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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Challenge to Learn English as an L2 when Having Dyslexia : A study about Dyslexic Pupils’ English Language learning from Special Needs Teachers’ Perspectives

Beillon, Linn January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how special needs teachers work with dyslexic pupils who are not reaching the goals of the subject of English. In addition, the focus is to examine dyslexic pupils’ experienced areas of difficulties and also how to structure the language teachings in order to facilitate for the pupils with dyslexia. The method of collecting data for this essay is based on a qualitative research approach through semi-structured interviews with special needs teachers. The results conclude that the informants do not support the pupils directly since their assignment is instead to coach the teachers, which mean that their main responsibility is to work primarily with school organization. Also, through this essay it became evident that dyslexia exists in every language and the specific learning disability is not equal with a failed grade in English.

The Challenge to Learn English as an L2 when Having Dyslexia : A study about Dyslexic Pupils’ English Language learning from Special Needs Teachers’ Perspectives

Beillon, Linn January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how special needs teachers work with dyslexic pupils who are not reaching the goals of the subject of English. In addition, the focus is to examine dyslexic pupils’ experienced areas of difficulties and also how to structure the language teachings in order to facilitate for the pupils with dyslexia. The method of collecting data for this essay is based on a qualitative research approach through semi-structured interviews with special needs teachers. The results conclude that the informants do not support the pupils directly since their assignment is instead to coach the teachers, which mean that their main responsibility is to work primarily with school organization. Also, through this essay it became evident that dyslexia exists in every language and the specific learning disability is not equal with a failed grade in English.

Teachers in Danish special school - motivation in developing goal-oriented assessment En intervjustudie om motivation av målstyrd undervisning i den danska specialskolan

Ejersbo Kilander, Gustav January 2016 (has links)
This study is based on the critical pragmatism, which means that there is a conflict between at least two parts, in this case, the decision-makers and special needs teachers. The starting point of conflict is the implementation work of goal-oriented assessment, where the decision-makers has taken the decision that the Danish school shall implement goal-oriented assessment. The purpose of this study is to examine the six special teachers and school leaders experience and what motivates those in the implementation of goal oriented education. In order to examine the respondents' perception four individual interviews and a group interview was made. The interviews have been based on an open interview guide. Based on the critical pragmatism, the study focused on the concepts of power and deliberative communication. Power concepts is based on how decision makers used the power to decide that the goal-oriented assessment concept should be implemented. The deliberative communication based on this study examines respondents' experience gives the decision-makers the opportunity to take part of the response and use it in the development of goal-oriented assessment. The result of the study's empirical study, analysis, and discussion indicates that the majority of respondents are in favour of goal-oriented assessment, but that the implementation work has not focused on the special school. Teachers in special school needs time to implement and to break down goals in order to be able to create a customized targeted instruction for students with disabilities. Teachers in special school need education that focus on the special school’s development. One solution would be to create forums where special schools meet to develop the individual schools, classes and students. In order to justify teachers with postgraduate diploma in special needs training, it is important to begin in their practical work, by listening to and developing the change process together, which I interpret as deliberative communication. This study is important for decision makers so that they continue to work for changes and a positive development for goal-oriented assessment in the Danish special schools.

En skola för alla - gäller det alla? : Statliga styrdokuments betydelse i skolans verksamhet / A School for Everyone. Does it Apply to Everyone? : The Importance of National Steering Documents for Schools.

