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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Représentations sociales de l'identité linguistique de l'enseignant et comportements interactionnels : étude de cas expérimentale dans une classe de F.L.E. au Bahreïn / Social representations of the teacher's linguistic identity and interactional behaviors : an experimental case study in a french foreign language class in Bahrain

Abdulla Bader, Sara 11 October 2012 (has links)
Outre la catégorisation socio-identitaire de l’enseignant de FLE – résumée dans la notion d’identité linguistique – qui représente depuis toujours une problématique très répandue dans le domaine de l’appropriation des langues, la notion de représentation sociale commence aujourd’hui à constituer un enjeu théorique majeur en ce domaine. Ce travail de recherche présente une étude expérimentale portant sur les représentations sociales de l’identité linguistique de l’enseignant et ses conséquences sur les comportements interactionnels des élèves dans une classe de FLE située au royaume du Bahreïn. Il a pour objet deux axes d’étude : a) les comportements interactionnels des apprenantes, que nous recueillerons par le biais d’observations de classes et que nous étudierons en adoptant une analyse conversationnelle fondée sur l’interprétation des phénomènes langagiers ; b) une réflexion sur la notion de représentations sociales orientée vers son rôle déterminant dans les pratiques langagières, étayée par une analyse de contenu thématique des discours épilinguistiques recueillis à l’aide d’un entretien semi-directif afin de déterminer si la perception de la différence d’identité linguistique est à l’origine de la dynamique des comportements interactionnels. L’objectif de ce travail est également de proposer une approche empirique ne reposant pas seulement sur l’analyse des discours sur les représentations sociales mais qui prend aussi en compte les pratiques langagières et confronte ainsi le dire et le faire / As well as the identity categorization – that we refer to by the concept of linguistic identity – of French foreign language teachers has always represented a problematic issue in the field of language appropriation, the notion of social representation is currently becoming a major theoretical challenge in this field. This research presents an experimental study that focuses on social representation regarding the linguistic identity of the teacher and its effect(s) on learners’ interactional behavior in a French foreign language class located in Bahrain. The purpose of this research is first to study the interactional behavior of learners via classroom observation and by adopting conversational analysis methods, and secondly to study the role of social representations in language practice of French foreign language learners. For this purpose, we have carried out a thematic content analysis of epilinguistic discourses that have been collected via a semi-structured interview to determine if linguistic identity differences led to interactional behavior changes. This thesis aims at proposing an empirical approach that does not rely only on the analysis of epilinguistic discourse but also takes into account language practice and thus compares what’s said and what’s done

Způsoby a motivace užívání sociálních sítí Facebook a Nyx a identita jejich uživatelů: kvalitativní komparativní studie / Motivation and individual use of social networks, namely Facebook and Nyx and the identity of thein users: Qualitative comparative study

Šimáková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Lenka Šimáková Způsoby a motivace užívání sociálních sítí Facebook a Nyx a identita jejich uživatelů: Kvalitativní komparativní studie Mediální studia, IKSŽ, FSV UK, 2012 Abstract The key goal of this thesis is to find correlations between motivation and usage of social network(ing) sites and how they influence self-presentation of the users as a process of defining their own identity. A qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with five active users of both researched sites was used to describe the impact of the social and technological environment on the way they present themselves towards others. I therefore focus mainly on the social identity of the users: why and how they interact, how they perceive the sites and their role within their groups and how it influences their administration of their personal profiles. I also focus on other relevant subjects of within-line social communication: I describe various aspects of computer mediated communication, user perception of public and private sphere on-line and other issues such as group dynamics or users' approach to the social network(ing) sites as tools for managing their social capital. The resulting set of hypothesis is based on my analysis of the conducted interviews. This thesis brings an insight into user reflection of researched platforms,...

