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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gränsöverskridande val och vägledning : En studie om studievägledning och breddad rekrytering inom högskola/universitet / Choices beyond the norms and student couselling

Rönn, Britt Marie January 2009 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats var att ge en bild av hur ett antal studie- och karriärvägledare inom universitet/högskola förhåller sig till begreppet breddad rekrytering. Uppsatsen ville också visa vad en högskola och ett universitet har för strategier för att bredda sin rekrytering och om man medvetet använder sig av studie- och karriärvägledning för detta ändamål. Metoden var kvalitativ och resultaten byggde på intervjuer av tio studievägledare fördelade på en högskola och ett universitet, samt två personer som arbetar övergripande med breddad rekrytering på dessa lärosäten. Det som framkom är att studievägledarna överlag anser att breddad rekrytering är en viktig uppgift som ingår i deras yrkesverksamhet, vidare att vägledningen är mer psykologiskt än socialt inriktad, på så sätt att vägledarna fokuserar mer på psykologiska aspekter som t ex studentens intressen, värderingar och förmågor snarare än den sociala kontext studenten befinner sig i t ex klasstillhörighet eller genus. Det finns inslag av processtänkande men fortfarande mycket av "trait and factor" tänkande. Högskolan/ universitetet anser att studievägledning är en viktig verksamhet och använder sig delvis av den för att bredda sin rekrytering, men kunskapen om vad vägledning är och kan användas till känns delvis outvecklad. En framtidsvision är att vägledning har mer av samhällsförbättrande karaktär. Vägledaren skulle då vara en person som uppmuntrar till val utanför normen: Gränsöverskridande val. / Abstract The purpose of this thesis was to give a picture of how a number of student counsellors at the university look on their commission in the perspective of widening recruitment. The thesis also showed what strategies the universities have to widen their recruitment and of how to use counselling for this purpose. The method was qualitative and the result was founded on interviews with ten student counsellors from two different universities and from two persons who work overall with widening recruitment and diversity. This study shows that student counsellors regard widening recruitment as an important task in their work. It emerged under the interviews that counselling is more psychological than social, which means that the counsellors focus more on factors like interests, values and competence rather than social context with factors like social class and gender. There are elements of trait and factor thinking as well as a great deal of process thinking. The university regards student counselling as an important activity and is using it for widening recruitment, but the knowledge of  it and its use is somewhat undeveloped. A vision for the future is that the counsellor has more the task of a social reformer. The counsellor would then be the one who encourages the student for choices beyond the norms.

Barns könsstereotypa tankar kring leksaker : Yttre påverkans vikt i form av syskon samt föräldrars tankesätt kring könsroller och barn

Hedlund, Emelie, Kohlin, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet genus med fokus på en grupp femåriga barns tankar om leksaker och kön. Syftet utgörs av att undersöka om en grupp pojkar och flickor vid femårsålder tänker könsstereotypt om leksaker. Samt om dessa eventuella könsstereotypa tankar kan kopplas till föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå. För att söka svar på detta genomfördes en bildundersökning med 11 barn på en centralt belägen förskola i en medelstor svensk stad, de medverkande barnens föräldrar besvarade en enkät rörande barnens bakgrund så som syskon, leksaker och kamrater. Resultatet visade att yttre påverkan i form av föräldrars utbildningsnivå tycks ha ingen eller liten betydelse för barnens könsstereotypa tankar. Resultatet visade istället att faktorer så som eventuella syskon, syskonens ålder och kön samt föräldrarnas medvetna genustänk gentemot sina barn, var av stor vikt gällande barnens uppfattning om vilka leksaker som är kopplade till vilket kön. / The aim of this study is to show whether boys and girls at the age of five have gender stereotyped views about toys or not, and if their views can possibly be linked to the parents educational level. In order to answer this question we carried out a picture based study amongst 11 children in a preschool located in a town in Sweden. The parents also answered a survey with questions regarding their background such as siblings, toys, friends, educational level and work. The results showed that the parents’ educational level has little or no impact on the children’s answers in the study. Sibling or lack of siblings seems to be of bigger significance. But also if the parents have gender in mind when buying toys and clothes to their child. These two factors seem to be the most significant ones in relation to how the children associate different toys with gender and toys in our study.

