Spelling suggestions: "subject:"social corelations"" "subject:"social conelations""
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Lyckoparadoxen : Motsättningen mellan lycka, sociala relationer och användandet av sociala medier / The happinessparadox : The contradiction between happiness, social relations and the use of social mediaPersson Lidholm, Hillevi, Gullström, Claudia January 2023 (has links)
Sociala relationer är grundläggande för upplevelsen av lycka och sociala medier är utformade för att underlätta dessa. Paradoxalt nog ökar inte användandet av sociala medier alltid upplevelsen av lycka. Syftet med studien har därför varit att undersöka och öka förståelsen för hur kvinnor födda under 70- och 80-talet upplever att deras lycka påverkas av användandet av sociala medier. Sex kvinnor, mellan 35 och 51 år, som använder sociala medier dagligen, rekryterades via sociala medier. Data insamlades via semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Fyra övergripande teman identifierades - Social tillhörighet, Ändlöst scrollande, Social jämförelse och Medvetet användande. Resultaten visar att deltagarna upplever att ett tydligt syfte med användandet av sociala medier ökar deras lycka, simultant som bristen på medvetet förhållningssätt leder till destruktiva användarbeteenden som minskar lyckan. Samexistensen av positiva och negativa känslor hindrar därmed deltagarna från att känna långvarig och övergripande lycka vid användandet av sociala medier. / Social relationships are fundamental to the experience of happiness and social media is designed to facilitate these. Paradoxically, the use of social media does not always increasethe experience of happiness. The purpose of the study has therefore been to investigate and increase understanding of how women born in the 70s and 80s feel that their happiness is affected by the use of social media. Six women, aged between 35 and 51, who use social media daily, were recruited via social media. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and analyzed through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four overarching themes were identified - Social belonging, Endless scrolling, Social comparison and Conscious use. The results show that the participants feel that a clear purpose for using social media increases their happiness, simultaneously as the lack of a conscious mindset leads to destructive user behaviors that reduce happiness. The coexistence of positive and negative emotions therefore prevents the participants from feeling long-term and overall happiness when using social media.
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Den goda skolan – om eleverna själva får välja : En kvalitativ studie av elevers uppfattning kring vad som bidrar till en god skola / The Good School – According to the Pupils : A qualitative study regarding pupils’ conceptions of what characterizes a good schoolAndersson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Det har gjorts mycket forskning på elevers välmående i skolan, men forskningen är till största delen kvantitativ. För att komplettera den redan existerande kvantitativa forskningen så behövs det även göras kvalitativ forskning som ger elever möjlighet att fritt uttrycka sina åsikter kring skolan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad elever i högstadiet anser kännetecknar en bra skola. En digital enkät på Mentimeter användes för att samla in elevernas svar på öppna frågor gällande byggnaden (663 kodningar, 312 deltagare), välmående (630 kodningar, 307 deltagare) och lärande (664 kodningar, 338 deltagare). Svaren analyserades sedan med tematisk analys som visade att sociala relationer var viktiga för eleverna oavsett fråga. Samtidigt var även byggnaden återkommande när eleverna pratade om sitt välmående och sitt lärande. Av resultatet framkommer det att byggnaden påverkar både elevers välmående och lärande så väl som deras sociala samspel. / Much research has been done on pupils' well-being in school, but the research is for the most part quantitative. In order to supplement the already existing quantitative research, it is also necessary to carry out qualitative research that gives pupils the opportunity to freely express their opinions about the school. The purpose of this study was to examine what pupils in middle school consider contributive to a good school. A digital survey using Mentimeter collected the pupils’ answers on open-ended questions regarding the building (663 codes, 312 participants), well-being (630 codes, 307 participants), and learning (664 codes, 338 participants). The answers were later analyzed with thematic analysis and showed that social relations were important to the pupils regardless of question. The building was also a recurring theme when the pupils spoke of their well-being as well as their learning. According to the results, the building has potential to affect both pupils’ well-being and learning as well as social interaction.