Värdegrund som styrmekanism : En fallstudie om en kommunförvaltnings värdegrundsarbete

Andersson, Daniel, Österman, Martin January 2019 (has links)
En tillitsbaserad styrprincip efterfrågar värderingsdrivna organisationer som kan nyttja organisatoriska värdegrunder som styrmekanismer. Frågeställningar behandlade förhållandet mellan organisatorisk värdegrund i relation till organisationsidentifikation, professionell värdegrund och praktiserad värdegrund. En fallstudie tematiserades utifrån 11 intervjuer med enhetschefer och medarbetare från en kommunförvaltning. Utifrån frågeställningarna genererades tillhörande teman. Samstämmigheten med professionell värdegrund relaterade till temana gemensam grundsyn och tydlighet. Med praktiserad värdegrund till temana styrmekanism, konkretisering, samverkan och förut­sättningar. Förhållandet till organisationsidentifikation gav temana närhet, öppenhet, värdekongruens, tydlighet och rykte. Resultatet visade på upplevd samstämmighet mellan den organisatoriska värdegrunden och den professionella samt praktiserade värdegrunden med några avvikelser.  Den organisatoriska värdegrunden hade en del i identifikationsprocessen. Studien kan utveckla förståelsen om värde­grundens roll i identifikationsprocessen samt bidra till att organisationer som ämnar att bedriva värderingsstyrning ges en inblick i ett värdegrundsarbete och påverkande faktorer. Värdegrund kan användas som verktyg vid rekrytering och marknadsföring för att locka individer med önskvärda professionella värderingar.

Revisorers strategi för att upprätthålla sitt oberoende.

Eriksson, Stina, Molin, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
Ett flertal redovisningsskandaler har ägt rum världen över där revisorer varit inblandade, vilket gjort att revisionskvaliteten ifrågasatts och framförallt revisorernas oberoende. Tidigare studier rapporterar om faktorer som kan påverka oberoendet där gåvor, social identitet, professionalism, relationer, påtryckningar, rykte och ekonomi har visat sig kunna påverka revisorernas agerande. Syftet med denna studie var att förklara hur revisorer strategiskt agerar för att upprätthålla sitt oberoende mot sina klienter, samt att förklara skillnader i agerandet utifrån professionens perspektiv. Tidigare studier visar att det föreligger skillnader kring människors handlingssätt beroende på kön, ålder, erfarenhet, vilken ort man är verksam i samt vilken byrå man arbetar för. Denna studie utfördes genom en tvåmetodsundersökning där vi med hjälp av intervjuer skapade oss en överblick över professionens syn på oberoendet, vilket senare lade grunden för utformningen av studiens enkät som resulterade i 317 fullständiga svar. Genom en korrelationsanalys och en multivariat regressionsanalys undersökte vi om det förelåg samband mellan de oberoende variablerna kön, ålder, storlek på ort, storlek på byrå, erfarenhet och de beroende variablerna gåvor, social identitet, professionalism, relationer, påtryckningar, rykte och ekonomi. Fyra av studiens hypoteser fick stöd, däribland att manliga revisorer är mer benägna till närmare relationer till sina klienter i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Vidare fann vi även stöd för att revisorer på mindre orter är mer benägna till närmare relationer till sina klienter i jämförelse med revisorer i storstäder. Vi fann även stöd för att yngre revisorer i högre grad beaktar sitt rykte i jämförelse med äldre revisorer. Slutligen fann vi även stöd för att manliga revisorer i högre grad beaktar klienters ekonomiska betydelse i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Utöver de hypoteser som testades fann vi ytterligare samband av intresse att analysera, däribland ett signifikant negativt samband mellan ålder och revisorers benägenhet att ta emot gåvor och acceptera närmare relationer. Vidare noterades att manliga revisorer i högre grad tycks beakta sitt rykte i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Revisorns ålder ocherfarenhet visar även ett negativt signifikant samband med revisorers benägenhet att beakta klientens ekonomiska betydelse. Slutsatsen är att revisorer tycks följa olika strategier för att bemöta faktorer som kan påverka oberoendet och att det föreligger vissa skillnader i agerandet beroende på revisorns erfarenhet, ålder och kön samt storleken på den ort revisorn är verksam  i. / Several accounting scandals have taken place around the world where auditors have been involved, which means that the audit quality is questioned and especially the auditors’ independence. Previous studies report on factors that may affect the independence, where gifts, social identity, professionalism, relationships, pressure, reputation and economy are factors that have been shown to affect the auditor’s actions. The purpose of this study is to explainhow auditors act strategically to maintain independence with their clients, as well as to explain differences in action based on the professional perspective. Previous studies shown that there is behavioral differences regarding gender, age, experience, the city you operate in and which firm you work for. This study was conducted through a two-method study in which we, with the help of interviews, were able to create an understanding of the auditor’s  independence from the profession’s perspective. The interviews contributed to the creation of the study’s survey which had a sample of 317 responses. Through a correlation analysis and a multivariate regression analysis we examined whether there is a correlation between the independent variables gender, age, the size of city, the size of firm, experience and the dependent variables gifts, social identity, professionalism, relationships, pressure, reputation and economy. In our study four of the hypotheses received support, including that male auditors are more likely to have closer relationships with their clients compared to female auditors. Furthermore, we also found support for the fact that auditors in smaller cities are more likely to have closer relationships with their clients compared to auditors in larger cities. We also found support for the fact that younger auditors care more about their reputation compared to older auditors. Finally, we also found support for that male auditors are more liable to care about their clients'economic importance compared to female auditors. In addition to the hypotheses that were tested, we found other relationships that were of interest to analyze, including a significant negative relationship between age and auditors' tendency to accept gifts and closer relationships. Furthermore, it is noted that male auditors care more about their reputation compared to female auditors. The auditor's age and experience also shown a negativelysignificant relationship with auditors' tendency to consider the client's economic importance. The conclusion in this study is that auditors seem to follow different strategies to address the various factors that may affect independence, where the study shows that there are differencesin the action depending on the auditor's experience, age and gender and also the size of city the auditor operate in.

