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[pt] Eça de Queirós pretendia moralizar a sociedade, construindo
uma literatura
que deveria funcionar como um espelho, no qual estaria
refletido o quadro social
português da segunda metade do século XIX. Assim, o autor
criou cenas que
acabam por mostrar que a própria sociedade tinha como base
um jogo de
encenações, com certas regras pré-estabelecidas. Luísa e
Juliana, de O Primo
Basílio, Pedro da Maia, Maria Monforte, Carlos Eduardo e
Maria Eduarda de Os
Maias são personagens que cometem transgressões, ou seja,
não agem
exatamente de acordo com o que era considerado moralmente
correto. Nessa
dissertação, objetivamos investigar as motivações que levam
às transgressões e,
ainda, as possíveis conseqüências desse desvio ao modelo
social. / [en] Eça de Queirós aimed to improve the morals of Portuguese
society through
a sort of literature that was to function as a mirror
reflecting the Portuguese way
of life in the latter half of the 19th century. Thus the
author portrayed Portugal as
a society based on role-playing, following certain
preestablished rules. Luísa and
Juliana, in O Primo Basílio, Pedro da Maia, Maria Monforte,
Carlos Eduardo
and Maria Eduarda, in Os Maias, are characters who engage
in transgression,
deviating from what was considered moral. In this thesis we
investigate the
reasons that led to transgression of social rules, as well
as the possible
consequences of such deviant behavior.
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L'avocat et l'argent (1790-1972) / Lawyers and money (1790-1972)Lamarque, Marie 02 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis l’antiquité, les avocats entretiennent avec l’argent une relation particulière.Jouant à la fois un rôle sur le plan social et professionnel, il constitue un élémentdéterminant de la profession.Le XIXe et le XXe « siècles de l’argent », symboles de la révolution industrielle,des mutations sociales et de l’avènement de la bourgeoisie ne peuvent qu’influencer lesrapports entre l’avocat et l’argent. Toutefois, si elles demeurent toujours très proches, laprofession à travers sa déontologie tente d’éloigner ces deux notions en instaurant leconcept du désintéressement et l’idée de mission sociale.Mais c’est sans compter sur la force et la puissance des transformations sociétales.Refuser de vivre avec son temps expose aux critiques et attise la suspicion. Plus quejamais il est l’heure pour les avocats de considérer leur profession comme un métier etde lever le voile sur des siècles de mystère dans ce lien les unissant à l’argent. / Since antiquity, lawyers have a special relationship with money. As a key elementof the profession, it plays both a social and a professional role in it.The 19th and 20th « money centuries », symbols of the industrial revolution, ofdeep social changes and of the advent of the middle class, obviously influenced thelinks between lawyers and money. However, as close as these two notions may remain,the profession tries, through its deontology, to keep a distance between them, institutingthe concept of disinterest and the idea of social mission.But it has to take into account the strength and power of societal changes.Refusing to move with the times can only raise criticisms and stir suspicion. More thanever, it is time for lawyers to consider their profession as a metier and to lift the veilfrom centuries of mystery about their links with money.
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L'assurance face aux droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine / Insurance and fundamental rightsLeloup-Velay, Mélodie 30 March 2017 (has links)
Les droits fondamentaux occupent une place croissante dans le paysage assurantiel français et tendent à modifier la nature des contentieux impliquant l’assuré et l’assureur. L’égalité et la protection de la vie privée de l’assuré freinent l’utilisation par l’assureur de nouvelles techniques actuarielles et d’Internet. Ainsi, une décision de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne du 1er mars 2011 a sanctionné la différence de tarif entre les hommes et les femmes. Quant à l’assureur, ses droits à la sécurité juridique, à un procès équitable et à la liberté d’entreprendre font débat dans les rapports qu’il entretient avec les autorités de contrôle ou les plateformes de mise en relation qui s’attaquent au marché de l’assurance. Ces droits fondamentaux ne semblent pas être respectés avec autant d’acuité que ceux de l’assuré. Ce déséquilibre s’explique par le rôle social de l’assurance, rôle récemment menacé par la remise en cause des grands principes de l’assurance et l’absence de prévisibilité du coût des sinistres. / There is an increase in the focus on fundamental rights in the French insurance landscape. This tends to change the nature of the disputes involving both the insurer and the insured. The right to equality and the protection of one’s privacy hinder the insurer's use of new actuarial techniques and the use of tools provided by the Internet. Thus the European Court of Justice’s decision on March 1st 2011 forbids the difference in premium between men and women.For the insurer, supervisory authorities and share economy can threaten its rights to legal certainty, fair trials and freedom of enterprise. It seems to have no equivalent in the protection level of the fundamental rights of the insurer compared to those of the insured. This imbalance is justified by the social role of insurance, a role recently challenged by the absence of respect towards the basic principles of insurance and the lack of predictability of the claims’ costs.