Gadler, Ulla January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aim is to visualize and understand what happens to intentions formulated in national steering documents to be interpreted and implemented in schools to give every pupil without exception access to an equivalent education.   The principal starting point is that the individual official, or “street bureaucrat”, working inside school is the key person in interpreting steering document content.  A theory-based analysis model was constructed from the different levels of national school steering systems, including knowledge appropriation and knowledge transfer as theoretical concepts.  In the model, state, municipality, school and pupil constitute separate institutional concepts forming four frames, with three levels, macro, meso and micro, with school and pupil on the latter level. Following the process involving national steering documents, the actual steering of schools and the interpretation and implementation of the mission at different system levels highlights these documents’ importance.   The empirical material comprises five studies: Study 1, a literature study focusing on the expression A school for everyone; Study 2, a document study on the steering of schools in two systems; Studies 3 and 4, two mutually independent questionnaire studies about national steering documents involving school leaders undergoing school leadership education and special needs teachers-to-be during their education and Study 5,  a document study of pupil assistants’ role as officials in the two steering systems.   The conclusion of the thesis may be that the pedagogical significance of the steering documents depends on how administrative and school officials, individually and collectively, interpret and implement the mission among the pupils. Claiming that A school for everyone applies to everyone requires routines in whichever system which ensure that all steering process officials absorb the steering document content and agree on a common pedagogical foundation about who are all pupils, which ones need special support and what measures will give all pupils access to an equivalent education.

Delaktighet i undervisning : – En kvalitativ studie om vilken innebörd delaktighet har för speciallärare som undervisar elever med autism i kombination med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning / Participation in teaching : - A qualitative study of how special-needs teachers interpret the idea of “student participation in teaching" regarding students with autism in combination with intellectual disability.

Delic, Davor, Pettersson, Maritha January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Att alla elever har rätt till undervisning där de utvecklas efter sina förutsättningar, styrks i styrdokumenten. Särskolan är framvuxen ur olika traditioner som genom åren haft skiftande syn på individer som kan tas för avvikande eller annorlunda. Begreppet delaktighet används inte explicit i skollagen men styrdokumenten understryker vikten av att alla elever ska kunna vara en del i undervisningen oavsett individuella förutsättningar. En central utgångspunkt i den här studien är att delaktighet är en förutsättning för lärande. I skolan är det genom undervisningen som elevens lärande förväntas ske. Det är således i undervisningen som eleven behöver vara delaktig. Därmed är det av intresse att utforska vad speciallärare lägger för innebörd i ”delaktighet” just avseende ”undervisning”. Vilken innebörd ger de ” delaktighet” och vilken innebörd ger de ”undervisning”? I vilken relation tycks de här ”innebörderna” stå till varandra? Studien preciserar problemområdet till lärare som undervisar elever med autism i kombination med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning – ett arbete som innebär specifika utmaningar. Studiens syfte är att utforska vilken innebörd lärare i särskolan lägger i elevens ”delaktighet i undervisning” avseende elever med autism i kombination intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Nio speciallärare har intervjuats. Föreliggande studie avser att fylla en liten del av den kunskapslucka som vi identifierat genom granskning av tidigare forskning. Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv undersöks vilken innebörd som lärarna ger elevens ”delaktighet i undervisning”. Resultatet sätter ljuset på att delaktighet i undervisning är ett komplext, dynamiskt fenomen och bör ses, precis som Szönyi och Söderqvist Dunkers (2015a) lyfter, i den kontext den undersöks. Resultatet indikerar att vad läraren lägger för innebörd i elevens ”delaktighet i undervisning” styr lärarens val av aktiviteters/uppgifters karaktär i undervisningen. Resultaten visar att för var och en av informanterna framträder en individspecifik ”relation” mellan den innebörd som informanten ger ”delaktighet” och den innebörd informanten ger ”undervisning”. / All students have the right to an education where they develop according to their own abilities, which is clearly stated in school’s governing documents. The special-needs school has developed from distinct perspectives and traditions, that over the years have had shifting ideas about individuals who are considered deviant or different. The concept of participation is not explicitly stated in the Education Act, but the governing documents emphasize the importance of students participating in the teaching, regardless of individual abilities. The school classroom is an arena where the students are expected to learn. That is why it is of paramount importance that they are given the opportunity to be active participants during teaching. The purpose of this study is to explore the interpretation that special-needs teachers have of the concept “student's participation in teaching” concerning students with autism in combination with intellectual disability. As participation is a prerequisite for learning, it is of great interest to explore whether there is any relationship between the interpretations of students’ “participation” and “teaching”, based on the special-needs teachers' experiences. The present study specifies the problem area for special-needs teachers who work with students with autism in combination with intellectual disability, as that work is exceedingly complex and has very specific challenges associated. Nine special-needs teachers have been interviewed for this study which aims to fill a gap identified in the educational field for students with special needs. More specifically, the study explores the relationship between the meaning of “participation” and the meaning of “teaching”. Teachers’ interpretation of the term “student's participation in teaching” is examined through a hermeneutical lens. The result hopes to shed light on the fact that participation in teaching is a complex, dynamic phenomenon that should be seen, as Szönyi & Söderqvist Dunkers (2015a) highlight, in the context in which it is examined. The results of the study indicate that the teachers’ previous experiences impact, to an extent, their choice of activities and tasks in teaching. All nine teachers identify and relay their individual, and very different, relationships between the terms “participation” and “teaching”.