Women's experience of their sense of identity at work : a phenomenological study

Sterley, Beverley Anne 02 1900 (has links)
Although women increasingly contribute their labour to an ever-burgeoning workplace, little is understood about their roles and sense of identity at work. Adopting a phenomenological approach to this study will allow the researcher to discover what women’s experience of their sense of identity at work encompasses. Furthermore, a review of the contemporary literature, and a phenomenological approach to the study employing semi-structured interviews and an explication of the protocols using the ‘modified’ Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method (Creswell, 1998), may be used to explore women’s experience of their sense of identity in the workplace. Recommendations may be made for future research and organisational practice. The main findings indicated, inter alia, that the participants expressed their sense of identity at work from a ‘collective’ or social identity orientation. This finding also supports various feminist researchers’ viewpoints that women may develop a unique sense of identity relative to the environment in which they find themselves (Ely, 1994; Hakim, 1996). Themes that arose from the interviews with the participants included the concerns women express universally to a greater extent, yet included their interests, abilities, traits and material characteristics to a lesser extent (Ashforth & Mael, 1989; Hogg & Turner, 1987). The study findings also questioned psychology-based “person-centred” ideas about women’s relationships with other women at work, and added credence to the supposition that the demographic composition of an organisation may influence an individual’s experiences at work (Ely, 1994, p. 203). Furthermore, as social v identities are more significant in organisations, due to the incidence of social groups (Fisher, 1986; Mortimer & Simmons, 1978; Van Maanen, 1976), it would appear that as fewer women are employed in management and the upper echelons of organisations, they would therefore not benefit from being involved in the social environment of work, and would therefore not be in a position to adopt the identity of their counterparts (Becker & Carper, 1956). The contribution of this research to understanding women’s experience of their sense of identity, and the provision of a basic framework in this regard, may assist female employees, and their employers and managers, in their relationships at work, and in this way improve the employment prospects and retention of women. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Análise da dinâmica de identidades em processos de fusão e aquisição empresarial / Analysis of dynamic of the identities in a merger and acquisition process