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Vad kännetecknar lyckade insatser för ökad psykisk hälsa inom skolan? : En litteraturöversikt för att belysa hälsofrämjande insatser för elever i årskurs fem till nio i Sverige / What characterizes successful interventions for increased psychological well-being within school? : A literature review to highlight health promoting interventions for students in the grades five to nine in SwedenEdström-Karlsson, Samuel, Ekström, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Denna litteraturstudie grundar sig i det utvecklande problemområdet som är att elevers psykiska hälsa försämras i svenska skolor. Dagens elever lider av en ökad frekvens av psykiska problem, som exempelvis psykosomatiska problem, stress och prestationsångest.Syfte: Syftet var att belysa vad som främjar psykisk hälsa i en skolkontext hos ungdomar i årskurs fem till nio. Metod: Metoden gick ut på att göra en systematisk litteraturöversikt i databaserna Cinahl och PsycInfo. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades i studien för att få en bredare överblick i området. Litteraturöversikten inkluderade studier som fokuserade på hälsofrämjande insatser som berör elever i årskurs fem till nio. Litteraturöversikten exkluderade studier som fokuserar på psykisk ohälsa och elever som gick i tidigare eller senare årskurser. I metoden gjordes en tematisk analys (a simplified approach) med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Den tematiska analysen genererade två teman. Det första är vad som skapar en hälsofrämjande skolmiljö och det andra temat är fördelar av hälsofrämjande insatser. Det som identifierats skapa en hälsofrämjande skolmiljö är att låta eleverna lära sig praktiskt, att ha eleverna arbeta i grupp och att ge eleverna ansvar. Ytterligare uppmärksammades det att pojkar har ett större behov av motiverande insatser och att flickor har en större behov av insatser för ökad stresshantering. De fördelar som det hälsofrämjande arbetet leder till var att eleverna utvecklade hälsosammare vanor, fick en ökad självmedvetenhet hos eleverna, en djupare hälsokunskap och en starkare självtillit. Slutsats: Det hälsofrämjande interventionerna visade sig innehålla psykisk aktivitet, sociala relationer och elevinflytande. Dessa interventioner var positiva för elevernas psykiska hälsa, vilket belyser vikten av att ha ett hälsofrämjande förhållningssätt i skolan. Detta bör dock vara ett komplement till det patogena perspektivet för att öka bredden av förståelsen för elevers hälsa. Hur dessa perspektiv ska samarbeta behövs det ytterligare forskning kring. / Background: This literature study has its foundation in the developing problem that is that students’ mental health wellbeing is deteriorating within Swedish schools. The students are currently suffering from an increased rate of mental health problems such as, but not limited to, psychosomatic problems, stress, and performance anxiety. Aim: The aim is to showcase what supports mental health wellbeing withing a school context for students attending grade five to nine. Method: The method consisted of first doing a systematic literature review within the databases Cinahl and PsycINFO. Both qualitative and quantitative articles were included in the study to achieve a wider view of the relevant area. The literature review included studies with a focus on health promoting contributions for students between the grades five to nine. The literature review excluded studies with a focus on mental illness and students who attended grades above or belove five to nine. The method was done with a simplified approach with an inductive approach. Results: The thematic analysis generated two themes. The first being what creates a health promoting school environment and the second theme being the advantages of health promoting contributions. What creates a health promotion school environment was identified as allowing the students to learn with hands-on activities, having the students work in groups and allocating responsibilities to the students. A difference between the genders was also identified, boys were observed to have a higher need for promoting motivation, while the girls had a higher need for an increase in ability to handle stress. The advantages brought to life with the health promoting interventions were identified as the students developing healthier habits, an increased self-awareness within the students, a deeper understanding of health and a stronger self-efficacy. Conclusion: The health promoting interventions were identified to mainly contain physical activity, social relationships, and student influence. These interventions where positive for the student’s mental health wellbeing, which showcased the need for health promotion within schools. It should also be noted that these results focusing on health promotion, should not be used alone, they should be used in combination with results based on mental illness. So that both sides of the mental health spectrum are partaking and complementing each other, which should lead to a wider and deeper understanding about students’ mental health. Although how to best incorporate both these views within the area of student mental health, there is still a need for further research.