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Mobilizing Motherhood: The Symbolic Politics of Motherhood in Transcultural PerspectiveListon-Beck, Annalycia R. 05 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Interventions in community library services for HIV/AIDS awareness : a case study in the Bojanala regionSchoombee, R. 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation reports on a study undertaken to determine interventions that community libraries can engage in to improve HIV/AIDS awareness.
Chapter One describes the background for the study by providing information portraying the background, research problem, aim and objectives -as well as the research methodology to be followed to ensure its successful completion.
Chapter Two examines the social role and responsibility of the community library - with reference to HIV/AIDS awareness. International and national sources are used to establish what role the community libraries should play in providing resources for communal benefit.
Chapter Three deals with HIV/AIDS awareness interventions currently engaged in by community libraries as well as proposed interventions. A list and description of intervention types is included. This list forms the foundation for the interview guide.
Chapter Four describes the interview process.
Chapter Five reports on the results of the interviews.
Chapter Six provides an integrated summary of the findings from the literature review and those from the interviews in the Bojanala region.
Chapter Seven concludes with a summary of recommendations and suggestions for possible further research.
Essentially, the study consists of
an examination of the social role and responsibility of the community library regarding HIV/AIDS awareness.
An international and national literature review of the types of interventions that community libraries can embark upon to promote HIV/AIDS awareness amongst community members of all age groups.
An investigation - by means of interviews with librarians/library workers in the Bojanala region - on what interventions are currently undertaken to promote HIV/AIDS awareness among the community of the Bojanala region.
Recommendations regarding the types of interventions that community libraries in South Africa may provide to assist in enhancing HIV/AIDS awareness.
The literature review identified the social role and responsibility of the community library; interventions currently engaged in by community libraries; and pointed the way for proposed HIV/AIDS awareness interventions that community libraries could embark on as part of their social responsibility role.
It was clear from the national and international literature review that the community library - with its years of experience in information acquisition, organisation, dissemination and use - is a natural ally in supporting HIV/AIDS awareness. The aim of this investigation was to determine the social role and responsibility of community libraries in the promotion of HIV/AIDS awareness.
The interventions that community library services could embark on to promote HIV/AIDS awareness.
The researcher investigated the interventions that the Bojanala region could embark on to comply with the vision of the Department of Social Development (2002:9) ”that both the government and civil society as a whole develop well directed and purposeful programmes to tackle the HIV/AIDS pandemic.” This was done through face-to-face interviews with librarians/library workers responsible for managing community projects. Compared with the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in other regions and provinces (Northern Cape and Limpopo) with similar populations, the Bojanala region was identified as a region with a high HIV prevalence rate.
The recommendations made by the researcher covered nine sections pertaining to HIV/AIDS interventions, namely:
HIV/AIDS information resources
Collection Development
HIV/AIDS awareness programmes
Staff training
The recommendations that emerge from the research could be implemented in any community library in any given country with a high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate. / Information Science / (M. Tech. (Business Administration))
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An educational psychological perspective on partner roles in heterosexual marriagesPhetla, Rabi Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
Contemporary and traditional sex roles differ in clarity. As such couples find it difficult to
share these sex roles because of beliefs and attitudes they hold about them.
In an attempt to generate guidelines with regard to the complementary sharing of these
roles, sex differences and the nature of sex roles were discussed.
Although men and women are similar in some respects, they however have
fundamental unchangeable differences. Sex roles on the other hand, have changed drastically over
the years.