Nascimento, Ladislau Ribeiro do 02 September 2015 (has links)
Esta tese estudou o impacto das operações de fusão e aquisição (F&A) sobre as identidades dos empregados investigando professores e coordenadores em operações de F&A. Operações de F&A são estratégias frequentes nos últimos vinte anos e têm sido uma fonte de conflitos e de dificuldades generalizadas para os empregados das empresas. A maioria das operações de F&A demanda esforços significativos de adaptação dos empregados diante de novas diretrizes, de diferentes culturas e distintos padrões sociais e administrativos de conduta. Nas operações de F&A, a adaptação não se limita aos aspectos funcionais do desempenho, mas, atinge estruturas mais profundas da subjetividade, como é o caso das identidades. A experiência dos últimos vinte anos mostra que nas operações de F&A, os empregados enfrentam alterações em suas identidades, adaptando-se a novas condições na relação eu-outro. Eles mesmos administram essa adaptação, mesmo quando não há apoio algum por parte de seus gestores. A compreensão da adaptação das identidades foi aqui estudada pela Teoria da Identidade Social, de Henri Tajfel, pela Teoria de Identidade de Sheldon Stryker e pela perspectiva da Identidade Narrativa de Roy Baumeister. Essa análise foi complementada por uma pesquisa empírica na qual foram observados sujeitos que sofreram impactos em suas identidades dentro de programas de F&A. Foram estudados sujeitos envolvidos em operações de F&A nos quais um único grupo econômico adquiriu diversas empresas. A restrição a um único adquirente permitiu homogeneidade de demandas e distintas condições dos sujeitos das empresas adquiridas. Essa pesquisa foi realizada através de entrevistas narrativas e seus dados foram interpretados a partir de metodologias de análise de conteúdo. Confirmando as deduções da análise teórica, os resultados da observação revelaram que a identidade é uma estrutura complexa que sofre impactos significativos nos processos de F&A. Além disso, confirmaram que os indivíduos administram a adaptação de suas identidades e que sem a gestão das identidades, as operações de F&A têm seus problemas aumentados e suas dificuldades exacerbadas. Esta pesquisa concluiu que que a adaptação das identidades é um tema ainda longe de ser compreendido em sua complexidade e em seus impactos. Por esse motivo, o avanço na compreensão das F&A depende do investimento em novas pesquisas / This thesis studied the impact of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) on the identities of employees observing professors and heads of departments. M&A have been common managerial strategies for the past twenty years, as have been a source of conflicts and of generalized difficulties to both enterprises and their employees. Most of the M&A impose heavy demands of adaptation to new policies, cultures and social as well as administrative patterns on the part of employees. That adaptation is far from being limited to functional features to reach the deep subjective structures, as this is the case of identities. The M&A experiences of the past twenty years have put into light changes in employees identities following the new conditions created by the self-other relationships. The employees manage those identity changes even when no managerial support is offered to them. Here, the theoretical understanding of that adaptation of employees identities was grounded in Tajfel´s Social Identity Theory, in Sheldon Striker´s Identity Theory and in the vision of Narrative identity Theory proposed by Roy Baumeister. That theoretical ground was complemented by empirical data gathered from employees involved in M&A programs. That empirical research was carried out with the employees of distinct organizations, which were acquired by one single enterprise. That strategy favoured the homogeneity of the managerial demands in the distinct cases. The data were gathered through narrative interviews and scrutinized through content analysis methodologies. The outcomes confirmed the theoretical analyses disclosing that identity is a complex subjective structure, which undergo regularly impacts in M&A processes. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the employees manage their identities adaptation and that when the adaptation fails problems and tensions increase. Yet the data confirmed that the adaptation of identities is an issue still far from full understanding, which still requires much more investigation and theoretical investments

L'impact des réseaux sociaux numériques professionnels sur l’attractivité organisationnelle : une approche par la théorie du capital social / Impact of online professional social networks on organizational attractiveness : a social capital perspective

