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A aplicação das geotecnologias na gestão do esporte: um olhar nos megaeventos esportivos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro / The application of geotechnology in the sport management: a look at the mega sports events in the city of Rio de JaneiroCristiano Meiga Belem 10 August 2015 (has links)
O presente documento apresenta sucintamente os conceitos e definições das geotecnologias, com ênfase em duas ferramentas tecnológicas de suporte a utilização desta metodologia: o geoprocessamento e o sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). A proposta metodológica da utilização da geotecnologias teve como objetivo a observação dos fenômenos dos megaeventos esportivos, que serão sediados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Copa do Mundo de Futebol 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de 2016, bem como atender as exigências de conclusão da tese de doutorado. Para tal, foram realizados dois artigos que observaram o fenômeno megaeventos esportivos no espaço geográfico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O primeiro verificou as mudanças urbanas com as características socioeconômicas ocorridas nas proximidades do parque olímpico, a partir de uma visão temporal da década de 2000. O segundo artigo observou o espaço geográfico da cidade junto aos sítios olímpicos e as mudanças climáticas que vêm ocorrendo nesses locais, através da observação da evolução da temperatura de superfície com a construção de mapas termais, e de dados meteorológicos. / This paper presents the concepts and definitions of geotechnology , with emphasis on two different tools to support the use of this methodology: geoprocessing and geographic information system (GIS ) .The use of this methodological proposal, the geotechnologies, had as objective at observing the phenomena of mega sporting events that will be hosted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, World Cup Football 2014 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016, as well as meet the requirements of completion of the doctoral thesis. To this end, two articles which observed the phenomenon sports mega-events in the geographic space of the city of Rio de Janeiro were performed. The first verified the urban changes with socioeconomic characteristics, which occurred near the Olympic Park, from a temporal view of the 2000s. The second article noted the geographic area of the city surrounding to the Olympic site and the climate changes that are occurring in these locations by checking the evolution of the surface temperature with the construction of thermal maps and weather data.
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Att uppleva Washington Capitals : ett framgångsrikt företag inom upplevelseekonominBurman, Sophia, Elfsberg, Joa January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Washington Capitals strategiskt arbetar för att skapa upplevelser i samband med hockeymatcherna och deras kringarrangemang. Hur skapar Washington Capitals upplevelser? Finns det något att lära av deras upplevelsestrategi? Kan Washington Capitals arbetssätt kopplas till teorier om upplevelseekonomi? Metod: Sekundärdata i form av tryckta källor och böcker, tidigare uppsatser och artiklar. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fältstudie i Washington D.C. Där intervjuade vi personer på Washington Capitals organisation samt genomförde deltagande och icke deltagande observationer på huvudkontoret och i arenan vid matcharrangemang. Resultat & slutsats: Washington Capitals arbetar i hög grad med upplevelseekonomi, detta är något som andra kan lära av. Washington Capitals arbetar inte utefter några upplevelseekonomiska teorier, de hade aldrig hört begreppet tidigare. Dock är deras arbetssätt i linje med upplevelseekonomins teorier. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Presentationen av studien begränsas då det är svårt att lyfta fram de händelser som skapar intryck i en text. En liknande studie skulle med fördel kunna presenteras genom en film. För att få ökad förståelse för varför publiken går på hockeymatcher skulle vidare studier kunna göras om publikens motivationsfaktorer, både i Sverige och i USA. Fortsatta studier skulle också kunna göras i samarbete med en svensk idrottsförening för att testa upplevelseekonomins teoretiska metoder i verkligheten. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen kan bidra med konkreta exempel på hur en idrottsorganisation kan arbeta med att skapa upplevelser i samband med sina idrottsarrangemang. / Our objective of the thesis is to investigate how the Washington Capitals strategically works to create experiences in the context of hockey games and the surrounding events. How does the Washington Capitals create experiences? Is there anything to learn from the Washington Capitals experience strategy? Can their way of work be linked to theories about the experience economy? Method: Secondary data such as printed sources and books, previous studies and articles.We conducted a qualitative field study in Washington D.C. We interviewed people at the organization of Washington Capitals and carried out participant and non-participant observations at headquarters and in the arena at game events. Results & Conclusions: Washington Capitals are definitely working with experience economy, this is something that others could learn from. Washington Capitals are not working by any experience economy theories, they had never heard the term previously. However, their way of work is in line with the experience economy theories. Suggestions for future research: The presentation of this study is limited since it is difficult to highlight events that create impression by writing. A similar study could favourably be presented by a movie. To obtain a better understanding of why the audience attend hockey games further studies could be done about the audience's motivation factors, both in Sweden and in the U.S.. Further studies could also be done in collaboration with a Swedish sports club to test the theoretical methods in reality. Contribution of the thesis: The essay can provide concrete examples of how a sports organization can work to create experiences in the context of their sporting events.