Värdig ett vapen : en analys och tolkning av Birkas vapengravars gravgåvor och kontext / Worthy of a Weapon : an analysis and interpretation of the grave-goods of the Birka weapon-graves

Björk, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to interpret and discuss the weapon-graves of Viking Age Birka. The weapon-grave phenomenon is deemed differential in relation to the rest of the grave-material of the site, and thus the questions that motivate the thesis is: who was buried with weapons and why? Further questions arise regarding the social aspects of individuals who were buriedalong with weapons. The theoretical approach will be to evaluate any differences in 'social class', 'social age' and 'gender' between the weapon-grave contexts. By conducting qualitativeand quantified analysis of the grave-goods, this thesis adresses both overall and detailed patterns in correlation and constellations between weapons, other grave-goods and terms of burial.

Medkämpe i arbetarklassens stora befrielsekamp : Föreställningar om klass, kön och skötsamhet i tidningen Arbetets Kvinnor 1927-1931

Kärkkäinen, Heli January 2013 (has links)
This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists. It also shows that the identity is based on an international class struggle in which the labour women walk hand in hand with the labour men, embracing social democratic ideas. The conception of the woman of the labour class is multifaceted, for example she is pictured as a class comrade and simultaneously as a one whose main purpose is motherhood. Arbetets Kvinnor shows that the trade unionist women bid the bourgeoisie dominance resistance and it also depicts the women making opposition to the male hegemony in the trade union. The moral values that are presented are solidarity, responsibility and the urge of education into making the goal of an equal society possible to reach.

Life as a student at an independent day school

Torres, Diana R 01 June 2007 (has links)
This study explores the interconnectedness of social class, education, and cultural capital. Considered academically elite, the independent school is be an ideal environment to find increased instances and opportunities for the acquisition and reproduction of elite, or "dominant" cultural capital. By implementing an ethnographic approach within an independent school setting, this study attempts to illuminate the student experience through adolescents' eyes. Past cultural capital studies focus on the relationship between cultural capital and academic achievement and/or social reproduction; instead, this study focuses on the everyday student experiences as they point to potential indicators of cultural capital. Results suggest that students' perception of 'place' is primarily defined by the presence or absence of money. Overall, the students interviewed expressed contradictory feelings towards having money, rejecting and distancing themselves from some of the advantages associated with wealth while accepting and welcoming other aspects.

Rehabilitation in light of different theories of health : Outcome for patients with low-back complaints - a theoretical discussion

Grönblom-Lundström, Lena January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the outcome of rehabilitation efforts is depending on what view health care has in relation to what need of care people have and if the outcome for different groups of patients with low-back complaints (specific versus non-specific complaints) is various successful. The outcome is measured in length of sick leave, number of spells and granted sickness and disability pensions. This thesis combines a theoretical analysis of different theories of health with studies of two empirical materials. One material comprises a group of individuals with low-back complaints (specific versus non-specific complaints) from a nation-wide survey of Living Conditions conducted by Statistics Sweden in 1981. The other material comprises a sample of individuals on sick leave either due to low-back complaints or other kinds of complaints than low-back complaints. The outcome of these studies are measured as to what extent people with low-back complaints are granted a disability pension (Paper III) and which the characteristics are of those on sick leave due to low-back complaints compared to those with other kinds of complaints (Paper IV). The results from Paper III revealed a difference concerning socio-economic group and granted disability pension between those with specific, non-specific and frequent low-back complaints. Those with non-specific and frequent low-back complaints were to higher extent manual workers and disability pensioners. The results of Paper IV reveals also a socio-economic difference besides that those with low-back complaints had longer sick leave periods and more spells.  What does these results indicate? Are non-specific and frequent low-back complaints not successfully treated within the health care system? Is this due to how these matters have been identified? Are these individuals truly disabled due to their low-back complaints, if so how are they assessed and treated? I believe that the notions of health and disease as well as the social context in which people act influence the outcome of rehabilitation. If people judge their health as bad (here due to low-back troubles) and in need of health care and the health care system do not recognise their need when not identified as diseased a problem arises. These individuals claim that their ability to work is hampered due to the low-back complaint and the society has an obligation and needs a legitimate solution for those individuals that cannot support themselves due to ill health. This obligation makes a demand on the health care system. If non-specific complaints are assessed as non-medical problems, from a biomedical point of view, health care lacks measures to take care of these people if they ought to be taken care of within the health care system at all. But this outcome (a disability pension) may also indicate that people suffer from a “true” illness although not defined by objective findings. If that is the state one may ask if there is a lack of sufficient diagnostic procedures and measures as well. A rehabilitation approach stemming from a humanistic social perspective might lead to a more favourable outcome for people with low-back complaints, whether or not these complaints have been identified in a biomedical sense, as this perspective take into account both the goals, the resources and the social context of that individual.  This thesis has paid attention to the matter that conceptual notions, which seldom are considered within clinical praxis, are of vital importance for the outcome of rehabilitation. Health care falls short especially when it comes to non-specific and frequent low-back complaints and this may be due to the biomedical model being used too strictly within a domain where other models, here exemplified as Pörn’s Theory of Health, might result in a more favourable rehabilitation outcome for the individual. / digitalisering@umu