La violence institutionnelle comme mode d’ajustement de filière : ethnographie et lecture goffmanienne d’une institution médico-sociale / Institutional violence as a method for creating a self-perpetuating pattern : study and interpretation of a medico-social institution based on the social theories of Goffman

Dargère, Christophe 18 February 2011 (has links)
Notre société possède une vaste coulisse contenant nombre d’individus considérés comme improductifs, déviants, inadaptés. Un partie de cette coulisse a pour fonction de contenir ces individus, et de les maintenir, parfois une vie durant, à la périphérie de notre évolution sociétale, dans des espaces n’ayant qu’une porosité réduite voir nulle avec la matrice sociale de référence. Ce processus de maintien repose sur la logique de filière : institution pour enfants, puis pour adolescents, puis pour adultes travailleurs, puis maison de retraite adaptée. La stabilisation de cette population dans ces cantonnements se fabrique avec les effets pervers du fonctionnement institutionnel, et notamment avec la violence institutionnelle qui régule ce fonctionnement. Pour illustrer cette idée, et tenter de décortiquer cette violence (issue d’une commande utopique, d’une mission originellement impossible à mettre en place) qui entrave les rouages de tout établissement « spécialisé », notre travail de recherche propose de mettre en perspective cette violence institutionnelle, inhérente au fonctionnement d’un institut-médico-professionnel recevant des adolescents placés et orientés par les instances officielles pour « déficience intellectuelle légère ». Cette étude est une ethnographie de terrain, puisque la méthode de travail repose exclusivement sur une observation participante. L’auteur, endossant la mission d’instituteur spécialisé, a passé six ans dans la structure avec ce statut, avant de l’observer pendant deux autres années, consignant sur un carnet de bord des scènes de vie quotidienne se déroulant dans l’institution (salle de classe, couloirs, salle du personnel, salle de réunion, réfectoire, …), mais aussi à l’extérieur de l’institution (rue, espaces divers, …). Inspiré par la sociologie d’Erving Goffman, cette analyse institutionnelle qualifie la structure selon des concepts goffmaniens (institution totale, institution totalitaire), des concepts de l’école de Chicago réajustés (institution bâtarde), voire des concepts élaborés (institution stigmate). Nous proposons de démontrer comment la promiscuité entre les usagers, l’hétérogénéité de la population, la complexité de la mission confiée à l’institution, la sanction du placement institutionnel, et la condition du personnel fabriquent un ensemble complexe, inextricable, pathogène, bridant l’évolution du pensionnaire de l’institution médico-sociale, « l’ajustant » à la filière suivante, et le maintenant dans une coulisse sociale ne lui offrant pas de perspective échappatoire, ni de retour vers « la société mère ». / In our society there is a vast wing containing a number of individuals who are considered unproductive, abnormal or maladjusted. Part of its function is to contain and maintain these individuals, sometimes for an entire lifetime, on the edges of our society's evolution, in spaces, which have only limited or no contact with mainstream society. This process of maintenance follows a chain of logic: an institution for children, likewise for teenagers, then for working adults, then an adapted nursing home. The stabilisation of this population within this system, perversely, is facilitated by function of the institution, and in particular by the culture of institutional violence through which it is regulated. To illustrate this, and to try to analyse this form of violence, which derives from a utopian order, from a mission which is fundamentally impossible to implement, and which hinders the wheels of every 'specialised' establishment: the present research puts into perspective the institutional violence, inherent, as it is, in the operation of an institut-medico-professional (a state special needs training facility) which receives teenagers who have been placed there by officials for 'slight mental retardation'. This research is an insider-study, as the method of research derives exclusively from participatory-observation. The author spent six years working as a Special Needs Teacher inside the establishment studied; then, for a further two years, systematically recorded into his logbook scenes of daily life, which took place within this institution (e.g. in classrooms, corridors, the staff room, meeting rooms, the cafeteria). Inspired by the social theories of Erving Goffman, this institutional analysis describes the target in terms of Goffman's concepts of “Total Institutions”, adjusted concepts from the Chicago School (“Bastard Institutions”), and elaborated concepts of “Stigma Institution”. This research proposes to demonstrate how the proximity and heterogeneity of the inmates, the complexity of the mission entrusted to the institution, the sanction of institutionalising a child, and the working conditions of the staff, all have resulted in a combination which is complex, pathogenic and intractable. Thus it restrains the evolution of the inmates of the institut-medico-professional, it “adjusts” them to follow along within the system, and places them within a social wing, which offers them neither any perspective on how to escape, nor any path to return to the “mainstream society”.