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Culture organisationnelle et supervision abusiveAdangnito, Christine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’identifier les antécédents organisationnels de la supervision abusive. Alors, un modèle intégrant la culture organisationnelle a été élaboré.
Les données primaires recueillies par l’Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (l’ERTSM) auprès de 2162 employés de 63 établissements au Québec de septembre 2009 à mai 2012 ont permis de tester nos hypothèses.
Les analyses multiniveaux réalisées corroborent une relation significative entre la culture organisationnelle et la supervision abusive. Les résultats ont montré que la culture de performance est positivement reliée à la supervision abusive contrairement à la culture de relations sociales. Aussi, ces analyses révèlent que certains subordonnés seraient plus enclins à rapporter de la supervision abusive que d´autres. Enfin, d’autres caractéristiques organisationnelles comme la taille de l’établissement pourraient être associées à la supervision abusive. / The main objective of this thesis is to identify the organizational antecedents of abusive supervision. A model incorporating organizational culture was thus developed.
The data collected by l’Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (l’ERTSM) with 2162 employees from 63 organizations located in Quebec from September 2009 to May 2012 was used to test our hypotheses.
The linear multilevel models supported a significant relationship between organizational culture and abusive supervision. The results suggest that the performance culture positively affects abusive supervision. In contrast, the social relations culture is negatively related to abusive supervision. Also, these analyzes revealed that some employees are more likely to report abusive supervision. Finally, other organizational characteristics such as the organization's size are associated with abusive supervision.
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Mobilités de travail et (re)construction des rapports sociaux au sein d’une communauté Hmong de Chine (province du Guizhou)Carrier, Sébastien 03 1900 (has links)
La mobilité rurale-urbaine est sans contredit l’un des phénomènes les plus marquants que la Chine a connus depuis ses réformes des années 1980. D’une ampleur colossale, elle a constitué un fondement essentiel de sa transition et de son développement économiques. Or, si l’impact social de cette mobilité a été abondamment étudié dans les villes où séjournent les paysans, il demeure peu connu dans leur communauté d’origine, et encore moins en contexte de « nationalité minoritaire ».
Reposant sur une enquête de terrain de plus d’une année, cette thèse en géographie sociale examine la (re)construction sociale dans une communauté rurale et minoritaire (c.àd. Hmong ou Miao) de Chine en lien avec le phénomène de la mobilité de travail. D’une intensité croissante, la pratique de la mobilité de travail par les membres de cette communauté est double. Les migrants sont soit des herboristes ambulants dans les villes de l’espace régional, soit des travailleurs salariés dans les villes orientales du pays. L’utilisation d’une approche du changement social intégrant les sphères du réel et de l’imagination et prenant en compte les dimensions territoriale et économique du phénomène migratoire est originale. De même, l’importance égale portée aux discours et aux actions des migrants et des non-migrants dans le processus de transformation sociale se veut novatrice.
Dans ses résultats, cette thèse fait état, premièrement, d’une refonte des logiques territoriales et économiques de la communauté étudiée sous l’effet du phénomène migratoire. De toute évidence, les fondements géographiques de son territoire se sont récemment complexifiés et multipliés. Désormais, une variété de lieux, de frontières, de réseaux sociaux et d’échelles se dessine dans les configurations territoriales de ses membres. Les implications économiques sont tout aussi patentes. Outre la forte dominance des transferts d’argent des migrants dans les budgets familiaux, les questions du développement et des inégalités aux différentes échelles de la communauté renvoient aujourd’hui essentiellement au fait migratoire.
Deuxièmement, cette thèse montre la forte empreinte laissée par la mobilité dans la sphère sociale. Nécessitant soutien aux extrémités de leur parcours, les migrants sollicitent de plus en plus l’aide de leurs réseaux lignagers, claniques, villageois et matrilinéaires. Et dans ce processus, il n’est pas rare qu’ils enfreignent consciemment les principes hiérarchiques traditionnels de leurs rapports familiaux. Aussi, au travers de la mobilité, des groupes longtemps marginalisés, tels les femmes et les jeunes adultes, ont acquis estime, autonomie et pouvoir décisionnel. Parallèlement, l’ordre social s’est bouleversé. Ce n’est plus le volume de la production agricole, mais le nombre de travailleurs migrants qui détermine aujourd’hui les différentes classes sociales de la communauté.