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Διαχείριση ασφάλειας αθλητικών γεγονότωνΝταλαχάνης, Ιωάννης 27 April 2015 (has links)
Η έρευνα που ακολουθεί έχει ως σκοπό να διερευνήσει την σαφήνεια των αρμοδιοτήτων, το εύρος της συνεργασίας και του συντονισμού των εμπλεκόμενων φορέων στην ασφάλεια αθλητικών ποδοσφαιρικών εκδηλώσεων στην Ελλάδα.
Επιπρόσθετα, επιδιώκει να προσδιορίσει κατά πόσο τα θεσμοθετημένα μέτρα ασφάλειας που ισχύουν και εφαρμόζονται στα πρωταθλήματα ποδοσφαίρου με επαγγελματικά αθλητικά σωματεία είναι επαρκή.
Επίσης, επιχειρεί να αξιολογήσει τις παραμέτρους εκείνες που λαμβάνονται υπόψη στον επιχειρησιακό σχεδιασμό ενός αθλητικού γεγονότος, τα υπάρχοντα επιχειρησιακά σχέδια που προβλέπονται σε μια αθλητική εκδήλωση σύμφωνα με Ενιαίο Κανονισμό Ασφαλείας, αλλά και να διαπιστώσει την λειτουργικότητα των αθλητικών εγκαταστάσεων. / The survey below is designed to explore the clarity of responsibilities, the scope of cooperation and coordination between stakeholders in the sports concerning safety of football events in Greece.
Additionally seeks to determine whether the statutory security measures in force and applied in leagues with professional clubs is sufficient.
It also attempts to evaluate the parameters taken into account in the operational planning of a sporting event, the existing operational plans under a sporting event in accordance with Uniform Rules Security, but also to determine the functionality of sports facilities.
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Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai / Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in teamSmailienė, Daiva 31 May 2010 (has links)
Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai Raktiniai žodžiai: savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas, sportinė
Tyrimo objektas – krepšininkų, rankininkų ir tinklininkų paauglių savigarba, saviraiška,
savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir
psichologinio klimato ypatumus.
Hipotezė – sportuojančių paauglių savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas bei psichologinis
klimatas skiriasi pagal lytį, amžių ir sporto šaką.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti krepšinio, tinklinio ir rankinio komandų žaidėjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir
savęs vertinimo lygius.
2. Išryškinti respondentų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal lytį.
3. Nustatyti tiriamųjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal amžių.
4. Išsiaiškinti sportininkų psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumus pagal sporto
šaką, lytį ir amžių.
Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Anketavimas buvo vykdomas 2008-2010 m. Iš viso
apklausti 378 sportuojantys respondentai.
1. Išryškėjo, kad krepšininkai, rankininkai ir tinklininkai pasižymi aukštu ir vidutiniu
savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygiu, tačiau statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas
tarp atskirų sporto šakų atstovų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygių
nenustatytas (p>0,05).
2. Nustatyta, kad daugiau vaikinų nei merginų pasižymi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY
Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in team. Key words: self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation, psychological climate and sporting
The object of research - basketball, handball and volleyball self-expression, self-esteem,selfevaluation
and psychological climate.
Purpose of the survey - the sport teen self-expression, self-esteem, self-evaluation and
psychological climate characteristics.
