistical mechanics, the thermodynamic equilibrium states of a physical system with finitely many particles and finite volume are modeled by Gibbs states, while in the infinite case they are modeled by the so called KMS states through the operator-algebraic approach.We show how Tomita-Takesaki theory provides natural KMS states and the uniqueness of the time
evolution of the physical system for those states.
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Development of an Optical Scattering Measurement Device / Produktutveckling av ett optiskt mätinstrumentGrünwald, Ida, Gåhlin, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Optical scattering measurement devices are used to measure light reflection and light scattering from materials, to obtain data of the surface and bulk properties of materials. The measurement data are often used in research and development projects where material requirements are important, also for quality control in manufacturing processes, in different optical simulations and can be used for photorealistic rendering. In this master thesis project conducted at AFRY, a multifunctional team will develop an optical scattering measurement device that aims to collect data more accurately than current devices on the market. This thesis will focus on the mechanical design of the device which consists of the stability and movement of the components, the environment of the measurements and material selection with a focus on performance and sustainability. The optical model that will act as a basis for the development will be a gonioreflectometer consisting of a material sample, sample holder, light source, detector and an environment in which the measurements are conducted. Some of the physical, cognitive and emotional needs of the intended user are efficient use, low risk of misuse, reliable and high precision. A thorough requirement specification was made as a framework for the concept generation. The selected concept provides the movement of the optical components with an angular step enabling the desired optical scattering measurement. The selected stepper motor and gear ratio provides the flexibility of the movement, making it easy for the user to change angular steps of the optical components, enabling both fine and rough measurements. A separating screen was chosen for both concepts in order to avoid light contamination between measurements and the material sample holder resembles a frame that allows for mounting the material sample outside of the device. The mechanical system has a high stability and the material black anodized aluminum further contributes to the sturdiness of the construction. A physical prototype was created to validate the movement, since the movement of the detector and light source will be similar, only the detector movement was prototyped. The prototype showed that the movement of the detector worked in the desired way, hence the construction of the movement is approved. The scope was delimited in consensus with the project members and supervisors due to the time frame, hence there is future work on the device that should be accounted for. In conclusion, the purpose of the project was fulfilled after delimiting the goals and a conceptual solution was created that fulfilled the requirements of the project. / Optiska mätinstrument används för att mäta ljusreflektion och ljusspridning från material, för att erhålla data om materialets yt- och bulkegenskaper. Mätdata används ofta i forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt där materialkrav är viktiga, även för kvalitetskontroll i tillverkningsprocesser, i olika optiska simuleringar och kan användas för fotorealistisk rendering. I detta examensarbete, genomfört på AFRY, kommer ett multifunktionellt team att utveckla en optisk spridningsmätningsenhet som syftar till att samla in data mer noggrant. Denna avhandling kommer att fokusera på den mekaniska designen av enheten som består av stabiliteten och rörelsen av komponenterna, mätmiljön och materialval med fokus på prestanda och hållbarhet. Den optiska modellen som kommer att ligga till grund för utvecklingen kommer att vara en gonioreflektometer bestående av ett materialprov, provhållare, ljuskälla, detektor och en miljö där mätningarna genomförs. Några av de fysiska, kognitiva och emotionella behoven hos den avsedda användaren är effektiv användning, låg risk för felanvändning, pålitlighet och hög precision. En noggrann kravspecifikation gjordes som en ram för konceptgenereringen. Det valda konceptet möjliggör rörelse av de optiska komponenterna med ett vinkelsteg som tillåter den önskade optiska spridningsmätningen. Den valda stegmotorn och utväxlingen ger flexibilitet i rörelsen, detta bidrar till att det är enkelt för användaren att ändra vinkelstegen för de optiska komponenterna, vilket tillåter både fina och grova mätningar. En avskiljningsskärm valdes för att undvika ljuskontaminering mellan mätningarna och materialprovhållaren liknar en ram där materialprovet monteras utanför enheten. Det mekaniska systemet har en hög stabilitet och materialet svart anodiserad aluminium bidrar till konstruktionens robusthet. En fysisk prototyp skapades för att validera rörelsen, eftersom rörelsen av detektorn och ljuskällan kommer att vara liknande, återskapades endast detektorns rörelse. Prototypen visade att detektorns rörelse fungerade på önskat sätt, därmed godkänns konstruktionen av rörelsen. Projektets mål avgränsades i samförstånd med projektmedlemmarna och handledarna på grund av tidsramen, därmed finns det framtida arbete för mätinstrumentet som bör beaktas. Sammanfattningsvis uppfylldes projektets syfte efter att målen avgränsats och en konceptuell lösning skapades som uppfyllde projektets krav.
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