Visuellt stöd som stöttning för elever i språklig sårbarhet. : En enkätstudie om lärares användning på lågstadiet. / Visual aid as support for pupils with language difficulties. : A survey study of teachers' use in primary school.

Eskilsson, Björn, Andersson, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate teachers’ use of visual aid within the subject Swedish in schools and with a specific focus on their work with pupils in language vulnerability. We conducted a questionnaire study with 39 teachers who teach Swedish in primary school. Our questions were how and to what extent teachers in primary school describe that they use visual aid and in which teaching situations teachers describe that they use visual aid to make teaching accessible to pupils in language vulnerability. We have also investigated how teachers describe that visual aid has an impact on making teaching accessible to pupils in language vulnerability. Our last question was whether teachers had received training in using visual aid and whether they described a need for further training. Our results show that teachers use visual aid to a large extent, but in very varied ways. The most frequently used aid is structural aid, while strategy aid and communication aid are used to a lesser extent. Moreover, the teachers report that the visual support facilitates learning for pupils in language vulnerability. Most of them also state that they received training in the subject, but that they would need further training to support pupils to a higher degree. In conclusion, this study shows that although Swedish teachers are aware of the fact that visual aid helps pupils in language vulnerability to reach higher goal fulfilment, their use of visual aids is highly diverse.

Prevence syndromu vyhoření u učitelů na základní škole speciální / Burnot syndrome prevention among teachers of pupils with intelectual disability

Härtelová, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
The Master's Thesis addresses prevention of the burnout syndrome in regards to teachers at special needs primary schools. These teachers work with pupils with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. The theoretical part of the paper deals with the causes, risk factors, and prevention possibilities of the burnout syndrome. It deals with the burnout syndrome as a general phenomenon which affects the entire population. It furthermore addresses the risk of a burnout in teachers and the risk-factor specifics of this group. Furthermore, it outlines the specifics of education at primary schools for pupils with special needs. This part provides needed foundation for the actual research. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of a research conducted at a specific primary special school. For the research, I used the qualitative design method in the form of interviews. The interviews were conducted with five teachers and the director of the Kindergarten and Primary Special School Diakonie ČCE. The aim of the research was to collect data regarding the risk factors and experiences with prevention of a burnout, that from the individual standpoints of the teachers' approaches as well as from the perspective of the management of the school....

Framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken : Elevers, specialpedagog och speciallärares upplevelser av framgångsrikt stöd för elever på högstadiet som befinner sig i läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Succesfactors in teaching practice : Pupils, specialeducator and special needs teacher´s experiences of succesfull support for high school students in reading and writing difficulties

Åkerberg, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att bidra med förståelse gällande vad elever på högstadiet med verifierade läs- och skrivsvårigheter, samt specialpedagoger och speciallärare, vilka är verksamma i samma årskurser, upplever vara framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken. Undersökningen utgår från en fenomenologisk teori och metod, vilket innebär att det är elevers, specialpedagogs och speciallärares upplevelser av fenomenet framgångsfaktorer som fokuseras. Fem elever, en specialpedagog och en speciallärare har intervjuats och resultatet har analyserats utifrån en fenomenologisk bearbetnings- och analysmetod. Undersökningens resultat påvisar några teman som de fem eleverna och specialpedagog och speciallärare anser vara betydelsefulla för att nå framgång. Dessa utgörs av betydelsefulla personer i och utanför skolan, motivation och självbestämmande, samt strategier och verktyg. Undervisningens betydelse belyses främst av specialpedagog och speciallärare. Betydelsefulla kunskapsbidrag är elevernas markering att de extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd som är framgångsrikt är ytterst individuellt och att detta måste utvecklas i dialog med den enskilda eleven. / Thepurpose of this survey is to provide understanding of what students in grade7-9 with verified reading and writing difficulties, also known as dyslexia, aswell as special educators and special needs teachers who work in the same gradeexperience success factors in teaching practice. The study is based on aphenomenological theory and method, which means that it is the pupils, specialeducators and special needs teachers experiences of the phenomenon of successfactors that are focused. Five students, a special educator and a special needsteacher have been interviewed and the results have been analyzed on the basisof a phenomenological method. The results of the study show some themes thatthe five students, the special educator and special needs teacher consider tobe important in order to achieve success. These consist of significant people inside and outside school, motivation and self-determination, as well as strategies and tools. The importance of teaching is primarily highlighted byspecial educator and specialist teacher. Significant knowledge contribution is the students' markthat the additional adjustments and special support that are successful areextremely individual and that this must be developed in dialogue with the individual student.

Lingue straniere e sordità: un percorso possibile / LINGUE STRANIERE E SORDITA': UN PERCORSO POSSIBILE / Foreign languages and deafness: a possible path

AGUZZI, GIULIA 21 July 2020 (has links)
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è guidare il docente attraverso la letteratura esistente, gli strumenti già in uso e si propone di fornire una modellizzazione per la pratica didattica delle lingue straniere ad alunni sordi. Nel primo e nel secondo capitolo si raccolgono, analizzano e definiscono le basi teoriche di riferimento per la didattica delle lingue a soggetti sordi. Nello specifico, si definiscono il quadro della glottodidattica speciale, i principi di bisogno speciale e specifico e le linee guida per la didattica in contesti di disabilità, procedendo con l’inclusione della sordità tra le esigenze a cui riferirsi con tali strumenti. Il terzo e il quarto capitolo rappresentano l’applicazione concreta dei modelli esposti con l’applicazione del modello SOMA al mondo della sordità e la costruzione del Profilo Glottomatetico Funzionale dell’alunno sordo. Nell’ultimo capitolo si presenta la proposta operativa di didattica dell’inglese ai sordi, partendo dall’analisi e la scelta dei materiali più accessibili, passando per la progettazione fino ad arrivare alla strutturazione specifica del lavoro di classe. / This work aims to guide the foreign language teacher trough the literature on special education needs and deafness, the available tools, and the modeling for everyday practice to encourage the inclusion of deaf students until now considered not teachable. In the first and second chapters, the theoretical approaches to deaf students learning are presented in the contexts of special language teaching, special education, and disabilities. The third and fourth chapters represent the application of those principles to include deaf students in the language classroom activities following the operational models usually used for different learning disabilities. The last chapter offers the concrete model that may guide teachers from their deaf students' needs analysis and the correct material choice for them, passing through the learning project management to get to the specific class lessons, in collaboration with support staff members.

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