Hyphotesis - sports teen self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation differ by gender, age,
sport and psychological climate varies according to gender, age and sport.
The tasks of research:
1. Set up basketball, volleyball and handball teams of players self-esteem, self-expression
and self-evaluation levels.
2. Highlight of the respondents self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels
according to gender.
3. Set the test of self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels according to age.
4. To find out the psychological climate in a team sport features according to sport,
gender and age.
Planning of research. Questionnaire survey was conducted for 2008-2010. In total 378
athletes interviewed respondents.
1. There were the basketball, handball and volleyball have a medium or high self-esteem,
self-expression and self-evaluation level, but statistically significant difference
between the sports representatives of self-esteem, self-expression and self-assessment
levels... [to full text]
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Moterų motyvaciją fiziniam aktyvumui lemiančių veiksnių raiška / Expression of factors determining motivation of women to physical activenessKozlovienė, Diana 04 August 2011 (has links)
Sportinės veiklos motyvacijos tyrimų problema yra visuomet aktuali, kaip ir aktuali pati kūno kultūra visuomenės sveikatos politikos kontekste. Žmogaus evoliucijos pagrindas — mokymasis stebint kitų individų patirtį, papildant ją savąja. Todėl tėvų pavyzdys yra bendroji auklėjimo veiksmingumo sąlyga. Tai, jog moters požiūris į kūno kultūrą ir gebėjimai gali daryti įtaką ne tik vaiko vertybėms, bet ir būsimų kartų sveikatai, paskatino analizuoti moterų motyvaciją fiziniam aktyvumui lemiančius veiksnius ir jų raišką.
Tyrimo objektas – moterų motyvaciją fiziniam aktyvumui lemiantys veiksniai.
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti moterų motyvaciją fiziniam aktyvumui lemiančių veiksnių raišką.
Tyrimo metodologija. Holistinio sveikatos ugdymo, bei humanistinės psichologijos ir pedagogikos nuostatos, motyvacijos teorija, fenomenologijos teorija.
Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, interviu, anketinė apklausa, matematinė statistika.
Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Interviu - Dianos sporto klube sportuojančios moterys (N=10). Anketinė apklausa, naudojant sportavimo/fizinio aktyvumo motyvų aprašą (Markland, Ingledew, 1997) - sportuojančios, nebesportuojančios ir nesportuojančios Lietuvos moterys (N=340).
Tyrimo metu iškelta hipotezė visiškai pasitvirtino. Nustatyta jausmo patiriamo sportuojant esminė reikšmė moterų motyvacijai fiziniam aktyvumui. 1. Kokybinio tyrimo išvados:
1.1 Pradedant sportuoti pagrindinis motyvas yra svorio kontrolė. 40 proc. respondenčių nenorėjo sportuoti, bet... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The sports activities motivation research topic is always urgent as is the body culture in the context of public health policy. Human evolution is based upon learning while observing other individuals’ experience and sharing with one’s own. So, parental example is the general nurturing efficiency precondition. The fact that woman’s attitude towards body culture and skills can influence both valuables of a child and health of entire future generations, stimulated to analyse the factors predetermining women’s motivation factors towards physical activity and their expression.
Subject of research: the factors predetermining women’s motivation towards physical activity.
Aim of the study: to analyse expression of the factors predetermining women’s motivation towards physical activity.
Methodology of the study. Holistic health education and humanist psychology and pedagogy provisions, motivation theory, phenomenology theory.
Methods of research: literature analysis, interview, questioning survey, mathematical statistics.
Survey sample and organization. Interview: women fond of sports in Diana Sports Club (N=10). Questioning survey, using sports/physical activities motives description (Markland, Ingledew, 1997): Lithuanian women, engaged, no longer engaged and not engaged in sports (N=340).
The hypothesis set was fully confirmed. Significance of the feeling experienced while sporting for women’s motivation for physical activities was established. 1. Qualitative research findings:... [to full text]
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Investigating Servant Leadership in the Context of Cause-Related Sporting EventsParris, Denise 2011 December 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents three separate studies designed to provide systematic and evidence-based insight into how servant leadership could be a crucial success factor in helping non-profit organizations (NPOs) hosting cause-related sporting events achieve their missions. Thus, the purpose of my dissertation was to advance the literature and the practice of servant leadership.