Data was gathered through the use of interviews. The result of this study indicates that
men and women hold conflicting beliefs and attitudes concerning the sharing of sex
A set of guidelines have been formulated to assist couples to share their sex roles in a
complementary way so as to make their homes authentic primary educational environments.. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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A critique of Marx's theory of alienationErickson, Tammy Marie 09 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a critique of Marx's theory of alienation with emphasis on how Marx
constructed his definition of man and consciousness. The main premise of the theory is that
private property caused alienation but the hypothesis of this dissertation is that because the
theory defined man and consciousness in an erroneous manner alienation was not possible, and that the conditions observed by Marx were exacerbated by landlessness. / Political Sciences / M.A. (Politics)
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Homage to Everyday PeopleChun, Sang Ja 11 August 2011 (has links)
Influenced by an ever-growing sense of alienation with my homeland, I have been determined to discover through my art practice an ability to challenge conventional notions of home, identity, communication and miscommunication. Exploring these themes, I became increasingly aware of the parallels between everyday life and art practice. By creatively connecting with a diverse amount of local people and their communities, I fulfilled desires to discover a sense of belonging and generated opportunities for others to break through traditional social boundaries and roles.
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Redirection: Using Career Development Theory to Interpret the Volunteer Activities of RetireesCook, Suzanne L. 30 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine formal volunteering among retirees in order to explore whether their volunteer experiences represent an extension of their career in the paid workforce or whether their volunteer activities represent a completely new direction, and how this influences their career self-concept, as interpreted through Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development. This study employed a developmental mixed-method design. In Phase 1, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 participants to better understand retirees’ volunteer experiences. Phase 1 informed the design of an instrument for the Phase 2 survey which examined the issues among a larger sample of 214 retirees. The Phase 2 results supported the Phase 1 findings and indicated that many retirees sought an extension of career in volunteer activities in that they used similar skills and knowledge. Study participants also displayed a desire for lifelong learning.
Retirees relinquished their paid-work career, took on the retiree and volunteer roles, and integrated these roles within their career self-concept to create a new sense of self. These results indicated that the retirees had entered a new stage of life, qualitatively different from ‘retirement’. To better reflect the experiences of these retirees, it was proposed that Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development be extended to include Redirection. This theorizing is consistent with the finding that retirees both wanted to and are able to integrate previous paid work elements as well as seek out lifelong learning opportunities within their volunteer activities. This study demonstrates that the volunteer role in the lives of retirees can lead to personal renewal and reshaping of the career self-concept, or what is labeled as the stage of Redirection. This study also has implications for volunteer management, retirement planning and social policy, and may be of interest to volunteer managers, nonprofit organizations, career counsellors, financial planners, retirement planning consultants, life coaches and policy planners.
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Redirection: Using Career Development Theory to Interpret the Volunteer Activities of RetireesCook, Suzanne L. 30 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine formal volunteering among retirees in order to explore whether their volunteer experiences represent an extension of their career in the paid workforce or whether their volunteer activities represent a completely new direction, and how this influences their career self-concept, as interpreted through Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development. This study employed a developmental mixed-method design. In Phase 1, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 participants to better understand retirees’ volunteer experiences. Phase 1 informed the design of an instrument for the Phase 2 survey which examined the issues among a larger sample of 214 retirees. The Phase 2 results supported the Phase 1 findings and indicated that many retirees sought an extension of career in volunteer activities in that they used similar skills and knowledge. Study participants also displayed a desire for lifelong learning.
Retirees relinquished their paid-work career, took on the retiree and volunteer roles, and integrated these roles within their career self-concept to create a new sense of self. These results indicated that the retirees had entered a new stage of life, qualitatively different from ‘retirement’. To better reflect the experiences of these retirees, it was proposed that Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development be extended to include Redirection. This theorizing is consistent with the finding that retirees both wanted to and are able to integrate previous paid work elements as well as seek out lifelong learning opportunities within their volunteer activities. This study demonstrates that the volunteer role in the lives of retirees can lead to personal renewal and reshaping of the career self-concept, or what is labeled as the stage of Redirection. This study also has implications for volunteer management, retirement planning and social policy, and may be of interest to volunteer managers, nonprofit organizations, career counsellors, financial planners, retirement planning consultants, life coaches and policy planners.
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