Finalement, dans le contexte plus large des populations rurales et minoritaires de Chine et du Massif sud-est asiatique, cette thèse fait ressortir l’importance d’aborder la question de l’impact social de la mobilité au-delà des paradigmes de la modernisation et de l’intégration. Contrairement à la plupart des écrits touchant à cette question, il ne suffit pas de porter le regard sur l’influence que les urbains et leur mode de vie soi-disant moderne exercent sur les migrants. Il est également nécessaire de reconnaître les capacités d’initiative et d’innovation sociale des membres de ces populations, migrants et non-migrants. Mais aussi, cette recherche démontre que la question identitaire se doit d’être prise en compte. Les sentiments de marginalité et de subordination demeurent vivaces au travers du phénomène migratoire. Et de tels sentiments semblent se traduire, le plus souvent, par un renforcement des liens sociaux et intracommunautaires au sein même de ces populations minoritaires. / Rural-urban mobility is unquestionably one of the most striking phenomena that China has experienced since the wide-ranging reforms of the 1980s. Besides its unparalleled magnitude, it has been an essential foundation of its economic transition and development. But if the social impact of mobility has been extensively studied in cities where ‘peasants’ (as farmers are called in China) sojourn, little is known of the effects of mobility in their community of origin, and even less when the community belongs to a ‘minority nationality’.
Based on fieldwork conducted over an 18-month period, this dissertation examines the impact of labor migration on the social (re)construction of a Hmong (Miao) community in rural China. Practices of mobility for work purposes are twofold in the studied community: migrants are either itinerant herbalists in close-by cities or factory workers in the eastern cities of the country. An original approach to social change has been used, integrating the spheres of imagination and practice, and takes into account the economic and spatial components of the migration phenomenon. Moreover, this research proposes an innovative theoretical model, by giving equal importance to the discourses and the actions in the process of social change of both migrants and non-migrants.
First, this study reveals the recent remodeling of the spatial and the economic foundations of the studied community. It shows that places, scales, social networks and borders all structure the community’s territory – in both real and imaginary spheres – and that they have become more complex and numerous as a result of the unprecedented circular migration of its inhabitants to and from their village. At the economic level, besides confirming dominance of remittances at the household level, it also appears that development and inequality issues are now addressed by members of the community primarily through the phenomenon of migration.
Second, the results expose the strong imprint of mobility in the social sphere. In need of support, migrants and left-behinds are increasingly seeking help within their lineage, clan, village, and matrilineal networks. In this process, it is not uncommon for them to consciously go against the traditional family hierarchies. Through mobility, long marginalized groups such as women and young adults, have now gained esteem, autonomy and decision-making power. Meanwhile, the social order has shifted. It is no longer the volume of agricultural production, but the number of migrant workers, which now determine the social classes within the community.
Finally, in the broader context of minorities in China and the Southeast Asian Massif, this dissertation addresses the debate about the social impact of mobility beyond the paradigms of modernization and integration. Unlike most of the literature pertaining to this issue, this research provides evidence that it is not enough to focus on the changes experienced by migrants through contact with urban dwellers and their so-called modern way of life. It shows that it is necessary to recognize the capacity for initiative and social innovation of all the members of these minorities, migrants or non-migrants. It also stresses the centrality of the question of identity. Feelings of marginality and subordination remain strong and they do not seem to fade as a result of migration. On the contrary, these feelings seem to most often result in a strengthening of social and community bonds within these minorities.