In Study one, I conducted a systematic literature review of studies that explored an application of servant leadership. A disciplined screening process resulted in a sample population of 39 studies. The synthesis of these applied studies revealed: a) there is no consensus on the definition of servant leadership; b) servant leadership is being applied across a variety of contexts, cultures, and themes; c) researchers are using multiple measures to explore servant leadership; and d) these studies provide strong evidence that servant leadership helps organizations and improves the well-being of followers.
In Study two, I explored the leadership style of the founder of a cause-related sporting event to understand how this leadership style motivated volunteers. This was achieved through semi-structured personal interviews, document analysis, and personal observations of the 25th National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Surf Festival. Results indicated that the founder was a servant leader who influenced volunteer motivation by generating a shared vision dedicated to helping others, building a caring and loving community, and creating the freedom and resources for followers to become servants themselves.
In Study three, using a longitudinal case study, I qualitatively explored if a cause-related sporting event could inspire participants to become servant leaders, and if so, how does the event achieve this? Data collection methods included focus groups, open-ended qualitative questionnaires, direct observations, document analysis, and semi-structured personal interviews with participants of the U.S. NKF Transplant Games, specifically Team Florida. Analyses revealed the event inspired participants to serve others and helped to build a community of servant leaders. It was found that three specific mechanisms of the Games generated community-level outcomes, which led to impacts on participants and helped them develop servant leadership. I then developed a model to describe a cause-related sporting event's ability to inspire participants to become servant leaders.
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Les juges de l'activité professionnelle sportive. : Contribution à l'étude des relations entre pluralisme juridique et pluralisme de justice / The judges of professional sporting activity. : Contribution to the study of the relationships betwen legal pluralism and pluralism of justiceKaraa, Skander 01 December 2014 (has links)
L’activité professionnelle des acteurs sportifs suscite de la conflictualité. Les litiges qui en découlent sont extrêmement diversifiés. Matériellement, ils sont de nature associative ou contractuelle, administrative ou judiciaire, sociale, fiscale ou pénale, disciplinaire ou non disciplinaire. Territorialement, ils sont de dimension nationale ou internationale. Tous s’inscrivent dans un système de sources particulièrement étoffées : à des normes imposées aux acteurs (normes sportives, étatiques, supra-étatiques) se superposent des normes négociées par eux. Créant des interactions inévitables entre ces ensembles juridiques, un tel pluralisme juridique est à l’origine d’un véritable pluralisme de justice aux incidences processuelles et matérielles fortes.D’un point de vue processuel, qu’ils soient situés dans un ordre juridique national ou rattachés à un ordre juridique supranational ou transnational, les organes de justice ont des caractéristiques et des pouvoirs forts différents, mais répondent néanmoins à des logiques procédurales communes. Si les principes de répartition entre les divers modes de justice diffèrent selon que le litige sportif demeure dans la sphère nationale ou dépasse celle-ci, il reste que, dans leur ensemble, les juges interviennent dans une relation de combinaison, de complémentarité, plutôt que dans un rapport d’opposition.D’un point de vue du droit substantiel, cette démultiplication des juges n’en est pas pour autant malheureuse dans la mesure où ce pluralisme de justice vient, de son côté, opportunément consacrer et alimenter le pluralisme juridique sportif. Forts de leur action jurisprudentielle normative, ces juges, ces arbitres, participent, par une action isolée ou parfois dans le cadre d’un dialogue constructif, à une régulation adaptée et cohérente des différends liés à l’activité professionnelle des acteurs sportifs, en tenant compte des particularités de l’organisation du mouvement sportif et des rapports juridiques noués par ces derniers.Si bien qu’en définitive, les relations entre les phénomènes de pluralisme juridique et de pluralisme de justice participent d’un règlement des litiges sportifs fédéraux et de travail généralement conforme aux principes élémentaires de bonne justice et paraissant résolument adapté aux spécificités de l’activité professionnelle sportive. Ne serait-ce pas là, au fond, l’illustration