Motstånd och konformitet : Om manliga yrkeselevers liv och identitetsskapande i relation till kärnämnena / Resistance and conformity : The life and identity work in relation to the academic subjects among male vocational pupils

Högberg, Ronny January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie bygger på en fältstudie i två klasser på gymnasieskolans Byggprogram. Intresset är riktat mot hur ett antal ungdomar, vilka samtliga är pojkar och i varierande grad är ointresserade av så kallade teoretiska studier, förhåller sig till kärnämnena. Mer precist är syftet att analysera deras förhållningssätt till kärnämnena som en del av deras identitetsskapande i relation till dessa ämnen. I studien ses skolan och klassrummet som en social arena där mycket annat än formell undervisning pågår och är relevant för ungdomar när de befinner sig i skolan. Den teoretiska förankringen för studien består i ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv på identitet, bland annat influerat av Richard Jenkins. Därutöver utgörs den av ett genus- och klassperspektiv, samt motståndsteoretiska utgångspunkter. Metodologiskt ansluter sig studien till den etnografiska traditionen. Data som analyseras är observationsdata, intervjudata och inspelade samtal mellan eleverna. Analysen visar bland annat att ungdomarna använder sitt kommande yrke och sitt ointresse för skolarbete i teoretisk tappning som utgångspunkter när de pratar om sin utbildning, olika ämnen eller sitt agerande i relation till skolarbetet. Analysen visar också att ungdomarna både är konforma och oppositionella gentemot kärnämnena. De anpassar sig efter skolans makt att bedöma deras studieinsatser, men gör bl.a. motstånd mot den ordning lärare söker åstadkomma och den tristess och påfrestning som de menar att kärnämnena medför. Till sina konsekvenser innebär denna form av motkultur ett identitetsskapande som avviker från ideal som låg bakom införandet av kärnämnena, vilket innebär ett motstånd mot en statlig påverkan på deras liv, så som denna påverkan kommer till uttryck genom utbildningssystemet. Mot bakgrund av deras kombination av motstånd och konformitet tolkas deras förhållningssätt till kärnämnena emellertid som motsträvighet än som ett renodlat motstånd. / This study is based on a field study that was conducted in two classes in a vocational programme (the Construction Programme) at a Swedish upper secondary school. The main concern of the study is how the pupils, all of whom are boys who are indifferent to varying degrees to so-called theoretical studies, relate to the academic subjects (or core subjects) of their education. More precisely, the aim is to analyze their attitudes towards the core subjects as part of their identity work. In this respect, the school setting is viewed as a social arena in which much more than formal education is going on and has relevance for the pupils when they are in school. The theoretical framing of the study is based on an interactional perspective on identity, primarily influenced by Richard Jenkins. Additionally, a gender and class perspective as well as theories of resistance are used to understand the views and actions of the boys. Methodologically, the study draws on an ethnographic tradition. The data consist of observations, interviews and recorded conversations between the pupils. The analysis points out that the pupils use their future work as construction workers and their indifference to theoretical schoolwork as important starting points when they talk about their education, different subjects or their own actions in relation to their schoolwork. The analysis also stresses that the boys employ modes of both conformity and opposition in relation to the academic subjects. They adjust to the power the school has when it comes to assessing their schoolwork, but they also resist the classroom order their teacher is trying to achieve and the stress and strain of everyday life in the academic subjects. This forms a counter culture, the consequences of which imply identity work that to a large extent differs from the ideas that conditioned the implementation of the core subjects. In this respect the pupils are also resisting governmental steering of their lives as it is expressed in the educational system. However, since the boys have modes of both conformity and opposition in their attitudes towards academic subjects, their overall attitude towards this part of their education is interpreted as a form of reluctance rather than full-scale resistance.

Social inequity in health explanation from a life course and gender perspective /

Novak, Masuma, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Socioeconomic and sex differences in adolescents' dietary intake, anthropometry and physical activity in Cameroon, Africa

Dapi Nzefa, Leonie, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010.

The late medieval interlude the drama of youth and aristocratic masculinity /

Dunlop, Fiona S. January 2007 (has links)
Based on the author's Ph. D thesis. / Published by York Medieval Press in association with Boydell & Brewer and the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York. Includes bibliographical references and index.

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