Teimourzadeh, Aria 12 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche aborde la question de l’impact des réseaux sociaux numériques professionnels sur l’attractivité organisationnelle. Malgré la complexité et la diversité des études théorique et pratique portant sur la manière avec laquelle les membres des réseaux sociaux professionnels interagissent, les études portant sur l’attractivité organisationnelle et l’identification des membres dans le contexte d’e-recrutement demeurent limitées. Dans ce travail, le champ théorique qui a été mobilisé est la théorie du capital social. Il s’agit de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'identité sociale, la confiance sociale, bouche-à-oreille virtuel, le site des réseaux sociaux et le rôle médiateur de qualité d’information sur l’attractivité organisationnelle en tant qu’un employeur. La thèse propose un cadre d'analyse et conceptuel. En plus de la revue de la littérature, une étude complémentaire a été réalisée sur la base de 8 entretiens semi-directifs auprès de directeurs des ressources humaines afin de connaitre leur avis sur les motivations des entreprises qui intègrent l'utilisation des réseaux dans leurs pratiques de recrutement. Une étude quantitative a été menée à partir de 288 individus résidant en France et au Canada qui sont présents sur les réseaux sociaux numériques professionnels. Le but est de mesurer l’impact des facteurs identifiés dans la première étude qui influencent l’attractivité organisationnelle. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de comprendre l’importance du réseautage social, l’attractivité de site des réseaux sociaux ainsi que l’effet médiateur de qualité d’information sur l’attractivité organisationnelle, le prestige et l’intention des individus pour suivre des offres d’emploi sur ces plateformes. / This research work addresses the impact of professional social networks on the organizational attractiveness as an employer. Despite the complexity and diversity of studies on social networks both theoretical and practical regarding the way the members of professional social networks interact, the studies related to organizational attractiveness and membership identification in the context of e-recruitment is scarce remains limited. In this research, the social capital theory has been considered in order to better understand the impact of social identity, social trust, virtual word of mouth, the social networking platform and the mediating role of information quality on organizational attractiveness as an employer. In addition to the literature review, a first complementary study was carried out on the basis of 8 semi-directive interviews with human resources managers to obtain their opinions on the various stakeholders who integrate the use of these networks in their practices. A quantitative study was carried out on the basis of 288 individuals currently living in France and Canada who are present on professional online social networks in order to measure the impact of identified factors that influence the organizational attractiveness. The obtained results allowed us to understand the importance of social networking, the attractiveness of social networks sites and also the mediating effect of information quality on the organizational attractiveness as an employer, organizational prestige and intention of individuals to pursue job offers on these platforms.

A prática interdisciplinar no mestrado acadêmico: implicações no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos estudantes / The interdisciplinary practice in academic masters: implications in personal and professional development of students