saillante d’un « pluralisme ordonné » qui tend à respecter la diversité tout en permettant une harmonie d’ensemble ? / The professional activity of those involved in sport provokes much conflict. Consequent disputes are extremely diverse. Materially, they are associative or contractual, administrative or legal, social, fiscal or criminal, disciplinary or non-disciplinary in nature. Territorially, they are national or international. All fit into a particularly robust system of sources: norms imposed on actors (sporting rules, state rules, and supranational rules) overlap with norms negotiated by them. Creating inevitable interactions between these legal entities, such legal pluralism is the source of a true pluralism of justice with strong litigation and material consequences.From a procedural standpoint, whether they are attached to a national legal system or a supranational or transnational one, legal bodies have strongly different characteristics and powers, yet still meet a common procedural logic. In general, judges intervene with a combination and a complementary approach, rather than in an adversarial relationship, even if the principles of distribution between the various methods of justice differ, whether a sporting dispute remains within the domestic sphere or exceeds it. From a substantive law standpoint, this multiplication of judges is not necessarily unfortunate in so far as this pluralism of justice appropriately consecrates and nourishes legal sporting pluralism. With their normative case law actions, these judges and arbitrators take part by acting alone or sometimes within a constructive dialogue, to an appropriate and consistent regulation of disputes relating to the professional activity of those involved in sport. This takes into account the peculiarities of the organisation of sport and the legal relationships established by these actors.Whereby, ultimately, the relationships between legal pluralism and pluralism of justice are part of a general settlement of federal sporting disputes and working disputes that generally conform to the basic principles of fair justice and appearing resolutely adapted to the specificities of professional sporting activity. Does this not illustrate an “ordered pluralism ?
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Afetividade e ambiente esportivo: sentimentos e emoções de atletas de competição / Affection and sportif environmental: fellings and emotions in compection athlethes.VIANA, Lívia Gomes January 2009 (has links)
VIANA Lívia Gomes. Afetividade e ambiente esportivo: sentimentos e emoções de atletas de competição. 2009. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-03-09T17:25:39Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / This research aimed to explore the emotions in the environment of sport links between Environmental Psychology and Psychology of Sports. This study enabled the formulation of a new relationship between emotion and sporting environment from studies of affection. For this, we investigated the affective (feelings and emotions) from competition of athletes from various sports. We utilize the methodology of the seizure of affection affective maps, the methodology of scientific research was coined by Bomfim (2003) in their search for doctorate. From the maps the emotional feelings of the subjects investigated in relation to environments using drawings and metaphors, allowing the production of images that point to understand the affection for environments. 81 athletes participated in this research, chosen for convenience and saturation, formalizing an analytical study of type-interpretative (qualitative) with an additional statistical analysis provided by a Likert scale. The maps allow the construction of affective emotional images that relate to linking the individual to the environment when there are images that generate positive esteem and lead to action of individuals. But may also generate negative estimates in respect of the subject with the environment. In this study, athletes in competition produced images of belonging, pleasantness, attraction, contrast, insecurity and destruction. The images were positive with estimates of the pleasantness, proximity, contrast and attraction, while the negative images that were generated estimates of the destruction and insecurity. The image of pleasantness was prepared by the majority of the athletes it relates to the environment with good qualities and feelings as a great environment, beautiful and harmonious. The image of belonging, individuals who perceive the relationship with the environment as a good opportunity for good approximation to their meetings and similar. The image contrast is related to the sporting environment in which the athletes to represent feelings, emotions and words that have a contradictory positive and negative polarization. The