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Motivace ke studiu francouzského jazyka na střední škole / Motivation to study french language at the high schoolČerná, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the motivation of students at high school to study french language. The aim is to discover how is possible to motivate students in french language teaching. The thesis consists of the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part describes motivation to study french from the point of view of her three main components: learning, social environment of school and character of french language. The practical part has research form and explores what motivate students at high school to study french, compares motivation for this language at elementary school contrary to high school and compares english to french at high school. The main explored aspects of motivation in research part were: the reasons to study, measure of motivation, teaching environment, surrounding environment of french language, forms of teaching, social influence and barriers in studying french language. I collected the knowledge for the topic by questionnaire survey at Grammar school in Ústí nad labem, at Grammar school in Děčín, at Elementary school school Nativity in Děčín. Discovered finding out in summary of research results are verbally evaluated and interpreted with visual graphs accompaniment. I present the aims of research finding out in section results of aims in research. I...
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Drawing and blurring boundaries between species : an etho-ethnography of human-chimpanzee social relations at the Primate research institute of Kyoto university / Définir et brouiller les frontières entre espèces : une étho-ethnographie des relations sociales entre humains et chimpanzés menée à l’Institut de la recherche sur les primates de l’université de KyotoBezerra de Melo Daly, Gabriela 10 January 2018 (has links)
Comment humains et chimpanzés définissent et brouillent les frontières entre leurs espèces lors de leurs interactions ? Tel sera le leitmotiv de notre étho-ethnographie, à l’intersection de l’anthropologie sociale, des études des sciences, et de la primatologie. Au fondement de cette recherche se trouve un travail de terrain de longue durée mené dans un laboratoire de sciences cognitives situé au Japon, au sein duquel sont enseignées aux chimpanzés des compétences langagières dans le but de caractériser leur monde perceptuel. Cependant, au cœur même du contexte ce laboratoire, la nature des relations entre humains et chimpanzés est un aspect crucial de ce programme de recherche ; les deux espèces y forment une communauté hybride faite d’affects, de relations sociales et de collaboration scientifique. Afin de fournir une étude comparative, nous avons également mené une série d’ethnographies plus brèves – sur le modèle de la méthodologie multi-site – en observant cette même problématique à l’œuvre au sein de diverses institutions au Japon - zoo, sanctuaires et réserves - ainsi qu’au sein de la station japonaise pour l’étude de la culture des chimpanzés qui se trouve à Bossou, en République de Guinée. En outre, ce travail narre l’expérience que nous avons faite de devenir expérimentatrice au sein du laboratoire étudié. Le résultat en est multiple. Nous commencerons par explorer l’histoire des études sur les chimpanzés menées à l’Institut de Recherche sur les Primates de l’Université de Kyoto (KUPRI) ainsi que les pratiques de soin et de recherche qui s’y sont mises en place. Ensuite, nous étudierons les dynamiques qui caractérisent (1) les frontières physiques, lors d’interactions sociales entre deux espèces qui peuvent s’avérer dangereuses, (2) les frontières expérimentales, lorsque le chimpanzé n’est pas seulement celui qui fait l’objet d’une expérience mais qui met également à l’épreuve son expérimentateur, (3) et les frontières symboliques, lorsqu’est interrogée la définition de la « personne » humaine et non humaine. Ainsi, quatre points principaux sont examinés à nouveaux frais, en particulier (a) la socialisation interspécifique (b) l’incarnation des relations inter-espèces dans un espace donné (c) les relations inter-espèces dans un contexte scientifique (d) l’examen de perspectives zoocentrées sur la « personne ». Nous conclurons avec l’évocation de nos espoirs et de nos attentes quant à un dialogue fructueux entre les différentes disciplines en jeu. L’apport de ce travail consistera en effet à mobiliser des concepts et des outils de la primatologie et des sciences sociales afin de proposer une analyse plus symétrique des relations entre humains et animaux. / How do humans and chimpanzees set and blur boundaries between species when interacting with each other? This is the leitmotif of this etho-ethnography at the intersection of social anthropology, social studies of science and primatology. This endeavor is based on long-term fieldwork conducted in a cognitive sciences laboratory in Japan, which teaches chimpanzees language-like skills as means to understand their perceptual world. However, in this laboratory setting, the human-chimpanzee relationship is a vital part of the research philosophy and both species constitute a hybrid community of affections, social relationships, and scientific partnering. As a comparative effort, a short-term multi-sited ethnography was conducted following the theme across institutions in Japan of zoo, sanctuary and field-site type, in addition to the Japanese field station for the study of chimpanzee culture, in Bossou, Africa. Moreover, this work draws on the experience of becoming, at the same time, an experimenter in the targeted laboratory. The result is multifold. We shall explore first, the history as well as the caretaking and research practices in chimpanzee studies at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University (KUPRI). Then, we shall investigate the dynamics of physical boundaries in dangerous interspecies social interactions; the experimental boundaries of testing and being tested by chimpanzees; and the symbolic boundaries concerning human and nonhuman personhood. As a result, four major points are brought to light in a renewed perspective, namely (a) interspecies socialization (b) the embodiment of interspecies social relations in space (c) interspecies social relations in scientific settings (d) animalcentric perspectives on personhood. We conclude with the hopes and prospects for a fruitful dialogue across disciplines. Overall, the differential endeavor of this work consists in mobilizing concepts and tools from both primatology and social sciences to propose a more symmetric analysis of the human-animal relationship.