Yamamoto, Marilda Prado 07 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilda Prado Yamamoto.pdf: 17094862 bytes, checksum: ccf95c1525479bcd89819e5040c8dfd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-07 / This research aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge concerning interdisciplinarity and its possible applications in human development and shaping. It also aims to expand the studies and interdisciplinary practices in a master's course, which product and process is the human development and as a means interdisciplinarity. The study showed that the master s students sought a course of this nature driven by the interest in studying human development as a feature of personal and professional growth. Interdisciplinarity as a means motivated the search for the articulation of different areas of knowledge and, consequently, a broader knowledge. Based on the hypothesis that the Masters Course in Human Development: Education, Policy and Social Practice changed the cognitive and social structures of the research subjects - herein 2010 masters students this research sought to understand what this process meant for their personal and professional development and, above all, for their practices changes in the contexts in which they operate. The key question of this research - "What is the contribution of the interdisciplinary academic masters for the students personal and professional development?" - originates another of equal value: "What is the masters students perception from the standpoint of the established relationships?" In an attempt to answer these questions, a qualitative/quantitative approach was chosen, using the following instruments: analysis of the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) - Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional; analysis of the academic masters proposal; life stories expressed in autobiographical memorials; speeches from the 2010 masters students gathered in the everyday classroom experiences; questionnaires with open questions regarding the proposed interdisciplinary journey and the impressions of the actual, expected and materialized experience in order to understand the shared perception of reality. The theoretical framework is based on three main pillars: on the Interdisciplinary Practices studies of Fazenda (1991, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2008, 2013); on experimental studies of Bronfenbrenner (1996, 2011) on the bioecological approach to Human Development; and on Berger and Luckmann (2009), Gergen and Gergen (2010) and Schutz (2012), regarding the interpersonal relationships interactive dynamics and the construction of a shared sense of reality and also considering Ricoeur (1968, 1983, 2006), Chizzotti (2000, 2008, 2010), Morin (1969, 2000, 2002, 2007) e Santos (1996, 2010). The metaphorical approach to the systemic study of the complex relationships exchanged in multiple social contexts led to the use of metaphors - the matrioska and its layered view leading to the pursuit of knowledge construction wealth, which is never closed as an absolute truth. As the course was developing, the interdisciplinary view was structured and human development was being perceived through the relationships with peers and teachers in classroom interaction; through the interactive knowledge exchange in seminars, qualifying exams and dissertation defense; through autobiographical memorial writing. These experiences led the master teachers in training to a resumption of the most significant life moments and their personal and social identity and, consequently, of their human development. A survey of this nature makes the researcher also resume his/her existential journey, reflecting on what he/she has built in his/her personal and professional life and how much he/she can still give for the development of the community. Everything was built from the moment that researcher and researched subjects lived together a reflection experience on the Masters Course in Human Development: Education, Policy and Social Practice. One can only know the meaning of such an experience when one is in it, there is no other way to experience it / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento relativo à interdisciplinaridade e a suas possíveis aplicações na formação e no desenvolvimento humano. Pretende também ampliar os estudos e práticas interdisciplinares em um curso de mestrado, que tem como produto e processo o desenvolvimento humano e como meio a interdisciplinaridade. O estudo evidenciou que os mestrandos procuraram um curso dessa natureza movidos pelo interesse em estudar o desenvolvimento humano como uma característica de crescimento pessoal e profissional. A interdisciplinaridade como meio motivou a busca pela articulação de diversas áreas do saber e, consequentemente, um conhecimento mais abrangente. Partindo-se da hipótese de que o curso de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Humano: Formação, Políticas e Práticas Sociais modificou as estruturas cognitivas e sociais dos sujeitos de pesquisa denominados mestrandos 2010 , procurouse compreender o que representou este processo para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos mestrandos e, sobretudo, para a mudança de suas práticas nos contextos em que atuam. A questão fundamental dessa investigação Qual a contribuição do mestrado interdisciplinar acadêmico para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos mestrandos? origina outra, de igual valor: Qual a percepção dos mestrandos do ponto de vista dos relacionamentos estabelecidos? Na tentativa de respondê-las, optou-se por uma abordagem quali/quantitativa, utilizando-se dos seguintes instrumentos: análise documental do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI); plano de curso do mestrado acadêmico; histórias de vida expressas em memoriais autobiográficos; falas dos mestrandos 2010 recolhidas no convívio cotidiano em sala de aula; questionários com questões abertas sobre o percurso da proposta interdisciplinar e a expressão do vivido, esperado e concretizado para o entendimento da realidade partilhada. A sustentação teórica encontra-se alicerçada nos pilares das Práticas Interdisciplinares de Fazenda (1991, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2008, 2013); estudos experimentais de Bronfenbrenner (1996, 2011) sobre a visão bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano; e em Berger e Luckmann (2009), Gergen e Gergen (2010) e Schutz (2012), versados na dinâmica interativa das relações interpessoais e na construção do sentido partilhado da realidade, perpassando por Ricoeur (1968, 1983, 2006), Chizzotti (2000, 2008, 2010), Morin (1969, 2000, 2002, 2007) e Santos (1996, 2010). A aproximação metafórica para o estudo sistêmico das relações complexas trocadas em múltiplos contextos socializadores levou à utilização de metáforas a matrioska e o olhar em camadas que conduziram à procura da riqueza da construção do conhecimento, que nunca se fecha em verdade absoluta. À medida que o curso foi se desenvolvendo, o olhar interdisciplinar foi se estruturando e o desenvolvimento humano foi sendo percebido através do relacionamento com colegas e professores no convívio da sala de aula; nas trocas interativas de conhecimento nos seminários, exames de qualificação e defesa de dissertação; na própria escrita do memorial autobiográfico. Tais experiências conduziram os mestres em formação a uma retomada dos momentos significativos da vida pessoal e de sua identidade pessoal e social, consequentemente, do desenvolvimento humano. Uma pesquisa dessa natureza faz com o pesquisador também retome seu percurso existencial, refletindo sobre o que construiu na sua vida pessoal e profissional e o quanto pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da comunidade. Tudo foi construído a partir do momento em que pesquisador e pesquisados viveram juntos uma experiência de reflexão sobre o curso de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Humano: Formação, Políticas e Práticas Sociais. Somente pode saber o significado de uma experiência desse tipo quando se está dentro dela, não há outra forma de experenciá-la

Mitos e monumentos: a construção de identidades paulistanas (1920-1955) / Myths and monuments: the construction of paulistanas identities (1920-1955)