image of attraction is that in which the athletes perceive their environment as offering good growth, learning and overcoming. Those negative images with esteem, insecurity and destruction, were prepared by a minimum of respondents, but has a rich reflection on the possibility of the sports environment is not enhanced the actions of athletes. These results were linked to the meaning of sports performance prepared by the athletes. We note that sports environments that generated images with positive esteem - pleasantness, proximity, contrast and attraction - seems to promote an idea of performance targets linked to the process contributing to the action of the athletes. For the images with negative estimates found that the concept of performance targets linked to the outcome of hampering the action of the athletes and their linkage with the sports environment. From these results the understanding of emotions in the sports environment from affection, could enable technicians, athletes and sports psychologists plan the involvement of athletes in sports not only focusing on the physical preparation, but also paying attention to the identification of athletes with their environments, because this binding was shown to be enhanced the actions of individuals which can lead to an improvement in performance. / A presente pesquisa objetivou estudar as emoções no ambiente esportivo a partir da articulação entre a Psicologia Ambiental e a Psicologia do Esporte. Esse estudo possibilitou a formulação de uma nova relação entre emoção e ambiente esportivo a partir dos estudos da afetividade. Para isso, investigamos a afetividade (sentimentos e emoções) de atletas de competição de diversas modalidades esportivas. Utilizamos como metodologia de apreensão dos afetos os mapas afetivos, essa metodologia de investigação científica foi cunhada por Bomfim (2003) em sua pesquisa de doutorado. A partir dos mapas afetivos investigamos as emoções dos sujeitos em relação aos ambientes por meio de desenhos e metáforas, permitindo a elaboração de imagens que apontam para a compreensão da afetividade em relação aos ambientes. Participaram dessa pesquisa 81 atletas, escolhidos por conveniência e saturação, formalizando um estudo do tipo analítico-interpretativo (qualitativo) com uma análise estatística complementar proporcionada por uma escala Likert. Os mapas afetivos permitem a construção de imagens afetivas que relacionam a vinculação do indivíduo ao ambiente quando são imagens que geram estima positiva e potencializam a ação dos indivíduos. Mas também podem gerar estima negativa na relação do sujeito com o ambiente. Nesse estudo, os atletas de competição elaboraram as imagens de pertencimento, agradabilidade, atração, contrastes, insegurança e destruição. As imagens com estima positiva foram a de agradabilidade, pertencimento, contraste e atração, enquanto que as imagens que geraram estima negativa foram a de destruição e insegurança. A imagem de agradabilidade foi elaborada pela maioria, nela os atletas referem-se ao ambiente esportivo com qualidades e sentimentos como sendo de um ambiente ótimo, bonito e harmonioso. Na imagem de pertencimento, os indivíduos que percebem a relação com o ambiente esportivo como uma possibilidade para bons encontros e aproximação com seus semelhantes. A imagem de contrastes se relacionada ao ambiente esportivo no qual os atletas representam com sentimentos, emoções e palavras contraditórias que apresentam uma polarização positiva e negativa. A imagem de atração é aquela em que os atletas percebem seu ambiente esportivo como propiciador de crescimento, aprendizado e superação. Já as imagens com estima negativa, destruição e insegurança, foram elaboradas por uma parcela mínima dos respondentes, mas possibilitou uma rica reflexão sobre a possibilidade do ambiente esportivo não ser potencializador das ações dos atletas. Esses resultados foram articulados ao significado de desempenho esportivo elaborado pelos próprios atletas. Verificamos que os ambientes esportivos que geraram imagens com estima positiva – agradabilidade, pertencimento, contrastes e atração – parecem favorecer a uma idéia de desempenho ligado a metas de processo o que contribuía para a ação dos atletas. Já para as imagens com estima negativa percebemos que a noção de desempenho ligava-se a metas de resultado o que dificulta a ação dos atletas e a vinculação com o seu ambiente esportivo. Diante desses resultados a compreensão das emoções no ambiente esportivo a partir da afetividade, pôde permitir que técnicos, atletas e psicólogos desportivos planejem o envolvimento dos atletas ao esporte não somente focando a preparação física, mas também atentando para a identificação dos atletas com seus ambientes, pois essa vinculação mostrou ser potencializadora das ações dos indivíduos o que pode levar a uma melhora do desempenho.