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Florian W. Znaniecki e Henri Poincaré: uma proposta de reconstrução metodológica / Florian W. Znaniecki and Henri Poincaré: a proposition of methodological reconstructionPereira, Kleber Tandello 11 November 2014 (has links)
Esse estudo apresenta a proposta de uma reconstrução metodológica da obra de Florian W. Znaniecki, intelectual polonês, com a finalidade de evitar a ocorrência de ecletismo metodológico em estudos de sociologia comparada. Nesse sentido, argumentamos em favor da forte presença dos fundamentos metodológicos propostos por Henri Poincaré na obra de Znaniecki, devendo ser um fato não negligenciável em análises de sua obra. / This study presents a proposal for methodological reconstruction of the work of Florian W. Znaniecki, Polish scholar, with the purpose of preventing the occurrence of methodological eclecticism in comparative sociological studies. In this sense, we argued in favor of the strong presence of methodological foundations proposed by Henri Poincaré in the work of Znaniecki, which shouldnt be a negligible fact in future analyses of his work.
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Divisão sexual do trabalho e suas expressões: reflexões a partir do trabalho docente em Serviço Social na Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR)Marques, Maria Inez Barboza 22 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Maria Inez Barboza Marques.pdf: 8251625 bytes, checksum: b4660a8920e08666a3ebd08405dae96e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-06-22 / As part of sex social relations, sexual division of labor is intrinsic to social division of
labor in the capitalist system context which exploits men and women workforce and
imprints a perverse exploitation/domination logic, affecting male and female workers
in different socio-occupational spaces, including the Social Work profession and the
work of teachers in this area. In addition, sexual division of labor must be seen
through its space and time dynamics, including other reality components such as
social, political, economic and cultural. From a capitalist production restructuring
context and the Brazilian State Reform, education, universities and the work of
teachers adopted the mercantile logic imposed by the capital movement at the global
level. In this context, universities fall into a crisis and the precariousness of the
teachers work is confirmed. Taking these dimensions consideration, the general
objective of this research is to analyze the sexual division of labor and its
expressions on the work of Social Work teachers, having as starting point the flexible
accumulation of the 70 s and its impact on the Social Work Courses from Paraná
State University (UNESPAR), at the Apucarana and Paranavaí campuses. The
research is characterized as qualitative, using interviews together with reflective
action which made the participation of the subjects (male and female) more dynamic.