Moreira, Marcos Rogério da Silva 22 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-10-04T11:04:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos Rogério da Silva Moreira.pdf: 5090923 bytes, checksum: b003a2befd6704a11287293e43dc4e89 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T11:04:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos Rogério da Silva Moreira.pdf: 5090923 bytes, checksum: b003a2befd6704a11287293e43dc4e89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Fundação São Paulo - FUNDASP / This dissertation aims to investigate the construction of social identities present in the city of São Paulo and its intrinsic connection with the formation of materialized and guided by monuments erected in places arbitrarily chosen as places of memory. Through the study and analysis of historical monuments present in the city of São Paulo, namely the Monumento às Bandeiras and the Monumento à Mãe Preta, which were proposed as landmarks and places of memory for the establishment of paulistanas identities, this research aims to understand social interactions and life experiences of its founders and their relations the political and social events in the historical context in which they operate / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a construção das identidades sociais presentes na cidade de São Paulo, bem como sua ligação intrínseca com a formação de memórias materializadas e orientadas pelos monumentos erigidos em lugares arbitrariamente escolhidos como locus da História. Por meio do estudo e análise de monumentos presentes no município de São Paulo – o Monumento às Bandeiras e o Monumento à Mãe Preta, que foram propostos como marcos históricos e lugares de memória para a constituição das identidades paulistanas –, esta pesquisa pretende compreender as interações sociais e experiências de vida de seus idealizadores, bem como suas relações com os eventos políticos e sociais ocorridos no contexto histórico em que se inserem

Les effets de la similarité d'âge entre un modèle publicitaire et son récepteur : le cas des femmes âgées de 60 à 70 ans / The similarity effects due to age between an advertising model and a receiver : the case of wowen aged from 60 to 70 years old

Bourcier-Béquaert, Bénédicte 25 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral s’interroge sur le bien-fondé des stratégies publicitaires mettant en avant des mannequins séniors dans le but de séduire cette cible de consommateurs. Trois théories - la comparaison sociale, l’identité sociale et les effets persuasifs de la source –permettent d’élaborer un cadre d’analyse intégrateur des effets de la similarité liée à l’âge. Il met en relation les variables suivantes : l’écart d’âge entre le mannequin et le récepteur, la similarité ressentie avec le mannequin, l’évaluation de la marque (proximité, attitude, considération à l’achat) et l’estime de soi du récepteur suite à l’exposition publicitaire. Deux variables modératrices sont étudiées : la tendance d’âge subjectif et l’âge de divergence. L’étude empirique se fonde sur un échantillon de 444 femmes âgées de 60 à 70 ans et sur un groupe de contrôle constitué de 195 femmes âgées de 20 à 30 ans. L’expérimentation fait varier l’âge du mannequin (la même femme est représentée à trois âges différents : 25, 55 et 65 ans) et le type de produit (alimentaire et cosmétique). Les tests des hypothèses sont réalisés à partir d’équations structurelles (approche PLS). Les principaux résultats montrent : (1) l’impact négatif de l’écart d’âge sur les trois variables d’évaluation de la marque ; (2) le rôle de l’âge dans la formation du jugement de la similarité ressentie avec le mannequin; (3) l’influence positive de la similarité ressentie sur l’évaluation de la marque. La route persuasive de la similarité est plus marquée pour le produit cosmétique et pour les femmes séniors qui ont une faible tendance d’âge. Enfin, elle fonctionne mieux sur les femmes séniors que sur les femmes jeunes. / Our doctoral work questions advertising strategies using senior models to appeal to this target. Three theories - social comparison, social identity and persuasive source effects – enable us to construct an integrative framework of the similarity effects due to age. This includes the following variables: the age gap between the model and the receiver, the perceived model similarity, brand evaluation variables (proximity, attitude and purchase consideration) and the receiver’s self-esteem after ad exposure. Two moderating variables are taken into account: the subjective age tendency and the discrepancy age.Our empirical study consists of a sample of 444 women aged between 60 and 70 and a control group of 195 women aged between 20 and 30. The experimental design manipulates the model’s age (the same women is represented at three different ages: 25, 55 and 65 years old) and the type of product (food and cosmetics).Testing hypotheses are made from structural equations (PLS approach). The main results show: (1) the negative impact of the age gap on the three brand evaluation variables; (2) the age role when the similarity judgment is forming; (3) the positive influence of the perceived similarity on the evaluation of the brand. The persuasive similarity route is stronger for the cosmetic product and the senior receivers whose subjective age tendency is low. Finally, this similarity route works better on senior women than on younger women.

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