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Zjištění konzumace výživových doplňků u sportující veřejnosti / Finding of consuming nutritional supplements for sporting publicPERNÍK, TOMÁŠ January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to determine the consumption of nutritional supplements of sporting public. For processing were used methods of content analysis, synthesis and method of questioning. By the method of content analysis was studied available literature, and internet resources, focusing on nutritional supplements and concepts associated with it. By means of content synthesis was prepared a literature search, where was split and describe the means of support and legislation associated with them. A questionnaire was prepared, which makes it possible to obtain the necessary data from the sporting public. In April 2014 was conducted electronic survey - data collection. The questionnaire was made public through the pages docs.google.com and was placed on the social network Facebook. After almost 2 weeks we obtain 105 questionnaires of, which was used to evaluate all 105. We found that most are used in sports nutrition supplements to accelerate the regeneration and then supplements for joint nutrition.
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Auto-eficácia de tenistas e desempenho esportivo: perspectivas da psicologia do esporteMoreno, Ricardo Macedo [UNESP] 07 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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moreno_rm_me_rcla.pdf: 929738 bytes, checksum: f6c85caebff73cd5ac1bd40fd5ec2144 (MD5) / O rendimento de atletas de todas as modalidades, do Tênis inclusive, é acompanhado por uma combinação de fatores técnicos, táticos, biológicos, sociais e psicológicos. Por considerarmos a auto-eficácia um dos principais aspectos psicológicos relacionados com o rendimento, nosso trabalho vai se deter à análise dessa variável. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de investigar a percepção da auto-eficácia do tenista, partindo do ponto de vista do próprio atleta, em situações específicas da modalidade em treinamentos e em campeonatos. Como metodologia, optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando a análise de entrevistas semi-estruturadas de perguntas abertas. Participaram da pesquisa 8 (oito) atletas da modalidade Tênis, do sexo masculino, de idade compreendida entre 16 e 18 anos, que disputam campeonatos organizados pela Federação Paulista de Tênis e/ou pela Confederação Brasileira de Tênis. Os dados foram, posteriormente, categorizados e analisados, de modo a garantir uma leitura cuidadosa e profunda. Com os relatos dos atletas, vale a pena destacar que, para a maioria deles: o ranking tirou a pressão da obrigação de vencer, minimizou o medo da derrota e serviu como explicação quando a derrota acontecia; a comparação do nível técnico do adversário com o seu próprio diminuiu a auto-eficácia e, conseqüentemente, diminuiu a expectativa de resultado; o treino foi considerado como um polarizador da auto-eficácia; a grande freqüência de erros não-forçados minou a auto-eficácia dos atletas; o contexto é mais decisivo do que o placar (depende de como o atleta estiver na quadra); quando tinham o risco de perder o game de saque, os atletas se sentiram pressionados e confirmaram alterar a forma de sacar... / The athlete's income of all modalities especially tennis, is followed by a combination of technical, tactics, biologics, social and psychological factors. We consider self-efficacy one of the most important psychological aspects related to the income, then our research is going to emphasize the analysis of this characteristic. The objective of this project is research the tennis player's self-efficacy perception leaving of the point of view of them, in specific situation of modalities in training and championships. The methodology applied was the qualitative research, using the analyses of semi-structuralized interviews of open question. Eight male athletes of tennis, between 16 to 19 years old that dispute championships organized for the São Paulo Tennis Federation and/or for Brazilian Tennis Confederation answered the questions. Later, the data were categorized and analyzed to guarantee a careful and intimate reading. Analyzed to the descriptions of the athletes, it's important to stand out that for the majority of them: the ranking broke the pressure of obligation to win, decreased the fear of the defeat and contributed to explain when the defeat happened; the comparison of adversary's technical level with your own level decrease the selfefficacy and, consequently, decreased the expectative of the results; the training was considered as a polarized of the self-efficacy; the great frequency of not-forced errors mined the self-efficacy of athletes; the context is more decisive than score (it depends on the athlete's position in court); when they had a risk to lose the game of serve, the athletes feel themselves pressured and confirmed to modify the form to serve; strong dependence of the success experiences as source of information of self-efficacy; great role of shaping, related when the athletes had admitted to copy blows from another players; the vicarious information... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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