At the end of the process, it was possible to verify that, besides the sexual division of
labor, the work of teachers is permeated by a knowledge and power division,
present, inclusively, in the construction of Science, particularly at UNESPAR and in
the Social Work courses at Paranavaí and Apucarana, in the State of Paraná / Como parte das relações sociais de sexo, a divisão sexual do trabalho é intrínseca à
divisão social do trabalho no contexto do sistema capitalista que explora a força de
trabalho de homens e mulheres e imprime uma lógica perversa de
exploração/dominação, atingindo trabalhadores e trabalhadoras em diferentes
espaços sócio-ocupacionais, incluindo a profissão do Serviço Social e o trabalho
docente nesta área. Além disso, a divisão sexual do trabalho deve ser vislumbrada
em sua dinâmica no espaço e no tempo, atingindo outros componentes da realidade,
sejam eles sociais, políticos, econômicos ou culturais. A partir do contexto da
reestruturação produtiva do capitalismo e da contrarreforma do Estado no Brasil, a
educação, as universidades e o trabalho docente entram na lógica da
mercantilização imposta pelo movimento do capital em nível mundial. Nesse âmbito,
aprofunda-se a crise nas universidades e é concretizada a precarização do trabalho
docente. Tendo como norte essas dimensões, a pesquisa teve como objetivo geral
analisar a divisão sexual do trabalho e suas expressões no trabalho docente em
Serviço Social, tomando como ponto de partida a acumulação flexível da década de
1970 e suas repercussões nos Cursos de Serviço Social na Universidade Estadual
do Paraná (UNESPAR), nos campi de Apucarana e Paranavaí. A pesquisa
caracterizou-se como qualitativa, através da realização de entrevistas aliadas à ação
reflexiva, que dinamizou a participação dos sujeitos e sujeitas. Ao final do processo,
foi possível constatar que, para além da divisão sexual do trabalho, o trabalho
docente é permeado pela divisão do saber e do poder, presentes, inclusive, na
construção da ciência, particularmente na UNESPAR e nos cursos de Serviço Social
em Paranavaí e Apucarana, no Estado do Paraná
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Antonio de Sampaio Doria e a modernização do ensino em São Paulo nas primeiras décadas do século XXMedeiros, Valéria Antonia 04 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Valeria Antonia Medeiros.pdf: 4653164 bytes, checksum: 411fbc26fc310f6655a3e8f5bf130ee7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005-11-04 / This paper deals with the reconstitution of Antonio de Sampaio Dória´s intellectual and
professional trajectory in the 1910s through the 1930s, in São Paulo. Undergraduated by the
Law School of São Paulo, he joined the Escola Normal da Praça in 1914, taking the chair of
Psychology, Pedagogy and Civic Education. He engaged in networks of social relations in
which he participated as a founder and member of the steering group, such as: the Nationalist
League, the Society of Education and the National Lyceum of Rio Branco. By means of such
social networking Sampaio Dória cooperated, as a producer and promoter, to construct a
project of nation, in which the educational causes had an outstanding place. Acknowledged by
his contemporaries as one of the major leaders of the cultural elite in the state of São Paulo, he
was invited to take the position of director-general of the Public Instruction in the state, in
1920, the moment whe he organized the first school census, and also he submitted the project
to reform the public instruction, which is considered in the education historiography as
landmark of the movements that modernized school teaching at the time. Although he stayed
at this position for a brief period, it is the moment of highest public expression of Sampaio
Dória, which proved to be the event that represented a network of relations which molded the
education in the state of São Paulo in the subsequent decades / Este trabalho trata da reconstituição da trajetória intelectual e profissional de Antonio de
Sampaio Dória, nas décadas de 1910 a 1930, em São Paulo. Formado pela Faculdade de
Direito de São Paulo, ingressou na Escola Normal da Praça, em 1914, assumindo a cadeira de
Psicologia, Pedagogia e Educação Cívica. Engajou-se em redes de relações sociais das quais
participou na condição de fundador e membro do grupo dirigente, tais como: a Liga
Nacionalista, a Sociedade de Educação e o Lyceu Nacional Rio Branco. Por meio dessas
redes de relações sociais Sampaio Dória colaborou, como produtor e divulgador, da
construção de um projeto de nação, no qual as causas educacionais tinham lugar privilegiado.
Reconhecido por seus contemporâneos como um dos principais líderes da elite cultural
paulista, foi convidado a assumir o cargo de diretor geral da Instrução Pública de São Paulo,
em 1920, ocasião em que organizou o primeiro recenseamento escolar do estado, bem como
apresentou o projeto de reforma da instrução pública, considerada na historiografia
educacional como um marco dos movimentos de modernização do ensino no período. Embora
a breve passagem por esse cargo seja o momento de maior expressão pública de Sampaio
Dória, constatou-se que nesse episódio representou uma rede de relações que foi responsável
pela constituição do ensino paulista nas décadas subseqüentes
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